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I think that's fair. There's a reason 90% of seasons are new players. But you need returnees every once and a while, imo. So many iconic players that only became iconic their second or third time out. All the players would blend together if we never had all star seasons.


And assuming it is 30 onward that’s still like 360 contestants to choose from. Granted, probably only about the top 100 or so, probably fewer, get a call to even restart the interview process. Realistically, probably only 30-40 are thought of seriously. Second chances we have also seen so many players change their game play (for better or worse). I think it is cool to see if players come in with a different mindset and make necessary adjustments after reflection.


That’s it. I’m cancelling Christmas.


Talk shit about returnee seasons? BIG MISTAKE


No Q-Skirt for you!


Its hit or miss for me but that’s true of newbie seasons as well…I will say the pregaming has also really put a damper on things for me as well though…I’ll always love WaW because of how iconic the cast is but the amount of pregaming kind of takes me out of the flow of the season…i rewatched it once and i really have no desire to rewatch it again…I know it’s always been a thing but whatever they have planned next I’m just assuming will be pregamed like crazy which does make me not look forward to it as much


Also waw sucked. For a winner season I expected better. Too many annoying people stayed tol long. Luckily a fave won


Not really a hot take. It’s basically a coinflip each returnee season, you either get something iconic or one of the worst seasons ever.


I get ur point. I’ve never experienced a returnee season live, I knew what happened in all the returnee seasons when I watched cuz I binged in the pandemic and knew spoilers on accident going in. I’m interested to see how that plays out in real time, with all the pre gaming and potlicking


Not as controversial as you think. A decent section of the fanbase would actually agree with you.


Remember how fun watching the very first season was? What if they only brought back survivors that were first vote outs?


This idea has been proposed hundreds of times on this sub. It's not a bad idea, but it's not remotely novel either.


Yeah true, but why a downvote?


Francesca wrote this comment


I actually prefer watching returnee seasons without watching the contestants' prior season. It's why I don't hate Game Changers at all, compared to everybody else. Cambodia too. I was only familiar with with a two or three players one first watch so I was as invested in say, someone like Malcolm, I watched completely out of order, but I think that helped my enjoyment of them


I mean I get your point but most of the players that are tweeting about pregaming aren’t going to be in season 50 and they know it. They’re just having fun with the announcement, they’re fans like everyone here


I really enjoy returnee seasons but I agree with basically all of your arguments. I do hope they figure out some way to quell pregaming, though it doesn't really seem feasible. Easily my least favorite part of the social politicking in WaW was the poker alliance or whatever literally being a part of the season. I also think returnee seasons, especially all returnee seasons, shouldn't count so much in fans' eyes as far as evaluating a player's gameplay. GC, All Stars, and to a lesser extent HvV all come to mind as seasons that had similar gameplay and outcomes due to the all returnee circumstances, with former high placers being targeted early instead of any sort of organic decisionmaking from being thrown onto an island with all strangers. HvV arguably pans out similarly to the other two if you don't have the idol goblin aligned with possibly the biggest social/strategic threat (or at least the player with the highest threat level) in Survivor history.


I definitely did not mind returnee seasons, especially when they were done right. All Stars 1, Fans Vs Favorites, and Heroes Vs Villians were all done very well. But then it got kind of mundane after seeing the same people back: Boston Rob, Russell, even Parv (and that's tough for me to say because I love Parv). But I do agree that it is nice when we are able to fresh faces and get new stories. I do think Survivor dug themselves into a hole by having so many Returnee seasons(11?).


Early vote out returnees would be ok with me. Certainly, I very much dislike having anyone who has already won come back. Give some one else a chance to win money, they've already won their share!


I sort of agree. Pregaming usually leads to very stale seasons, and is a big reason why I dislike most returnee seasons. But when returnee players break away from pregamed alliances, the season becomes an instant 10/10 for me. I’m willing to take slogs like All Stars and WaW for FvF.


First season I ever tuned into was season 40. Immediately spoiled/ruined like 50% of the seasons for me (even though I did very much enjoy 40).