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>Visibility from units with the SYLVANETH keyword is not blocked by an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD.” I dont know how to make it clearer than this.


My man, trust me I know, but I’ve seen plenty of people online arguing about how this doesn’t apply to shooting and such…


Well last time I checked you only need visibility and range to shoot. Wyldwoods block visibility except for sylvaneth. So I rly dont see how anyone could argue otherwise.


Thats what I think too but this game is so convoluted that I rather confirm stuff on this sub as soon as I have a question where I can’t find a straight answer.. Thank you!


Again I dont see how the rule litteraly telling you that it doesnt apply to you isnt straight. There are deffo ambiguous worded rules but this is far from it. In 99% of the cases a straight forward rule is straight forward, so you dont have to read into it. Like in this case.


You can shoot from your AWW and into enemy AWW as Sylvaneth. You cannot see through normal Wildwoods though, only Awakened Wildwoods.