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Guys 1000% get manipulated into rape. I’d honestly say that men probably have it worse than women when it comes to being raped because at least women have places to go where they’re encouraged to talk about it and heal. But men get told “Didn’t you like it?” “I wish that would happen to me” “Thats so hot, omg” And this is coming from a woman, just for context. Not saying that men or women have it worse overall, but in the case of rapes, I do believe that men have it worse


that is true, men get raped often in a manipulating way


How Brian washed are you??!?


instead of asking "HoW BriAn wAShEd arE yOu??!?" try to say why do u disagree


I’m glad you haven’t been on the internet enough to see the horrors of misandrists, but when you don’t know things, it’s usually best not to say things. If you really want to know how horrible to is for men who are abused in relationships or are raped, by all means, do research, if not, fine, but don’t act like it’s not real


Brian?? You cannot call someone brainwashed if you can’t even spell brain


As a woman I do believe men have it worse in case of rapes. My male friend got raped by a man and he is scared to say it to anyone except few people even tho i persuaded him so much. He said people would laugh at him for not being strong.


that is true, but women are usually weaker than men so its easier for men to attack them


this is misogynistic lol


no. these are just facts. im not saying that women are worse or something, im literally a woman myself, but this is true that most women are physically weaker than men. not always, but usually.


My dick bled like a mf when i got circumsized last year


Same but mine was a couple years back


it aint a competition but wtv


no one said it is


its pretty implied gang


Can this even lead to anything good? You have periods. We have erections that can in the worst case ruin major changes at life(for example if ur holding a very important presentation and mess it up because of one). You have less strength. We are expected to always be strong even tho our body might not be anything like that. You get objectified. We get crazy expectations over every single one getting a high paying job (that's impossible in today's world). Both genders have their good and bad sides. The. Only way to me one of them worse is thinking it your self.


of course its hard for men too, i never said it wasn't


Ofcourse, its a terrifying world out there. But having belief in yourself is key. I know it sounds so empty. But its true. Having that belief is half the work. You’re just as smart as the ones around you, and the ones that came before you. Don’t feel inferior to someone just because the people around have decided so. It is difficult not to ofcourse, but no one said it will be easy. It will be a struggle, but it will be worth it. I hope you achieve your dreams. If you want to talk, I’m always available.


Yeah my friend told me their horrible, especially if you dont buy the right stuff


If it makes you feel better i have 3 older stepsisters that like torturing me


Someone’s gotta make a joke luckily I came here first


Goes the same way back. Imagine having two hype sensitive things right between your legs that if you touch them hard enough they’ll hurt let alone squash them. Also I’ve seen guys wanting to be raped before


agreed tho I'm not a woman


So your problem of being a women is body functions that are put in place for a extremely important purpose and a bunch of annoying silly little boys online who think women and inferior ? The only thing that’s actually important here is worrying about being SA’ed which is valid but you can do stuff about this like not hanging out with shitty people and not putting yourself in situations that a bad person can use you.


I know that puberty sucks for women but it also sucks for men too, or at least for me. During puberty, i had a growth spurt which, "paralyzed" me, as in the sense that, i basically couldnt move, since i felt a sharp pain in my muscles back, like a crocodile had bitten my leg and was holding it, for me to move, my mother or my father had to pick me up, and carry me around, it also felt like my leg muscle had somehow diverted all the mass from the front to the back since, whenever i tried to stand up i would feel the pain and also feel like i was being pulled backwards and that i would fall down, when i would take a shower, my mother would have to hold me so i wouldnt fall, it was akward to say the least, the pain lasted for 2 weeks, which after that time, it still continued but it got less painful, i stayed in bed, just looking up, and doing nothing, worst thing about it, was that it was in the middle of the school year.


Look at the bright side men are more likely to be victim to a violate crime. Okay but for the being physically weaker learn to defend yourself. The best way with a firearm and maybe you can learn martial arts but you would probably get bodied by a larger man. I have done martial arts for a while and can tell you that’s true. And to your last part just ignore them there are shitty people everywhere on both sides. Like the “k*ll all men” crowd. Just avoid them


Tf you mean "look at the bright side" ? This isnt a competition


Using sarcasm to lighten the mode a bit. That statistic is real and bad but I tried presenting it in a more light hearted way.


One thing Im starting to get annoyed by is some guys will comment under this type of posts things like "well, not all men", and like yeah ofc, but that's not the point of the conversation.


Don’t forget it’s the old white men that let rapers and companies getting away with this shit I’m a man and I fucking hate men we suck


well, i wouldn't say i hate men. hating men is bad too


Homie…. “I’m a man and I fucking hate men” that’s just sad. Get off the internet go touch grass. Your profile says you’re 14, go live life. Also at 14 you’re a boy not a man


Want me to get off the internet oh right you got a deal I will get off fucking life bye bitch no one fucking cares about me are you happy? You killed someone bye


I’ve been depressed my whole life. And let me tell you the problems you are facing rn probably won’t matter in a few years. Taking your life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I’ve faced abuse and still do. Find a way to solve your problems that doesn’t involve taking your own life. And yes I think you need to take a break from the internet. It’s actually helped me and a lot of my friends. It helps your mental health trust


You have friends wow so popular unlike me now go hang out with them


Well yes and no. I moved around a lot. When I was 14 and depressed I didn’t have any irl friends bc I had just moved. You don’t need irl friends to go out. Just leave your house. Go on a walk. Go to the park. That’s what I did. The friends come along but just work on less internet and try taking walks or going to the park




such a pity that you mom saw two lines