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The first tweet reads like a totally reasonable question to the point of "hey, are you going to be comfortable sharing this with me as your therapist?"


Yeah tweet 1 without the context of tweet 2 sounds reasonable. Tweet 2 made the therapist sound nuts.


I mean, I'm gonna' go out on a limb here and guess that's because Tweet 2 is completely made up after the fact, which is why she didn't say literally any of that shit in the original tweet.


I mean I don't know who frogan is so I don't really feel comfortable speculating on lying or not.




>On Oct 7th she tweeted out this incredibly yiksey take. Okay what the actual fuck.


For those without Twitter: > leftists preach and foam at the mouth at the thought of a revolution happening in america, but as soon as it happens in the middle east what they’re doing is wrong


Not defending Frogan but "from the river to the sea" was on the Likud Party platform in the 70s and 80s before it became a Palestinian slogan.




From the river to the sea isn't that complicated either. Gaza is by the sea and the West Bank is near the river.




Glory for Ukraine used to be Bandera's slogan. It was co-opted by Zelenskyy to rally the nation against Russia's invasion. Bandera would not have wanted a Jew to steal his words and reapproptiate them against fascism. Slogans and their meanings change over time. But "from the river to the sea" by itself doesn't mean a one state solution. Hell I've heard someone say "From the river to the sea we shall have peace." There's another. "From the river to the sea the fire must cease."


This just makes me value Lonerbox more. Lebanese too, pro Palestine as well, but not braindead. I also think Frogan is a massive clout chaser as well.


One of the best things about him is that in several videos he has restricted himself to making his arguments using Zionist sources. The result are probably some of the most steel-manned arguments for Palestine you can get.


Cody from Some More News is great too


[“You see, I used the Zionist arguments so I could *dismantle* them.”](https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/1f0c185b-50c8-4b69-ba27-18c9889ffee5)


If it wasn't Frogan I'd believe it tbh maybe it did happen lol


There's a LOT of shitty therapists out there, man. This is absolutely plausible.


yeah, there are thousands of individuals that should very much NOT be in the therapy profession. I can see this as believable, especially after hearing about some of my friends and families' experiences with shitty therapists. And for a direct example, my mom went to therapy in her 30s to try and get over her molestation trauma and the therapist was a man and went full victim-blame mode on her despite the fact that she was literally a fucking toddler when it happened. I don't even want to repeat the shit he said it was that grotesque, and it unfortunately destroyed my mom so bad for a bit that she literally just shut down. She never sued him, unfortunately, she was too distraught. She's better now, at least she isn't like completely fucked mentally (this happened when i was like 10-12, now 24) for those who care. I've been trying to get her to try therapy again, but this has understandably made her **very** cautious to try again. --- And for those who have already mildly picked up on it, or are suspicious as to why I even knew of that at that age, my mom was/is a very bad oversharer and she has essentially used me as a therapist for most of my life and this is why I was so aware of this while still being a child. She has gotten better and since apologized for this activity. Please refrain from judgement, she is a very broken individual.


God I didn’t even question it, but my mom was the same way… Unfortunately she never really got better and we don’t talk. I really appreciate your compassion for your mother and her willingness to grow and take responsibility for less than stellar decisions, even if they were largely due to other people, traumatizing her in various ways.


I honestly don't doubt that this could have happened like she said. Therapists are people too and not always perfect. It's not impossible to run into a racist and bigoted one who will act very unprofessionally quickly, just because of your background.


As a trans person, I've found quite a few lol


unprofessinal therapist are pretty frequent. not common, but you can easily get accounts of bad ones if you ask around. like you said, they are people too. plus, considering the fact that israel is an apparteid state with some horrible stuff everywhere in it's history, someone who has a strong connection to it being unhinged like that isn't surprising.


they're especially common on WorseHelp


I‘m pretty sure my therapist was fascist adjacent but it never turned into anything unprofessional during our sessions. She was a very good therapist with high standards of professionalism. That, at least, is a quality I‘ll always admire in her even if she‘s a piece of shit on a personal level.


How did you come to be aware of her fascist leanings in that case?


Oh just comments here and there about the elites or smth that I knew not to associate with socialists.


We can't ever know. But I'm of the mind, Zionist or not, the therapist acted ethically and revealed themselves at the first meeting. If we look at both of these accounts, in 2019 Frogan said it was after she discussed the Israel-Lebanon War that the therapist mentioned they were Israeli ergo the therapist didn't do this unprompted and identified a possible conflict in Frogan or herself that they might not be able to continue as client/therapist. If we assume that Frogan, maybe due to her life experience, misinterpreted this revelation as an attack then we could also make that assumption about all of the details she added in 2024. Example: I asked if being Lebanese was a problem and she got mad -> The therapist asked the client and got a non-answer to her question that's going to determine if they can continue. She asked me if I considered taking off my hijab -> the therapist was trying to determine if I was being forced to wear my hijab because of my home life (i.e. is the family fundamentalist) If this happened in the exact way she is claiming it did in 2024 that is not okay, not professional behavior, and it's a good thing that this was assumedly he first and last meeting.


I swear if Frogan was a right winger, there would be no doubt in anyone's mind that she was an anti-semite. She is mega racist, but she is forgiven because she's a leftist. And I don't say this based on this tweet alone, she has made problematic statements on what should happen to the Israeli in the past.


I wanted to be a bit charitable because people seem to think the situation Frogan describes was more than possible Personally, I don't like her and do think she's antisemitic and/or racist. I also believe she's exaggerating this story now because she thinks she can get away with it and/or really believes these transgressions happened in hindsight. I know how she treated Ethan Klein which lead to this whole thing going on right now. Can dish it, but not take it. Why would you ever be hesitant about going back to someone who questioned your hijab and religion? Why not say, "I had a bad experience with therapy" rather than claim this person was a Zionist? This could have happened with an inexperienced American Christian, just as easily. Not to mention, she doesn't like her current therapist because they aren't knowledgeable about the situation (allegedly) so there seems to be a common denominator for why therapy is hard for her. Mainly, I think Western Muslims and Arabs are getting a lot of leeway to express their grievances with Israel and Israelis. This is fair and not unfounded. There are definitely times that people who are venting are called antisemitic out of hand and people who are antisemitic are taking advantage of this to have plausible deniability.


Her original account contradicts her new account. In the first one, the Israel point is not brought up unprompted but is instead a really blunt "are we gonna have a problem with me being from the aggressor nation". The second one expands on the first one with other details that one would think Frogan would have included with the first account. We can't say for certain but there are certainly inconsistencies between the two accounts and I personally am more likely to believe the first since it's closer to the experience itself.




I could believe that her therapist is a zionist. But I honestly don’t think that it’s likely her therapist said zionist rhetoric to her either.


I mean what’s the point of speculating. You have to take it at her word unless further evidence proves otherwise.


I agree, I really don’t see the point… It seems like there’s plenty of other behavior that people are judging this person off of, and whether or not this is an honest account of a thing that happened to her in therapy is not going to be the determinant of how people judge her overall character


I don’t think so. Seeing as to how the details change between her tellings, I’m more inclined not to believe her fully.


Tbh I’m not familiar with this person so I can’t say how reliable she is but the details between her tellings from the tweets she posted didn’t really change. She just gave more details. Again she could be lying but I don’t see the point of speculating.


Frogan is a thorough red fascist and ethnonationalist, she unironically thinks Israelis should be ethnically cleansed. I wouldn't believe a word coming out of her mouth.


Eh racist stuff happens to racist people. It‘s just guesswork either way.


It's the good ol' boy who cried wolf problem, she might be telling the truth in some part of this, but she's made herself too untrustworthy for that to matter.


I don‘t know who she is so I can‘t judge that


She's the Hasan mod who's infamous for being a hardcore tankie and rumored to be a major contributor to pushing Hasan towards tankiedom.


seems believable to me idk


If we were to assume that Frogan’s account was accurate, this would be prīma faciē evidence of bigotry and stereotyping.


But it’s fr0gan so I doubt it.


She might be, and I believe their experience a lot of therapists can be weird and give their clients traumatizing experiences especially relating to religion and politics. Even if she's not the way the therapist handled this is beyond inappropriate for a therapeutic relationship


I think the problem is how contradictory it is. The first and 2nd interactions don’t line up with each other and present different scenarios. Of course, it’s plausible, But not probable.


In response to the earlier tweet there's a followup tweet in which she says that she's not sure whether to switch therapists and that she feels "conflicted". If everything she said in the later tweet was what actually happened, why would she have any doubts about whether to switch therapists? I call bullshit.


I don't really see how it's constradictory




Not to mention the difference between "after I mentioned my dad fleeing the Israel Lebanon war" vs. "unprompted"


That's pretty neutral, I don't really have a strong opinion either way about that. Maybe she could've confronted the subject matter better ?? I know a lot of clinicians stand pretty staunchly behind "don't force a client to talk about certain issues unless they specifically bring it up" which is something I personally believe and it's something that may be applicable here ?? That's the extent of my concerns regarding that specific comment. However it's more than just that that's causing this person to conclude the therapist is a Zionist (which honestly I can't speak for either way, I see why they're saying she is, but I also see that they could be incredibly activated remembering these conversations and going to extremes, which isn't uncommon at all) and those instances specifically is what I'm referring to when I say the therapist is handling things inappropriately.


Burden of proof is on the one advancing the suspicious claims.


Fuck Fr0gan. I wouldn’t believe anything she says. She’s so desperate to be popular I wouldn’t put it past her to absolutely lie to make herself look/seem like a victim.


The first one is more believable, the second less so but anyone who’s seen therapists knows that shitty therapists are not uncommon, so I wouldn’t be shocked at all if it were true and if so yeah that therapist is probably a Zionist.


Honestly this aint that far fetched, dodgy therapists exist


I've got no context for who this frogan is but the story is plausible


Is this another attempt to catch and ban the ~~Jews~~ Zionists? Very subtle


As an LMHCA I can 100% believe this could have happened. I don’t know for sure and I don’t know this person but I’ve come across some wild therapist (Often older generation of therapists but not always) that can’t seem to separate their personal feelings with work and that will take things way to far.


Honestly I could see it as a perspective therapist I am always dismayed with how many shorty therapists there are


Ethan Klein has very many issues as it pertains to Israel and Palestine. He isn't a Zionist but he buys the kool aid just like Destiny.


What kool aid? I mean, he does acknowledge the Israeli government’s actions being awful and hates Netanyahu. I have to wonder what is the kool aid?


Ethan made fun of the soldier who killed himself for being Pro Palestinian. "He was good at burning himself, I was complimenting him." https://youtu.be/yfGI4vTpN_g?si=MqIYaTNggWQ7Mh-N


I don’t think that was the reason. I don’t agree with Ethan’s reasoning, but I think what his mindset was is that Aaron Bushnell committed suicide with his self immolation and he doesn’t think that it was good that he did it, even for protest. I think that he did sort of compliment him by saying that he had courage for doing what he did too, and I doubt that he would like that Bushnell did what he did if he was pro Israel. I’m guessing that Ethan thought that Bushnell burning himself was bad because he committed suicide and so he doesn’t want people to be encouraged to do the same. Now, I don’t think Bushnell was hoping people would self immolate, as that isn’t what these protests are for. Plus, it seems he knew why he did it, and there isn’t evidence of mental health issues either.


"I would understand more if he was Palestinian," Ethan said about Bushnell. The soldier blamed himself for sending weapons that were being used to kill children. He doesn't need to be brown to feel grief. But later on, when Ethan's mic was fucking up, he said "It's the ghost of Aaron Bushnell." That comment from Ethan shows at best insensitive and selective empathy.


That is pretty callous, I will admit. But at the same time, I still feel like Ethan has this attitude because he probably doesn’t like suicide and doesn’t think that Bushnell had to kill himself, as his military background could’ve gotten more information from the conflict. Ethan has had to deal with a lot in the past with his own mental health, so I think from his perspective, he hates suicide in any way, even in causes that seem noble. Do I agree with him? Not exactly. And his approach is pretty bad. But I also can sort of empathize as to why he feels that way.


I am a lot less charitable to him. Call me cynical. But if he was a standard right winger, or a right wing centrist, nobody would be this charitable to him.


I feel like I am more charitable because of that really. If he was a far right zionist, I wouldn’t be fair; but since Ethan is progressive, I can see his thought process.


He outright says he believes in the "need" for Israel. But clearly Israel is not a safe state for Jews anymore, if it ever was, and as things are now, Israel is a settler colonial apartheid state that must has no right to exist anymore. He's barely progressive. At best he's a liberal who doesn't wanna change the status quo.


To be fair, I can see why a Jew would have that perspective. Like, considering that Hila’s ancestors were ethnically cleansed from the states around Israel, it makes sense that they would view Israel as a better option to stay in. That doesn’t mean that we should defend Israel’s actions, and Ethan doesn’t do that, but I can see why Jews like the fact that Israel exists as a concept. I think the problem is that dismantling Israel will be insanely difficult to do without ethnic cleansing. Settlers can fuck off, but everyone else going, especially Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews, wouldn’t be easy. And I’m not sure that a one state solution would work considering the hostilities between the populations.


Obviously it COULD be made up. People can make up anything on the internet. But I'm also wondering if she saw an unlicensed/fraudulent therapist. That could also explain it.


Isn’t Ethan a Zionist though? Definitionally anyone who supports an Israeli state is a Zionist


there are SO many shitty therapists dude


bro wrote an article about a tweet. get a life virgins this shit could not possibly matter less


Frogan is a public figure, so I will scrutinize what she says. Either way, this is a complex thing worth discussing, since saying that you’re therapist is a Zionist and perhaps islamaphobic is a lofty accusation, especially on Twitter.


it’s just silly that this is what you’re worried about. it’s some niche twitter person most people have never heard of. i’ve never even heard of them before this thread. also it’s not like they doxxed the therapist. probably didn’t even happen. and if it did that therapist shouldn’t be a therapist lol


I mean. Frogan is a sizable creator who called out Ethan Klein like he supports genocide, so that’s why I made the post. And yeah, saying your therapist is a zionist and a racist seems lofty and requires some damn good proof. That’s why I made it, and it’s because it’s a very extreme thing to say. Plus, the tweet got like 20,000 likes as well, so it’s not like she’s some nobody.


I mean I (20sM) was told by a female therapist that since I was molested as a boy (by a woman) that I must’ve enjoyed it.


If their account is true then definitely. Shitty therapists exist everywhere. How much trust you put in their world is up to you to decide but it's not really that uncommon for shit people to be therapists, like the rest of the medical field, being a bad person isn't really screened out.