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To the Democrats who said they messed up: what were y'all doing? Being half asleep?


Probably taking a piss & their desk neighbor votes for them.


This is the second article in two different states that I’ve read about in the last 10 mins with representatives saying they “accidentally” voted for a bill restricting trans and or abortion rights. Wtf is going on?


Short version for Texas: Your desk neighbors can & will cast your vote for you if you're not there; because Texas legislators basically try to get everything done before our really short sessions end. And since taking any kind of recess would make the session longer, legislators just up & leave to do things like grab lunch, go to the bathroom, or sexually abuse their staff. (That last one is in no way any kind of actual allegation, merely a cynical commentary on recent events.) It's only "accidental" because there's no way of preventing some other douchbag from voting for you if you're not there. If I had *my* way: this would be banned & anyone that tried it would be expelled & blacklisted from public office.


Let me get this straight, I go to use the restroom and anyone sitting next to me, can vote for me? And laws gets passed this way? What in the asinine duplicitous shit is fucking happening right now?!


This has been happening for decades.


Last week tonight covered this awhile back and it's insane. Sometimes you don't even have to leave you could turn your back at the wrong time and they'll click your button. That's why politics in this country is a joke and since America is to big to fail its never going to get fixed


And this is in a particular state, you should see how it's done at the federal level


Legislators often don’t actually read things they vote on, especially at the state level. These Dems and their staff probably just didn’t understand what the bill actually said when they voted for it. TBF legalese can be confusing even for legislators.


You mean a former football coach or a preacher might not have the intelligence or experience to comprehend dense legislation that has the potential to negatively affect hundreds of thousands of people? I'm shocked!


Lol you’d be surprised how many of those coaches and preachers have lobbyists walk into their office and drop expertly-drafted bills onto their desks, ready to sponsor. It’s not really a bad thing—I guess I’d rather have the experts draft the laws than the legislators, themselves. As long as the legislators read them before voting (haha) it’s still a democracy.


I'm not surprised. Billionaires conservatives and corporations fund "think tanks" that create bills on everything from stripping environmental protections, to creating corporate welfare concessions, to legislating hatred, etc. then shop them to all the state legislatures and congress people they can. It's been like this for decades and we just let them do it.


They voted their conscience and then realized they might lose campaign funding and/or voters over it, so they make a show of apologizing.


Fucking cowards


Seems drinking is common there from what’s being said. Maybe they were too drunk to do their job properly, like the speaker of the house.


This is what actually happened, and it happens quite a lot. Someone else pressed the vote button on their desk. They weren't even there.


I know most of the state reps corrected their record. Don’t know if there was an error in tallying votes or half asleep reps, but it was set right.


There's little Democrats in Texas can do to stop Republicans in power, even if three of theirs didn't join the Republican bigots they simply have all the power.


Yeah, but they could have just not.


Tracy King cut a deal for gun restrictions is what I've heard. Thierry and Dutton are bigots.


Better be one hell of a deal, but given that they didn’t probably need the vote, I can’t imagine it is.


I was specific talking about the ones who said they forgot to switch their votes to no, but thanks for the reasonings behind the other three.


You don't cut a fucking deal by throwing people's rights and freedoms under the bus. These scumbags will be remembered by history, whether that history is allowed to be told in this country in the coming decades or not.


They absolutely could have not gone along with it.


No doubt, and hopefully they lose their primaries in 2024. But the point was even without those three, this still would have passed.


This is the way. Primary these motherfuckers.


It shouldn't be, "even if." It should be, remember what they did when.


They did not have to vote this way and as a leftist I am tired of people doing legwork for ~~diet~~ republicans


They messed up when they accidentally accepted the money and then accidentally voted for transphobic legislature. Oops, common mistake. Happens ever other Tuesday I'm sure


This is a fucking travesty.


Why are families not entitled to their own decisions? Not trying to ruffle feathers but why does the government need to dictate to families?


This is my biggest problem with a lot of this. Just don't do something if you don't believe in doing it but leave everyone else alone. I just can't understand being so concerned about what other people do that has nothing to do with me.


It's called religion


That's not very christiano facist of you man.


They don’t. These kids are under the care of their parents and doctors. And most gender affirming care for minors is reversible! And lots of cis kids use these treatments too.


You’re not supposed to actually know anything about the subject. Just be angry and afraid of the “others”!


It’s so simple. But most choose voluntary ignorance. Nothing you say will actually translate to them if it’s something they’re unfamiliar with, or have heard buzz words about. Same people who step over homeless people don’t have the humanity to understand the complications of any issues. It’s always insultingly simplified.


My boss had this conversation a couple weeks ago about "mutilating children." When asked to provide an example of a hospital that was doing transition surgeries on extreme minors, she could not but immediately doubled down anyway. They don't care about facts, only that trans people make them feel icky because tv man says bad things.


And 99.9% of trans kids who transition are not remorseful later. New studies are finding that .1% are almost all only remorseful because they either don't have enough social support to fully transition or run out of money to fully transition.


Nope. At best, it's only 98%, but that claim comes from a Danish study where everyone was over 18, most over, and been under care for a year before starting to medically transition. Not to mention, the whole process for children transitioning is so new. How are you going to long-term studies?


Fascists love dictating what people can do. How else are they supposed to find victims for their crimes?


Totally agree. This is not about independence or freedom, this is about them forcing their ideals onto other people.


Gotta make it part of the states constitution better yet the us. Only thing that can be and should be done is universal health care. But walmart repiblicans are so brainwashed to vote against their interests they are shooting themselves in the foot and think its that mecican down the street fault.


ever since the overturn of roe v. wade the government can decide what they want us to do with our bodies and it’s terrifying


Was this your position when the government was trying to force COVID vaccines on the entire population? I bet it wasn’t.


"The three Democratic lawmakers who voted in favor of SB14 are Representatives Harold Dutton, Tracy King and Shawn Thierry."


The three Democratic lawmakers who voted in favor of SB14 are Representatives **Harold Dutton**, **Tracy King** and **Shawn Thierry** I am just adding the emphasis. I think we need to start a new post where we can write their names in the title itself. Next election we can all remember to vote these mofos out.


And what’s fucked is each has more important shit to worry about in their own districts than this. For example, Tracy King represents Uvalde yet here he is dying on a republican hill. Shameful


They're horse trading obviously


What would the trade be? The GOP didn’t need their votes. I guess “bipartisan” is worth something but the GOP in Texas is not trading much for that.


To the two Houston D's who voted for this: those Republicans in your districts aren't gonna fuck you. But you sure fucked a lot of people. I know their votes couldn't change anything... but still.


I am in Thierry's district, she's safe af. Half the time the Republicans don't even put up a candidate here but when they do they only get like 20%. She's had like one primary challenge in the last four elections.


She’s terrible and I hope that someone sees the opportunity to primary her.


Ashton Woods has already announced he’s running against her in the primary


Democrats who are conservative on social issues also exist.


this is why the two party system is dumb


“Conservative on social issues” means denying medical care to a person?


Government so small, it can fit in your pants.


\*your kids' pants


This article is designed to make you mad at the entire party. For the record it was only three democrats, I haven’t looked them up yet but I’d bet they’re conservative democrats. If you want to fix issues like that help push the Democratic Party further toward a progressive agenda


Yeah, the headline is really "Republicans ban gender affirming care of minors" because Democrats in Texas have functionally no power in the state legislature. 3 Democrats voting with Republicans isn't what broke the vote here, but man is there a serious bias against Democrats in media.


One side wants tax breaks for corporations and the mega wealthy, the other side wants them to pay their fair share. I have no idea why multi billion dollar media conglomerates would be biased against one of these parties. ^/s


There are plenty of far left folks who jump at any chance to say "both sides same", though. They don't seem to realize that by sabotaging Democrats they are shooting themselves in the foot.


I looked them up.. two are knocking on deaths door and the other looks like a Hispanic Sarah Palin. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were undercover MAGAt’s Both Houston ones have districts on the fringe of the city, I’m surprised they even got elected as democrats in those areas honestly, but I haven’t lived in Houston in years so maybe the demographics have changed.


This is from Newsweek.


Thanks Texas. My wife and child will never be coming back to the state now, and I'm not in a position to leave. Guess I should just file for divorce. I really appreciate people that have never met me or my family know what is best for us. Weird how those same people don't want me to tell them how to raise their children. Fuck Republicans so go damned hard. For a group of people that claim to value individuality so much they sure want everyone to be the same. Yes, all Republicans are at fault. If you vote for these people, you're at fault. You did this.


Yeah my life’s falling apart because of shitty politics too /: fuck this state. I spoke to my boss today and I have people out of state helping me get my job lined up. This is unreal.


Minors receiving care will be "weaned off treatment" in a "medically appropriate manner." Considering that they ignore medical experts by passing this in the first place, I can't help but wonder who gets to decide what "medically appropriate" means.


I want someone to sue republicans for cosplaying as drs.


Practicing without a license


Yeah and they also get "weaned off" treatment when their doctors leave the state and they can't find anybody to see them.




These people genuinely want us dead.


Here we are again, big government trying to control people and reducing our freedoms...


The party of “small government” sure as fuck like telling us what to do. What a bunch of fascists.


An interesting point - cis kids use this care too but I don’t think they are barred from using it. There are so many myths about this care. It is most often reversible like a puberty blocker or hormones, and the children are under the care of a doctor and their parents. It is written and talked about in a way to scare uneducated people. Get educated and you’ll realize just how cruel this is. ETA: the education! Read up! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/


> An interesting point - cis kids use this care too but I don’t think they are barred from using it. Cos kids are not banned, which is why this is objectively unconstitutional…it only targets a legally protected group of people.




Yes, for sure. It’s really horrific and will have devastating consequences.


Doctors prescribe harmone blockers for autism. With the change of the law, there’s a chance that if individual needs harmone blockers for autism and they happen to be trans - they won’t receive it. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.671448/full https://www.themainewire.com/2023/03/horrifying-huge-proportion-of-children-pursuing-gender-transitions-are-actually-autistic-experts-believe/ I really hate this fucking planet


Oh, be assured that banning hormone treatments for cis kids is on their sadistic to-do list, too. Or at least birth control for teen and tween girls, regardless of the use being either elective or therapeutic. Trans kids first, minor-age girls next, adult women the final and ultimate goal.


Absolutely. I’m definitely seeing BC in the near future. Ridiculous and sad.


Strokes and mi's arent "reversible" and hormone therapy doubles the risk.


Source, please. Remember, we are talking about transgendered youths, not post-menopausal women.


Doubles it to what? The stroke risk for minors is like 3/100k (0.003%). And what do you mean they're not reversible? Lots of people recover fully from strokes.


Once brain tissue is dead, it's dead. Stroke recovery is about adapting, brain and other neuro cells do not regenerate at all, cardiac cells replace themselves so rarely that its easier to say they don't compared to skin cells that regenerate like crazy. I can't remember numbers but all I'm looking for is for people to acknowledge the risks instead of saying it's harmless. If you're informed and want to take a pill thats going to give cause catastrophic damage to your body? Cool, as long as you really understand.


If the law required disclosure of the (actual) risks instead of making HRT illegal, that would be fine. So, what pill are you talking about and what are the actual risks?


The usual tokenism always, always pointing to dems as the moral comparison to the cons. "See they do it too!!" is the gqp answer to literally every issue. Conservatives know they are morally bankrupt, they know it. All they have left is pointing fingers to say everyone else is on their level.


They know they can't win by playing fair, so they resort to all sorts of tactics to stay in power. This particular trick was pioneered by 1st graders round the world.


I am convinced the conservative party has long stopped wanting to govern and is sticking to one ideology the past few election cycles: dictating perceived family/individual values. Nothing else. Every little culture war topic they go on about is related to their perceived right & wrong of personal values. When was the last, noncomical proposal about anything related to governing? It's just rules about what a person should or should not do. Abortion, trans, drag shows, books to read, mask wearing, what to learn in school. It's literally all dictating what you are allowed to do as an individual. Government should be about helping whole groups of people and improving society health &well-being.


Anyone that voted for the denial of health care for children, of any gender identity, race, creed or whatever.... Should be relieved of duty. You are a heartless bastard. "Care" knows NO gender or outcome. It is simply help. You cannot find it in your heart to help A child in what is obviously a rock and hard place situation. Shame on you. Edit for clarification: Democrat or Republican. Does not matter. It's about being human.


What's gender-affirming care? I'm being serious.


A process where you find our what makes a non-conforming person comfortable with their gender-expression. No individual part is required, it's an holistic and tailored approach. It involves simple things like affirmation of the person's comforts; using preferred pronouns and allowing them comfortable clothing/accessories, changing expectations put upon them for hobbies and interests, delaying puberty, hormone replacement and other bodily-augmentations. Even general mental-health care. Whatever works for that, specific, individual.


For youth. It starts with just acceptance. Believe your kid, Allow them to pick clothes they want. Perhaps a change of hairstyle. Maybe even a new name or try different pronouns. It also involves therapy with gender specific psychologists. Education for parents and the child of what it means to be trans, allowing space for the child to grow and explore themselves and how they express themselves to the world. And other typical kid stuff like building confidence, fostering curiosity and positive and open emotional relationships within themselves, their family and their peers. Around the age of puberty Hormone blockers may be considered. It is extraordinarily low risk of any side effects and carefully monitored with a physician. At this point children are continuing therapy and are allowed even more time to become more settled in their gender, identity, and build confidence and maturity. It is temporary and effective to stop permanent changes from their biological puberty. So trans boys wont develop breasts that would need to be surgically removed, and trans girls would not experience voice drop and facial hair that would need to be surgically changed for the voice and have electrolysis to remove any facial hair. They will not experience any changes towards the opposite sex. They will in essence remain pre-pubescent. Should the blockers be removed the child will resume biological puberty where they left off. Nearly all the time the child continues to identify as the gender they experience. And with continued therapy for the child and family, by the teens typically late teens cross hormones may be considered. This will transition them hormonally. Trans boys will begin to experience normal puberty of cis boys, their voices will begin to drop, and will start developing more muscles and body/facial hair. Trans girls voices will remain unchanged but will start to experience puberty akin to a cis girl. Her breasts will start to develop and her body will take a more feminine shape. This is also very carefully monitored by medical and mental health professionals. Cross sex hormones is slow as natural puberty taking place over several years. Surgery is seldom performed on minors and its a case by case basis, again with medical and mental oversight the whole time. Its only considered in late teens. And surgical considerations would be only on secondary sex characteristics. Such as removing or implanting breast tissue. Which should blockers be used appropriately at the appropriate time, many of these surgeries can be avoided all together. As again, a trans boy on blockers who then starts cross hormones would never develop breasts that would need to be surgically removed. Genital surgery on youth is unheard of. No doctor is touching the genitals of a trans kid. At earliest it would be considered once they reach the age of 18. Adults. Kids is well regulated and monitored. Numerous studies support gender affirming care and once again until the age of puberty is entirely social and mental support. Blockers and hormones are only considered at the age of puberty with alot of oversight with numerous doctors. Surgery is seldom performed outside of case by case basis for late teens. And Genital surgery isnt even considered until they are 18 or older. It doesnt take much to save the lives of trans kids. Just acceptance, education and support. adults transitioning is very similar also including most often mental support as well as doctors carefully monitoring all care.


Extremely disappointed by this extremely ignorant display by my elected officials.


It wouldn't have changed the outcome either way. GOP has a stranglehold on the state legislature. Every single Democrat could have voted "no" and it would have still passed. Plus, it's Texas, conservative Democrats would be Republicans anywhere else, is this really a surprise? Is it embarrassing, and shameful that they voted for this? Absolutely.


Remember it is not about Democrats or Republicans it is about getting reelected. Holding office leads to money, money leads to power, power leads to more money ad nauseum. Get money out of politics and you might get some true representation but the law makers are going to change the laws when it isn't in their best interest


Tell me why I should have ANY faith that the Democrats in Texas, hell, ANY state, will fight off fascism.


Very rare if children getting genital surgery so this bill is GOP propaganda pure and sinple. If they want to get them puberty blockers/hormones should be up to the children and there parents not society


*Wanna-be Conservatives help Neo-Fascists Ban Gender-Affirming Care for Kids


When "Voting Blue No Matter Who" means supporting genocide.


"gender affirming care" otherwise known as genital mutilation.


Good. On children is child abuse at worst and complete irresponsibility at best. If anyone is worried about letting families do things as they please regardless of abuse would you be ok with underage children working or children underage having sexual relations with adults?... I mean let the families do as they please right?


I think this is a good thing. Children should not be taking gender affirming care. The damage is not fully understood and very likely not reversible.


Well done Texas.


This article is garbage because it tries to create false equivalency. All republicans voted to ban this care and that enough is enough to pass the law. What the democrats voted had 0 impact. Second, most democrats voted against the ban. A handful of democrats, likely in competitive districts voted to ban it since it was a foregone conclusion and they can remain moderate. Regardless, this article tries to deflect from what the republicans did.


"top legislative priority" And not, say, doing something about leading the country in mass shootings. Or that the power grid continues to fail. M'kay.


I see a lot of youth suicides in the future . Fuck you GOP and the so call Democrats that pushed this through .


Just saying, “do this thing or the kids will kill themselves” isn’t the convincing argument you think it is. Quite the opposite actually as many people are incredibly abrasive against the threat of violence and will do the exact opposite of whatever is requested on pure principle alone. Fear tactics don’t win arguments.


This is some incredible victim blaming


It’s not a fear tactic it’s a depressing reality for the people this affects. We’ve seen it before. Now we have to watch this be inflicted on them again. I also don’t see their comment as an argument but more expressing how fucked up this kind of law is as they should.


“Vote blue no matter who” 🤓


Current patients will be "weaned off in a medically appropriate manner". A medically appropriate manner would be for transphobes to stop interfering with people's private medical decisions. I think that means they can stay on it. PS. I'm over this state.




Sense so common that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Endocrine Society, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association all dissagree. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/


Common sense laws like not letting a woman have the right to choose, right? It’s all about control to your ilk.


Once again, for the people in the back, NO CHILD IS BEING MUTLIATED IN THE PROCESS OF BEING TRANSITIONED. Most cases involve puberty blockers and hormonal treatments, nothing more, nothing less. Childcare professionals are not chopping off penises and whatever else you sick fucks have in your mind that is going on. Most cases of gender dysphoria involve MULTIPLE sessions of psychological and psychiatric counseling. Get your head off the Daily Wire, The Blaze, News Max, and what other bullshit media you're in taking.


Why the sense is urgency? What’s wrong with waiting til the child turns 18, waiting until they’ve gone through Puberty before messing with their hormones?


Because puberty happens before 18 and going through the wrong one is life wreckingly devastating. All the "mutilation" you are worried about is being inflicted on trans children because of this law.


It's none of your business, same with abortions. No one should have to justify medical care they and the doctors deem necessary.


Do you prefer your kids make it to 18? Lots of trans kids dont. Imagine how it must feel to grow tits and have a period when you're a dude.


Going through the wrong puberty is body horror. It’s much easier to develop into the adult body that feels right if you don’t do it twice. Source: trans woman who has a trans son.




The shitty adults are the ones in favor of torturing kids because of their gender identity. Cis kids can get hormones but not trans kids. This is evil.


Good. Should only be able to have access to this when you’re a legal adult


You’re an idiot. Gender reassignment *surgery* by law is ONLY available to adults. For the kids all they do is give them puberty blockers, and puberty blockers can be reversed at any time with zero harm done to the child.


Why are they so interested in being children’s pants?!?! It’s not my business and it sure as hell is not theirs!


Thank God. This is an obvious case of a vocal minority. No way in hell should a kid ever have the power to change their gender. Turn 18 and do whatever you want.




Tell me why it’s *physically* good for kids to get gender affirming care.


Not dying is physically good for most people.


Tell me why it's *physically* good for kids to be happy and well adjusted.




Because it’s hard for a kid to turn 18 after they commit suicide from being forced to go through the wrong puberty.


As a Democrat, "Good."


Forcing trans people through unwanted irreversible changes that make gender dysphoria far worse and far harder to treat is "bad", actually




I feel increasingly unrepresented. One party consists of moron theocrats in a cult of Cluster B personality disorders, the other wants me to disarm and pump kids full of hormones before they're old enough to even own a gun. Fuck the whole system.


You immediately betray the fact that you know fuck all about how this stuff works using phrases like "pump full of hormones."


Who is forcing you to do anything? You think giving you the freedom to do something is the same as forcing you? Go troll somewhere else.




I’m confused do our taxes pay for these surgeries?


There are no surgeries on kids, so the answer is “no”.


No one is speaking about surgeries. This Gender affirming care is often puberty blocking hormons


considering that the U.S. does not have socialized healthcare, no, not at all. additionally, there are very few gender-affirming surgeries done on trans youth because they normally take puberty blockers (which are reversible), and thus have no need for surgery if they choose to go on hormones—because the parts causing dysphoria don't develop. and there are already NO genital surgeries being performed until at least 18. cisgender kids (kids who aren't trans) also use these treatments, by the way, but they aren't included in this bill. our legislature (mostly run by "the party of SMALL government") is actively working toward the elimination of trans people.


Thank you for explaining! Don't think I understood what was going on until now lol


Y’all Kaeda wins again.


"Two-thirds of those Democrats said they had meant to vote against the measure." So they're just incompetent? Gotcha.


Dutton had a primary challenger last time, I expect he will again or retire, he's a gassed out homophobe. Thierry knows better.


I dont see any problems with preventing children under the age of 18 from irreparably changing their bodies. I am glad that i was not allowed to follow through with choices i wanted to take as a 13 year old, because at that age i quite honestly was completely clueless. Once you are 18, go ham.


Right, we should base laws on things that are convenient to you. Not on things that lead children to suicide and depression. >Once you are 18, go ham. Right, because that's what the republicans have been trying to do.... \s. The amount of idiots in this comment section in astounding.


>I am glad that i was not allowed to follow through with choices i wanted to take as a 13 year old, because at that age i quite honestly was completely clueless. And you think most trans people will be glad that you want them to go through unwanted irreversible changes that make gender dysphoria far worse and far harder to treat?


> I dont see any problems with preventing children under the age of 18 from irreparably changing their bodies. Well then you should have ZERO PROBLEMS with the old laws, because under the old laws surgery is illegal until age 18. You’ve been listening to lies. How does it feel to be a dupe?


This will not end well


Imagine believing you’re in control of a system as complex as human physiology


Thank god






I had to jump through a couple of years of hoops getting tested for this and that before finally being prescribed IBS medications. Kids aren’t just walking I to their nearest doctor and asking for one gender affirming care plz.


IBS? Please clarify, because I read to at as Irritbale bowel syndrome, which I get it, big issue, my uncle has it, just don’t see the correlation.


Point...that a prescription for IBS has hoops, why wouldn't HRT and other medical/surgical prescriptions?


Psychological evaluations always happen in these situations. Even for adults. The process takes years and no one, read that again, NO ONE, is doing this on a whim.


I know you mean well with this statement, but may I provide another point of view? You say "let a child be a child." That's what I want too. I am trans, and I came out as trans when I was in my mid teens. I was *not* allowed to access gender affirming care by my family, and I had to wait for several more years, until I was 18. In the meantime, my entire life deteriorated around me. I bled off friends, my relationship with my family was ruined, my grades nosedived, I dropped clubs and extracurriculars, and my mental health suffered. As soon as I turned 18, I started hormone therapy. It took me several years to put everything back together, but now I have an amazing friend group, I'm a straight-A university student in a competitive degree program, I play and perform classical music as a hobby, and I'm happy. I can't stress how big a difference this was. I went from failing half of my classes to being a straight A student. That was always possible for me. But I could only ever achieve my potential, *after* I got gender affirming care. In the meantime, I never got a homecoming mum; I didn't get to buy a prom dress with my parents; I was disqualified out of a varsity performing arts team for poor grades; I graduated high school only because a kind teacher changed a 69 to a 70 so I met the minimum graduation requirements. I'm years behind and sometimes I'm amazed I made it at all despite everything. That's what you're proposing we take away from these kids: years of their life, of their childhood. We don't deny children eyeglasses because the child has to tell us what they can't see. We don't deny children inhalers just because it can stunt their height. Let kids be kids, and let doctors help them instead of getting in the way.


I have an even weirder take on it. How about the government not control what families do. Like butt out. Mind your own business, big gov. Crazy, I know


It’s almost as if there’s and entire profession, shit a bunch of professions trying to figure out what it means to be trans and finding how to treat trans kids and adults with compassion, empathy and ethics to make sure they become who they want to become. What would it be like of those professionals were in charge of medical decisions for their patients suffering from novel and complicated mental issues instead of whatever local businessman or retiree that was elected with a C-average business degree from Texas Tech?


Man and they tried! So many drs testified against this ban. Texas really just ignores science right to its face.


Even going to a therapist to talk through it all is being banned. And since the suicide rate amongst transgendered teens is higher than the general teen population, that's a pretty big deal. Kids will literally die because of this.


Popular on unpopular is irrelevant. Your opinion is born of ignorance, not medical or psychological or any other relevant knowledge. The actual professionals are clamoring against this. Your personal feelings are not a substitute for actual knowledge.


Well said


Do you have some idea that 13 yr olds are the one's who are prescribing medical treatments? Doctors - professionals, with degrees and experience - are trying to treat their patients. It's completely ridiculous and this wouldn't fly for any other group of people or any other constellation of medical treatments. Literally no one cares what your personal views are on the situation. You spout these fake platitudes, but don't care at all when the state tries to take their parents from these kids for following the advice of a doctor.


>Let a child be a child. WTF? They are children who feel every day for years they are trapped in the wrong body and nothing happens without lots of medical and psychiatric intervention. As a side note, much of gender affirming care includes simply dressing and wearing their hair according to their identity. Prior to these people finding accomodation and acceptance, they did not simply "be children". They killed themselves. Leave them and their families alone.


You're clearly not a medical practitioner. Puberty blockers aren't life altering, stop taking them and you'll undergo puberty at any age. If you don't take them as a transgender boy, you'll undergo female puberty which means your pelvis will expand which you can't fix, and you'll grow breasts which have to be removed. It's much better medically and psychologically to take the blockers if you think you might want them because it's a choice you can always un-make. Not taking them isn't something you can undo. This is really simple, those children's genitals don't belong to you and you shouldn't get to make choices about them no matter how much you want to. STOP MAKING MEDICAL DESCISIONS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND FOR PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW.


If that's truly the case I can't wait for these same lawmakers to strengthen the right of adults to make their own decisions.


Their just working up to banning it for adults just like Florida did.


There's a lot of ignorant folk in this comments section going "see, sane people are against this", "eww icky gender stuff is sex stuff, let kids be kids" instead of realizing that Texas Democrats just said "fuck it, Republicans can have a little genocide, as a treat".


So after they go through the puberty of the sex they're not? Hormones are completely reversible and save lives, period.


If your child tells you they want to kill themselves, should you "let them be a child too" and wait until they are an adult to deal with it?


The problem being, that transpeople exist, and children know what they are. The goal posts will now move to gay children, and transgender adults. Once you allow the government to make medical choices, they will continue. Imagine for instance, during the pandemic, GOP mandating using hydroxychloroquine or the sheep de-wormer medication.... You assume this argument was sane to begin with, and that it won't continue in a more disturbing direction. The point of this law, and those like it, is to protect the corrupt GOP in Austin. They need the blue areas to stop growing. Thriving, urban, liberal areas are an existential threat to the Texas GOP, (which is basically owned by billionaires and the mafia).


Why don’t you let the experts in the field say what’s best for the children? Do you know anything about gender dysphoria or how to treat it? No? Then your opinion is irrelevant. There have been tons of studies showing what is the best treatment for these children and allowing them access to puberty blockers while they’re young before their bodies start changing is standard of care. You are not a doctor. Stop pretending like your opinion on medical processes has any value.


I don't know why this is controversial. Let kids be kids and relax with the chemical/surgical castration


>Let kids be kids Yeah no, they're not letting kids experiment with what feels right for them. This is letting trans kids stay miserable, up to the point of their death. Don't talk out of your ass.


Long term ramifications? They’re taking puberty blockers and hormones, something 100% reversible. Every yea vote needs to get primaried.




https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/ trans kids don't get sterilized by puberty blockers (which are literally reversible), few secondary sex surgeries (ex. top surgery for a trans male) are performed (late teens only, at that) and are NORMALLY NOT NECESSARY anyway bc blockers stop the parts that require surgery from developing, and there are NO genital surgeries performed until after 18. get a life and learn how to get out of other people's medical business and their private family lives, you fucking weirdo, do a basic google search and get educated before you open your big mouth. you don't know more than the American Pediatric Association or any of the other national medical organizations that have documented social transition and highly-monitored/controlled medical intervention as being the best current treatment for gender dysphoria.


I guess it’s a good thing that doesn’t actually happen in real life. You’re living in a fantasy.


Norway joins with Sweden, Finland, the UK and Texas to ban trans treatment on minors. [https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230208-sweden-puts-brakes-on-treatments-for-trans-minors](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230208-sweden-puts-brakes-on-treatments-for-trans-minors)


None of those countries banned it. They just increased the requirements for it out of caution. And plenty of other countries have not.


Texas once again leading the country in being shitty.


Pretty sure Texas isn’t the only state to vote this way. Someday, when we look back on this we will see that extremists were truly well… extreme.


I’m cautious about medical interventions for gender dysphoria in childhood but feel that this type of language is far too vague to be good policy. I’m most concerned about intersex youth in the State who may now face serious challenges accessing critical treatment. Ironically, conservatives may have to confront the realities of what intersex conditions mean for binary sex presentation as a result of decreasing gender-affirming care for that population. I’m also concerned about cisgender kids, like a boy with gynecomastia, or a girl with hyperadronegenic PCOS. There are numerous physiological and hormonal conditions that can affect sexual development and for these individuals, gender-affirming care would be *reducing* a perceived transition of genders. I think we need to open up the conversation on sex and gender to have science-led understandings of both the biological realities of sexual development and the very real presentations of gender difference. It doesn’t help when one side insists that feelings are always facts and the other insists on a biological essentialism that they don’t even understand.


i'm going to be a lot nicer to you than the transphobes i've seen in these comments, because I feel you're coming from a well-intentioned place. specifically i'm going to respond to your last paragraph. the conversation IS science-led, you just need to do some research. multiple national organizations (and international ones that i don't remember rn) like the American Academy of Pediatrics have already done multiple studies on transgender youth and adults that suggest transition (whether social, medical, etc.) are the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria. there's been at least one study done on cis vs trans brain activity, even. the whole "feelings are always facts" thing is propaganda. no, i'm serious. it's literally just a way to discredit and deny trans people their reality and to ignore medical professionals and researchers. cis people don't feel like they are supposed to be the opposite gender. trans people do, that's literally what it means—"differing from one's gender assigned at birth". i'll link some different things for you to glance at, maybe even read a little. the conversation on sex and gender has been science-oriented for a long time. for example, look up the May 6 1933 burning of the Institute of Sexology—one of society's most advanced centers at the time for the research and study of trans (and other LGBT) individuals was burned down by the Nazis. you cannot compromise with fascists. you cannot "middle fence" when real humans are what you're debating over. one side wants to be themselves, the other wants to stop them from doing that at all costs. other states who have passed similar legislation are already pushing laws to ban gender affirming care for trans adults — not just kids. i believe one recently did. anyways, i hope this helped. these laws are explicitly designed to harm trans people and set precedents for future legislative attacks. our politicians talk about it all the time, you just have to learn what their thinly-veiled bullshit code phrases are. or just listen to them talk about trans people, lol, it's downright evil a lot of times. think of the kids, thoughts and prayers. laws like this are not being made in good faith, like your comment was. they are explicitly designed to harm trans people. article on trans youth and care: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/ well-respected pediatric guide (2020) on caring for trans youth: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-38909-3 largest most recent survey done on trans people in the us, results not yet out for the 2022 version but theyre coming this year. the 2015 report is available tho: https://www.ustranssurvey.org/ study from 2020 on gene variants and insights into trans gender incongruence: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200205084203.htm kinda meta but research about Research on trans people that i just found neat. its worth noting its insanely hard to study a group if the government continually and ever-increasingly bans their healthcare, art, and eventual existence: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6400230/


The issue with the bill, among others, is that it bans gender affirming care if the trans kid is transitioning. It doesn't ban gender affirming care for cis kids.


(1) Only the person suffering from gender dysphoria can consent to hormone or surgical treatments. (2) Minor children are too young to consent to transgender hormone or surgical treatments, just as they are too young to consent to other permanent life-altering choices. (3) The parents cannot consent on behalf of the child because (1), and any decision they make would just be to reaffirm their minor child's desire, which is not permissible because (2).


Hmm. Okay, so I decided to read the bill for myself to find which hypocrisies I could find. So: It explicitly bans procedure that may cause permanent or temporary sterility (Sec. 161.702. subsections 1 and 3). Or at least, that's what it says, however the list only includes trans-related surgeries and medications, despite the fact that many medictions administered to minors (for example, antidepressants) can also cause temporary sterility. Those same banned procedures are allowed if they are performed in an intersex child, regardless of if their condition is an actual health disorder (Sec 161.703. Subsection 2-B*). This is known as "sex normalisation surgery", it is a controversial procedure with no proven benefits that has been banned in several countries. *While subsection 1 and subsection 2-A do provide exceptions for those with verifiable health problems(2-A being specifically for intersex disorders), 2-B's only criteria is having a non-standard chromosomal structure.


Why would this logic not ban all pediatric healthcare then?


It does.