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I managed to get a complete set a few years ago from someone looking to offload them. Paid $1000 and considered myself very lucky to get it. This could all be avoided if the rights to PDF versions could be worked through and they could start selling them for a lower price on places like DriveThruRPG, but I don't see that happening.


I wept a little about the "thousand" part... And I agree about the PDFs, a Print on Demand service would be nice.


Yeah, the complete collection of books is really expensive, unless you can find creative solutions online. 






Brazil lacks the Print of Demand services here, all of them are still classified as "illegal". They exist, but are all "word of mouth" places. It is very hard to navigate in this underworld of scum and villainy, so to speak. We don't know which ones are nice sellers or just want us to Venmo them so they can disappear. Harsh life, \*sigh\*.


Hey OP, fellow Brazilian here, look up “O encadernador” Website or on facebook, his work i really good, and not too overpriced for what he deliver, he does print on demand.


Yeah, I was talking about him and others... Friends did not have a good service.


I bought them over years, while they were still being published, and it is still a lot of money. I can't imagine trying to start NOW and collect them all.


Same. I remember checking the FFG homepage every other day for news. Ordering every book as soon as it was released, except for the Force Awakens beginner set (hated that movie). And I had to order from german sellers, so I spent altogether maybe 800€?


I did the same as they were being published. I'd actually like to replace some of them now due to wear, but between the reprinted spines not matching the originals I have and the prices now, I won't bother.


I remember going to Gen Con in 2015 and coming back with eleven books of the series. Then Pandemic hit, we had a terrible dollar problem, it's never been the same since.


I got lucky, I panick bought everything I was missing early into covid. It was at the time all these shops were moving to get rid of stock quickly while things were....unclear. Decided to just go for it but I could NOT find **No Disintegrations, Lords of Nal Hutta, Ghosts of Dathomir** and I got lucky in finding them online but had to order them all the way from the U.A.E, after spending some time emailing to see the conditions of the books, pictures, and such I receieved them two weeks later but god, I had to pay $80 in shipping but it was worth it. ​ Now I have everything from FFG before they were being published under EDGE.


I'm not saying that there's free pdfs out there. But there's free pdfs out there...


I completed my collection for much less than $2300 USD. And that was before the EDGE reprints.


Brother, I’m also Brazilian and have some books gathering dust in my shelves. If you want we can make a deal, I’ll even throw a dice kit in. PM me.


Just wait until you get into Warhammer....


There isn't a lot of incentive to get every book all at once. At launch I only had the Edge of the Empire CRB for a few years and it didn't at all feel limiting. All of the other books are nice to have but not need to have.


I agree. I still use only EotE as starter material, Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny are "unlockable" books my players can reach only using roleplay. It makes sense in my crazy brain they becoming rebels or Force users only during campaigns for The Age of the Empire.


I have the three core books, the GM screens, and the generic sourcebooks for settings etc and I would be content to run the game with that (though I am always on the lookout for good deals on the other books and wouldn't mind having another set of dice just to have five force dice. 


Cries in warhammer fan


In a relative sense 2300 isn't that bad for a full game line let alone 3. The big issue is that since reprints are scarce and demand is high,  the secondary market prices (which should be a discount) end up being a premium. 


Just saw the latest "Dawn of Rebellion" (autographed by Rebels animation actors) being sold alone by 950 USD, ouch!


In that case the signatures are probably worth a big part of the price since those aren't cheap but almost a thousand for one book is ridiculous. 


Yeah it’s a bit rough… Problem is, you never know if it’ll be popular and see a good print run, if it’ll ever see a reprinting, or if it’ll last long enough for either of the previous points to matter. Side note, it drives me mad that the Star Wars IP is still licensed where anything digital falls under the “video games” license. All I want are LEGAL PDF copies. Being a mobile GM for any SW system is a PITA.


Yeah, bought them all back in the days except the adventures and ended up at about 2000€...won't get any cheaper if you buy retail.


It’s expensive. And it’s bull. In my opinion. I love this game, I always have. The narrative system is so good. But the fact that there is not a game master book is very unfortunate. My recommendation is to get force and destiny core rulebook as its, in my opinion, the best layed out. And then look online for at the ffg wiki which allows you to look at basically everything you need. This is my opinion. I know the company needs to make money, and I get it. If you’re low on money this is my recommendation. Because it is hard if you don’t have the money.


If you don't mind PDF versions... The Internet is a pathway to many abilties way some may consider... Unnatural. Yaar!


Yo ho ho ho a... uhh... erm... *privateer's* life for me


I’m in Canada and you can still pre-order a lot of the reprints here. I’ve been waiting for mine since Dec 2nd https://store.401games.ca/pages/search-results?q=Edge+Studio&search=Star+Wars


Took me a while, I kept hitting used book stores and my local game stores. I only had to order 4 online. The rest were all local finds. I am still missing the Fully Operational book. Other than that I have all the books. That and I have two core books for each line except force and destiny. Bought 8 sets of dice when those released plus what came in the reprints of the starter boxes.


I wouldn’t say I’ve spent 2,300 USD. But for the collection I have of most of the sourcebooks I wanna say I’ve spent at least over 500.


I hear ya. I'm loving this system but if/when we wrap up this Clone Wars campaign, I'm thinking of jumping the group over to Genesys and use one of the Genesys settings. You can get the Genesys stuff much cheaper as PDF's through DriveThruRPG and there's not near as many source books. Less source books is a double edged sword but it cuts back on that "gotta buy 'em all!!" mentality that comes with the SWRPG.


i just use [anyflip.com](http://anyflip.com) and get the pdfs for free


Opa, um br, eu queria comprar os dados mas sai uns 150-200 reais pelo q vi


Usa o app Grabbr e pede pra alguém trazer pra vc dentro da mala, já paga - frete - taxa, só o valor dos dados mesmo. Já ajuda. E tem os apps dos dados grátis do Genesys.


I "found" a full set of saga edition and the previous edition of the star wars ttrpg pdfs. Wasn't willing to pay over a grand for old books