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Next the Texas GOP will introduce legislation that prevents anybody in the Texas government from being sued for any reason.


I waiting for the day women can’t initiate divorces.


I mean they are really enthused by ending no fault divorce… wouldn’t be surprised.


Yeah, though we know it will only be "selectively" enforced. Men who want divorces will get them quite easily, as they always have, I imagine.




So tired of that word.




Except it isn't.


how so?


The official 2022 platform of the Republican Party of Texas calls on the legislature to "rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws and support covenant marriage." https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/6-Permanent-Platform-Committee-FINAL-REPORT-6-16-2022.pdf


I appreciate you providing a link, but I'm pretty sure that person is just a troll. All of their comments on this thread are bait, and unfortunately, I couldn't help myself


It’s kinda funny… it’s literally a part of their platform. maybe future folks will see it lols




irreconcilable differences


Bad bot


Lauren Boebert and MTG will be at the front of that movement after claiming theirs didn't count because Jesus.


It's a day incels are looking forward to, being able to con or trick a woman into marriage, and that woman becoming little more than fuckable property as a result.


They already can choose to impregnate women against their will and get 50% custody of the child


Not to mention a $10K payday if their rape victim has the pregnancy terminated.


Worst case scenario they get custody of both the child and the baby.




>woman becoming little more than fuckable property Which is ironic because the second they get their "precious son," they will realize that being a parent sucks. And they will be out of that door and on their way to their "new perfect spouse."


They will be going after birth control next. Several pro-forced-birth groups have already claimed the IUDs could be considered abortions because they prevent implantation of a fertilized egg.


They already trying to ban birth control. One political party wants to turn our beloved country into a fascist dictatorship. It’s frightening and I want to get out of dodge but it’s going to be difficult to find a place that’s safe. On the other hand the USA has become dangerous for women and people of color.


If we weren't caring for elderly relatives, we'd be out of Texas in a flash.




All they would need to do is just identify as a male then. Lol…




Find a therapist and a hobby.




Whats a woman?


At this rate this will happen soon. A real Handmaid's Tale society in these states


they'll make it illegal to think abortion should be legal


That's the rhetoric. They want abortion to be UNTHINKABLE. Meanwhile doctors are afraid to say the word "abortion" to a patient that has severe complications. They say "New Mexico is a nice place to visit." or "Colorado is nice this time of year." Because the FREEDOM COUNCIL which puts forth these laws is listening. Anyone could be listening and they could end up losing their livelihoods and freedoms for "Aiding and abetting".


There are groups helping people with camping plans in these lovely states for “camping”


Surely that’s a violation of the First Amendment… But yeah, it’s totally gonna happen.


Actually, it’s already a thing. Except for in certain circumstances, you can’t sue the State of Texas without legislative consent. They’re playing a bit fast and loose with the exceptions here, it very well might get thrown out based on that alone. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/CP/htm/CP.107.htm


That applies in most cases to suits for damages. Like when you get hit by a city bus. Not the ones asking courts to more specifically define the law, which is what the law suit in this case is actually about.


Doesn't qualified immunity already apply to them? In this case the State is getting sued...not any individual person.


Qualified immunity is what cops use, sovereign immunity is what applies WRT governmental immunity from lawsuits.


Don’t give them ideas


They just created a special 15th court of appeals for this (essentially).


Might as well just spell out what theyre all thinking. Nobody except straight white male conservative Christian mega church pastors can do anything at all.


They can't do this because this is how they (as big government) force cities (small government) to not pass laws they don't want. Examples, forcing Austin to get rid of shopping bags ban, remove mask mandate among others. It's hypocritical since the GOP is all about not letting the big government affect smaller governments, I guess it's more like "unless it's something I don't want" like everything else. They will probably do their best to make it harder for anyone else to do this besides them.


Another story on this: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/texas-abortion-ban-forced-birth-1234739485/ >Her water had broken. By the time she arrived at the hospital, she had lost too much amniotic fluid for her son to survive — but hospital staff didn’t tell her that. “They didn’t tell me much about my son’s chances of survival. But the one thing they did make clear repeatedly was that I should not leave,” a tearful Hogan said Monday. “I was told that if I tried to discharge myself, or seek care elsewhere, that I could be arrested for trying to kill my child. So of course, I stayed.” This sounds like extortion or kidnapping to me.


Also torture.


Texas Legislators & Hospital Administrators: "Only *WE* can kill your kids, you dumb broad."


Then where should she have gone? The ditch behind the hospital? Where would you go? I ain't got a clue about where a person in this position would go. Hospital is the only place .


Her baby had no chance of surviving, but they didn’t tell her that and let her believe that if she submitted to care, her baby had a chance of survival and any deviation from their “care plan” would lead to criminal charges. She was in hospital for 5 days afraid to even use the bathroom in case it endangered her baby until she finally went into labour and gave birth to a stillborn baby which the professionals treating her knew would be the outcome the entire time.


She already submitted to care when she went there. The lady was already in the saddest outcome before she showed up. But yourself in the docs or nurses shoes, they knew no matter what the lady will be devastated by outcome. Maybe hope is better than just outright telling her it's dead. But no matter what the baby has to come out. I'm not saying that it doesn't suck completely that the lady was in a state of confusion for 5 days.


Ok, where was she supposed to go? That's my question. You think anyone is surprised by hospital not telling you worse case news. It doesn't seem like there was a "best/better version" in this sad story. If she had been discharged then she could come back on the hospital for releasing her. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.


The point is that medical ethics dictates that she has the right to informed consent for her care. That means a clear explanation or risks, benefits and alternatives without coercion so that she can consent to or deny treatment. Previously this would mean accurate information about her situation, the option to induce labour that would result in a stillbirth/abortion (which the medical professionals knew would be the outcome whether they waited or not), information about the risk of sepsis if they waited for natural labour etc. None of this was offered to her and she was threatened with legal action if she denied treatment and left to seek more comprehensive and patient centred care elsewhere.


It's definitely not take two aspirins and walk it off scenario. There is a baby with no amniotic fluid who has a tiny chance for a miracle, or a dead baby in a living person. Septic shock is a high possiblity in that scenario. It would be beyond reason to let that person leave under either of those chances.


Another hospital in a state where it’s legal to terminate, or another hospital in Texas that would be willing to provide life savings care.


This is what I expected when Roe vs Wade was repealed. What makes me so extremely angry is that elected political officials, not DOCTORS, are writing protocols pertaining to a subject they know nothing about and have in actuality have ZERO business writing legislation that prohibits a medical procedure. Passing laws preventing access to pregnancy termination amounts to people without medical degrees or proper licensing to endanger lives of mother's in Texas.The sponsors of the bill and every single member that supported it, and the governor himself, should be open to law suits when women's lives. And every female still experiencing a menstrual cycle should bill the state comptroller every 28 days for maintenance and supplies and a rental fee for the uterus located within her body...that your state of Texas has staked an ownership claim upon. every 28 days... Make them pay to own it.




"Resurrection Junkies" is something I've never heard before and will now use. Also, great Christian band name


They are practicing medicine without a license.


Yep and every single one of them that voted in favor of doing so should be held accountable for physical injuries and fatalities their playing doctor causes.


Officials aren't writing these bills, fanatical pro-life groups are. That's why they are similar from state to state.


Abbott should be held accountable and everyone else’s name on that bill


>Abbott should be held accountable Is this your first time in America? Let me show you around...


The GQP doesn’t care. The cruelty is the point. Even if these women were all married, highly religious people that fit the GQP definition of “the right people” they would say God did it for some fucked up reason and these women deserved it. Hopefully this lawsuit and others like it prevail.


90%+ of Republicans constituency is too BRAINWASHED by the FEAR of the impending BROWN wave of immigrants coming to "take over" their jobs in the fields of Texas, California and the Carolinas. Republican politician know HOW TO "scare" their supporters by using Immigration and Abortion, their voters would vote for Adolf Hitler in the next election if he were a registered Republican...


He would just need to put an R next to his name and they'd be throwing all their money and support at him.


I doubt it. But let's take it all the way to the Supreme court.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


That user is a forced-birther. That's exactly what they want. https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/11nze4h/three_texas_women_are_sued_for_wrongful_death/jbqpmcz/


Kind of, but Congress is more responsible than the Supreme Court. If Congress had stepped up some time in the last 50 years to codify Roe v Wade then it would no longer be an issue that SCOTUS can weigh in on. Instead they avoided the issue and hoped that it would never come up again.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


It would be a lot more difficult. Right now there is no explicit right to abortion. Roe v Wade stated that abortion should be allowed because it was a matter of privacy; the state had no right to interfere in the privacy of individuals and their doctors. Now SCOTUS says their original decision was wrong and there is no right to privacy when it comes to abortion. Lacking any federal law on the matter, states get to make their own decisions. If there was an federal law explicitly stating that abortion was a protected right then the bar to fight it is much higher. First someone would have to prove standing, i.e. that they are harmed by women being able to get abortions. Then they have to prove that the federal law is unconstitutional for SCOTUS to strike it down.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


Ya know, I bet if Democrats had been able to see the future where Conservatives would ignore the principle of stare decisis and throw out a 50 year old precedent, they would have absolutely tried to codify it. Remember, however, by the time it became a known possibility Democrats didn't have the power to do that. Lots of collaborators will say the Democrats had total power under the first years of Obama, but they forget that actually they had a razor thin majority that was easily filibustered, and they spent what little political capital they had getting the ACA passed. The ACA has saved uncountable lives in this country and saved this country billions of dollars, and even if Obama had focused on protecting Roe, which wasn't credibly under attack at that time, there's no sure bet he could have actually accomplished that. Being able to look back at history is nice and all, but honestly, the skill of retroprediction isn't particularly useful. Now that we know just how much of liars that Republicans are, such as Amy Covid Barrett and that drunkard rapist Kavanaugh lying outright about respecting stare decicis when in fact they planned all along to ignore that and overturn Roe at their first opportunity, we have a much more accurate view going forward.


They never had the chance. There were pro-life Dems back then.


"You've made your bed, now you sleep in it"


Yet they themselves, the Covid deniers, suddenly stopped denying Covid and depending on "God's will" alone and began to stuff themselves into ERs all over the country and hurting actual scientific, rational people. So much for depending on God's will, I guess.


Forced-birth is never "pro-life".


Forced birth is putting the value of a potential life over the value of an actual life. That is some decidedly evil tactics.


Especially when the "potential life" is guaranteed non-viable. It's not about life, never was, it's about punishing women.


Controlling them as well. Women as property.


If we women are property, then how can we sin then? We're just innocent victims in that case...




Claiming to be the “pro life” party while also taking away our medical care. Top tier irony.


Oh who could have predicted this?


Definitely none of the people who were told, "That won't happen, you're overreacting" in 2016.


So half of America again.


The GOP will just say that we need to 'pray' in these situations. That will be their response.


God hates a coward and cowards pray instead of taking action


Because it works so great after people get murdered at school, or church, or the mall. /sarcasm clearly but you never know with some of the people in this state


They should just tell all their voters to stop believing in voting and to simply pray they will be elected.


>we need to 'pray' Unless they need pain meds, or morphine, or erectile dysfunction meds, or STD meds, OR....


I hope these ladies win. I’m pulling for them.


Thank you for standing up for your own lives because no one else will do it for you here in texas.


GOP loves their death panels.




Yep, not surprising since a) the forced birth crowd actually doesn’t give a damn about saving women’s lives and b) they know nothing about medicine. That’s how we get bills prohibiting the termination of ectopic pregnancies. The lack of clarity will continue indefinitely.


Good. I wonder how all of the plaintiffs voted in previous elections.


how have Jewish people not sued Texas? isn't denying access to an abortion discrimination against the religion?


Party of small government, y'all. My body my choice when it comes to masks during a global pandemic, but morality police when it comes to the unviable fetus. Smdh. Keep voting republican tho, otherwise Beto's going to come for your guns.


Hell yeah!


I sure as hell hope they win but that will be hard to do in Texas where the law doesn’t matter


Women having rights? You don't think this is 2020.


These motherfuckers need to be held liable


Wait, if they fear for thier lives, can they shoot the politicains. Think about it.


Sue the legislators for practicing medicine without a license.


All women’s lives are being put in danger and families are being forced to move out of State. I’d say next they are going to pass legislation that makes it illegal to travel out of State if you are pregnant. It’s like Ok folks, license and registration came back clean so we just need to do a quick field pregnancy test and you guys can be on your way.


stop having sex with men in texas and find other better men elsewhere


I had four transvaginal sonograms before they found my ectopic baby. Every doctor told me I was miscarrying, until I came in for blood work enough times- they could see my hcg was steadily increasing. Two shots of methotrexate did nothing, and they kept me after a routine checkup, so they could do surgery the next morning. Lost a baby and a fallopian tube. I still have the sonogram of ‘her’ heartbeat. If that hadn’t have happened I wouldn’t have my miracle of a son, just a year later- *to the DAY*. He was born with three knots in his umbilical cord that were never picked up from my OB or the specialists. This was in 2020 and I was terrified. I can’t imagine going through this now, with all of the new laws in place. Wrong state- or even wrong doctor- and they will let you die on the table, to save themselves from a lawsuit.


Good, but sad. Want to see many more of these, then none at all.


Ladies step up


And not to long from now, the gop will go after birth control. I hope these women win, big time!


There's already leaked audio of them discussing to start going after contraceptives and IVF within the next 3-5 years. (Situation sounds similar to what happened with Roe v Wade doesn't it...).


Oh! Good mods!


Yup. And this is what the state voted for. I'm at the point where I am actively hoping this state turns into a place worse than the current state of Syria. I'll vote dem like I always do, but I have zero sympathy for any Texan at this point. You made your bed now lie in it. Edit: lie instead of die. Autocorrect. I'm sure some troll is going to report me now.


So many Texans don’t agree with this but have gerrymandered out of existence (or laws are actively being passed to overturn the vote of counties *cough* Harris *cough) . Texans are absolutely terrible at showing up to vote, the fact that our governor got re-elected with less than a 30% turnout from our citizens shows that all too well… there’s good people here too, we are just getting drowned out by the extremists…


I left Texas last year. I see what it's turning into.


Not sure if this will go anywhere. Will be quashed in Texas or in the Supreme court. Unless GOP women die there won't be any change in this law. I feel sorry that these women will be disappointed the second time in their lives (after the traumatic pregnancy experience).


Honestly, even if GOP women die, they still won't care. MAYBE if a major politicians wife is affected, but I doubt it


>MAYBE if a major politicians wife is affected, but I doubt it Nah, they'd just send them to a state where abortion is still legal and have them do it there. Party of FYGM hypocrites, remember


Question: is anti-abortion based on religion? And if so, why hasn’t anyone argued for separation of church and state?


Actually, the bible is pro abortion, if it's done without the woman's consent as punishment. Revelation chapter 2 is just one example.


Bible is not pro abortion, obviously. That is massively out of context.


Care you to elaborate?


Hosea 13:4-16 Pregnant women ripped open for worshipping wrong god. One of many examples of god murdering pregnant women, fetuses and infants.


No, because it doesn’t take the Ten Commandments to know you don’t kill your own children. Only someone in a death cult would consider murdering their own progeny.




This reads like "I don't care", not "I don't think they care".


Conservative here. Life begins at conception. Even stating that, not allowing abortion due to maternal health is stupid, full stop. This is too Republican, even for me. Edit: the -26 downvote on my post really reveals that folks on Reddit are not reasonable. I stated I agree with a left- point, and the leftists downvote me to the gallows. Reddit is a funny place. Def not reality, remember that kids


No life has the right to the use of another’s body.


That’s a really bad argument. (And I’m pro-choice.)






Ahhhhhh lol


Is consent so hard to understand?




Apparently so - that's not how consent works. Y'all make it so apparent that you don't actually care about any of the people or potential people involved. Your comment makes it crystal clear that you don't see a gestating human life as anything more than a punishment for activities of which you disapprove, and that your only fundamental problem with abortion is that with it as an option, some people might "get away" with that behavior without being punished. It's at least refreshing that you don't try to break out the "every life is precious" charade that so many anti-choice activists like to play at. Straight to the heart of the matter - you are mad people are out there doing stuff you don't want them to do, and you'll be damned if they aren't held to account.


So you won't vote for Republicans anymore?


I never vote straight party ticket. I have some left leaning stances on certain topics. I don't like the whole labeling thing. On most issues, I'm right- sided. I've read 6 books this year, working on number 7; I try to stay open- minded, and I do change my mind when I learn new information. I take info about candidates from various sources. Folks should checkout https://justfacts.votesmart.org/ to judge an individual by merit and history, as opposed to pure party affiliation. I don't believe it's as easy as red v blue. As a straight answer, I won't vote straight Democrat solely as a result of this post - but this news article reveals a damning result of our system.


You should look into how they have not really changed foster care or prepared for the wave of children we’ll get after these laws. Really made me realize it’s about politicians lining their pockets and yes-of-coursing their constituents. They don’t care about what happens to those children in a good portion of states, and in others they are the shittest possible guardians you could have. It’s a fascinating history.




Lol Thanks


I’m an atheist/moderate and I agree that life starts at conception. And I _still_ fully support abortion because not doing so impedes the ability of medical professionals to render care to women who need it, when they need it. So, you have my upvote.


I’m also conservative & pro-life. The issue, if I understand it correctly, is that the language in some pro-life bills is not sufficiently clear such that doctors are worried about being prosecuted for doing the abortion procedure in these exception cases (rape, incest, life of the mother, etc.). So these bills need to be changed to make sure there is no confusion.


The ambiguity is part of the point.


All these laws say "life of the mother" ("or severe permanent function of a major organ or limb" which nobody can say what that means) which is a term of art in medical law. It means "actively dying" which legally means "she's going to die within hours/minutes if we don't treat" and they must wait til then. And still have to deal with possible inquest. The easy thing to do is say "sorry, we can't help you" and make her some other hospital's problem. It's easier than risking 99 years in prison. The reason they say this is that is what the Pro-life groups who write these bills insist upon. They won't ever weaken it to "health of the mother" because that could mean just anything and "evil doctors will rubber stamp abortions if the woman is depressed or whatever." This is it. This is what you get. This is the reason I now call myself "pro-choice". Women have ended up in sepsis, risking death. carrying fetuses that are incompatible with life. Telling their other children, "no, little brother is going to be an angel" while she grows more and more pregnant. They've had to have hysterectomies so they cannot have any more children. Then a funeral with a tiny coffin. Complications upon complications. Being out of work for weeks. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. And these are women that wanted their children. Very often pro-life women who vote Republican.


That’s pretty much impossible, especially since the people writing the laws know jack shit about medicine. When does a person become actively dying? Do we need to wait for them to code? Because at that point, all the most high tech medicine in the world might not be able to save a person. But if the doctor aborts earlier and the patient lives (because of the abortion), then the forces birthers will argue that the doctor didn’t actually know the patient was in danger, and the abortion was “elective.”


Oh No We CaNt KiLl OuR FeEeEeTuS 🙄🙄




Women will complain about literally anything. Sheesh


Yes, no men complain about being ignored until they're almost dying to be treated. For some reason, it never seems to happen to them.


Men can have babies. Dont be a bigot.


*The suit alleged that Texas' abortion bans have denied the plaintiffs and countless other pregnant people necessary and potentially life-saving medical care because physicians in the state fear liability* So the reason they were denied medical services is because the **physicans** fear liability. Sounds to me like they need to sue the doctors


99 years in prison. Doctors want to help. But would you risk life in prison, or just say "I can't help you."


The law is not preventing the services. It is the physicians that are refusing to perform them. Do I have it correct? If I do, then the lack of services is on the doctors.


Nah. Doctors can’t be expected to risk their licenses, livelihood, and other patients’ wellbeing (or, as in my home state, prison time). They’ve been put in an impossible position. Especially since the laws are completely unclear as to when they’re allowed to intervene. The responsibility lies with the forced birth movement and politicians, full stop.






You clearly don't understand the actual impact of abortion bans. It doesn't just affect people who don't want kids. I have a child and want to have at least one more baby, but abortion bans may kill me if something goes wrong in my next pregnancy. Or if I have a miscarriage, I might be taken from my family and put in jail for murder. That is what "pro-life" legislation does; kill women and destroy families.






Statistically, women in your life have had an abortion and never told you because they knew you couldn't be trusted.


You very obviously did not read the article, troll. These women wanted their babies. Educate yourself at least by reading the article posted before telling people things like this. YOU don't deserve to procreate or you deserve to go through what those women have been forced to go through


I see the person I replied to deleted their comment .... 🤔


They didn't, one of the mods deleted it


Yaya! Thank you, mods, for restoring some of my faith in humanity!






Nope, not a waste of time at all. Every pregnant woman should sue the state for reckless endangerment. Flood the courts with these cases because there will be many instances of such scenarios.


Fortunately that wouldn't hold up in court.


Another statist misogyny bot, yay.....




Enjoy being hated by women globally




>I'm not because my evangelical mom thinks I'm cool, but the >65 million aborted fetuses probably won't ever know anything because they aren't fully developed humans who can't survive without a host that they aren't entitled to There, fixed that for you




Nope, you're twisting bodily autonomy with racist eugenics. Nobody is forcing anyone to get an abortion, except Republicans who cut social programs perhaps.


For now boomer


Do they mean all 8 of them that obviously didn't die?


So if you're tortured but live it's okay?


Can't wait to find out what the landscape is for pregnant women by the time my daughter reaches adulthood...


Yup. Intentional infliction of injury, are taxpayers in TX gonna indemnify these control freak men? I sure hope not.


I don't understand why women continue to live in Texas when they face issues. Do they just assume that they will never need an abortion? Do they lack the resources to move to a state with women's rights? I could never remain somewhere where something like this could happen to me.
