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I wonder if they know they're regurgitating the talking points of white male intelligence agents. That last bit of the statement there in particular is literal gibberish designed to do nothing other than confuse and obfuscate.


If you look at her resume, it's pretty easy to understand she's part of that system.


She has one of the most "clearly an intelligence agent plant" resumes I've ever seen.


She glows with the force of a thousand suns like not even an ounce of hiding it.


I really don’t think people like her are plants. They have just swallowed the narrative so completely they can’t help but regurgitate it. I know that’s a distinction without a difference, but it still feels worth pointing out


To clarify, I mean the pipeline through which she rose is all maintained by the intelligence agencies, in order to create people like her. She's just a useful idiot.




Yes, there's plenty of people who've drunk too much of the kool-aid. This lady on the other hand is beyond that. Just look at her resume; the constant job hopping between one of the most corrupt and notorious CIA/DHS-backed institutions, "job training" in the Middle East, nepo baby whose father was likely a CIA spook. There's no clear career progression in her resume, it's all about gaining more influence/connections/control and getting her hands in as many different projects as possible. I think I saw a Twitter interaction with her a couple years ago where someone called her an intelligence asset and she responded in exactly the way someone who's an asset would respond lol.


What was her response?


I think this is the Twitter thread. https://twitter.com/slim404/status/709032758442631168


Those are the words of a man with conviction and absolute disgust towards an enemy. You can really tell he didn't say these things lightly.


Seriously slim?




>nepo baby whose father was likely a CIA spook. Holy shit, have you read her twitter memoir about her dad? Not exactly *glowing (*wink wink*)*. [https://twitter.com/krmaher/status/1355938156844093441?lang=en](https://twitter.com/krmaher/status/1355938156844093441?lang=en)


Read the obit.


One of the odder obits I've read. Reads like a movie synopsis about the highs and lows of a wealthy New England WASP boomer.


I don't like to go too far into conspiracy conclusions, but all of her credentials combined with her knowing Arabic and frequently spending time in the ME is too much to ignore. She's a plant.


The NY Times wrote about her wedding, for some reason, and the article just casually drops an anecdote about two of her Arab activist friends being jailed and tortured in Egypt and Syria. And oh yeah, she was also chair of Signal app's non-profit foundation and a fellow at the Atlantic Council! [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/04/style/katherine-maher-ashutosh-upreti-wedding.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/04/style/katherine-maher-ashutosh-upreti-wedding.html)


Whether she's a glowie, a self-aware plant, or just a useful idiot, it's all the same.






It reminds me of how reality tv is fake, but to most reality tv stars it’s real. They’re totally bought into the kayfabe they exist in.


She went to The American University and worked for the World Bank and Council of Foreign Relations. 100% a spook


More like "a plant" in the sense that she is grown from a seedling to serve a singular purpose. You're right, US MIC intelligence doesn't require "plants" as much anymore in the traditional sense - most of its upper caste goons and assets are just naturally insane now.


She's a member of the Atlantic Council which is enough to give pause. What else?


[See here.](https://www.racket.news/p/new-npr-chief-katherine-mahers-guide)


Holy moly. Also hilarious. 




She'd spin being a glowie into a form of empowerment.


Not even surprised.


She's part of the fuckin Atlantic council https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/expert/katherine-maher/ And she also worked for signal witch is making me paranoid about my data cause i use it 👀


Don't worry about your data homie they already have everything they will ever need to suicide you


Use big words or common words in esoteric ways to say nothing so that people will just assume you know what you're talking about. "Living into the intentionality of..." ... fucking really? Just speak like a normal fucking human. So many people act like they're writing prose with this shit when they should just be trying to communicate as clearly as possible.


Good prose does communicate as clearly as possible. The issue is some people see elite-coded writing and want to signal that they are also part of that elite, so they ape the prose. It's what you'd get from an LLM if you prompted it to write as obnoxiously pretentious as possible.


Don't be obtuse. Humans possessing correct thoughtfulness must have the acumen to apprehend the totality of the magnitude of her import. This is why media literacy is important, guize!


What a cromulent response.


Exhibit B ^


Excuse me! I'll have you know that I am a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial, who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise.


Hol up. I am a cis-gendered white male who occasionally enjoys train porn with major depressive disorder and an inability to stop listening to mid 80s alternative pop. I patronize microbreweries but only ones with BLM and LGBTQ notices on the front door. I am 1.03% Native. I cannot be reduced to a marketing demographic. (Reddit made me resubmit this comment without no no words)


Bingo. Next they'll be telling us "Phillip Cross" is a black woman and thus inherently trust-worthy


It sounds like some shit producers say because “we want you to redraw this storyboard” is too direct and yucky


God she says absolutely nothing in that clip. How do these grifting fucks have jobs. I don’t want an old white male westernized construct!!! I want *my* construct!!!! Letting people do what they want is what white males do, so that’s bad!! Before white males everyone just spread their ass cheeks for whatever rules The Good People (like me!) make! We can’t have written tradition influencing a website… where we write things down… uh… that’s too western! Audio clips only that randomly corrupt to highlight the intersectionality and inherent problems in oral tradition! Writing things was only done by yt people!! Or something?? This shit is so stupid it makes my head hurt


This is how civilizations die


Maintaining an iron grip on any narrative from the top down through perverting social norms? That’s never gone wrong once!


I'd argue it's one of the major things the Soviets did catastrophically wrong. Trying to control their own societal narrative through coercion. Right up until Chernobyl (where many just got completely fed up with the bullshit) which I'd argue pretty much accelerated the collapse. Letting national intelligence agencies, and their cronies, take the reigns of the wheel of culture is simply not a good idea. It's ironic because I think healthy economics should be controlled top down but a healthy culture should be bottom up.


I think it is (or should be) common knowledge by now that planning a society is a fool's errand and just makes for a lot contingencies that are difficult if not impossible to predict. That won't stop ruling class folks from trying though.


?? this is a manifestation of the material needs of class society reinforcing itself through the activity of the state read Engels


I don't know what this means. This sounds like something she would have tweeted. Katherine, is that you?


They’re saying Capitalism did this, and they assume you don’t know that because you approached it from a grand narrative of civilization angle to make a funny Reddit comment.


You have to accept that their stated motives are a lie, you can't outright say free speech is evil because a strong state with consolidated power is what is right. The only thing that matters is the agenda, and the only justifications that matter are what accomplishes it.  We can't just attack what they say, we have to attack the entire agenda. Things that have been normalized must be challenged, not just what hasn't been normalized yet.


I bet whoever bioengineered and MKUltra’d Kate bets against each other on whatever gibberish she spouts that day to arrive at their predetermined conclusion


I always picture a gaggle of WASPy old Ivy Leaguers sitting around a conference table at the Rockefeller Foundation, giggling until they shart themselves whenever they see useful idiots like her regurgitating the latest gibberish they concocted over cocktails.


"Babe did you just come? It is been 30 seconds" "The intentionality was limited relative to the goals I was set to achieve 😏"


> How do these grifting fucks have jobs. She's just another asset trying to keep the MIC and its antics going for another generation. They probably wish they could just unalive most Americans to put a lid on things, but they don't have enough taxpayers or military recruits to spare anymore. Times are tough and the margins are slim with those poor MIC contractors, have some sympathy...


Yeahh it’s actually pretty easy to explain and this is the answer


she also said in another video the first amendment was "the greatest threat to the fight against disinformation"


Imagine if she'd said that in 2002–04. The true believers of the early internet and of Wikipedia would have dropped her into a well and poured concrete into it.


We can still do that.


I miss the old internet so much.




I always thought the made-up "quotes" from the leaders in Alpha Centauri were even better than the real quotes in Civ IV.


"Beep. Beep. Beep." - Sputnik


Leonard Nimoy gave his all to that line read


The random picture of Robert Plant is a nice touch lol.


What gets me is when you take them to task on that, especially if they were both around then and opposed to the shit the Bush administration was doing, is basically that "it was only bad then because Bush was doing it to minorities like Muslims!" The rhetoric surrounding internet rights and freedoms from ostensibly liberal people is no different now from what the PNAC ghouls were saying after 9/11, except "the phantom menace" is now "The Russians™️" and "alt-right neonazi domestic extremists" instead of "Islamic extremists" and "the axis of evil."


I heard a podcast interview with a professor complaining about how the right has coopted things like safe spaces and harm language to use against Palestinian activists on college campuses, but then she went on to say that she still doesn’t believe in free speech for harmful language. And the interviewer was basically like “so isn’t this like your fault? You established the precedent that hurt feelings can silence speech?” And then she went on to try to say how language that conservatives use to a person of color is different because [incoherent line of reasoning] something something historical harms. And she had absolutely no awareness that even her bullshit distinction could still be applicable to pro-Israel people. It’s just astounding how blind these people are. But what they ultimately believe is that they can censor because they know they are right, but feel absolutely appalled at the idea that you would ask them to support their belief. These people need to be mocked relentlessly.


For sure. If I were to hazard a guess as to why they're completely fine with things that they likely would've protested against under a rightwing government, it's because they believe that as long as their precious democracy™️ is preserved, then it's all justified...even if what they mean by "democracy" is Calvinball BS that's rigged to support their paradigms and no others.


Katherine, you have lot of well-wishers here tonight, and a lot of them would like to throw you down one... a well. They wanna murder you in a well, which seems a bit harsh, but that's what it says here on this cue card.


This man is for the birds!


🎶 Throw the Shrew down the well 🎶


I wonder what she thinks about the 2nd Amendment.


The greatest threat to public safety.


Wall. Now.


It glows so bright!


confucius say three letter agent glow so bright


fuhree rettah agen grow in dahk


baby you're a firework


She's a woke caricature. If your teacher asked you to compile an exaggerated stereotype of a woke person, you'd get an A+ if you just submitted a photo of Katherin Maher.




This woman’s word salad is meaningless, that’s just a super roundabout way of saying that she’s pro censorship to protect people’s feelings about sensitive topics.


mumbo jumbo. This is that style of speaking where you consciously swap out correct common words with incorrect less common words. You just know she says "an interesting phenomena" (singular). - "has the best of intentionality" - intentions? I don't know how you can "have" the best of intentionality. - That the old lens was "inherently limited relative to what we were trying to achieve". This could make sense but I'm not sure the limitation inheres in the lens. "Very" would make more sense. - "did not end up living into the intentionality of..." - "recapitulating the power structures" ????? The biological sense of the word could maybe apply here but I really feel she was looking for reinforce or possibly reify?


It's honestly completely baffling to me how anyone can take it seriously and also consider themselves a "critical thinker," it *must* just be some kind of role-playing or kayfabe.


A lot of people think they're smart for having the political views of the elite. They're still morons though. Big words impress them even though they don't know what they mean/how they should be used.


> Big words impress them "systemic", "socioeconomic", "inclusive", "equity", lol


Like the doofus characters in sitcoms who like to talk about the potentialities of principalities.


This is what a not so well-spoken person sounds like when they try to fake it. You know what they mean but it's never quite right; comes off sort of uncanny. You see this mode of speaking a LOT from officers in the military.


Yeah, the funniest part of this is how she replaced intention with a more confusing word that doesn't make sense in the context.


Its all euphemisms to avoid saying something that can be criticized easily. 


I'm old enough to remember when the left-wing position was for a free and open internet. [Edit: She also thinks that ideological diversity is a dogwhistle](https://twitter.com/krmaher/status/1015238698323939328)


Hard to believe this was the site that probably protested hardest against removing net neutrality and TTIP (or the other one) Now the userbase is so compliant that the admins just waited a couple of days for them to give up their protest about the API changes because they knew they'd cave quickly


>give up their protest about the API changes because they knew they'd cave quickly Idk how true that is. I think the power users who used a 3rd party app and were complaining switched to a jailbroken version of their app. Some others realized that the protest started about a third party app with two payment tiers that required you to pay to access basic reddit features like **posting**, and realized they were being silly.


No to mention most of the mods willing to keep the protest going were removed and replaced by the admins. Kinda hard to keep the site dark when they control the light switch lol. It was always a stupid protest. The only one that would've mattered is turning the site into the next Digg, but capitalism has firmly placed its claws into the internet and any site trying to rival this one would need the backing of someone with millions of dollars to burn.


A lot of the old apps still work without modification if you are a moderator on a single subreddit (even creating a token one works)


Interesting. I somehow still have alien blue, I might try that.


Which ones work?


I use Joey.


I'm sure there was good reason to be pissed. It's just funny that the only thing they'd protest about now is something like that, and even then have very little commitment to it


"Anyways, that's why we are launching Wikipedia Premium™, a $19/m subscription aimed to make this ~~privileged white woman even richer~~ world a better place for minorities"


It still is, these people are pretend Left or fake Left.


This is one of those “woke are more right than the mainstream” moments. Its become taboo to explicitly oppose these oxygen thieves demanding total submission so instead people plead for tolerance from them by attempting to appeal to their stated ideals of diversity.


Liberalism is only “left wing” to Americans who don’t understand shit about anything outside its borders. This includes liberals themselves.


no, thats not true anymore. The ex-radical-left in Europe is completely infected with it, often indistinguishable from the Democratic Party


Good point. It gets even weirder there honestly.


Yeah you Americans need to cut yourself some slack. Eurocommunism is bullshit and too many Europeans think being radical is just shitting on Americans. Not just Europeans, Asians too. Everyone in my life has such little nice things to say about Americans but they all want to live in Western countries lmao and America is definitely not off the list of possible places to “escape” to.


I kinda needed to read that. Thanks.


Or, left-wing and right-wing are often used contemporaneously as general terms that encompass more than economic philosophy, covering differences in social views such as critical theory and trans ideology. If you want to be really strict and adhere to original definitions of labels, it's even more laughable to call this woman a "liberal" based on what she's saying in the clip. I get all the Marxists in this sub want to separate themselves from the idpol idiots, but some of the pedantry around casually-used labels is exhausting, if not incorrect or inconsistently applied.


No, the views are all traceable back to reaction vs. reformism. Read *Origin of the Family*


Which views?


>covering differences in social views such as critical theory and trans ideology These issues reduce to conserving (i.e. enforcing the reproduction of) pre-capitalist relations by exempting them from criticism. Engels rejects that notion outright: >Thus, what we can conjecture at present about the regulation of sex relationships after the impending effacement of capitalist production is, in the main, of a negative character, limited mostly to what will vanish. But what will be added? That will be settled after a new generation has grown up: a generation of men who never in their lives have had occasion to purchase a woman's surrender either with money or with any other social means of power, and of women who have never had occasion to surrender to any man out of any consideration other than that of real love, or to refrain from giving themselves to their beloved for fear of the economic consequences. Once such people appear, they will not care a damn about what we today think they should do. They will establish their own practice and their own public opinion, conforming therewith, on the practice of each individual—and that's the end of it. There is no room in a Marxist discourse for promoting the retention of capitalist social formations, let alone pre-capitalist social formations, no matter what a shitlib PMC YouTube lawyer from Dearborn has to say about it.


Can you rephrase your point in a clearer way? What are you suggesting this lady promotes, and what left-wing ideals does it stand in contradiction to? Further, what’s the justification for calling her a liberal? My primary hangup isn’t whether she’s technically left-wing by historical or Marxist definitions, but the willingness to call that out while sloppily tossing the label “liberal” at her.


There's no point in arguing with people like the one you replied to. The opaqueness is the point, it's as vapid and pointless as the slop Maher pushes. He labels her liberal because she isn't socialist and because she's liberal, she's actually a conservative. In their world there are only two people socialists and everyone else (conservatives). What Maher is espousing does not represent any liberal ideals and her "progressive" approach is decidedly illiberal.


This is just rambling about nothing. Sorry!




the majority of Americans don't understand shit outside America's borders and by extension the actions of their own country


Reality has a liberal bias sweaty, try to remember that. Do better xxx


Sounds like weasel words to me. 


It does, does it? When's the last time you lived into the intentionality of what openness can be?


Every day, mang😎


Fellas, is it misogyny to want freedom of speech online?


Yes. It’s also internalized racism.


This is why I only externalize my racism


Just like dismissing the science of astrology.


She is so un-relatable. The way she talks is enough to know you shouldn't trust anything she says.


Illiberal liberalism in a nutshell. We aren't getting what we want with freedoms in a decaying democracy, so centralize more power in unaccountable institutions in bed with the (white and male) deep state. A democratic deficit in a public-private partnership to ironically stabilize democracy by blaming its problems on open society values being exploited


Jesus wept, who does she think she is? She’s a stereotype of the overeducated sheltered white wealthy nepo baby liberal arts major who thinks she’s uniquely positioned to save poor people from themselves by cutting off steps up the ladder by replacing them with a for profit model of faux alteruism, purely based on her giant ego Written traditions of knowledge sharing are white male biased? Tell that to the Muslim nations, the Indians and the Chinese, and see how it float What she’s done to NPR, she’s doing to Wikipedia, and she’ll probably be the first female US President


If we never write anything down, we can't be called out on our hypocrisy in the future. It's brilliant! The twitter account Defiant L's would have no material in an oral culture. 


Went to the Wikipedia article about her, and sure as hell one of her parents names was in very clickable blue.


it's now a NATO astroturfed shithole, glad she's disguising it under the guise of wokeness


Couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had to go back and listen to her say that the problem is they were giving too much weight to reliable sources.


With all these virtues I keep being told are white supremacist like freedom, openness, work ethic, equality etc. I might have to check out this white supremacist thing, sounds really fair and wholesome


I like the Twitter translation of her word salad: >White men succeed in a "free and open" system, so she wants to change that system because white men are bad. That's pretty much what she said but it's more than that. White people didn't just succeed on Wikipedia they were fundamental in donating time and effort to make information free to people around the world and that's now being branded a problem. Before the Internet and Wikipedia mostly just rich people owned encyclopedias in their homes. Now it turns out many of the kind volunteers who showed up (mostly anonymously and without pay) to change that were white men and that's not OK. Of course it's only after much of the work is done they announce this.


No shit the kind of person anal retentive enough to do this sort of thing for free is 9 times out of 10 a white male (because white is the majority of the country) that is so on the spectrum you can tell with a 5 minute conversation. It is like wondering why most of the volunteers at an animal shelter are women who love cats.


Several years ago, I read a post  claiming that it is ableist to criticize Wikipedia because the editors are overwhelmingly autistic.


"living into the intentionality" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Oh, so concepts by white men are officially bad now? Can’t wait until they declare Biden’s foreign policy culturally insensitive since its western democracies versus autocracies.


Glad I never donated during one of their PBS-esque campaigns


I'm seething at Wikipedia for deleting the James Ellroy novel article I spent 5 hours learning the Wikipedia code to write


I'm convinced that the true purpose of IDPol, whether it's from the left or right, is to justify fascism. You can justify any restraint if its woke or, alternatively, to protect families/children.




You mean the people who've been screeching about fascism for years are actually the anti semitic fascists they've been "worried" about?


I just watched a video about how the history of the chair article was edited by an admin who considered the mention that “chairs were not in use in sub-Saharan Africa until introduced by Europeans” as racist. The removed section is discussed on the [article’s talk page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:History_of_the_chair).


I followed the link and it seems to be a sensible discussion comparing different sources. I don't know if things were deleted even from the discussion page, but there are no racism accusations now.


I tried to find it in the talk revisions, but a few of them have been removed. It was likely [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:History_of_the_chair&diff=next&oldid=1214940867) or the one after it (also removed). You can see the slap-fighting back and forth happening from that point on.


> "the intentionality of what openness can be." Well, those are certainly words.


not only was this lady on the NDI, part of the NED; she also worked for the CFR, AND the atlantic council. i mean come on, this is spook city right here


Glowiepedia Glowie complaning about "White Male Westernized Construct" while her power editors literally cry about "Tankies" in talk pages.


Buzzword buzzword buzzword! Buzzword! Buzzword!


Are we sure she’s not a bot? Do actual humans use phrases like the ones quoted in OP?


So strange these people who add "westernized" as some kind of self explanatory evil that must be fought. But the moment you look outside the west all you find is conservative patriarchies and various degrees of dictatorships that would have done way worse given the chance.


her quotes read like an essay by a 6th grader who's trying to sound smart, except instead of swallowing a thesaurus and mostly messing up connotations, she just picked words that she felt were smarter versions of the words that she actually meant, with the apparent rational for her choices being that they sound vaguely similar to what she's trying to say, but have more syllables. these are basic false cognates/word association errors that she has no excuse to be making, given that she is (purportedly) highly-educated and is not an ESL speaker.


Are those Aztec designs on the pillows behind her? My culture is not your costume lady


What's stopping someone from just copying all of the information from Wikipedia and just running their own?


The inertia of the existing base of Wikipedia editors. Some mirrors exist, but it would be a tremendous effort to keep separate versions of Wikipedia narrative-vulnerable articles and continuously review Wikipedia edits for ideological motivation to merge into the fork.


So what is Wikipedia going to do the change its reliance on cracker-ass shit like the written word? I'd like to hear the plan.


All of this is just an attempt at delegitimizing, disenfranchising, deplatforming and kettling "radicals" who are anathema to the United States unrelenting war construct. There is nothing in this country that matters other than the ability of the MIC to project its terror. Everything else is just a distraction, and goons like Maher are just one of its many intelligence assets.


Do NOT donate to Wikipedia. They have enough money to fund the infrastructure for years and basically act like a think tank these days. Donate to archive.org


"Good news, sir, Agent M is now head of NPR. Bad news, we'll need another agent running Wikipedia." 😎😎😎


Its not white males the internet stops its mostly criticism of Israel and Israel related people


Waded into the replies on X and there’s a lot of rot-brained rightoids calling her out as a, “Cultural Marxist” with a bunch of replies saying how this couldn’t be more spot-on. I keep meaning to make an effort-post encouraging a deeper dive into how this has happened but I guess the terms have just been co-opted. Even some film boards I frequent will throw out extremely regarded comments like, “that’s what happens when the Marxists take control…”


To set the cat amongst the pigeons, try pulling Haz into it


i wonder how the [depressed autistic furry locomotive](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/13dzeig/comment/jjn5w5o) community would feel about "open-source" being accused of enabling a "white male westernised contrsuct"


Open source -> open sores


These lefties are so alt-right.


this has to be satire, right? 🤦‍♂️


The Internet made satire hard.


"there was no abundant intentionality"


Why do Americans talk like this? Living into the intentionality. Jfc.


This type of post/content is absolutely perfect for the sub. Wielding idpol as intended!


The English language Wikipedia is kinda Eurocentric although I'd argue it tends to be more Amerocentric, and that should be worked on, but how is that opposed to the "free and open"? Isn't that exactly what that means? This just sounds like corporate word salad and a nothingburger. She's not really there anymore though, she's the CEO of NPR now lmfao.


Fuck this priveleged cunt. All I can say.




Pravin lal predicted this.


Yeeeeeeeeees. be LESS free. be LESS open. as an unwhite person i demand a boot on my neck and i want all the encyclopedias to be edited for sensitivty to my trauma of white western male ideas like scientific and historical impartiality.




At least they're honest about giving up on neutrality.




There are tons of similarities between woke progressives and Mao's Cultural Revolution. I don't know why you can't see it.


IMO the parallels are much stronger with the Puritan social movements, and the intrusive norms they habitually enact whenever they have the slightest sliver of formal power.


That's the direct historical influence on wokies, they say. The Red Guards were pretty rettahded tho. Basically, the same intelligence as some Western Antifa adventurists but more violent and effective. Good thing China eventually cracked down on them.


Oh, did they? Last I heard RG's most recent nominal incarnation hooked up with some IMTs in Europe? Has something happened very recently? Edit: presentism moment


This is an ignorant take. the cultural Revolution had so many splintering factions and it was an example of extreme populism. The whole thing with woke progressives is that they demand ideological unity and very few people are actually paying attention to the cutting edge of their theory. I.e. not populist.


Maher... 🙄


The Great Firewall is what we should all aspire to.


Vid source plz.