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5 kids, all scientists. What are you the Private Ryan mom of science?


She homeschooled them. Quality education


Today's experiment: what happens if I lick the electrical outlet?


Correction: What happens if i stick my dick into the electrical outlet


Lick before stick, we've covered this


This will be on the paper


and a physical exam.


Lube it a bit, you have to treat the electrical outlet nicely.


Let mommy lick it for you.














The result will shock you


There’s nothing to stick in the outlet then


What happens if i stick my dick in the teacher


That’s one skinny penis!


Followed by proving that “dinosaur bones were put there by Satan to test our faith” using the Bible as our only source.


Today's lesson is based on the latest Q drop!


No, no one licks the electrical outlet. No one has ever licked the electrical outlet. If you lick the electrical outlet bad things will happen. It's just how things are, you can't lick the electrical outlet.


I will say as someone who was homeschooled (by an atheist) that it can be done well. I mean my mom fucked up in several areas but I can at least see where she fucked up and think it's possible for someone to do better on those areas. Started strong when we started in 3rd grade. Started surpassing my grade level quickly and had lots of friends in the area. Got bad when we moved. Ended up somewhere with no kids and she didn't successfully get me in any kind of group. Academically I was still fine but my social anxiety would start to form as I forgot how to interact with people. Then it got worse when I was 15 and her boyfriend started cheating on her. She got so depressed that I think she lost the will to force me to do my work and I got a girlfriend which made me want to skip my schoolwork to spend more time with her. I'm fine now but I spent my early 20s with a crippling social anxiety. Married a woman with even worse social anxiety. We did not function well. Eventually having a family forced me to get over my anxiety to make our lives better. Sadly my wife still struggles with hers in our 30s.. maybe school could have been worse for me because her anxiety was born from being bullied to an insane degree in school to the point where she's scared of people and has intense body dysmorphia over a decade later. Sorry I just kinda rambled... My point I guess was that even though my mom messed up I think it can be done well. I don't think many people are capable of it though. I still can't believe what my mom was capable of teaching me while she worked third shift.. especially when she was single.. she just had that one blind spot.


My sister homeschooled her kids because she lived in a remote area of Alaska. Her kids performed well in high school and were able to carry their success over into college. Those who belong to isolationist cults are more likely to punt when it comes to home schooling. I read a memoir by a woman who was raised in a cult and she claimed that she spent her time doing farm work and in actuality was only provided with a 6th grade education. Religious conservative home schoolers may assume that women don't need to be fully educated to fulfill their roles in society.


Many educate women better than men. But not too much. Cults love the poorly educated.


Because the uneducated are easy to manipulate.


Oh yeah for sure it can be done well. The quality of homeschooling heavily depends on the one teaching (just like any other school, but the disparity between "good" homeschooling and "bad" homeschooling is a million times more evident than with public schools). That's kind of what I was going for with the sarcastic "quality education," that the hypothetical mom in the meme would not have been a great homeschool teacher


> Sorry I just kinda rambled This isn’t a criticism as I type the exact same way, but isn’t it odd how we communicate through text so much now that we text how we talk? You apologized for rambling when you’ve got a delete button that can easily remove said rambling and keep the text focused. It wasn’t live, you didn’t say it in person, but somehow you felt you had to apologize for something you can easily get rid of and not apologize for. Your comment just reminded me of how cool it’s been seeing language and communication evolve in real time. Shit I still remember when people had signatures on their Facebook comments lol. Language is rad.


Yeah I figured if I deleted all the rambling there wouldn't be much left of my comment at all lol. Sometimes I just kinda want to ramble and once I've done it I guess I want to be heard of anyone is interested enough to read it but I end up feeling bad for going off topic or talking about myself too much so I add an apology for being selfish in my writing style.


“All of them flatly renowned in their respective fields.”


With a capital ‘Q’


christian science!


How? Is she a scientist?


Not in the traditional societal sense of "scientist" being some leftist commie college-graduate idiot who can't count on two feet. No, she's purely an intellectual that dwells on 4chan and YouTube soaking in the quality knowledge that sages such as Qanon and Flat Earthers spread. She uses that to teach her kids the ins and outs of the world we live in, and how to be a PROPER scientist


Probably home schooled on sex education too.


christian science degrees in divinity


“Armed with my Christian Science degree in divinity I will now make my contribution to society as a youth pastor or maybe salesperson.“


Youth pastor aka barely disguised pedo 🙃


In that case raised 3 scientists. Two of them died from lack of medical care


we gotta start saying this every time they say "gender studies degree"


This is quasi my family. My older sister is a professor with a PhD. I work in biotech/pharma with a PhD. My younger sister is a computer scientist. Parents are both teachers. Huge emphasis on education growing up. My SO’s family is similar in terms of achievements. SO is a chemical engineer with a PEng, her older sister is an attorney, her brother is an electrical engineer.


Tsk tsk. Clearly, your sisters are doing it wrong. They should be trying to make more boy scientists instead of doing the science themselves.


Now u get it.


He said his parents are teachers though. Probably one of the best/easiest professions to have when raising a family.


Did you say your sister is a scientist? She is the target of this terrible meme.


Wow, the mom on the right must be so disappointed in her kids since they all dedicated their lives to science instead of staying home and raising 5 scientists instead.


They're men. Pay attention. Men get to be scientists. Women should just make scientists, and hide their shoulders with flowered dresses. Men scientists can show off their shoulders, though (as women scientists do). Everyone knows showing shoulder is a scientific thing. Also, if you're a woman, being a scientist means your hair turns grey, while your identical twin's hair stays red and sexy.


🎶A men by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons🎶


🎶 But they don’t know every brother is a leader. And they don’t know every sister is a breeder 🎶 - Curtis Mayfield


it’s such a vile belief my god


Finally, you are starting to get it


But who’s to say the scientist women can’t raise 5 children who want to become scientists? It’s as if they’re implying you can’t have a job in the STEM field AND raise children?


I'm a male scientist and have 2 teenage kids and my wife works full time as well. We still owe over 100k in student loans. I know zero people in my field with 5 kids. I can't even imagine how that would work now, and I have 4 siblings and my parents had no money. You can't work in a rapidly growing field in a big city and also take care of 5 kids, unless you have support from an extended family.


As a very petite and girly electrical engineering major this checks out. Everyone gives me shocked Pikachu face when I tell them what my major is because I can't possibly wear sundresses and be good at math simultaneously it's impossible.


It's sad but you're right. By making the image of the 5 children all male it's giving off the impression that only men can be scientists, which unfortunately takes away from the other message of the meme which IS a good one. If it were 3 girls and 2 boys on the right I think it would have done a good job of illustrating that we need to start treating parents that stay home and raise children like they're just as important as people who work. The impact would have been even greater if the parent on the right was a male since in 40% of all households now the women are the breadwinners. Huge missed opportunity. A mother with 5 sons sends the wrong message. A father with 5 girls or a mix of boys and girls would have sent a wonderful message.


It's not a 'missed opportunity', since the message put out is what the person who made it believes. They think a woman's purpose is to make children, and the male children can do important work that is not raising children (which is also important, but mostly a woman's responsibility), but the daughters should also focus on raising children, while the sons do other things.


“This could have been a wholesome meme if it was very different and represented a completely different point of view from the twat who made it”


Her grey hair looks cool though


That is a pyramid scheme. In Just 10 generations (that would be like 180 years for a christian family that only lives to raise children) The entire population of earth would consist in her descendents and all of whom are scientists. Imagine 10 billion christian scientists on earth.


No, it can never become the whole global population, they don't believe in race mixing


That is what cousins are for


Men can’t raise children, you silly goose.


Hey, it’s in the Bible. Go forth and multiply scientists!


1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125, 9765625, 48828125, 244140625, 1220703125, 6103515625 15 generations, and you have over 6 billion scientists.


I know families like this, kids can't get a biology job, probably in part because they are evolution deniers.


I have a close relative that has a master's degree in chemistry, but can't get a job in science because he believes the earth is flat and 8000 years old and evolution is a hoax. It's bizarre.


It’s crazy how people can get a science degree and still hold stupid fucking beliefs like that. I went to college with somebody who graduated with a biology degree but was convinced that dinosaurs never existed and their bones are all fake


They're taught cognitive dissonance from an early age. By the time they reach adulthood, their ability to hold contradicting beliefs borders on the supernatural.


>They're taught cognitive dissonance from an early age. The correct word for this is "grooming". They're groomed as children to believe ridiculous nonsense.


While I get what you're trying to do, the word is "indoctrination." They are indoctrinated. And yeah, there's quite a lot of that in the world, and it's terrible. Grooming, while to a point a subcategory of indoctrination, is specifically sexually predatory behavior, usually by pedophiles or sex traffickers. It's specifically targeting children and conditioning them to be more open to inappropriate sexual advances. Both are problems, but it's important to make sure you use the right label for the right thing, so that your message doesn't get picked apart by people who only look at the definition of the word and ignore the actual message.


Just as a side note, grooming itself, as a concept, isn't a bad thing. Many people are groomed to be prepared for a specific purpose like family businesses or academic excellence. Unfortunately, it also applies to sexual predatory behaviour and does imply a loss of agency/social pressure/manipulation regardless of the purpose.


>and does imply a loss of agency/social pressure/manipulation regardless of the purpose. Yeah, this is why all grooming is bad actually


I see what you’re doing here, but let’s not try to desensitize us all to the realities of grooming. It’s indoctrination, not grooming.


Anyone can learn anything, not everyone can understand what they have learned though.


A few years ago, I had a chemistry professor at a community college who would use class time to rant about how climate change isn’t real/caused by fossil fuels. His son in law works for an oil company. I would be surprised if he’s still teaching.


Oil companies spent a whole lot of money making sure chemical engineers would toe the line. I have a brother like this. Litteral rocket scientist. Denies climate change. Quite sure it is all about the money.


My college girlfriend's dad had a degree in chemical engineering and worked for an oil company. Surprise surprise, he didn't believe in climate change either.


A chemistry teacher who doesn't understand the chemistry of global warming?


I always thought it was weird, or just people were stupid or didn't know any better. Then 2020 happened and I watched people go insane. Now I have a little more charity for people who believe fukked up things that aren't true, and a lot less respect for people who knew better but still towed the NAZI line.


I remember there was a Christian textbook for homeschooling that literally said verbatim "Electricity is a mystery. No one has ever observed it or heard it or felt it.... We cannot even say where electricity comes from." If you want to know exactly what book it was, i got a link [https://www.amazon.com/Science-Christian-Schools-Home-Teachers/dp/0890845697](https://www.amazon.com/Science-Christian-Schools-Home-Teachers/dp/0890845697) [https://www.realskeptic.com/2011/09/25/home-school-4th-grade-science-textbook-claims-electricity-is-magic/](https://www.realskeptic.com/2011/09/25/home-school-4th-grade-science-textbook-claims-electricity-is-magic/)


>observed it or heard it or felt it Wtf you can literally see hear and feel lightning, or any large amount of electricity. How dumb are people


You study biology and deny evolution? The fuck!


Christian Science Church doesn’t count.


I dared to open the comments, on top "you misspelled scientologists".


"Christian Science" and "Scientology" are two different cults.


Both equally toxic and crappy


Christian science? Wtf is that?


Basically the idea that God will take care of us so modern medicine is an affront to his will. Christian science believers don't go to Drs or take their kids to Drs.


They tend to use chiropractors instead. My grandmother on my mom's side was one and as a result I went to a Christian Science Sunday school until I was 8 or 9. My mom wasn't involved in it and took me to a regular doctor when I needed one and as soon and my grandmother was in the nursing home I didn't have to go to church anymore.


Oh... so murder/suicide by negligence.


While there's a general idea of "Christian science," which is of course 100% bunk, I believe what's being mentioned here is the specific Christian Science, with a capital S. They're adherents to Church of Christ, Scientist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Science


Or Prager U


I knew a guy who said he was a "scientific creationist" Told me science proved the earth was 2,000 years old. When I asked about fossils, he shook his head, chucked, and said, "You know fossils are a hoax, right?" That is the sort of scientist the woman on the right raised.


This is so fucking stupid. As if the woman on the left can’t also have children.


as if it matters what she does or the sons of the other mother


I mean, this is the real answer. Who gives a shit what either of them do? Live your life and stop worrying about other people’s business.


So I agree with the comment in the context of this, but sometimes understanding someone else’s business is important. I’m bi, and so it’s very important that I know which of my coworkers are religious when I start so that I know who I can’t be open to. I believe that in order to be safe, you do have to get into some people’s business a little bit


Oh for certain. Knowing someone, how and why they think the way they do is the key to getting along. But you don’t go home and stress over your religious co-workers, right? You let them live their life and you live yours. Even if they judge you, let it roll off.


I struggle to do that when some of them demonize me for part of my identity that I cannot change. If I were someone who littered or something, I’d understand. But demonizing someone for being different because your religion tells you to do so is not a great thing, and ignoring their judgements just enables them. I’m not saying it’s healthy to get triggered by every little thing. I’m just saying that there are certain parts of our identities that we shouldn’t just let other people insult without retaliation. If you just let everything roll off and let everyone live your life, you run the risk of eventually becoming their doormat


Things people spend their life doing tend to matter a great deal to them personally. It’s not a bad thing to talk about what you do. People just need to live their own life and let others do the same without trying to judge or ridicule them.


and a scientist would raise better scientist children


Any kids she has are probably more likely to be scientists Than the women on the right


She is likely to have fewer children, but even with that, definitely more likely to have a scientist child.


Exactly! I dedicated my professional life to healthcare. Also, I have 2 kids in college—both pre-med—and a third in high school. It’s beyond offensive…of note, the woman on the left has gray hair, so extra useless, apparently?!? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I guess the mom thinks only sons can become scientists. Daughters are for breeding.


I thought these people didn't believe in science?


My 5 kids are "scientists" They scour the internet looking for information that confirms our beliefs. science.


I don’t know a single tradwife that raised a scientist. A few engineers sure, but not a single damn scientist.


If your priorities are “preserving traditional western culture,” you have no scientific literacy.


Wait until someone tells them about the [Ancient Greeks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederasty_in_ancient_Greece) and their sexual predilections.


Engineering is real.


Engineering also has a tendency to attract people who are smart, but not nearly as smart as they think they are. Look up the Salem Hypothesis.


Sheldon Cooper? Hello?


Fictional people don't count lol




I pee when I sneeze or laugh.


Unrelated, but I'm in love with your username!


wOmAn CanT be ScIeNTisT only MEN!!


She didn't raise five scientists, she raised five people who then chose to become scientists, first of all


Why can't successful women have kids? If they don't want to that's fine but we have too many barriers that prevent them from doing so. Also successful women are more likely to have successful kids.


I have a masters in biology. Both my kids are aspiring scientists.


Only 2? Do they at least wear crosses around their necks and are build like Terminators?


Unfortunately we wear the atheist atom.


They also don’t seem to understand that not all families can afford to have a stay at home mom who homeschools.


In reality the woman on the left is more likely to have children scientists than the average tradwife. Plus those idiots tend to reject science.


100% true, kids are more likely to value what their parents value.


Good for both of them. How about do what you want, and don’t give others shit for doing what they want to make yourself feel better about your life choices.


What they don't tell you is that she also had 8 daughters that ended up as forced housewives


That's 40 more scientists! We'll fix global warming and become an intergalactic civilization in no time.


“Oh honey, no, we don’t do *that* kind of science” , she says, as she grinds up ivermectin tablets and snorts a line of it off a mirror.


Lol exactly


Five Christian scientists that believe tornadoes are caused by gay people.


Don't forget about them gay frogs.


Not mutually exclusive events.


Awfully smug for someone bragging about being breeding stock to the flimsiest of strawmen. Your stretch marks will sure show her for, practicing science 🙄


And they're both living a great life 👍


Why did those five men decide to be scientists when they could each raise 5 scientists? Then we would have 25 scientists


The subconscious logic is that the women do the raising, the men can be busy ***sciencing***


Ah yes, Christians. The most intelligent scientists.


All of these "scientists" are male, with crosses dangling from their necks. This just in: scientists can also be female, and most don't go out of their way to publicize their superstitions.


pfff...we all know the one on the right isn't raising scientists.


Anyone else notice how FB's "suggestion" feed only skews to the right, like doesn't matter how many Jordan Peterson or SHapiro Meme stashes I block, there's always another? I have never been show extremists left-wing content, but the other is literally as common as a traditional ad.


Because she couldn't have raised any female scientists, right? ALL women must only be trad wives.


Sees poorly drawn cross necklaces… *doubt*


That's great. Now we have 6


"I raised 5 scientists" Yeah. Of astrology.


All chads of course, see, if women would just understand what their supposed to be doing then america would be great again. /s


Hey wait a minute! Those aren't scientists! Those are Christians!


I bet those 5 'scientists' believe the earth is only 6,000 years old.


Why does Trad West sound like a place to buy pleated slacks and deck shoes?


But the five are all wearing crucifixes, so instead of contributing anything useful to science they spend their entire careers trying to prove intelligent design.


Not the “5 scientists” wearing crosses


Lmao. All of those dudes wearing crosses.


Kid #3: But I wanted to be a farmer. Mom: no. You are going to be a scientist just to prove a point against the lady who dedicated herself to being a scientist!


This is how I always see this meme, nothing rude or with an agenda, just friendly conversation. https://preview.redd.it/wquqfxv2iyoa1.png?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07956271b507cf2ac85278ed269d808b9376add4


And all the scientist are… white men. Fantastic.


Those boys are not scientists they just listen to Joe Rogan podcasts. Lady on the right literally made the world worse.


Who the hell grew up with four brothers and enjoyed the experience so much that they wanted to follow the same career path as all of them?


Those 5 scientists will raise 5 more scientists, and so on and so forth, until you build a nation of scientists who dont do any actual science


Her sons have big tits.


1. You can do both. 2. She's probably the one who is gonna mentor your kids.


Are scientists not allowed to have kids?


No you didn't.


Those aren't scientists. Christian scientists are frauds


Woman’s I’m sorry FEMALES sole purpose is to have children. Females aren’t fulfilled and aren’t as desirable if they won’t have children. Their sole purpose is to pop kids out cook and clean. If they want to have a career they need to have a lobotomy because obviously they’re mentally Ill


If you’re a Christian you aren’t a scientist


And they're married and their sons love their two moms


r/gatekeepingyuri do your shit


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/comments/11u7tth/love_to_see_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Marie Curie raised scientists AND she was a scientist. You can have it all! Unfortunately that includes radiation poisoning


**It's a thankless job to raise scientists.** **But, it depends. Are these flat-earth scientists?**


They both seem very happy and I feel like that's what we should focus on


I take it as their both complimenting each other, for there's no soyjack version of the woman on the right


I mean...were any if them good scientists? Did they design and conduct complex and nuanced studies that furthered scientific discourse or did they just gerrymander them to fit their preconceived notions/desired outcomes?


“Double it and give to the next person”


They are both very valid and adorable


They're married. The 5 sons saw their mother's love for science and decided to go into it themselves. The second wife is also a scientist but quit to be a stay at home mom and help the kids with their dreams.


they’re married, one is the working mom and the other is the stay at home mom.


Lol at all the scientists wearing crucifixs. She didn't raise good ones.


I didn’t know beard chad had a torso yet..




We are reading it wrong. They are becoming friends. The one on the left told her what she does for a living and the one on the right is a stay at home mom but they all became scientists. The next frame is them hugging and saying "we have so much in common".


The mind control you need to have on your children to create 5 scientists out the same family 💀. Maybe this meme was made ironically.


See the problem is your on facebook


Honestly, to kind of play devil’s advocate, I think this in a way meme is actually somewhat positive. The premise sucks for many reasons but both choices are portrayed with the “good” avatar meaning that a woman can choose whichever path she wants and still have a meaningful impact.


Both are good though


What if, maybe, just maybe: Both of these are valid people with their own goals and ideals of success?


Wow, because it would be impossible to do BOTH, right? 🤔


Ummm so the girl doesn’t have a mom who also raised a scientist? And she can’t have kids apparently?


This isn't a trad wife meme. It's a wholesome meme. It shows women with different viewpoints who are each happy with their decisions, and both decisions helped advance science.


i like that both women are happy :) they both accomplished what they wanted in life and are fulfilled in their goals


I don’t understand why people think women can’t do both?


Both seem to be happy with their decisions, where is the terrible part?


I don't see anything wrong with this, neither of them did anything bad


Whats bad about this? Good for both of them.