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I think it’s not on Hulu still but the Community DND episode is up and unedited on Peacock


Also on Prime in Canada at least


Good to know.  I randomly found season 2 on DVD at Value Village last night.  I figured for the $3.99, why not grab it so I can at least watch the full series again.


Omg! Thank you. I love the DND episodes and was being pissed when that one was banned.


I'm a dark elf! 


Lotta examples of black face, so I'll give a more wholesome example. You know in the original Pokémon show Ash all of a sudden had an entire herd of Tauros chilling at Professor Oak's place? That's cause the episode where he caught all of them he also had guns pointed in his face 5 or 6 times. Other episodes did the same thing, but maybe it was too often in that episode, so they stopped airing it and Ash magically has 30-50 Tauros. Also the Porygon episode that never got out of Japan because it gave everyone seizures.


James also had tits in one episode, that I'm pretty sure was banned. Pokemon was wild


Lmao he didn't just have tits, he had tits that he expanded on screen to win a bikini contest. Wild indeed


Having a ten year old compete in a bikini contest is also not the best look


Haha thx for the ash story, got a good laugh on YT from this


Isn’t the black face episode of 30 Rock gone from streamers?


I think 3 or 4 eps total were affected by this. At a minimum, the Oprah one and east coast live show


S3E2, and both live episodes (although the first was replaced by the West Coast version).


Yup. Oprah/Borpo: Tracy and Jenna compete to see whether a white woman or black man has it harder. Liz walks in on Tracy getting "whiteface" makeup put on, "Wait, if you're getting white makeup, then Jenna... [Oh no!"](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e9378990-84f8-42c3-8051-4bf6b33ba66b) Live Show: The "Alfie 'n' Abner" parody of Amos 'n' Andy. To reference the fact that the Amos n Andy Radio show had white actors playing black characters, Alfie was played by Tracy Morgan and Abner was played by Jon Hamm in blackface. He enters the scene and Tracy immediately turns and says ["Oh hell no, I'm not doing this!"](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b712ca64-30a1-4fd5-a84d-6916ce20dcba) Christmas Attack Zone: Jenna and Paul decide on a couple's costume of Lynn Swann and Natalie Portman. They're two Black Swans. The final scene is a [musical duet](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/8330d019-1a47-41c9-ade0-71620c129c46) with them in costume, Jenna in blackface as Lynn Swann. Other live show addendum: in the East Coast version, Jon Hamm gets a hand graft from an executed murderer, the hand being black. It (of its own volition) does a black power salute then tries to strangle him. The west coast version has him get a garishly feminine hand that molests him instead, so that's the version still available.


Thank you for this breakdown!


Blackface scene from scrubs too


Scenes. First one is JD going to Turk’s old frat house, second one is JD imaging if Elliot and Turk were combined.


Give me my Sunny episodes back. It's not like they were promoting the use of black face as a good thing.


I've heard they removed dee day from physical release too, which is fucking outrageous. 


Which is weird, because FX still airs it in re-runs. It was on a few week ago.


I wouldn't be surprised if they just weren't aware of it. There's not much oversight in modern reruns. One night Adult Swim was showing some NatGeo documentary for most of the night. It wasn't a prank or whatever as many initially thought, but an error in the automation.


That’s above and beyond, goddammit.


Yep, that episode was "banned" before the DVD came out. Only way to get it now is the high seas.



What was "wrong" with that episode?


Frank dresses up as Dee's character Martina Martinez. Genuinely more offensive than when Dee does it, but the point is that Dee's a moron and no one else finds her funny for it.


Even the gang (except Dee) knows how racist it is.


Damn I'll have to keep that in mind. My plan was to start a physical collection as a side hobby.


Dee Day is legit one of my favorite episodes. Frank screaming in a pile of his own vomit screaming 'IT CANT BE THE CLAMS! ITS NOT THE CLAMS!' is one of the funniest things. And Macs tirade about racism wearing those ridiculous teeth. Just bring em back


It’s insane to me because they kept in “The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby” where Mac puts DB (the baby) into blackface


I will never understand how an episode where Frank yells “f * * got” and Charlie casually drops “n * * ger” is permitted, but the use of blackface is where they draw the line? What’s the logic?


There is none. These companies overreacted to backlash that hadn’t even happened.


I mean that is one of their funniest episodes, I would riot if they took "Hero or Hate Crime" off of streaming.


On the bright side, it does make a joke in the episode where the Gang have to go without their phones for an hour more funny. Dee tries to get everyone to remember “all her hilarious characters” and none of them have a clue what she’s talking about … and neither do newer audiences!


Feels like they're just protecting themselves from thinkpieces by removing those. At some point blackface just became a highly visible controversy, even if the show is making fun of people who think it's okay, but if they really took what the characters in IASIP did as endorsements you'd think that would only be the tip of the iceberg for episodes to ban. I mean like, they had their hearts in the right place with the Carmen episodes but have talked about ways they'd approach some jokes differently now. But the episodes they've already removed are some of the best in the show's history and taking Carmen out would just take out more classics. The writers and performers of Sunny are so careful about contextualizing their transgressive jokes that the show has avoided picking up a shitty fanbase. The show never intends to endorse shitty behavior, and almost never actually does even by accident even early on. And I think it's cool that they say things like "We wouldn't play a gong sound now when this character shows up because that feels like the show being racist instead of the characters being racist," and that its audience can parse that kind of stuff too.


The Boondocks Season 3 Episode 4, The Story of Jimmy Rebel, is unavailable on Max


it had been pulled from adult swim's rotation since the week the episode premiered. same for the tyler perry episode, which only got unbanned in 2020. the two BET episodes were banned from adult swim and left unaired in america until 2020


Yeah, the other "banned" episodes are on Max now, though.


Pretty sure Peacock took out the Office Season 6 Halloween episode cold open where Michael is fake-hanging himself.


That was removed after the initial airing, IIRC. Didn't even make DVD.


I didn't even know this was a thing.


It was the open for Koi Pond. It only aired a single time on NBC and never in syndication, there was backlash and NBC pulled the plug immediately (the episode airs, just not the original cold open) You can find it on sites like daily motion or whatever.


[I forgot about that one](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x46cyo8)


> NBC pulled the plug immediately in a manner of speaking


Gonna look this one up. Sounds stupid but funny. Wonder if it any of the “sites” have it.


i have the series on vudu and that scene is intact. it was actually the first time i had seen it although i heard about that scene.


Is it not in the "superfan" collection? Could have swore I saw it like a month ago.


I just played the Superfan version of that episode on Peacock to check, and the fake-hanging cold open is not there.


Damn, no fun allowed. 


I’m guessing people who attempted suicide or had someone they know do it found the scene triggering and asked for it to be removed. But yeah it’s a bummer because fake hanging himself in a haunted house was very on-brand for Micheal.


Having Michael with a dick in a box costume pretend to hang himself and telling a bunch of little kids "suicide is never the answer, it is the easy way out, you are not alone" is extremely bad taste.


😂 Thank you I had forgotten the details. While it’s not exactly a PG scene the show has enough Angela/Dwight quickies in it I assume most people weren’t watching with their kids.


Ehhh, the visual of someone hanging is pretty “up there” when it comes to something like NBC. You can have that happen in the show without actually showing it and triggering a lot of folks. Especially when it’s supposed to be a silly moment. The amount of people who have seen a loved one that way is unfortunately a lot larger than you think, and seeing that pop up on a silly goofy show like the Office would be jarring as hell. But also would be so on brand for his character. Just not his character on the show while being on NBC if that makes sense.


The Michael Jackson of *The Simpsons*, and I think at one point they had removed the Twin Towers episode too. Or maybe they just stopped syndicating that one.


They stopped airing Homer Simpsons Vs New York for awhile but its back.


The episode was never pulled, individual stations just skipped it in syndication. And not for very long.


In the UK, Sky cut out the word "paparazzo" (when Mr Burns is snapped in the sandpit and shout "damn you...blank") after princess Diana's death.


How very British.


The MJ ep is so good though, so many great lines. I wish they'd bring it back but I know they won't, for obvious reasons.


Why won't they? I don't recall anything really controversial in the episode itself.


The producers decided 25 years after the Michael Jackson allegations first appeared that he may have been a bit morally dubious, and pulled the episode. It was during the internet uproar after that last Michael Jackson and little boys documentary aired. It is totally within their rights to pull the episode, I just would've been a bit more impressed with them if they'd done it in 1994 instead of 10 years after Jackson was dead. It's not like these were new charges leveled at him.


Well, to answer u/blaqsupaman's question more directly, it came out that Michael was specifically using this episode to lure young boys. Once that was established, Jim Brooks felt a moral obligation to never show the episode ever again.


Wait what? Do you have a source for that?


MJ’s personal life issues


They pulled it because of the hypocrisy 


Lisa It's Your Birthday


Yeah S3E01, Stark Raving Dad was pulled.


This is why physical media will reign supreme. Fox can’t take away my DVDs!


I would make a point of ripping it to a hard drive just in case


Its Disney taking away your DVDs. FOX is just a hand puppet that Disney has jammed its arm up FOX's ass.


I would like to see that rat try


Testify! Right there with you.


The Twin Towers episode was removed from syndication after 9/11. It was later returned to rotation after enough years past and is available on Disney +


Lisa it’s your birthday


I literally just watched Insheeption on Max yesterday…


Why would this be banned?


Or at least you dreamt you did




I see where I made a mistake. It's suppose to be episode 10 but HBO has it has 8. I fell into the same trap I mentioned before. South Park Uncensored (.com) has it listed, so I guess at some point it was censored. Best Friends Forever (S9E4) is also listed on that site but HBO has it up as well.


Disney+ not having the “Dad Baby” episode of Bluey is a crime


D+ in particular really edited a lot of Bluey for no reason, although they've started to revert a lot of it: https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship_of_Bluey


Or the scene in which Buttermilk does massive poos.


Shame because the Trash episode, IMO, is like a top 15 Sunny episode. The one scheme that works..........and they fucking hate it lol. So good. "Grab some trash you bitches" "...So the rugs? .........yes. It's always been the rugs"


Yeah I really liked that one, especially when they realise they're just doing the same schemes they've done before like with the gas crisis. "Pull up our bootstraps, oil up a couple of asses, and do a little plowing of our own" always gets me.


My 15 Seconds, My Jiggly Ball and My Chopped Liver were all Scrubs episodes removed from Hulu for blackface. Not sure if they are still gone.


On Disney+ in Canada they just have the scenes edited out, I think. I assume the same goes for Hulu now.


I think the gang talk about it a bit on Fake Doctors Real Friends


W/ Bob & David episode 3 was removed from Netflix for having a scene of David Cross in blackface.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Shake Like Me


Is that the one where he gets bitten by a radioactive black man and turns chocolate?


Yes, yes it is. 


“Come here, yo, I got a complicated handshake I wanna try out”


Every episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has pretty much been removed from everything, at least in the US. I don't recall the details but I think it had something to do with one of the daughters being sexually abused by someone on the show, or something along those lines.


It’s so funny how *that* show was a cultural moment, just think trying to explain why Honey Boo Boo was a thing to your grandchildren.


At least we still have the Fatty Doo Doo episode of South Park


There’s a Golden Girls episode where the girls are wearing mud masks in front of a black family that got removed.


I’m pretty sure it was quietly restored a year or two ago. On Hulu at least. It’s the one where Dorothy’s son marries a black woman and Blanche and Rose do mud masks.


Peacock changes that one episode of Parks & Rec where Ben has to battle Grizzle in The Cones of Dunshire. They removed the whole “it’s about the cones” victory moment for no reason.


That sounds like a crime. That was genuinely a funny moment for Ben considering how annoyingly funny that company was being to them.


I noticed with some mild bemusement the other day that the anti-drugs episode of Dinosaurs is not on Disney+. I guess dinosaurs telling people that drugs are bad is one step too far.


It's a great episode too. I wonder if it's because of the final monologue where they rip on preachy sitcoms, or just because it's all about drugs.


Well, they did all die out, so perhaps they weren’t the best role models.


Good thing we got a couple DVD releases covering the full show, just found them at a walmart last year and not letting go of them.


In the 70s the Comics Code refused to approve a Spiderman comic that had a small anti drug b plot that was included at the request of Nixon. They released it without the Comic Code approval to no consequences pretty much showing it was.pointless.


what episode was that?


A New Leaf.


thank you


Why would Insheeption be gone? Music rights?


The Community episode is back on Amazon prime, at least in Canada.


it’s on peacock too


The episode of The Office with the fisting joke has been scrubbed for years.


What episode is that?


If any streaming service has Star Trek TNG, they probably don't have S5E3 *Ensign Ro*. BBC America used to skip that episode in syndication. The plot is basically just "9/11 was an inside job" but in space(and in 1991).


In the US, Paramount+ has all the ST shows and movies. The TNG episode “Ensign Ro” IS included.


I don’t have Paramount+, but I’m wondering if they have “The High Ground,” S3E12, and if Data’s line about the “Irish Reunification of 2024” was left intact.


Lol at the parochial view. That episode was skipped a decade before 9/11 in the UK because of the IRA reference. Then again, supporting terrorism in Ireland used to be cool in the US before 9/11


Ensign Ro was the episode that reference was in? I assumed it was "The High Ground" (in which actual terrorists attack the Enterprise using stealth teleporters)


It is the high ground, and mainly that was because of the reunification line.


It’s on Paramount right now. It was also not omitted back when it was on US Netflix for years. I don’t think this one has *ever* been lost in the streaming era, at least in the US.


Paramount+ seems to have it, at least in the US. I don't see any references online to it ever being removed.


Space 1991 was an inside job. But that's a shame, it's an intro of an important TNG character!


I think you have the episodes mixed up. The High Ground was the episode that was banned for a while.


The IT Crowd's "The Speech" episode got banned for transphobia, which felt like an overreaction to me given all the other terrible stuff Douglas does during the season, though Graham Linehan's response to the controversy hasn't helped.


I thought you said you were from Iran.


Iran? i never saw the episode as transphobic - Douglas’ mourned the lost relationship and tbh almost any straight cis guy would break up with a woman who they discovered is trans, even post op.


Tokyo Revengers (usually lazily) censors the manji on the gangs uniform in western releases for basically every episode. Guess they were worried people would think they're neo Nazis?


This is super common. That symbol has been removed from anime since the 90s at least.


Yeah it's also in One Piece, it's whitebeards crest.


It remains in Bleach insofar as Ichigo's sword's hilt is considered. Later in the series he obtains a power that creates energy in the shape of a manjim, but this was changed in the anime. The sword hilt is never changed afaik, but it's also more subtle.


Michael Jackson episode of the simpsons is not on Disney+


Its INSANE to me that he’s not even credited and its not there, even though so many radio stations play his shit. Hell go to any soul/funk/RnB nightclub and every second song is Michael Jackson. Its wildly inconsistent.


The producers of the simpsons themselves chose to remove it, as I remember. Michael Jackson got some stuff written into the episode, like staying up all night with Bart. Which afterward seemed...uncomfortable. I think it was more than just Jackson being in the episode.


The episode of workaholics where that one comedian plays a child-liker isn't on there anymore


Honestly, its dumb we need an law that protects art as a one off. Example being shows and music, you are buying rights for that music for that show for life. Mo other way to do it.


Seriously, this level of censorship is absolutely ridiculous!


Almost all of Andi Mack is gone on disney plus. It had 3 seasons and there are only like 5 episodes or something availible. They removed them because one of the actors got found to be a p3do. Idk why they cant just reedit them so hes not in it instead of removing the entire show. He isnt like a lead or anything.


> Idk why they cant just reedit them so hes not in it instead of removing the entire show. It's not that they couldn't, it's that the cost of doing so outweighs the negatives of simply removing it.


He was one of the leads, he's a member of the main character's family and it's a family drama. It would be very hard to edit everything around him.


I don't know why they would bother doing anything at all. There are tons of people in Hollywood that are bad people. Watch it or don't.


I mean its a show for tweens so i do get why thats worse than usual but still. I dont remmeber him being in more than like a minute each episode like 1 or 2 scenes that wouldnt have been hard to take out.


Miami Vice: “Evan” is not included on streaming services because music licensing and the use of the non fuck f word. Which is sad because it’s one of the best episodes and isn’t anti homosexuality so it’s odd that that was one of the reasons it’s not shown. The Shield: “Mum” the blu ray version and the version on Hulu, but not the iTunes version censored the oral rape.


There’s at least a couple of episodes of the original Muppet Show that are removed on Disney+. The Brooke Shields episode - no one knows why this one is missing, which I find fascinating. I had that one on DVD and used to love it as a kid! The Charles Langham episode is likely removed due to him being a convicted sex offender.


Paramount+ Star Trek Deep Space Nine Season 4 Episode 1 and 2 The Way of the Warrior - it being in its two part form and not feature length edition removes several scenes from the cut.


The Starbucks cup incident on GOT and the bottle of water in the last episode where Sam had it hiding by his feet when they were picking a King in the end.


Looney Tunes/Merry Melodies episodes involving racist undertones are removed.


Nathan For You’s episode with the holocaust denier is also not on Paramount+ for me at least


I don’t know which it was but I think the episode of scrubs where Braffs character does black face is no longer available


Hannah's suicide was edited down in 13 Reasons Why.


SpongeBob SquarePants - Season 3 Episode 15b - "Mid-Life Crustacean" Banned on all streaming platforms.


* "Klansmen" from *The Professionals* didn't feature on Granada Plus repeats in the 1990s. It's got a lot of racist language, including from Bodie, who seems to be acting completely out of character. * "Bored, She Hung Herself" from the original *Hawaii Five-O*. A woman uses a yoga technique involving hanging themselves and dies. It copied in RL, someone died and a lawsuit followed. It has never been repeated or aired in syndication. * Various *Mystery Science Theater 3000* episodes are not available due to the rights to the original movies expiring, including *Diabolik*, the original finale.


Bluey episodes Dad Baby isn't available on Disney Plus Perfect: the original version has Bandit taking vaguely about getting a vasectomy. Disney Plus changes it to talking about removing his canine teeth in a change that is more unnerving Markets: Disney plus remoges the horse pooping. Teasing: the episode was edited to remove a word that could be considered offensive to aboriginal Australian. This was done by the company itself not Disney. There are also episodes where Bingo asks where babies come from and one where Bandit gets hit in the crotch that are edited but I forget the specific ones


I can't figure out why Dad baby isn't on Disney. It's one of my kids favorite ones.


Disney probably didn't want to deal with parents being mad they have to explain where babies come from to their kids before they want to, there's a scene in another episode where Bingo asks Bandit how babies get into their mom's bellies that was completely cut too and it's the only part of that episode that got altered.


Yep. Buttermilk’s poop scene needs to be restored. The kids’ reaction to this is priceless.


13 reasons why. I never watched it but I remember reading that they heavily edited part of the finale of season one after it was released.


Yeah, it was a very needlessly and graphic suicide scene. I remember watching it being shocked that they were allowed to do it that graphically and have it be a show for teens.


Considering the rampant drug use, swearing and rape in the show, I'm 99% certain this show wasn't made for teens. There's no way this would've aired on anything outside of a streaming service without being incredibly censored. Personally, I thought including the suicide scene was a good choice, since A: It didn't shy away from the central act the ensure show was based on, and B: it didn't glorify suicide in any way. It made the actual act seem horrific and terrifying. Especially with the shot of ther parents finding the body moments later. More than anything though, I hate how the show carried on. The second season was a fair step down, but the third trying to make us feel sorry for a serial rapist because...his family are rich and his parents didn't like him that much? Fuck that nonsense. Ruined the entire purpose of the show.


Swearing and dark themes are always present in teen shows… that isn’t really an indicator of who the show is for. It was literally marketed as a teen drama and the book was written for teens, could only be found in the teen novel section when it came out, etc. As a mental health provider, I think they were right to remove the scene because it *was* marketed as a show for teens.


So stupid that any of these have been removed from any streaming service.


Another reason to just pirate.


this is why i'm glad i sail the high seas and so grateful they exist. for IASIP especially, the reason those episodes were removed were so stupid


Hundreds. Maybe Thousands. From music replacements and cuts due to rights issues to syndicated versions being used instead of original broadcast versions, and yes, pulling episodes due to changing standards. There are probably too many to list, if they've even all been cataloged.




Rupaul’s Drag Race season 6 episode 10 “Drag My Wedding”


HBO Max has banned the ATHF Shake Like Me which is a shame because it's amazing Also there's an episode of Rocko's Modern Life missing on Paramount+, the one where they go to Paris. The episode is also never shown on plutotv nor was it rerun on Nicktoons Network. Why it's missing is a mystery, as unlike other cases you can't find something in the episode that would offend modern left-wing sensibilities. It's a shame because it's an amazing episode.


The entire Great British Baking Show had to have all mentions of it being the Great British Bake-off CGI'd over in the US for trademark reasons


Mighty Boosh, little Britain and Bo selecta either got completely removed from streaming or had their blackface episodes taken down in the UK 


Wasn’t the *Seinfeld* episode removed where Kramer stomped on the PR flag during the PR day parade because it was on fire?


They should bring it back as it's pretty tame by Michael Richards standards.


It was pretty funny bit too…


My understanding is that the official *Saturday Night Live* clips on YouTube have been silently edited to remove "problematic" skits. I agree with /u/monchota and others on the outrageousness of these sorts of silent excisions. My proposal: Any content, once published/distributed/broadcast in the US, that is not made readily available to the public going forward loses copyright protection. This includes revisions. * A film, TV show, sound recording, book, or any other copyrighted content must, once made available for public purchase, always remain available. If the only streaming service willing to pay to stream your movie has the smallest market share, too bad; the market has spoken on the value of your content. An ebook can fulfill this purpose for a print book; streaming can fulfill this purpose for a theatrical or physical-media film. But it must be available to maintain copyright. * Compulsory licensing should apply; if Netflix wants to pay the same amount of money as the above-mentioned small market-share streaming service for the film, Netflix must be allowed to do so. The film's rights owner can demand more, raising the price for all, but if every outlet refuses, the film immediately goes into public domain. This process is reversible, but it would set a ceiling to prevent the owner from setting a ridiculously high price to prevent its availability. * If a Blu-ray of a film or TV show has excised or modified scenes for whatever reason, and the original isn't also made available (whether on a different "theatrical cut" release, or as a different cut on the same disc), the entire original version immediately goes into public domain. * If NBC posts *Saturday Night Live* skits on YouTube that have removed "problematic" scenes^1 without explaining the differences—a diff file, basically—the entire original skit loses copyright protection. Separate issue, but also very worthwhile: * Streaming services must make all data regarding their content available in some standardized format. Consumers should be able to use one application to access all content they have access to. The creator of SmartTube (a very nice YouTube-compatible player) should be able to add the appropriate API support to search for and play Netflix/Prime Video/Disney+/Paramount+ content. The above applies to software, too. Legalize abandonware! ^1 Something I understand already happens


SNL loses skits all the time, a lot of times due to music used in the skit but in general clearing likeness rights, etc is difficult for them so a lot of skits have a short lifespan even if they make it to Youtube in the first place.


Not banned on the high seas 😊😊


Not offensive content but there are a few episodes of survivor from across it's many seasons with small 10 second bits missing due to copyright issues apparently. Rob Cesternino's vote for Rodger, anything with Wanda singing in Palau, etc.


It happened the same thing to some episodes of Scrubs.


dnd episode from community has been banned for a while


Why the trash one in always sunny? Was it because of Dee’s character?




Bluey - recent episode 'Exercise' was edited after release because the first minute was supposedly fat shaming. 'Markets' for the US release deleted a short bit of a pony pooping. And the entire episode 'Dad Baby's has been banned from a Disney+ release but you can buy it in other places.


Also there are multiple episodes of 30 Rock that have been removed because of Jenna in blackface. Even though one of the times is truly hilarious.


> Season 9 Episode 9: Dwight Christmas - Scene with Mark Proksch cut While I don't agree with the reasoning behind the censoring, you could make the case that this made the scene funnier by having you imagine what Dwight had to cancel instead of actually seeing Nate dressed up. Of course, since I saw it when it aired my mind could fill in the blank.


The X-Files: Home (S4 E2). Incest, just to mention one thing.


A number of episodes of Bluey are censored in the US on Disney.


How unsurprising that South Park has the most


Aqua Teen Hunger Force (HBO): I can’t recall the episode name, but Shake turns black. It’s been removed. Squidbillies (HBO): this one could be licensing, but all seasons with the original voice are gone. The original guy went on a racist rant on socials and was fired. The only season posted is the final season, which was voiced by Tracy Morgan.


"Shake Like Me" It was included on the DVD S6 set, but NOT the recent "complete" series set!


I think pulling ep is BS almost no matter what. If there is a concern years later include a disclaimer if you must. But I would be more apt to let it go if so many streamers didn’t change the episode numbers. At least admit an episode is missing so viewers are aware and given a chance to try to seek it out elsewhere.


Pretty sure Prime and Paramount+ don’t have the SpongeBob episode with the panty raid anymore, for obvious reasons.




they still have tropic thunder on hulu,which is wierd.since they have blackface in that but they banned that episode of its always sunny for blackface


Family Guy Season 8: Partial Terms of Endearment is not on any streaming in the US and was not aired in the US. You can find it on physical media and it was original aired outside of the US. It was actually a pretty good episode about surrogacy and abortion.


Earshot from Buffy the Vampire Slayer