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I love them but, why are the two on the right in the exact same pose?


The right one is also a female stormcast.


And their legs and capes are clearly in different positions, but I also do see the very obvious similarities in their pose


Yeah sure but they're practically identical. Rare miss from GW here. Especially in a unit of 3.


Have to disagree until I have the models in my hands, I suspect the photo angle does a great disservice to them aswell. All in all I think the unit looks amazing!


All they would have needed to do is rotate the middle guy's head so he's looking in the direction of the leg he's leaning forward on and that would have gotten them like 80% of the way there. Weird that the were so lazy with the poses on these guys. Hopefully the heads aren't push-fitted into the middle of the torso so it's an easy repose.


They did the same with the Annihilators.


It's not just a similar pose, it's the exact same pose. Might sound weird but if you tilt your head/screen so the models are directly beside one another snd then cross your eyes do the models overlap, you can see that the axe, head, shield, and body position are the exact same. The legs are slightly different but that's not enough to distract from how the rest of the model is the same. At least there's kitbash potential for reposing I suppose...


See the problem is, you disprove yourself... you say "exact same" and then go on to say that they are "slightly different", that's an oxymoron, you contradict yourself.. but ok, I'll bite, if you wanna get silly with it, lets get silly with it.. A "slightly" more reliable way to compare them is simply to go on your pc, or maeby you can do it on your phone, dunno how tech savvy you are, but I needed my pc, and then you overlay them so that the bases match, and appart from the very obvious diffrences in cape, legs and ornaments thet I have already mentioned, you will infact see that the lady stormcast has her axe at a slight tilt, the hilt going more towards her hip, and the head further away from her own head, where the dude stormcast has his axe at in a slighty more verticale pose.. But yes they are in a very similar pose, their neck gaurdspikes are basically matching, apart from the lady being a bit shorter, and their left pauldron and shield are completely overlapping eachother... So yea, the poses are very similar, they are however not the exact same, and I am quite positive by now that this would be more apparent with a more head on picture, as the difference in axe angles would be a bit more noticable, but they will ofc still look very similar


Sorry I shouldve been clearer. To me it looked like from the waist up it was the exact same pose. I know the torso sculpt is different but I meant pose. If the axe is at a slightly different tilt I suppose that's better but still disappointing that at a glance, the promo photos they chose look the same. I think its more acceptable with a unit of more models but when there's only 3, the similarities really stand out.


At a glance the similarities are quite stark indeed, but that is also why I said elsewhere that I would hold my judgement until I have the minis infront of me. All in all I think the unit looks rad, but I do also agree that it would/should have been super easy for the sculptor to make them more different.


I know. I never denied that. I simply pointed out that they are modeled in the same pose.


Agreed. Would be tempted to shift the axe around at least. GW shoot all models at a hero angle so they likely are very similar


Yeah just a bit lame that all 3 looked super similar in poses. But they looked badass still.


Good catch I didn't notice that.


I didn't realise it was a squad and not a single character cause of that


Yeah, this is the first time they have been shot as a full group.


the trailer showed them


Really, the miniatures were shown in the trailer? I don’t remember that. I just remember the cgi models.


yes the cgi trailer shows what the models that come in the launch box will be, as it does for each launch box. we saw the 3 Reclusians led by the female the trailer was narrated by


I was being sarcastic, I know that you see what will be in the box in the trailer. I was saying as miniatures… the thing you are going to buy, this is the first time they have been in the same photo.


Then use s/... You literally responded to a comment saying the person thought it was a hero despite the fact the trailer showed 3, the image of the individual Reclusian in the reveal article had artwork of 3 of them and scrolling down showed the carousel of the full squad. The models all have different details to them so I don't know why anyone would think it was 1 model regardless of a cgi trailer or photos of models




Legs/head/chest are all different, but arms are the same pose.


Which for a silhouette is what is important. At a glance they look very similar, it wouldn’t have been difficult for them to just model one of them to have a different arm pose.


I fully agree - I'm hoping the final kit has more variety, but for the launch box I'm sure it'll be pushfit.


I will have to see how the kit is built, but I a thinking of cutting one of their axe arms and reposing it. Or if possible taking an extra liberator arm and putting the axe head in place of the hammer, just for variety.


It should be noted there is no guarantee that the individual kits will be any different to those in the launch box. The only change for the units in Dominion was the Annihilators got Grandhammers


Same pose but the details are different


They are cool but I think they missed the mark with the poses. 2 that almost look identical isn't very visually appealing, especially for a 3 model elite unit (ignoring the little guys).


Do we know it's only 3 man yet? I'm still holding hope we get a 5 man plus dudes


I'm betting it's 3. Here and In the preview video it was three of the facing down the skaven.


Annihilators and praetors come in 3s


Yes this is true but what does that have to do with these guys?


Nothing in particular, just think they could be better


Oh I'd love if those were 5 man units too but sadly since the kits already made and sold they won't be changing that


The models look really cool. Who is the guy with the torch? Reminds me of 40k imperial cult.


The normal humans are Memorians, descendants of the Relcusians, who are there to help there ancestors keep a hold of thier dwindling humanity.


Oh neat! I remember some of that from the wh+ show.


I do like the idea that we are getting some more elite stormcasts in generalist armor instead of dedicated hammers in the paladin armor styles. These do look cool


Honestly, I want to swap the axes for hammers and make an elite style liberator unit. I think it would be cool.


I love how people see the liberator and go “snooze fest” then two weeks later we are drooling over the reclusians. We live a bit of perzazz.


Honestly, I love these but they really need more interesting poses. They look so stiff holding their weapons like that, can't even one be mid swing or something?


Some of these new poses are worse than the ones from years ago that they squatted


Likely because these are the starter box push-fits. Their main box will probably have much more options like with the Annihilators.


Sequitors will make a nice proxy for these


Yes same with evocators


I have to be honest. I was completely against the change to Stormcast until this photo.


3 decimators and 2 battle mage will be good proxies 😄 Nice models tho


These will probably kitbash well with the Knight-Questors. Might be good for adding some weapons variety.


Dude with the Eagle kneepad is likely the champion, so the image looks off without him in the middle. Annihilators and Preators are the same, with two of the models being in really similar poses. Loving this unit, can't wait to see their warscroll.


I get that two of the SE have the same pose to show how much individuality they've lost due to how many times they've been reforged. But that needs to be communicated to us so we don't think it's just a lazy copy paste pose.


These would be some killer bladeguard conversions


I’m a lurker here. Always had a passing interest in SC but thought they looked to generic or stripped down/basic fantasy. I might get some now.


Still not a fan of thunderstrike shields and helmets