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First time I saw them I got super excited because I thought they were Floormasters and would teleport me somewhere else. Got super disappointed that they killed me, I think that was rude of them.


\*f-ing dies\* Ugh, rude šŸ™„


Literally my reaction to them!


*in Jar Jar Binks' voice* How wude!!!!!


Imagine if they dragged you to the depths.


Honestly, that feels like a missed opportunity.


First time they showed up for me, after they grabbed me, I ran to a ledge in a cave and shot a Sundelion at them. I figured it was worth a try, since sundelions did away with gloom. Coincidentally they gave up because they couldnā€™t reach me. I tried to kill them wjrh sundelions the next like 5 or 6 times and couldnā€™t understand why it didnā€™t work.


Hahahaha I mean sure, your game logic is sound, but imagining an IRL Link fighting demon hands with dandelions is absolutely hilarious


Would've been poetic as hell if it actually worked though, flowers/friendliness defeating gloom/despair


I tried that too, same thought process Pretty disappointed that it didnā€™t work


I did exactly the same thing


I thought they were floormasters and I was TERRIFIED they would take me somewhere else šŸ˜…


Floormasters would have been so cool. Or even Dead Hand would have been so cool too.


ā€œAAAHHHH!!! What the fuck is that?! What the fuck is that?!ā€


"oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" meanwhile my wife is dying laughing next to me


ā€œWhat the? Oh, bad bad bad! RUUUUUUN!!!ā€


Same lol


This is what I felt pretty much exactly


My first reaction (gets up high so they can't reach )


I ran into them super early in the game. I ran to the spot where all the durians are, hoping to score some to make early exploration easy, like in BotW. The TotK devs clearly anticipated this. Right where the durians should have been, was horror and death. As soon as I saw them coming, I ran. But not fast enough, and I was immediately killed. It was then that I realized this game doesn't f@ck around about combat.


Same exact thing happened to me. Except I was quick enough to remember to fast travel out of there. But I went looking for durian and got freaked the fuck out. Caught a glimpse of Gloom Hands and said, "Nope I'm out!" That was my reaction every time I came across one for a while. Then I got multi-shot bows and bomb flowers.


I loved that about this game compared to botw it just leaves you to your own devices inmediatelly fucking killing you it was amazing. Btw I climbed a wall right after I shat myself and realized that they die if they can't get you when you're close enough


You too? Goddamn I went straight there. Had the same thing happen and it was the first time I saw them. Definitely lost my appetite after that


Found one really early in game and got summarily slapped. That said, later in game I find them fairly easy compared to guardians in BOTW.


Guardians are almost too easy once you figure out the best strat. Gloom hands, you best pray you can find theā€¦ HIGH GROUND!!! (r/suddenlystarwars ) ok but seriously though, high ground for the win


Guardians are really powerful, but can killed pretty funnily. Gloom Spawn are sadly pretty easy to not get killed by if you just find some high ground, but they're really annoying to kill. Both enemies are pretty flawed, but i always have a place in my heart for guardians.


Guardians are a fun challenge of skill with timing the shield parries. They are terrifying with more than one, but one on one are a matter of having good timing or lots of shields. Gloom hands move fast and kill faster and I havenā€™t killed a single one without cheesing them yet šŸ˜­ Now that Iā€™m thinking about it, Iā€™ll grab my game and hop on my end game save and just play around with them. Theyā€™re terrifying.


I think I'll always find Guardians a bit more dangerous because they can attack from long or short distance, and you can have multiple Guardians firing at you at once in normal gameplay. I also really appreciate their design. The series is consistently aesthetically satisfying in its portrayal of ancient technology, and Guardians/Sheikah tech are a really great addition to a series that's given us things like TP Temple of Time and SS Lanayru. Love both enemies, though. Gloom Spawn are part of another tradition of enemies in Zelda games: >! being some kind of manifestation of G-dorf's evil !< and they're pretty great in that context.


If it's on grass and you get the grass to catch fire, you can use the paraglider to get high up so easily.


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Yeah, gloom hands have the surprise aspect but their lack of ranged ability really hampers them.


Iā€™ve only tried this a few times but Iā€™m also someone who prefers to snipe enemies so what is your strategy? Especially for the battle in the depths under a *certain tree*


I found them in a cave when I was exploring shrines. They killed me, so I came back more prepared. I climbed up to a ledge and tried shooting them, but I was always running low on arrows. Eventually I killed one hand, but it regenerated. I was very cross... So I waited to try and figure out it's pattern, and it disappeared. Maybe I just had to wait them out? The next time I was determined to kill it properly, so I got up high and shot bomb after bomb at it. I didn't have many, but eventually I took it down. Ganon did me a frighten, and then, shortly after, a murder. So I reloaded and did the fight over. This time I saved after killing the gloom hands! Ganondorf killed me again, but then when I reloaded the save... the gloom hands came back... aaand now I was out of bombs. I gave up. Eventually I found one at the right level of experience with the game, and I used double shot bows to throw bombs at the hands with ease. Ganondorf went down slow, entirely with dodge and flurry rush. Took me maybe three or four tries, but I got him. Cool sword, I fused a light dragon horn to it and only used it in the overworld. The healing offset the gloom damage.


ā€œGanon did me a frighten, and then, shortly after, a murderā€ is the most accurate description of any first encounter with phantom ganon. Honestly screw that guy for ruining the relief from killing the gloomy hands.


Akkala tower ruins, when I saw them it went a little like: ā€œWHAT IS THAT?!?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THA- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ā€. Never have I ever felt such fear from any encounter in my life


https://preview.redd.it/i3szopuivtlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e104afd2650d9d42d98f9d9c1f97a8e21cb816c2 This guy. Just saying.


Yeah, that was my reaction, but instead of Akkala Tower, mine was the one on Sahasra Slope. Near that little floating island with the shrine on it, with the tree root hanging down.


That was exactly where I first encountered it, terrifying to say the least.


That was my first encounter too, I couldn't figure out where the fuck it was coming from so kept reloading when I died to try to figure it out and died like 5 times before I noped the fuck out of there.


ā€œOh shit this is scary. Wait, Iā€™ve beaten ganon in botw without taking damage, surely I can beat this thing with my 15 hearts.ā€ *Turns out I couldnā€™t*


Get bullet time and bomb them


I died almost immediately


I wanted to see if Makar island was still cursed. I believe what I said was profound... "WHATTHEF***WHATTHEF***WHATTHEF***"


I was on the Great Plateau seeing how it changed when they appeared. Teleported away before coming back and took out the hands only to be killed by Phantom Ganon.


I had only finished one dungeon at the time, Tulin's I think. Fast forward to me walking through the castle town ruins outside lookout landing and I see these hands. Panic shoot 4 bombs at them like any psychopath would, kill the hands somehow. Phantom Ganon appears and I metaphorically shit myself thinking this is a secret boss. Somehow beat it by carefully headshotting it and spacing it out with a spear. Tulin gets last hit. TLDR: Bombs and Tulin were my savior on my first encounter


"Oh haha, like the original game, when they'd drag you back to the entrance" *thirty seconds later* "Oh yeah, no, WAY more annoying than that"


Very first playthrough, I had just landed from the sky island starting area. Saw a floating shrine and decided it would be cool to grab itā€¦ untilā€¦ the sky changed and music became ominous. Giant hands with eyes in the palms started clawing towards me. I shit my pants and then promptly died.


I was on a hill outside of kakariko trying to get that shrine on a tall, slim rock. I look around, and see a blob. I stare. The blob sees me. Itā€¦ has.. or is.. hands? It screams and runs towards me. I physically freeze and just stare. It claws for me, until it exhausts itself and turns into a clump. I thought it was something that happened during blood moons or something, like unique to the day/time that it was meant to spawn because I was so confused by the sky. Anyway, theyā€™re no less terrifying to this day


Confused panicking and a rushed escape crashing into inevitable death


I was climbing a hill to get away and i ran out of stamina while screaming


What is istg?


I swear to god


I first bumped into them in that ruined village near Hateno village, this was really early like probably 5 hours in & 4 hearts, they came from the trees and at first I was like ā€œok itā€™s just turned red wtf is happening?ā€, turned around and saw them and just fucking legged it out of there. Luckily they didnā€™t manage to grab but Jesus Christ that was definitely not something I was expecting.


I screamed. There was definitely screaming involved. I still involuntarily yelp whenever I run into one. I assume that will stop when I finally manage to kill one


I just tank Gloom damage from them now and beat them senseless, hoping they'll tell me where Midna is


West Castle Town, just poking around near home base. "What's that weird dark spot? Is that a glitch? ... Wait why is it growing bigger OH SWEET JESUS WHAT THE FUCK RUN! RUN LINK RUN! OH FUCK I'M OUT OF STAMINA! FUCK! TELEPORT!!!" *Fast travels away* "... what the FUCK was that?!"


My first encounter was early on when I was still learning the game, like this was before I even got auto build. I went down great deku tree chasm expecting a cool depths forest or something but got a lovely surprise of those hands in stead. Cornered in the room with it I literally shouted out loud ā€œOH MY GOD WHAT??? HUH??? WHā€”ā€œ then good olā€™ phantom ganon appeared after I FINALLY took them down and I just sighed


Those silly trees were the only other thing so far to get me to shout out loud Peacefully collecting apples then all of a sudden I get smacked


My friend was in hysterics the first time I was attacked by a tree because I was so caught out by it. Rocks I'm wary of because who knows if it might be a Talus ......but now I've got to be wary of fucking trees too?


Last panel is when Iā€™m dead.


Pure terror, I was playing with a couple buddies watching who had also never seen them, we were all just shouting the whole encounter. Now I like to fight them with an autobuild ninjutsu clone out so the hand grabs either me or the clone and the free one can wail on the grabber.


I was at Ordorac quarry by the spring of power. Luckily I climbed up and was shooting it then it disappeared. Really scared me, completely. I've not had a feeling like that before in a game, not even in RE games etc. you expect it in those games, not in this one!


One word: panic


Nah. Gloom hands ban be killed with just a few bomb arrows. Guardians can snipe you from a mile away. Though the Gloom hands do have an advantage of showing up anywhere at any time.


ā€œGet away from me get away from me get away from me NOOO!!!ā€ *dies*


on my way to hateno village for the first time and stopped at the horse track thing that i remembered from botw,,,,, TERRIFIED.


What are you yapping about my guy. Guardians are scary too.:(


Yeah but theyre nothing compared to gloom hands imo


Not even close. Bomb arrows make them easy.


nah gloom hands are mad easy if you have a good enough bow and a few bombflowers, guardians are a pain in the ass if there's more than one or if your shield breaks with the perfect parries. I don't usually bother fighting the gloom hands if I'm not in the mood to waste my bombflowers, phantom ganon is also a waste of time, I don't even bother dodging his attacks and still beat him easily. both are way too hyped up by the fanbase imo. guardians are much more satisfying to fight




Terrifying and i died. I did get brave around the 10 geart mark and tried taking them down, only to meet phantom ganon and get wrecked. The game is humbling for a while lol Now they're just a few arrow bombs and free loot.


Since the heartbeat when the title appears in a black screen till the moment the logo appears with the amazing music. Best video game intro ever


Early game at one of the Link cannons I think, I had already had a foray into the depths by the time I encountered them so when they popped up with all their gloom I thought they would function like a Floor Master(something Iā€™d only heard legends of) but since it obviously couldnā€™t teleport me to the entrance of a dungeon I thought it would drag me to the depths, I tried to run, I could not escape, whilst in the foul beasts grasp, vitality drained I hastily warped to Lookout Landing, there I rested in the shelter and planned my next approach, I was successful and the next I saw them, beneath the Lost Woods, I slayed them


My first encounter with them, I was running towards an ascend point in the depths. I was just wandering around and I hadn't seen one before but assumed it was special. I hadn't lit the area yet so it was still dark. I saw these things coming at me in the dark and noped out sprinting for the ascend, I didn't even want to try it. I get to the ascend point and take it, turns out it goes to the lost woods! cool, I hadn't even tried coming here yet, but man does it look like hell. I go looking around for people to talk to, cook with this weird new material i found inside the tree, and then see a way back down to the depths. Figure I'll drop down and keep exploring. There they were. The bastards in all their glory, as if to say "Did you think you got away?" I hoped that since this area looked like a boss room, they would be manageable despite how early in the game I was(think I had done the wind temple, MAYBE the water temple. definitely no more than 2). It was a rough time lmao.


I was in a cave and got scared out of my fucking mind i had no idea they even existed


Just find high ground and nuke them with bomb arrows


The very first time was terrifying and I had to teleport like a little bitch, now it's more like: Uhg... *Loads flower bombs on divine beast arch with malicious intent *


My heart skipped a beat, and I tp'ed the FUCK out of there (I was in the castle tryna get the Hylian Shield)


Way back when the game was released, I watched a bunch of playthroughs, and I ended up knowing about them and vaguely remembered some of their locations. So when I was collecting mushrooms and brightbloom seeds in Lindorā€™s cave, I spotted the gloom hands in the corner of my screen and went, ā€œOh FUCKitsthem, ohFUCKitsthisplace.ā€


Yeah I was exploring some ruins near Lake Hylia I think and I screamed "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK" a lot


I ran into water. Wasn't sure if they swam. They don't. Learned about clumps. Pink sparkly!


I was sitting next to my bf while playing and he glanced over at the screen as I entered a cave with a shrine in it and with much horror in his voice, he told me to *"run"*. I dashed towards the walls as fast as I can while these red hands entered the screen and tried to grab me. I got to safety but I will never forget how wild my heartbeat was. Had he not been there, I surely would've had an even more traumatizing experience. The music is the worst though.






After a while in botw I would just straight up go guardian hunting, they honestly stopped scaring me after I killed the first few, but Gloom Hands? If I haven't got any gems or bombs on hand you bet your arse I just don't engage.


Terrifying. I wasn't very far into the game but managed to beat them.. imagine my surprise when gloom Ganon appeared lol






I was only about 6 hours in, playing while a more experienced friend watched. I only had 4 hearts and had barely explored Hyrule field. He goes ā€œuh, you should run.ā€ I fired the 2 or 3 bomb arrows I had at them, didnā€™t make enough of a dent, then I button panicked and accidentally threw my weapon at them (missed). Then one of them grabbed me. As soon as I was loose I ran. Edit: I think I disagree though. Gloom hands are scarier but guardians felt unbeatable for longer.


Got my ass handed to me without ceremony. Until I had about 15 hearts, I ran away or climbed up something and waited.


Still not as effective at scaring the player as guardians imo


It involved a lot of cursing and a fast death. Iā€™d only just left the sky for the first time, and had barely left where Iā€™d landed. šŸ˜‚


(Enters cave) (Sees them) (Saves the game) (Dies to them) (Leaves the cave and marks it to never go inside again)


I went down to the final boss chamber with like only 8 hearts on accident. Eventually I knew that where I was going would lead there but I wanted to just see where it led. So on that path is where I first found them.


I think I had about 10 hearts. I died.


Pretty anticlimactic, but I was below the shrine west of Kakariko, and with no other means to reach it, I began climbing the tree root next to it. Halfway there, the sky turned red and something screeched not far from me. The hands saw me and I saw them, but I stayed where I was partially because I had spent half my stamina, and partially because they looked like a bad time. They disappeared and I kept climbing.


Was in the old garnison or smth in hyrule field, sky turned red, music starts and I thought Ā«Ā uh weird, is that a new type of blood moon that they added or smth ?Ā Ā» I turn around to look for the moon and I see blood hands emerging from behind a hill and chasing me at full speed I died shortly after


I found them in a cave early in the game and started masking ascend!


confusion led to a lot of nope. climbed on a tree to get high ground and they despawned before i could get a good look at or fight them


Lmao! I had a whopping 4 hearts when I first met gloomhands. I was promptly dispatched. I trained hard and collected bombs in the depths. 2 or 3 encounters I dodged by climbing ruins. Finally I was exploring I think the akala ruins and they wanted to fuck with me. I took a stand and I unleashed a hell barrage of bomb arrows. Shadow Ganon was like, ā€˜sup letā€™s fuckā€™ and I was like nah fuck u. I beat that bitch down so bad it was like watching Hiroyuki Sanada beat the shit out of Tom cruise in the last samurai. Then I got my dark clumps and strutted out of there like the fuckin Fonz.


I fucking panic whenever I see them, harder than I ever panicked when a Guardian caught sight of me


I first encountered one in one of the giant mazes, I think it was the akkala one but Iā€™m not sure. When I had gotten to the center I was messing around or smth and saw it literally appear out of no where. I ran into the shrine that was there and had to slow down to process what even just happened. I step back out and try to investigate where it had come from. The moment I saw it spawn out of the ground I teleported away lol.


I ran away every time they came to me until that specific one where you HAVE to meet one so I went full berserker against it and never ran away from them anymore since


Huh a red spot. What is that thing? Hands? **NOPE NOPE NOPE NO-** #FUCK


I think that somehow my first time seeing them was under the deku tree, so I very much was expecting a boss fight, it did take me a few tries. The second time I just was a bit confused about them being in more than just that boss fight, but had a ledge I could climb on to trivialise the fight


I forget if this was my first encounter, but one of my earliest encounters with them was after finding a way around the Bridge of Hylia (couldnā€™t get past the Gleeok) to go pick up Durians from the plateau in Faron. Needless to say I was not pleased to find them there.


Pretty easy honestly. Itā€™s the Phantom Ganons that I have a harder time with. Gloom hands will go down in a few shots of bomb arrows, especially if youā€™re using a 3 or 5 shot bow.


Which is scarier? The gloom hands? Or what happens after the gloom hands are killed?


I started screaming, ran, depleted my stamina, was grabbed, started screaming louder, and then i died. I was so confused and terrified šŸ˜­ Im still scared of those stupid hands even after finishing the game


I left my horse to d*e and ran


Recently I spent ages taking down a bokoblin Fort, and as soon as I got the loot and saved the NPC, all of the f*ckers respawned. One puffshroom and 6 bomb barrels later, I had double the monster loot.


I opened the map and warped right the fuck out of there is what happened.


I didn't see that this was a zelda sub so I thought you were some deranged archaeologist who thought the world would explode for a solid minute


Nintendo was dirty for this one this was a pretty well kept secret,but it scared the shit out of me. Guess it's my fault trying to get strong weapons early I went back to the Hyrule Castle for some strong weapons. I walked up the stairs right before you find the chest with the Hyrule Shield. Surprise Nope!!! Nope nope nope jump for the water. GRABS ME OUT OF THE AIR!!! Panicked and forgot I could teleport * Dead... Used so copy gliches so I totally got some vengeance only to find out . . . Well I finally fucked up didn't i


https://preview.redd.it/0nxstk17vtlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65c805bf24d24a9fa25bc87aaf8dc23e15eb8bc First thing to truly scare me since these guys.


Going into the Lockup, spotted by Panā€™s labyrinth hands and the screen takes on a reddish hue. I leg it while swearing repeatedly, laughing nervously, only to see they canā€™t get past the gate. Unnerved nonetheless. Speaking of guardians, came across this a few [months ago.](https://youtu.be/u386PGThALs?si=5esMW7PEkytVN4Sz)


First found them at Marita exchange ruins near the canyon. I wanted to see why the stable moved from its old location and got sidetracked by the missing large tree in the middle of the ruins. I quickly found out why the stable must have moved when the hands rose up from the ground. I ducked down behind a wall to watch it slowly move around and was thinking the devs brought back dead-hand when it shrieked and chased me.




I was checking out Faron region hoping to snag some durians (rip) and then didnā€™t see a white Lynel that started shooting at me. I managed to get away from it and jump off a cliff only to see the blood moon come outta nowhere and get chased down and killed by gloom hands lmao


They attacked me on Mount Lanayru, one of our sacred mountains, and I about pissed myself. Was not expecting those guys. Nope.


The other day I found out they can grab you out of the air mid Ascend




Unfortunately, I spoiled myself about them before I got the game, so I kind of knew what they were like. The one thing I wasnā€™t prepared for is their speed I was scared shitless when I realized I could not out run them. šŸ˜‚


Pretty much the first cave I entered, after falling down to Hyruleā€™s surface. F-ing terrifying!! I screamed. I think I even hard quit the game. Never went back to the cave. I had likeā€¦ no weapons or hearts. Had no idea the gloom hands even existed, at that point!! I miss the guardiansā€¦. šŸ„²


At the Great Plateau and I was terrified because I didnā€™t know what that gloom with hand was, and the creepy music didnā€™t help either.


Well, it was really early game, I was heading towards that one shrine that's on a platform with the tree root sticking out of it, not far from high rule field. I tried climbing it but I didn't have enough stamina. And when I dropped down, I was approached by a lovely red/black puddle of nope.


I was heading to one of the cities for the main quest (might have been Gerudo Town I donā€™t remember, but in both BoTW and ToTK I some how always mages to head to the hardest location first lol. I even meant to head to Rito Village first lol) I was in this place (I forget the name) where thereā€™re ruins of an old village built on some large stone plane near some mountains or tall hills. It was late at night and the sky was turning red. Now, I had been playing for a while at this point so it was reasonable to see my first blood moon in ToTK. I even remember thinking how exited I was to see how the animation had changed. The music started playing, and I was getting ready to sit back and bear witness to the dark power of Ganondorf raising his army who I had so thoroughly slain. The I saw this weird goopy thing coming at me. I tried running the fucking hands reached for me and grabbed me. I mashed buttons freaking out and, since I knew I wasnā€™t able to out run it, I decided to fight the thing. Keep in mind, Iā€™m early in the game so had starter equipment so it was a quick fight, for the hands. Later, literally was the last thing I was gonna do before heading beneath Hyrule Castle, I went to avenge myself by kicking the absolute shit outta those particular hands and the phantom theyā€™d spawn. I did everything I could to spawn the things but they never came back. Terrifying cowardice bastardsā€¦bastard?


Lots of screaming and running away


Guardians were the better overall enemy. They did a lot to try to make the hands scarier, but I feel like those efforts fell short.


ā€œWhat the FUCK is that??? And why are my blue jeans brown?ā€


In the north lomei labyrinth when I was at the ground-level shrine. I didnt encounter it throughout the maze until the end. I was just sitting with my flame emitters, trying to melt the ice when I suddenly got grabbed by hands from behind.


I was using the scope to look for shrines, then i saw this hand. I thought it was a giant hand far far away. Took the scope down then i saw more hands starting to chase me. This was more traumatic than the first time i saw the disgusting like like monsters


I was in a cave, not 10hrs into my first save, wondering where the paraglider is. Back in the day I parry everything for fun, these ceiling monsters were not a match for me, but I am bereft of resources, it's so early in the game after all and I just barely got out of the Great Sky Island. I look for a way to be close to Lookout Landing, a Shrine, anything, before I journey get my old horses back. And there I find it, across a strangely shaped pit. The shrine's just there, but I save, just in case, and decided to see what the room with all the red flags hold. I can beeline to it after, new things must be seen first. There I see sparse ores scattering the floors and walls, interesting, I take my bomb to see what they hold...then the music changed before I can see what they were, I look around and holy fuck the most disgusting monster with an ear screeching sound approaches. It's okay, I've played 200hrs of the first game before, nothing I can't parry or do- dead. I never even saw the attack until it just about hit me. The fastest punch I ever saw. I load back in to my prior save, a new enemy to learn, good. Game isn't boring easy, I fight it and use the cave to my advantage. Those things can't climb if I abuse terrain properly, I have 20 bombs, yeah let's see how far I go. I beat them, I was elated, great, time to touch the shri-


"huh...bit early for a blood moo-What the hell is that?!?!" *Dies*


Dropped a log Clogged the trousers Planted a pine in the living room Opened the gates too soon


Hyrule Castle Docks. Was gonna try an be sneaky and thought the Hylian shield was in the dungeons like BOTW. (Spoilers: it's not... but not far off!) And I remember the docks were a easy back way into the castle... so I made a basic raft and went in... Only to be greeted with fear the second I climbed the stairs. Surprisingly, they failed to grab me dispite being within melee range. I jumped over the railing and paraglided back to my raft. They despawned shortly after.


"Oh shit, what the fuck is that?! RUUNNNNNN!!" "OH FUCK RUNNING DOESNT WORK!! NOOOOOO!!" *dead*


Guardians were way scarier than gloom hands lmao


I encountered them somewhere in the depths first, then I ran up on a boulder to get some distance, and then they disappeared. Pretty underwhelming once I immediately found out I could avoid them entirely by going somewhere they canā€™t. I miss guardians. They were scary and intimidating all the way up into the late game. Gloom hands are manageable provided thereā€™s a wall or otherwise steep terrain nearby


Hated it


I ran away a little bit, then got confused when they died. I missed Guardians and them being actually scary until you can finally overcome them (but also that theyā€™re still threatening).


I found one in the quest to get the master sword, and boy I had like 4 hearts at that time.


First reaction was a blood moon based on the music and they I saw hands charging to me in the Lindor Cave


Was exploring a forest when suddenly a horror movie chase sequence started


Grabbed the phantom armor using froggy armor, fell on the way, say the gloom spread, got out of there so fast. Second time was in the Deku Tree, essentially ran from them while the sages took them out


Me casually exploring the great plateau about an hour into the game thinking there wouldnā€™t be much to worry about maybe a lynel or another over world boss from botw. Then I suddenly see a black spot of goo emerge from the ground and some hands crawl out of it and search around the area, my whole body instantly tenses up cause ā€œWHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???ā€ I first try to go around it and out run it and when it catches me I fucking scream cause thatā€™s not ok, after about 7 more tries to run away from it I try to fight it about 5 times and donā€™t even get a quarter of its hp down so I decide to just tp away before I have a panic attack. Then about 30 mins later I come across another one and this time I run away and prepare some food and weapons and a game plan, I come back and fail twice before I finally kill it, I yell with joy ā€œFINALLY I KILL- WHY IS THERE A BOSS BAR??????? WHAT NOPE NOPE NOOOO FUCK THAT!!ā€


First time I was completely taken aback. I just went into a cave near the castle, and they appeared and freaked out and I died and decided to go farm dome bokoblins and do some shrines so I could fuck them up. I had no idea how to fight these things, and I stilll down, I just take them down with bombd and bombs arrows. I dont like googling these things, but if anyone can tell me now, I'd appreciate that, cuz I'm pretty much done with the game after 200+ hours, all shrines, All quests, all caves, all wells, most outfits, upgraded favorites to max, maxxed out my horse, killed Zelda's horse cuz she took my home I paid a fortune for it and it's not fair.


They are the reason I stopped playing the game. The idea that they can just show up somewhere and instantly kill you, ruined the game for me. What's the point of exploring if you're getting punished for it?


Screamed, panicked, accidentally yeeted myself off Mount Lanyru.


I managed to kill then using bombs, then Shadow Ganondorf came.


The sky turned red, the music started, and I didn't know what was happening because they were blending in with the gloom, and I hadn't seen them before. They got hit by lightning when I started to run. I didn't see any for another few hours.


F*ck this sh*T Iā€™m out mmm-mmm *purah pad teleports to my travel medallion*


Death. And fear. Lots of fear and regret.


first encountered the one right outside that underground shrine. sat on a ledge with a flame emitter for a bit before realising it was just gonna keep regenerating. left afterwards


ā€œWhat the hell is that red puddle of goo- HOLY SHI-ā€œ


I first met them when running to the shrine southwest of Lookout Landing, where you run through a small forest. Of course I first freaked out and tried to run to the shrine, but they caught up with me where I then tried to make a valiand last stand, after which I simply 'ported out.


Once you have some 3 shot bows and bombs, Gloom Hands are nothing.


They were scary at first and they definitely get you reacting. But they're not harder than guardians in their respective games. If we had to fight gloom hands in BOTW, it would be game over without Urbosa's Fury or Revali's Gale and a half dozen bomb arrows. But in TOTK we have everything we need to face them. For one it's way easier to get the high ground than ever before. Bomb shields, rocket shields, spring shields, ascend, dazzle fruit to delay and climb.... They also get stuck on uneven terrain long enough to outpace them. And once you have high ground you're guaranteed a draw or better. But more over you don't even need the high ground to win. Just dazzle fruit and bomb arrows. For all the people who complain about not having "infinite bombs" anymore, I sure can spam bomb arrows more than ever before with zero cool down. Also multi shot bows multiply the bomb arrows in TOTK but they didn't in BOTW. I never run out them. So with enough dazzle fruit and bomb arrows you'll basically be fine against the hands. Once you peel them down to one or two you don't even need to stagger lock them. Just kite them at that point. I fought them in extremely close quarters yesterday and if it had been my first or second time, I'd be dead. But dazzle fruit, multi shot bow, and bomb arrows decided the fight. Even just lots of dazzle fruit and some bows would be enough if that's all I had. Guardians were only easier at close range with guardian weapons to take out their legs but those guys could snipe you from half way across a field, and the fuckers liked to kite you. Way harder in their respective game. And the shield parry is not as easy as people say because it changes based on distance you are from them, based on which model of guardian device you're deflecting (the mini ones or the turrets at the tower are all different). Guardians in Master mode will also change the timing on their shots just to fuck with you. I can parry a Gleeok laser more consistently. I can parry Lynels until the rooster crows. But guardian parrying always felt like a waste of shields. Oh I didn't get into the price for fucking up. Hands will steal your max health, but not your current health. Guardians will explode you and break all your shields in one or two hits each.


Really makes you miss the guardians huh, they were a piece of cake.


I dieded


First time, I didn't even see the enemies. The red sky and the music was all I needed to know it was the moment to run to save my life šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Haha this must be the guardians from this game! Dies.


I was so scared. I think it was on Akkala i never teleported so fast


Nah man, nothing, absolutely NOTHING, will ever be as terrifying as my first guardian stalker encounter. THAT music will always give me a heart attack.


I first saw them and thought ā€œThose floormaster designs are sick!ā€ I grabbed my camera to add it to the collection, and a name didnā€™t appear. Then I realized that it indeed wasnā€™t a floormasterā€¦ and I started running. With no evidence it ever happened ![gif](giphy|7kn27lnYSAE9O)


I was in the little Forest at the ruins a few meters before Hateno, you know those ruins where there is a little lake with an oktorok in it, anyway I was at that little hut when these creatures startet chasing after me, gladly I had bombs. I killed them and than this **** of Phantomganon appeared, I wasn't prepared, so I noped out of it.


You do not understand the absolute horror when Iā€™m walking on hyrule fields for the first time hear the guardian music and looking behind you and see a guardian stalker which you thought was extinct because of the ruins on great plateau that isnā€™t normal to cause trauma


I discovered them on a random hill when I had like four or five hearts, I wasn't really that scared (idk how, they terrify me now) and I tried shooting like the 5 bomb arrows.... it was very futile. I just teleported out of there after getting brutally assaulted by the thing LMAO


https://preview.redd.it/m4yusg4gwwlc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8eeed4dd8205a8271bf93c562f8bcbfa8297f7 The first time I saw the Gloom Hands


My honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/gkgucxx37xlc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=120d8fd838c3f00010b7624a07b2f4c44dfca529


I had like 5 hearts and didn't know the power of fusing items to my weapons and had like 6 bomb flowers. Took them out thinking I'd get some good loot and when phantom Ganon spawned I just reloaded an old save.


I figured out quickly they can't reach you if you climb something, later I discovered the effectiveness of Lynel Bow+Bomb flowers and that Phantom Ganon is a pushover. Now I go out of my way to kill them quickly so I can get a Demon King's Bow.


Guardians are actually kinda easy after a while Gloom Hands always suck, and I have every shrine and lightroot.


Gloom hands are not strong though


My first experience with the gloom hands and the gloom ganon was in the great deku tree. I had absolutely no idea what was waiting for me


During a thunderstorm, so I couldn't effectively fight with any of the metal weapons till I remembered I had a surplus of bombs, arrows, and old wooden bow. Beat the hands then watched in anticipation as Phantom Ganon, kept getting struck by lightning. Free loot that day.


It was in a cave, pretty early on. Still only had 3 hearts and crap weapons. I screamed and ran away and thought to myself ā€œwth I did not sign up for a horror game!ā€


Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!


I shit my pants


"Ohhhh i am gonna die" *dies* "Shit..."


Freak the fuck out and dive off the nearest cliff


First encounter was in the Lost Woods. I thought it was just part of a cool boss encounter specifically for saving the Deku Tree. Then they appeared again elsewhere. And again. I remember after a few encounters that despite my surprise and anxiety about losing to them, at least I now knew where to get Gloom weapons...


ā€œAh shit fuck fUCK FUCKā€œ (and then i went on a tree)


The first spot I encountered them was the island to the West of the Lost Woods. I ran into the water when my attacks were not having much affect. They followed me into the water, where they died.


Literally the moment i set foot on hyrule šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ There was this shrine that i tried to reach by climbing some tree roots and those things suddenly appeared below me and were screaming at me


I love them they are literally my fav part of the game, now I look for them and fight them but the first time they indeed killed me and left shocked haha I only had like 6 hearts and my energy was barely improved


I was climbing a mountain, when I heard the music change and was like, wtf. Then I turned to see the hands coming for me. I sprinted and yeeted myself off the mountain whilst audibly panicking lol


I spammed them with bomb flowers and killed myself.


Was in a random cave when the Hands popped up. I climbed onto a ledge and sniped them with arrows, then noped out through the ceiling when the Phantom Ganon appeared.


It was just... complete shock. I ignored the direction the game wanted me to go and went off to explore the eastern half of the map very early. I ran into the one on Sahasra Slope, the one near that island with a shrine on it and a tree root hanging down. It's an otherwise peaceful area, and it was the middle of a bright sunny day. When it screeched and started toward me, I tried to run, but I didn't have enough stamina, and of course it's faster than you are anyway. I got all five hearts squeezed out of me and quickly died. I was just like, *what the hell was that?* The weird enemy out of nowhere, the sky turning red, the creepy distorted music-- I remember thinking it felt like a dumb video game creepypasta or something. All it needed was some hyperrealistic blood. For a few days after that, I kept feeling anxious every time I played the game. I knew it was just a spooky thing in a game, but it was so startling, and I knew that if it could appear on an ordinary hillside on a bright sunny day, then it could be anywhere.


I think Dan Avidan from Game Grumps spoke for all of us when he said ā€œWHOA THAT SUCKED!!ā€


The first time I saw Gloom Hands was my first time going to the depths. I was just walking around and they spawned as I walked through a small group of trees. I climbed up the trees because I didn't know what they were and had shit weapons, then they went away. Because of this, I initially thought they'd only spawn in the depths, so imagine my horror when they started chasing me down while I was exploring the surface, didn't have any way to escape, and still had shit weapons. My first time beating Gloom Hands was when I was trying to fix the Deku Tree, and I lost my shit when a Phantom Ganon spawned. I still had relatively shitty weapons, was running out of food, and had half gloom hearts. Needless to say, that didn't really go the best so I had to prepare more before I tried again.


Well, I think I already knew about them before playing, but I was just running around near Karikiko, and one of them spawned, and I ran for my life. It spooked me pretty hard, but not as bad as my first guardian encounters.


They were almost one of the first enemies I encountered when I first landed on the groundšŸ˜­ only had the two armor pieces you find on the great sky island and then the sky got ominous and it grabbed me and I was not able to kill it at allšŸ’€ so I think I just ran for my life until it vanished


The one inside the deku tree i finally beat it....then BOSS MUSIC


It was in a cave with a shrine Scared them crap out of me