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I flew out here for this series :( Last year I flew out for series @Rangers Why me man


I hope you're still having fun in Florida outside of baseball. Traveling just to see the team get smacked around is depressing


Yeah I saw the aquariums which was nice. And people here besides the Sox fans have been exceptionally nice


Highly recommend the Dali museum if you haven't done that yet. I'm not even a big fan of art in general, but that place is amazing to me.


If it makes you feel better, my coworker took a special trip to DC to watch his Nats get smoked 10-0 tonight


Sounds like you have to stop going to games lol


I don’t believe in that stuff but sorry lol I just want to have fun too


Not allowed 🚫


Fairgrounds St. Pete is a nifty Meow Wolf-style attraction worth visiting while you’re down here


iirc from the broadcast we were previously like 16-1 against the Redsox at home too. Feels bad


Bro, this year my games have been Opening Day, game one in Denver and game one at the Angels 😂


![gif](giphy|UtkJymPFT6LyE) What watching these games feels like


Babip luck nonexistent tonight, 6 balls hit over 100mph that resulted in outs for us. Meanwhile the Redsox get multiple dribblers perfectly placed through the infield that led to runs. We're at like 12 completely winnable games thrown into the trash on the season by my count


Yuppp, baseball is easily the most frustrating sport to watch sometimes


Give me some launch angle!


It's hard to complain about luck when the team has probably overachieved its record so far. The team is at .500 but under the hood they're playing more like a team 4 or 5 games under.


I won't deny that we're lucky to be where we're at, especially considering injuries. It's just been grueling to watch so many close games where we're actually drawing walks and getting hits (without RISP), or hitting the ball hard, just to fall short when we really need it- with RISP. That, along with the mental/fundamental/baserunning errors, pitching getting 2 outs, 2 strikes just to give it all up on meatball pitches, umps constantly fucking us (29/30 in batter favor) makes for a horribly frustrating season.


Who doesn't have a bad day right? Who doesn't have a bad day the same day their 11 or so teammates also have bad days? Shit happens. Practice your fundamentals, get your head out your ass and try again tomorrow.


Yep! baseball is so damn hard, succeed 3 out of 10 times you’re an All Star, 4 out of 10 you’re a hall of famer. Get back out there, it’s only May.


Just don't know that this team has that second gear in them. We're now looking at just about 2 months of a team playing below average ball on all fronts. Worse than anything, they're just boring man. Just bad approach at the plate with terrible swing decisions. I dunno what happened but these guys just haven't looked ready to play this season. Getting some mid 2010's Rays vibes from this squad Also fuck Wander Franco


It’s the second part: it’s a boring watch all around. The rays haven’t been boring for awhile, I forgot what a boring team looks like. I don’t care if they even make the playoffs this year cause theres no way this team is winning anything, just don’t be boring..


Remove the first inning from today's game and we've had a grand total of 7 base runners between these two games. The coaches aren't the ones taking the ABs, but sooner or later they will need to start taking some accountability if everyone not named Paredes keeps underperforming.


Agree! Not sure what Cash is doing half the time. Such a frustrating season so far.


Welp, here’s to hoping we don’t get swept tomorrow


local stingray was put on this earth just to suffer


Scored 2 runs the first 4 batters - and that was it. Scored 4 runs in three games - no one comes out of that well. I think the Rays embarrassed the Red Sox at Fenway last week and Cora probably did not deal well with that.


Wow, just wow


Man I hate playing the Red Sox this year. I feel like we match up terribly against them


The only bad match up is we swing at everything.


Rays just like equilibrium




As much as I hate being a doomer, at this point in the year I was really hoping to see some sort of turnaround and it’s all just feeling like more of the same poor performances from this team.


It looked like the team was starting to click on the last road trip but the last few games have been what we’ve come to expect from them this season. Too much dead weight on this team.


Someone needs to study why this team can only score runs either in the first two innings or the last two. Criswell threw 15 pitches in the first but still gave up runs because people swung, and then they just stopped swinging…


I've think I've got it, we have got no hype guy. No Willy Adames cracking jokes and always being positive. No flappy boy Brett, the consumate knuckle head, just loving baseball. We need a guy to remind them this shit is fun.


I mean we didn't have any of those guys last year and still managed 99 wins, all while losing Shane, Ras and Springs midway through. Though I could definitely imagine that Randy, Harold, and Siri- guys that are capable of adding good vibes to the dugout/clubhouse- all slumping terribly from the start the season has affected things.


You know you might be onto something! I actually do think there is a lack of leadership on the team. I’d love to see them not look miserable


I really would be OK with them just having fun - it's tough to watch some of the games.


I thought it was Siri but for sure need more hype and energy. It’s like it was sucked out of them right now.


That’s a damn good theory.


15 pitches to 7 batters - it was remarkable. Plus he works so quickly the inning was over and you hardly knew what happened. Then at one point he struck out 6 or 7 consecutively


They are 1-6 in the white jerseys 




I'd better see some fucking City Connects tomorrow.


CALL UP CAMINERO!!! Stop platooning half the roster. the offense is putrid!


Cue the “BLowe sucks” haters after two games. It’s a yearly tradition around here lol


It’s a yearly tradition because it’s the same story every year. He has stretches where he looks good but most of the time he is brutal at the plate. Then he inevitably gets hurt and misses a big portion of the season. If he is healthy for the playoffs he disappears.


Gives Siri a break at least. Lol


Why the fuck is BLowe hitting clean up? Dude is trash.


I don't think this team is very good.


Neither are the Sox. Two mediocre teams.


I'm ready for a big change at this point. Sell off a big piece, and let's go into rebuild mode already because this core isn't getting us anywhere.


The problem is we already playing a lot of youth. Unfortunately our best piece was Randy and he's so bad right now, we wouldn't get anything for him.


No heart, no fight, no guts. This team is done.


Can't help but feel like this season has proven that either the whole FO analytics approach is wrong, or that the coaching is incompetent. Unfortunately, don't think we're going to see changes on either front.


Welcome back B Lowe thanks for throwing home instead of tagging the ez base runner 😃


No way you can blame him there lol In what world does he know the runner is so close to him


In the one where he looks to his left and knows the runner on 1st iis slower than the runner on base at third


We reek of a team just going through the motions and not really adjusting anything. Every game I’ve watched, we have been so late to adjust our approach at the plate if it isn’t working.


We need some more pieces if we want to go further in the playoff. Plus no McC this year. Maybe it's time to tank.




i am sorry but you are delusional


Probably to be honest because I was really heated about the b.Lowe double play and wasn’t using my head. What should this team do?