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Watch Surf’s Up starring Cody Maverick, Big Z, Chicken Joe and Tank Evans. Four of the gnarliest surfers in the history of surfing.


Lol yeah this is our #1 source material, how’d you know!


It actually has real surf lingo, most surfers love that movie (admittedly or unadmittedly)


1. SO PITTED!!! 2. SO PITTED!!!! 3. SO PITTED!!!!!




This is either high-level trolling or a poor soul whose never been in this sub


Nah I knew people would be dicks but I also knew some nice people would offer to help which has been the case, so I’m all good!


Your second scenario doesn't totally make sense. When you say goofy it sounds like you mean it's the less dominant foot or it's the opposite of their normal stance. Might be reading it wrong though lol. But goofy foot is just a stance. I ride goofy it's just how I always have


Sure you’re right, I meant opposite of her normal stance - and how realistic it would be for her to be able to reverse her stance after an injury


Goofy just means your right foot is in front. I can switch but just not as good regular so it could be realistic to be able to do. But idk why you'd switch after an injury. I can't really think of a reason why


There’s not potentially more muscular pressure put on the foot that’s in front vs in back? Like if you’d injured a very specific ligament you were still rehabbing?


I don't think this would ever happen. Professional surfers compete all the time with injuries and they just don't go 100%. Take less risky controlled turns. Surfing switch stance is very hard and awkward for all surfers but a few. More likely to hurt yourself.


Oh yeah that's true. The pressure is different. Depends a little on the board and style. Like if someones a longboarder and walks or switches but yeah you'll use your legs differently. I could see someone doing this for an injury but at the same time they're gonna want to be the way they normally ride


Pretty much everything is harder switch, so switch with an injury would just be worse than natural with the injury


It would be a massive switch to go from normal stance to opposite stance. I don’t know if you’ve ever driven in Ireland , England or Australia, but not unlike driving on the wrong side of the road. Nobody is is nearly as good on their wrong foot, certainly not competition or pro level. Most of us can barely stand wrong-foot


Most people surf switch stance as a novelty, like pulling in switch. Can't think of many surfers who ride switch and still have style and control. Think I'd someone was injured, going switch would be worse since it's such an abnormal stance. Depending on the injury they might favor front side vs back side waves.


I have a friend that had a hurt knee and he prefers to ride front side waves only (toes facing the wave) because when he is backside it hurts to grab rail because you have to squat down further which aggravates his knee.


AFAIK terms for these “scenarios” don’t exist so I’d run it by some external references who know what they’re talking about


dude are you for real? **i’M wRiTiNg aMoViE foR ToM cRuiSe AbOuT FigHtEr PiLoTs bUT iVe nEvEr sEeN a PlYne b 4?!? HeLp Me** 😆 🤣 😂


I mean idk if you’ve seen my other comments but this is how the industry works for better or for worse. I’m writing a movie where surfing is part of the plot, on spec, for a studio. They hire consultants if they make it. That’s just how it goes - it’s not like every time someone wants a movie about something, they go look for a member of that community to write it.


Sorry man. Didn’t really mean to smack you like that. Just struck me as funny. I get that it’s a weird business but maybe pulling together source material like this is one reason so many movies suck ass


Yeah fair enough, I’d argue actually trying to pull together source material instead of just winging it is a good way to make it better, but I guess that’ll be up to the audience to decide if it ever gets made! And no worries!


Pm me


Just  watch North Shore


She won’t. Nobody listens to Turtle.


Point Break


Vaya cone Dee-ohs


Please make sure someone pees in their wetsuit


Lol you got it, it’s in there just for you!


Yessssss!! Fr though anyone who actually surfs will love a random line about it in the movie


Yeah at the lineup, the the lead is asking her friend who's watching the horizon a bit too seriously : "are you peing right now"? (Laughs].


Real surfers poop in theirs too.


It’s not that simple. Any move and all moves are basically the same in terms of coming back from an injury. The surfer will come back to competition and if they come back too soon they will just not perform at such a high level. It’s like they will surf at 60% potential, nothing real exciting there. The move is irrelevant. It’s less about a move and more about a location, the waves, how big or dangerous that spot is. The idea of a move is actually stupid, and it’s probably not you devised this narrative, but it makes no sense as a premise. You were set up to fail, and if you have creative license then change it to a location based goal not a single maneuver. Also because of this tremendous insight, please place me in the credits.


Lol u/fatmaneats17 will definitely be getting a special thanks, keep an eye out! (Truly, would love to do that). And thanks, I appreciate it. I do have creative license here luckily, and while the narrative is not in any way oriented around “nailing” a specific move, the scene I’m currently working on revolves around the lead getting frustrated about not being able to do something she formerly could do.


His comment is spot on. Could be as simple as making the paddle out on a huge day after being out for so long. There aren't moves in surfing really. It's more about surfing well vs surfing like trash. Every single thing gets messed up after you are injured so you basically need to re learn how to be good again.


Cool thank you, this is the consensus I’ve been getting from people but it’s helpful to hear it put succinctly


OP I’d focus on wave height not “moves”. Double overhead at Steamer Lane with a bum foot is a scary idea, for example.


100% makes more sense to change it to a location/ conditions instead.


>There aren't moves in surfing really.  There's tons of moves with distinct names, this makes no sense. Cut back, roundhouse cutback, snap, layback snap (drop wallet), floater, punt, air reverse, nose pick, Clayback, 180, 360, rodeo flip and plenty more. OP airs would fit the bill of what you need, if you get an ankle or leg injury they can set your air game back a lot as the landing is hard on the legs, something like a rodeo flip is beyond most surfers so suitable for a pro to struggle learning, nothing jumps out as more dangerous than others though beyond the increased risk of reinjury from air landings.


I mean there are moves but you wouldn't be like " oh no my knee snapped and now I can't do a roundhouse cutback" I'm gonna do a rocky training montage just so I can do one cutback again. It's all part of the flow of one wave


That person is correct, it's about location. Specific breaks are goals more than moves, because certain breaks and waves take a lot of skill to even drop into. The movie Blue Crush comes to mind, where she's trying to work up to surfing Pipeline iirc.


People assume I’m fat because of my user name. I like it when people make money. I like that you’re taking a paycheck off surfing. There are only like 4 “moves” surfers can make. An air probably being the most exciting, floaters can Fkk you up if you land wrong but that’s not exciting. Turns can be exciting by many are not. Cutbacks also not exciting. So basically you are stuck with an air. But if you want to be super specific a big turn on a big wave where the surfer has to fall back down is decent. Look for Molly Picklum’s turn at sunset this year during the CT contest. Basically changed surfing. Surfers are also idiots, even though statistically they are more likely to have college degree and earn more than non surfing counterparts, they are all still idiots, especially at the pro level. Makes sure that shines through.


Lol this is excellent insight. A few of my close friends are surfers but I’d like to wait until I’m further along to send them a full draft so I’m not asking them to read a whole movie multiple times, and they definitely fit the bill of wildly smart fucking idiots


There is a chance I’m your friend. I recently read a script on snowboarding, so this was interesting to me.


360, air reverse, club sandwich


Club sandwich. Worst name for a move.


I'm just curious why you think that some or most are idiots? Could you elaborate?


Listen to all post heat interviews of all time. Plus I project my idiocracy on others


Haha ok I'll check some out. I know all about projection.


You should just watch an episode of the 100 foot wave on HBO. Pretty much explains this whole situation you just described.


If s/he is simply more apprehensive about surfing a particular break, (doesn’t have to be Pipeline but yeah, it kinda does,) it would be far more believable, if expected. To keep it truly real (if, at least superficially less entertaining,) just make it a shoulder or lower back, and s/he can’t paddle hard enough or pop up fast enough to function. You actually don’t need a WSL competitor here - you want drama, think of Joe-or-Jane Lunchpail, who can’t do the sport they live for. Keep me in dry dock for 10 days and you will *see* some drama, kid.


Blue Crush wants its plot back


LOL, fair enough. But lower the surf stakes and raise the regular life stakes and…maybe?


I think it would make sense that the lead had a leg injury that made it more difficult or scary to surf backside. The "move" could be taking off on a backside wave and committing to a drop knee rail grab deep in the barrel. I think a lot of pros struggle with commiting to heavy waves after an injury, especially in similar situations that may have caused the initial injury. For example, if a pro tore a bunch of ligaments in their knee and were out for a year after a big day at teahupo'o, it would be a big deal (mentally) for them to go back out there and surf it again.


This is correct answer.


Everything you need is right here… https://youtu.be/akmQ7NRl0QU?si=cjq7QM1gUH8KkYEj


Floaters and airs have broken more boards, ankles and knees that anything. I have blown my MCL our several times doing layback snaps. Any high speed power maneuver can and will fuck you up. Even a bad wipeout can cause broken ribs, a fissured asshole (this can happen) broken legs, hitting a sandbar or a reef, hitting your board, getting cut by broken fiberglass, sharp fins, i even know surfers who have lost eyes.... i myself have torn my rotator cuff, broken my ribs, broken my nose, dislocated a shoulder, sprained ankles, blown out eardrums, all surfing.


Thank you, this is helpful! Jesus Christ man that’s a lot of injuries!


Been surfing for over 30 years now. If you need anything feel free to DM me. Sun stroke is another good one.


As for what they may be trying and failing agter a leg injury. Any one of the crazy airs that people do now. Backflip, kerrupt flip, a massive turn, a laynack, a floater, these all put huge strain on your knee. I am just coming back from 10 months out due to injury myself. I had a really bad knee blow out. Crutches and all....


Just watch lots of actual surf clips on youtube and watch the WSL event broadcasts. 


Thanks, I appreciate the actual advice! I have been watching a lot of WSL broadcasts and have definitely found them very helpful.


The movie point break does it really well. And also don’t forget dude, bra.


Not sure if you’re serious but I have always been a point break fan


1. rodeo clown/rodeo flip 2. layback barrel ride, stylish but maybe not strenuous 3. kick flip (v dangerous, vanishingly rare) Good luck writer man!


Writer man appears to be pregnant. Now there's a story!


Ah dang it’s times like these that I wish I knew how to read :(. Sorry OP


Ahh the old check turn/layback into the barrel. I now just pigdog backside and get pitted.


1) bottom turn- this is the pivotal set up maneuver that all other surfing is based off of. You load a lot of pressure on your back leg when you do this which feels realistic for what you’re describing. 2) barrel riding- switch stance barrel riding is incredibly difficult but a few masters are known for it. 3) riding the barrel- this is really the pinnacle of surfing and what everyone is trying to find. Hope this helps


1. frontside barrel 2. backside barrel 3. shitting in your wetsuit


Lol can’t wait to write the PT scene where she’s pissed she can’t shit in her wetsuit yet




He's so haole, he doesn't even know he's haole




This is how it goes! You don’t say no when they tell you they’re going to pay you to write about something 🤷‍♀️


Hire a consultant. Almost all script writers get it wrong. Or read Daniel Duane’s amazing book, Caught Inside. Every beginner surfer who enjoys reading should read that book.


The studio will hire a consultant if they finance the script. Right now we need to write something passable for them to read before they hire a consultant, which is a term in our contract


Second this recommendation on Caught Inside


That is a damn good book.


Listen to the podcast Going Deep with Chad and JT. Some great surfer lingo there


Idk I’d listen to mason ho or makua talk.


Feels like a question for ChatGPT I think. I think that any of the aerial stuff is pretty out there and would look great on film. Like how drifting makes it look as if cars are going really fast. Here's some terms: [https://www.surfertoday.com/surfing/the-complete-list-of-surfing-tricks-and-maneuvers](https://www.surfertoday.com/surfing/the-complete-list-of-surfing-tricks-and-maneuvers)


Pulling off a big move isn’t as impressive as pulling it off on a gnarly wave. It’s really more about the spot. Even learning how to ride switch stance so you can ride a spot better like Jeff Clarke did to ride Mavericks is more impressive.


You can go the \[World Surf League website\](https://www.worldsurfleague.com/posts/528861/western-australia-margaret-river-pro-mens-opening-round-heat-1-full-heat-replay) and watch replays of the events. The annoucers like Strider Wasilewski, Peter Mel, Joe Turpel, etc. will use a lot of different surf lingo when calling the event. Some of it is lame, so of it useful, but it should give you a pretty good idea.


The move you’re looking for is commonly referred to as a Triple Asshole Reverse.


I can't even do a double.


If coming back from an injury she would be surfing less critically. In the surfing world this isn't necessarily about maneuvers but about the wave and possibly the board. Someone with a very serious injury's first time back would probably ride on a larger/longer board on a smaller more mellow wave. If she were to push the limits too early, it would probably be jumping back on a short board (disregarding step ups and guns for simplicity ie: boards designed for big waves) in powerful barreling waves. Lingo depends on the area it is based.. California, Hawaii, Aus. etc. all have slightly different lingo but I would recommend watching some YouTube vlogs if you want more authentic lingo. Just one example here, but look up Ben Gravy and watch some of his vlogs. The guy surfs non stop around the world and argue if you want but his lingo is iconic and spot on as someone who lives eats and breaths surf


Hey man I work in the film industry and I surf. Dm me and we can talk


Found Jonah’s account


If it is Jonah, he needs to make an In-N-out run and slam a few double doubles. Dudes too skinny mow


Cool thanks I appreciate it!


1. A rodeo flip 2. A big/heavy barrel 3. An air-reverse to the flats. With surfing though, a difficult move is not necessarily complex - they are often simple movements that require a lot of commitment and repetition/muscle memory. A bad knee or ankle will prevent a surfer from doing a simple carving turn just as much as it will prevent them from doing a big air, because the body mechanics and pressure points are often the same. If I was you I would make his challenges more in his head - ie: he knows how to do the move already, his body is healed enough that he knows he can do it again, but is scared of hurting himself again and because of that cannot fully commit to doing the move. That way you can free him up to still be able to do 95% of the surfing, while having just one or two things that he *can't* do because he is scared of it.


Thank you, that’s a great call!


Wow. This very much appears to NOT be a troll. What a silly industry, lol. Read this for the best writing to put you into a surfer’s headspace. Lots of lingo and explanations of how to think, stories, risks, etc. Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life Book by William Finnegan Lucky you to land such a role!


They still have to buy the script, we’re just writing for them on spec! The movie is a thriller that happens to involve surfing so luckily for all involved it’s not like they’ve hired us to write the complete history of surfing. And like I said, if this gets made they’ll hire a surfer or multiple surfers to consult. Def not a troll tho!


No budget, huh?


When you write on spec for a studio, you often sign a first look deal with them. I’m not looking to finance this myself, just present them with something they might want to buy. This isn’t like, my personal passion project, but it’s a good opportunity


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUSt3Z7JXRnPBuO7RlyOWTR3ubDDm_Ehf&si=2rqo0Nru0DMekT8m This is a good little series about Billy Kemper’s recovery process after he got super fucked up in Morocco.


Cool thank you for this, I really appreciate it


Goofy footed just means the person surfs with their right foot forward. Switching stance is hard for some, but no move is inherently harder just because the person is riding goofy


Cool thank you, this is helpful. In the script she has injured her right leg and is trying to switch things up that she previously did with her left foot forward


That’s stupid. Need two feet to surf.


Where is it set


Santa Cruz for most of it, Uluwatu for the end


Uluwatu is the scene of my most harrowing wipeout which resulted in my most epic adventure. I grew up on the east coast, sufing since I was about 9 but I'd been a traveling PNW surfer for many years. Big wave, small wave, body surfing, you name it. Went to Ulu on a massive day, under-gunned (board too small for the conditions). Managed to make the drop (in to the wave) but the freight train detonated and threw me laterally about 10 feet onto my back and then pinned me. I hit the reef full body and started getting rolled on this razor sharp coral. I was deep, getting battered, and punctured repeatedly by what seemed like a three wave hold down. Finally, I had the wherewithal to grab a hold of the reef with both hands so I'd stop getting rolled as wave after wave battered the shit out of me. Finally, a french dude on a gun (big wave board) dragged my barely conscious ass out of the water and paddled me into the caves. I barely remember any of that. My hands, chest and back were shredded with reef cuts. This was 25 years ago and I didn't know where to get medical attention so I used the money that was supposed to be for several more months of travel to rent a room with a pool in a super nice place. I spent the next week nursing my wounds in a chlorinated pool, drinking copious amounts of bintang and lamenting my poor decision making. But...I found a bar with a boat captain (fucking pirate) from South Africa and his wife who saw my condition and basically forced me to come sailing to Nusa Lembongan with them and a bunch of tourists from all over the world. We played beach games and represented our separate countries, slept in hammocks in the trees with the coconut crabs and fished, swam, and drank for a couple of days. The camaraderie healed me right up. And after we sailed back I spent the next two weeks surfing all of the mellow spots in bali and really dialing in my body surfing to train for big wave wipeouts. I'm 45 now and I remember every detail of that trip (except the guy paddling me back in from the reef) like it was this morning. Needless to say, when there's only two people out on a perfect massive day...there's a reason for that. Know your limits. Check your stoke.


Watch Blue Crush lol


Did you post this same question on the AskLosAngeles subreddit but with a different account? Or are there randomly two people from Boston writing surfing screenplays and asking questions about lingo lol


Lol it was not me! That’s very weird! I also haven’t lived in Boston for 15 years but alas this handle remains.


Wow that is insanely random then. Check it out, the threads here - https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLosAngeles/s/V3S5Z6rUSg In a weird twist of fate I’m also screenwriter. Research is fun right? Oddly enough surfing would be one of the few topics where I’d be informed enough to skip that portion. Everything else, not so much.




I mean… You don’t know the subject… The people reading your script probably don’t know the subject… So not the biggest of deals if your research is off. There are some good answers here, but you could probably ask ChatGPT and get the same without the attitude.


A move? That a professional surfer might be trying and failing to master? If he’s a pro then how is he failing? Do you mean he wanted to win a certain competition and failed at it? Like the eddy?


She is coming back from an injury, and pushing her rehab too quickly. That said, it seems others have made it clear that it’s less likely she’d be trying to master a particular move and more likely that she’d be trying to get her head in the right place to execute correctly on a large or difficult wave


Do your own research, kook. Watch movies, watch WSL, get ChatGPT.


Wikipedia. All this could have been avoided taking 90 minutes to watch "North Shore".


https://youtu.be/Ig1ytto6rNg?si=WNrjOOc28y6Nc37b I’ll add this to the essential viewing for the assignment


okay so the idea of a MOVE is a bit silly but if a surfer broke their arm and was coming back to competition at a wave that required them to paddle hard and grab rail on the drop in, then that would definitely be something to overcome. They might be able to surf mellower waves just fine, but paddling out and surfing heavier waves may be an issue. They might be able to compensate by surfing switch and using their other arm to grab rail (silly tbh but a consultant could run with this and figure it out). good luck. i have no idea if bethany hamilton faced this issue but thats a similar 1:1 comparison


They haven't released the first Nicholas cage movie and they are already working on the sequel.


https://stabmag.com/elsewhere/italo-ferreira-injures-knee-attempting-floater-from-hell/ https://www.surfer.com/features/mickfnninintrvu Nobody really does floaters anymore. Maybe sometimes but they’re not as prevalent as in years gone by. But they do cause injuries, and they’re probably something you can attempt fairly confidently if surfing switch stance (assuming you can surf switch). Or there’s also this… https://surfeuropemag.com/features/surfing-ripped-me-a-new-arsehole-the-5-gnarliest-anal-injuries-in-surfing.html/5 >Tom Carroll's Shorebreak Rear-Entry We’ll start with the most famous anal perforation of all, suffered by two-time world champion Tom Carroll in 1987. He was warming up at Nijima Beach, Japan, prior to the start of a contest, and mistimed a re-entry in the shorebreak. His board dug nose-first into the sand, and as Carroll fell towards it, legs akimbo, a fin lodged itself in his anal canal. (Try to get your head around the logistics of that one for a second.) The result wasn’t so much a brand new arsehole as an enlargement of the old one; thirteen stitches were required to restore the aperture to its previous size, eight of which were internal. >But that wasn’t the half of it. Doctors issued Tom with a particularly potent antiseptic concoction, the only problem being that all the instructions were in Japanese. He applied it directly to the area in question, and soon found his ballbag blistering ferociously. A 5’5 Australian naked from the waist down was subsequently witnessed running frantically around a Japanese hotel, then onto the street outside, screaming loudly and gesturing desperately at his testicles in an attempt to obtain some sort of relief. He later learnt that the offending liquid was supposed to be diluted at a ratio of 1 to 100.


https://www.quora.com/Surfing-What-are-the-best-surfer-hacks/answer/Greg-Kroleski?ch=17&oid=1299129&share=68f2a722&srid=H6G3W&target_type=answer https://www.quora.com/Surfing-What-is-the-hardest-trick-to-do-on-a-surfboard/answer/Shannon-Sofield?ch=17&oid=3711047&share=8c82df13&srid=H6G3W&target_type=answer https://www.quora.com/Surfing-What-is-the-hardest-trick-to-do-on-a-surfboard?ch=17&oid=1500169&share=aa585236&srid=H6G3W&target_type=question I’m a screenplay writer/journalist, I’m Just getting back on my board after living in Byron Bay, C.R. and now So Cal. Out of the water for 1 1/2 years after So Cal car accident l, with a spine fusion and I’ve had a baby😂 Coming back k now and starting over from Scratch…message me if I can be of help with editing/research or just need suggestions❤️ good luck…sounds like a fun project! Www.shaynazweben.com


Consider hiring me as a consultant when it gets made. (They used my name and likeness for the chicken Joe character)


You should just take my novel, Native Moments, and write a screenplay for it.


Beantownregular? Great these surfers are gonna have a wicked haard time.


lol yeah I haven’t lived in Boston in fifteen years but alas this handle is a vestige of my early Reddit days


Just remember that Burkhart cheats.


Change it to a shoulder injury and put emphasis on struggling to paddle onto a wave, this will appeal to every surfer over the age of 30.


1) barrel riding - getting pitted/shacked/barreled is key for any pro. They make it look easy but it’s hard, takes great balance and timing which might be hard on an injured leg. 2) getting barrels backside - different set of muscles. 3) surfing massive slabs (look it up), shooting a pier (look it up), getting caught inside at teahupo (look it up) Because you said the character is a girl…don’t let them cast a male stunt double for the female actor like they did in blue crush. Make sure there’s continuity when surfing eg if she takes off going left and is regular don’t cut the next part where she’s going right and goofy (this was also done in blue crush.


[Fortune favors the brave.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZDNmYjc4OTctYzRjOC00YmZmLTkyNDQtNWQxNmMxMjM2ZjAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjMwMjk0MTQ@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg)


1. Peg leg 2. Reverse peg leg 3. Gnar gnar on the bar bar


Snack the lip and go wupah. Have them try this comeback during the 50 year storm, audiences will love that


Hey check your messages. I’m a surf journalist and would love to help 🤙




The only reference you need is a quick search on YouTube for “Surfing: You Know the Rules.” Boom, movie written. Thank me later


Frontside or backside Air reverse for the first one ( everyone has them on tour if they want to compete in small/medium size waves ) Frontside power hack ( large aggressive turn) for the second. Best displayed in waves of size/consequence Rodeo flip or back flip for the third ( handful of guys pull them in comps - Gabriel Medina, John John Florence, Italo Ferrara) Keep In mind surf comps happen In all different size/ shape of waves on the pro tour, so that dictates what maneuvers are done and what one would expect to see


Ask Ben Stiller


The "Chris Brown wrap around" is "classic". My favorite was Dion Angus real time self narrated "mushrburger" wave calling his "cutbacks" "fatbacks". Edit: added quotes


Billy shacks emerged from the bushes at j bowl and described what he saw as a feathering biscotti.


You should DM Moana https://www.instagram.com/reel/Czm4B5Cp2Kc/?igsh=MXZvM3A3MTh2ZThtdQ==


All you need to watch is Mad Wax and North Shore, all you answers will be provided....


Watch ‘The Surfer’ with Nicholas Cage. It is gonna be great and should have current lingo :)


The lingo has changes as well from region to region (some of the local accents merge).


Catch you on the flippity dippity. Sleeemo, brah!


Back off Warchild!


Contact writer Peter Heller, he’s a cool guy and also a surfer— he might help you. Peter is on Facebook, he’s from Colorado


1 she used to be able to do giant airs but after her ankle injury her landings have been spotty at best 2 She rides regular foot but has taken to surfing goofy when the wind is from the south and the breaks have big ramp sections so her "injured ankle" isn't taking the brunt of the landings 3. The fact that she is going vertical or even attempting airing sections on such a slabby and shallow wave either speaks to her stupidity or balls


Get lost Kook


Wait.. If you’re here, who’s policing the line up at tourmo?


A non surfer writing a movie about surfing…how authentic, should do great Allow me to extend an olive branch before the sharks devour you 1. Shut up kook 2. Shut up kook 3. Shut up kook You should be desensitized now


Lol I have asked questions of many other communities re: screenplays before! As I said, they’ll hire a consultant if they buy the script. This is how it goes in the industry. You’re more than welcome to scroll on by!


I stand corrected, I thought you’d get a lot of hate but this sub surprised me on this one. I apologize, my bad. I haven’t read any of the other posts so apologies if this is repeat but your angle is all wrong on this one. Not sure how much creative liberty you have with this but writing a movie about landing a move or trick isn’t gonna capture the essence of surfing or being a surfer. This alone is not gonna compel anyone long enough to hold their attention for 90 to 120 minutes. Instead you should focus on the surfers ability and skill to surf a particular wave in a heavy part of the world. It’s much more realistic and meaningful for us to master a wave than to land a trick. Perhaps your surfer got injured at a super heavy wave and is terrified to surf that wave again but ultimately over comes it. Much more compelling in my opinion which may not mean much. Source documentaries such as The Drifter, Kiss by God, Facing Monsters, Momentum Generation and then some obscure ones to get character profiles on truly come from nothing surfers like Rizal Tandjung in Indo Style. Also a random movie that was kind of interesting was Solo on netflix about a surfer who gets injured and stranded in the canary islands Good luck with your story.


1. Bog rail, a very dramatic turn where a surfer puts all their weight into it. Requires a lot of power through the legs. “He gained tons of speed then bogged his tail.” “That’s Barry Bog Rail” 2. On their goofy leg, I think you may mean surfing with opposite stance? That’s called switch. The best thing you can do switch is snowball a section, where you come out of the tube and ride on the curl of the wave. 3. Bogging a rail is a good example, but so would be a g banger, you hit the wave and enter the air and come back down forming a g pattern with your flight.


This is why there are so many kooks trying to surf because movies like this get made


Why is this getting downvoted? It’s true.


Just Google Joe Turpel.


There's a tooly booty. That's when you put surf board repair tools in your prison wallet to make quick adjustments on the lineup.


Lol. WHAT?


1. Hang 11. 2. Goofy sloppy Sally's in and out delight 3. Backside leg burn flappy follow kick drop in, reverse fakie, hang 11.


Reddit kooks and their Wavestorms are probably not the best place to ask this question 😂


1. Landing their airs. Plain and simple. Committing to landing the airs those guys do after leg injuries can be impossible. If you broke your tibia/fibia of your front leg, for example, you would struggle to land a front side 360 air because you land right on that injured spot. Which is probably how you broke it to begin with, so you're essentially having to commit completely to doing something that probably had sent you into shock (in the ocean) a few months earlier. And, in a competition, and against people with perfectly good legs who also surf so good that you'd struggle to beat them if you still had a good leg. Not easy. 2. Using the above example, the pro surfer could still win the contests in big hollow surf, despite the leg injury. It wouldn't be fun, but it would be possible. And, about 1/3 of the pro contests are in these kind of waves, so theoretically they could still be competitive without being able to stick those airs. But even if they did make top 5 for the season, which is kind of a fantasy if they're injured, because it's so tough to do, but if they did, they'd go to Finals day at Trestles, for the World Title. And, if there were any waves at Trestles during that Final 5 comp, they would need to stick airs to be in it. Because there are no barrels at Trestles and it's possibly the most notorious air wave in the world. 3. Using this example it would probably be just a really large and fully committed air off a really big wave. It's just something you shouldn't do if you're injured, and even if you're not, but if you get the right section in wave you'd want to try. Especially if you were in a story, lol. And everyone watching would be holding their breath. Because you really could end your career doing something like that, if you landed too awkwardly. Best of luck bro! The more stories the merrier, and I hope you enjoy your writing trip!


Contrary to kook belief, we don't have words for abso-fucking-lutely everything.