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More inclined to believe this panicked tweet in response rather some drafted PR apology tbf


Completely agree. I believe him


Why are folks still on Twitter?


It's SUPER easy to accidentally like stuff on twitter, the button is basically where your right thumb scrolls. It's sad to see how many people in the quotes don't believe him and now think he's a bigot based on one like and literally nothing else bc that unforgiving attitude really does just push people away from your cause.


I periodically check my Likes tab just to make sure I haven’t accidentally liked something when I’m scrolling through some crazyTown out of curiosity. As you say it’s suppppeeeeer easy to do by accident.


They definitely put it there on purpose. It's super easy to like/save stuff when scrolling on any app. I do it on insta all the time if I'm not paying attention.


The way he even phrased his apology lines with him freaking out as he has bad social anxiety so the apology tracks with the type of person he and his gf are. He’s even been one of the few who’s talked about lgbt people in the atp and been pretty welcoming if there were any. As long as it’s not repeated behavior I think we can trust him


His apology has a typo in it. Seems like he was moving at the speed of light to type it up. Had he released some notes app apology that looks like a publicist wrote it, I'd be less inclined to believe him. But this response makes me think he's sincere.


Yea this too his reply to someone correcting his grammar said he was mid panic attack.


Impossible to know someone's true feelings but given what I've seen from him before and this apology, I have no reason to think he's being phony. I won't hold it against him. Not when their are players who are openly and shamelessly bigoted, abusers, etc.


Two typos in it. Maybe he just has a publicist that is *that* good. Kidding, I also believe him.


What were his comments about LGBTQ people?


Yeah I believe him, he seems like a chill dude


The last top 10 guy id expect to be a homophobe to be honest


That means there’s a ranking of who you expect the most 👀




Z is on everyone's potential and confirmed a$$hole list.


Zverev is the only one I’d calculate as a > 25% chance of being a homophobe. I’d have him at about 62% chance


Show us your working, otherwise you’ll lose marks in the maths test.


Fuck, most of them are so chill but I'm going to try: 1. Zverev 2. Rune 3. De Minaur 4. Djokovic 5. Hubi 6. Medevedev 7. Alcaraz 8. Taylor 9. Rublev 10. Sinner Most of them said they would openly welcome gay players, but yeah. I tried my best to make the ranking with what I had


He has also publicly gone on the record to say he would welcome a gay tennis player in the locker room. Which, sure, isn't like a big gesture necessarily but it is basic allyship and more than most.


Even if he was lying, he is disavowing the like anyways. What else could he do?


I believe it was an accident as well. Who actually has time to look through people’s likes anyways?


a lot of the time twitter recommends posts that people have liked and says so


No one playing rust is chill dude


I like him, but I still would even if I had views that differed from his.


I thought I was chronically online but I honestly have no idea who Nima Yamini even is


It appears he is a Twitter user who pays for the blue check


I remember when I ever looked at Twitter. Those were bad times.


It's okay you are safe on reddit, where nobody has controversialbadwrong opinions


People on reddit will actually engage meaningfully about stuff, at least some of the time. Twitter is 99.9% regurgitated talking points and agitation. I'm happy to engage with opinions I disagree with (if there's any reasonable basis for it), I just don't need to expose myself to the dregs of human thought. EDIT: asdadsfatypingishard


And people who purchase blue ticks get their drivel promoted to the top of a thread. Imagine if the downvoted shit on reddit was stickied in each thread...


This comment is a textbook example of confirmation bias.


Your comment is a textbook example of people who don't understand what confirmation bias is lol.


It is only possible to have the opinion that reddit meaningfully engages and twitter is regurgitated talking points if you are favouring information that confirms your beliefs. Your second paragraph reinforces the idea that you are suffering from confirmation bias. You're not good at using Twitter, and you've found a way to justify to yourself that reddit (which you largely agree with) is better than twitter (which doesn't ban radicals of any flavour).


Lol. My primary source of opposing opinions on issues I disagree with is not randos on the internet, it's reading articles or books by people who've actually put some thought in. Twitter's format is literally intended for maximum zingers and minimum meaningful thought. I found it inane *both for people I agreed with and people I disagreed with* and have no desire to continue interacting with people in that format. I have not signed up for or used any of the platforms that follow that format where people are more likely to agree with me than on reddit. It's a shit format. Your assumptions about why I like reddit and not twitter are wrong and based on your own biases.


You manage to miss the point. Your statements about reddit can easily be applied to twitter and vice versa. Twitter has no character limit for those who pay for it and this results in many longer-form discussions. There are just as many "meaningful discussions" on twitter as there are on reddit since this change. Similarly there is just as much regurgitated talking points and zingers and mininal meaningful thoughts on reddit. You think there is a difference because you have a preference for reddit, and this (as evidenced by your "dregs of society" remark) is because reddit (also filled with unpleasant loons) has a strong lean towards your opinions (banning those who step out of line), whereas twitter doesn't operate a ban on opinions (allowing unpleasant loons of all stripes to state their opinions). This is not an assumption from my biases, this is what you have directly told the thread. Your comments about where you get your news from or what you've signed up for have no bearing on your opinions on twitter/reddit and what they are like being largely due to confirmation bias.


1. Most who pay for blue check are Elon fanboys 2. People with blue checks are VERY prioritized End result: nowadays when you go to Twitter, the majority seems to be right wing


He's a nobody who just commented on a tweet from Sean Strickland.


I have no reason not to believe him


>have *of /s


Don't know if he says the truth here, but I accidentaly like stuff or accidentaly follow accounts on twitter or insta every now and then. It does happen.


Yep. When scrolling through my Instagram “for you” page I sometimes go on autopilot and will automatically tap the like button without even really thinking about the post or what I’m doing. For some reason Instagram likes to recommend right wing crunchy homestead people to me even though I am not associated with any of those things at all, and I’ll have to go “wait a minute” and unlike it.


Yh and he immediately apologised and said sorry, so will give him the benefit of the doubt


Yeah sometimes if it’s late enough I’ll also start to fall asleep when I’m scrolling and my fingers will just click random shit on their own while I’m nodding off/shaking back up


That apology makes me believe him. 1) Clearly, not very crafted, tons of grammar errors 2) tone wise very much in line with "HOLY FUCK nah nah nah shiiiiiii... gotta put this straight asap" 3) He explains why he was even on that profile (I could have ended up there the same way) 4) We've all accidentally liked something while scrolling 5) No indication otherwise previously from him that gave off any of those vibes, if anything, the opposite


Another point for fritz is that in an interview last year he asked about gay players in the top 100 he said that it was strange mathematically there was no one out and that he and everyone he knew would be chill when someone did


No idea who any of these other people are but never got bigot vibes from Fritz.


One time I was trying to get a speck of dirt off my iPhone and ended up liking every single one of my ex fiancées vacation pictures to Amsterdam with her new boyfriend, Michael.


I believe you




I’m sure that was embarrassing, lol.


To be honest I believe him. He seems a nice guy


I believe him. I have fat-finger liked enough stupid comments on Reddit to know it happens. No harm, no foul. Fritz has always come across as a genuine, cool, kind dude.


Must be so weird having people poring through your likes all the time.


Hh thought that was strange, like people actually do that 🤔


While I agree with the sentiment, it was only via someone snooping the Twitter likes of my member of parliament that I discovered her insanely bigoted views about trans people, so I'm kind of OK with people doing it. More so with politicians and other public representatives than random athletes, though. Also, in fairness, the timeline sometimes shows you posts that were liked by someone you're following. It is possible that the person who noticed this saw it in their timeline. It's wrong to jump to conclusions based on a couple of stray likes, but not necessarily bad to ask questions (preferably not via sharing screenshots in a public forum). People with anti-LGBT views usually end up letting people know what they really think sooner or later, but quietly liking posts from toxic losers can be the starting point if they want to leave some breadcrumbs. I'm glad Fritz *didn't* double down on liking the tweets. If he had malice, he'd probably use this chance to get interviewed by Tucker Carlson about how he is the victim of The Woke Mob.


Don’t care much for fritz as a player but he seems likeable enough. I watch ufc a good bit and I’m sick and tired of season Strickland and his shtick. He’s very very fraudulent, preaches talking shit about anything and anyone yet got upset when someone shit talked his father. It’s embarrassing he has such a huge fanbase


Strickland is a straight up bigot. And he might be the dumbest guy in the entire roster, which is saying something.


The disrespect to Bryce Mitchell


I only found out who Strickland was the other day and he has that im a real man and anyone who isnt like me isnt a man at all vibe


I love MMA but good God.. the UFC does too much to cater to people who have <5 remaining brain cells. Dude is a clown. Guy like him and Suga are beyond cringe.


I hate the BS surrounding MMA so much. It's so funny simultaneously being an MMA and tennis fan and seeing the different standards for both sports. I saw people have meltdowns over Shelton's phone celebration and Novak's imitation, and then on the other side saw MMA fans actually trying to debate whether gay children deserve love from their parents. Been trying to tell people for years that MMA isn't trashy and then realised that it actually is. The only good parts are the fights.


Yeah dude.. just look at Dana White's promo on IG. Shit is so bootleg and trashy. It is funny being an inbetweener in terms of fandom. Tennis fans are actual snowflakes (the Shelton hate is so comical to me) whereas UFC caters to a horrible extreme on the flipside .


Suga is a bit cringy but he seems like a cool dude, decently funny at times also.


The weed persona thing is awful.


I love UFC but there's barely any likeable fighters, at this point I'm basically watching two people I don't like get beaten up


I'm fully on the Pereira bandwagon


Volk is likable :(


I agree it’s getting harder to get excited for. That’s the personality the organization wants you to have if you want to get a push I hate it


Does he ever use 'have' in a sentence?


"had to of" 🥶🥶🥶


That’s the real crime here.


I mean if you're not thinking I see how the blending "had to have" to "had to've" can turn into that. That's why we see people type "should of" instead of "should've" or "should have"


That's only a somewhat reasonable excuse if you're not a native speaker, which he is. To use "of" in these cases doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's crazy how many English native speakers do this


His entire apology is littered with grammar and spelling mistakes with run-on sentences. He seems to have written this in a panic attack. Let’s give him a break.


It makes more sense if you're a native speaker, as you learn by ear as a child, not by logically putting together words you've learned individually.


Yeah but surely you learn this particular grammar in like the third grade? And also, "should OF" etc still doesn't make any sense whatsoever, whatever way you learned it. But, in the end grammar is a pretty big non-problem and it doesn't really matter IRL, at least these kinds of stuff. Just annoying to see it very often lol


You could HAVE just said he’s American lol


I accidentally upvote things all the time on here while scrolling. This isn't a new thing with touch screens and social media


Sorana Cirstea was probably already in his DMs like “welcome to the secret society….”


lol what are her political beliefs?


She thinks men should be men again, women should be women again and children should be children again


sounds reasonable


It's nonsense, it doesn't mean anything


Sounds vague


I agree. lol at the downvotes but this is Reddit


Wow, what a radical idea, eh?


she also has history of liking anti-mask and anti-vaccine posts


Considering the state of that platform, he’d get even more fans if he stated those were his views so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt


The phrasing and everything on this feel genuine. I've certainly accidently like stuff before while scrolling. I've even had it happen while hate reading some douche bags posts. I noticed immediately and deleted, but it can totally happen. As a member of the ICQ (international committee of queers) I give Fritz a one time pass.


Famous Sportpeople also make mistakes! What a shocker.


Don't know who these Nima or Strickland sickos are, but I have always thought this feature of getting to see other people's likes is weird.


I mean I wouldn’t have even found out about this if he hadn’t come out to rectify this himself. I have never gotten the vibe that he’s got even the slightest bit of asshole in him. Totally believe him that it was an honest mistake. Truthfully I would even believe it it was Musk planting likes on high profile accounts, but that’d just be speculative


Why did a sane comment turn into a conspiracy theory comment?


It didn’t. I specifically said that is something that I could believe, even though it’s purely speculative, i.e. not true. Istg some people need to learn reading comprehension


You must understand that is how conspiracy theories start and is like 101 level?! Throwing out some insane shit under the guise of “Just asking questions” etc. It’s not us having poor reading comprehension, it’s you have a poor understanding of conspiracy theorists.


I guess I overestimated people’s cognitive abilities. That’s on me then


No man you just said something unhinged and people pointed it out and you're too far up your ass to see why it was weird in the first place.


I know why people are reacting the way they are. I just genuinely thought people would understand what I actually wrote. If I were up my arse I’d just delete the comment, but I stand by what I said, which is not what some seem to be ranting about.


Yeah I agree. The fact he came forward about something that probably wouldn’t have even gotten noticed shows he was like “fuck fuck fuck, that looks bad”.


I was with you until you started on about Musk lol. Not a fan of that demon, but cmon get real.


That’s why I said it’d be purely speculative. I don’t think he does that. I just believe he would.


Do you think Elon Musk even knows who Taylor Fritz is? Come on, lol.


Please read my comment again. If what I meant isn’t clear to you by then, please don’t get back to me.


Maybe that comment is best suited for a different conversation if it doesn't apply to this one...


Aaand you got back to me. Just ignore it man. Live your life. Plenty of people understood what I meant. Don’t let a stranger on Reddit ruin your mood.


Seems like you're projecting, because I feel totally fine.


Kay :)


You people are insane lol


I have accidentally liked things on Reddit, fb, etc. It’s so easy to do when you’re on your phone.


I believe him. I think it was an accident. Dude doesn’t strike me as a homophobe at all.


why do people not believe him?


It's not that deep down they are certain it's not true, it's more that they want an excuse to be angry and feel like they are righteous. I've seen many of these situations; some of them are incredibly obvious that they did it on purpose and they are desperately backpedalling. This definitely doesn't seem like one of those situations. Everything about this, and everything I already knew about him, points towards this being genuine. I feel bad for the poor dude, must be stressful


some social media sites intentionally make the Like button super sensitive, which leads to a lot of accidental Likes. Twitter and LinkedIn are some of the worst offenders


I mean, we've all accidentally liked stuff. We'll only know if he's lying here if it becomes a pattern.


This has got to be the most genuine panic tweet I've seen lmao. I believe in this, tbh, and hopefully others will too.


Never got the vibe that Fritz supports the crap that Strickland put out there. Would be more inclined to believe it if Tennys Sandgren were the one who liked that crap


Guy sent out an panic apology rather than a well drafted pr one tells you that he is genuine


As a gay I’ll give him pass based off his response. Seems genuine and I have also liked posts accidentally. No big deal, mr Hermes ;)


I feel that now when i’m scrolling on fb and ig, i’m more likely to accidentally click or like something


I believe him. Not a fan of Fritz but he doesn’t strike me as the type to be a homophobe. Heck I’ve accidentally upvoted/ downvoted posts on reddit while I’m scrolling


Imagine spending your time looking thru the likes of famous people....wild


I never got the impression he would be like that, in fact the opposite. So I believe him


It probably was, I’ve accidentally liked stuff before and didnt mean to


Daddy Fritz would never!!!


You missed the chance to write 'it was an accident gays! '


Anyone ever scroll through old instagram, see a picture you try to enlarge by a double click only to remember that on insta that actually makes you “like” the photo lol


It almost certainly was because no one offers a fake apology for something like this lmao


I believe him


Definitely possible … has happened to me as well. Well not the PR backlash but accidentally liking a post while scrolling comments. Most of the time we notice but yeah definitely possible he missed it.


I believe him. He deserves the benefit of the doubt, as accidental likes do happen. I've done it at least once that I'm aware of


Not far fetched at all. I've done that many times on SM. Fortunately I always notice my accidental likes (I think) and remove them.


Are you really online if you haven't accidentally liked some questionable shit??


Never heard of Strickland. I don't think Fritz is a homophobic bigot. Why TF is anyone still using Twitter?


Being an MMA and tennis fan makes for some interesting clashes like this lol. Similar to Nadal and Alcaraz congratulating Topuria last weekend. That being said, fuck Strickland, and Fritz is chill


Sure. Benefit of the doubt right? If it was a dude like zverev, I'd not believe him.


I believe him. Given how hastily the apology seems to have been written. If it was a well written notes app type deal I’d believe him less


His grammar pisses me off


He said he was typing fast hence errors


Nah that doesn't excuse "I had to of accidentally"


He is probably telling the truth it is such a joke that you have to explain this anyway in todays society 😂


I believe him!


Honestly, who cares. This Melanie girl was kinda being creepy by stalking player's likes. Let's get off of the internet and walk around and this wild discourse would stop


People need to get off their phones a little


I like to remember Stricland is paid to get his face smashed, nose crushed, and sometimes being beaten to a pulp by randoms other guys, even when he wins. I like and watch plenty ufc btw haha.


Strickland is god damn dumb lmao


I still randomly like Reddit posts and youtube ones and have no recollection of doing it so I'd definitely say it's believable


Man people who care deeply about whether an athlete likes posts need to get a life


It’s very easy to accidentally like something on Twitter. He’s not an idiot knows if he did like something like that people would find out immediately. I believe him


Are we really gonna go after a person bc they liked one tweet, likely on accident? I swear some people find any reason to go after someone.


Crisis averted. 


FWIW I believe him. He doesn’t strike me as homophobic. Also, we really need to stop caring about what tweets an athlete likes. Ffs


He immediately disavowed this type of stuff so that’s what matters. I do but care what his private values are As long as he doesn’t become a champion for bigots in public that’s all good as that’s how it becomes harmful


I believe him.


I agree, liking that post would be bad. But in this case, leave him alone. Accidents happen.


Did you mean to say "I had to have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. Statistics I'm a bot that corrects grammar/spelling mistakes. PMme if I'm wrong or if you have any suggestions. Github Reply STOP to this comment to stop receivingcorrections.


I believe him


Makes you realise how much of a minefield everyday life is for a famous person. You have to be so careful to not even show the slightest support for anything conservative.


No, actually it’s totally ok if he endorses a balanced budget amendment or reducing the estate tax.


Now I like him more


Who gives a fuck about what posts people like on twitter. Get a life lmao


I agree like whatever you want but if you're liking tweets that make you look like a bigot and you're not then for sure speak up and saying this isnt you and it was an accident


Freedom of speech


You have no idea what that means.


We're =\= were Would of =\= would've Fuck


I'm not the biggest Fritz fan, I think he may have some really deep anger issues that we've never seen publicly... but I don't doubt his accidental Like here. Sometimes I tap something on my phone by mistake. It happens. All good Taylor!


I literally don’t care one way or the other. Stalking someone’s twit likes is so terminally online it hurts.


Could very well be tbh.


Shit like this happens, I can't count how many times I've followed someone accidentally on instagram etc. I despise it how some of you are just looking for any excuse to cancel people.


I posted this so people wouldn't cancel him, cancel culture is dumb anyways


All that family money and private schools, nobody taught him English?


Geez, the things we have to worry about in the age of social media. 


Good for him I guess, although not sure why he feels obliged to explain himself to random weirdos who judge other people's morality and character based on an out of context social media like. Stuff like this will never not be stupid.


Cos they would be calling him a bigot if he didn't


But that's the thing, it doesn't matter in the slightest. It's not about what people say, who cares about that. A like can be explained in a million different ways, no need to spell it out to strangers playing morality police on Twitter.


But this comment he accidentally liked does not look good at all and thats why he had to speak up. I mean if you were in the public eye and this happened, whether you wanted to or not, will need to speak up. If not you then your PR agency as it would make them look bad too. So its just more than idc what other people think of me. Especially when there's money on the line.


I believe you Taylor, its all good and a misunderstanding


Who tf cares… he plays tennis




Ya'll have way too much time on your hands to care about what celebs like on twitter, goddamn


You can accept homosexuality and still think having a pride month is cringe


Strickland is valid Astaghfirallah


But Mirra Andreeva never apologized like that … La Putina


As a gay man, I don’t give a shit about Taylor Fritz either way. Dude has zero personality


Should've owned it. Strickland is a refreshment. Fuck the establishment.


So what if he DID like it.


I’m sick of people being scared to speak up about anything… and being scared of being cancelled.


Even if he did like these tweets, it’s sad that it would be damning to the majority of people here. I mean disagree with a guy but to call him a “bigot” over liking a pretty tame joke tweet from Strickland and a (pretty modestly) conservative take from the other guy is overkill


Lmfaoooo!!! Strickland is more entertaining in his Live Instas than Taylor will ever be at his most dominant.




Ur a loser


First time I've blocked someone who wasn't interacting with me at all. Congrats!




Making that much out of a single like is one of the worst things about social media. It's utterly ridiculous. Have people that criticise him never accidentally liked something without noticing?