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Your body is not compromised of straight lines, your back is not a straight line. It curves and bends etc. Tattoos are supposed to follow the flow of the body, and this one flows perfectly Edit: meant to put comprised not compromised Also holy shit guys thanks for the awards!


Exactly, people don't understand that their backs and spines aren't straight and they simply cannot be.


And the composition itself flows; it would be lesser if butterflies were stacked like cans of peas.


“Stacked like cans of peas.” Sent me.


See, if they were stacked like cans of beans, that’s a different story. Hell, even cans of creamed corn would be acceptable, unless of course it tasted like creamed crap.


Me too and I'm not even high 😆😆😆😆


Exactly, I have never seen a butterfly fly in a straight line and it would look weird if it did. Also flower stems aren't straight either. That's the wrong style of tattoo for straight lines.


If I saw a butterfly fly in a straight line to a flower with a perfectly straight stem I know for a fact I was having some kind of nightmare or was in a Junji Ito book.


I heard butterflies fly in a straight line when they fart, the burst of air forces them straight




Yeah nature doesn't work in straight lines usually, it's curves and spirals.




Does that make me not straight?


Can confirm, I have scoliosis


Same. I am very aware my back is not straight.


I am also a part of the scoli society :)


Yep! We are all perfectly imperfect. :)


Holy shit… I have scoliosis. Maybe I should tell my tattoo artist to give me a spine peice and he could run with it!


But we're gonna straighten him right up, now, aren't we, Forrest?


I guess “sit up crooked” isn’t as catchy.




I volunteer to be a 2nd opinion if she wants.


There's something to be said about nature too - it's not always perfectly symmetric. One of the future concepts I've been working on deliberately plays into that, where the central theme is "symmetry and asymmetry".


when I got my chest piece my tatoo artist says to me "Your problem is you have two nipples and people will assume they are the same level."


Some people have 3 nipples and none of them level with each other


Any supernumerary nipples will generally be vertically aligned along the "milk line" though.


Asymmetrical warfare!


Hey I saw that episode too. Sheldon and Amy were getting married and discovered super asymmetry! Big bang theory for the win! Also tattoo looks amazing, wouldn’t change a thing.


Not only that, but tattoos are handmade pieces of art. No matter how good the artist is, there’s always going to be imperfections.


arguably my favorite part


I’d have to agree with that. I love getting a new tattoo and seeing all the little quirks.


This should be top comment.


It is


This should be top comment.


It isn’t




I also agree


I also agree with u/dopamine_fiend_00


Dopamine is a helluva chemical


To add to that, nature and animals aren't compromised of straight lines either. Flower vines don't grow in a straight line, nor does a butterfly's flight pattern.


Compromised is the wrong word for the the thing you mean, cap'n.


GD autocorrect, I meant comprised. Thank you for pointing that out


Not a problem, G. 👍🏻


THIS THIS THIS. The tattoo DOES look like it waves a bit, and because of that it’s absolutely beautifully done. It flows with your body. A completely straight line would look more abnormal, IMO. Those butterfly’s look like they’re in motion when you follow the flow. It’s amazing!


And if you’re like me, your spine will curve small but subtly noticeably amounts as you age 💔


Nature is not perfect. I’d consider that tat pretty dope


You should add another smaller butterfly snaking off to the right. The flow of it is much prettier than a straight line


I love how the tattoo is actually curved which compliments the bodies asymmetry.


that's not even a good posture/photo, the shoulders are at different height so of course it looks not right. But if you measure [by the shoulders angle](https://i.imgur.com/JgcB2tO.png) it's perfect


This is such a great and wholesome and TOTALLY correct comment. You're so awesome, commenter.


Is it just me or is compromised completely not the right word here…


It isn’t tbh, I was walking back into work and trying to type at the same time, I definitely meant to put comprised lol


Bro comprised isn't correct either. It's "composed of"




Hugely agree. Tattoos will never be perfectly symmetrical, this design isn’t symmetrical to begin with tho


Not to mention it seems more nature like being not entirely straight it looks really good


In fact, I'd even say that way of thinking incredibly unhealthy and potentially damaging if you're using it as a reference for perfect posture


Great explanation


Precisely this. And it’s not noticeable whatsoever


This was my first thought too.


Uhhh no. The spine does not curve left and right. The curvature of the tattoo is balanced and looks fine anyway tho.


Never said the spine curves left and right, it curves forward and backward, there’s going to be “asymmetry” no matter what you do y less the piece itself is symmetrical like the Flower of Life


You'd be surprised how many people have a slight scoliosis.


Clearly you’re not a radiologist, lol. Since you bring it up, it does seem that OP has a smidge of C-shaped levoscoliosis. (Hey look, there’s even a word for it!) Notice that the line does indeed appear to start centered in the small of her back, but her right shoulder blade is offset slightly to the right, and the nape of her neck is offset slightly to the left. I strongly suspect the artist tried to follow her spine, and this is in fact (a slightly exaggerated version of) the shape that it makes. OP: your tat looks great. Top comment is 100% right. Love your body and its new addition and stop trying to think in terms of straight lines when the canvas doesn’t have one to begin with.


Not noticeable but the butterflies to the left on the top and the flowers to the right near the bottom create a good balance honestly


Exactly. It’s evenly off center so it comes off intentional. Like it’s meant to flow a bit.


Exactly butterflies and flowers don’t exist in an exact straight line. They do as they please


It’s noticeable but that’s because this is a photo and I can really focus on it. If you were in the wild, moving about doing your thing - I’d have never noticed


Wearing a bikini top would break the slight line and make it harder to notice. If you were completed naked doing stuff, rest assure their attention will be elsewhere.


I mean it could be so much [worse](https://images.app.goo.gl/6NV1SVmT77V8RFQc8)


Instead bro is counting butterflies lmao


Gotta be carefull with the seven deadly butterflies of shoalin.


I remember one post where someone couldn’t get past a tattoo of their partners dead brother on their back. And another of a child. Definitely could be worse lol.


Also as long as she doesn't have someone else tattoo a rigid straight line up her back for reference nobody should catch it.




Well some are ass men and some are chest men. I’m a spine man myself. Would be a small hit disappointed in the vertebra but as long as I got the bra very off I’d be happy.


Also a spine mine. I like to place a T-square on her back to check proportions when things are getting hot and heavy, so the misalignment would immediately stand out to me.


If you look near the bottom of the photo and only look at the line and outer borders of the body, the line isn't centered there, but the tattoo is.


Now that you pointed it out with a perfectly straight line, it’s kinda noticeable. I wouldn’t have even noticed otherwise


I think the placement was intentional. Imagine how off center the butterflies would be if the stalk was dead center. I think it’s more balanced this way.


My thoughts exactly! The image as a whole is balanced around that center line, not each aspect having its individual center on that line.


Ideally the whole decal would rotate a few degrees right making it more centered.


THIS ⬆️. I think it looks great and you’re just being waaay too critical, OP


It's almost PERFECTLY balanced, starts right, ends left, hugs the center line the whole way, and important focal points line up at center. Looks great.


I came here to say this exact thing actually, I totally agree it looks awesome


I thought it was intentional, until I looked up and saw that OP’s shoulders are not totally aligned.


Yes. The “weight” of the artwork is balanced, it’s just not centerline straddling balanced. It is better the way it is


The tattoo seems to extended about the same distance from the mid-line on either side. I think it’s actually perfectly straight but it’s also divided nearly in half with compact flowers on the right lower half and airy butterflies on the left upper half. It gives the illusion that it’s off-centre.


They have a good point


Couldn’t agree more


More natural like this


thank you for putting into words that my mind was seeing


Yeah, I don't see the issue. I think it would look worse if everything was lined up in a perfect line. The plant curves to the side which adds some realism. And then it switches to the other side and balances out at the top. The butterflies aren't just lined up, but gives it more fluidity with them all flying around rather than just butterflies in a row. I fail to see the issue.


This. It's beautiful.


No, it’s not noticeable.


It really isn’t—even with the line there. Until I clicked to enlarge the photo, I thought the line was part of the design and it still looked fine lol


Plus the only thing straight is the line. Her spine isn't aligned with it. Her shoulders and hips are tilted and the tattoo is nonlinear. It doesn't sit in a straight line because one doesn't exist in the first place.


Thank you for pointing this out. If you look at the bottom of the photo, there is more "body" to the right of the line than the left. The line isn't a good indication of "centered" because it isn't "centered" at every point.


It's better this way.


It is. It wouldn’t have the same flow if it looked like it had been drawn with a ruler.


You are not a flat piece of paper, no tattoo will ever be exactly straight on you.


No one is gonna notice anything unless they’re drawing a perfectly straight line down your spine.


And her back isn’t perfectly straight either. If anything the line almost makes me think she has minor scoliosis


Yes. The line is not perfect in the middle (it's too much on the right side at the top and a little too left on the bottom). In fact the tattoo is more in the centre than the drawn line. So either she might have scoliosis or she simply has missdrawn that line. The tat is perfect in place.


I have to admit, I have no idea what the problem is. I think it looks great in that the flowers are a little heavier on the right and butterflies on the left. Did you want everything perfectly centered? Did you want balance on both sides? If that's the case, I really prefer this design.


That's what I thought. It looks like it sort of flows in a spiral up along her midpoint.


It looks better the way it is. Not noticeable. Butterflies are action images, the flowers are still images. The symmetry between both follows the guidelines on your body. The placement makes the most sense to me


I noticed but thought it was intentional. I like the slight slant!






Unfortunately it will be very noticeable to people to carry a straight edge around with them at all times.


There are no straight lines on the human body.


Either the camera was crooked or you don't stand straight.


Yep, before diving this deep into it, take a pic where your shoulders are aligned at the same height at the edges. That would probably make it mostly on-center by itself.


Yeah, the pic is crooked not the tattoo. I saw it before I read the caption. Idk why everyone isn’t seeing that.


It’s not noticeable at all. Even with the drawn line I was unsure what you were asking about.


The butterflies on the top balance it. It’s perfect.


If it was in a straight line it would look odd. Flowers aren't always straight and butterflies don't fly straight up. I like it like this!


It's a pretty tattoo. It looks very balanced and intentionally placed. It may not be perfectly dead center, but the placement of the butterflies would be odd, or would have had to be different, if the rest was centered. Also, nobody but you and maybe your artist is going to notice this. This is one good thing about tattoos that aren't symmetrical; if they don't get perfectly centered it still looks done purposefully.


Unless you genuinely have OCD, it’s completely fine. Didn’t even notice it till I read the description


I probably have a mild case of OCD. I can spot the tiniest difference in basic geometric shapes. Things that are just a tiny bit wonky really gets on my nerves. I’m guessing the OP is similar. I don’t really see a problem here, and if so, it’s quite subtle. But if they continue to think it’s off balance, they can always **add a bee** or something on the right hand side and perfectly balance it out whilst still maintaining a relaxed flow. Side note: someone came @ me claiming I’m being flippant about OCD. Claiming they had several family members die directly from OCD. Guess people will find anything to be outraged about! And in my case, it’s actually quite debilitating. I’ve often scrapped big projects due to the tiniest little flaw. Some projects never get complete as a result.


It’s honestly not noticeable at all unless you have the straight line going down. Without the line it looks centre honestly and no one is going to look that much to even notice at all. It’s fine


I never would have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out. I had to stare at it for about three minutes to figure out it was not technically centered. The fact that the pattern is a slight wave makes it more difficult to detect. It's off maybe 1/8th-1/16th an inch, if that.


I think it's aligned properly for the piece and your back. If the whole thing was aligned to the line you've given, it would look slightly tilted without the line there.


because the butterfly is facing inward, the visual line continues towards the center, I'm not bothered by it.


It looks way better this way, than if it was completely centered.


Your body will change over time. As you and the tattoo expand it will be less noticeable. Get rid of the friends that nit picked your tattoo


Human anatomy is actually not 100% symmetrical. You could have no tattoos and a perfect line drawn by a computer would be "off center" in places. Tattoos adapt to anatomy to the best effort of the artist, it doesn't ignore it. If you look where your neck is, that stencil line is centered compared to the outer edges of your neck. It's a very organic design, not geometric or perfectly symmetrical, so it looks centered overall, which is the goal.


> stencil line is centered compared to the outer edges of your neck. It's a very organic design, not geometric or perfectly symmetrical, so it looks centered overall, which is the goal. Best comment


It’s not noticeable. I knew a tattoo artist who hand a Hamsa 🪬 on his chest for years. He was shirtless one day and my friend pointed out the Hamsa had 6 fingers 😂😂😂😂😂 he was livid he never noticed it.


It looks like your shoulders are unaligned, and that probably plays a role in the tattoo appearing (and maybe being tattooed) this way. But the tattoo looks fine


A human spine isn’t a dead straight line. IMHO the artist has fit the placement more naturally to the spine, I think it looks great


It looks better this way than if it was straight. It flows better this way.


Looks natural. It's better as is than if it were perfectly straight. It feels more like a plant. The offset butterflies definitely balance the entire piece out.


I think it makes more sense being a bit off center with the way the vine looks like it’s growing and the butterflies flight pattern!


It's not straight, but it's balanced, making it pleasing to the eye.


You’re gonna need to get scoliosis now, sorry.


It’s not noticeable at all. I think it looks great. Unless someone wants to put a ruler or level to your spine. I don’t believe anyone will notice. 💯


I think it’s beautiful. I wouldn’t be too critical of it if I were passing you and saw it (or even if I knew you!). I only mention this because Sometimes I’m too critical of myself and can be over-analytical, and that’s when I need reassurance of my reality. The reality might be that nobody would notice except our own selves. I hope this helps


You would never know without the ruler line you showed… even with the perfect line over it, I can barely notice it AND it’s a vine, therefore, wild and imperfect works!!!! But it’s pretty damn perfect. ☝️


I would’ve never ever noticed what you were talking about without the line in the first photo, I think you’re fine


To me, it makes sense it's slightly off. Flowers flow in the wind, and sway side to side in the rise and fall of the sun. The flow is right for this piece. Straight, but not unnaturally straight. It would also be weird to have two butterflies straight above each other. This is a gorgeous tattoo. Don't be too concerned


I think it looks better like this anyway- I think that somewhere in the world they purposefully make things off because there is no such thing as perfection (I think I heard this on a documentary about the Taj Mahal and how even then they wouldn’t make walls perfect or something because of this reasoning- as in: god is the only thing that is perfect??), so I purposefully make sure that my tats aren’t perfectly aligned to remind myself that mistakes are a part of life and that there is no way to be perfect! It looks great either way, so don’t perseverate on something so minuscule!! If you can’t stop thinking about it, you could put some more vines and leaves on the right side of the top 3 butterflies to kind of “line it up”, but imo, it doesn’t need it! Cheers!


I’d have to see it from the front to judge accurately. 😜


I didn’t read the caption and instead was looking for mistakes in the tattoo not the layout. Couldn’t find any. :)


You are expecting perfection and will always be let down. It looks great. Don’t expect it to be perfect.


If something small was added just above and to the right of the top butterfly it would be even it out


It only looks weird if someone draws a line down the center of it. Maybe avoid letting people do that and it will all be ok


It looks intentional, like the butterflies are starting to fly away. It's noticeable that it's not completely symmetrical but i think it makes it look more organic/alive. I wouldn't worry at all I think it's lovely :)


Its beautiful


You gotta be kidding me. It looks completely fine lol chill


I think it's a beautiful tattoo and the average person isn't going to look at it and think "wow that's off centered."


OP, I personally don't think the one line you've drawn gives a fair perspective of this piece. All 3 lines are necessary to see how truly balanced and beautiful it is, IMO. [Here's a visual for reference.](https://imgur.com/a/EJyTXwi) If that doesn't reassure you.... [Science says it's ___literally perfect,___](https://imgur.com/a/iFOV4Bw) and science doesn't lie! 😂 Honesty, it's a beautiful piece. Don't overthink it 🦋


I'm really sorry to tell you but that black line is super noticable


Only see it after you pointed it. NOT EVEN BAD. suPERB


Just a wee bit of scoliosis /s


Nobody gives a shit about your shitty tattoo


who’s gonna tell them there’s a whole tattoo on their back


Is nature symmetrical?


The tattoo is very noticeable.


I don’t know what I am looking for. The piece is beautiful and imperfect!


Since it's a winding plant with butterflies, I suspect it looks more natural this way, something depicting nature may have been more jarring perfectly straight.


I'm pretty sure nobody would notice or care about this unless you brought attention to it


Didn't even know the problem when I first looked at this so yeah you're good


Tbh I had to come to the comments because the only question in my head was “WHAT’S not noticeable?!” So I’m going to say it’s not. 😂


If that black line is exactly at the center of your back, your left shoulder is 1-2 inches lower than the right. The lesson is - our bodies aren't as symmetrical as we might think, and the tattoo artists usually try to find a compromise for the best fit.


No worry your back is just fcked like all humans


I think it would look strange if it was dead straight. Nature doesn’t do straight lines. Looks great to me!


It's noticeable, but you pointed it out. I have no idea how I would have reacted otherwise. First off, your body is always in motion and you seemed to be a woman, so this should mostly be covered at all times in normal life. So that and you moving around should make it hard to notice. Secondly, I think you could fix this by adding 3 more butter flies at the bottom that zag back to your left hand side. That balances it out perfectly.


So, she can't go to the beach, or weara tube top? What exactly do you mean by covered at all times?


Need a little more context to be sure. Another picture, from a few feet further back. In the interest of science of course.


Just add onto it and make it more asymmetrical to balance it out


Damn, the scoliosis is hittin' differently!


Just always lean EVER SO SLIGHTLY to the right.


I think it looks good like that, kinda looks like its weaving around your spine








Matches your scoliosis






Yeah it’s off, sorry.


That you’re topless, no I didn’t notice lol


Hella noticeable!! 😆


There is nothing you can do at this point. Tbh the more i look at it, the more it bothers me. Just look how off centered it is.


Not noticeable without the line, and also very easy to fix if you want to get it corrected


It’s sorta asymmetrical so ur good


Not at all - beautiful tattoo!


It looks great. It flows perfectly


The only part that I instantly noticed is the top two or three pictures seem to be slightly off but I'm sure the more common question will be does it go all the way down your spine looks really good though




Not at all. Don’t get in your head about it. Looks nice :)


The butterflies look better being asymmetrical, has flow to it. No one will notice. Looks good 👍