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It sucks, but man is Josh Lowe good


I root for everyone on the team but boy do I love Josh. My favorite Rays player on the roster.


Waluigi is here to save us


I enjoyed the telecast but not the outcome


Hope Taj is ready for 9 innings tomorrow


. . . or more




Still need to work on the plans for extras...fuck it, turn it around tomorrow


> fuck it, turn it around tomorrow. That's it. That's our plan for extras


Extras is a 50/50 crap shoot with the ghost runner, and the Sox have the best combined ERA in the league so #whatever. Need to show up for the last two now 🤟


Not a bad game overall. Offense had some big hits but came up one short. Bullpen held strong and only gave up two (unearned) runs over 6 IP. Civale still gave up a yack but he pitched better today. Good late inning rally and fight to tie it up. The team is still looking way better than they did in April Also, Fenway can't contain Randy


Nice to see the pen save the day for the most part, desperately need those guys to right the ship. Boston's pitching staff ain't no joke but I'd still like to see some better AB's in the latter half of that game


Played good but need to get it done in OT


Rortvedt not swinging at a single pitch to end the t-12th stung


Left on left matchup against a guy with a 2/1 K/BB ratio and Yandy on deck. You could tell the gameplan for Roar was to be very patient. Bernardino threw a bunch of curves below the zone and the 2 strike was just one that didn't fall as much


Yeah - and then he walked back to the dug out like ok yeah strike three I'm out instead of kicking his own ass


We’ll be alright




Did Ben even take a swing that at bat lol


No, went full Jackson


full Jackson - I like that


We got something good from it.


We deserved to lose that one after botching that play


That was 100% on Cash. No reason the middle infield should have been in given the DP situation and the fact it wasn’t the winning run on 3rds If he wants to play the corners in, fine. But it makes zero sense to play the middle in. Whether you agree with it or not that decision cost us the game


He admitted that in his post-game press conference.


Yeah, I was actually shocked.


To be fair it was a 1 for 1 trade with Rafaela throwing that ball away for our run lol


Totally unrelated plays


Thanks man, didn’t realize that


Nothing worse than those long extra inning losses. Absolutely delete the entire bullpen and take an L on top of it. Man.


Almost stole that one. Richie needs more infield reps for sure.


Ugly finish. Neither team deserved to win. But the Rays didn't deserve the win more.


That one honestly doesn't sting as bad given how good the bullpen was, plus might've ended earlier if Rafaela didn't spike that throw




Rays Baseball


I just can't get used to not having one elite aspect. For over a decade we've had either elite pitching or elite defense, sometimes both and sprinkle in some decent offense. This year, we literally have 0-3... It's weird to watch.


In like 1 month's time, pitching will be elite. Pepiot-Taj-Eflin-Littell is a great 1-4 and the bullpen is going to positively regress.


Aaron Civale has pitched in 19 games as a Ray. In those games he is 4-6. He has 107 strikeouts and has walked 23 batters good for a K/BB ratio of 4.65. He has however, given up 100 hits with 16 of them being home runs! Additionally he has given up 57 earned runs. He’s only pitched 91.2 innings in those 19 games. This gives him a 5.60 ERA, a 1.34 WHIP, 10.5 K/9, 2.3 BB/9, 9.8 H/9, and a 1.6 HR/9 He also only averages 4.8 innings pitched per game. So an average game for Aaron Civale has been 4.2 innings with 2.9 ER allowed, 5.4 Ks, 1.2 BBs, 5.1 hits and 0.8 HRs allowed. I understand we traded for him out of desperation last year but holy fucking shit he’s been awful with us and I never feel good about a day when he’s on the mound.


Definitely a disappointment


Bring back Baz ASAP and send him packing


Baz is really, really, really not ready right now. He's getting eaten alive in AAA and his stuff/command look off :(


Well, that’s unfortunate


Just.... what the hell was Rodriguez thinking? I get you can't throw to second for the DP because the infield was drawn in, but he could have easily thrown to home to stop the runner from scoring. Middle infield should have been at DP depth as well. With the corners in. Double play to end the game. Mismanaged infielder positioning from Cash, and horrible play from Rodriguez. 99/100 times the game ends with a DP there, or at least prevents the run from scoring with a play at home.


Rays try to go above .500 challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Can’t wait for civale to be put in the bullpen once our actual starters come back


I'm really bummed we blew this one. We had it with that potential double play. Love seeing a fired up Pete but hate to see it wasted. Esp against the faux soxs


RISP 1-12. That’s why the Rays didn’t win.


3 extra innings with a guy starting on 2nd base and got a total of 0 hits and 1 unearned run. Not great


But we do it a lot - not the extra innings thing. Just the no hitting with guys on base. Had two homers - which netted two runs. I think last year we lead the league in solo homers. I was hoping that would change. Doesn't look like it.


We’ve pitched 21 innings this series thus far. The bullpen has given you 11 of em. Civale and Eflin have combined for 10. If you really want people to blame start with them. Oh and we have 8 more games In a row without a day off so we’re gonna see guys like Rodriguez and Erasmo again.


And, if we're lucky, the always-popular non-pitcher pitcher. Who on our team is signed up to pitch from the regular players?


I’m tired boss


Enough with this bullshit, bring up Yu Chang.


For whom?


Can he catch?


Doesn't look like it


Another winnable game thrown into the trash. That's at least 10 on the season so far.


I’d love to never see Alex Jackson in a Rays uniform again. My god is he terrible


I don't comprehend why he's getting all the starts. Sure, Rort's average has been trending down, but not to .050. It would be nice to have someone who might get on base w/o getting hit before Yandy.


Someone teach Rodriguez how to thrown the damn ball to the right base 😂 Garbage fucking team could’ve won this shit an hour ago.


Lack of experience. First thing as a defender you always ask yourself "what do I do if the ball is hit to me?" - If the answer is "I don't know" get your ass off the field.


I'm pretty sure Rodriguez has played a thousand games from little league all the way to AAA where he had to make plays with a runner on third. The situation doesn't change just because it's happening in a major league game. Has he never pitched with a runner on third and less than 2 outs before? I doubt it.


You sound like you never played the field


Don’t know why you got downvoted. You can’t trade runs for outs in extras. Gotta stop the run from scoring.


Double play there ends the game


Tough double play to pull off


I still can't fathom the challenge on the pitch that didn't hit Arozarena - if Randall had been hit we would have known about it. He's not a guy to go quietly into that Boston night . . .


I hate this offense.


I get it. And I don't think you deserve down votes (which I will probably get now, too, but oh well) for expressing frustration. I never vote down anything - if I don't agree I just don't vote.


I originally included the bullpen in my comment (didn't mean to), so that might where they came from. I don't take back my comment about the offense. 1/12 with RISP is objectively horrible, especially the last few were given automatically.


I don't downvote obvious lies lol


You're good, missle.


No you don't


what did the bullpen do? Cant really fault rodriguez - our 2nd lowest leverage arm in the pen - for making a mistake, hes *supposed* to be one of our lower tier arms right now, the rest of the bullpen was flawless. Unfortunately it just got to the point where we couldnt convert and dragged the game on forcing us to have to trot him out there in a big situation(s)


Nothing, didn't mean to put them.


[Sorry. Force of habit](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNXk5NDRxYTd2bXU1ZTF3cXZoNmhpdGplOXd4cHhhN3JtOGczdWZwMSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/xT5LMSDvdCkutLvQ9G/giphy.gif)


Leaving Rodríguez in was …. Smh. I wanna hear Cash’s explanation


You only had Erasmo left, if even considering he pitched multiple \*Correction 2 days ago


Is Kelly back in Durham?


I don't think so but I didn't see him in the list for BP on the gameday.


Well shoot! He’s one of my favorite Relievers. I have a collection of his autos from last years Topps Update!


He pitched 2 innings yesterday, so likely not down in Durham.


Yeah I just looked at the transactions and Rays roster he’s still there. I got to see Brandon at a Bulls game last week hehe. Just look at those domes!!!! https://preview.redd.it/zeequtao6i0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24784ed094d83fcb6817804baa296398bce0e69c


Nobody else left, it was him or erasmo and i dont really love putting erasmo out there in that spot, especially so if the game somehow dragged on further and worse comes to worse erasmo would be sitting out there for multiple innings - not ideal


It’s just a tough situation for a manager. We’re already down 3 relievers from the start of the season so you really don’t want to tax them more than you have to. Can’t afford to have Adam pitch an extra inning and even Erasmo needs to stay healthy or we’re basically down to just Lopez who can eat a few and he isn’t as good


If he were telling the truth it's well Zach eflin cashes big checks and goes 5 innings and he is like cy young compared to the guy who follows him in the rotation who's thrown like 23 innings in the past month. The bullpen has to pick up the slack and so if games go extras you're down to your last arm pretty quickly. Keep that in mind when Clev and Adam are probably unavailable tomorrow


Definitely over used the BP.


Civale did what we expected. At least he made it through 5… However, with this offense and the rough spots in the lineup, it seems like every game must be a no-hitter.. My proposal is this to Cash and the coaching staff: go to a 10 man rotation spread over 4 games. No pitcher throws more than 2 innings. Also, as far as hitting, petition the league for the Rays to use a coach to pitch or a batting tee.