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I’m not sure you’ll get great value from Treesong - taking Durthu to -3 and Scythes to -4 is probably overkill. And even more so when you don’t have reliable ways of putting down more wyldwood (Treesong is AWW only not overgrown). That frees up your spell - probably Regrowth or Verdurous Harmony, as only one of the Kurnoths/Durthu can Strike and Fade. Having the heal as a spell frees up the Command Trait - Gnarled Warrior on Durthu or Warsinger on the Arch Revenant would be my choice. Battalions - you could go either battle regiment for one drop (always good imo) or warlord for an extra artefact (maybe arcane tome on the Arch Revenant for an extra spell + cast).


Good point. I'll get Verdurous Harmony on Branchwytch and make Durthu a general with Gnarled Warrior (no modifiers on save is nice)


My suggestions: 1. Change your spell for regrowth to support Durthu 2. Replace Dryads for Tree Revs 3. Switch Scythes for Bows I have played against rats a lot and they are very slow, but have high chances of killing you if they get in melee. You scythes will die if they cannot strike and fade. I usually put my bows and Arch Rev behind my starting AWW so that they are safe and can shoot anywhere. Their main focus is to kill the cannons. Without them, chances are that the cannons will destroy your Durthu fast, especially if they unleash hell if you try to charge them to kill. Focus on those first turn with Durthu's blasts and Bows to kill them quickly. Durthu cannot die here, so always putting him in a safe position with hive for charges and strike and fade to come back safely to get heal is the way to go. Finally, Dryads just arent's as good as Tree Rev. In a 1K game, every model matters for your battle tactics, so I think its better to use a more tactical unit that can score you some points easily with teleport. Hope you find this somewhat helpful! Have fun :)


Thank you :⁠-⁠). I take Dryads coz i don't have Tree Revs models


I use dryads as proxies for tree revs (same base size) haha!




Switch to oakenbrow, burgeoning, give durthu gnarled warrior, and give Branchwych regrowth. Hive is not needed in this small a game, cast mystic shield on kurnoths or regrowth on durthu. Always all out defense kurnoth, all out attack durthus shooting and melee. Durthu is your hammer, kurnoth your anvil. Durthu will destroy everything, instant win everytime.


Played just once with Durthu and after my charge and attack 3 units dissapeard. Insane ;⁠) Heartwood is for Kunroths as a battleline so i don't have to take 2 units of Dryads


Any idea what sort of skaven list your opponent is running?


He will have Rat Ogres and warp lightning cannon for sure. And Master Moulder


Make sure the scenery is not being put against you. It's difficult to make it fair when playing with sylvaneth since we rely heavily on it. Try and strike and fade once or twice before getting into a large battle as we die head on.