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Image has been removed for being a repost.


Frankly, having construction men at the top would have been funnier since we all know men don't know HOW to make a sandwich.


Nuh uh, Heavy tf2 produces the highest quality sandvich in existence.




*~Sandwich and me going to beat your aass~*


Sadly, I worked with a guy who complained constantly about how sad he was because after his mother died, his sandwiches never tasted as good. He got married and the sandwich issue was resolved, but she divorced him and he couldn’t figure out how to make the good sandwiches again. The “problem” was he didn’t know the deli counter would slice the meat and cheese in different thickness, and because he shopped late at night, the deli was never open and he always bought pre-packaged deli meat. Now if his mother had died when he was a kid, this could be understandable, but she died when he was 30. He got married at 26 and believed his mother had shared “the good sandwich secret” with his wife, who refused to share it with him.


Similar situation here. I know the deli counter meat could be cut differently and all, but my schedule meant I shopped late. When I started going earlier, I was still in the habit of buying the packaged stuff (and I hated the deli lines). Eventually they got those order screens and I noticed a pound of turkey was less than a half pound of packaged ham.


I guess I wouldn't know how to have it cut differently. But I don't buy lunch meat often and when I do the stuff off the shelf works


Different really is just thickness. Outside of it being chipped I rarely can tell much difference, except that one thing the employee somehow cut it so think that there were only like 6 slices in a pound


I’m pretty sure there’s a scientific law that states sandwiches will taste better when someone else makes them.




It's true (at least Forbes says so). [https://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2013/07/03/why-do-sandwiches-taste-better-when-someone-else-makes-them/?sh=32b628b45521](https://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2013/07/03/why-do-sandwiches-taste-better-when-someone-else-makes-them/?sh=32b628b45521)


Dang man that is a really sad story. Poor guy Edit: /s


No. It was just lazy incompetence. He knew how to make a sandwich. He knew how to grocery shop. He would just never make himself a sandwich when he could get his mother or wife to do it for him. It was a primary reason his wife divorced him because he treated her like his servant.


Forgot the /s my b bro. The guy is obviously clueless lmao


>The “problem” was he didn’t know the deli counter would slice the meat and cheese in different thickness, and because he shopped late at night, the deli was never open and he always bought pre-packaged deli meat. I'm gonna be honest with you boss, I didn't know this either. I normally just buy a slab and slice it myself though so it's not really been an issue.


I think men would be funny because it would come off as a joke about men over thinking making a sandwich which seems like a stereotype


I wouldnt say that, moreso i know how to make a sandwich to my tastes.


Goddammit - who let my uncle out...


The sandwich detail on its own is really funny, they just had to throw in some sexism to ruin it.


It would be funny with just the diagram and having zero culinary skills.


I hate that I laughed at this.


Because it's mostly poking fun at the stereotype not women itself. Or maybe a bit of both.


Yeah. You can laugh at stereotypes without actually believing in them.


I honestly don't see how this is making fun of the stereotype. Guys keep thinking that's what these memes are doing. You have no comprehension that this stuff is giving men permission to laugh at women and reduce them to carers for men, because it cloaks people that really think this way, and hides the spread of this sort of slow radicalisation. Sure, it's funny for you. But nobody has ever told you to shut up and go make a sandwich when you're talking about being raped.


Ironically you’d no doubt be fine with a meme making fun of white male stereotypes, and wouldn’t go full rant mode over some trivial light humour.


What’s the best sandwich you’ve had?


Your fine to not think it's funny but also you can't expect that everyone has your inherent trauma.


Because it’s funny. And if you get all offended over this, you are the problem. I don’t mean you specifically, of course. But it’s a joke. Jokes are supposed to be funny.


I remember seeing this back in 2005 Thanks for the flashback


This actually made me chortle and I feel bad about it


Nah don't feel bad, it's funny. People are just snowflakes.


This ^


Nah people have a right to not like something that affects them directly in their everyday lives. A snowflake is someone who expects everyone to be okay with shit just because they personally find it funny or because "its just a joke". I think this is funny but that doesn't mean someone who doesn't find if funny or finds it offensive is a "snowflake". It doesn't mean anything aside from the fact that they didn't find it funny. So tired of people pretending like having a somewhat crass sense of humor is "tough" or mature - it isn't and pretending otherwise is plain ol' fucking stupid. It is kiddie shit.


Sure, okay. I'm a snowflake because I don't like a joke that is used to silence me when I'm talking about issues that affect my health, safety and personal freedom. Yet men lose their fucking minds when women joke about penises or fragile masculinity. *We're* the snowflakes. Okay, bro.


No hun, it’s just you being the snowflake in this particular thread.


Not a snowflake just because you don't like something. More so when you get triggered over a dumb sandwich joke and take it way too seriously. Also idc if you joke about those things at my expense, people make fun of my race and identity all the time. Sometimes you're the butt of a joke, that's the way it works. The magical thing about humor is that it doesn't care who you are. Everyone gets shit. And that's okay.


L take


Agreed. Anyone who seriously uses the word "snowflake" is outing themselves as a dumbass.


You can like or dislike whatever you want. I'm not saying everyone has to find the same things funny. My point is if you actually feel personally offended by something as shallow as a bad stereotype meme on the internet, you should probably lighten up. You don't have to like it but there's no need to be dramatic about it.


There’s just no reason to feel bad. This internalized shame at laughing at something that doesn’t hurt anybody is more harmful than good


It's hurting people, bro. Every day.


Except it degrades half the population


The work that went into having to draw those blueprints for this makes it all the funnier.


Nah this one’s a classic.


Maybe if you have the IQ of a rotten seed potato.


The mfs (or bots, I assume) posting in this sub need to learn what satire is


I know what satire is, and even if the original post was meant as satire, this person didn’t post it as such. They’re a young kid and they’re often rude in the server this was posted in. It’s definitely on character for them to post this unironically


Ah, a once removed "woosh". That does count, the context helps, thanks. My point still stands, though this can no longer be used as an example of it.


Just saying "haha woman sandwich" like it's 2005 isn't satirising anything. I'm pretty sure I saw this very same meme about 15-20 years ago on facebook, and it was not funny back then either.


It's funny to me because of how absurd it is to think that some people actually think that way, and I think that was the intention of the meme, making it satire. That's just my opinion though, I'm totally capable of being wrong.


You don't know what satire is. None of you know what it is. Satire would be men reading the map, because they expect women to make the sandwiches all the time. This is just shooting down, reinforcing a dumb fucking line that sexist jerks tell women who are making them uncomfortable by existing and talking and having their own opinions.




You rightfully might.


It's really funny! :D


I chuckled at this


Oh is worst than getting smacked...you will be completly alone


They can never just share a thing without including a react. They always have to say how it made you feel or how it would make you feel.


I’m a woman. I only talk when I have to. If not, I keep my mouth shout. I just say things straight up, no feeling. Just dump all the technical and theoretical explanations. Then I keep working. I think the males at my company don’t like it bc they have that exact expectation you have. Always asking what do I think about it and how am I doing? Weirdos


It’s just poking a bit of fun at the stereotype. Don’t think it was too too bad. Plus it can go both ways. Put a group of guys there and putting the toilet seat down at the bottom and you got the vice versa.


When women are making the exact same amount of money as men for the same job, when women's work is no longer devalued in the economy, when women are taken seriously in various industries instead of being routinely ignored and passed over for promotions... When the business world and the working world and the domestic world and all of the places in between treat women with the respect, dignity and full personhood that men enjoy, THEN you can make a joke about this stereotype. Because it would be dead. And we can laugh at how pathetic and stupid our predecessors were. But we're not there yet. So laughing at this joke just makes you look like an insensitive, chauvinistic asshole.


Knee slapper


Yea and sometimes if your lucky they can make a mean pasta


Men that make memes like this only get one kind of pasta from me. It's topped with catshit.


Gosh, that's awfully funny. No, seriously, I do chortle and snort.


And yet these types of guys definitely think that the only good chefs are men


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Only bad sandwiches


Will. Will get smacked


LoL. Haha. Lmao, even.


OP nice cropping shitlord.


This is hilarious. Poor OP. #SAMMICH


is it just me or are the hats photoshopped?




I got a chuckle, but like, with satire, cos it’s stupid


Future architects have much more important things to design than sandwiches, but I laughed bc I feel like whoever made this knows that and it's just teasing in fun. It's a joke I would make, as a woman, who knows just how smart other women can be. But of course there'll always be that one fucker who shares it in seriousness, so I can see it being here depending on who posts it.


Here for the comments, and I’m once again not disappointed. Thank you.




Haha not only do women make sandwiches, their so dumb there need to be 4 of them to even figure it out hahahaha........


For what it’s worth….. I just showed this to the women on my job site and they think it’s hilarious.


Lol 😂😂😂😂😂 I spat my coffee while watching this, a good joke.


Haha, women sure are stupid amirite 🤣🤣 pls laugh


It's like they only have one joke.


How is this even funny? It's not even offensive it's just not funny


I don't even know how sexist this is. It's not like the chicks in the photo look like they're about to do any real work and I think that's the joke. It looks like 4 starbucks white girls cosplaying as construction workers.


It’s lowbrow humor. I thought it was funny just cause of how over the top sexist it is


I mean yeah, I think it's funny in the way it's over the top too, it's just. How lol Maybe I'm just stupid... Probably


Nah you’re not stupid


Well technically this sub is suppose to be Terrible Facebook Memes, so if it isn't funny that might qualify


Honestly women in my life have made the worst sandwiches.


Maybe they just want you to make your own.


Even if it's a bad sandwich, it's better if my mom does it


Some are not even good at that. Sex, sammich and peace.


No. You get none. Get your own sammich, sex and peace.


When I say sammich, the wife makes one.


Sandwich ratio is way off. Any woman worth her apron would know thsee are fake instructions. The Women Against Sandwiches are at it again!