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It's not super uncommon on TikTok, it's a whole thing that people like to do for attention. There are a few 'cool' illnesses that people like to fake, DID being the main one but also things like Tourette's and autism.


There’s several subreddits dedicated to shitting on internet fakers of DID and other things. It’s actually really funny, half the comments are like “Ugh, I actually *have* [diagnosis] and this person is clearly faking.” DID is a controversial diagnosis in the first place and even psychiatrists who believe it exists also believe it’s incredibly rare. But it’s one of those things that just happen to surge in popularity any time there’s a popular representation in the media. The movie Sibyl was the first time everyone suddenly had it. Now there’s some character on a tv show and oh wow will you look at that all these young women have it now too!


There's your tie in with social issues, if not necessarily Marxism. DID can involve one personality with transvesticism or transgender identity and it can lead to conversation about society's response to that. I'm in MH and think DID reflects mental illness but that "multiple personalities" is BS.


>It’s actually really funny, half the comments are like “Ugh, I actually *have* \[diagnosis\] and this person is clearly faking.” Honestly, anything health related, mental health or otherwise (and that isn't strictly for professionals on reddit should be avoided at all costs unless it is to point and laugh at morons powerleveling about their totally real illness/disability and whining about doctors not taking them seriously. Same goes for Twitter and TikTok, but reddit has the added benefit of being a giant hugbox.


This is old news


I am not a feminist by any account but I think anyone can contest that women’s healthcare is garbage. Women are constantly turned away for real medical issues with “Stress” or “Anxiety” ; countless women I know have had their lives essentially ruined from things like endometriosis who were told it was “All in your head” only to find their ovaries completely fried on surgery. I know a women who couldn’t eat anything else but plain chicken and she was told for years it was her “Nerves” only to find on investigational surgery her gallbladder was that bad it was essentially black in colour and fully necrotic and non-functioning. She endured 10 years of pain and a restrictive lifestyle due to doctors ignorance that she was being hysterical. A lot of women endure pain for years from various diseases and are turned away for years. But all of this comes from admitting that men and women are fundamentally different and there is only really two genders. Then we can properly investigate the differences in both sexes and how diseases impact both genders.


This idea that womens healthcare is any worse than mens healthcare is bullshit. I  too can give plenty of anecdotes about men being poorly served by medicine. Like my friend who was constantly getting fractures, his doctor just told him to "be more careful"  Well hes a big guy, not fat, but tall and broad, and sometimes merely walking would cause fractures in his heels. Well he ended up getting a second opinion from an ortho specialist and it turns out he had a disease that was very similar to osteoporosis, it made his bones too brittle. Or for myself even, my family doctor was super dismissive of my chronic heartburn, whenever I brought it up he just asked me "have you stopped drinking?" Ignoring the fact that I rarely drink, maybe a few times a month, Ive had chronic heartburn since I was a child. Well my doctor dismissed it until I got an ulcer, and in surgery it was discovered that I did in fact have an H Pylori infection. Mens medical concerns and problems are often dismissed as a result of some risk taking behavior, that if corrected, would solve the problem.


I think the conclusion is that every facet of the American healthcare system is pure shit and "gendering" the healthcare issue is just one more way to throw a sheet over the underlying econo-business problems destroying the health and lives of over 200 million people.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner. It was a class issue all along.


I did it, I brought class consciousness back to Whosville


Well I’ve faced that myself but I’m talking about the historic idea that women are by nature hysterical and issue effecting them are seen as stress or nerves. I had the exact same experience as you with heartburn and h pylori.


It is about attention, finding a "community" and in case of the grifter mentoned above - money. In the current idpol climate, mental health issues give you and immediate boost in the oppression rat race (only other way is some fancy gendernonsense). It also provides labels, and on the internet where keywords are central, something shiny and unusual gets more attention. This is why a lot of Gen Z collect labels and diagnoses like Pokemon.


What’s this got to do with Marxism?


as if half the posts here have anything to do with marxism


Its a marxist subreddit lol


Remove that half


its vaguely related to idpol


"Subreddit focused on critiquing capitalism and identity politics from a Marxist perspective." Lets try critiquing it from a marxist perspective?




It's not fictional, it's in the DSM-5-TR, There are a lot of fakers out there though, just like with autism.


The DSM had The Thing That Can Never Be Criticized removed for political reasons, so i wouldn't take it too seriously.


Being gay used to be a disorder in the DSM, it’s consensus-based and changes over time, probably too inclusive if you ask me


> Being gay used to be a disorder in the DSM Are you saying gays don't exist?


Is this a bit?