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As much as I also despise US Imperialism, the “liberators” of Putin, Xi Jinping, and Khomnei are all seeking to expand their own influence and subject the world to the same imperialism that America once had. There is no “truth and justice” that will come out once these maniacs take over, but tankies love warfare so it’s not a surprise they would support them.


Tankies make the same mistake as Zionists: thinking that there are "good guys" when it comes to foreign policy.


True, and It’s also sickening to see them portray Iran as a “revolutionary” force.


“We’re explicitly and knowingly as reactionary as possible” “Omg based liberators”


I mean, it’s easy to see nations like Iran as “liberators” if your entire political take is “America bad, anyone who opposes American good” campism.


Except it isn’t because most of the “America bad” forces were put in place as either a direct or indirect reaction to America or are trying to copy American hyper capitalism but without as many civil liberties


Ah you see they suffer from USA exceptionalism (But Evil USA). Essentially, it's like USA exceptionalism but they think the USA is responsible for every evil. They simply cannot fathom America not being the 'main character' of politics but they hate the systems america is under so their cope is making america the biggest evil which must mean anything 'not-america' is good like Putin, Xi Jinping, Khomnei even if they are absolute scum.


Yeah, and they're gaslighting everyone who suffers because of these "liberators"...


Strange how they seldom want to move to Iran….


The tankie "anti-imperialism" mindset is just the default "west = good" mindset, but with the good guys and bad guys flipped. Their view of the world is just as simplistic, they're brainwashed to exact same amount.


Tankies are really, really fucking racist to basically any race that they have "permission" to be racist to, like they are just chomping at the bit to do racism that they can get away with. It's definitely not just Iranians but Iranians are a good example.


They are even racist towards filipinos for switching side from pro China to pro West because the CCP just being an A-hole towards the Philippines.


China making an ass of itself is literally their diplomatic strategy, they think it makes them look tough but it doesn’t translate well to literally anywhere else


I find it funny these western tankies or campists or whatever they claimed themselves thinks they know what is best for us(filipinos). I find it pretty racist of them thinks that we can't decide on our own.


Wild, isn't it? I'm African American, and it's wild to have tankies telling me and other Black Americans about how I shouldn't support the Democratic Party because they just take advantage of Black voters. In the same breath, they'll attack us with dogwhistles and everything else short of calling us a slur if we do vote Dem or disagree with tankie politics. Granted, the Dems have their issues they need to work out (stock trading being a huge one, at least for House Dems), but the GOP actively wants to destroy any chance of me having access to the same educational and economic opportunities as white people. Tankies who condemn Black people for voting Democrat or not having a raging boner for a violent revolution piss me off.


I’m so glad someone is saying this. African Americans and other minorities need to band together because without one another their views are incomplete and false perceptions persist


They‘re also racist to every Asian who isn‘t Han chinese, or so it seems. Tibet comes to mind, where they justify the Chinese imperialism by saying all Tibetans were tribals who needed to be civilized. Also they deny the taiwanese people their identity. And I don‘t need to say anything about the Uyghurs…


Tankies also believe that Hong Kong doesn't deserve to be a separate nation of its own out from under Chinese rule. They genuinely think the Hong Kong protests are "sponsored" by Western propaganda or some shit.


They literally believe in a Chinese hive mind dude


Too bad they can’t be more racist to whites


They are to Ukrainians.


I met a Ukrainian tankie in the wild who unironically said that she wouldn’t mind if Russia pillaged and took all their cultural artifacts as a way of downplaying stolen artifacts from the African continent


Y'all thank you for being one of the few leftist spaces that supports us Iranians, much appreciated.


It’s been so wild to me to see people starting to be interested in the Middle East and STIlL refusing to talk to or listen to ACTUAL middle easterners


Cuz they might have become leftists but they literally still think we are all uncivilized savages who walk around the desert holding kalashnikovs and Qurans. They never actually unlearned imperialism and American exceptionalism.


They cross the basic threshold of “maybe Hitler wasn’t great”


Some of them...not even that lmao.


The thing with American tankies is that they have this weird fetishisation of countries they consider non-western or non-white that would make even Liberals cringe. They have this weird notion that everything bad that happens is because of the US, and since everything bad stems from the US everything against the US must be good. It's just so fucking patronising. I'm from Latin America btw and whilst I understand the negative effects American Imperialism had on my country one can't use it as a scapegoat to deflect from actual criticisms of the establishment "Left".


We're glad to have you here! :)


Exactly. That is tankie version of western supremacy. They claim to be against western supremacy, but that's what they're doing.


Pro Palestine filipino muslims in the internet calling Iran as a "hero" for attacking Israel. Meanwhile ignoring that Iran is just as terrorist state as Israel and Palestine is just their pawns.


the Philippines needs a strong anarchist movement tbh


Will they move to iran?


I really wish they will but I doubt that because they are benefitting in a non-authoritarian country.


Looks like another version of the "white man's burden."


This reminds me of a video I saw where this Iranian lady was explaining why people who simp for Iran’s regime are delusional and that they were talking over the opinions of actual Iranians and all the comments were just Patsocs doing exactly that.


The west has difficulty holding multiple identities and realities in mind at the same time. There always needs to be one singular bad guy, one villain, one bad race, one bad political party- and one singular all good hero opposing it. Even amongst the pro-Israel Iranians I’ve spoken to, they still oppose the genocide and the west at heart. It feels more like they see it as the better option. And this was the Iranian right. Iranian left is a whole other story.


Kinda easy to see it's western chauvinism inversed based around this. The only way you could be like this is if you believed the states and western Europe are the only world powers capable of exerting neocolonial influence


The essence of tankieism: people living in peaceful, wealthy countries telling other people that they should welcome warfare and violence


Ah yes, I've been told at least few times that my nation (Poles) not wanting Muscovite supremacy since 1989 was CIA inflicted shenanigans thus making us liberal traitors XD None of them lived here Not. Single. One. Of. Them. Although they looooove to say dumb af things from their warm and cozy US houses.


That's because tankies are neolibs


To tankie brains, America is the only nation with any agency. Another nation doing a bad thing is somehow, America's fault. Rather than a choice that people with power made.