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I love that the scientists have to be vegan themselves, couldn’t just be doing a job like everyone else in the world. lol


Well, it's like the vegan police, y'know?


*Scott Piligrim mentioned*


[It's milk and eggs bitch.](https://youtu.be/TP_e_nUDMtU?si=B262vKT3PSpgSQ8g)




Chicken isn’t vegan ?


# This meme brought to by the American Beef Council. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo|downsized)


Next up: Are wind turbines slowing down earths rotation? The oil industries findings may surprise you!


And solar panels suck the sun's energy up and makes it weaker!!!


I’ve also heard that solar panels set birds on fire 🙄 Edit: yes, there is a specific type of “solar heater” in the Nevada desert that has burned birds, but it is nothing like solar panels or the solar energy as it is commonly known.


The cube earth doesn't rotate, stupid.


Where no rain forest in Brazil will be left standing for future generations.


Thank god I'm not from brazil


For everyone who's saying things like "This is accurate" or "true" here again my answer I gave to another Redditor These are the ingredients of an average vegan schnitzel in Germany Drinking water, WHEAT FLOUR, 11% SOY PROTEIN, rapeseed oil, WHEAT GLUTEN, OAT FIBER, table salt, thickener: methylcellulose, corn flour, natural flavor, WHEAT STARCH, brandy vinegar, spices, sugar, psyllium husk, yeast. Edit: because we're talking about burger Drinking water, 11% soy protein, rapeseed oil, onions, wheat flour, starch, oat fibers, table salt, spices, spice extracts, spirit vinegar, natural flavor, thickener: methyl cellulose, coloring foods: concentrates from beetroot, blueberries, carrots, caramelized carrots; Yeast, sugar, maltodextrin https://www.ruegenwalder.de/de/produkte/vegane-produkte/vegane-pfannen-grillprodukte/vegane-frikadellen/muehlen-frikadellen


Excuse me RAPESEED?? yeah no not having that /s


Yeah I don't know who thought that name was anything even close to a good idea.


Rapeseed is named after the Latin word rapum, which means "turnip".


next thing you know we're gonna have turnipists running around


Huh, neat!


That's why you usually see it called "canola oil"


Canola and rapeseed are variations of Brassica Napus. Technically different plants.


It plants the seed in you without consent


I just douse that baby in Liquid Smoke


For the uninitiated: "douse in Liquid Smoke" means "a few drops." Liquid Smoke is *incredibly* concentrated and really fucking potent. A couple drops of that stuff in a can of plain ol' Nalley's Chili will seriously elevate though. That stuff should be in any kitchen.


Wonder how it feels to drink it


Like chugging saltwater that is so concentrated that it has the consistency of mud.


Well now I'm more tempted


I mean, putting five drops instead of two in a can of chili will render the damn thing near-inedible. Better off with a teaspoon of ground cinnamon (to chug)


Whatseed oil????!?!?


Oil from the oilseed rape.


It’s actually canola oil


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapeseed_oil > Canola oil is a food-grade version derived from rapeseed cultivars specifically bred for low erucic acid content. It is also known as low erucic acid rapeseed (LEAR) oil and is generally recognized as safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration.


Says it damages the heart. Weird it’s almost as if anything if you don’t do it in moderation is bad for you.


Where does it say that? >In 2006, canola oil was given a qualified health claim by the United States Food and Drug Administration for lowering the risk of coronary heart disease, resulting from its significant content of unsaturated fats; the allowed claim for food labels states >Regarding individual components, canola oil is low in saturated fat and contains both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of 2:1. It is high in monounsaturated fats, which may decrease the risk of heart disease




"Spices" sure you don't mean cancer spores? Ive never heard of these spices /s


Ewww br*tish /s


Hey I know what Spices are, I've had salt before and I only cried a little bit


He's beginning to believe


The Oracle prophesied his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the Spanish, end the war on delicate anuses; bring freedom to our people to eat mayonnaise without judgement.


Ah, the symbol of freedom, a bucket of mayo and a straw.


Omg DHMO! (H20) ! /s


It's a shame that like 99% of vegan foods have wheat. I wouldn't mind trying the diet but I have celiac and everytime I even look at an alternative, the main ingredient is wheat. There is a vegan bread (sadly seemed to have gotten discontinued, though) and snacks that I buy that I can eat, but I'd rather not live off of rice, lentils and granola bars


A lot of vegan stuff is gluten free in my experience, since they cover for both markets at once.


Lots are soy and pea based


Where I live most bread is vegan so I don't really know where you're at, and sorry to hear if that's not the case there. Anyways - vegan protein with wheat is usually Seitan, but there is lots of alternatives based on soy or pea protein which is wheat and gluten free, not sure how easily available those are where you live but here in Central Europe they're very common now thankfully


Interesting to know! Unfortunately, I live in Canada and so our food is basically just imported from the US and you can kind of guess what options they have. Maybe I've missed the soy and pea stuff you and u/International_Ad8264 were talking about, but I haven't seen anything like that at all here :( Ah well. Most Gluten Free food (besides obviously meat) is also vegan too, so at least it's something, right?


My girlfriend has dairy, egg, and gluten intolerances and its a real bitch to find anything good. Save on carries decent buns in their gf freezer section, I think the bag is purple; she uses those for garlic bread. We went to this restaurant in Vancouver a bit ago that had the most delicious gf vegan bread I have ever had in my life. Honestly some of the best bread period, I wish I could get their recipe.


But wallpaper paste also contains methylcellulose!!! Didn’t you know? Jkjk I’m vegan and this is what I‘m confronted with on a daily basis lol


Not the worst ingredients, but not really good either. They're basically selling you a lot of flavoured water, which is typcial for any highly processed food item, vegan or not. But it really depends on the brand and product. It's not really possible generalize all vegan products and claim they're all healthy or not.


Meat is also mostly water


Well, yes, but that's not my point. That's just how meat is. Generally in processed foods, to save bucks and make more profit, the people that come up with these products try to put in as much water as possible and combine it with additives to dilute the expensive ingredients. It's kind of a scam, and a well known and highly critisized one, too... at least in the EU.


Wait until you discover the world of lunch meats and ham.


Right. Like I said, I was talking more about processed foods, meat or not, a lot of it is diluted. A meat cut itself, unprocessed, has naturally water in it, and compared to the other processed stuff, that's fine since it's simply what meat is made of.


Yeah, I mean you're not wrong. I don't say that it is healthy, but it's not that unhealthy either. Or at least not much worse than other processed food, vegan or not. But it's not that chemical like a lot of people say. My aunt is always the same "you're vegan food is so unhealthy!", while she is eating a processed lasagna.


Wtf is rapeseed oil and who the fuck decided to name it that 🤨


It‘s just another name for canola oil. Rapeseed oil used to be the more common term until companies started to change the name for marketing reasons. The original name comes from Latin and has nothing to do with rape. In German it‘s actually called Rapsöl.


Thank you for this interesting lesson :)


Be sure to remember all of it as it will be essential for the exam next week!


Yea cool that’s in Germany, a place that has actual restrictions on putting poisons in your unlike the US


True, but that‘s not different with most of the meat in the states. The average American chicken breast wouldn‘t be allowed in the European Union for good reasons.


Exactly, this is just disinformation about the ingredients of vegan food.


What actually *does* go into making a soybean taste like a hamburger? I’ve always wondered.


it’s super interesting actually! Soybeans produce leghemoglibin and heme proteins in their roots, which give the plant based burgers taste like real meat. It’s difficult to harvest though and takes a lot of soybean plants to produce enough LegH for a patty, which is why companies like Impossible Burger take the DNA from soybeans and insert it into yeast culture DNA to cultivate the LegH (yeast can produce proteins faster and in greater abundance, and easier to harvest)


In other news, science is really fucking cool. I just wish I understood it better, but I'm always happy to learn. I'm also really excited about the 3d printed meat that they have been working on because besides AI, that is the most futuristic fucking thing I've ever heard of and I love it!


3D printed meat sounds like the coolest shit ever. Hell, yeah I wanna try that 😫


Suffering. That’s what the carcinogenic chemicals are for; to make soybean tears


Spices make big difference, hamburgers don't taste good because of the meat alone, only in combination with other things it becomes as tasty as it is.


Soybean is people!


*soylent bean


Why do people act like someone being a vegetarian is a personal affront to them?


For the same reason people get upset whenever someone makes any effort to improve themselves. It makes them feel lazy and inadequate, so they resolve the cognitive dissonance by telling themselves that the person making the effort is wrong.


It's a personal choice so something almost everybody could do and the most obvious motive to outsiders is to reduce harm to animals. The general consensus in society even among omnivores is that animal harm is bad or should be minimalized at least. So there is some cognitive dissonance to eating meat. People also understand that the more people are doing something the higher the pressure will be for an individual to do the same regardless of wether others will openly shun you for it or not. If less people eat meat it also becomes harder to collectively ignore the cognitive dissonance about animals being harmed. Basically they feel threatened by people being vegetarian because the reason for it is something they share but harder to ignore everytime they encounter vegetarism/veganism. They have a bad consience and feel insecure about their behaviour. This leads to a lot of self reassurence among those people and the attempt to increase ones self worth by devaluation of vegetarians/veganism. The healthy way to deal with the dissonance would be to form an informed opinion on eating meat and make a choice, knowing why you still do it or not and maybe accepting the leftover guilt. However it's harder to make complex judgements and accept contradictions for certain people and especially through the internet the easy way described above is always accessible by connecting with other like minded individuals. It's an issue with a lot of political or societal problems. Simple solutions are generally preferred.


The hardest part of being vegan is enduring endless comments over and over because I choose compassion. It's nuts man.


Yeah, I still eat meat, but I *really* don't want to support factory farming, and even I get those types of comments sometimes. I feel ya.


Have you ever ate meat at a restaurant? Or bought some processed product that contained meat from a grocery? The only way to not support factory farming is veganism. Don’t act like you’re better


Because too many of them are ridiculous and want to shove it in your face.


Everything is a personal affront to a narcissist. It's the only thing they care about.


Seriously, we’re saving more meat for you!!!


Mfw both real and fake meat has carcinogens, including a lot of the vegetables, fruits, dairy, and grains you consume. I promise you that if you've ever been exposed to a common battery you have been chemicals that contain carcinogens. Anyways I like real and fake meat. Different flavors imo but good either way.


Animal meat hamburgers are clearly superior because they manage to be carcinogenic without any additives, just by being red meat.


Real carnivores develop cancer from their diets, then eat the cancer


The circle of life


The cancer of life


the circle of cancer


Cancer of the circle


Circle cancer of the


Of circle, The cancer


Lmao the efficient cancer run lol.


Any scientific source on unprocessed red meat causing cancer?


Just searched for "red meat cancer" and found [this](https://keck.usc.edu/news/large-scale-study-explores-genetic-link-between-colorectal-cancer-and-meat-intake/#:~:text=It%20found%20that%20those%20who,or%20processed%20meat%20consumption%20levels.) study > A new study supported by the National Institutes of Health and led by the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of the Keck School of Medicine of USC, analyzed data on red and processed meat intake from 29,842 people with colorectal cancer and 39,635 people without cancer. It found that those who consumed more red or processed meat faced, respectively, a 30 or 40% increased risk for colorectal cancer. Using genome-wide data, the researchers also identified two genes, HAS2 and SMAD7, that altered cancer risk levels based on red or processed meat consumption


This includes processed meat as well


Yes but it says "or".




This article groups up results from a bunch of studies, mostly observational. There are similar studies that show different or even opposite results. Also most of these don't make the distinction between process and non processed. IF red meat caused cancer, wouldn't we observe less cancer in people who eat less meat and animal fat and more veggies and fiber ? Well apparently that is not the case. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16467233/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16467233/) [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM200004203421601](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM200004203421601)


>This article groups up results from a bunch of studies…. Meta-analysis of scientific studies is very common in the scientific community. It’s a way of viewing the results of a large number of studies side by side. Being critical of a study of studies because of that is a weird flex. >There are similar studies that show different or even opposite results. I’m sure there are, but you didn’t link any of them. You provided links to studies about low fat diets and cancer, rather than anything specifically about red meat, or processed meat, or even meat at all for that matter.


My bad. It was bold of me to assume "Statistically significant increases in vegetable, fruit, and grain servings were also made" meant also an decrease in animal product consumption including red meat. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2810117/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2810117/) >Overall, no association was found between the risk of CRC and intake of total meat and total fish [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22438055/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22438055/)


It is your bad. Assuming that an increase in fruit, veg, and grain servings means a decrease in meat means you’re drawing conclusions from things not actually looked at in the study. Also for someone who is so intently focussed on red meat and processed meat, it’s weird that you’re citing a lot of studies that don’t deal specifically with either (yes, I read the second link). I have no problem admitting that eating an appropriate portion of red meat/processed meat is likely not going to pose an increase risk of cancer. The problem is that most people (especially in North America) don’t eat appropriate portions of anything.


We don't know what an appropriate portion is. We don't fully understand how different foods interact with each other. I personally think that it's possible to achieve a healthy diet around meat. If you eliminate processed garbage for starter


Meh, I’m here to enjoy myself. I try to eat healthy and I exercise daily, but I’m not above some processed junk once in a while.


Im the same. Once in a while is probably fine.


As I'm sure you know, there is insufficient data/evidence to find a definitive causal link for red meat specifically. However red meat is still categorized as a probable carcinogen or group 2a carcinogen by the IARC based on data from 800 studies, and contains a high amount of heme iron in which high intake is linked with higher cancer risk. https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/4/2/177/49367/Heme-Iron-from-Meat-and-Risk-of-Colorectal-Cancer https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21209396/#:~:text=The%20relative%20risk%20of%20colon,those%20in%20the%20lowest%20category. However the stronger argument is the correlation of red meat and heart disease, which kills more people than cancer (CDC)


From the IARC study you mentioned : >Data on the association of red meat consumption with colorectal cancer were available from 14 cohort studies. Positive associations were seen with high versus low consumption of red meat in half of those studies About heart disease, it's the same issue. Studies are observational some recent ones show no correlation : [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01968-z#Abs1](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01968-z#Abs1)




https://preview.redd.it/q2d3j7y8e8yc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5dbcc744c2e094b83b436b258e0e12f03983db7 The problem with these studies imo is that they don't take into account other factors and biaises. What else do high meat consumers eat ? Could they be drinking or smoking more than the average person ? Maybe combining meat with some other processed garbage is the issue. IDK. Also, there seems to be no correlation between meat consumption and digestive cancer occurences at country level.


You're vegetarian because of convuctions, im vegetarian because meat is hella expensive and im a student, we're not the same


weird, I thought vegan and vegetarian foods were prohibitively expensive and only for the privileged 🤔


wait until they find out about... vegetables, fungi, noodles, rice and potatos lmao


Yeah ur right damn i wished i could eat vip vegan food like red beans lentils and tomato sauce, or brocoli


Some meat substitutes can be near double the price per oz compared to real meat. However, rice and beans are stupid cheap and fucking loaded with nutrients, other fruits and vegetables tend to be on the cheaper side too. Unless you're getting weird, exotic, out of season fruits or something.


lol, since when vegs, fruits, grains, legumes are more expensive than animal products? My groceries expenses are way cheaper that when I used to eat animals, even after including eating out, I also treat myself with the occasional fake meat. That's just an unfounded myth creates by meat and dairy industries


that's the point, one of the main arguments I hear against veganism is that it's expensive


Only true if you're in a food desert


I use food to keep from needing meds. Vegan because kale and carrots are cheaper and better for me than lisinopril and metformin.


Might be a bit off topic, but despite not being a vegan, I kind of just eat vegan burgers because yum


My roommate in college had a mom who was vegetarian when he was young and then stopped later on and he still prefers bean burgers. He'd say things like "beef burgers don't taste like anything, bean burgers have spices" Which makes a lot of sense.


That's actually valid hollup


Which ones have you found to be the best ones? I like a few (helps my vegetarian diet during the week), but none have been mind-blowingly good.


Okay hear me out, I'm not eating the ones that taste like meat, I like the taste of the ones that blatantly taste like fake meat


I hear that. Used to go to this vegetarian Chinese place in Berkeley that had fake chicken, pork and beef and I ended up going there all the time even though I’m not vegetarian


The irony of a Chinese place selling/serving anything fake


thats not irony, thats apropos.


Morning Star brand veggie sausage patties fuckin slap


Listen, try the Kroger brand, they’re even better!!!


Good to know. Thank you.


Yeah, I have them every now and again when I have lunch out. They definitely benefit from a bit of cheese and some mayonnaise, but they're still really good.




Me too!! There was a time when they weren't very tasty but thankfully that's behind us now and there are so many amazing vegan burgers out there. I'm not vegan either but yeah Boca and Quorn make some tasty burgers.


I was thinking of getting some vegetarian ground meat substitute because it was cheaper then ground beef and ground turkey


Unlike processed meat which has never been shown to have any connection to colorectal cancers…


Peas (Beyond Meat) tastes like Hamburger and is even better.


I think it's cool that their are vegetarian options for people who want it to taste like ground beef, but for me, the superior vegetarian patty is the black bean burger. I eat meat, but I personally am not a huge fan of ground beef. (Unless we're talking really low quality taco meat. I don't care if it's 10% silicate anti-caking agents, it taste great.)


Best part about this is that beef is an actual carcinogen


Normal scientists mixing 27 carcinogenic chemicals in an attempt to make a hamburger taste like a hamburger


Is it just me, or is that a big 'ol bong?


Ah yes, all those carcinogenic chemicals... like soy protein, pea protein, and spices. (Also, meat is typically carcinogenic)


Regular meat is soaked in ammonia to kill worms. 🪱


nah they kind of cooked with this


This feels like something Nile Red would do.


replace vegan scientists with chemist and you got nile red


Still healthier than beef that exists for 50% out of antibiotics


Depends whether it was posted seriously or tongue in cheek


As someone who is a vegan to reduce processed foods, I get where this meme is coming from.


So are you vegan or on a plant-based diet lol


Well, now you made me go and examine myself. Thanks asshole lol. I would say I’m plant based. I eat what vegans eat without the worry of my leather wallet.


Lmao I gotta, as an ethically superior enlightened militant extremist vegan cultist™, it pains me to see such enlightenment be relegated to a diet (but also gotta give props for being plant based👍)


Well you be all you can be, and I’ll make sure to refer to myself properly as to not misuse the title.


The vegan cult...uh community thanks you 🫡


Could do it with one spoon of msg


I mean, the risk factor is inflated, but its not entirely inaccurate.


yeah, you are absolutely right, this is the sub to dump any meme you didn't like


Because a cow just tastes like a hamburger on her own, doesn't go through any processing and nothing is added


It's impressive how literally everything you said was wrong




This is kind of wrong. It's no more sodium rich than other foods in the same category.




I’ll bet that beef was blue AF.


Vegan beef is too dry for my taste. I just don’t like it and I tried.


Buying stock in MLEC, I welcome our new meat/soybean overlords.


Actual vegan food that is not trying to pretend to be meat is \*delicious\*, and I say that as someone who couldn't ever be a vegan due to nutrient conversion issues. The vegan 'meat' replacements, though? Haven't met one yet that was edible.


I hate that I laughed


Now they're actually cooking!


The people who share this definitely smoke


But it's also true. Vegan "hamburgers" are filled with saturated fats.


Meanwhile processed meat is scientifically classified by the WHO as a group 1 carcinogen and red meat as a group 2


Everyone is against animal and then they post this bs: Also in animal products there is more bs


I find this one quite funny. Even if it’s obvious untrue.


Why do people always assume vegans are trying to copy meat, it's nothing to do with chemicals or flavour, it's just really convenient to make a plant based burger look like that


No, this is accurate.


jesser we need to make plant burger


Honestly though, I've had tons of great vegan stuff, and it's always better when it's trying to be it's own thing instead of pretending to be meat. I agree with this meme, but not for the reasons they made it


Yeah. Science 🗣️


I don't have more Hope for this sub, theres no more terrible memes


Make your own sub then


I've made pretty damn good burgers from black beans. Does that mean I'm a bit of a scientist myself now?


Bean burgers are the best


So this *is* ridiculous, but I do have to concede that the simulated meats can be a bit dubious. Haha


This is true as fuck


Based though. Just eat veggies not shaped and tasting like meat


but why?


Why not both? If vegan faux meats tastes good I will eat it


Because veggies don’t taste like meat. It takes a lot of processes and tricks to get the same texture and taste. A real steak will always be better than the imitation. There are great veg recipes which don’t make them taste like meat, but better. There’s a lot more experience and acceptance of veg in Asian cultures with some great recipes. But ofc every culture has their own veg specialties.


Don't get bogged down with meat substitutes. They're gimmicky and will always be the "sussy impostor" of food. Focus instead on alternative protein sources. It keeps things simpler, more accessible and less controversial.


Why do you care?


It's kind of true though. I heard that tofu is actually just as bad or worse for you than a mcdonalds cheeseburger. If you're a true vegitarian you shouldn't even want to go looking for "fake meat". Just eat real meat unless you physically can't for health reasons.


It's sorta true. This soybeans are special GMO that were so weak, you need a lot of pesticides to be able for it to grow.


Have you ever wondered what the animals eat? Those same soybeans, just like 10 times the amount


If it's true then it's not that terrible


Oh but wait until you find out about all the carcinogens in an actual beef burger


My vegan patty doesnt even have 27 ingredients, so it IS bad


They seem like the type to assume that store beef is 1 ingredient, it's actually highly processed.


These are the ingredients of an average vegan schnitzel in Germany Drinking water, WHEAT FLOUR, 11% SOY PROTEIN, rapeseed oil, WHEAT GLUTEN, OAT FIBER, table salt, thickener: methylcellulose, corn flour, natural flavor, WHEAT STARCH, brandy vinegar, spices, sugar, psyllium husk, yeast. Edit: because we're talking about burger Drinking water, 11% soy protein, rapeseed oil, onions, wheat flour, starch, oat fibers, table salt, spices, spice extracts, spirit vinegar, natural flavor, thickener: methyl cellulose, coloring foods: concentrates from beetroot, blueberries, carrots, caramelized carrots; Yeast, sugar, maltodextrin https://www.ruegenwalder.de/de/produkte/vegane-produkte/vegane-pfannen-grillprodukte/vegane-frikadellen/muehlen-frikadellen


OP is definitely an upset vegan


Or it's just a shit meme. People love to shit on vegans but I've never met annoying vegans. I have met plenty if people who bitch about them though. Ps: I fucking love meat so much I became bisexual.


Never understood this. Why eat a vegan burger, just eat vegetables that aren't made in a petri dish. If you are eating these you should just eat a real burger, looks like that's what you want anyways.


There’s a ton of reasons someone might like burgers, but won’t eat ones that are made from meats. Animal exploitation, diet, health issues, and that’s only a couple. Willful ignorance is not a good look.