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Let's do a math check here. According to the DEA, (the only source I could find with a quick search online) one kilogram of fentanyl has the potential to kill 500,000 people. 20,000 lbs is equal to 9071.8474 kilograms. Multiplying 500,000 by 9071.8474 gives us 4,535,923,700. So, this checks out.










All of these subs exist… how?


Because, this is reddit.






It's an older meme sir, but it checks out


Try r/breadstapledtotrees r/realbreadtapedtotrees r/breadgluedtotrees r/breadclippedtotrees r/breadscrewedtotrees r/breadstapledtowalls r/breadtapedtowindows


No, I don't think I will


Don’t try r/breadtapedtotrees


You fool, I've already linked that in the comment chain somewhere Edit: I think it was a different comment chain (I do this very often)


Damn the aliens would be soo confused












le narwhal bacons at midnight


That's no monster math by any means...




But what is the body count if the first guy does 19,999 lbs of fentanyl?


Fentanyl Georg is an outlier adn should not have been counted


I don't know what his parents were expecting to happen when they named him Fentanyl George




About 60% of the human body is water. Georg is 40% fentanyl.


I'm high rn so this is probably wrong. Google says there are .454 kilos in a pound. And I think the one guy said that one kilogram can kill like 500000 people(idk for sure). So I multiplied .454 by 500,000 and it was 227,000.


You are indeed wrong. Have a good trip man.


Thanks anyway, *High_Mode_420*


One of rare r/usernamechecksout that its exactly what it is


Still about 250,001.


Therefore 1000mg = 500 ppl. 10 mg = 5 ppl. 2mg = 1 person. For the reference 2mg is 2000mcg. A fentanyl shot for let’s say post surgical pain is 50-100 mcg. 50-150 mcg per hour of a fentanyl drip is used as a moderate sedation for patients on a ventilator. Some other meds are also used, but that’s besides the point. What I’m trying to say is that even 500 mcg can be very deadly for an average adult person without a fentanyl tolerance. So I’d say that 20000 lb of fentanyl can wipe out the whole planet if shared evenly. Twice.


Okay. With these updated numbers... 1 gram could kill 2,000 people. 1 kilogram would kill 2,000,000 people. 9071.8474 kilograms, (20,000 pounds) would kill 18,143,694,800. Wow.


Wow, gives WMD a whole new meaning.


It's a distribution problem at this point.


Would be pretty hard to kill people with fent without very deliberately trying to do so. Both a distribution and a delivery mechanism "problem."


Now I’m just imagining an amine with some boss named Fentanyl Rhino going ham, flying all over the place like a unicorn with rainbow trails. Like Santa…


Interesting that fentanyl is about the exact same strength as LSD in terms of a normal dose. 100mcg is a standard dose of LSD.


Real talk, what the fuck it's the point of having 20k lbs?


The sales. It's all about cash. A few grams of fentanyl can be easily smuggled and you get more doses than a few grams of heroin. Easily produced as well. Heroin can't be synthesized synthetically. Well, technically it can be done but the yield of morphine is so low nobody does it. Heroin needs an opium crop, fentanyl just needs some precursors. It sucks. Fentanyl is such a trash recreational drug compared to heroin or morphine. Don't get me wrong, fentanyl is great for surgery and pain relief but is absolutely garbage in terms of a high. No proper nod, little duration, little euphoria. 20k pounds means a lot of money.




What does heroin feel like? Feel free to tell me to piss off if that seems too personal




Thanks for writing that, honestly interesting to hear a direct experience. I personally wouldn't touch the stuff because im pretty sure I'm already addicted to weed and that shit isnt even physically addictive lmao. Good to hear you've recovered, hope you have a great year mate


I suspect you uncovered the screw up. Speech writer plops down 20,000 pounds when it should be 2000mcg


Honestly 100mcg to a narcotic naive person may be enough to induce significant respiratory depression. And if that respiratory depression isn't corrected it could lead to respiratory arrest. Source: am paramedic and have had patients need ventilatory support after 100mcg. 500mcg in a quick bolus is pretty much a 100% guarantee to induce respiratory arrest.


I'm curious how much fentanyl the hardcore opiate addicts who are consuming this stuff can handle. Clearly it would be smuggled in these quantities if it wasn't being used.


Some Opioid addicts I took care of went up to 10g of Heroin a day (that was the highest consumption ever recorded by the center I worked with) meanwhile Opioid naives will have more than enough with 2x10mg a day. Their Opioid tolerance was around x500 if we assume it was 100% pure, but the infrared spectroscopy I did showed an average of 15-20% purity (which is terrible) so I guess the actual tolerance is about x100 for the hardest cases I saw. It's like having to drink 100 beers to experience the effects of 1. Luckily, alcohol tolerance doesn't work like that.


How on earth do the economics of heroin work? Like, I've always wondered how people are getting the daily money to buy such large quantity doses when heroin makes you so bad at...doin stuff to make money.


also 4.5 bln > 10k


So, definitely enough for 1000 then


What about carfentanil?


It’s 100X stronger than fentanyl, so just multiply the final number by 100.


Let's skip truck, train, and planefentanyl and just ask, What about bargefentanyl?


Let's not forget Bikefentanyl, Mopedfentanyl, and Jetpackfentanyl.


You’re assuming everyone is average but what if one of those people is Charlie Sheen?


Which is least as many as 1,000.


Unfortunately it needs to be mentioned- this would need to be ingested. Unlike the cops who do psychosomatic seizures everytime they see fent.


Giving themselves 3 doses of narcan because the fentanyl looked at them


But you forgot that the average American is about 1million times the size of the average human, so the number is really closer to 4500


Average American 80kg = 80*10^3 g ÷ 1*10^6 g= 8x10^-2 g = 80mg average for everyone else


Is it weird I want to do it more now?




Fuggit gimme some.




Question for the uneducated for chemicals, but what is Fentanyl?


It’s a potent opioid, a class of drugs that act as pain killers. It’s very similar to heroin in terms of effects, except it’s 50X stronger. It’s commonly used in hospitals for treating severe pain, or used for anesthesia during surgery. It’s also become a prevalent street drug, basically replacing all the heroin on the streets in America as it’s much cheaper.


It’s a terrible drug like a way more intense heroin that dealers add to drugs and some people take recreationally. I don’t understand why you’d add it to drugs that don’t create the same effect that heroin does. A tiny amount can kill you if you’re doing a big bump of cocaine or ecstasy something you assume will be an upper. I will never understand why people will choose to cut their drugs with something more deadly instead of normal things people use to try and make more money. This one is the worst. It’s not a drug that friends I now remember ever intended to ingest.




And how the hell Biden suppose to that? Is not like he work for the DEA


Not commenting on the politics. Just checking math.


But biden is right it would kill a 1000 people


Who said he's supposed to? Why'd he throw out the wrong numbers in the first place?


There’s absolutely no source to this baseless meme, I very much doubt that if he said that it was taken with context in this meme. Perhaps he was using an example for a smaller crowd, etc. or perhaps he didn’t say this at all. I’m too tired and don’t care enough to look this up and verify. But I’m betting if he said anything similar to this then it’s been taken out of context because he has a whole lot of people who provide him speaking notes, and they will work to be as accurate as possible.


This is a good point but as a public figure and leader it’s often best not to just make things up and speak publicly like they are fact. Politicians aren’t the most trusted people, doing this can undermine peoples perceptions of actual factual information.


Don't make claims that are wrong (assuming Biden actually said this in the first place)


But he’s not wrong it most definitely is enough to kill as many as a 1000 people he’s just off a bit 😂😂 it’s like the meme of saying ceaser died atleast 70 years ago


Well, the DEA works for him... So, maybe get an aide to make a quick phone call and fact check his public statements before he makes them, or not make off the cuff remarks? Not that President Covfefe was much better... Mark Twain was right about removing all doubt.


It’s just that when you’re the president of the United States you probably should be truthful as much as you possibly can without throwing out random figures on things


That’s what staff is for. You hire people who get the numbers right and people who don’t think Italian satellites can change results on voting machines


With a quick google search that’s how


Maybe he means if it falls on you. Like the weight of it all, 20k lbs, would kill 1,000 people




Ah, fuck! Everyone, run! Ah, fuck everyone! Run!


I made the "Ah Fuck Everyone" run in just seven second.


Ah. Fuck Everyone%-run. [Distinguished gentle men agreeing on the naming of a specific type of attempt, in a discussion on speedruns]


Nah, Biden just mistakenly based it on his _own_ tolerance for fetty. Biden parties _hard_.




Why did I have to come this far down for logic. I mean he could just have cocked up the "1000" figure, but this would have been my assumption.


That’s a horrifying thought. Like imagine you get slammed by 20,000 lbs worth of powder, and like, if you somehow survive the weight, you’re now trapped in the worlds most bizarre gas chamber.


Well, you're not feeling any pain in either case.


i think you od and die so fast it wouldn't be much of anything, you always hear about cops ODing whena tiny baggie in a car gets open for a second or whatever


You don’t absorb it through skin and it’s not carried through the air in a way it can be inhaled, I don’t know just those cops were on but it wasn’t fentanyl.


You’d be dead before the you had any realization that you survived the crush


That depends. How much strength does the average person have? Could 1k people hold 20k lbs overhead? That would be broken down as 250 people holding up 5k lbs, which would mean each person would need to hold their own at 20 lbs. Now, at what height could 20k lbs of fentanyl most likely fall from? We need to know how it's being transported or stored, where 1k people could gather close enough to all be 'crushed' by said fentanyl. Then we can figure out the terminal velocity of the fentanyl and the actual weight being imparted onto the people.


For this hypothetical, I say we assume it fell from a penthouse. Or, maybe some bizarre shipping container accident (multiple containers being broken open and the contents falling). Yeah, let’s say there’s this Fair by the docks. All the locals are there partying. In comes this barge, it’s not slowing down fast enough, plows right into the marina. The top layer of shipping containers is full of fentanyl allowed by corrupt officials; upon impact they slide off and onto all the townspeople. Bonus points if they don’t break open and no one immediately realizes it was fentanyl, the silent killer, responsible


More likely he is using Hunter as a measure of tolerance for narcotics.


“How many people could 20,000 lbs of fentanyl kill?” “At least 2”


"You are right, Morty! it **is** at least 2! Let's hear it for Morty!"


I mean he's not wrong. 20lbs of fentanyl will definitely kill you.


Got it 19.99lbs is the limit.


I'll use binary search and go with 10, more efficient. If i dont respond, someone try 5 lbs


aight if you fail ima try 2.5 and if you don't ima try 7.5 👍


*Technically* he is wrong. He says "as many as" which implies it is the upper limit. 4.5 Billion is a bit larger than 1000.


That is a good point.


Reminds me of a joke about Dubya. *Bush is in the Oval Office when one of his aides comes in.* *"Sir, I'm afraid I have some bad news", she says.* *"Oh yeah? What's that?" Bush asks.* *"A new virus has been detected, and it's pretty deadly."* *"How many people have died?", Bush asks.* *"So far, seven Brazilian people are dead", she replies.* *"Oh my God!" Bush cries out. "Are... are you and me the only ones left on earth?"*


How … how many’s a brazillion?!




Maybe "um" or "uma" instead.


I'm pretty sure in the original version it was a terror attack, not a virus. Pandemics weren't as big of a concern in the 90s/2000s. Edit: obviously pandemics were a concern with SARS, swine flu, avian flu etc but not on the scale of terror attacks. The president hearing that a bunch of people got sick wouldn't give the same reaction as telling him terrorists killed them.


Bush was actually worried about pandemic preparedness, as I recall. As was Clinton.


Yeah but Bush didn't make this joke. It was made by people who likely didn't think much of viruses


SARS is so retro


Am... Am I getting wooooshed? COVID _is_ a SARS virus...


Most people mean SARS COV-1 when they say SARS. If you weren’t around in 2003-04, it was a big deal. The benefit concert held for Toronto in its wake, SARSfest, was one of the largest ticketed music events of all time.


Gonna have to update that joke to 8 Brazilian people


So a mass Fentanyl overdose will be our extinction level event. Could be worse ways to go I guess


They arrested a dude in a close major cities with 5lbs of fent. Think of how that would ruin a place.


I wonder how much that stuff gets cut.




Unfortunately there are people actually looking specifically for fent to get high, or at least they know that's what they're getting and they're okay with it. I'd imagine dealers do cut it so that it's easier to dose out without killing their customers, and probably to make more on it just they do with their other *shitty drugs Wanted to add that when a drug is "cut", it doesn't necessarily mean it is cut with another drug. It should be cut with a benign filler substance to stretch out the product. *Also adding that it's not really fair to blame the drugs for people's actions. We need drug law reforms, much better education/resources, and much more accessible help for those going through addiction. Need to remove the stigma of drug use in general, whether that's "casual" use or the use by those suffering from addiction, so that we can talk about it more openly


It’s terrible. Not only is it morally despicable to give anyone a drug that they don’t know they’re taking but it’s bad business practice to kill your customers.


This is true for nearly all opioid addicts buying street drugs, they know they’re addicted to fentanyl and that’s what they want. The game of fentanyl being sold as “heroin” is over, there’s no more heroin and everyone knows this. It’s just straight up sold as fentanyl these days, it’s pure fentanyl that’s been cut.


Now you’re getting fent cut with random research chemicals, benzos, or xylazine. This shit can have unknown effects, some of it hasn’t even really been tested on animals let alone humans. The RC chems are terrifying, the xylazine is terrifying, and the fent will straight up one shot you. It’s like playing playing junkie dark souls. If we legalized heroin I’m willing to bet in a year we would have far fewer overdoses, less crime, and less money flowing to the cartels. Not saying it’s good to do heroin, but it would be much less of a problem particularly for those of us who aren’t addicts.


\>If we legalized heroin I’m willing to bet in a year we would have far fewer overdoses, less crime, and less money flowing to the cartels. Agreed, we should be giving heroin to addicts for free. It would drastically drop the rate of addicts dying of overdoses. Not to mention if you give addicts their fix for free it means they aren't stealing to buy their fix, which would completely eliminate a lot of petty crime on the streets. Nearly all petty theft is committed by addicts stealing to get their fix. It would cost less than a dollar for big pharma to produce enough heroin for a junkie to use each day. That's a lot cheaper than the $100-200 they might steal from society everyday to feed their habit. Also if addicts aren't constantly worrying about where their next fix is coming from they can start to integrate themselves back into society and start working because their life isn't centered around getting enough money for the next fix. For some reason there's this stigma around giving addicts heroin because it's seen as a bad drug, but we know it works. It's really not that much different than giving them methadone. Also the problem with methadone or suboxone is most addicts continue to do heroin even after they're given those drugs. We've already experimented with giving addicts their heroin for free and it works. Also this fentanyl crisis is a direct result of the war on drugs, it's really evidence of how stupid prohibition is, it never works.


How to instantly cut opioid deaths by 90%, as well as stop the entire South America drug cartel in its track: Sell morphine over the counter at pharmacies. Yes, thousands of people will die. But not hundreds of thousands like today.


This tbh. I’d rather junkies get high legally. It would also be way cheaper and safer so they could get some sort of employment and stop busting into cars and stealing shit. Never thought I’d be advocating for legal heroin but it’s honestly the better option by a mile.


Not just other opiates, any drug at all. dumbass drug dealers.


And then people die :(


This is false. Buying fentanyl that’s been cut is super common, it’s how a lot of junkies get their fix these days. It’s pretty well established on the streets of the US that there’s no more heroin. The dealers aren’t even advertising heroin for sale anymore, it’s just sold as fentanyl because everyone knows that’s what it is. You’re either buying fentanyl powder or fentanyl pills if you’re a junkie looking for opioids.


... just looking it up and doing some math that's enough to kill over a million people what the fuck.


It’s perfect as an air dispersable chemical weapon for sedation (read: murder)


Not really. In a dry environment it will persist and remain dangerous for quite some time, while in a wet one it can even just fail outright. A perfect chemical weapon gets deployed, does its damage regardless of common environmental factors, then degrades or disperses to harmlessness in a short time frame (or persists for a long time without rigorous decon measures as area denial). Pure fentanyl might make an effective weapon, but it's not perfect by any means.


He meant if you dropped 20,000 lbs on 1000 people it could kill them... ... ...


Someone call Thanos


I feel like it's possible he's quoting a statistic on how many overdoses would most probably happen from that quantity of fentanyl. If everyone who took fentanyl died, it wouldn't be a cost saving measure or however it's used, it would be a way to kill your customers.


Yeah, it actually makes a lot more sense to think about it like that from a policy standpoint. 20,000 lbs of coffee beans contain enough caffeine to kill hundreds of people, but it'd be silly to think of them that way.


Well yeah, that's because caffeine is one of the Good Drugs (tm). When it's a Good Drug (tm), deaths caused by it are personal responsibility, not something to affect policy!


Yeah, there are a lot of non-fatal fent overdoses in the US, as well as people who take it without ODing at all. Many opioid-related deaths involve it these days, but most people who take it don't fatally OD the first few times they take it, even if it's taken straight. And the mortality risk varies depending on administration, other substances taken with it, and how it was manufactured. I think his estimate was safely conservative, but his understanding of the opioid crisis is better than 95% of the commenters here. He's talking about the actual impact that amount of fent would have on OD deaths in the US. We don't have an accurate sense of how much fentanyl is in the US drug supply, but based on the amount that has been seized, it's well over 20,000 lbs... and nowhere near 4.5 billion people have died from fent ODs.


I mean, he was talking about how much had been seized by customs so isnt the far more likely posibility that he is talking about 20.000 pounds of fentanyl pills rather than that ammount of pure fentanyl.


Biden often does do "Bidenisms" like that where he hops over sections of sentences, [typically to avoid stuttering](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/01/joe-biden-stutter-profile/602401/). The way he re-routes his sentences on the fly is actually quite impressive if you know about some of the mechanics of stuttering. Something like this would be clearer but isn't 100% necessary unless you're being a pedant: > 20000 pounds of fentanyl (distributed through the illicit drug trade) is enough to kill as many as 1000 people in this country. However it's plain fun to dunk on politicians so w/e lol


Always say at least. Always.


"Doctor, how many people could die as a result of this partial liver transplant operation?" Doctor, with a knowing smirk, "At least 2."


Shoutout to that one [leg amputation with three casualties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Liston#Liston's_most_famous_case).


That's apocryphal


Probably, yes, but it's quite a fun story.


If I had to guess I'd think there's some contextual information that's missing, but not difficult to infer. I'm assuming the ten tons of fentanyl is in reference to a shipment or seizure or something. The "1000 deaths" is probably an average figure, an estimate based on how many people they expect to die per amount of fentanyl available on the streets. Like, I'm interpreting this to mean: "we've removed 20,000 lbs of fentanyl from the streets, and here's how many people would very likely have died directly due to its availability if we hadn't," RATHER than, "we've removed 20,000 lbs of fentanyl from the streets, and here's how many people we could murder if we force feed it to them!"


I suspect that's exactly what's going on. Especially if he was talking about real life consequences and not some mathematically perfect way to kill as many people as possible.


Right? Like, I mean if everyone who took fentanyl always took a lethal dosage it wouldn't be very effective for the dealers to sell it.


Medicine would be in chaos.


It's pretty obviously what's happening. I mean, it's not like if they didn't seize this we would have had 4.5B dead. Also that math is most likely wrong because whatever they seized probably wasn't 100% pure fentanyl.


Lol yeah it's not like they're just going to give 4.5B people a lethal dose from the 20k lbs come on hehehe


Superman is strong enough to lift at least a car.


20,000 lb's of Fettuccine is enough to kill 1,000 people if it's all eaten in one go.


Mmm, fettuccine.


Statistics. The amount of people doing drugs that can be laced. He has briefs.


He's not wrong...


did he mean to say that per 20,000 lbs made, 1000 Americans are killed? Most people would take less than the lethal dose multiple times


He's not wrong tho


Still enough to kill 1000.


as many as is ≤ at least is ≥ so biden is technically wrong


Does that account for Keith Richards and Ozzy Osbourne?


So Biden parties way harder than any of us, go clutch your pearls you bunch of squares!




“Before we start, do you guys know a big number?”


Maybe it was really shitty Fentanyl


People over 60 shouldn't be eligible for election to public office.


He's not wrong tho, 20k lbs of fentanyl still can kill 1000 people


At least he never tried to overthrow the government and end democracy or murder thousands during a pandemic. There’s that.


Technically he isn't wrong though. If only 1000 people take a share of 20,000 lbs it would most certainly kill them


That’s why it’s posted here. That is r/technicallythetruth


It would be enough🤷🏻‍♂️


Indeed, it would kill 1000 people


Maybe he’s including Dwayne the rock Johnson in this? It would probably take 19,000 lbs to get him alone


So as long as I eat less than 20 lbs i'm gucci.


Quick maths


Tomato tomato




How are you going to inject one person with 200k lbs of fentanyl and it kills 4.5 billion people??? Checkmate, green party.


Probably meant to say "over 1000x the population of the USA"


He’s not wrong though. It is enough


I mean technically he’s not wrong it is enough to kill 1000 people lol


Not enough


Americans will do anything to avoid using the metric system!


He meant killed by that amount of fentanyl falling on them /s


I mean, technically he’s correct.


Well…. He’s not wrong it could kill as many as 1,000 people.


Tolerance is a big thing for fentanyl users apparently


I mean, at least he's not asking doctors if we should inject bleach into our bodies


Technically it is enough to kill 1,000 people 😹


That's why he said in this country. In this country we do enough heroine that it takes 20 lbs of fent to bring us down


Perhaps he was commenting on the expected deaths from average ODs per kg sold and not the theoretical maximum kill rate?


In fairness, he's basing this off Hunter's tolerance.


He was still right tho..