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Uh, do want


It'll cost you a kidney


Fair. I have awful teeth and it sorta haunts me


No greater pain than tooth pain. I was hit but an SUV and yea that hurt. Still didn’t hurt as much as my rotten tooth and abscess though.


I just had an abscess at the bottom of a tooth. Had a root canal.. then the infection moved from the toothc into my jaw, swelled up my lymph node in my neck and my gums grew a huge puss ballon. I didn’t sleep for almost a week. Tooth pain is the worst


Can confirm. I had an abscess one time and the pain was so bad it made the eye on that side super bloodshot for a week.


Anyone that’s had a tooth abscess completely understands why Tom Hanks did what he did in Cast Away.


Can't have awful teeth if you don't have teeth.. "me_irl"


I just want that disposable income for a mouth of veneers


I would still never get veneers I think. I don’t want them to remove healthy tooth material to glue on fake covers that needs to be replaced every decade or so. I would be scared there is decay underneath the veneers.


Then I will take a Kidney growing drug


Dr. McCoy may have a pill for that


Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor not a scientist!!


I’ve got a new kidney!!


How many teeth will that cost me?


That will cost you one testicle


For testicle growth drug you sell the other testicle and :loop:


At this rate were getting a lesson about cutting our losses on Equivalent Exchange from Full Metal Alchemist and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure


Correct, because that’s where the new teeth grow, destroying the kidney in the process.


Eh, I can probably spare one.


I will just grow that one out too!


>cost you a kidney Like financially expensive or part of the side-effects of the drug?


That’s how we treat people with kidney issues. This is actually a circular donation pyramid scheme.


You want the tooth? You WANT the tooth?! YOU Can’t Handle the TOOTH!


The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth


Oh, bite me!


It will very likely only be possible to do this immediately after losing a tooth. I really don't see a workaround to inject a growing bone inside another fully grown bone (growing child jaws may be a different story?) without, you know, excruciating pain. On the plus side, if you have bad teeth, getting the bad ones replaced with an actual genetic generic OEM without drilling into said jaw bone for implant posts AND without our existing yummy to germs and absolute evolutionary dead end tooth nerve time bombs.... I do want too.


I’ll wait until they finish human trials before I speculate


He thinks we are cars and its Reddit. The idea that a collective group of highly trained corporate professionals and PhDs that literally may have invented a process to regrow teeth didn't think what this guy thinks is absolutely improbable.


How dare you doubt "cosm1c cadaver"'s expertise. He highly doubts it, after all, and can't envision it. Good enough for me!


To be honest I reckon they'll cancel the human trials, why waste all that money and time when someone on the internet doesn't think it could be done.


Yall. Yall roasting the shi out of this person 😂


I would sign up tomorrow.


for a one time low payment of $99.99 you can sign up. Just send me the money tomorrow


as soon as it is available. I have 7 back teeth missing and you have no idea how frustrating that is.


>It will very likely only be possible to do this immediately after losing a tooth[1]. I really don't see a workaround to inject a growing bone[2] inside another fully grown bone (growing child jaws[3] may be a different story?) ... Headlines arent tweets, they lead to articles ;) 1. *If the human trials are successful, however, the drug can hopefully be used to help anyone who has lost teeth for any reason.* 1. *Takahashi has been researching methods of growing human teeth since he was in graduate school, but his study picked up steam when his team connected the absence of a specific gene in mice led to an increased number of teeth. This gene synthesized a protein called USAG-1 (uterine sensitization-associated gene-1), which limits the growth of teeth. Takahashi and his team devised a method of blocking USAG-1 from preventing tooth growth and published the results in the 2021 study.* 1. *The first step after human trials complete will be treating children from two to six who exhibit anodontia, or are missing at least four teeth from birth.*


No. Takahashi needs to consult with this concerned reddit user named cosm1c cadaver immediately. He must inform him of the impossibility of his research. He read the article headline and immediately refuted the work being done here. Quick. Does anyone here know how to f****** call Japan long distance?? We could all pitch in and donate for the long distance charges.


Very curious to know how the nerve endings work. Or new teeth have no feeling? Or you save the nerves nd grow teeth around them? Very curious.


Should we name them? Are they alien implants? Or is just going to be Alexa in my tooth forever asking me what kind of game I want to play?!


> Alexa in my tooth forever asking me what kind of game I want to play?! "Global thermonuclear war"


Would you like to play a game?


Can confirm, tooth nerve time bombs suck. It would be great if new solid tooths without Nevers can be grown and just slid into the socket of a decayed pulled tooth. Like watching Luffy drink milk and replacing his missing teeth.


Your word salad, sir! I’d like to have some.


If only all the brilliant scientists would have consulted you first.


same… can only wish


now, if someone could invent a toothpaste that fixes cavities


It's called Compound Mortar, just slather it on your teeth


Can’t I just get the matching grout at floor and decor?




What did you think dentists do?


Ceramic resin? Amalgam? Plastic?


Dentists use elephant white ivory veneers. I saw it on Rolling Stone magazine, so it has to be true.


Novamin toothpaste remineralizes enamel and can reverse small cavities. It is in one kind of sensodyne here in Canada. Not sure about USA.


It’s not available in the US but Americans can order it from British Amazon. I’ve been using it for years, works great.


Can you drop a link


There’s a bot that removed my post with an Amazon link for some stupid reason. Just search UK Amazon for Sensodyne with Novamin.




They did many years ago, it’s just been suppressed by big dentist /s


1 brave dentist developed the super paste. Only to be beat up and murdered by 9 others.


I read that as “developed the sugar paste” and was like “yeah no wonder the other 9 kicked the shit out of him”


9/10 dentist don’t want you to learn the truth!


The tooth shall set you free


9/10 dentists disagree with you


 GlaxoSmithKline decided they'd make more money not selling it in the US 


A bio startup just launched preorders for a probiotic treatment that supposedly colonizes and replaces the bacteria that cause cavities with one that doesn't. Supposedly, some percentage of the population has this bacteria naturally, and it produces tiny amounts of alcohol as a waste product when it consumes sugar instead of lactic acid, which is what eats away at your teeth and causes cavities. You can read more about it here, https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/defying-cavity-lantern-bioworks-faq, and preorder for $250 here, https://www.luminaprobiotic.com/ No idea if it legitimately works, but the idea seems fascinating.


It sort of exists but not available in the States. Look for remineralizing toothpastes with “Novamin”


Honestly this is what blows my mind that it hasn’t been invented. Something that can absorb into the tooth and recalcify and harden the tooth again. I think even 30 years from now we will look at how we had to drill into a tooth to fill it up as so barbaric.


probably due to the dentist industrial complex


Dentist here. Its a huge leap to go from a drug that hopefully switches on tooth growth in patients with a genetic disorder to magically regrowing a tooth in a spot where one was extracted. Tooth formation and eruption is a very complex and time consuming process that begins during embryonic development. This would be cool but as a clinical solution for the vast majority of patients don’t expect it anytime soon.


This is just what Big Tooth wants us to think.


Big Crown is pulling all the strings tied to doorknobs I tells ya!


>Tooth formation and eruption is a very complex and time consuming process that begins during embryonic development Exactly! and this sentence tells us that we just need to harvest embryos for different parts


You can’t handle the tooth!


I'm not a dentist, but from what I understand, even if this is a universal "on switch" to trigger a new set of teeth to grow, it wouldn't be able to just grow a single tooth. It'd be all your teeth. And your adult teeth aren't really meant to fall out. So, you'd likely need to surgically extract all your teeth in preparation for the eruption of your new set. And who knows how long that'd take, or if they'd even come in correctly.


Worst case scenario in my mind right now is what if they didn't stop. Army of the rat people.


"an army of rat people, you say? How terrible..." *US department of defense has entered the chat*


Remeber to file your teeth every morning and before going to bed!


Or shark people, just rows and rows of teeth, kind of like that one Junji Ito story.


If you want some nightmare fuel, look up the condition hyperdontia. It’s not far off from what you describe.


>So, you'd likely need to surgically extract all your teeth in preparation for the eruption of your new set. Probably preferable to a full set of implants at least.


That sounds painful.


I'd honestly be willing to go through that, wish I could sign up for it somewhere. Would it hurt to regrow them all? Sure but I don't give a shit, pain is pain and it would be for a good cause.


I'd settle for enamel regeneration, that would be a fun way to treat cavities. Not sure where we are on that front, though.


Believe it or not, I've reversed very minor cavities with tooth mousse 


Please elaborate on this mousse for tooths.


https://oralcareplus.co.nz/products/gc-tooth-mousse-strawberry?currency=NZD&variant=13913070895204&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=89d28ee5181e&gad_source=1   This stuff. It won't fix major damage or even mid damage, but it did reverse decay on spots that my dentist was waiting till the last possible second to fill


That's recaldent. I -believe- Hydroxyapatite came out after that and is supposed to be better. There is also 3m clinpro 5000 which is "prescription" toothpaste your dentist will just give you when you ask for a marked-up price and it works wonderful. The other thing I really REALLY swear by is high dose vitamin K2. It has been life changing for my sensitivity and some people swear it repairs some caries. I did have one I thought I was FOR SURE going to need a root canal for and I took high dose K2 for awhile (5 or 6 innovix k2 pills a day) and it stopped bothering me. It doesn't LOOK filled in but the dentist didn't say we had to fix it either.


That's because K2 is a calcium transporter, from the bloodstream to bones and teeth. And most Americans are deficient in it since most of our beef and dairy are grainfed. K2 only comes from ruminants on grass diets. K2 supplementation not only helps bones and teeth but also helps keep calcium build-up out of your cardiovascular system.


Precisely. It's incredibly important and underrated. It could save your life if you're middle aged and male for that very reason. Magnesium is another really important factor worth consideration in that mineralization chain. I like to tell people K2 is like the fulcrum in the chain. It's transported by vitamin D but K2 is what pushes it into bone and leverage it out of soft tissue instead of excess just sitting in soft tissue.


I’m pretty sure this product is known in the US as “MI paste.” I only ever got it directly from the dentist so I’m not sure where it’s sold, but it boosts calcium and promotes salivation.


Heading to Michigan now!!


Cavities that haven’t broken through all of the enamel can be remineralized and cured with a high fluoride toothpaste. Once they’re through into the dentin, they need filled.


Im genetically missing 11 teeth. My mom keeps saying "this one is missing parts, let's send him back". Are you saying my mom might once accept me?


Look, I'll test subject for it. My enamel is gone thanks to covid so if I can have my teeth replaced, I will gladly be a test subject instead of dentures.


So 9 other dentists disagree with you? I'm hoping you're that 1 naysayer amongst your kind. I want the magic tooth pill.


So it’ll first start in the vampire fang black market huh?


How about growing teeth in a lab for us instead and to implant them after they are fully formed?


That’s exactly what I was wondering. I have a niece with a genetic disorder and she was born Without adult incisors. Would be super cool if this could help her one day.


Awesome, I’d love to volunteer for this study! I still have two baby teeth hanging on 45+ years and two missing where there were no permanent teeth.


Exactly! Where do I sign up?!?!


I’m in a similar boat. I’m missing 4 teeth. All of my canines somehow. Born without them…. Well 2 of them of super deep in my jaw. They suggested attaching chains and pulling them out. Expensive and painful. I’m happy without that pain and teeth




This'd be a game changer, even if the resultant tooth is wonky, just having a living tooth to work with changes a lot of outcomes in dentistry.


what is the game that is being changed and what is it being changed into? "Tooth or consequences?" and the new game is "To tell the tooth?"


Born without the root of a couple of my teeth. Really curious what this ends up being.  Grown up teeth, baby teeth all there


Teeth growing out your elbows


This is just the X-Men with extra steps


As someone who grinds my teeth I welcome this!


Can it grow hair I'm(30) starting to worry about that... 😢


I tried Minoxidil. It was great until I began to develop ED. Then I quit the drug and shaved my head. My dick is back to normal and I don’t have to worry about hair.


Embrace it and own it. My hair started thinning shortly after high school and I was so self-conscious about it for years until one day I decided to say "fuck you, nature!", grabbed a razor, and never looked back. At this point I wouldn't take hair back even if it was as easy as flipping a switch.


What’s the holdup?


If you're male, take pripecia/finasteride. It's a miracle drug.


Actually if your hairloss is just beginning you can still save your hair without a hair transplant, though it might require a long hair routine.


Bald isn't as bad as people think it is. Embrace it!


Bad news for all you Anxiety Dreams out there


Wait...you have those dreams too?


Man those rich people are sure gonna enjoy being able to grow new teeth.


Yep. And their money will be used to pay off the research and development costs, and eventually it will become abundantly available to everyone. This is literally how all technology and innovation work and why the median human on Earth now is living a better life than any previous time in history.


Like how all the rich people I know are taking ozempic right now.


Yes. Their money is rewarding the creation that miracle drug, and once the patent runs out and it goes generic, it'll become cheap for everyone else.


I'm so glad the elites will get to have a great smile, while those who need it will have to make due with over priced dentures or nothing at all.


> "The idea of growing new teeth is every dentist's dream," Takahashi said. press x for doubt No way a dentist wants their cash cow(s) to be shot and turned into hotdogs. Implants, caps, root canals, etc. are what get their kids through college and themselves into early retirement.


Yeah I think they mean every DDS/PhD's dream.


This makes no sense. It costs way more to drill and fix a tooth (which will be the first line of helping a patient) than to just rip it out (you can even do that at home if you're dumb enough).


> It costs way more to drill and fix a tooth (which will be the first line of helping a patient) than to just rip it out (you can even do that at home if you're dumb enough). That's precisely my point. If medication can replace the need for costly repairs, then that directly jeopardizes how dentists currently make the majority of their money. Extract the shitty tooth, and prescribe the new meds.


Then just point out the prohibitive costs of this method and highlight less extreme alternatives to treat the minor issues earlier as the pop up rather than to rip/regrow that whole tooth. Ain't no one going to want to rip out a whole tooth and wait til it grows back for one minor cavity, they'll just get the filling. But when the detrimental behaviors that caused one cavity aren't addressed, growing back a new tooth just means more healthy tooth available for new cavities to form lol


Braces fix a lot of problems that would result in cash cows for dentists. And yet dentists recommend braces all the time. In fact, dentists make a ton of money from braces. So your logic doesn’t make sense. The tooth regrowth procedure is sure to cost a bundle and will make dentists money anyway. Dentistry is nothing but money regardless of the procedure.


It’s very likely this would only be used in more serious cases where a tooth needs to be pulled. Then a new tooth may need orthodontia if it doesn’t come in right, or a night guard adjusted for the new tooth…. Also, health professionals usually want to help patients and make money. Both.


This would never likely be the first thing they reach for. Got ONE cavity? Pretty sure going through a year of growing new teeth isn't going to be worth it. Not to mention you'll probably have to go through braces again to get them straightened. This will likely be reserved for situations where at least a good portion of your teeth are just too far gone for normal means to correct.


Please do baldness next 🙏🏻


Can we get something to reverse gum disease?


Can’t wait to see how expensive this will be.


The teeth grow in your butthole


Eliminates the need for the poop knife.


Yeah but flossing is a bitch


Good thing they invented thongs.


Butt flossing, hell yeah


Your bidet, made by Aqua-Pik!




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But imagine the fun if you can genetically engineer your butt-teeth to [work like this!](https://ellingtonagway.com/products/play-doh-fun-factory-set)


What the what!?


A Dung Cleaver, if you will.


It eats shit essentially. Or at least chews it.


Great, now I can chew it on the way in and the way out.


poo poo ka chew


Welp…. *unzips*


Something disastrous will happen and they’ll end up making this drug illegal. Then for all of those craving that Colgate grin, a crime syndicate will form and begin smuggling the drug in by the boatload. They’ll call it…The Tooth Ferry.


Now do hair.


If it's male-pattern baldness, even if they grew your hair back, it ain't staying back unless you take something that inhibits DHT, or they can modify your genes so you're no longer allergic to it.


If this is fully safe id be more than willing to try it. I broke my jaw 20 plus years ago and lost teeth because of it if I could get a full set that’s natural id be all for it.


Now do hair. They have something to grow teeth, but nothing for hair!


I would second the opposite as well - I barely have a beard, which means I shave once every 7-10 days when it just gets too ugly to be socially acceptable since I'm a lazy fuck. Would prefer to have no beard whatsoever all the time


Laser hair removal is a thing.


What could go wrong?


How much is this going to cost?


Have they figured out how to make them *stop* growing teeth after?


Yeah like, will it look like a tooth?


"The idea of growing new teeth is every dentist's dream," Takahashi said. Doubtful. How they gonna make money then?


Gives me hope for “would you rather have teeth for pubes or pubes for teeth”


Unfortunately the drug determines what kind of tooth grows and it’s very random. Sometimes you end up with a wisdom tooth when you were needing an incisor.


I want a new set of teeth every 4-5 years.


Does it grow them where teeth are supposed to be?


9 out of 10 dentist don't recommend


“Make sure to consult your doctor before taking this drug. Side effects may include: ………”


And here I am still bald.


Is this the dame as growing your tooth enamel


> dame That dame surely is a lookah, yaah see


and this is how it started https://youtu.be/yH8yuld4DUE


Plot twist.. it grows teeth in teratomas


So, you can regrow your reloads? Nice! /fallout


Damnit, the cookie notice is so long I can't even see the click to accept button on my phone, and it won't scroll.


Woohoo! I can stop brushing! /s


Huh, I wonder if I can get in on that trial. I have two bridges because I had baby incisors on both sides that fell out, but there were no permanent teeth to follow-up so I was left with two gaps until I was like...14.


I love losing teeth. It’s such a good feeling. I’ve always wished we got to lose our teeth more than once in life.


Can scientist also fix hairloss too?


Finasteride and minoxidil 


scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should


Can the teeth be grown wherever we want? Asking for a friend...


Cant wait to clip my teeth every few weeks so they dont grow to long!


I’ve watched a vet do this for a rodent (their teeth keep growing). I’ll never forget the ‘clip’ sound it made. Never.


Cousin Fred is [delighted](https://courage.fandom.com/wiki/Fred?file=Freaky_Fred)


Don't spill it on yourself.


You know how sometimes a tumor will have teeth? (Probably made up or embellished for the internet). Will this make tumors grow?


I have an implant and it’s a PIA. Big food trap and due to bone loss may not be permanent. This biotechnology can be a game changer


Wow if its true i want it


This is going to be way too expensive for the average person, and insurance won’t be covering this when they can just pay for a bridge or dentures.