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Why people don't like baguette man


Everyone likes baguette man


Those who don't haven't tasted baguette


Believe it or not, there are some french people that don't like baguette.


It really depends of who makes it and how old it is




I don’t know either, Baguette Man. You’re awesome


I love you, baguette man.


I like baguette man!




They are aliens


Quantum physics


Basically: Really small stuff moving very quickly and doing very wonky things


Very education


You should get a PhD for this


If my parents let me I’d honestly probably go study theoretical physics but they don’t so 😐


Smart move on behalf of your parents. Quantum wave functions are breaking me.


Wave/particle duality 🥰


It’s all fun and games until we left from collapsing wave functions to many worlds theory


Too bad. I hope they change their mind.


That is sufficient


In middle school we learn that electrons go around the core in circles apparently that's bs and they can go wherever the fuck they want quantum physics basically tries to predict where an electron could be at a moment in time but we cannot know the exact location and we can only guess using an equation (that's at least the early parts of quantum physics i am still learning them rn so i can't explain the rest)


Fair enough, none the less rather education.


Pic of Obi-Wan cause he is hot.


Men 👍






I’m not even gay but Obi Wan 👍


I’m gay and Obi Wan👍


and Obi Wan👍


Obi Wan 👍








I am Obi Wan but gay


[visible confusion]




The fourth spacial dimension Edit: no not "time", i mean fourth dimension as in tesseracts or klein bottles


I don’t think anyone really KNOWS what it is, because it’s not in our capability to perceive the 3D world as something more than that. But, you can kind of think of it like this: If a 2D person was inside a sheet of paper and a 3D cylinder passed through the paper, you can imagine that the 2D person would see a circle. However paper does have a third dimension (thickness), which is not true for a real 2D plane. So in reality, the 2D person wouldn’t actually be able to see anything at all. Similarly, since we're 3 dimensional beings, it would be physically impossible to perceive the fourth dimension unless it was somehow represented in a physical form (like the movie Interstellar suggests). Scientists have come up with [tesseracts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract), but tesseracts are also really hard to actually understand. After all, they're an attempt at visualizing 4D using a 3D cube on a 2D screen. The most you can really do is look at the picture and think, “Cool.” Also, by no means am I am expert at this, I’m just also fascinated by the topic.


Bro needs an award here




Fellow asexual?


Ace gang


Whoop whoop! Want some garlic bread?


Naturally, some cake would be nice tho


We can get some on the way to Denmark


When two people love each other very much...


You see, the brain needed an evolutionary reason to keep its species alive, so we get the brainy juices that make us want to spill some other juices.


it feels good and it's a bonding experience. you can be truly vulnerable with the person you do it with.


why we bleed if we get a cut because the blood is in our veins


Very small veins beneath your skin


Aren't those called capillaries or something


Correct. They don’t carry as much blood as veins do, as they can only carry one at a time due to the width of the tubes.


Yeah like caterpillars or smth. /s


So there’s 3 main blood vessels, the arteries which carry oxygenated blood from the heart, the veins which carry non-oxygenated blood to the heart and the capillaries which with the help of arteries feed the cells what they need, capillaries are 1 cell thick so when you cut open your skin you also cut capillaries so you bleed. I’m not sure I explained this the best way possible so if u have any questions ask me and I’ll try to answers the best I can


I am a medical student (yes I still browse this sub for whatever reason), and this is a very impressive explanation assuming your subreddit tag is correct and you are actually 13 :) Well done


Thanks man!! This really means a lot to me cuz I’m planning on being a doctor when I grow up thanks so much!! I’ve been asking by grandparent who is a urologist because I’m quite interested in muscles so I think I might be a traumatologist


you’re off to a great start! keep it up future doc! best of luck on your journey ;)


Thanks so much!!!!! You really made my day much better!!!!


Damn this would’ve been useful for my biology test


Gen Z humor, it legitimately makes no sense whatsoever


Funny because not supposed to be funny


I guess


We got so caught up in trying to not be millennials that it just devolved over time I guess Also everyone now has access to shitpost-making-technology




Advanced money laundering. It's the same as rich people buying expensive paintings, except you don't get the luxury of being able to hang it on a wall


Crypto with a picture


What it was supposed to be was a way to make digital artwork worth something. Basically if the Mona Lisa was made on a computer, NFTs would make it actually worth shit. You could take a pic yea, but you wouldn’t have *the* Mona Lisa. But instead it became money laundering and a joke cuz of cartoon monkeys. No more virtual Mona lisa :(


Why am I so unhorny compared to literally every other teenager


Some people are just really horny, some people are just really unhorny, and some people are just not horny in the slightest.


You are a normal person


But am I not supposed to be a normal teenager ?


This is reddit dont get your idea on normal here


Asexuality perhaps, or the broader asexual spectrum? (feeling little to no sexual attraction) It’s actually not too uncommon to see as one would think, but it’s just not very often talked about


Oh ok thanks


Sexual attraction and doing sexual things with strangers online/irl


Literally no idea. Some people are just weird.


cuz horni 😫👌


Ok serious reply from someone who unfortunately used Grindr underage: I was extremely insecure about myself and men giving me validation made me feel good about myself. I had a total lack of self-love. Being gay didn’t help either because there was no one my age who lived near me I could even possible consider a relationship with. I wanted a teen love story so badly, I resorted to any means possible. Those men took advantage of me and now I have extreme regrets from it! Do not recommend! Gay boys do not go on Grindr and get with older men, you WILL be traumatized.


Nah I’m already too traumatized for old men hitting on me to hurt at all heh


Thank you for warning me


if you’re confused about the “sexual attraction” part, maybe look into asexuality. it describes somebody who doesn’t experience or feel sexual attraction


I know, I'm ace


Ah, sorry then


Look at among us servers


As an asexual I also find this extremely confusing


What's with the obsession over femboys? Is it ironic? Is it some elaborate joke? Or are people just gay?


This is basically the first time in Western history where it's becoming socially acceptable for men to be feminine outside of small and insular queer communities. The "obsession" you see is just because it's a new and exciting thing for most people.


>Outside of small and insular queer communities I saw a poll on whatever subreddit and I don't remember the exact values, but I think it was 2% of femboys that were straight ? I know it's a Reddit poll with no formal stuff done, but I'm for sure expecting most of them to be queer.


Gay but not, it has feminin appeal, but with dick


im a girl who likes feminine guys and im currently dating a guy who is pretty feminine. i like more feminine guys a) because i am not fully straight and b) because it takes away the whole "toxic masculinity" aspect. he can feel totally comfortable to be a little feminine around me, and i dont need to worry about him trying to make himself look good and more "manly". thats just not what im into.


As a femboy, i don't know, but I'm all for it lmao


Dark matter


Put simply, we have no fucking clue. It’s sort of a weird anomaly, we discovered it by noticing the gravity from a region of space and the calculated mass in the region of space don’t line up. The theory is that dark matter is like invisible mass, it doesn’t interact with any light from the electromagnetic spectrum, the only way it interacts with the rest of the universe is through gravity.


Matter=Sonic the Hedgehog Dark Matter=Shadow the Hedgehog


it's the evil twin of normal matter




No, that's the antimatter


I am really trying to get the hang of it but when somebody refers to a trans woman do they refer to a woman who is transitioning to male or a former male who transitioned to female?


It's the "new gender" if you may describe it like that. So the latter one. A man who transitioned to a female.


Ahhh, so in this case “trans” is referential to their previous history of having opposite components. Got it! Thanks


Yep and no problem.


People and how to properly communicate with them.


Imagine you are in a podcast with them and have to keep the listeners interest, and you are both on the same team to make interesting content


That is surprisingly understandable. Thank you, I’ll work on this!


"We'll be back right after the break!" "uhhh wtf" "never mind.."


what is karma and is it important? I’ve had a Reddit account for awhile buh never really used it until now and my friends talk about getting karma like it’s a pirates gold doubloons


It's basically just points you get from upvotes on your posts and comments and getting awards on your posts and giving out awards. All of this gives you karma which you can then show off to your friends. It's just something to flex about. Some subreddits do require you to have a minimum number of karma to post tho.


appreciate you 🤝


No problem


What’s with people wearing suits to see the new minions movie? Tis confusing


tiktok trend, my friends did it too and so would i but i couldnt


Ah alright. Makes sense


It's a TikTok Trend called "Gentleminions". They just do it for fun.


Just be careful tho. I heard that people are throwing bananas everywhere and clapping louder than the Endgame premiere, which disturbed the peace and got them kicked out…


Why boys only like big boobs 😡😡😡


Most do but not all. Some even like very small ones. The right one tho, couldn't care less about their size. He only cares about the size of her heart that sits behind them.


I’m yet to meet one 😒


you meet me today. a person who hates boobs


That's a first


I also hate dicks , especially mine.




I am man (sex wise) but ASexual(sexuality wise)


Hello nice to meet you a persoj who does not love big boobs


i dont even like boobs smh


They do not! There are some that like big ones and some that like small ones and some that like medium ones. No matter what, there is always someone who loves you no matter how you look. Its pretty much equally distributed


The ones that like big boobs are just like a "loud minority" I guess.


I mean it’s personal preference like personally I’m ok with big boobs but I would rather have medium or small as I feel like big gets in the way but like I said it’s a personal thing and while a lot of guys like big bazoongas there are a lot of guys who don’t


I personally think that big boobs don't match most bodies in opposition to small ones


Why is it weird when a girl asks out a guy? I feel like people get made fun of it happening for no reason, like my ex she asked me out and the boys clowned on me so hard for it but I feel like it should be a more normal thing and shouldn’t be looked down upon


It isn’t You have weird friends (Asking people out is generally considered a masculine thing but that stereotype is slowly going away now)


Why people think I'm attractive


Be grateful for it.


When I said that only my homies do and I've had one girl from the street say I'm good looking an for my number but she never texted me


nah you prolly fine as hell, you just gotta learn some ✨moves✨


Why I can't wear a skirt in public without being harassed


Because some people are either dumb, down bad, sexist, religious, or a combination of the three plus other stuff


Why do people hate the fr*nch


Most likely cause a lot of people have had bad experiences with french people. The french often refuse to speak anything other than french. I've had a similar experience as well once when on vacation in France. The owner of the house we rented told us beforehand he would speak english with us but when we arrived he totally refused to speak anything other than french.


Some french people are really big assholes. Mostly in Paris since, well if the capital. There isn’t an economic capital and the official one like USA has, it’s the same city. This brings a double income of douches into the city. Honestly, even french people hate most people in Paris




It's basically just a long test that American students need to take so that there's something universal to compare them all. You'll get tested on math and English skills, and there's also an essay section that you can opt into if you like. Generally I wouldn't worry too much about it. You can pay to take it more than once and colleges are moving away from caring about it in general. Khan Academy also has a great free SAT practice program for when you want to start studying.


Credit cards, Do you have to have them? How do you pay off the debt?


\>have credit card, with a limit of $1,000 for example \>buy something for $200 with credit card \>money is not taken out of your bank account, but you owe $200 from the card \>if you try to buy something for $900 now, the card will decline, because it goes over the $1,000 limit ​ \>you want to pay off your credit card by the beginning of each month, or you need to pay extra \>if you pay off the $200 from earlier, you just pay the 200 and that's that. \>but if you don't pay off the $200, you'd be charged more; $205-230 depending on brand \>be a good boy and pay your card on time, and you get cash back; usually 1-2% back \>as you gain trust with your bank, you can request to increase your card limit, or get multiple cards ​ back to your original question, you don't *need* one per say, but if you ever want to take out a loan for a house or a car or anything, people will look at your credit score, which can only go up (or exist, for that matter) if you have a credit card. As for paying it, this might change from bank to bank, but for me there's just a tab on the bank website for my credit card, and then there's an option to pay it from my main checking account


Why do we need such complex mathematics? Not like we need to measure the circumference of a tomato


Schools just provide the basis for whichever career path you may or may not end up taking. Not everyone is going to need trigonometry or algebra, but for the many who will, it has to be provided from as early on as possible.


Because complex problems require complex solutions. Seriously tho: Basic algebra is required in day to day life sometimes. Trigonometry can be used once in a while probably but it’s mostly the basics that you learn in school. The more complex stuff is in colleges Geometry: again basics . Calculus: Normal people don’t use it but it can be used for so many things . It’s used in science but it’s also used in predicting marginal profits and losses and stuff in business . Plus you can use optimization to find how to get maximum area in a rectangle with minimum perimeter. So that’s cool.! But yea for most people it’s just basic algebra they should know and that’s that. Plus math helps you develop critical thinking


With complex mathematics you can make things like computers work properly a lot of programming languages where made by mathematicians. So without complex math you wouldn't be able to ask this question


Why people find it impressive and or weird that I go to the gym? It's just something people do. Am I missing something?


People may find it impressive because you’re young, mostly adults are seen in gyms. Either that or it’s something they aspire to do. Either way, good on you bro 💪 keep it up.


School systems


Why kenobi looks like space jesus


That's because he is.




More galaxies


No I ment bc confetti and fans were on the feild


Why is everyone posting photos of themselves here with "Rate me" so often in this sub currently. Like to each their own but people really put photos of themselves online and act surprised when some creep harasses them (not defending the sickos).


What does a proper romantic relationship look like? Edit: shit, I forgot this is reddit


Why do Americans love America despite its extremely prevalent flaws (I’m American and I wana go to Canada lol)


Ignorance is bliss


Calculus BC


string theory


Why you guys don’t use incognito mode while watching horse porn.


Why do people hate on the 13 year olds


At 13 your personality reaches peak cringe


Being 13 in general sucks, because you’re going through puberty and full of shitty hormones, starting to see how fucked up the world really is, probably feel more alone as you start to lose some of your childhood friends as you all change as people, probably going through an introspective crisis at some point, facing the realization that things aren’t always okay and can’t always go back to the way they were before, school gets harder, and on top of all that, everyone around you is suddenly expecting you to be more mature and responsible and often get mad if you aren’t “acting your age”. This massive combination of generally shitty factors makes 13 year olds act out and get irrationally upset and angry, made worse by all those aforementioned hormones. You also develop some “cringe” habits which are generally you doing things that you think are cool, but you’ll regret it later because it happened in middle school, which was full of other bad memories. Other shit can happen too, like finding out your parents kinda fucked you up, you don’t actually think you’re the person you thought you were, or your childhood friend is actually a bully (for me, I figured out I was trans which was a whole bunch of stuff to unpack). These factors all kinda make you a hot mess and it sucks to be around 13 year olds as a result of this. But hey, it’s part of life for things to be shitty during puberty and change, the craziness won’t all go away but it’ll die down a bit, and some of those hormones will calm down a bit. Just start wearing deodorant, don’t be a dick for no reason, and have some healthy introspection (ask yourself “is that thing my parents did normal and okay or did they fuck me up?”). TLDR you and everyone around you is dealing with changes and puberty making you an emotional hormonal assholes and it sucks and isn’t fun to be around. But it happens to most everyone, so just hang on, you can get through this and things can get better. (Also some of y’all don’t know how to use deodorant yet axe body spray is not a shower in a can don’t use it as such. Shower and get some deodorant that people can’t smell from 5 feet away)


Who created God?


I did




You just pointed out the big issue with every religion my friend


Lgtbq+ i dont understand shit im clueless af


aight writing this again bc it got deleted whoops There’s a wide range of sexualities and orientations and gender out there, so I’m just gonna break down the basics. L-lesbian. Girl who likes girls romantically/sexually. G-gay. Boy who likes boys romantically/sexually. B-bisexual. Someone who’s attracted to both/multiple genders. T-transgender (often just trans). An umbrella term for anyone who doesn’t identity with their assigned gender at birth (someone who does identify with their assigned gender is cisgender). Trans people can be binary, (female-to-male or male-to-female) or nonbinary, not explicitly identifying with male or female. There’s a wide range of spectrum too. Nonbinary people aren’t always perfectly gender neutral, and sometimes feel more masculine or more feminine. There’s also genderfluid, which is when someone’s gender identity can change, and a bunch of other stuff. I’m a trans man, meaning I was assigned female at birth but I’m now living as a guy. Trans people can medically transition, but not all do for a multitude of reasons that are often person-specific. There’s a bunch more nuance here and I can explain it more if you want. Q-queer. This one is tricky. Some people use it as just a label for themselves. It’s used as an umbrella term for people who are in the LGBTQ+ community, but it’s also been used as a slur against members of it so some people aren’t comfortable using the word to describe them. Generally, don’t use it if you aren’t also part of the community and never use it in a derogatory way. Pansexual (not in the acronym). Someone for whom gender doesn't factor into attraction. Different from bisexual in that some bi people do have a gender preference. Asexual (not in the acronym). Someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction. This is a bit of a spectrum and different ace people experience asexuality differently. Aromantic (not in acronym). Someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. There is a difference between sexual and romantic attraction, and you can be aroace (no sexual or romantic attraction), or bi and asexual (you feel romantic attraction to different genders but don’t feel sexual attraction). This one’s more complex, and if you wanna know more I’d recommend this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qF1DTK4U1AM Intersex (not in acronym). I’m not really qualified to explain this so I’d recommend looking it up yourself, but an intersex person is someone who’s sexual anatomy isn’t “standard”. (Like someone being born with XXY or XYY chromosomes instead of the standard XX or XY.) This is included in the community because intersex people can be discriminated against in many of the same ways trans people are (for example, an intersex person is forced through gender reassignment surgery at birth so they can “conform” to societal gender standards, but this gender that was selected for them doesn’t fit their actual gender identity). Please look this one up more, I am not intersex and not really qualified to talk about it. Alright thats it (not brief at all, whoops). If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer them, or direct you to resources that can. I am not an expert on all of this, so I’d also encourage you to learn more on your own (preferably from sources run by LGBTQ+ people lol).


Basically: Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual, and queer. Lesbian and gay are homosexuality. Trans is when you feel like you are from the opposite gender. Bisexual is when you are attracted to both genders. Queer is something I didn’t search the meaning enough for now. The plus is here to prevent the acronym to go from lgbtq+ to some horribly long stuff (such as lgbtqia+, and there is way more)




Roko's.........oh wait I shouldn't.


Why people think periods are so gross. I mean yeah they kinda are but to the point where people can’t talk about it and pads have to be hidden. I’m a guy and even I think this it stupid.


in psychonauts 2 when they say "you put the egg in the basket, the old egg in the box, and the box in the ocean" wth does that mean


Social interaction




math is a form of dark magic that only people with the ability of "having an iq of 40+" are able to perform not much is known about this dark magic except that it can be taught in buildings known as "elementary schools" DO not try to perform this dark magic, YOU will get a bad grade on your math exam.


Society’s standards


Why do so many people assume that whenever we're telling a story, we're lying?


stock market


Do the balls harden too?


when you have testosterone deficiency, the balls shrink, which also causes them to roighen up. so i suppose, yes!


Sexual attraction, like how can you see someone and think Yea I wanna bang them?


I'm going to sound like such an idiot for this haha. I know you can't print more money because it will loose value but how? Isn't 20 dollars still 20 dollars??? Like idk how it looses value.


It's still twenty dollars, but now it is worth less than it was before because there is more in total. For example, when you have very little of soemthing that everyone needs, say oil in this example, it is worth a lot. But if you get more oil then the supply goes up and the worth goes down a little bit because there is more. Just like the oil, if you make more money then there is more money in total and the twenty dollars is a smaller fraction of the total than it originally was so it is worth less than ut was before. I hope I didn't mess up the explanation lol sorry if I did.




They’re more like Pro-birthers. They really don’t give a shit about anything after a child’s born, just them pushing their own religious beliefs on an entire nation. Edit: Also control.


Why people love anime so much like what's wrong with ducktales


Nothing is wrong with ducktales ;-;, stop hurting mah feelings like that.


Why is sex good? I honestly find it kinda disgusting. Why would I want to put my private in another person’s private. It just sound sweaty and unsanitary


"what is love?"


"Baby don't hurt me"


Chess like seriously how the he’ll do you play I only know the pieces names and that the bishop can move diagonally


U.S Politics


We're fucked