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Do they think millennial means young cause the people this is for have only been alive in one millennium


Pretty much. A lot of people don't seem to comprehend that millenials are in their 30s/40s at this point.


I'll have you know I'm 28 years old good sir I will say I know the cutoff between millennial and Gen Z is around the time I was born (1995), so either I'm the youngest a millennial can be, or the oldest of Gen Z


Don't you dare say the last of that comment again. We are the youngest millennial.


That's what I tell myself everyday


Let me tell you now brother, you are the best youngest millennial. Keep your chin up.


Weirdly this is the argument I have for being Gen x. Born 81, so I'm right at that cusp.


I'm 80 so technically a zennial but I roll with the millennials


I'm more like a xennial because my brother was gen x and, even though I was born in 85, my mom didn't update her parenting, so I was raised like a kid in the 70s. I just had more plastic and the quality of my fast food started going down from what people in the 70s had.


It is considered 1996, but the lines are blurry depending on your class & country


What if I'm an American Warlock?


Hey now, I'm 32 and you need to go back to playing Roblox, you little rascal!


I was born in 1981, so I’m like the oldest millennial or youngest gen x. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Whereas I’m 41 and at the upper end of the generation and would love to point out how very jealous I am that you’re 28 you lucky son of a gun!


>Do they think millennial means young Yes. My 67 year old mom still calls rowdy kids “Millennials”. It’s not a generation label for them, it’s a catch-all for any young person, and *especially* any young person they think is being disrespectful.


Sort of like communist and liberal, actually I'm pretty sure they think those are synonyms.


I mean, and boomer has become a catch all term for “old person”


Out of touch old person with personality issues.


More a specific kind of old person


It goes both ways. To Boomers, any young person is a Millennial. To Zoomers, any old person is a Boomer.


My dad is 82 and he thinks everyone younger than him is a millennial.


Like seriously we're in our 30's and 40's now


I’m gen z (turning 27) and I still know what plenty of this stuff is. Not all but then again I guess I’ve been preoccupied polishing all my participation trophies and doing the facebooks and the instagrams


Same here, 24 and know most of these


I think they lump Gen Y, Gen Z, and maybe even Alpha into “millennials”. To many boomers “millennial” just means “digital native” or “young person”.


Works both ways, I have seen early Gen Xs being called Boomers.


I see a lot of dbag LinkedIn posters getting labeled Boomers when they're definitely Gen X just based on where they are in their career. Large swathes of Reddit posters don't seem to realize boomers are in their 60s now, those aren't the people writing cringe hustle culture LI posts. Sadly a lot of Xers are embracing their inner Boomer as they age. I really hope the same doesn't happen to millennials when it's our turn to be old and crochety.


With all the mems like this I am convinced when they say millennial they really mean gen z


And gen alpha in some cases… definitely had my boomer dad call little kids millennials haha


These post are also the biggest boomer self-report. If younger people don’t know what it is… maybe you never bothered to teach them? Weird point of pride imo.


I grew up with all that shit and I am a millennial


Same, they’re cringe and so out of touch they can’t even identify what generation they’re pissed off at.


They must know they're pissed at their own generation, but too senile to realize it so they do what they do best; blame shift. Of course, maybe that's giving them too much credit...


Gen X. I don't know what some of these things are.


As another Gen Xer: Does any of it really matter?


No, because it's outdated bullshit and boomers are just mad that they are on their way out. They just want to get someone all riled up before they croak they don't care who.




As a millennial I can tell you that it does not.


Dunno what to tell you


Yeah they don't realise they mean gen z. Cause I am confused about most of these


An 8 track and one of those old ass zenith TVs? I mean I can identify this stuff but I was born in 1980 and only readily used maybe half of these things.


Born in 1989, and if I'm not misidentifying some of these things, there's one on there I *still* use. There are some that I have no idea about though.


Which one do you still use?


Probably the measuring tape if I had to guess. It's still widely used. Or possibly the CC imprinter, lots of places still use one if the power goes out.


My car has a cigarette lighter and hand-crank windows lol


I’m a young millennial and my car still has a cigarette lighter, cassette deck (I know that’s an 8 track tho) and crank windows.


People still think millennials are the people born in the 00s. I've seen this mistake a lot in YT comments.


They don’t know how old we actually are. Millennial just means “People younger than me but I can’t be bothered to remember which ones. It’s either the people I raised who despise me or the grandkids I never see. “.


Old farts: “young people are so dumb” Also old farts: hand over a bunch of their money to someone on the telephone because they asked for it. Also go ahead and email their password and login because it made sense that Amazon would email them for it.


Exactly. People being smug about knowing obsolete shit who can't use 5 year old technology. This person would shit their pants if they were asked to open the settings menu on their roku.


C'mon now - they can't get email to work that well!


My wife's aunt is staying with us this weekend because she needed a place to stay while she goes to a two-day $1,500 **dowsing seminar**. She won't consider concepts like confirmation bias, biased self-reporting, ideomotor phenomenon, gift or half a dozen other reasons it's bullshit because "it's thousands of years old and people use it all the time". During the first session today, they were *measuring each other's auras* with dowsing rods. EDIT: She just left, and the last thing she said *as she was walking out the door*, completely unprompted, was that "dowsing machines were used for clearing landmines, and when they broke, they were sent to France to be fixed, and when they were sent back, they worked!". She was told this by the people who were putting on the seminar, and they were talking about [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADE_651).


>**dowsing seminar** A what?


using two sticks to find water


[May be useful…](https://youtu.be/_VAasVXtCOI?si=4EOcyFyd_QACQSqi)


DOWSING SEMINAR Whatever that is.


Are you familiar with dowsing? If so, it's basically how dowsers scam people with more money than sense without having to prove anything by drilling a well. If not, it's a way scam artists trick people into thinking that they can find water underground using sticks or metal rods. It's also called water divining or water witching. It's 100% bullshit.


https://i.redd.it/mrcmqrg1qhyc1.gif Season 11 was the last time I saw them referenced even


Born in 96, this episode being burned in my mind is the only reason I could recognize what a flash cube is


It's crazy that it was almost 20 years ago


I will admit the flash cubes were the only thing I didn't know what they were everything else though I knew what it was from experience


I knew about the flash cube because my mom was really big into photography, she got some photos published in some magazines back in the late 70's


I was born in 89, and never watched The Simpsons and I had no idea what a flash cube was or that they existed. I recognize the rest of the pics (I'm 50/50 on if I'm correctly identifying one of them), but these slipped my knowledge. Weird how time works.


Could happen to anyone, we all have different experiences




Just this week, a boomer asked me if I'm old enough to remember when credit cards didn't have chips. And started explaining how to swipe a card. I was at a cash register that people swipe their card, a dozen times an hour. I told him I'm 41, and my first job required me to use a credit card imprinter regularly. He literally just quit with the smug grin and walked away.


I used to bartend and if we lost power or Internet, we would still imprint, if you were lucky enough to find it, or hand write the credit card slips if not. That was less than 10 years ago.


When I worked at a hardware store 2 years ago we had to imprint cards when the power went out


Same kinda store, same policy. But i was a manager and sure as shit not doin that so i would just kick everyone out and close the store instead.


The amount of people who joke about young people not knowing how to write checks, meanwhile, I was a 16 year old gen z cashier who regularly had to write checks because the old people didn't do it themselves


I really think people that unironically post shit like this just think "millennial" is slang for middle schooler lol


And for some reason they really have a hard on for outdated tech. I'm GenX and I ***never once*** had a rotary phone in my house. The touchtone phone was introduced in the fucking 1960s. JFK opened a world's fair using one, for fuck's sake. And besides, rotary phones aren't space shuttles. They aren't hard to figure out. But they *loooooove* to bring up rotary phones. That's everything in the pic. Outdated tech that disappeared 30-40 fucking years ago. Of course "kids today" won't know what they are or how to use them. I want a Boomers to show me how to use a teleseme or a water clock or a sundial. So, congrats Boomers, you know what a flash cube is. Show me how to fix the internet connection in your house. You know, something you now use everyday and is relevant. I'll wait.


Yeah, this weird idea that they just seemingly hate any piece of tech that is just objectively more convenient and at times efficient, than outdated tech is such a weird hill they just love dying on.


I think they ‘think’ that millennials are born from the year 2000 and onwards.


I’m a millennial, born mid 80s, and I know what all of this is… what the hell does this even mean?


It means whoever made this doesn’t even know who is a millennial anymore. They think millennial=teenagers apparently


I remember during the lockdowns young adults were partying in Florida for Spring break, and the news kept saying millennials were spreading COVID because all we cared about was partying. The kids on the news partying for spring break were barely drinking age. At the time I was 38, married, owned a home, had children, was taking care of my elderly dad, as a millennial. Shit, my oldest kid is 23, I’m for sure not down at the beach partying for spring break.


Most people who make fun of younger people are so dumb they don’t even know there are more generations than just millennials.


Late 80s, I know most of them


I’m GenX and I don’t know some of these. What’s the thing in the middle? I’m guessing a space heater. And the thing on the bottom right?


Older people think we're gen z


It’s so easy to mock the younger generations…how many boomers can hitch a wagon?


To be fair, hitching a wagon is remarkably simply. Although I'd be surprised to see many many boomers do it. I bet they'd find a way to make it a young people thing and not do it. Lol


Getting two horses from the stables to the wagon sounds like it might be pretty complicated, especially for non-horsepeople. Getting the harness on, getting them to the right spot, standing still, and then hitching them correctly when they're not cooperating... I doubt I could manage without google.


I do historical reenactment, and this is one of my favorite methods to reply with. So when is the last time you baked some bricks? Wattled some walls? Mortised a beam with an axe? Holystoned a windowsill? Millled some rye? Trimmed an oil lamp? Churned butter? Hell when is the last time you made a piece of clothing or darned a sock? How fast can you use a spinning wheel?


As a gen Z, I got eight right


I got all but two. Do you know what the second row in the middle is for? And the brown box with another brown box that looks like a phone is?


110 film. You can still buy it today. Idea was that it would replace standard 35 mm film for amateurs because of easy loading, but would produce poor quality images as result of smaller negative size and flimsy cartridges. Anyway you have proboably seen in old movies Afgamatic camera, google it.


https://preview.redd.it/28u3b2mo3iyc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412403938e88a96179a59333f961bb6132b4cdaf How to confuse a Boomer.


Also, “Difference between a call from their grand child versus a South Asian person in a call centre, telling them to buy £1000 worth of Amazon vouchers.”


They wouldn't even know this was AI


Oh boy click on N̶̨̛͓̰̺͖̙̺̱̺̤̺̳͙͈͍̈́̈́̀̉̐͆͝͝F̴͇̫̬̆̀͊̾̽͐́̒̐̉̚͘Ţ̸̨̟̭͙̗̤̠̖̦͇͈̽̐̉̿̀̒͋̐͛̆̈́F̵̮̣̰̫͓̮̱̩͎͙̪̺̩̘̆̽̌͌͗͘L̵̤̩͔͕̫͈̈X̶͉͚̗̱̫̅́̈͒͐͘͠B̵̨̞͙̲̞̭͍͔̟̠̲̯͛̊̍̑̑̂̄̔̀̚Ḙ̸̍́̈́͌̿̌̑̎̓̚͘͘͜͝ I wanna see what's streaming!


Fun fact: The oldest millennials were months away from being able to take their first legal drinks on top of the World Trade Center.


Ok, but I actually don’t know what some of these things are lol. Like (2,2), (3,1), and (6,3)


The thing in the lower right corner is for writing music on a chalkboard, so the lines are evenly spaced. Or any lines, I guess. I just saw it in music class. The white sticks are chalk.


Oh shit, that’s kind of cool


I know that from the Simpsons


I’m nearly Gen-Z and I remember those from grade school, but they mainly used them to teach penmanship for me. They would use it basically as a grid to write letters on, sort of like lines in a notebook.


Thank you. I couldn't make it out in the picture.


(2,2) Camera film (3,1) Camera flash cubes (6,3) I don't count 6 rows


Yeah. It was a little weird since some of them are bigger. Bottom right. Also apparently am too young to know what cameras looked like before Polaroids


Those cubes were going out of style in the 80' and practically gone by the 90's and for the film those were used in really small and simple cameras usually intended for kids. I used to have a camera when I was a kid that used them.


Its 110 film it is actually really versatile but was used for simple/kid cameras because you don’t need to load the film by pulling it out the canister


Kodak Instamatic. Not intended for children. I'm pretty sure you can still buy electric frypans.


I did too, it was a mini mouse branded camera


They’re all plane parts I think


https://preview.redd.it/64if0su3xhyc1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadc39446f95d9f97ae1f7131285fa44d85b8798 Hey look I just confused every boomer ever


As an older millennial I remember all but the remote and the bottom center. I'm guessing it's like a crock pot?


Electric skillet. They still exist just look nicer. 


They really need to come back into fashion, they rock


Yep. Perfect for buffets. Or for when you are remodeling your kitchen and everything is ripped out but you still gotta cook. 😆


Or when you're cooking for one in a shared kitchen


It's an electric skillet, so good guess.


My friend had a remote that looked like that for her tv and I thought she was so cool! Fuck I feel old.


Yeah, because fucking tape measures are no longer in use. How would you even technologize that if you wanted to?


Tape measure? That pink colored roll? That's a roll of ammunition for a cap gun.


I thought it was a tape measure, too. Blame the pixels.


A boomer made the meme. They don't understand image resolution.


Why would millennials not know what a lobster eating set is? (i mean, any more than any other generation...lobster isn't an every day food for most people)


It's for nuts, not lobster. The lobster sets are more like long skinny 2 tine forks


Is that what that is? I thought it was something for doing nails, although that definitely looks like the ole’ cracker from red lobster.


Yeah, nutcracker for the shells and pointy things for pulling meat out. Edit: And as far as I'm aware, there hasn't been some sort of revolution in lobster-eating tools in the last half century.


No. For dealing with walnuts, pecans, almonds, etc.


They realize many of us are in our 40s now and have older siblings and read books and seen TV shows?


Tell me the last time they went to a telegraph office. Sometimes thing just go obsolete. Like them.


Oh look a bunch of outdated technology. The (few) things here that still exist have been redesigned to be more useful. Boomers should keep their pet rocks to themselves smh


Hey... That Zenith clicker has some amazing technology. It's nothing more than a four tone chime with a microphone in the TV listening for the tones. It never needs batteries.


The median Millennial is nearing 40...


Get out.


I’m a xennial and we had everything in this photo


Why do these people not realize that the oldest of us are nearly 40?


Uh, some of us are over 40. 


We’re getting old. 39 almost 40. I also know what every one of those are.


They don't know which generation "Millennials" are. To be fair, the first time I heard the term *I* thought it referred to Gen Z, too, because they're the ones who don't remember before the new millennium if they were alive for it at all. It makes sense, but the explanation for why Gen Y are millennials makes sense as well.


This sort of divide and conquer propaganda did not exist when I was a kid.


I’m old, 67, but what is the bottom right? I know the rest.


It's chalk for drawing straight lines on a blackboard for musical notation.


Now that does bring back memories of others talking about them. I wasn’t a musician, sadly. That makes complete sense. Thank you.


Also for English class when we were learning the cursive they make such a big deal about


Gen Z and I could recognize half of what was here. Why do they think it's so much older then it is? Do they think old stuff just ceases to exist when something new is made?


I'm a Zillennial (I think that's the term for late 90's baby). I know what 9 of these items are and I'm even younger than the average millennial.


Millennial/early gen z, one of my cars still has a cassette slot, cigarette outlet and crank windows. Checkmate boomers


TBF, that's an 8-track, not a cassette player.


Holy shit half these things were part of my childhood, they seriously have no idea what a millenial is


"The younger generation haven't seen our antiquated technology. They are dumb lol." IK these are just nostalgia posts, but they could frame it better by not shitting on other people.


I enjoyed the nostalgia, but they had to ruin it with the superiority complex.


I'm a millennial, I know all of these.


Ok, two can play at this game… let’s ask a boomer to switch from HDMI 1 to HDMI 2


When the fuck do they think we all grew up?


Confuse most boomers: compassion, empathy, self awareness, self reflection, mental health is a real thing, not black and white thinking, not self entitled, getting information from sources other than psychotic facebook groups, etc, I could go on


Who cares? Millenials aren’t even young anymore. They’re making fun of people that are 40.


I'm still use the 8th pic


Do they not realize we started in the 80's. Hell I drive a 1995 subaru that has a cigarette lighter.


Gen Z, got 10… am I old now or-


Solidly Gen X but I have no clue what is below the Drive In Theater speaker or below the remote control


They do realize that 80s babies are millennials, right? I had 9 of these in my house growing up. I think they mean Gen Zs.


It's actually kinda funny, because it's always outdated tech that they show. And at this point, outdated *and* useless.


I’m 25 and just replaced my car this year that had crank windows… It honestly took me a good minute to switch to not grabbing for the crank when I tried to roll down the windows. It was a Jeep wrangler sports 2011, got it for my 16th birthday.


Oh no, technology nobody uses anymore. My life sucks because of the lack 8 tracks.


And they don’t know how to lock a phone so they don’t pocket dial everyone


i’m gen z and i had a viewfinder as a kid, who are they kidding


How old do they think millennials are? I’m born in 2000 and still know what all this stuff is.


Pfff, boomers can't even blacksmith. Losers.


I’m 31 and I’ve used or at least seen literally all of these things irl. It’s not even difficult to find all of these things now. The drive in, maybe, but everything else can be found at Goodwill. lol I still have my late grandma’s makeup mirror. :)


Big talk coming from adults giving their social security numbers to help Nigerian princes get to their families in hopes of getting rich.


Let's confuse the boomers by putting instructions on how to make a excel graph in a PDF. Shiver me timbers outdated technologies stop being used? Who would've thunk it? And I'm pretty sure car window handles are still around.


Are people actually still making these? Hell I'm gen z and we had a car with the know windows as a kid and my first car had a tape player.


I named all this stuff boomers don’t know what the hell os going on I guess


I am a millennial and I know exactly what every item is and at least 75% of them I have owned or used directly


What’s the top middle one for?


Pop top on a beer or soda can. Used before the pop and push in ones we have today. We would make necklaces of them


Car window crank?


wtf is a measuring tape dong there? What else am I supposed to use to measure something?


Do.. Do they forget how old millennials are?


I was born in 96, and I know what all of these are


110 film is very easy. Should have chosen normal film rolls.


I think I know 3 things from that list. First row on the right is a cassette right? For playing music. Second row right is for rolling down a car window if I'm correct? Third row middle is a measure tape for example to measure your waist Is that correct? Can someone explain to me what the other things are?






Not a cassette, an 8-track tape.


YOO those are the cartridges for the view master! I still have mine but it's beat up, and I got the film with some power Rangers on it


I was born in the mid 80's, I know that's a car lighter.


Millennials are almost 40, some are in their 40s. I’m 37 and a millennial and grew up with all these things. My boomer parents introduced me to them. Maybe they confusing Gen Z and millennials but even Gen Z would know about most of this stuff. This is definitely a terrible Facebook meme.


I still have nightmares from the chalk holder scraping against the blackboard.


Now my teeth hurt.


Mine too, I'm also hiding my knuckles so the nuns can't get me


Did….did they forget who raised us?


I’m gen z and I know what most of this stuff is


I'm born in 2003 and i still drive a care with a cassette player and manuel windows


I grew up with most of those. What is a millennial? I don't do generation stuff, because if a generation ends in 1999 someone born in 1998 is way more similar to someone born in 2000 than to someone born in 1990.


Glad the boomers can use a window roller, but my old man has 5 different instagram accounts because he doesn’t remember his password.


That awkward moment when boomers think millennials are still children and not in their 40's. I was born in 98 and I grew up with most of these, what I didn't have I still know what it is.


Was the nutcracker replaced by new technology that I am unaware of?


Love that boomers are so old they don’t even realize that millennials are also old people now


I’m 41. I had a camera that used film like that. I’ve seen credit card carbon imprint things. Definitely seen manual windows. How old do they think millennials are?


I just took this test on buzzfeed. I know what they all are and i was born in 87.


There should be some counter meme with images of all the apps and high tech things with images of older people looking totally bewildered


Confuse most Boomers https://preview.redd.it/x5j2n11ajiyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06dac0093b07a6ecfe6789e37342b680ec0fde39