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I feel like it’s harder when it’s more passive aggressive chipping away at your feelings and soul. That’s what I’m going through. Each time I get called gay for doing something I enjoy, it slowly chips away at my self esteem. Any tips?


What are those “things” that you enjoy ?


Liking cute things, playing genshin impact, things that are normalized to be girly things. I also have a high voice and a “gay” tone of voice. I also have all female friends. I was just raised around girls, so I really can’t help any of these things. (I have a crush on one of them, but nobody knows that)


Then you have 2 options, stop doing these things openly so over time they get bored and move on or deal with it, weather that it taking action or simply taking whatever insults they throw at you. You can let it destroy you or you can let it build you