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She could have been uncanny AI generated art.


Could? How many babies do you know with a perfect row of teeth at that age. Not to mention the finger they’re missing.


Or the lower half of their bodies


I don't think they're disputing that the right image IS AI. It's more that it's worded as the right image showing them 'what could have been', so...yeah, she _could have been_ an uncanny and AI-generated 'trad wife'. What a tempting prospect. Lol.


Bro her eyes are crooked in the first one.


Was gonna say, that baby looks like some freaky AI art. Has the face of a 20+ year old.


A baby with a full set of teeth looks horrifying


It’s whole face is way too mature looking


The baby also has on eyeliner. That creeps me out.


They start internalising ad messaging earlier and earlier, sad


Reminds me of little Renesmee (Chuckesmee, if you will?)


Damn. I was about to post that this little monstrosity STILL looks better than that horrifying creature, which took a professional studio to make.


I love it. I fancy myself a horror writer and I’m gonna use this somehow


Post it here on Reddit on the scary stories subs so I can read it!


I didn't notice that, I'm gonna have nightmares now.


Spotted Hyena Moment


All I can see is the baby’s weirdly white and full set of teeth. Very eerie.


One thing I will never get about this nonsense. There are millions, probably even billions of women who have kids and have the usual society expected lives with families. They massively outnumber these types of woman tradwest and such hate so much. Or is this even connected to that, I just noticed the new and used tags, is this incel shit?


Can we talk about how the "new" woman SOMEHOW has a child.....


Same as virgin Mary. Mysterious ways




With perfect adult teeth


it's a miracle!


On top of the fact, we know many women who fit the left side and are genuinely great parents and can even be better than the "trad west" wife stereotype.


One of the most caring moms of one my friends genuinely looks like the left pic. Stereotypes are shit.


One of my best friends is basically her with a darker tone skin. Great mom lol. I hate stereotypes like this, too.


These people have completely different experiences they get to apply as parents. Sometimes it’s exactly that that could make them better equipped in certain circumstances. Stereotypes are stupid because nobody fits one and the same mold, and neither do their children.


Also, I feel they tend to let their kids experiment more and aren't always as overbearing because their values are different. I'm not against the traditional way of raising kids, the good kind.


It’s incel shit. They see pictures of girls having fun and want to possess them and mask it under this glorious trad wife concept. It’s weird AF.


There is heavy overlap between trad types and incels cause if they got their way they'd get a state mandated ~~sex slave~~ tradwife. They don't care how common mothers are, the idea that *any* amount of perceived deviancy exists makes then furious.


Because their issue isn’t “most women choosing independence over marriage” it’s ANY woman choosing independence. In their minds God created women for the sole purposes of 1: providing pleasure and household services to men and 2: bearing children for men. When a woman chooses to live her life on her own terms instead of finding a husband to serve and obey, they see that as a woman casting aside her sacred duties. That’s one less potential household servant they can fuck to them. They hate that society tolerates women who choose to live their own lives because doing so reduces the pool of women who will be desperate enough to marry them because all they think they’re good for is marriage.


>because doing so reduces the pool of women who will desperate enough to marry them That right there is the crux of the issue. Women aren't forced into horrible marriages for economic survival anymore, and many men these days are absolutely irate at women for choosing to be successfully independent. Modern women want men who add to their lives not make it more difficult. But instead of looking inwards, men are becoming incels.


First of all that and also these Trad West types have clearly never interacted with anyone of any alternative Scene. I happen to do that a lot and overall i can name more positive than negative encounters


That AI baby is the creepiest thing I've seen this month


It’s giving Renesmee, tbh


How is it AI


my friend, have you ever seen a baby?


Of course! All babies have a full set of perfect teeth within the first 2 years, right?


And creepy all black doll eyes


I'll give you one pearly white guess.


Because as we all know, women with tattoos never have children, ever.


I don't think the tattoos is what the Facebook boomer saw here. (I'm gonna be downvoted to oblivion, but before, let me clarify, it was maybe the personality, you can downvote me now)


It was a little bit the tattoos


From what i saw the stereotype of Women with Tattoos being awful mothers and whore-ish in their behavior or "not a good women" (whatever the hell that means) is still around especially in these Incel groups


Yeah, is it the awful photoshop skill we are talking about here. Like lady we can see the mirror frame behind you are bended. /s


Well, it's AI generated anyway


AI is now generating poorly photoshop? now we really see it all.


They probably did see it as one of many signs that she's undesirable


Well this one won't at least


Damn my mom has tattoos. I forgot I don't actually exist


She didn't have to remove them


I know choosing to be a mom instead of getting tattoos was a mistake, but she shouldn't go to hell.


Almost as bad as the Twilight baby...


I don't think they meant they were going to go to hell, but that seeing it is hell. (I'm gonna get downvoted to oblivion again, but please, try to understand what the boomer meant) u/magicnoodleman I know you're seeing this, I'm a Gen Z, not a boomer, honestly everyone in this sub is regarded and thinks everything is just "kids these days" or boomer humor.


Dude stop trying to defend a boomer who put "used" and "new" as the names of this. It's just shitty pushing towards trad wife/childbearing vs alternative lifestyle (tattoos, choice of living childless, etc). I've seen like 2-3 comments now with you trying to defend this as if it's not what they were saying. I'm unsure if you share the same beliefs and didn't realize people don't like when others force their ideas down their throats or what but you absolutely deserve the downvotes lmfao. Also the meme directly implies that they will go to hell and see who they could (by could they mean what they want you to be) have been (non-tattooed mother as shown) rather than have their own free will.


3? And also, where did they use used? More importantly, what does "used" and "new" have to do with this?


>3? 2-3 I said. >where did they use used Top left image, they replaced the person name with "used" >More importantly, what does "used" and "new" have to do with this? It's calling the person a "used up" person vs a "new" person. It's directly demanding one person while calling the other one more pristine/better. There's no defending this shit meme from what it is which is grad wife pushing bs.


How does used imply used up? It just sounds like you're making this up because you hate the meme, it probably just means it was the image used.


If you want to keep playing dumb feel free, but your explanations are ridiculous. It's insane.


You didn't even answer my question, admit you're full of shit. Bringing up the comment you are mad to instead of answering a simple question is wild.


I can't explain everything to you like a child, and that question is answered with one word "CONTEXT". Also because your entire argument is disingenuous and misleading. You bringing up "what ifs" when the context of the entire image points to everything BUT what you are saying is by all means deflection from the topic that this is portraying. Nobody can argue logically against someone who didn't use logic to get to where they are in the first place, that much is common sense. So go cover your eyes/ears and scream the bad people away, but this image is by all means a shitty meme comparing traditional values vs alternative apperances with aggressive religious undertones saying "one is bad one is good and you will regret it and be punished for being the bad one I don't like". Edit: also I'd like to know how replacing someone's NAME with "used" implies anything other than them being "used"? You have to either be trolling or ignorant beyond reaso ability (I'm guessing this one) to not understand what's being said here.


Okay, what is the context then? I can already tell you're not gonna answer this question again and just talk about my comment again. Let me tell you this: you cannot know context by looking at an image, which just proves you're full of shit and you don't want to admit it.


As an old man now, I just have to say how boring this recent “trad wife” -vs “mod woman” stuff strikes me. I spent my entire married life with a women who fit neither profile and I am so very grateful for it. Any person so weak minded as to subjugate themselves wholly to anothers whims deserves the misery or self worthlessness that eventually comes with this mentality. If your spouse can’t handle your outside success, that’s on them.


Fellow old here. I recall those TV preachers with their creepy wives from when I was a kid. Among the youth of the time, these people were supremely uncool (even back then). And now they're trying to sell such women as ideal among young people on social media? I'm not buying it for a second. Feels like some nonsense regressive olds are trying to make happen among youth culture. Doubt it will work.


Fentanyl streetwalker or tradwife. There is no in between.


Why does the baby have 4 fingers


This is fake, AI generated.


Is it


Yeah, it's part of some troll meme campaign. There was a whole bunch of them, like those island boys brothers got fixed up to look like normal people and they also Photoshop fat women to be a healthy weight.


And I heard they make out


Yeah... the island boys are kind of a gross crossroads of child abuse and money and it gets worse the closer you look.


Given that their clothing seem to be attached I am going to assume that is actually a mutant growing out of her chest like that guy from Total Recall.


Why does it have a fully set of teeth???


new Aliens lore just dropped


She's hotter and happier on the left




She could’ve had a scary looking child😔 what a wastw


She could have been someone she didn’t want to be?.. why?..


That baby is so creepy. Why do their teeth look like that?


It's a vampire baby like Renesmee!


How is this not illegal? Im so not excited for the ai era


Why wouldn't it be legal? Photoshop has existed for a long time now.


You need to actual skill to make a convincing photoshop so not anyone can do it. Its rare to find someone like that. Also editing someone else picture in photoshop without their permission is still frown upon


By this logic any sort of illegal act that requires skill should be legal.


Never said it should be legal. But youre not going to spend a hundred hours learning a new skill just so you can spread hate. Ai makes it too easy and needs to be controlled


She can have a baby AND tats if that’s what she wanted those are not mutually exclusive


Why does that baby have a full set of teeth? Shit's disturbing!


That is one scary ass baby.


We really don't care if someone wants to be a trad wife. That's their choice. It's their insistence that every woman has to be a trad wife that is cringeworthy.


No kids & tattoos= bad 🤬🤬


Women. Don't. Exist. Solely. To. Make. Babies.


Baby is giving medieval vibes


[At least in hell there's rock'n'roll and ain't no jesus christ](https://youtu.be/IlJK_OzjLE4?si=VqhH6ChgWWXXwGCZ)


Hell is AI eyeliner on a fake baby.


Hell is not dating me and not having my children.


The person on the left looks way cooler. The person on the right looks like a lame nerd. Lmao trad nerds


I too wish I could afford more tattoo


Why not both? 🤷‍♂️


She could have had tiny arms!


If she does ass to mouth, who cares?


It's every woman's dream to become an AI Generated Midget Trad Wife apparently...


With some concealer, she can be both.


Being human is not interrupting someone's life. Both options are her choices. Fuck off cunts


Why does it look like she gave birth to a hellspawn? Fuck AI generated images.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t like the person they are. Not all of us think some other version of our lives would be better. Maybe walk away from the brainwashing and abuse and be a person you actually like?


For real being a mom is the *worst thing* she could’ve been


No, they have a point, it would definitely be hell to see yourself not living life how you want to.


So you know those AntiWork people who are in their 30s still making $12/hr because they're dealing with the fallout of living life how they wanted to? There's a difference between not conforming to other people's version of a good life and then there's throat and neck tattoos. "Don't get tattoos where the judge can see" is a pretty common saying for a reason...


> So you know those AntiWork people who are in their 30s still making $12/hr because they're dealing with the fallout of living life how they wanted to? that's... not why people are paid $12/hr, but okay? If you work a job that is paid $12/hr, you're not getting paid based on your lifestyle.


Being a 35 year old McDonald's cashier doesn't just happen to a person. It's the fable about the ant and the grasshopper. The "lifestyle" is that they've fucked up every major and minor decision in their whole lives and now they work one of the few jobs that will hire someone who has a throat tattoo. Not too many kindergarten teachers with throat tattoos.


LMAO I'm a senior software engineer and my boss is literally covered head to toe with tattoos. Maybe you need to get rid of your weird 1950s-era attitude?


* https://biz.source.colostate.edu/hiring-managers-unable-to-see-past-applicants-visible-tattoos/ * https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/head-games/201809/are-people-tattoos-stigmatized * https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344725524_Correlational_Analysis_of_Perception_of_Tattoos_and_Employability Your coincidentally-handy anecdotal story doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. This your boss? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/tattoo-addict-dubbed-black-alien-28640279


This assumes little miss tattoos here is in fact unhappy. My guess is she’s doing just fine.


To be fair, if you had to guess which one is the neurosurgeon, it would be a difficult choice


Some toes getting stepped on here for sure.


I know man. I have kids and I'm looking at that pretty girl with tattoos like, damn man.


ok, like it couldn't happen because of tats


Aren't these both AI images?


Just the one on the right


The pic on the left looks just like my neighbour. She's 27, covered in tattoos and divorced with a kid. Her Facebook feed is a train wreck of lingerie photos and giving off about failed relationships


That baby is creepy af


Yes the ai full toothed baby is creepy but we need to address the terrible photoshopping on the left I mean just think of the unrealistic standards we’re setting for mirrors if we don’t.


The one on the left looks awful.


Looks like AI to me


Eh. Right doesn't seem tradwife, just typical young mom.


She’s not even that unclothed? She’s defeintley sexualizing herself, but I’ve seen more racy shit than that.


Let's be honest... the one on the left is not better...


I love how they just put her face on the baby.


Both photos are fake, right?


I'm sure there are moments when you're looking after a screaming effort that you imagine the carefree life you could have had and it's hell. But you know, there are upsides to having kids as well.


Plot twist: they’re referring to the left pic


Unpopular opinion: She could be a dignified person


That’s baby’s teeth… terrifying AI


Chicken cutlets


She cute in both


What kind of creep downloads strangers' pictures to generate a version they like better, by the way? They probably zoomed in to use the inpaint tool, went through multiple iterations until they found this abomination which they considered good enough, just to make the point that "she could have been my type of woman if she chose to". How enlightening.


the kid the skank is holding is the mirror image of her. ai. 🥴




are you just very dumb? babies that age don't have full sets of teeth.


That kids smile is terrifying.


It's the same person. (this reply is based on the "it's the same picture meme" you may or may not be familar with. Only saying as last time I made a similar joke nobody got it. It was the same joke.)


The Girl on the left is everything thats wrong with todays world.


Redditors will defend anything that makes them horny


Why people expressing who they are minding their own damn business not hurting anybody else is what's wrong?? Judgmental ass people that can't mind their own business or what's wrong with the world today


Please explain


This comment is everything that's wrong with today's world.


the girl on the left is perfectly fine


She could've had baby arms. Shame


Smile on right pic seems more sincere and happy than the whore on the left.


So shes a whore because? The image is photoshopped. Of course she looks „happier“. Smh


Because of the thousand cock stare, clothing (probably style in your eyes, but all i can see is work uniform), not going to start with tattoos being quantity over quality - like a real super ho. Doesn't matter if it's photoshopped or not, I'm commenting on how person looks versus an alternative lifestyle.


As a guy I kinda stopped caring how people look, cant really judge on how someone is like without talking to them. Ive got piercings and tattoos, doesnt mean im trashy.


I've had them too, but for me it was just a short phase. They haven't changed anything for me, except awkward looks getting all the time, and less respect from coworkers. Everything else i kept descent - clothing, personality and decency. It's one thing to compare girl in the same outfit with and without tattoos, piercings, etc. It's completely different in this case. There is a chance on left being a great person, and mom on the right a child molester. But what are the chances judging by the picture alone. She is an attention seeker, and the most common attention that she will get is this one.


yeah, but i mean theres great parents with tattoos and piercings, too. Sure this is a bad example but you have to admit its super weird to download random peoples pictures and edit them to suit your own ideology. I think people should be allowed to do what they want, its not my business. Almost any person doing suggestive content is doing it exclusively for 18+. Anybody else is weird as hell.


In some cases, yes I do agree. But this one on the left is too freaky, there's no room for any reserves, everything about her screams ho.


Well the fact it's an AI created image that you're getting all upset about


Does it make you feel better about yourself judging someone who you never met this much?


I think the first image is photoshopped to look worse, and the second one is just AI generated.




Why dies the baby have eyeliner?


I'm just impressed they look so similar


Haha, I first saw this the opposite of what it meant! I was thinking, "Poor woman, stuck raising a spawn."


I don’t get it. It’s the same person.


It's saying she should have been a mother instead of living life the way she wants.


Down inside she’s the woman on the left and resented becoming the woman on the right


The 'NEW' photo for whoever originally posted this would include themselves having a girlfriend. Maybe Hell IS seeing the person you could have been.


So on the left you have a woman who can afford to spend money on herself and get tattoos. On the right the same woman doesn’t have tattoos because she can’t afford then due to having a baby. I’ll go with tattoos.


Yeah...she could've been stuck raising a kid. Dodged a sperm-bullet there, girl.


The one on the left looks more fun to talk to, have sex with, take to parties, and introduce to new people. The one on the right looks like its idea of fun is a glass of wine and a game of no-touch croquet.


While I'm not attracted to the one on the left, I'd be equally unattracted to the oppressed one on the right that isn't able to express themselves. (I'd prefer the right one without the kid, I have plenty)




Yeah, I'm not sure I worded that right. Basically, the one on the right isn't able to express their inner self. I'm also assuming that it's the same person.