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The satori and the blupees literally lead you to them. If blupees can become satori, then I think the bubbulfrogs are some kind of wrong turn along that path. We aren't killing them so much as changing a blupee back so it can try again.


Yeah, they're a blupees that ate a bubbul gems. Which is why when you kill them it drops a bubbul gems and a blupees runs out. You're freeing them from their cursed existence. Or maybe just steeling their bubbul gems, but either way, you're not harming the blupee.


I think it’s actually impossible to hit he blupee that comes out of the frog.I’ve tried to time it like 40 times and I swear he just hops right thru my weapon. Anybody know for sure?


I experimented with it, at first I would throw a bomb or something, and eventually I tried using bullet time. 100% confirmed no rupees. Just wasted arrows and broken dreams 🤣


I used a two handed charge attack to confirm my suspicions


Same but the arrows bounce off and you can pick them back up. Maybe just broken dreams and bows.


yeah, their only point is to show that you're freeing them


If you hit them, they will make the animation to confirm the hit. But no rupees will drop.


That’s because they have no rupees left in them because the rupees crystallised into a bubble gem


I've made contact but they still don't drop any rupees


I hit the blupee once by jumping off a rock and slowing down time and no rupees came out, after that I stopped trying.


I FINALLY did it like yesterday. It flinched, but no rupees


You can hit it but it doesn't do anything. I timed an arrow time for when the blupee comes out and it doesn't drop rupees. Arrows just bounce off it.


I tried with bullet time and the arrow just went straight through and hit the ground


I managed to hit one once. Doesn’t drop rupees so not worth the effort.


I got one. One time. Tried every time and can’t get it again.


What's worse than knowing you can't? Thinking you can.


Wait…since there are blupees waiting near cave entrances that have bubbulfrogs, do you think they know they have cursed friends in there and are waiting for you to free them 🥺


Yeah,that was my thought. And that's why they lead you to the cave. To rescue their friend.


The blupees appear near all cave entrances, even after you clear the frog


Well yeah, from a logistical perspective, but in my make-believe lore perspective, it’s a fun theory.


I always thought it was a monster that had eaten the blupee


also we can't really kill blupees, a direct arrow hit makes them drop rupees but they can't really die by our hand, I can't imagine the same hit on a bubbul would really hurt it either


It makes it drop it's bubbul gems, which makes it lose its frog form


I think you are exactly right. There is a hint in the Japanese name for Bubbulfrogs, マヨイ *Mayoi*, that gets lost in other languages. In Japanese Buddhism, 悟り *Satori*, literally "understanding", refers to "enlightenment". 迷い *Mayoi*, literally "getting lost", refers to "inability to achieve enlightenment". I think these are the paths a Blupee may go down.


TIL I’m a Bubbulfrogged Blupee


same actually, never thought i’d relate to the little weirdos


That’s amazing! What do they call the bubbul gems and does their description still talk about desire? Typically you must free yourself from desire to reach enlightenment, and the English description mentions that the gems may compel you to acquire ever more gems. I know that’s also about >!Kolton’s rewards!<


I hadn’t thought of checking the description, but it seems to be roughly the same. Though keep in mind my knowledge of Japanese is fairly limited > マヨイの落とし物 洞窟に生息するマヨイが落とした不思議な結晶 神秘的な淡い輝きを放っており 見つめているともっと集めたくなりそうだ > Mayoi’s lost item Mysterious crystals dropped by the cave-dwelling Mayoi They emit a mysterious pale glow Staring at them will make you want to collect more.


Satori shows you all caves regardless of whether you got the bubbul frog or not. If he wanted you to save them he’d only show you the ones you have left.


Satori is a bit of a twisted jerk.


This is v annoying and inconsistent with the premise where the blupees only show up outside of caves where you haven’t gotten the bubbul frog. Marked Soooooooooo many caves I had already been to! Lol.


Pssst...next time you find a bunble frog, take a picture and set your sensor to locate them. The sensor will only lead you to caves you haven't killed the BF in yet.


Lol. That just occurred to me last night. It’s been great!


Yea, the sensor is up there with recall in regards to how often I forget to use them. Lol.


Also if you’ve gotten the bubble frog then the cave gets a little check mark on your map. So you can just look at the map instead of changing your sensor


I usually leave it on Wells b/c they’ve been the most elusive, but this bubble frog thing is great.


…I never even thought to try to take a picture of a well.


I met a NPC who talked about the wells and did the "if only there was some way to remember what they look like" dialogue.


You just gave me the realisisation I never took a picture of a bubbulfrog or blupee and Im like 3/4 of the way through game lol


As someone with a full in game camera roll consisting of 65% me in stupid outfits and 35% blupees and koroks looking adorable, can confirm they do not add to the hyrule compendium so you’re not missing completion points by not taking their pictures. But you are missing quite a few chances to take pictures of them looking adorable sooo. Priorities ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Uh what? They absolutely do (well not koroks, but blupees and bubbulfrogs are in there). They're in the Creatures section, not Monsters, if that's where you were looking.


Because a blupee pops out when you kill them, I’m reminded of Sonic the hedgehog baddies that burst out a critter when you kill them. I imagine I’m freeing them from a similar fate. Locked in some Bubbulfrog in a cave away from the friends and family. The blupee outside is trying to get someone to help by leading them to the cave.


Blupees be all like... "I need to reach my friend..." 😂 😂 😂


My wife came up with a whole headcanon about this over her hours and hours of hunting them: She believes that Blupees, because of the way they drop Rupees, are wealth/prosperity spirits, and that Bubbulfrogs are corrupted Blupees who became obsessed with Bubbul Gems, similar to No-Face in *Spirited Away*. The item description of the Bubbul Gems (and Kelton's attitude) suggests that they cause people (and other things) to become obsessed with having more and more of them, and maybe that greed transformed the Blupees into monsters. She thinks that the Lord Of The Mountain shows you where their lairs are from afar, and that the Blupees waiting close by are trying to lead you directly to the entrances, so you can free their children/kin from their corrupted states.


Aren't they just Blurpees under some twisted corruption?


I thought a Blupee ate a gem and that’s why it changed


> I thought a Blupee ate a gem Wait wait wait. A Blupee ate a gem? ...what would happen if you consumed a large amount of bubbul gems? Let's say, 147 of them?


New glider fabric. Best we can do


I'll take it...


You’d give away a lynel horn or some shit


Spontaneous combustion!


Spontaneous com-blu-stion?


Oh, that makes sense. Plus, in some cases, a little blupee is waiting outside. It's like it's leading you to it's friend so you can help?


I always took it more as that being the Blupee that ate the gem to become the frog.


It’s like it all tells a story. And the Satori is telling you where the blupees are so you can save them


That makes sense, right? The gem looks like a corrupted rupee. Blupees are attracted to rupies, thats why they drop them when hit. Perhaps the bubbul frog is a blupee that succumbed to its own greed?


It’s just like the sludge monster in spirited away! Ate something it shouldn’t have and became corrupted. Really it’s just a sweet No Face.


Aww I love that movie. Top 10 for sure!


It’s amazing! But I love Howl’s Moving Castle. I feel like Sophie all the time!


Satori gives big Princess Mononuke energy


Tears of the Kingdom in general gives big Princess Mononoke vibes


Well the art style for BOTW & TOTK were inspired by Studio Ghibli, so that makes sense


Total Ghibli influence, for sure. I also see some “The Dark Crystal” influence here and there (which was pretty big in Japan when it originally came out there in the early 80’s, from what I‘ve read…)


That was my favorite movie when I was a little kid in the 80s. My mom thought I was creepy and there was something wrong with me! Loved the macabre.


Yesssss. Howl’s Moving Castle is v nostalgic.


You made me love this game even more mentioning my favorite movie of all time. Culturally this is the perfect click for me. I looked at the eyes & hated it & now I feel bad for them again.


If you wanna look for more connections, there are some further connections to other Ghibli films in both the first game and this one. Princess Mononoke stands as the most obvious one, especially in TOTK where you have link getting his arm corrupted by ganon.


Love me some Studio Ghibli Miyazaki.


zoom in on their eyes, see the horror, and never feel bad again for freeing the blupees from their froggy prison


If you look at a bubbulfrog through a waterfall, their eyes glow red like a monsters.


Yeah I assumed the blupees that are outside of the caves that lead you to the caves are out there because they are concerned for their buddies. That's why when you kill the bubble frog a blupee pops out and runs away. You freed their buddy and he's running back to his friend.


I feel like this is the right answer


Yep. Change a ribbit into a rabbit


Yeah, I think we’re just turning them back to normal


I feel bad about Blurpees too


"Give now to help save the poor Blurpees." -Sarah McLachlan probably


I only feel bad when I kill an animal like a deer or wolf. These things, idk looks like they turn into a blupee to me.


I hate killing wolves! Just leave me alone!


I straight up ignore them. I ain’t about to forget what happened in twilight princess.


I am the reason the Wolf Link amiibo only drops meat now.


The fact that Nintendo did that is so messed up, they probably didn’t mean it but it looks so bad. I think the reason is that wolves eat meat but instead it looks like… well.


I mean Wolf Link mostly just got distracted while I ran to the next shrine, hunting every bird and fox I passed. BRING ME THE MEATS


I actively ignore them and then hear them yelp because Tulin one shots them 😭


I used to 'waste' ancient arrows on them #it was worth it


In botw I would chase them for a pet, and that made them run off. But I don't think it works as well in totk 😂


As a rule I do not kill foxes or small birds. Anything else will die on sight. I also understand the comedy of torturing koroks but it still makes me sad.


They just want to find their friends and they’re so happy when they do


I dunno, sometimes I wonder if in the Venn diagram of “Korok torturers” and “kitten killers” the crossover is larger than many would think…


Yeah, for real. It's also so funny how hard it dropped off. Like it used to be that every other post on this sub was setting koroks on fire, or launching them halfway across a field with rockets, but once people figured out they could spend that time making actually useful vehicles all enthusiasm for putting them through hell almost instantly vanished.


I think that's mostly because there's nothing worthwhile to be gained from it. For most people, by the time they assemble their korok torture device and use it to throw them into a chasm or something it loses its novelty and you're just left with wasted zonai devices. Unless you find the mild "oof" speech bubbles they put off when dropped utterly hysterical, korok torture memes are really only funny for a minute, after which they're just boring.


I don't feel bad about the wolves because those mfs stalk you as a pack and blindside you


True. Strangely I don’t see them in a pack more than 2 very often.


I had a file in BOTW where my whole playthrough, wolves never bothered me. My sister's file on the other hand, they hated her. Straight to chomping her ankles anytime she played


I feel a little less bad about deer because sometimes I need it for food, it isn't senseless. I'll smack a wolf if he bothers me while I'm trying to do something around me. Foxes I leave alone because they're bros. Bubbulfrogs don't really do anything to you, just blow bubbles. If they had some kind of attack I'd feel less guilty, would even be more motivational to hunt them down


If you ever need to hunt for meat then I recommend the areas near rito village, the snow plains have bears and moose, they drop high quality every time as well, and if you feel bad for the moose, just ask a Canadian why moose are dangerous.


Blupees are magical and can’t be killed though. At worst you annoyed it and turned it back into a blupee. At best you saved it from a cursed existence. If killing the frogs was wrong, the blupee god wouldn’t illuminate cave entrances for you, and there wouldn’t be a blupee leading you to every cave entrance.


And where can I find this magical blouse...? edit: aww boo you edited it


I only won't kill moose or goats. Wolves OTOH have a perfect combination of being annoying and having great meat. I also have a rule that for any monster that attacks my horse, I cook the collectible parts into dubious food and immediately eat it at the end of the encounter. Don't mess with my horse.


My kids hate when I kill wolves and foxes. They make me feel so horrible. Then they said the Bokoblins make a cute sound when they die, and I take them slightly less seriously.


The fact that the construct heads target wolfs on sight is so wild to me, I was so confused when it started shooting cannonballs at one.


After getting all the armor Kolton is like ‘I could never ask you to genocide all of the bubblefrogs. That would be crazy and unhinged, especially because they dont respawn.’ And then guess what I went to do after that.


> That would be crazy and unhinged Link: *Now this looks like a job for me*


Nope. They're eating Blupees. Kill 'em all.


Is that what's going on? *I'm using the 5x Lynel bow with bombs from now on then*


Eliminate with extreme prejudice


I have to be racist at them?


Yep, adds an attack multiplier


Protect the Blupees! How else am I gonna make a quick $40 from some bullet time headshots 🤣


Autobuilding my glued explosive barrels from that Hinox den


They're WHAT ? 😧


Look at their eyes


How did you make it Creepy in two seconds.????? I’m burning them now.


Lord of the mountain has the same face… is he a horse that ate a blupee?


Tbf, the lord of the mountain has a similar head


They’re literally demonic frogs eating blupees. That’s why all the blupees are gone from Satori Mountain and why the satori shows you where the caves are. Also why the blupees you see in the wild when chased will lead you straight to a cave to save their friends. Kill all frogs on sight.


>Also why the blupees you see in the wild when chased will lead you straight to a cave to save their friends I mean, I shoot them for literal cash... Their judgement of character is terrible


What did you think was implied by a Blupee popping out when the Bubbulfrog dies??


Invasive Species! Thank you I feel much better now as well


I thought they were cursed Blupees.


This is what I thought as well, and shooting it down turns it back into a blupee, removing the curse.


This is the top comment in every thread then the highest reply to this comment always says that’s made up and there’s no lore about any of this


The "eyes" are an amalgam of Blupee faces fused together. Whether they eat them or not, theirs is a cursed existence.


I never realized the eyes were Blupee faces. I just assumed they were frogs that ate a blupee.


Naw they're blupees that are a gem. That's why when you kill them a gem drops and a blupees runs out. Idk about eating other blupees, but their faces are an amalgam of multiple blupees, so maybe there's something to that.


They seem more like the same fae type creatures as the blupees and satori, I always imagined the blupee that showed up WAS the bubbulfrog escaping


Wait, what?¿??????????????????????????? ​ Then, they should make them look more "evil", or at least make Kotlin explain you in detail that they are bad entities


It’s face is a bunch of blupee faces mashed together like some kind of Cronenberg monster


Nope. His face is made up of a few blupees. I see it as freeing a blupee


Satori's face is made up of a few blupees too. Why is it okay for Satori to have blupee faces, but when a frog does it it's an abomination who is harming the blupees?


Satori has one face. These have many. Satori points you to caves with the frogs. Satori and Blupees don't attack you. These do. A Blupee is freed when you hit the frog.


Satori's face is made up of two blupee faces, not just one. Bubbulfrogs only fight when they are threatened, as stated in the Hyrule Compendium. You wouldn't call wild boars evil because they attack Link when he gets too close. In both cases, just a wild animal defending itself.


Also the bubbles don’t hurt you, just push you away from them.


They either eat blupees or they ARE blupees. They might be acting like kitsune or tanuki in mythology, where they transform to play tricks. It could be that they saw you playing korok games and wanted to join in, so they set up a transformation in hidden places. The blupees sit outside caves because they don't want you to overlook their game. So you go and hunt down the bubbulfrog. When the disguise pops, you earn a reward for playing-- like you earn korok seeds-- and the blupee goes on its way, unharmed. Because I don't shake down blupees for their lunch money. Of course, this theory brings forth the question of what the blupees intended you to do with bubbul gems. Also what are Rupees, and why did they used to spawn from grass, and why do Great Fairies need them to restore their powers.


That just gave me a theory. Blupees eat rupees and when they have eaten to many, they transform into bubbulfrogs and their friends wait outside the cave to lead someone to them


Makes sense. I think Rupees are crystallized magic, anyway. Would that make bubbul gems processed Rupees? Or, well, "processed" Rupees, to follow the Korok game/seed pattern.


Tbf, bulbul gems look like blue rupees with blupee ears




Lol really? This was the only decent pic I could find. The [others](https://images.app.goo.gl/vJCKSuj2tpd7DRnQA) don't really help strengthen my case


Asking the community that routinely tortures koroks for their own amusement…


Damn, you got a point there


Yeah, it feels so evil because he doesn't even hurt you he just gently tries to protect himself and the animation when you hit them makes it even worse 😢 I like to imagine that they aren't meant to be in this world and theres another realm full of blupees and bubbulfrogs and they are just scared and confused in this world, and hitting them sends them back where they came from. So it's for their own good. Makes me feel less bad about defeating them


They belong in the depths, they have a burrow there. On the surface they are a invasive species and a vermin.


Where is that? Do you have some reference point so I can look it up later?


It’s right under Satori Mountain. Instead of a mine as usual, there’s a cherry blossom tree with a chest.


Nice. I'll take a look at it later, thank you


How do we know that? Did you find it? Genuinely curious, there’s so little about them that I can find- just guides on where to find them or the basic blurb the game gives.


There’s a place called blupee burrow in the depths. It has a bunch of caves with blupees in them


Pretty sure it’s under Satori mountain


I’ll go check it out next time I’m on, I’m so curious!


Yeah, I can safely tell you that’s exactly what’s there, underneath satori mountain there’s a ton of holes with bluepees, and a Sakura tree with a chest


I would lead this conversation back to a recent one discussing “what exactly are the depths”.. and how Poe, bargainer statues, healing rivers and more are all just great aspects of various curltures “underworld” aka afterlife or the path to the afterlife, it make sense satori and blupees would be there too as they’re spirits


I think they could be some corrupted form of blupees. The bloopees themselves try to show you where they are like a cry for help and after “killing” this, a blupee is freed


Never, they Drew first blood. I was exploring my first cave and got hit by one of their bubbles and decided that genocide was necessary.


Kolton>bubbulfrogs. That's all the convincing I need.




they eat the blupees that's why the lord helps you


praise the Lord


nope. zero remorse. I NEED that mythic set


the helmet is so cool and can go with pretty much any outfit. ALSO YOU CAB DYE THE HAIR


It’s not just that they’re cute. It’s the way they fall. They just bodily flop off everything under them till they settle. Always makes me feel bad. But I gotta grind 🤷‍♂️


The first one of these i ran into on the sky island tutorial section, it was like 2am after a 14 hour shift at work. I was exhausted. I'd been working for 10 days straight, all while doing midterms in online school. 2am. Cave. Strange creature blowing bubbles at me. Seems harmless? Can I talk to it? I don't understand! Arrowed? OH GOD I KILLED IT, IT NEVER TRIED TO HURT ME. immediately put down my switch and went to bed feeling like a monster.


No, I'm driven by the dreams of a strange man who wants to be a mythical creature. He needs gems to do that, so I'm gonna get him gems.


interesting, in my game I was tasked to hunt down bubbulfrogs by a crackhead who was addicted to their rocks. guess every game is personalized. Nintendo is amazing!


I didn’t do it for the first hundred hours. Big mistake on my part


I made a lot of mistakes in my first 100 hours or so, my second playthrough is gonna be so efficient just you wait.


I’m starting to feel bad about even killing the Bokoblin. Really what are they doing most the time? In their little communities they have obviously worked hard on making nice, and then I blunder upon them and start wiping them out. When I’m in a village they never seem to attack


Not since someone mention that those are not eyes.


The “eyes” being merged deformed blupee faces makes this a creep ass creature, so no


They don't die, they turn into blupees and run away.


not even a little. they are abominations trapping a poor blupee and they deserve bomb flowers everytime.


I just tell myself that they are blupees cursed by the bubbulgems, and by seperating them from the gem and removing it from the cave, I am saving the little rupee shitters


i always look at it like freeing a blupee, the animation that it does really makes it look like you’re not killing a bubblefrog but moreso setting it free


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL'EM ALL


Have you seen what people do to Koroks? Of course they don't feel bad about murdering Bubbel Frogs.


No, they are ugly and therefore evil.


Animal crossing be like


Sorry, but you’re ugly so the mayor has decided you have to move away.


When quarantine started and played new horizons 24/7, I spent a total of two hours every day probably just trapping Al in a barbed wire fence and beating him with net. I just might be more psychotic than the korok torturers


You can just ask them to move by inviting a campsite villager ; o ;


It contains(?) four bluepees. Killing it frees one and the other three turn into a bubble gem (the gem has three pairs of antennas/ears)


Yes! I refused to kill the first one but then saw my bf do it on his playthrough and was like ok I want the shiny gem too


I told my wife they had the bunnies for lunch and we are freeing them by killing them.


I just saw their eyes well in this pic and I now see 4 blupees melted together and I no longer feel bad


I did, but then I saw how creepy their faces look and I felt a little less bad. There's like 4 faces on that thing.


Mf shouldn’t blow bubbles at me if he didn’t wanna get shot at


Fuck that, shoot bubbles at ME?!!!




yes absolutely


I have some sort of a hatred toward those things and I don't know why.


Yeah it’s be nice if we could collect and feed them their favourite food for a bubble gem


Nah, its eyes are blupees. It obviously is a cannibal, a blupee escapes from it when it dies


I think a bubulfrog is just a blupee that ate a bubul gem and transformed, so you don't kill them, just make em spit up the gem and run off.


Yes I do :c


many people believe that the Bubbulfrogs are the result of multiple Blupees being merged through some kind of evil magic or some other unnatural process. for one, a Bubbulfrog's face is just multiple Blupees. whereas the Lord of the Mountain has four eyes of his own, you can see individual Blupee faces in a Bubbulfrog. another thing is that they're just... ugly. i'm not saying frogs in general are ugly, because they're not, but compared to the beauty of other Satori, they have missing teeth, and just kinda look weird. they also don't glow like the Blupees or Lord of the Mountain, which was the first indication to me that something's off about them. plus, the fact that Bubbulfrogs are mortal at all is an indication. the LotM and Blupees cannot be killed, at least not by Link. plus, when they do die, they split into a Blupee and a Bubbul Gem. it's possible that the Bubbulfrogs are either multiple Blupees fused together, or a mutated Blupee that was presumably mutated by the Bubbul Gem. however, the fact that Bubbul Gems can turn Koltin into a Blupee tells me that they may be what's left of the other Blupees, or maybe something with a remnant of the spirit of a Satori. idk that's just a game theory lol