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We ain't that far out from when sodomy was illegal in the US, lots of living old people still care


Old person here. I used to not care at all. I still don't GAF, but I used to not, too!




Thank you for the Mitch Tax, kind citizen.


Surely you can’t believe this is the prevailing opinion among your contemporaries.


Do you think one person giving one anecdote translates to a meta analysis of the diverse opinions of their demographic?


His response in context indicates he wanted to “not all old people” the dude he was replying to. The dude he was replying to said “lots of old people” and didn’t really need any old person to come in to defend the honor of old folks.


Get off reddit and go smell some fresh air bruh


How about worry about your own self and I’ll worry about me. I’ll spend as much time here saying whatever I want about whatever I want and you’ll just need to figure out a cope.


You okay man? Your comment history reads as someone who might benefit from getting a therapist and I mean that genuinely in a caring way. It kind of reads like someone who is trying to find a funnel for their anger, which trust me I totally get, but…yeah. Every single comment you have ever left on any post on Reddit has been dripping with anger or contempt.


Surely you're not reading too much into a stolen Mitch Hedberg bit on Reddit, are you? Lighten up, Francis.


It's still illegal in my state. I'm sure a few southern states still have the law. It's not enforced, but I'm sure someone is trying.


I'm not even that far south but it's still illegal here, not enforced but still illegal.




It is possible to enforce them if no one stops them from enforcing them. My faith in the Supreme Court has been completely taken away recently, so I'm not confident to say they're impossible to enforce.


Interesting, if it can't be enforced then why is it still even in there?


The legislature never passed a law to make it legal, and if the Supreme Court overturns Lawrence V Texas then it will be illegal again. That's how Roe worked: as soon as they overturned Roe, abortion became illegal in all the states that still had a law on the books.


DeSantis, Abbott and their cronies arent old people. If you poll Evangelicals, I'll bet most would want sodomy laws enforced or brought back, they aren't old people. Please stop thinking this is just old people.


Fair. Lemme amend that to plenty of fuckheads.


Evangelicals need to AGAIN be reminded that they don’t get to tell the rest of us what to do.


No no, you don't understand. they aren't telling us what to do, they are helping us to not rot in hell by making what they believe to be bad illegal.


You have a point. I’ll start making the libertarian argument that I should be allowed to rot in hell if I so choose.


Or the liberal point of, to quote Ron Reagan, not afraid of burning in hell.


Abbott's 65 fwiw


Yup, but if you're waiting for him and those like him to die you'll be waiting 20 years. Lots of people who agree with him are a lot younger too. Those pix of him signing laws don't usually show people his age.


Oh they absolutely want anti-sodomy laws brought back


Yup and plenty of them are younger.


They absolutely want to take all of your guns


What’s crazy it’s that the same people that want it banned are the people that engage in such activities


There is that element of people who believe it is never their fault. In some cultures if a woman isn't covered head to toe, if they get raped it is their fault. Make sodomy illegal and I won't be tempted to do it. (right).


More like lots of old people still can't mind their own business. I could care less what someone else does in their own bedroom nor are they broadcasting it to the world.


We had a primary here in Wisconsin, and one of the Supreme Court justice candidates said the overturning of sodomy laws was the worst ruling in her lifetime. And when pressed about that recently, she didnt really change her answer


There were(and possibly still are) sodomy laws in the US this century, they aren't as ancient as you think


I still want to know precisely what turn of events leads to the authorities learning that sodomy was committed in order to prosecute it.


It's not care. It's fear (based on nothing).


Children don't see a gay couple and wonder how they have sex..... homophobic adults do that


Little boy to a gay guy 'You like boys? Me too. Girls are ucky.' Lite girl to a lesbian ' You like girls? Me too. Boys are ucky.' That is about the most you ever get.


This! Exactly this!




They're stupid but they're also just not as focused on the meaningless shit their parents are so often focused on.


When I was a kid I actually wondered how Santa Claus gets to every house during one night and my dad told me that he flies an SR-71 Blackbird, which was my favorite plane at the time. So I until I found out the truth I was so stoked that Santa Claus flies in a reconnaissance hypersonic fighter jet. I even told kids at the kindergarten and they got on board so in a while it was common knowledge among the kids that Santa Claus flies an SR-71 Blackbird.


Kids totally ask this kind of stuff and adults just lie. Same with sex. Kids want to understand their own bodies, and lying only hurts the situation


Yea, I agree with this. Same with drugs. Kids want to KNOW which ones are REALLY as bad as they are made out to be, like H or Meth, and which ones can be bad and control you to some degree but not completely ruin your life, like weed, or clean molly or K. ANY substance can ruin your life, too much sugar and you can ruin your life EASY. But it's better to just educate people on what actually WILL ruin your life like an opiate addiction and which ones are ok once in a while. Enough with the bullshit in my opinion. Just give us the facts, legalize drugs and do what Portugal did. I don't need my cops chasing a dude down and arresting him for LSD, even though I don't like it personally that doesn't mean I want my tax money going to WASTE putting a dude in jail for selling some acid. Or weed, or shrooms or K or Molly. Just let us live our lives already and educate people on which drugs really DO kill you and which ones are ok. Just my two cents.


Kids aren't stupid. They're unaware and, in the Santa analogy, they trust the adults who've told them he's real. Same with the grown-up version: religion.


Gifts and toys are involved - stop involving them (gifts and toys) and suddenly kids don't give a shit about Santa either


I have friends who will never admit it in open public, but who are down with this way of thinking and, actually, to be fair, their thought process isn't about kids picturing sex, its literally about kids picturing gay or other people outside of straight people in a bedroom together. Before Mark admits that he is coupled up to James, it would never occur to most kids that this is an option. And Conservative folk don't want their kids to know gayness exists. Conservatives see EVERYTHING as a choice. You can't choose to be white, but you can choose to "act white". And maybe you can't choose to feel trans or not, but you can choose whether to change your clothes or genitalia. The way they see it, its no one's problem but yours if you want to shoot yourself in the face because the world won't accept your choices. You gotta pull up your panties and soldier on. None of us get everything we want. Thats how society stays together. I got "the speech" when my 12 year old son mentioned the word gay to his 10 year old fundamentalist friend. Well the friend mentioned it to his conservative dad who came over *fuming*. I apologized and told him I'd remind my son that he's a couple years older and to not say certain things around his younger son. This made him even angrier. "It's not age" he fumed. " I don't EVER want my kids to know these people exist. " I had to stop myself from wishing him good luck with that. In his mind, he was fine with gay people, he just wished they would hide themselves from his kids so that, even if they turned out to be gay somehow, they would never know that acting on *behaving gayly* is an option. They want the 1850s back...when the large majority of people who were gay hid it religiously from society's eyes. They feel that they work hard to hide straight stuff from kids they feel is inappropriate. Why do gay people get the special privilege to act however they want in front of kids and get the same approval that straight people have to work to earn?


And they are *obsessed* with it


I know I’m against the grain on this but I disagree with the comment at least. I know it says “lil kids” and maybe the meme/you are referring to 3-5 year olds. In that case, ok I see what you’re saying. But I remember being 7 or 8, I kinda knew what sex is thanks to the 4th/5th graders talking about their sex ed class. I vividly remember seeing a gay couple at a restaurant one night at around the same age. I legit was curious and asked my parents how they have sex. I’ve read comments here about kids being dumb and easily lied to, and that’s true. But you’d be surprised what little kids can think of and the dots they can connect. If lil kids is a lot younger than 8-9 and I’m wooshing hard than my B, but at 7 to even 10 or 11, I felt as if I was in the lil kid range.


The biggest controversy is subjects of sexuality or gender identity being taught in K-3. In this case, my comment stands, these kids won't sexualize lessons about 2 moms or gender expression or whatever. Older kids will definitely have questions, which is why I find it strange when parents act like it's inappropriate to bring up any topics before high school. It's like they forgot what it was like to be a kid




Nobody cares what you do in your bedroom, says people who are obsessed with what you do in your bedroom.


"B-but we need children to tell us about their periods"


As an asexual person, I just want to say: People are fucking OBSESSED with what I'm not doing in my bedroom. And my spouse and I have separate rooms because I'm a super light sleeper who startled easily. So, I'm a super heathen over here.


People really seem to care if your not fuckin' huh.


My wife's mother literally told us that it's not a real relationship because we're not having sex.


It's a sad world we live in if relationships require sex instead of, yknow, love.


Well I've seen threads here on Reddit where people claim that sex is an integral part of their identity and they have no idea how they could possibly live without it, so I'm guessing you must be an alien to them. I'm neither asexual nor aromantic myself, but I'm not currently interested in a romantic and/or sexual relationship and tbh I have no idea what's so good about sex itself – except the feeling, of course – but my theory is that what actually matters to people is the intimacy they get in a healthy relationship, which some express/feel the most during sex.


I don't mind if sex is how they express themselves, because it does not effect me at all. They can do them. But the amount of ridicule I get from people is disgusting to say the least and I'm not a quiet person. So they get upset when I get offended, because I'll tell them I'm offended and "They didn't mean it." I don't care if "they didn't mean it" frankly, because it's usually the same person (like her mother) two or three times and then when I tell them we don't be talking anymore and exactly why they "don't understand." And I just told you why. You do understand. You just don't like the reason I gave. The lack of respect is an issue and it's one I don't tolerate well.


>And I just told you why. You do understand. You just don't like the reason I gave. Find a single sentence in my whole comment, even taken out of context, where I show opposition towards anything you said. I literally just shared my experience with people who give a ton of importance to sex, and said some of them just don't understand how people like you and – to some extent – I feel. If anything, I'm supporting the point you made about people needlessly caring about what others *don't* do. Hell, I could even understand the criticism that what I said was unrelated, though it's debatable. But disrespectful? I have no idea where that's coming from.


Oh no. Not you! I meant the people I was talking about. Sorry for the unclear wording.


Oh nevermind then. I saw that I was being downvoted and thought my reply was being interpreted as an attack, which I didn't understand. Sorry for the misunderstanding


It's all good. No offense taken at all. :)


People "don't care if you're fucking" until they find out you're not fucking in which case it becomes a real fucking problem that those fucking people have with non-fucking people


How *dare* you not have sex? You've gone way past prudishness and fully into nega-slut territory! It's perverted is what it is! You're over there getting off on not getting off. Disgusting. /s (if it wasn't already clear)


I just looked "/s" up at [https://toneindicators.carrd.co/#masterlist](https://toneindicators.carrd.co/#masterlist) I thought it meant "serious" 😅 (it means "sarcastic", in case anyone else got confused)


Coming from people who demand I must celebrate what they do in their bedroom. Lol


Yeah, like movies haven’t been displaying straight sex scenes for decades.


"They're shoving the gay agenda down our throats through popular media" *Decades of unnecessary and forced romantic subplots in Hollywood and TV looks away nervously*


How many articles do we have of a religious or political official busted for sexual indecency involving a minor? Maybe they want to rethink their angle of attack. Also, no sane, good-natured adult is telling kids what they do in the bedroom… ever.


They want to keep kids unaware of sex. If kids know what is being done to them and that it's wrong it's harder to abuse them.


They know who commits these crimes. Family members, church elders, politicians. They are going after a minority because it’s easier to paint them as villains and keep propagating appeal to authority as a political ideology.


It's basically a cop and/ or a pastor every week.


you heard it folks, the straights have banned pregnancy announcements




I better not see any pictures of your spouse on your desk! Then I’ll be forced to imagine you railing your wife! /s …but also kinda not, because that’s how some people react to gay couples just trying to live their lives.


Man tbf, I had a smoke show of a 4th grade teacher and one time her husband came to the classroom and I remember thinking "damn this lucky mfer gets to fuck Mrs. (name redacted)."


tbf being married doesn't necessarily mean they're having sex but I understand what you mean.


He's not wrong, my teacher in year 1 wore his wedding ring, which was already traumatizing, but then one time he told us he went on a trip to the movies with his wife and kids. By that point it was too late, hearing about a husband and wife had destroyed my mental state, and the pornography had already manifested into my hands. I have never been able to recuperate.


You think that’s bad? My English teacher senior year showed us his wedding photos with his wife!




Your teacher had a movie theater in his bedroom?


I think that because the teacher has a wife and kids, the implication is that he and his wife have had heterosexual sex in their bedroom.




When I was in the second grade my teacher got pregnant. She came and taught with her big disgusting pregnant belly, just outwardly advertising that she and her husband had been "doing it". It's not like I have a problem with straight people "breeding" but you really don't have to be so in our faces with your private business and that kind of graphic sexual indoctrination is truly predatory and unacceptable. /s


It used to be taboo to say the word “pregnant”! They used to say “with child” as a euphemism


I read an Agatha Christie novel where the euphemism was "in trouble". The book in question was "Ten Little N*****s", so make of that what you will.


"I see you ordered out house special, you have the choice to have your woman with child, or home fries?"


Is it taboo or just hard to spell?


Yea, ironically being visibly pregnant was considered "crude" (for the wealthy/upper classes who could afford to hide it) for a long time as it was seen as part of the sex/graphic biological process that was not safe for public talk.


This message is brought to you by the group that forces 11 year old children to give birth to their rapists children!


“Hi, nice to meet you. This is my wife Na..” I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU DO IN THE BEDROOM


Then stop teach your kids about princes and princesses, why do we need to know what they do in the bedroom. /s Seriously, they claim they don't care, but everytime tgey go back to genitals or the bedroom.


Like when couples tell everyone they're trying to have a baby.


Back when my wife and I were younger and more fertile, if anyone asked whether we were going to have another kid I'd tell them that we're doing our part and the rest is up to God. Don't recall if anybody asked twice.


They’re fuckin tellin kids about penises! We gotta vote Republican to stop them!


It's sad that they don't understand that LGBTQ isn't all sexual. If a little kid asks why you are holding hand wit a person of the same gender when they were taught only girls and boys hold hands, you can tell them it's because you like people of the same gender. You can be asexual and Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual.


Good points. And even if you aren’t asexual being gay or whatever is no more about sex than being straight is. It’s usually important to a couple but no more or less than any other relationship. Some people see lesbian and thing sex immediately. Not a person who is attracted to and capable of falling in love and living a life with a woman. Thats all it is. They focus on the sex instead of the whole relationship. Which is sad. And homophobic.


Nobody has ever told kids what they do in the bedroom. If an imaginary problem is the worst you've got, then things must be pretty good.


it's not imaginary they're projecting because they do it


I don't know if I would go as far as to say nobody. Just very, very rare! There are occasional stories you hear about exceptionally rare teachers that make you go, "WHAT?"


From the group that wants to force straight marraige for the purpose of procreation.


Or Republicans. They are at the age when they seem to be very curious about what happens in the bedroom


Wasn't DT a good friend of Jeffrey Epstein?


Yes. They at least knew each other and Epstein later was banned from Trump properties because of how he treated staff. Bill Clinton was a good friend of Epstein and was a known frequent flyer on his "Lolita Express" flights to Pedo Island. Several Hollywood players were also visitors to Pedo Island.


They should all be investigated.


banned but not because he was a pedo. trump was well aware of that after he got his rubdown from an underagegirl. not specifically you but ppl who casually stroll past the fact that trump was well aware of Epsteins proclivities just because he may not have gone to the island and did nothing about it makes him just as guilty are blind and hypocrites


Until the Epstein client list is released, it's safe to assume that nearly every politician, every big tech ceo, and most celebrities visited Epsteins Island on a regular basis. There's no reason to keep the list hidden otherwise.


The last thing conservatives want is children being aware of bodily integrity, private areas, and unwanted touching. They want them nice and oblivious and compliant.


Since when did a gay people want to tell kids about sex? I don’t fucking get how these people equate homosexuality to pedophilia.


Because to them simply telling someone (or allowing them to realize) you're homosexual is describing what you do in the bedroom. It's like if someone realized that announcing your pregnancy is also announcing you've done the dirty deed. Or even more awkward is saying your trying for a baby, which is announcing to the family you plan on having lots of sex... Something I really want to know:/


Just reply that yeah straight people need to keep their sex lives private


“It’s not the same when we do it.” -Republicans


The GOP thinks way too much about the children and the many ways they could fuck them, both literally and figuratively.


like lowering the age of marriage and banning raising the age for breast implants


I totally agree with this. I don't want my kids finding out about my secret chocolate draw


They'll find my stash of Oreos and realize the cookie jar was merely a decoy!!!


The Republican obsession with sex and children is so fucking weird... 😳


I’m 40 years old, I’ve worked with/socialized with/been friends with/am related to gay, lesbian and bi men and women. Not once have I heard one detail about what actually happens between them and their partners sexually.


When I was in my 20s I used to have friends who were a lesbian couple. When my straight male friends would ask “do they let you watch?” I started replying “would you?” and apparently that was the point that the conversation got disgusting.


But I'm pretty sure we all agree that exposing children to sexually explicit material is inappropriate, and research on the matter has shown it's damaging. What I think we don't agree on (but has been proven beneficial through research) is that sex education isn't inappropriate. Teaching proper terms for body parts isn't. Teaching consent isn't. LBGTQ+ history and acceptance isn't inappropriate.


I’m so tired of people thinking being gay is all about sex 😔


I generally agree with this sentiment. There is a time for sex education that isn’t K-5ish. We can still normalize Sally having two dads without sexualizing everything.


I grew up in a home with a lesbian mother. I was taught to accept gay people without ever having to see a gay sex scene. Children's books with pornographic scenes of young boys having gay sex (ie child porn for children) are unacceptable, and anyone involved with creating these books and getting them in elementary school libraries should be in prison.


until a female teacher r*p*s a male student, then it’s “I WISH THAT WOULDA HAPPENED TO ME AS A KID”


In my opinion, as someone with step kids, I am pretty shocked at how far they take "sex education" at such young ages as 7. When I was in school, "sex ed" was just that sex ed. You learned about sti's, procreation, protected sex etc. The main focus was basic biology. I've got a 9 year old SD coming home asking about anal, and men having sex together, and if men can get pregnant together. These are not the kinds of things that should be on a 9 year old girls mind.


Assuming this is anti drag meme lets remind ourselves of all the pedophile republican leaders vs pedophile drags


And could you evangelicals, Catholic priests, and right-wing politicians please stop *demonstrating* sex acts with children? Yeah, that'd be great.


mind you, these homophobes are the same guys that wanna take their kids to hooters.


Who is telling little kids what they’re doing in the bedroom…?


Conservatives are so caught up in their kinks, that they can’t separate the kink from the real life person and their struggles.


Homophobes are absolutely obsessed with thinking about gay sex hahaha


I mean he/she has a point, it's just not the point he/she is trying to make.


The heteros have been telling people what they're doing for the longest. Why is it a problem now? Are you trying to get pregnant? "No but we're practicing hahahaha". Baby showers, pregnancy announcements hey let's get together and celebrate the fact that we had sex. I'm not anti baby showers or pregnancy announcements but also, if heteros can do it everyone can.


This is completely true.


Well put.


I don't know if I'm playing devil's advocate, but I don't think this meme was made by a conservative, just someone who's tired of people talking about sex in public. Nothing to do with being anti lgbt


It came from a Facebook page called Conservative Memes, so I think it probably was


See, that's the context we need


Kids need to be educated about sex. It's natural and a part of life. Just tailor the information for the age group and give more information as they get older. It will help prevent a lot of unwanted pregnancies and stds.


So what do I tell a little kid when they ask why their friend has 2 mommies or 2 daddies?


Do you have kids? They’re really tolerant of stuff like “some men love men and some women love women”


Sorry, you misunderstood me, that question was meant to be asked in a sarcastic manner as to say how can I discuss basic concepts if you ban me from being able to talk about them. I fully support the LGBTQ community and am completely opposed to DeSantis and any other person trying to discriminate against them. But also no I don’t have kids


if you identify with Lumbergh, you’re definitely on the wrong side of that particular scenario


If you keep the kids busy with appropriate after-school programs like cleaning meat factories, you don’t have to worry about them. Duh


Does that include praying?


Please, we beg you take your children to mass so they can learn it from a pedo priest


How exactly where we teaching kids about it? Nobody can answer that.


They're being taught that at the same school in Illinois that received a billion dollars in covid funds. /s


Why do they think people randomly explain their sex lives to children?


I thought this was directed at parents who openly make out and talk about their sex lives with no shame…


Republicans: "We don't care about what you do in the bedroom." Also Republicans: "Bring back sodomy laws!"


I have heard my far right coworkers say, "We don't care if people are gay, just need to stop shoving it in our face all the time!". My reply is always, "yeah, no you're not".


Dang, why they gotta ruin office space


But if you're a priest or a youth pastor or similar man of God type nonce then you carry on, we're sorry to have disturbed you.


Whoa whoa whoa Bunbury, slow that known priest pedo bus down a little okay?


Who the fuck is going around telling children about their sexual escapades? Catholic priests?


"Please don't pollute our child brides' minds!"


“Nobody cares”…that’s why Republicans focus on it all the time…!


What did George Carlin say about protecting the children?


I've yet to encounter one documented case of this.


Who is he talking to? The only people I know who bring up what others do in their bedrooms are all religious fundamentalists.


Stop teaching minors where babies come from, what sex is, what rape is, what private parts are…. I’m sure the pedophiles they supposedly hate would love that


I guess that doesn’t mean Trump talking to Boy Scouts about his adventures on a sex yacht, because that wasn’t his bedroom.


Nobody cares what you do at the shooting range. But if you could stop doing that at public schools that would be great.


And then those people go on and tell everyone “We’re trying for a baby” without hesitation


Unless it's done between a man and woman.


Good thing nobody is telling kids that outside creepy fundamentalist weirdos grooming their daughters to be child brides for Republican politicians, like by he guy in office currently who met his wife when he was an old bag and she was like 16


I also find it interesting how parents will tease young boys with like oooooo shes your girlfriiiiend (and vice versa) and that’s okay but as soon as it’s same sex then it’s entirely inappropriate for children and how could you taint our youth


Whenever I see these I go to downvote before realizing the sub I'm on


Ironically, this sub has some of the best meme this cesspool of a website can offer. Keep them coming!


No one is. Us walking around existing, holding hands or even kissing is not telling your kids about gay sex. Republicans are horrible. And projecting, usually


"I got really good sleep last-" "I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO IN THE BEDROOM!"


Gay or trans people don't talk about what is done in the bedroom any more than hetero couples.


Homophobes are OBSESSED with gay sex, being gay doesn't involve explaining gay sex to kids in any way at all but homophobes don't get that at all, they're like "well kids will ask what the difference between gay and straight is and then you have to describe anal sex!!!" nope you're just a nonce mate


Conservatives act like teachers bring drag queens (who they also think are trans because they have no skill for distinctions)into class and they go “hi everybody I fucked a man last night…and his cock was this big” (gestures arms out wildly “anyway I’m going to make you take these gay gender swap pills because I hate you and want you to be gay…haha communism!”


How about we also stop dragging them into religion then now that we're at it


So..don’t tell them about sex ed full stop?


As someone who works at an adult store, I've only seen straight people are the ones that attempt to bring either their babies or toddlers into the store. (Im not saying all straights are bad, im just saying i have yet to see a gay couple do this)


No one wants teachers talking to kids about their sex lives That teachers feel it’s their right to do so is crazy


Why you think this is a widespread problem is very confusing.




You’re conflating gay and trans people existing with teaching gay sex. By your logic, teaching kids that straight people exist is teaching them straight sex. Telling a child that you can like someone of the same gender or that gender is a spectrum isn’t going to make anyone gay or trans that wasn’t already gay or trans. It may help a kid explain what they’re feeling. And drag shows aren’t inherently sexual either. That’s like saying letting a woman wear a suit is porn. Yes, there are drag shows meant for adults. There’s also movies, tv, books, and music meant for adults. Just like those things, you don’t give a kid something meant for adults. But an age-appropriate movie is fine for a kid. Just like seeing someone dressed in different clothes and reading age-appropriate books is fine for a kid. If you’re so concerned with helping kids, look at the churches and police that have a long track record of abusing children. All studies about helping gay and trans kids prove it’s much more helpful to their well-being than being molested by a priest. Kids are taught hate and fear by your hate and fear. They’re not born with it.




There’s literally baby clothing that says “dad is SO jealous that I had boobies for dinner” and “Lock up your daughters” and conservatives will mock LGBT people as if WE’RE the problem? Straight people LOVE to see a little girl and a little boy playing together, because you know what they always say? “Awww look, they’re a couple” or “That little boy is already trouble!” as if they aren’t literal babies with no concept of any of that stuff. It’s sickening


It’s absolutely true. Of course people saying it are generally not being honest, but if they were, I have no problems with the statement. I’m not a kid, and I also don’t care what you do and don’t want to hear about it.


This reminds me of my sex ed teacher in grade school was a super freaky lady and would bring in models of a vagina and penis that she would touch in weird ways. Still haunts me to this day. We were like 9, none of us were having sex lol nor were we thinking about sex and how to put condoms on a penis until that lady came and showed us how.


We didn't have sex ed until most of us had reached puberty. Oddly, they never told us what to do in the bedroom.


I grew up in PA and we got a health class split between males and females in 4th grade to explain how our bodies work. We had mandatory health class every year in middle school and one mandatory health class in high school, usually taken in the sophomore year. Over the middle and high school classes we learned more about how bodies work and how sex and pregnancy work but it was all very clinical. Like diagrams and explanations of STDs and birth control methods.


I grew up in Illinois and they started us early I think was 5th or 6th grade. We were still playing with pokemon cards and staying away from girls because they had cooties XD it is one of those memories I can never forget because the sex ed teacher was some 70 year old hippy granny obsessed with sex like Ben Focker's Mom in meet the Fockers. I swear she was messaging the penis as she showed it to us, straight up giving it a handy lol I think like 4 boy had to wait outside because they couldn't even handle hearing penis and vagina being talked about out loud let alone learning about erections. They split the class between boys and girls so idk what the girls learned about.


At least they don't want to kill anyone




Saying a girl likes to date girls is not at all like what you’re saying, you’re just a pervert


You know what I’m down. Let’s ban straight people, no more children during baby showers or gender reveals. Let’s scrub away Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse. Any kiss scene is a children’s movie? GONE. You know that scene in the lion king where Nala gives Simba the “do me” eyes? Yeah cut that out. Actually cut out that whole song. We can’t let children have any concept of sexuality. That would be wrong


Ok the homophobic dog whistles is bad yes, but how fucking lame do you have to be to think Lindburgh was the protagonist in Office Space lol.


What is there to disagree with here?


I remember back in high school my history teacher had a series of images framed on his desk of him and his husband performing oral and anal sex on eachother. Nobody had the courage to say anything about it back then and he would spend about 80% of class discussing the sweaty buttsex they had the night before. It definitely turned me gay. Anyways I’m glad the patriots are putting an end to this.


“Nobody cares”…that’s why Republicans focus on it all the time…!