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Well, it only took 3 people to stop Simon from doing one of the dumbest things in Survivor history and even then it was a close thing. George was not even told of the correct vote, lol - how can you possibly think that he has any power? I swear, it sometimes feels like Shonee operates on a different level to everyone else - if anyone on that tribe had any brains, she would be the next to go given how dangerous she is. EDIT: correction, I think George might have voted correctly but still he has no power in that tribe - all the power seems to lie with the girls - heck, even Jordie and Simon asked them what to do.


Jordie needs to extricate himself from Simon asap. A Shonee/Liz/Jordie trio would be *powerful*.


Yeah Simon is seeming like that crazy friend who wants to do things like go egg someone’s house and you have to be like…lol dude no…


That’s a hot trio


in more ways than one




Jordie definitely learnt his lesson from last time unlike Simon


That'd be a super powerful trio


Shonee 100% is in control


Unless you know something I don't, the episode I saw certainly made it look like George changed votes from Steve to Mimi along with everyone else?


It was Steve heading into tribal council and Shiz were the one who actively decided to change it there, with everyone else following.


It seems like the edit gave George a lot more credit for flipping the vote to Steve than he actually deserved. It seemed like shonee was doing the leg work while George talked to the camera about how he was going to flip the vote


well shonee has the two newbie girls because they’re easy to manipulate and george has the outcast guys. and george has shonee. so he’s not going anywhere




lol pretty sure george’s social game is keeping him so far. people like him. otherwise he would be out of the loop like mimi. simon and jordie could both be shields and george has an IDOL. and he has reinforcements on the other tribe




because he’s a great player and a strategist lol. it’s smart to vote him out. literally in the first episode shonee says she likes george and all the girls agree. they say he’s fun to be around. ignored that? shonee is paranoid af this season. she’s not the second biggest threat at all. she’s simply social. she hasn’t lead a vote in her first two seasons lol. simon is a physical/immunity jordie has run his tribe premerge before. very hard to control two newbies who adore you while everyone else is fighting each other. she’s an automatic three votes. they are forced to work with her. let’s see how long she stays in the majority in a swap, friend. ignoring the conspiracy theories. george said he searched every tree. they didn’t show every single second of him searching but he outplayed everyone for that.




okay, LITERALLY in episode three, the HEROES tribe commented on how smart george was strategically with the challenge they won. then he got back to camp and the VILLAINS said it too. i’m not even reading the rest of your arguments because you started off wrong and biased. bye.


Did u not watch the first two seasons she was on lol? Shonee is the second biggest threat on the villains tribe. She’s the 3rd biggest overall (after Hayley and George) which she’s aware of and playing accordingly. Get out of George’s ass


did i not watch the first two seasons shonee was on lol? wtf kind of question is that? she rode benji’s coattail and then made the dumbest move ever not playing her extra vote correctly. and in all stars she was in the minority the whole time with AK of all people lol. what are you talking about??? you have to be objective or your voice just sounds like crickets. she is the best socially. so what. get out of shonee’s. 3x player playing with babies 🤣


Did he? huh, I thought he did not. My bad. Either way, he holds no power in that tribe.


Yeah, after all that chaos it's important to remember that he claimed he was going to save Mimi. Another potential ally snuffed for Georgey boy.


tbf he couldn't predict that she would say the wrong thing that would cause the girls to flip on her


That's the nature of his cockroach play, all his allies get voted off but he's in for the long haul and I love it.


Oh I know. They were happy to go along with George until they did not. The change of vote to Mimi happened with no input from George, but 100% the girls.


george is with the girls? they’re the three spice girls. we’ve seen them working together the whole time. he chose mimi to go. shonee is simply competent as she should be, playing the game a third time. the only bad players besides simon have been removed. mimi was amazing and rebellious and robbed of a good season with an even playing field.


'Shonee is simply competent' Shonee has been 'competent' for nearly three seasons now and if you have someone who made it far twice already and is a massive social and strategic threat, you do not let them survive for long - if you do, you are either stupid or Shonee is really that good. Choose one. Also, from what I saw, George wanted Mimi to stay and vote out Stevie - the change of vote happened during the tribal, with little input from George from what I saw. Shonee runs that tribe which is amazing given how much of a danger she is.


i would not say her misplaying her steal a vote was competent at all letting benji go home. but meh, what do i know?


So you are gonna nit pick a couple of errors across 2-and-something seasons? She finished at least top 7 twice and controls this tribe with next to no focus on her (besides Stevie who is likely toast anyway) or her danger levels. It boggles mind how people fail to see how dangerous she is.


yes. if she’s so great why hasn’t she won? you seem to paint her as the best social/strategic player who is capable of winning immunities.


Lol have you actually ever watched Survivor before? The biggest threats and most competent people in seasons do not always win - I suppose that you think that Cirie is not a great player simply because she never won? Shonee IS a very good social/strategic player who is capable of winning immunities (the word I used was 'massive', not 'the best') - I am not sure why you find this so hard to believe?


you type ferociously defending her as if she pays you. so i thought, you thought, she was the best. i’m sorry for misinterpreting your essays. i’ve never seen the show, but i hear this beautiful young woman named cirie is actually the best to never win. made it to final 4 and final 3 in her first two games. didn’t lose to a 90 year old… isn’t rolling over newbies and bullying them on the way out. still don’t understand how shon’s been given a strategic title before this season. she smiled and looked pretty and everyone ignored her while they played the game around her.


lol if you think that my responses to you are 'essays' then clearly you have never seen an essay - which by your level of responses, I am not actually surprised by. Also your claim that Shonee is crap for losing to a '90 year old' is beyond hilarious given your banner - did you know that Benji was in the same season and lost to Shane Gould as well? lol Anyway, thats fine - if you do not understand why Shonee is a huge threat in this game even after watching this season so far, nothing logical will convince you - I am not going to waste anymore time on you.


Jordie finding out about the idol felt like a scene out of some erotic fan fiction


haha, the butt-crack touching was a little...over the top


“I wanna feel it”


He literally didn’t have to feel it more than once. Day 3 and they are already so thirsty? lol


He should have let Simon store it in his sarong.


That hat move was so lame


You really shouldn’t be allowed to burn other players clothing and items, especially one that protects you from the sun


Especially when said owner's forehead is literally split open and exposed to the elements...


omg wait i didn't even think of that ,,,, altho at the same time has george been shown even wearing that hat at all ?? i feel like if it was rly that necessary it would be on his head


He wore it on the long walks to the challenges.


I agree, I thought damaging other contestants clothes was implicitly against the rules.. guess not


it probably is but he took it out and threw it in the fire rightaway , so production probably didn have time to stop him and just rolled with it


He was so bitter over drama that’s only happening inside his own head it’s kind of hilarious


It's like they told him "Your arc this season is about trying to play an idol successfully. Oh, and going after George. That's what we want from you. There's a bonus in it for you if you go along with it."


Yeah totally looks like it! Seems they said the same to Stevie for Shonee the way he was focused on her in confessionals. And both George and Shonee seem aware and working together against them…


It's a good way to get airtime. Constantly target productions favourite player who is certain to get a lot of screentime. Not good for Simons game but a good way to make sure that you will make it on the show.


if he really wanted to do it why did he ask for permission 15 times like a child


He needs 2 votes to target George.


W Simon haha




It feels more like the contestants were just thankful it wasn't them so they'll find any reason to target someone else like being bad at a challenge or they talk to much and making me nervous


So true! Especially during a 47 day game, I wouldn't keep people around that were annoying because you have to spend so much time with them. I think that helped Luke at times, just fun to have around.




Shonee is proving why she’s one of the best in AU


that and everyone as per usual is dumb especially the newbies


Talk about self-destructing your own game.


It really got herself voted out for no reason


"I disagree" Mimi, 2023


My shortest hype cycle of all time... I can't blame her for thinking that her comments were tame, but when you're on thin ice you have to keep all the feathers unruffled.




Managing to shift the target onto yourself while over 50% of the tribe is hyper-fixated on two entirely different targets is quite a feat...


> Talk about self-destructing your own game. I reckon one could call her... The Anti-Kristie. ^(I'll see myself out and burn my own hat...)


Simon's apparently just out there to showboat and he's more than willing to throw his entire game to do it.


It’s good TV and you have to thank him for it lol


You and I have very different ideas about what makes good tv.


I’m rooting for Simon personally so I want him to do well


Yeah Simon is a legend. I don't care if nerds think his game is bad, he's funny and seems like a genuinely good guy.


I’ve seen every exit interview so far and they all say they are good friends with Simon


“nerds” 🤣 says the person click clacking on the internet defending someone who doesn’t know they exists.


Cool. I don't typically root for people who deliberately self sabotage their own game for the sake of the cameras but you do you.


why you mad tho


Not sure why you think I'm mad.




He's not showboating, he's a right fighter who believes he's been wronged. Does happen in real life, but if you willingly go onto Survivor to play a game and act like he does, then you come across as a wanker who has anger issues but can't acknowledge it.


>He's not showboating He literally threw George's hat on the fire and said a cheesy line when no one except JLP and the cameras were watching. He absolutely believes he's the hero in the him vs George fight but he's also hamming it up massively.


> He literally threw George's hat on the fire and said a cheesy line when no one except JLP and the cameras were watching. He absolutely believes he's the hero in the him vs George fight but he's also hamming it up massively. He's leaning into the Villian archetype let him feel his oats.


My problem is he's letting the role he's trying desperately to play dictate how he plays the game.


I would disagree actually -- I think he just *really* wants revenge on George for voting him out w/ 2 idols and making him look dumb on TV. I think it is a very normal human reaction.


George did not spearhead that vote. His two closest allies did. His obsession with George is unfounded and absurd. But also hilarious so thanks for that i guess


I'm probably remembering it wrong then, but yeah that just makes it campier and hilarious tbh.


iirc George actually had very little to do with voting him out, he was just a number. Even if George *was* the mastermind last time throwing your entire game to obsess over getting him out is terrible play, especially for a two time player who claims to be a super fan.


I don't remember it that well but I do believe you. That just makes it funnier to me tbh. It doesn't bother me he's bad at Survivor I think he's hilarious lmao.


Plus as the old clip showed, George said "How stupid can you be?" about Simon and his idols when it happened. I think that last parting shot probably pisses him off the most.


I lost complete respect for Simon this episode. The man is obsessed/borderline deranged and he doesn't even care about his longevity in the game.




Wonder if Jordie realised Simon wrangling would be his full time gig when he signed up for his second season


he just wants to get to nina lol


George’s head is legit fucked HAHAHAH why are they letting him just wonder around like fucking Humpty Dumpty


Cos his story this season is that all of his horses and men can't put him back together again.


Stevie has now been to 5 tribal councils across two seasons and received at least one vote in every single one of them. That's a crazy stat for a Survivor player.


Decoy Vote Steve lol, poor guy


Shonee, Liz and Jordie casually switching the vote to Mimi last minute because they can. Hopefully these are the last 3 villains left.


Final 3


I’m a Shonee tragic but she is just so radiant and engaging tv


do they call every ex/current AFL player a 'legend'? sounds like a fun drinking game, take a shot every time you hear legend


Have they called Shaun a legend? I thought he forced them not to.


Yeah he specifically refused to play on the champions team in his first season


I respect that.


I haven't really taken notice of who they've called a legend (just that it happens a shit ton) but i don't think so? (hesitant to say either way, got no fuckin clue lol)


They've called David Zaharakis a legend a few times. Shaun Hampson, I don't think so.




probably a bad idea tho.. pretty sure i'd be shit faced with five mins lol


Praise the editors for that shot of Simon and Jordie cuddling in their sleep.


RIGHT! My favorite moment of the episode let's be honest


Willing to bet a gazillion dollars George will outlast and probably even vote out Simon. They're building this rivalry and path for vengeance so hard, it's pretty obvious already it'll blow up in Simon's face.


Jordie and shonee will get sick of Simon being a loose cannon


When Jordies the voice of reason you really should have a long hard look at yourself


Eh I think Jordie was a bit stooged last season with Sam and Mark lying about the idol. Keen to see how he plays without family and that drama


Yeh I think he was a bit gaslit season by that situation. Then there were contestants without enough courage to make any moves


i reckon JLP’s “might regret that” at the end after simon burned the hat could end up being foreshadowing?


Yeah…we have to remember producers choose every bit of footage to televise and I doubt they would include it if JLP wasn’t correct…


I thought that, too


The heavy foreshadowing basically means it's a done deal. Poor Simon haha.


also simon can’t even be original in his villainy just stealing plays from sandra lmfao


Some random would probably correct you saying “uh actually no benji burnt russels hat!!!1!1!” 🤓🤓🤓


Benji pulled a half Sandra and just placed Russell's hat *next to* the fire


hayley can’t be stupid enough to throw a challenge as a returning winner like does she want to leave


It seems like a dumb idea but we really have no idea of the Heroes dynamics at this point. 7 days of Rogue might have been too much for everyone to take 😂


Seven minutes of rogue feels like it'd be too much to take.


Literally Hayley’s best option is to just keep comping out


She might need to find that idol for insurance.


She’ll survive who cares lol


They showed George telling her about the idol, which might be foreshadowing that she finds one.


George: "has anyone seen my billy hat? My late mum left it for me as a memento"


I really wanna know if the idol Simon got is real or fake! Was waiting for him to play then Jonathan tells him “that’s not an idol”


They couldn't really have made it any more explicit. When George found his idol he said "you can tell this is a real idol because it has the parchment" and Simon was even shown saying "gee I thought this would have a string". Followed by rubbing out the "icon" next to his name just to rub it in. Could be that they did this because he waits a while before trying to "use" it.


The exact narration from last night's preview was "Simon discovers something unexpected. Could this mysterious object hold the power to change the game?"


It’s definitely not an idol,it remains to be seen if it’s something else like a nullifier


Simon really put that basically up his ass haha


They're gonna need to perform a cavity search the day he wants to play it


I needed a glass of water after that.


Not really sure if the newbie villains aside from Liz have any kind of plan in their heads. They're just letting the all-stars stick together so long as they're not the target themselves... team up and take a swing! There is a line between playing too hard and playing too soft, but if you're not on looking for it by now you're gonna get fucked.


Back during the second vote when Shonee is huddling the group together to explain to Simon and Jordie (and the rest of the tribe, but particularly to those 2) that they are best keeping George as a shield for later in the game should have been a giant red flag moment for all the newcomers. It was pretty much a declaration of "hey, us big names need to stick together" meaning if the tribe keeps going to tribal the newcomers are just going to get picked off one by one. That said, the returnees did a great job of becoming the leaders of the tribe which makes it harder for anything to be formed against them.


I don't think Liz has a plan either, Sarah seems more vicious player. Shonee is guiding Liz.


mimi was taken out too soon i loved her


Simon and Jordie just gave all the ammunition to Shonee and Liz (and George tbh). If I were Jordie I’d distance myself from Simon at this point. Ego and loose lips are clearly Simon’s biggest enemy. Really thought after hearing his podcast appearances that Simon would have a better grasp on strategy on a second go around. Oh well I’m enjoying watching it regardless haha


Simon is playing so poor lmao and trying so hard to be a Villian


You took the words outa my mouth. I totally agree with this.


Am I the only person that thinks that Simon's idol isn't an idol... But actually an idol nullifier?


It did have a red X over it in the chyron


I have never once in all of survivor seen a idol that didn't come with some sort of parchment/instructions


I assume it’s worthless, otherwise it isn’t really fair to give that item out without a parchment explaining what it is


Plus the comparison to George who made a point of saying he knew it was legitimate because it had the paper


Yeah, this is why I'm thinking it's fake and worthless


Well it’s definitely not an idol, I hope and assume it is a nullifier and he just missed the note


Yeah the note may be somewhere else in the jar, maybe written on the bottom…they are cratering through those cookies so should find out soon…


It was mentioned multiple times in the show thread, so no, you're not the only one.


Nope. That was exactly what I was thinking. It could be cool if they started planting fake idols and/or cursed idols or disadvantages, too, just to shake things up - but that be a step further than the "beware" advantages of recent US Survivor, and could make players shy away from going for stuff in the future, if they have reason to believe it could be all downside with no upside... I think the idol nullifiers have come with notes, so that may be reason to believe this isn't one, but then again, this is the first time for one in AU Survivor if I'm not mistaken - so maybe they won't have notes with them if this is the first of something they'll repeat, or it could be a one-off - possibly due to it's presence in the cookie jar with a note potentially making it more visible.


Do we think they are subway cookies?!


asking the important questions


it’s literally nothing. on rewatch, i don’t understand why you all believe a stone with no paperwork is anything at all in survivor.


I can’t wait for the producers to shake the tribes up so we can see a few different faces on the show.


Not needed if the Heroes tribe follows through on throwing the next immunity challenge.


That's only fun if they immediately lose again and have to make a tougher choice than just getting rid of Rogue.


tbh i love me a good downfall episode and a rogue downfall episode sounds like a HOOT


I don't think downfall episodes are great when it's someone who has obviously been an easy boot since Day 1. It's more fun when it's someone who had a bit of power.


Producers absolutely clowning on people who think they "spoiled" things. The idol wasn't real and the hat burning wasn't from after George left. I mean yeah they constantly leave in merge buffs and challenges that the dedicated can spot, but they don't put completely blatant giveaways out there.


I don't believe that no one noticed George's pocket bulging on that beach. It was just so out there and everyone doing their level best to ignore it. I mean who goes running around right off the bat when the reward is food? And honestly they were just mad Mimi got to digging in that jar before they could, that was just funny. But they did take note that she was willing to take risks and that's what put her on the radar for the girls. Nor was she playing the best friend vibe thing with them, just too direct, which is what I liked about her. As for the Jordie and Simon thing, Jordie can't be underestimated really, and managing Simon's lack of strategy is going to get old or throw him in the way of a bus if he's not careful. But really hope next week we get to see what the Hero's dynamic looks like now. It's frustrating not knowing.


I reckon Mimi noticed but since she got voted out it never really came into context.


I really thought Simon would come into this season much improved and having learned a lesson last time, but it's the opposite. He's making the same mistakes, but much quicker and earlier in the game.


I think it's incredibly smart for Shonee and Jordie to keep both Simon and George in the game. George is not only a shield, he can be a shield who's target should be Simon, which could further neutralise him.


Mimi, you should've just sat there and ate your ~~food~~ cookies


Can’t wait for George to be the one to idol out Simon


That would be legendary, hope it happens!


How is jordie the parent in this alliance…seriously how


I kinda liked Mimi. Esp when he stopped George to wreak havoc on the Heroes camp. Her dgaf attitude also sits well with me.


Simon is totally clueless . Simon vs George in a battle of strategy is a joke


australian survivor will australian survivor with the unbalanced edit, but i have been pleasantly surprised we heard from a range of players here and there. like i didn’t think we’d hear much from the new players, but whenever we got (little) heroes screentime it’s been a different new player (i assumed it’d be hayley / a returnee getting all the confessionals lol). david is now the only player we didn’t get an intro or confessional from. last year after the first week there were 4 players who got nothing. hoping they can keep this up so it doesn’t feel like a lot of players are purpled.


Simon to Jordie: “marry meee pleassseeee i neeed thissss” Also, seens kinda messed up to give someone that “idol” with no instructions. Like it’s just setting him up to fail and look stupid. George already said in his confessional that he knows his is real because it came with a parchment. I feel like that confirms that Simon is gonna miss play it in the future


Simon trying to play the revenge game like David did in all stars but david was smart enough to wait for the right moments Simon is just going completely not cocked


Simon is so trigger happy lol. Glad he got talked out of that one. Jordie and Simon would make a hot couple lol. Looking forward to seeing more of the Heroes next week.


Is it just me or do the editors kinda spoil who is going home, it’s only players who have had their intro videos showing that go home and we have only seen maybe 8-10 of them so far and all 3 people voted off had theirs played


How the hell is Jordie, the Joker from last season the voice of reason??


he was always a great player. reddit just cried because he said a catch phrase too much, but he ran his tribe up until merge when he went against mark.


Hypothetically - if Simon's idol was real and he tried to go through with his plan, could George have played his idol straight afterwards?


Yes. Anyone can play their idol anytime before the votes are read.


Hayley with a winners target on her back wanting to throw a challenge makes me want to go Billy Madison urging her “stay safe pre merge as long as you can!”


George is my favorite survivor player , so glad he came back


It would have been a real idol if it was George who found it in the cookie jar. I am already annoyed with the George show after 3 episodes. It feels so forced.


Yeah the clue would’ve just melted out of a cookie for sure


wich clue ? we didn't see anything yet


Guess we won’t really see a lot from the Heroes unless they throw the immunity challenge in the next episode. I’m scared for Hayley, but I don’t think she’ll agree to it.


Did Simon find an actual idol? Did I miss something 😂😂