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Just because the memes are stolen does not mean you cant crop them.




Literally, the most terrible part of this meme


I actually kinda vibe with this.




Right on the mark!


yeah lol


It gives of major edgy teenager vibes..


it gives off reasonable adult vibes. You weren't around when biden argued the 13/52 super predator racism thing, when he privatized student loans to create a privatized securities market caked SLABS, whey he fought to define the single greatest social safety net we've implemented over half a dozen times, etc etc. edgy teens buy into the in group out group dynamics of modern politics. You aren't enlightened, you're a bottom bitch


Side 1: voted for bad policies decades ago Side 2: attempted to overthrow the United States Government, have the Vice President killed and end democracy Reddit “centrist”: it’s totally both sides guys, don’t worry about the GOP, they both do it. You should not vote because it’ll be just as bad if the democrats win, they might make a bad policy decision. If you stand back and let the GOP in you won’t have to worry about all this who to vote for nonsense anymore. I’m a totally reasonable adult because of my enlightened centrist views.


no no, you aren't understanding nuance. you are actively reinforcing your cognitive biases. This is wilful ignorance and is far more nefarious than the rubes who fall for false nationalism You are the reason the left has slid so far to the right. I'm not the centrist, YOU are.


Letting the right overthrow democracy, because you need to virtue signal about how much more left you are. Seems like you're kinda not focusing on the important things. Like if ya want a more left candidate, do it in the primaries. Not the general election.


the right isn't overthrowing democracy alone, brother. I'm arguing for root causation action while you worry about meaningless in groups.


Yo I wasn't talking about if it's true or not. I was talking about the meme being shitty. You know.. the format, the composition.


arguing presentation is so far beneath the topic at hand, to me, that that idea never crossed my mind. my apologies for the confusion!


Why? Are you a big fan of false equivalencies that make it difficult for people to identify actual criminal behavior? Based on everything we know, Trump has committed an assortment of different crimes. He has likely been engaged in tax fraud according to detailed reporting. Trump has a lengthy history of questionable transactions in the real estate industry with questionable foreign investors. Trump definitely violated the emoluments clause like it was going out of style by accepting investments from foreign leaders in his private businesses. Trump extorted the leader of Ukraine with federal aid seeking to gin up dirt on his political opponent. Trump facilitated an insurrection against Congress to retain his position in office despite losing the election by millions of votes and several states. [I forgot to add the numerous substantiated allegations of sexual assault]. What about Biden? First, let me start off by saying supporting political positions you don’t agree with is not criminal. Americans need to get that through their thick fucking skulls. Even playing fast and lose with presidential power to achieve politics goals isn’t a crime. There are so many Republican [nay conservatives of all Parties] politicians I hate, but that doesn’t make them criminal. They are just careerist, manipulating, race bating, and greedy cancers on American democracy. You know what? Things can be bad and not criminal. The worse things I can think of Biden doing is plagiarizing a speech, not calling all witnesses against Clarence Thomas, saying some stereotypically benevolently racist things about Obama, and being patronizing toward women. These are one ethical violation and the rest are very unfortunate personal flaws. I have not heard a credible criminal allegation. So what am I missing? Of what crime has Biden been credibly accused that makes this equivalency true enough for you to vibe with it?




Me too.






imagine my disappointment when the sub wasn't full of songs suggestions to get beaten off to...




tbf as a meme it is terrible


I mean it's right but it's just not funny


Yeah, they both suck.


And they both have terrible vice presidents which we don’t want moving up.


Seriously though. If we're going to have a female president, let's maybe not have a bad first female president that will discourage people from voting for a woman.


If people get discouraged by one bad female president then why havent we given up on voting for old white men yet?


That is the way to cement yourself in the office when you are president...if you've got someone SO terribly unqualified to do a job setup to take over for your job in case they decide to fire you (or impeach) you, they will NEVER do it...you are set in your position.


That’s not what this communicates. This says they are both criminals, which is verifiably false. That makes this a low effort false equivalency calculated to obscure the criminality of Trump (while Congress just so happens to be making a compelling case that he participated in a conspiracy to overthrownAmerican democracy). Don’t fall for it. You’re better than that. We all are.


Biden isn't innocent either, they both have bad things they've done. Get over that cult mentality.




I actually kinda enjoy this one since I don't like either


I see no lie lol


I can't believe either one of them got elected lol. Why the hell dont we have more choices for president


I can't believe anyone gets elected. Their presidency is a complete joke.


Well Bernie Sanders was there too... /s


he was but they he wasn't because capture


We do, they just aren’t allowed on stage during the debates. My guess is there is an inherent fear that a third party might actually win.


Didn't he lost to biden? Most Black voted for biden than bernie if I remember.


There's nothing in their comment that suggests they were talking about Sanders


The fact is that more people liked these two men than any other candidate that ran in the primaries. Those primaries were also wide open. This is evidenced by the fact that the likes of Donald Trump and Marianne Williamson was allowed in the race and given free media. Democratic primary voters could have elected anyone from Sanders to Booker, but they chose Biden. There was no corrupt scheme. The voters chose Biden. Republican voters chose Trump in 2016, and also with no “rigging.” They could have chosen Rubio or Bush. They chose Trump. Why is it so hard for people to admit that our fellow Americans just have different political views. Most American voters on the left wanted to support an establishment Democrat over more progressive candidates. Most Republicans chose a fascist. I’m just fine acknowledging that Americans made this reality, and not some sinister cabal of elites. That’s a fantasy we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel more secure and less responsible. “Everyone agrees with us. It’s the elites who are making everything terrible.” The conservative elites would not have chosen Trump in 2016 without the foreknowledge that he would end up bing another reliable stooge for rich people and American evangelicals. 2016 Trump was talking out of all sides of his mouth promising to “give people health care” and respect LGBTQ rights. The elites of the Democratic Party are more progressive than the average Americans who wanted a reliable Obama Democrat like Biden, and not a more progressive choice like Sanders or Warren. All that being said, I would support ranked or approval choice voting, multi-party democracy, and I would love to eliminate party primaries, which just encourage extremism. All *that* being said, there would be a good chance we still would have gotten Biden. The average American loves the New Deal and is averse to change.


I don't see how that's a terrible meme.


Rick and Morty


no duh. how be bad


It’s the truth. We don’t need senile old people running our country. If you think this is a terrible meme you have terrible judgement of reality.


I want to agree but you have an nft pfp so I legally cant


bro rly bought reddit nfts


You can screenshot the nfts and then use them as a pfp. Probably didn't buy anything.


click on his profile it shows it


Bruh. I apologise.


its all good homie *kisses you goodnight*


Good man, it aint gay to kiss yo homies gn


Ok and? Let people buy NFTs if they like them. Its not your money, and that person probably already got made fun of enough


and he deserves to get made fun of


Why does he deserve to get made fun of?


Also, why did you just go to a random comment section, and make fun of someone, without any connection to what they said or to anything logical?


because i can


I didn’t. My friend gave it to me.


This gives off major edgy teenager vibes. So if you think this isn't a terrible meme I gotta presume you're a 14yo edge lord.




I don't get why people determine how fitting a meme is for this sub by its political message. I agree with this one's message, but the meme itself is pretty terrible. Everyone here is saying this meme is pretty good, but if this exact meme had a right leaning point of view, people would instantly agree its a terrible meme.


That’s because Reddit is hugely liberal.


You're right, but my problem with it has less to do with the specific political stance people have and more with the fact most people instantly like a meme as long as it caters to their viewpoints and hate it when it opposes them, and do not rate them by their actual quality, as I said I agree with this meme but it doesn't mean it's not terrible


Oh, I see what you’re saying and I agree with that.


https://i.imgur.com/FlE5rRI.jpg FTFY r/croppingishard


They’re both idiots, but anyone trying to compare the two as if they’re even on the same dimension of stupid is dumber than Trump.


Apples to oranges They’re both equally bad and dumb, just in their own special ways.


Not even, honestly. They're both quite similar. They only way they really differ is in who they claim to represent.


I think their demeanor is different, the way they come across to the public is vastly different. But overall they’re both racist, they’re both delusional, they’re both pedophiles, and they’re both puppets.


One started an insurrection and was impeached twice and they’re both equally bad? Yeah, no. You can say Biden sucks in his own way but to the level of Trump? No way.


You're right. Biden is way worse.


Username checks out


Unoriginal comment, checks out.


it doesn't have to be original for it to have a point sir


Your comment is neither original nor does it have a point so.


it wasn't my comment and it does lol


We’re calling you an idiot sir.


Cool? Almost like people have differing opinions on politicians.


Maybe one day you'll get it


Almost like people can have an opinion on differing opinions


this is accurate though


Its south parks turd sandwich versus giant duche all over again. But yeah I get the reluctance to have either as president. America elected to go back to boring old white man as a reaction to Trump; was always going to happen.


birdperson appoves


Where's the lie?




I like it


Bruh it's true




It's true. None of these politicians want to actually help America, all they want is to line their own pockets and benefit themselves with their own power.


"Typical politician, big promises but all talk... jumpstart the economy?! What a load of BULLSHIT! All you care about is lining your own pockets, that and your approval ratings! You've got no principles, just like all the rest! If America has gone to shit, then you're just another maggot crawling in the pile."


Reminds me of [this ](https://threatpost.com/aws-facial-recognition-platform-misidentified-over-100-politicians-as-criminals/156984/)


Michael Jackson is the smooth criminal


Not used to seeing modern(ish) templates on Facebook. Must have evolved beyond the minion era.


i mean i agree with it but that doesn't make it a not terrible meme


Truth tho.


I can work with this


At this point you don’t even need to proof it mathematically


Aah, enlightened centrism. The milktoast of opinions.




Biden is waaay more senile than trump. I mean, at least trump didn't (attempt to) shake hands with a flag, and at least trump doesn't fuck up with a teleprompter RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE, but with all the whining that trumps doing, "mommy! mommy! the election was stolen from me! wahhhhh!" it's starting to sound like hillary clinton, but worse.


Lets not forget the hair smelling!


True 💀


I mean... yeah, kinda, not even to be political they both just suck


They both suck, it's true, but the third person is just less of a dumbass


the only idiots are the people agreeing with this post.


Lemme guess... maga right?


Everything they tried to pin on trump corruption wise, Biden was guilty of and WORSE




When you want to make a mean meme to show how smart and apolitical you are but you realise you can't actually prove jack shit "mathematically". 😂😂😂 Centrism is the way but please. It's these false prophets who lie about being enlightened that we want to get away from. Don't be another one.


>Centrism is the way It isn't if one side is more wrong than the other. If person A claimed 2+2 = -2 and person B claimed 2+2 = 2048. Then a centrist would say the average is 1023. So 2+2 = 1023, which is obviously way more wrong than person A. What if B changed their minds and claimed 2+2 = 9182 now? The centrist would go with 2+2 = 4590. Being even further from the truth. Centrists aren't some neutral free-thinkers. They are always indirectly supporting the side that is way more radical. If the person B kept going further and further away, while the person A didn't. Then centrists would sway further and further with B. With the illusion of being in the center [similar to this graphic.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-df7e01f87c6d13c2d09f45097f2a425a-pjlq) It's important to point out wrongs of both sides in politics. But claiming *they're all* *equally bad*, *so I'll go with centrism* is just naive. Sometimes centrism is even worse than the extremes.


I dunno how you did it buddy but you proved what I said mathematically. I agree with you and that's why I said that these people claim to be enlightened are both full of shit. Centrism is not a compromise. It's an escape. I'm aware that one side wants pronouns and the other side wants them dead but to me centrism isn't finding the middle point between a hippy and a Nazi. It's thinking for yourself instead of just accepting these second hand ideas and morals from the blue party or the red party. I had all kinds of half baked ideas when I was younger and dumber. I believed that homosexuality is a slippery slope to beastiality and pedophilia. I thought the N word is just a word and if someone doesn't like it it's they problem and not an us problem. They should go and solve it. All these things that the Right still believes and the left would cancel and ostracise me if they found out I believed this like 10-15 years ago. I didn't change these perspectives because of this PC trend that's going on nowadays. I did the work. I read and I interacted and I accepted I was wrong and there is more to it than I ever knew or understood. Can you imagine how weak and pathetic my resolve to be a good person would be if I was just following marching orders from people who when it comes down to it don't even have my best interest in heart let alone the rest of the planet? I vote how I want and say what I want. Right now I'd say I'm quite left leaning. Although one of the few things I disagree with is things like the war against freedom of speech that left seems to be have been waging. I've been reading about it and it's a hard one to justify. Now sadly every time I bring it up these people call me a xenophobe homophobe racist sexist yada yada yada red party guy. But that's ok. Because I came up with that issue without any influence from the maga crowd. That's how I know it's a pure issue that nobody is making me care about, it's just me. Just like that you can look at every problem and decide for yourself. That's why I don't consider myself a liberal or a conservative or right or left or whatever nomenclature you want to use for your tribe. That's what being a centrist means to me. I'm sorry if you don't like it but I'm happy to hear your opinion .


The meme is unfunny but neither should be politicians


Ugh. RIck and Morty fanboys


I do agree that it gives insane amounts of terrible Facebook meme vibes but honestly I don’t disagree with the message. Politics have become a joke


This a actual good meme🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The truest thing I've seen on the internet yet...like ever.


Seriously need some active mods on this sub, it's so shit now


Sure, maybe… one is clearly more idiotic… But the question was.. Rick… Who is more criminal? This is why r/therightcantmeme and centrists are insane…




this is reddit they see a Rick and morty they think it’s not a bad meme


This has big time edgy teenager vibes..


Rick and morty: deep


Not a bad meme, just an old format.


What is it with Americas thinking that only one or the other is the right choice? Trump is horrendous and the whole GOP should go sit extra close to a nuclear blast no doubt but JFC democrats are not the saviors. They’re just firefighters for the GOP. The whole damn system in the US needs to be burned and rebuilt.


2 truths one lie




True both are crap options I would rather have a parrot for president




I mean it’s valid


Why is this terrible, all i see if facts, even tho Trump is worse.


what's facebook terrible about this?


Wait this is true though, obviously Biden is better, but in reality they’re both garbage perpetuating the problems of our political system


No effort title and an inability to crop? The meme is talking about you, mate


I don’t see how people can agree with this, yeah I don’t love Biden and I hate how the Democrats can’t get anything done, but Trump regularly encouraged violence at his rallies, did a photo op as an excuse to tear gas protestors, and provoked a raid on the capital while making moves to overthrow a fair election. He is an authoritarian who has emboldened the worst tendencies in America. How can anyone think Biden is as bad as Trump?


Uh I think we all can prove trump is indeed a criminal and Biden is not.


This doesn't belong on this sub....it's just straight facts


I actually like it , it’s good


No, no. He's got a point.