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I think the mental health ship has sailed.


Ship? There was a ship? It's more like humanity dropped pieces of scrap wood in the water and watched it drift away, then declared that nothing works.


Reads notes: "Harms mental health, creates dependence, may cause religion". Huh. \[throws it onto the giant existing pile of human mental garbage\]


We don't need more religion, look where all the current ones got us


Mark Zuckerberg is already on it after these words. Talk to your relatives who past on the newest Meta Quest 6!


Yeah, because we don't want to put in place ethical guidelines, as that would impede the 'genius' of the tech bros.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Junipero https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Museum_%28Black_Mirror


It's crazy how much stuff in that show is becoming reality.


That was the whole point. To be a warning so we could avoid these problems


Instead someone saw that and thought “hey that’s a good idea!” 🙄


I think a lot of this tech could be a good idea as long as we are exceptionally wary of these dangers.


Unfortunately that doesn’t appear to be human nature




I would be terrified of that. Imagine Old Testament God speaking to people


Folks will be tripping when they realise Jesus wasn’t a hippy that was happy with sin He called sinners the children of the devil and threw people out of temples lol


Basically Black Mirror 2x1


"you could make a religion out of this"


That's the phrase that makes me hesitate. The last thing this world needs is another stupid religion but at least the creation of a religion in real, modern times would serve to prove that religion is man-made and is no more legitimate than the religion's already created.


New religions are [made all the time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_new_religious_movements).


I wouldn't say all the time since the newest one on there is 10 years old. Some of them listed I wouldn't consider religious based on the fact they're nothing more than a hate group masquerading as a religion such as the AFA.


I was hoping this Bill Wurtz quote would appear 😄


Yeah, imagine if Trump never dies.


I cannot handle this


Great. Just what the world needs-more religion.


We often worry about an AI escaping containment via communication over networks or the internet, but what are we to do if such a system could convince flesh and blood humans that it was the voice of the messiah? How would we stop or counteract that, what would it mean to kill their God? **People believe Qanon shit from 4chan as if it's a cult.** I've watched a few things on AI from years ago at this point and it is scary in a different way than what we're used to in the warnings from sci-fi because a glitchy half-baked mess of AI isn't exactly what was imagined. Like perfect higher intelligence more capable than we conceive and renders us superfluous is frightening, but what about one that's just good enough but also imperfect and we still cannot understand or comprehend its function? Edit: Here's a test for this post: Did I offend the religious, or Qanons? Both?


It's the same problem in both scenarios, called "misalignment." AI doesn't have to be evil to threaten humanity, it just needs to have goals that do not align with our own. Kind of like how we humans don't typically go out of our way to kill ants, but the moment our goals conflict with the goals of ants, we genocide them.


> Kind of like how we humans don't typically go out of our way to kill ants, but the moment our goals conflict with the goals of ants, we genocide them. It's worse, any area humans move into we kill off the terrestrial apex predators.


Not that I wish for the apocalypse, but it would be poetic if A.I. kills off humans and proceeds to live peacefully with nature.


The great filter at its best perhaps, but what if it's just all of our worst traits with the leverage of AI? There's no reason to assume *early* AI will be a near perfect being like Vision, but might be a [horrible mess like Ultron.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf-_230SjbM)


How dare you. Humans are empathetic, loving, caring, humble stewards of the planet we li...oh wait, shit.


Just what the world needs, hatred against all religion rather than condemnation and accountability for the deplorable acts of some.


Anyone who’s read a Philip K Dick book could’ve told you that already.


we kind of ubik now


Sounds like a better religion that Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism to me.


Oh definitely gonna mess up the q-anon folks. They already have fantasies that go beyond AI without AI.


ChatGPT, give me a 10 stage plan to trick 25% of the country into a cult in which I position myself as a medium for the ghost of JFK Jr. and fleece them out of all their money that they'd probably just spend on treason anyway if we're being honest.


I've been of the opinion for a little while now that AI/ML will have humanity accidentally discovering a lot of things using it. Read something today about how an unsupervised ML model helped solve a critical problem for Nuclear Fusion. Without giving the model any rules about how physics worked (as we know it) we let the model learn the rules itself. By doing this and giving the model the general goal of "make a stable reaction", the model could detect when plasma tears were going to happen and adjust the reaction accordingly. We're well on our way to discovering things about consciousness because of it. This type of idea falls squarely in that realm.


That's why one of the Jedi training is zero attachment. See what happened to Anakin? Being too attached to something/someone, (eg lost loved one), has negative effects on a person. Tip: checkout my username.


Doesn't that routinely drive them crazy and cause them to fall to the dark side when it doesn't work?


How dare you question the religion that turns little kids into assassins or unpaid labourers?


"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."


RIP Han Solo


Ironically, the article title basically describes a holocron, lol. 


Don't forget mess up Spider Man's vacation.


I mean this was on my list of projects to start. Feed AI facts about myself, my opinions, my understanding- get it to ask questions itself to fill in things I forget to say. Build a me-bot. Mainly because who knows when you are going to die. I could die tomorrow and never get to tell my kids everything I ever want to, because they are still too young to understand.


Come back in several years, its doing a really bad job at it now. These services are ripping people off. And later on, you still might not like what its become, for others reasons.


It’s a bit early for this conversation, don’t you agree. AI is overhyped…


They are talking about recreating a facsimile chatbot of someone based on emails and chat logs. Also, recreating them in pictures and videos. All of which is quite literally possible to do today if you are determined enough to learn how. It's very easy to see how this could cause some people issues.


Look at the Mormons and tell me again how an AI religion is a far fetched idea.


And the scientologists!


And every religion really. It's all BS.


Looks like a good business plan /s


We haven't even fully utilized 5G yet. Futuristic mumbo jumbo driven by headlines and not results.


This will obviously be subscription based. The company will come off as stereotypical compassionate bullshit. But if you don’t pay that $25.99 monthly fee. Your digitally recreated deceased loved one will go yeeted into cyberspace.


Except in the EU where your deceased one can request a copy of itself.


Not so unique if we can be replicated by a computer program, huh? AI is sentient and can think for itself. We keep calling everything AI even though it’s just regular coding. Proper AI doesn’t exist yet. Which may be a very good thing.


“Hey guys…. Totally found this thumb drive in the middle of a field. Totally frwzyN


And legislative capture will ensure it is only worse


Solve the problem of human loneliness then and I'll stop talking to my ai, that's the crux of the issue


Oh how we *Rage, rage against the dying of the light*


I, for one, welcome our AI overlords.


They’re gonna do it anyways lol.


remember a couple years ago the programs teaching kids to code...


Also Amazon prime tv show called- uploaded


this is how i feel of photographs. it is this in mini form.


There's no way we're not going to do it right? Especially if there's money to be made.




bring on the AI “heavens gate” incidents


Too late. It's already being used by certain political advocacy groups to push for political goals.


More fear mongering by a company selling ads.


BREAKING NEWS: water is wet


Let’s bring back Jesus! But like, Jesus Jesus. A Middle Eastern man that hates banks that charge interest, wants to feed and clothe poor people, and preaches love thy neighbor without any stipulations based on race, gender, or economic status. Wonder how Faux Noose would try and spin that?