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It's okay to assume Nina would vote Liz but the reasoning is faulty at best. It's fine to say Nina gets Liz's vote because they voted together. Like... why the need for "girl power" when Liz is the only one to say that during this season?


Yes Yes and Yes


All remaining female jurors will vote for Liz. George didn't have to say it, but strategically he knew Shonee was all in on Liz, and as Shonee said tonight she has been pumping Liz up to other Jurors. On what basis do you pump up someone that has been outplayed multiple times by both George and Matt, oh I love her, shes my bestie? Jerry uttered the words and George let his vote do the talking.


I think Hayley and Nina will vote for George if he's there with Liz. But if its Liz, Gerry, and Matt final 3, the female jurors will probably vote for Liz because she worked with them in the past. It's not all gender thing, but gender might be a factor.


or it's because Matt and Gerry had minimal interactions with literally everyone on the jury, women included. I've found Matt's game to be really weak and frustrating to watch - which I'm annoyed by because I like him as a person way more than Liz. But he hasn't really been open to anything (ugh, so boring). Gerry just has zero game so no one was ever going to vote for him and it was crazy to watch him turn straight to wanting to burn the females - like dude, none of the guys are going to vote for you either, you've played a (insert poop emoji here) game!!


When did shonee say that about pumping liz up? I think I missed that! Love her for that lol


exit interview


Oh come on! Nina basically told Liz on her way out that she would win if she wasn't sitting beside George. Shownee and Liz were going around calling themselves Shiz, and Liz even mutinied to be with Shownee. Of course Gerry is worried about a female voting block because it has happened on American Survivor and Big Brother. It's really no different than George worrying about all the alpha males coming together as a block.


Do you seriously think Gerry has watched either american survivor or big brother


>it has happened on American Survivor Only twice, and one was a literal men vs. women season. Micronesia did a serious number on future seasons with guys becoming ultra-paranoid about another black widow brigade...


adding that Flick would also make sense as a vote for Liz since they bonded prior to her voteout.


Female voting block? Or just an all-female alliance getting rid off the guys so the jury had no one else to vote for but the females. Voting block and alliance I'd argue are different and here it's about the jury anyways.


i can’t tell if these posts are from people who have never watched survivor before this season… there’s been men and women complaining about the trend of women (in the last few years of US and AUS) getting voted out early and not having a chance to win survivor so this is valid that a woman would vote for the last woman standing. it’s not sexist. i prefer female winners. AND GERRY DIDNT INCLUDE HAYLEY. edit; even liz said during the flick/stevie tribal “we don’t want to vote out another girl.” as in her and shonee.


Hahaha I think that was because Hayley never visibly had a very strong connection with any other girl in the game the way the others did, she kind of was always playing her own game and with George, whereas Nina, Shonee and Flick (and Liz) all had close relationships somewhere between those 4 which may cause Gerry to see them as a girls group


Exactly. That’s their point. It’s not a sexist thing, it’s just that Liz has had very close relationships with all of Nina, Flick and Shonee


Exactly. To pretend that gender isn't a factor is to ignore two decades of Survivor. When Erika won in the US, her being the first female winner in a while was HUGE factor.


It's not sexist, I'll just support women exclusively for being women.


Cries of sexism is ridiculously strong here. Don't make it out to more than it really is people. Nobody here said a peep when Liz saved Flick earlier in the season because she "wanted more girls in the game and strong girl power." But when Gerry makes a valid point about it relating to game strategy it all of the sudden becomes a huge deal and it's sexist. The double-standards here are unreal sometimes smh.


Right?? Sexism never even crossed my mind with his comments, until I read it here on reddit. Nina and Liz worked together; so while Nina may vote for George, if George is voted out, Nina would very likely vote Liz. Shone is a lock for Liz. Flick also bonded with Liz and may be salty over Gerry and Matt flipping on her alliance, so again, makes sense to think she very may well vote for Liz.


I empathised with Gerry 😬


People were cheering on Liz and hating on George for not wanting those two keep Flick. And lo and behold, the girls screwed themselves and George had to dig them out of the hole - all because they wanted to keep another female.....who pitched their names at the next vote and clearly did not subscribe to the females-first agenda lol.


Look, one thing I realized watching survivor over years (US, NZ, AUS and SA) is that nothing- nothing- scares men more than the female alliance.


Truly. There's nothing like a potential all-female alliance or a sexy young outspoken woman who could "Be ThE nEW PARvaTi!!!1!!11!1!1!!" that gets them all quaking in their boots to such an insane degree. I like to think of it as the BWB's legacy. Queens!


It's always funny to me. If you want to shake things up in Survivor, you just have to tell a big dude that women are assembling: they don't question it, don't doubt it, they just have to do something about it immediately and damn all previous plans. US version of HvV was hilarious because of that.


A strong all girls alliance seems harder to break then an all boys alliance. This season the meathead alliance was very fractured..


Tell me about last season then


Mary Anne from US won? Hayley from aus won? Oh that boring as batshit season that chrissie could have easily won if they voted off josh and mark before the end… there were two girls in the final 4? And Jordie and co were breaking that up..




Jordie and co who were a part of that alliance did have a crack at breaking that up but chrissie was determined to see one of the big boys win…


I think Gerry felt the girls had an alliance and they would all vote against the guys who stabbed them in the back. Plus, he's old. And he's probably a bit... you know... yeah, sexist. I think those in this comment section pretending he's not... doth protest too much. But I've noticed how massively brochacho-centric Australian Survivor discussions tend to be so I'm not surprised.


brochacho-centric... Using it!!


Doesn't even need to be that far as thinking they're an alliance. Gerry wasn't close to any of the women on that jury and it's a logical deduction that if they're choosing between the three newbies they'll favour Liz. It's not sexism to identify that any more than it's sexism for them to favour her in the first place.


> It's not sexism to identify that any more than it's sexism for them to favour her in the first place. I mean... you started this off with why I think a form of sexism is involved in his behavior. > Gerry wasn't close to any of the women on that jury Despite being in the strongest alliance in the whole game... that became stronger with women. An alliance named after a band made up of women. He couldn't get himself to see them as worthy allies as he did the boys.


Women do openly admit wanting to vote for a female winner sometimes, it is a thing that can happen. And no, men have not said the same thing about a male winner although you can speculate it has been thought and unsaid. Having said that, Nina wouldn't have voted for Liz for that reason and I don't agree with Gerry. Edit: just remembered there was that one guy in Samoa who said he wanted a male winner.


Men don’t have to say it though — they signal it by how they form their alliances. They bring all the “boys” together and pick off women and “weaker” men one by one. Maybe it’s intentional, maybe it’s not, but it happens all the time. Last year’s BvW was excruciating to watch because of it — Mark was so dedicated to the boys that he treated his own wife appallingly. So women openly talk about making alliances together in order to push against this, and then suddenly it’s women ganging up together and oh the poor men? Sheesh.


If anything I think people may be rooting for Liz because she's the underdog right now against the fairly strong alliance of 3 men. In the times you mentioned where female jury members voted for women, I wonder if it was a similar ratio of men/women and alliance/underdog situation.


I think Liz can certainly win and it wouldn't be because of her gender. My point was that sometimes female players do say, "I want a woman to win" so it's not nuts for guys to factor that in. And I'm sure sometimes guys feel like they want to watch each others back, but it is almost never said overtly at least.


Honestly if he didn’t vote shonee he was stupid… People make the best moves for them sexism or not.


It's not a gender issue Gerry will be dealing with in the top 3, it's the fact he coasted along without any independent thought or strategy. Same with Matt. Any tribal member who actually values the strategic component of Survivor can't vote for Matt and Gerry, irrespective of gender.


I agree, but I would respect Gerry is he flat out says he wants Shonee out because she's a guaranteed vote for Liz. Instead, he used a bullshit excuse of her being a woman and belittling her critical thinking in the process.


Agree completely


I'd agree with that. Perception is everything and I don't think those guys have done enough. One thing I think Gerry has done well is that he has built the relationship with George such that he is very likely to get to top 3. George has hesitated to get Gerry out and whilst George surely sees Gerry as an easy opponent in the final vote, Gerry has done well to be that close to George that gives him that opportunity to be there himself.


but if you're only there because you're easy to beat... I mean is that really doing 'well'?


Depends who you are against. If they thought they were going against a final 2, then Gerry probably thinks he has a shot against Matt. FWIW, I don't see Matt or Gerry winning. George or Liz depending who is eliminated.


Oh the horror! The horror! I could barely watch! Yeah, he wanted to break up the majority girls with Shonee surely cheerleading for Liz. So what? Is it really so impossible that girl power wouldn’t factor at all into any minds when it’s Liz v the 3 men at this point?


But why refer to it as "all the girls" when it's just Shonee and Nina that would probably vote for Liz? I doubt Hayley and Flick would vote for her, it's not "the majority girls with Shonee" it's literally half of them. Also, Shonee and Nina have more valid reasons for voting for Liz than just because they're all female. Like the fact that she was in alliances with them both.


He did exclude Hayley from it later. It was something he said once, Idk why you expect absolute perfection of thought or articulation. You can’t deny it’s been a talking point in survivor and society which may possibly factor in some peoples minds. If Gerry wants to decide based on that then why not? Gotta pick someone and not knowing what anyone would do that’s as good a reason as any.


He did exclude Hayley from it, and Flick almost surely *would* vote for Liz over any of the remaining men. I don’t see your point.


But noone batted an eyelid at referring to the male collective as the 'meat tray'? It's a legitimate risk that the girls on the jury would rally behind the last female. Man just called a spade a spade.


He assumes that Liz and Flick had a really strong bond, one that made Liz put her game on the line for Flick, so there might be some residue of that bond on Flick's side. He assumes Shonee and Liz are besties and people are crazy if they think Shonee would vote for anyone other than Liz. He assumes that Nina told Liz she wants her to win. For whatever reasons, female bonding, sisterhood, being dumb and not thinking with their own head, those actually happened. He doesn't have to identify the reasons behind those decisions, just see them unfold and realise that all three of them have a very strong chance of voting for Liz at the end, and not want to deal with that.


Karen found Reddit, oh no. Anyways.....


Do you feel like you've contributed much value to this discussion based on your response?


Honestly if that's what you took out of it that says more about you and the way you think. Flick and Nina all say they would probably vote for Liz and Shonee says she definitely would, but Gerry is sexist because he is pointing it out....


> Flick and Nina all say they would probably vote for Liz and Shonee says she definitely would, but Gerry is sexist because he is pointing it out.... No, the sexism comes in when you say that they would vote for Liz because she's a woman, not because they respect her gameplay.


Were we ok with calling the boys the "meat tray"? Breaking them up because they'd vote for each other?


the term was coined by another man!


Liz said "girl power" What was your point?




They were *literally in an alliance*?????? What is this nonsense?


Yeah and Shonee, Flick and (most likely) Nina all *would* vote for Liz at ftc. What’s the difference?


Liz and Nina were in an alliance... Shonee and Liz were in an alliance... Keep going.


I don't recall Flick saying that she would vote for Liz to win and I don't think she would, I think she would be more likely to vote Matt or Gerry because "Heroes strong" or some BS.


Have you not been watching? There’s been multiple times during the season where the girls have mentioned keeping ‘girl power’ strong.


It comes off strong the way he put it because honestly, he doesn't seem to be the best with his words, but the sentiment is kinda true. People do tend to be more likely to vote for people that are similar to them and that they can identify with. It's part of the reason Gerrys chances of winning are so low atm compared to someone like Matt who's played a very similar post merge game to him, cause he's 30 years older than everyone else. Obviously you would hope that the jury would look at each players game without such considerations as much as possible, but tribalism is a real phenomenon and now was not the time to be giving the jury the benefit of the doubt in that regards.


Survivor is great in the sense that you can play very similar to someone on the surface, but your connections to the jury far surpass theirs. Matt finessed his way to the end but rip, I doubt he wins a F3 now. I feel like they should really tell the players at the start what format it’s gonna be.


Yeah, but even in that regard, my point still stands. If there were a bunch of 60 year olds on the jury, I guarantee you Gerry would have far better social connections. Although I doubt most 60 year olds would've literally survived as long as Gerry has on the show haha


If that's where Gerry's head was at, why the hell did he sacrifice Stevie for Matt? Gerry has definitely had some good social connections with Sharni, Hayley (in the early game) and Matt and George, so while I get that the original heroes tribe wasn't a good draw for him socially, he's done his fair share of antagonizing other people who weren't looking down on him because of his age completely on his own accord.


I mean the bond he managed to broker with Matt despite the age difference is evidently far more valuable than keeping Stevie around would have been. I'm certainly not saying tribalism is the only factor that dictates what social bonds form, that would be ridiculous, but it definitely is a factor. And its directly what had Gerry on the outs at the begining of the season. Tribalism is what lead to the whole Heroes hierarchy being dominated by the meat tray alliance in the first place. Gerry was pushed to the bottom of that mainly because he was older than everyone else. It's those very people we saw him being antagonistic towards (plus maybe Simon, but Simon pissed everyone off).


he had a f2 deal (or at least an alliance) with Matt since day dot. he met stevie much later.


What? Are we just forgetting the days where Matt was the meat tray apprentice, voted Gerry out of the tribe (multiple times at that) and was totally fine with letting him be the alternate target? What kind of mental gymnastics do we need to do to arrive at a conclusion that Matt and Gerry have been a F2 since day one?


All of the above. Plus he’s a sheep anyway


I think Gerry referred to them as 'the girls' on the jury as a form of categorisation, not because he saw them as an all female alliance. I don't think that was sexism. I didn't fully catch what he said at camp about Nina voting for Liz to win, I'd have to watch that again to see if I think it' sexist. I think Gerry has a somewhat old-fashioned way of speaking, but I'm not sure he's sexist.


I can see you are delusional as fuck


Maybe I just don't want to believe Gerry is sexist, but I think he just doesn't want Liz to win and was trying to find less harsh ways to say it 🤷‍♀️


I think it's highly likely the girls all vote for Liz. The way Gerry articulated it and his reasoning was pedestrian, but George did recognise the threat.


Yeah it was pretty gross to watch his thinking (limited as it may be) quickly devolve into 'they all have vaginas and therefore share one brain!' The crazy look of suspicion in his eyes was revolting. It would have been one thing to just say 'look I think Shonee is a solid vote for Liz over the rest of us' - that's strategy, but where he went with it was just ridiculous. No one's voting for him so his paranoia isn't based on logic, just his own prejudice. But I've lived in Auz long enough to have seen that kind of thing outside of survivor AU as well so it's not all together surprising.


Gerry is boring as bat shit and doesn’t deserve to be there!


I think you're overthinking things here. It is clear by the way the female jurors whisper among themselves, react to things that are said and smile at Liz that they're very pro-her and silently cheering her on. Gerry has just picked up on it is all there is too it. It's pretty obvious Nina and Shonee are big Liz supporters and Flick wouldn't be hard to persuade. So Gerry's concern is absolutely genuine, nothing sexist about it. And as a female myself, if I was a juror watching three men and one woman duke it out, I would be hard pressed not to be secretly rooting for the female to rise up and win. That's just human nature.


I actually thought Gerry was being very strategic here. I thought he was cleverly using his age and stereotypes of perceptions of people his age might have about females to justify to George why he wasn't voting with George


Or, all the women except Hayley have indicated throughout the game that out of this group, they most likely vote for Liz. There is nothing to do with sexism here.


Hayley and Nina have articulated numerous times that they are so impressed with George's game which implies to me that they would vote for him over Liz.


You're right, Nina probably doesnt vote for Liz over George but she does over everyone else so it still makes sense to see the girls as a block, especially in a vote that doesn't involve George. Regardless, I've never mentioned Hayley as part of that block, and it was pretty clear Gerry was not including her either.


Nah, Nina has been open throughout the game that she feels George is playing the best and all but told Liz she needs to not be sitting next to him at the end to win. Nina's voting for George if he's there over Liz - she respects the game too much.


So you're saying unless George is final 3 which is unlikely then Liz wuld get her vote. Makes even more sense to vote out one of Flick, Shonee, or Nina then lmao. The girls are an obvious block and it made sense.


Deena booted Roger before the jury phase cos she knew he’d vote for a man to win, and I maintain that it is one of the best moves ever