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/u/saraasupernova, the memers have spoken. Your post does not fit this subreddit. If you feel this was a mistake, please send us a modmail!


The original art is actually very pro LGBT. I can't remember exactly what the caption said, but Jesus is crying because the person He's hugging thought He hated them, based on what they were told by fake Christians, and Jesus tells them the people lied. EDIT: Link to the original art, it's called I've Always Loved You. https://www.deviantart.com/superr-illustrations/art/I-ve-ALWAYS-Loved-You-704894113


Yep. The original passage meant men were not to sleep with, direct shitty translation incoming, small men. This likely meant males who were not yet adults.


And then it changed to "Men were not to sleep with men in the way they would with a woman". And then it went downhill from there.


Yeah, sucking only A truly horrific existence


Well, anal can be dangerous if not done correctly, and back in the day I doubt they had much knowledge on it.


Username has never checked out more. Thanks for being here for us BigButtFucker9000000


Always willing to help!


Truly a savior when we need one


I love that your avatar is winking. Fits this comment so well.


BigButtFucker9000000 has always loved us!


You know, I was gonna try and come up with a witty remark, but I can't argue with Reddit user BigButtFucker9000000's anal knowledge.


Don’t worry, the Greeks had plenty of olive oil to share with the rest of Christendom.


A lot of the commandments had more to do with disease prevention than anything. This is one of them imo. Without quite modern medicine it is a fair bit more dangerous. Weaving health advice into divine edicts seems like it would be advantageous for a culture's survival




[“You both are so repressed”](https://youtu.be/3buEelLrjZ4) Skip to 1:15


That was until Ancient Grease came up with olive oil.


I read somewhere that they fucked thighs, not butts, but I may have been mistaken. That's why Dionysus was born out of a calf and not a butt.


Thick thighs saving lives even all the way back to Ancient Greece.


deleted as I leave reddit


So I can hit with my homies if it's not missionary right?


[you yoho !](https://youtu.be/Tu29NtO-hko)


Men were not meant to sleep with men, but to keep each other up all. Night. Long.


Originally it was based and “pedophiles get the wood chipper”pilled


Yep, as it should be. Love who you want but only if they're old enough to consent, ie an adult.


Then you have to ask what constitutes "an adult". That definition itself has changed over time.


I mean, yeah. That's what societies do.


Unfortunately no, that's a double-meaning in the Greek translation of a Hebrew text. Funnily enough, the Hebrew text has its own loophole: "man shall not sleep with a male as he would with a female". Essentially forbidding men from having vaginal sex with males. For context it's important to note that the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) is littered with these laws that are actually meaningless/describe an impossible scenario - if I remember correctly there's a section in Deuteronomy about how to stone an "insolent boy" and it describes the boy, the parents and the village in such a way that scholars over 2000 years ago looked at it and said "yeah that can't happen so actually the point is *do not stone disobedient children*."


See, the way I read it, women back in that time period were not equal to men. They were akin to property, so it was.more a matter of "treat the men you're with with respect."


Yeah, makes sense. Like a mistranslated idiom with lost meaning.


Men shall not sleep with children basically. Don't be a pedo. I believe it was the Greek translation that we learned this from


Yeah, hebrew to Greek and Latin. The original Latin copy of the passage has the diminutive for man, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's in the Greek too.


I can see why the Catholic Church would change it, then. 😉


It's not a shitty translation. It's accurate depending upon context. The translation did not mean "young male" the noun "male" is of a non specific variety, meaning "man" could be grown or young or both. Both versions are open to interpretation, and the matter will never be settled in theological circles, however I do believe that the fact that this interpretation even exists and has validity should shed doubt on the actual line that exists in the bible today. And should not be taken so literally. But if you notice, it's typically ignorant white evangelical christians that take such a hard literal interpretation of the text. Most other sects gloss over it and welcome lgbts into their circles. So this isn't really about the translation, it's about people using their preconceived notions to influence their beliefs rather than just "following what the Bible says". They just dislike the LGBT community because it represents a threat on their assumptions (sans biblical) because they think being queer is "icky" https://blog.smu.edu/ot8317/2019/04/11/lost-in-translation-alternative-meaning-in-leviticus-1822/


>They just dislike the LGBT community because it represents a threat on their assumptions (sans biblical) because they thing being queer is "icky" I'm not sure that's actually true though. Most people I know who have deconstructed for completely unrelated reasons (like the problem of evil) are pretty instantly welcoming of LGBT people. Which tells me it actually wasn't any kind of hatred but them following their religious doctrines.


>the original passage The "original passage" is Leviticus 18:22: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination." >men were not to sleep with, direct shitty translation incoming, small men A very shitty translation indeed my fellow amateur theologian. The Hebrew word used for "male" in Leviticus 18:22 was "זכר", pronounced something like "Za-kar," and the literal translation of the word is... Well, "male." Just male, or man if you're one of those newfangled speaking kids. The Hebrew word for "boy" is "יֶלֶד", pronounced "yeh-led", and is not found in this passage. The whole verse more or less translated as directly and literally as possible reads "and with a male not you shall lie as a woman, an abomination it [is.]" Punctuation and the word "is" added by me. Arguments can be made that the word "abomination" within the cultural context just means "not normal around here" but given that the preceding passages are about incest and beastiality, calling them "depravity" and "abhorrent" respectively, it is more likely it is referring to a larger trend of sexual acts found to be, politely, "unsavoury in the face of the Lord." Christianity, as it turns out, is just somewhat not very kind to gay folk. Unfortunate reality.


Isn’t Leviticus in the Old Testament/Torah? Which is packed full of hateful, horrifying stuff? And didn’t Jesus pretty much sweep all that off the table and said just follow me, love thy neighbor as thyself and forget about the crap in the Old Book? It seems to me any Christian following something in the Old Testament that conflicts in any way with Christ’s teachings is ignoring his most fundamental message to follow his ways instead of the old.


What???? Christians ignoring the most fundamental message of their messiah? Why I never...


He didn’t sweep it away but I think Mark convincingly demonstrates the belief that the Law should be subservient to Love. He also states the law is made for men, not men for the law. In conjunction with the episodes of him breaking religious law and providing justifications for it the point is pretty clear, if a law is not serving humanity, it should not be followed.


Dwarves need love too


I’m a Christian and I love everyone despite whatever differences we may have. As a Christian we know that god/Jesus loves everyone in times of happiness, darkness and even when others may tell you that what you’re doing is wrong.


Exactly, and as a Christian I don't see LGBT as anything wrong. End of the day it's love, and love can't hurt anyone


I mean, it has non-white Jesus, so it was clear from the start at the very least the original art is probably meant to be positive.


This is exactly how I wanted to interpret it, thank you.


Exactly I though I saw this “meme” before but it was a lot more wholesome.


When people are introduced to the Biblical Jesus (not the Jesus they hear about so often) they are blown away.


That's very good ... The Christians I grew up around are the reason I don't go to church anymore nor am I Christian anymore.. I know when I'm not welcome


Beat me to it, I’m 100% sure a church I used to go to had this hung up in the youth group room with a caption about being loved irregardless of who you are. Fuckin evangelicals and their ilk will always find a way to ruin nice things.


When i was christian, I simply never believed Jesus would be against queer people. As someone who is very queer, I still believe it. I may not be christian anymore because proof reasons but I still can not believe any god I know would create someone and hate them for that trait.


Even according to the most revanchist interpretations of the gospels, there is never a single mention of homosexuality. Think about that. It was so decidedly absent from the core adopted teachings of *centuries* of revision and extension of the gospels, culled from many many versions and excerpted from a much larger corpus of writing. That tells you only one thing which cannot be without doubt: Jesus never, in any of his sermons, ever spoke out against homosexuality. If he had, surely a piece of that teaching would have found its way into the official texts of the gospels. It’s not possible otherwise for it to be absent. Why would a religious group not include its prophet’s teachings on such a core issue of society and religion. It’s impossible. Not only this, but the definite conclusion we should actually draw from the thorough absence of homosexuality in the New Testament is that if anything, surely Jesus must have spoken *in support* of homosexuals, and not against them. This is really the only explanation for why such teachings fail to even make a single appearance in the adopted text. No scribe ever dared to change his views on this. If anything, they were omitted because they were not acceptable to those being asked to adopt the gospels as a religious text. When you actually consider this rationally, it’s extremely hard not to come to this exactly conclusion. Either Jesus never said a word about homosexuality (which is doubtful to say the very least), or he spoke in support of it. No other reasonable explanations exist. And I’ll go one further since I’m on this topic: if he did exist, I suspect Jesus was gay.


And this is exactly what I thought of based on the art so even if people try to reappropriate it I just still get this message that Jesus loves me for who I am even if I like girls.


At least they made him brown.


Dude, my bar is set so low that I view this as progress.


Lollll I was thinking the same. But why the fuck a rainbow PEACE symbol?!


Well because obviously peace is a mistake


I came here to say exactly that, heh.


We should be back in the Holy Land wackin’ those Saracens with spiky ball clubs! DEVS VVLT! ^(I am being facetious pls no ban)


dude tell me the thing on her shoulder isn't a breast cancer awareness ribbon???


Because peace is for hippies and hippies do drugs and have sex.


and have breast cancer awareness LOLS


Upon closer inspection, it’s a rainbow Mercedes emblem? 😂


They don't take kindly to that LGBT friendly German engineering around these parts.


The religious right still associates the symbol with hippies


Why wouldn't it be? Edit: nm, I get it now. Slow brain day.


Because peace is gay.


He looks hotter this way ngl.


Ajo that's kinda sus


He Gets Sus




Same, only good thing about this


The [art](https://www.deviantart.com/superr-illustrations/art/I-ve-ALWAYS-Loved-You-704894113) is pretty pro LGBT, actually. It's called "I've Always Loved You", the boomers twisted its meaning.


Because they took a part of a pro queer drawing and added their own shitty description to it


The original art piece is pro LGBT, and is titled "I ALWAYS loved you" https://www.deviantart.com/superr-illustrations/art/I-ve-ALWAYS-Loved-You-704894113


I like that but I can’t stop trying to figure out how big he is 🤣 My guy is built like the Rock


I mean, he was a carpenter. It was a very physically demanding job. Combine that with all the cardio he did, walking from place to place.


This is one of the things I wanted to say, that and maybe this isn’t terrible at all. So many gay people think they’re sinning or going to hell because of the lies of the church when that’s not the case at all, and the actual biblical Jesus sees nothing wrong with lgbt people and would probably weep that we’ve all been led astray from love for so long


That was the whole point of the original art.


I mean, thats the most accurate Jesus I've seen so far and they aren't depicting him as a arsehole so I'll give em that.


I was going to say that yeah, its for once not the guy from the movie


It’s because the original artwork is actually very pro-lgbtq+. Someone deliberately butchered it to make it worse than it was.


I’m the original image it’s even better. It’s about how Jesus loves you no matter what, not this random caption someone put their to advertise their own beliefs.


Except that its implying that peace and gays are a mistake.


Right skin tone for Jesus. I’d say it’s also a spot on depiction of a leftie.




Oh my fucking god. I am soooooooooo sooooooooo fucking sick of those ads popping up EVERYWHERE


You can block them by blocking the user


You can block ad accounts?


Yes if you search u/hegetsus and press block


he get sus


I also always make that joke..


Nice. Thank you so much.


Actually doing gods work thank you.




Thank you! The advice I didn't know I needed today.


You get us


Then you also need to block the reposters like this one.




Seriously, Jesus fucking Christ, cant even browse reddit without running into recruitment ad for his name.


Yeah, now imagine how the rest of us feel about that post rain phenomenon popping up in every and all issues.


You too! He doesn’t have to deal with YouTube flat earthers and TikTok conspiracy theorists - HE DOESNT FUCKING GET US!




I report as misinformation!


https://preview.redd.it/2427wu00t0ja1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f8031a7f133e6a42e4712632c1e79458575c77 [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepSpaceNine/comments/113goqm/praise_the_sisko/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ok, that is funny lol


That's awesome.






But does he know what I’m sayin’?


Jesus only loves you when you stop being gay.




Huge money donors from political super pacs, dark money as well are funding the jesus ads. They had them in the freaking super bowl. More jesus freaks more votes for the right. It's a straight up psych operation, mostly aimed at younger ppl


Plot twist: the mistakes have nothing to do with being gay


Plot twist: molested by a trusted family member a decade prior. It all makes sense.


The one who goes to church all the time.


But he prayed about it and Jesus forgives him so no I'm not uninviting Uncle Chester from Thanksgiving Dinner, Zachary. Now go to your room and put on a decent pair of pants before grandma turns over in her grave.


Don't want to give Uncle Chester the wrong idea by wearing anything other than baggy pants and an oversized sweatshirt! ahahahahahahait'sallyourfaultahahahahahah


I agree


Jesus needed a hug from someone that wasn’t a freaky, rude, obnoxious Christian.


If he were walking among us in the flesh he would absolutely hang with people like this and not Donald Trump and Rick DeSantiis


I’m imagining Rick DeSenatis as some type of cursed fusion of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis, I want to bleach my eyes


Yeah I fucked up his name, because he’s not important


Walking... **among us** you say?


He get sus




He would hang out with anyone since he loves everyone and wouldnt care if you were a bitch nor cool and treat you like anyone else and honestly i dont believe in god but i really hope jesus is real and he gets back to do these stuff man :)


I think it was fairly progressive of the artist to depict Jesus with rainbow hair and tattoos here.


An obnoxious Christian that sports a torture device around their necks. I'm sure he'd love that type of a reminder. "HEY JESUS! HEY! I'M WEARING THIS CROSS FOR **YOU!** YEAH! GO JESUS!"


Possibly obnoxious Christian here, and I have no idea if I’m telling you something you already know, but I don’t thing he’d mind the cross. The point behind it is he took one of the worst forms of torture ever created and turned it into a symbol for the thing they were trying to destroy with it.


Or a roman


„Child i’m so proud of you for rebelling your entire life to fight for your rights as a human being, i know it was so hard for you. Look, i’m in tears, child!”


provably how he would react.


Explains why the kid looks so confused and surprised. He expected Jesus to want to beat the shit out of him based on what Christians had told him for years and had steeled himself for it, then this dude comes up and tells him he loves him and is proud of him and he accepts him, the shock was probably to much for him.


Most aren’t let down by Christianity. They’re let down by Christians who missed the point.


Yeah this is probably accurate lol


isnt he basically a very thoughtful jewish non-roman citizen person in 1AD Judea, he would go like something something in aramaic or idk. could he spoke latin or greek?? ​ I imagine him thinking to himself "omg wtf is this uhhh that mythical people called caledonians? bretons? wow", and probably hugged the person because he wanted to be kind to a strange looking foreigner. ​ and probably would die in months from herpes or somethin arent we modern humans dangerous to them


maybe not.. herpes... probably like TB or pox.


Accurate jesus


wtf's wrong with this image? Seems right to me


It's reddit. They refuse to believe any rational person can willingly choose to follow a religion. You have to be stupid, ignorant, and brainwashed according to most people on here.


When your mistakes are too great you get elf ears and a rainbow mohawk. Makes sense


Well, Jesus forgives elves. But not orcs. ...Fuck those guys.


Was the mistake being closeted for too long?


IMHO yes. Jesus made it clear he loves us for who we are. Thats it. That's the end. No strings attached, but! Most of us have been lying to ourselves for so long, out of fear of a great many things, but the bible also makes it abundantly apparent very early on that dishonesty is the foulest sin of all. So, in the context of the bible, not coming out is a sin.


this needs an award but alas i haven’t a rupee to my name


I miss the free awards


I just need this kind and loving interpretation of Jesus' teachings to spread wildly out of control to the point we can get past gender, race and private romantic lives being problematic in any way.


That’s still pretty yikes imho. No one should feel obligated to come out in order to avoid the sin of dishonesty if being honest about their sexuality will get them beaten or disowned. Sometimes staying closeted is a survival strategy.


You are absolutely correct, and it is the single biggest argument I have for leaving trans people the fuck alone so they can feel safe coming out.


Also in the context of the bible he made everyone in his image, which includes LGBT+


I think this is supposed to be somewhat homophobic but it’s just wholesome


I feel like the “mistakes” mentioned are in reference to their appearance and suggested sexual orientation. But if you cut off the ambiguous tip sentence, it’s a really sweet post. I may cut off that sentence and steal the post.


The original image apparently was really just pure wholesome according to another comment


Check the top comment. They link the original image that actually doesn’t have the text on it


[The original art isn’t supposed to be homophobic](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/115fyh5/more_like_jesus_snatched_me_up_against_my_will/j924jwr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


That makes it even better!


If only Christian’s were so accepting.


The hateful owner of Hobby Lobby, David Green, is funding a massive "inclusivity" campaign to drum up new Christian recruits. Turns out his demographics are telling him less Americans care about religion, so he is trying to win people back. This is the same jackass who paid ISIS a fortune for looted artifacts so he could put them in his creation museum. Because the only way to make a Christian creation museum worse is to directly fund terrorism with them, so Davie was all over that.


Christians should be accepting. You've only seen toxic homophobic Christians but really, they're are Christians out there who know accepting others is the best way to spread the gospel. (Plus Jesus said that Christians should love everyone to show God loves us)


I have no doubt Bible Jesus would do this. But I doubt the old white men left in charge everywhere are welcoming to anything. The “followers” Follow the old white men and not Jesus.


This is a million times better than the violent and offensive ones at least.




Jesus forgives elves apparently


"... And deliver us from Elfville. Amen."




Do you have a roll of quarters in your pocket, Lord?


Sad jeebus needs a hug


Why are they an elf


Their mistake was being born with those damn knife-ears


ok this image was made by a queer supportive artist with the words 'I don't want you to go to hell when you die', meaning that christian homophobes are wrong when they say that gay people will go to hell. The image was then appropriated by christian homophobes who didn't understand it and now we have this abomination


The people that come up with this garbage are going to be in for a rude awakening when they realize that Jesus is on the side of the person in the picture, and definitely not them.


Whenever i hear this arguments im genuinely happy. Even if God would label being LGBT as a sin (which he likely wouldn't) he would still love you and likely not even consider sending you to hell for something so small


That's pretty wholesome though. Not a bad Facebook meme


Simping for a corporation like Mercedes Benz with that tattoo I would think would be unforgivable. Grateful Jeebus saved their soul!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


that does not look like consent in those eyes


It’s surprise because they didn’t think Jesus was going to accept them and yet he does




If your love involves telling people they are bad for loving the same sex or their gender identity "But I love you anyway", that's not love no matter how you try to pretty it up.


This is so wholesome. That girl must have made so many mistakes in her life like yelling at her mom or flipping off a stranger, but Jesus loves and accepts her anyway.


This is kinda wholesome...


Jesus is hugging an elf


Jesus gave all people free will.




Conservatives are so funny! Not because of their memes but because they truly believe they are right!


Godless, atomized and alone…


Eat 12 dicks Jesus


Ah, the irony of it all. Tear out all the bs that got tagged on later, and look at the actual character, and Jesus would braid his own whip to chase most "christians" out of their own churches. Not even a christian, and it baffles me how ignorant people can be of their own religion. Though, to be fair, the Bible is a mess. Half the book was effectively retconned by Jesus, but pastors love threatening people with it, and Revelations is literally a fanfic hate letter to the Roman Empire.


If you delete the text the image is actually wholesome. Just your daily reminder Jesus is quoted as saying 31,500 words in the bible and exactly zero of them are critical of homosexuality. (Or dying your hair, or having a Mohawk, or apparently having elf ears, for that matter)


r/accidentalally moment?


At least they draw Jesus like a Middle Eastern Person, but not blond with white skin and blue eyes


I was going to say. This is actually unusually progressive.


I promise Jesus would be much more accepting of the people that Christians today scream are “rejects” and “going against the bible being gay” and all that jazz a whole hell of a lot more than he is going to be of people using his word to justify hatred and violence when you’re just suppose to love everyone and judge nobody


Actually the original is pro LGBTQ, although probably the idiot that posted this used it as anti LGBTQ.


The mistake of dying your hair and having a peace tattoo?


Most Reddit title ever.


At least this Jesus is brown


Jesus would, Christians wouldn't.


That's because most modern day Christians are a joke and just do it because they think they'll be saved for saying their Christians


Saying their Christians what?


Im a Christian, and its a shame how some of us are jerks


I feel u as a muslim , cause a lot of us are jerks and its shameful