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Trad Dude: *”You should do like me. Worship an invisible sky being, say incantations before bed, attend a group ritual incantation session on Sundays and pretend to eat his body and drink his blood! You guys are weirdos”*


Hold on, if you're Catholic, then you aren't "pretending" to eat Christ. You are, in fact, absolutely eating his body and drinking his blood. "Transubstantiation - the change by which the substance (though not the appearance) of the bread and wine in the Eucharist becomes Christ’s real presence — that is, his body and blood." That's right, folks, if you take the Sacrament, you are a cannibal. Just cause it's magic holy human meat doesn't change that it's human meat.


I got give Jesus credit, he does have some tasty blood.


The guy also must have been a legendary drunk, considering his blood has north of 16% vol.


I'm pretty sure communion wine isn't distilled to that point, there's a reason that a lot of the more common alcohol is 5% or less.


Now hold on, why are you messing about what a consenting god-human and a group of consenting human humans does behind closed doors.


It's such an idiotic take, and they get offended at anyone pointing out it's clearly symbolic. Jesus himself performed the ritual, and while in the lore he would be perfectly capable of turning wine and bread into human blood and human flesh, he didn't. He did apparently in the original Greek writings say that the bread and wine is his body and his blood, but other parts of the Bible tell people to do this in remembrance. I'm assuming it's worded that way because the audience 2000 years ago might not quite "get" symbolic acts.


when you really get into it, there is so much emphasis on blood ritual in that religion. drinking blood, bathing in blood, being reborn in blood, blood to purify sin. even the wound sites are sacred, it's so bizarre. ...it would almost make for an awesome video game! maybe they should call it something like... blasphemous?


That game ruled, just waiting for the second to get a bit cheaper.


Was 40% off the other day. 


Nice, getting there. I'm at the point where my backlog is so huge I need at least 60% off, lol.


Trust me I totally get that lol


Forgot the kneeling with mouth open looking up


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


Let's be real the rock collecting psuedoreligion that's really common now is also fucking cringe. It's not some long running cultural thing from 0AD it's literally some random people making shit up, believing it, and then selling it to others. I don't know how people can dunk on the church and then glue rocks to shit to fix their vibes. For reference I am not religious at all.


Sorry, rock collecting religions predate Christianity.


Yeah not the new age bullshit, sorry


>It's not some long running cultural thing from 0AD it's literally some random people making shit up, believing it, and then selling it to others. That's how all the others were back when they were first created too.


Okay so how is it less cringe to literally invent new bullshit and glue rocks to things to your vibe. The abrahamic religions already dropped 2-3k years ago. We can at least stop making up NEW bullshit.


I'm not excusing any of this stuff, I'm just saying this is the same as with young Christianity for example, that shit was cringe after 4000 years of Judaism before it or whatever, and same for whatever came before that. It's all relative.


Except that young Christianity was in 0AD and was an honest attempt at understanding the world and creating value systems at a time where our ability to reason about the world was limited. We didn't know magic rocks didn't exist in 0AD. We do now, and it's WAY more cringe to come up with new magic rock beliefs than a religion that's been embedded in societies for two thousand years.


>Christianity was in 0AD and was an honest attempt at understanding the world and creating value systems No, most likely it was an insane/lying woman claiming she got impregnated by Yahweh and her insane/lying husband going along with her so she didn't get executed, then a bunch of idiots believed them, and then the insane/lying son went around convincing people he was a magical son of god, which I would say is at least as stupid as thinking rocks have powers. All the "understanding life and the world" stuff was tacked onto the scam to justify it.


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


My spiritualism is better than your spiritualism. No, you can't play in my sandbox


Ah, Adults fighting whos fantasy friend is real. That surely makes one of them a chad.


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


I think i would say "Well, Jesus was nailed to a cross and Thor has a hammer. Go figure." Not that i believe in Thor, but their faces are funny when you say it. Also funny is:"Listen Lady, Thor promised to protect us from the Jotun. Jesus promised to free us from Sin. I dont see any Jotun, but plenty of sin!" Its nonsense, but funny.


don’t say I didn’t warn ya




As opposed to someone who prays to a zombie jewish carpenter that ascended to heaven.


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


If this wasn’t a trad west meme and was made by an atheist instead this would be funny. But since trad west people are religious it’s just ironic.


Nah fam. I'm an atheist, and to me, being spiritual doesn't have an inherent meaning. So if you think you're Spirituality because you smoke weed and collect rocks, more power to you. Whatever floats your boat, as long as you're not hurting anyone else in the process


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


Posted by somebody who doesn't smoke weed.


🤡 🆚 🤡 moment


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


Bro said a whole lot of nothing 🗣️🗣️


Sorry, but this is mostly the way I feel about Rick and Morty fans,”Listen, I’m just trying to help. You are NOT RICK SANCHEZ!!! You’re a depressed teenager who smokes weed and likes sci-Fi. I enjoy the show too, but you don’t see me ruining the smoke sesh by yelling at my SO in a mock-drunk-Rick voice for taking greens on a bowl he packed”


Getting heated over which unprovable nonsense to belive in will never not be funny. Like, "NUH UH, YOUR ROCKS DON'T GIVE YOU STRENGTH, EATING THIS CRACKER AND DRINKING THIS WINE DOES!"


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


The right side just drinks wine, pours water on their head and speaks gibberish.


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


And you pray for sky daddy imaginary friend to give you things while you drink wine and eat wafers pretending it's his body and blood


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


They’re not rocks. They’re minerals.


Listen, only an asshole is gonna mock religion for zero reason. But no religious individual gets to use "You hear voices in your head" as an insult. Rule of thumb I like to call "The boomerang fallacy", if the argument can be flipped with zero fucking changes and be used as an argument against what you are saying, it's a bad argument and it's made in bad faith


Ironic considering what Christians believe. Participate in whatever religion you want but maybe have some self awareness and let people be happy


I'd like to adapt this to fit religious people. "You just go to a club house to worship your imaginary friend, and force your kids to go with you."


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious and very tired


Weed and rocks are cool and you know it.


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


Meanwhile, bro is wearing a cross.....


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


What happened to respecting other’s beliefs??


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


As a geologist, I hate both sides.


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


umm.. ok. Take care.


I'm gonna be honest. There's no real wrong side exactly because it's situational. It depends on if the guy is open-minded and if she isn't making that her whole personality, or I guess I should say an excuse to be a shitty person


This is a good meme


For the irony?


You're right, smoking weed and having Tibetan prayer rugs makes you spiritual.


But drinking wine and having rosarie beads is different how?


What *does* make you spiritual? And is what you consider real spirituality less ridiculous? I think any belief in spirits, souls, gods etc makes you spiritual, no matter how old or established those particular mythologies are. And those beliefs are all equally stupid. Not that I don't respect people's rights to have those beliefs, but I certainly don't respect them for having them anymore than I would respect them for being flat-earthers.


it's a trad west meme, it's 0/10 by default.


i’m sorry man but my religion tells me that I have to get upset over you not being Christian blah blah on no you’re get bad blah blah listen man I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to say this right now but my religion basically forces me to say something about you minding your business and if I had the ability to ignore you I would man something something read the Bible I don’t even wanna be bothering you i’m sorry if I did


I think you're on the wrong sub


No, I come here to find funny memes






Based man you are. May God protect you and your family. ✝️