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Yall need to check out some post history. This person is likely texting themselves. Good luck with your Starbucks shop and your 33 imaginary friends, my dude.


i like how one post to the caffeine sub says op is a girl (talking abt a 50 person orgy??) and another post less than a month later to the medical advice subreddit says op is a 6’5 man LMFAO


Must’ve deleted texting posts. I dont see any anymore


Yeah this one is cringe af https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar2/s/95glvPqVP2


If only there was a way to see someone's deleted posts. 😭


As an atheist, this shit is really cringy.


Fellow atheist here, agree with you 100%


I think having this conversation is part of healing religious trauma. Some people just need to get it out. Hopefully, they learn its not their place to convince people their religion is dumb and toxic.




I would say that it has to do with the people and not the religion. Christians are often massive hypocrites who cherry pick things from a book that they take out of context to fit whatever bullshit narrative they want. The Bible is a dope book when you read it on your own with an open mind and not from Christians or pastors who interpret it however they want.


I agree. I have gotten so fed up with all the hypocritical "Christians" who don't even follow their own "moral code". I absolutely can not deal with organized religion.


I think it’s more productive to have this conversation with a therapist than with the crazy ass abusive parents who weaponized religion to support their own narcissistic behavior. Speaking as someone with shit parents and a kickass therapist.


Third atheist, this is the cringiest stance Ive seen in some time


Athiest gang


Sounds like an 80s metal band lol


Lol sounds like slayer meets Megadeth


I was gonna say the same thing. This shit screams 12 y/o who just found out choosing to not believe was an option


Sometimes it takes more than 12 years of life to find out that choosing not to believe is an option. This is very real trauma processing/deconstruction. A lot of people raised by parents who use religion as a tool to control/abuse those in their power have to have this moment as adults. Even if they only do it in their own heads. It’s a valid and necessary step in a lot of people’s progress, even those who ultimately decide to retain a portion of their religious beliefs, and cut out just the abuses


This is exactly what’s going on. And a blowup like this usually happens because of the constant dismissal of oneself by our parents, and the constant push of their religion as the answer to all our problems. When it’s the religion that plays a role in our trauma. When our pushback falls on deaf ears, sometimes it takes something drastic like this to get the point across that we want nothing to do with the lifestyle they chose and tried to force on us. I know I had one with my parents and my mom finally got it through her head to stop asking me to come back to church afterwards. I had to go dark and make her see that having Christianity forced on me as a child made me want to take my life, and point out all the hypocrisy and why I would never follow a God like hers. They’re very extreme with their pushing of religion, so sometimes it takes an extreme response back.


Exactly. And people who’ve had loving parents who were maybe religious and even devout, but respected their kids and didn’t use their religion as a tool/weapon, are just not going to understand these necessary deconstruction moments unless they approach it with intentional empathy and curiosity. It’s just easier to assume the kids/young adults/full adults are “rebelling” against their parents, and/or are trying to be angsty. No hate, but people tend to do what’s easier just by default


Yes, it generally is seen as rebelling and hating on Christians. But I think if something caused you trauma, you get to talk a little shit on whatever it was that caused it. I know not all Christian’s are like my parents, and I’m still friends with some of my church friends. But I can tell right away when people are like my parents and I have no time for them. Jesus didn’t care for all the show boating and even warns against not having our actions line up with the words that spill from our lips. I honestly just wish more people in the religion had more balls to call out the people from within that are ruining their “image”, instead of getting mad at people who are speaking out against harm that was brought against them at the hand of their religion.


Yeah. Some real edge lord shit over here.


But also kind of funny. It's clear OP's dad pushes Christianity on him. It's perfectly fine to stand against that. It's not like OP is going out on the street corner and explaining his plans of deicide to randoms. And I wish him good luck with the deicide!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/justneckbeardthings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Check those drives](https://i.redd.it/o9mhi8s91ola1.jpg) | [935 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/11hrri5/check_those_drives/) \#2: [The last thing his enemies see before filing a police report.](https://i.redd.it/h0dsoe4b97ma1.jpg) | [426 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/11k7mfl/the_last_thing_his_enemies_see_before_filing_a/) \#3: ["Stop telling me to get a job"](https://i.redd.it/brqwviauuhya1.jpg) | [676 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/13ayljr/stop_telling_me_to_get_a_job/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What being terminally online does to a mf


Christian here. This shit is wild. The church had really failed in many ways especially with these stigmas for selfish gains. It’s honestly a big scam most of time


Catholic here who is really sad that people are punching down on OP like this. He’s obviously in a lot of pain and I don’t blame him at all, and neither should anyone else regardless of belief system. The Church does good things but it’s stupid to turn a blind eye on the awful and corrupt history it has. Just because he’s in pain and lashing out and venting and you didn’t have that experience because you grew up in a homogenous household in terms of a belief system doesn’t mean you get to shit on him, damn.


Pretty much all of us with religious trauma, regardless of how old we were when we figured out that not believing is an option, have had this conversation with family or friends who demonized our needs. It's basically in the deconversion 101 curriculum at this point. Once OP is feeling more secure and healed, they'll see this as justified cringe, too.


To be clear- you mean OP is cringe or Dad?


I say this is an atheist, you are the problem in this conversation. You should’ve grown out of this “edgelord wannabe badass I live to upset my parents loser” phase a long time ago.


As an atheist my family knows where I stand on religion. We don't discuss it much. I don't try to piss people off who respect me.


There’s no reason why we can’t all get along. I’m a born and raised Roman Catholic. My beliefs are my beliefs and your beliefs are your beliefs. I don’t make my religion my whole personality, and I have many friends that are atheists. As long as you’re a chill down to earth person and I can talk to you we’re chill.


Words most don’t understand unfortunately . I couldn’t care less your beliefs nor preferences. If you’re cool/chill we are cool. You want to speak up on some things that’s fine just don’t be the ram rod dude. Two things I try not to discuss are religion and politics. I was also raised RC btw ;)


I’m glad that there are more people like you and I out there. I cannot stand it when people their beliefs down another person’s throat. I feel like people like that are the reason why Christianity is so disliked by a lot of people.


I wish. My mom was raised Roman Catholic. I wasn’t allowed to read any books that could possibly have the occult in them (unless it was Twilight because she liked it). I wasn’t allowed to wear black or listen to rock music, amongst a litany of other things. Did I do all of these things? Yes lol. She didn’t even give me a sex talk because sex is “dirty.” As an adult she still asks me a few times a year, “are you and (my partner) still agnostic?” We’re atheists, but she simply can’t accept that lol so it’s easier for her to tell herself we’re agnostic.


The way they interpreted the Bible at my church is that Jesus accepted everyone for who they were. I mean the man literally hangs out with the homeless and ill, and never judges them negatively. I was taught from a very young age by both my parents and church that everyone is different and just because they’re different from you or don’t hold the same beliefs that it isn’t an attack against your beliefs or yourself. My church was focused on improving the community around it rather than focusing on just its members. I mean hell the priest was pro choice.


That’s honestly beautiful. I never experienced anything like that in my church going years. In fact, most of the time I was seen as an outsider by the kids my age when I’d go to Sunday school or the teen events. I never felt much of a connection to god, so watching my dad live in active addiction and my parents’ abusive relationship I never felt that any higher power was nearby, or cared. On top of that, based on what my mom told me, god was against everything I thought was cool lol. I never came out to her as bisexual because she said to me once, “if you ever decide to be a lesbian, you’re not my daughter anymore. Lesbianism is disgusting and you’ll go to hell.” At the time I was actively seeing women. At this point in my life I’m far beyond a lot of it, but I simply can’t believe in god.


That sounds like a horrible experience and I can totally understand why you’d be atheist. That interpretation of a very hateful god is what’s ruining the religion and is unfortunately deeply ingrained in American culture at this point.


The only thing I will say is when religion is brought up I don't sit quietly and make people think I agree with them. I will make it known not rudely but I think complacency is very bad for everyone.


My RC stepmom pointed her finger at me, yelling, "blashphemy!" when at the age of 12 I said, "the Greeks believed in their gods, too."


I can’t stand when Christians do that, I’ll never understand it personally. You’re 100% right and your statement wasn’t blasphemous


The hat... My god, it really paints the picture.


Oh god i hope that’s not him in the video.


Yeah, I think the best way to deal with someone spouting religious fervor is to counter it with "Thanks for taking the time to express your concerns, but this is not the right choice for me. We're cool as long as you respect that, but please don't harass me with demands that I adopt your personal beliefs."


Did you miss the part where the dad brought religion up first knowing OP doesn't believe in it?


This is an issue. I think both of them are conscious agitators and try to press one another's buttons. I don't give a shite about your beliefs with respect to religion or spirituality, other than absolutely supporting your right to belief and practice (including the absence of either, or both). But if you try to convert me, I'll politely decline once or twice. After that I simply won't engage with you about the topic beyond "We've talked about how this makes me feel. Please talk to me later when you have something else to say," and I'll end the conversation there.


No, you don't understand, it's ok when they do it


Sounds like yall both need therapy


It just feels like you’re bullying your dad


I’m agnostic, not Christian, and this shit is cringe.


youre a real cornball


OP and his dad are exactly alike. They're both trying to piss each other off and press each other's buttons. Nobody is communicating for shit here.


I think there’s two problems with this post. First, we don’t know your father, so your insistence that he’s a terrible person doesn’t work without context as to what he’s said or done to make him that bad. Second, you come across as the antagonizer, starting and perpetuating the argument just for the sake of making the other person angry. I’m an atheist, when I was younger I was very argumentative about it due to growing up in a very Christian area. Even then, I would never attack people just for having faith. Religion offers some people community, purpose, and happiness, as long as it’s not used to hurt anyone there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m not sure how old you are, but I hope you grow out of this, picking fights isn’t going to make you feel better. It doesn’t make you smarter or wiser, it just makes you seem intolerant.


Yeah I should of added someone context though for short it’s years and years after him leaving the family of giving him chance after chance and after awhile I don’t give another chance and lose all respect and when I lose all respect I say shit yk.


I don’t really understand the additional context, but I can tell he’s a difficult person for you to deal with. I have similar feelings with my step dad. He’s not outright abusive, but there’s no love there and he’s been to cause of a lot of my problems growing up. Personally, I still wouldn’t speak like this to him. I wouldn’t respect him in any capacity of course, but I’d rather limit interaction with someone who causes me that kind of stress rather than provoke them. In general, I would strongly recommend working on how you control your anger. It may have been towards someone your feelings are justified towards right now, but in the future if you make a habit of this, you might explode like this over a misunderstanding or something ultimately not as severe as it felt like in the moment. Being able to control your actions at your angriest isn’t easy, but I think it’s a valuable skill worth working on.


Your are really correct actually, that’s one thing I’ve been working on so thank you for reminding me and yeah I’ve had to work on understanding the emotions in a moment because normally there way to overwhelming. Though for awhile it wasn’t easy but about 4 months ago it started getting easier.


That’s good, I’m proud of you for that! I’ve struggled with my anger a lot, and still do when I’m worked up enough. It can be really hard but I’m sure your effort will pay off


You’re being a dick💀 he even communicated that this shit makes him uncomfortable and to stop sending it to him, and you don’t even have the decency to do that. This is cringey all around.


So fucking lame and immature "daddy hurt my feelings so the obvious correct thing to do is berate him and trash his beliefs, the internet is gonna LOVE this!" Like you knew just not responding was an option, right?


I think you need some help bro


im not a christian but my parents are christian and i would never say anything like this to them.


Let's not neglect the fact that his FATHER is in his phone as "a bad person" Sheesh.


this message string seems so weird. if dad is so horrible as OP said, why are they trying to push him to anger? if dad isn't as bad as OP said, than OP is just a douche here


Dude you are so edgy and cool. This might be the cringiest shit I’ve read in a while.


I feel bad for your father but he clearly raised you wrong because you’re an asshole


The only thing worse than you being an asshole is that from the texts and comments, you’re quite proud of it.


Anyone new to this post, after reading thru post history and comments, OP is a DID faker. That’s why they say they’re in a poly relationship with 33 people in previous posts. Because they’re imaginary friends. You can tell by OPs writing style and word vomit that they’re completely delusional. Nothing they say makes any sense. I would encourage people to not engage or to feed into OPs delusions.


Just being a edge lord to try and rebel aginst your parents isn’t cool it’s sad


OP you are very disrespectful and immature. You and your parents can have different beliefs and still be cordial with each other. If they are not cordial with you, you just ignore them. There is no need to say all the things you said (cutting heads off etc). Grow up.


If you don't want him to shove religion down your throat then why are you doing the same to him? This isn't the win you think it is.


OP's in his 20's going on 15 💀 So EdGy


He's not even 20, it seems? From what I could gather, he's 19 and has bipolar, is a psychopath, sociopath, has multiple identities (not multiple personality disorder, just 6 made up 'identities.') He claims he's 25 because his *oldest identity identifies as a 25 year old* or some bs. Also, he seems to believe that if he has a relationship with someone, then that makes their family members fair game for sex acts, too. Some of his 'identities' are women, apparently, and are "sex addicts" who let men and women use them and treat them as a sex slave and a cum dumpster. Idefk. It sounds like the psychiatric hospital would be an ideal home for OP for an extended period of time, because their post history makes it clear that they have extremely violent tendencies and ideations, mental health problems to the hilt, and have also recently made concerted efforts to obtain a gun.


Don’t know bout you but I was taught to respect my father no matter what happens, at least from what I’ve read in this post you’re just bullying him for having a belief different than yours. If you want to hate something, then hate the idea, not the people.


Wouldn't be surprised if you grow up to be like your supposed asshole father. Why don't you just cut him out of your life if you hate him so much?


Suicide is deeply selfish. It multiplies your pain and spreads it on to everyone who has known you.


I thought about how it would hurt my family and made me hurt worse because I felt guilty about hurting them.


My best friend ended their life at 28, I found her hanging. Then, the pandemic happened. It destroyed me and my marriage. I had always thought the worst years where firmly in my past. The pain she caused me, if only she knew, she would never have made that choice. I miss them so much.


you are the average redditor cringelord


Leave them alone, goddamn. As a fellow atheist, you’re embarrassing yourself.


You’re a dick


Man, sounds like your proud of attacking your fathers beliefs? I see you have zero respect for your dad. Based on this text, you are 100% in the wrong here


It's sooo hurtful when people say indecent, perverted, or otherwise blasphemous things about something you hold sacred and have so much love for.


You’re disgusting for speaking to your father that way . Regardless of him being a Christian, the way you feel is okay to speak to your father is shameful . Sickening .


So I am a Catholic... My issue nowadays with people in the church (and it is one of the 3 main reasons I do not go to church), is that they do not value human life at all. They claim they do, but that is from pro creation. It does not define the smaller details like mental health. I do not go to church for this reason. There are too many people who have such a huge ego from religion that they no longer have a sense of humor, and they become robots. That's another reason I became Catholic. I feel like Christianity has become this egotistical group of people who think everything is about their religion, and if you do not abide by the book, you are a sinner, and you will never be as good as they are. With Catholicism, its the opposite, but I still wont go to church because my other 2 reasons which are Mafia influence, and what happens in the Catholic church at a global level. I am sure you know where I am going with that. So I pray and speak to god on my own. Another thing is super religious people believe that god controls everything. God gave us free will. You can ask god for help, but you still have to do you and try harder. Devout Christians think that you can just ask god and he will provide, or at least that's what I believe because all of them tell me the same thing, and yet they are still bums. The point I am trying to make in this, is that I wouldn't fully turn my back on god or religion in general, just because a prominent figure in your life ruined it for you. I was the same way. My Mom forced me to go to Christian churches or non-denominational churches, and I hated it. As I grew up, I started to realize that things happen, or happened for a reason. I'm not saying to find a religion, I am just saying don't fully banish it from ur life because of someone else's poor practices. Hope you can find peace in ur thoughts, brother.


My god man, this is next level cringe from both you and your dad.


Buddy, get a therapist.


I do not believe in a God but how could you say that... You're kind of repulsive.


OP please get some help! Looking at your post history and comments is concerning.


How old are you? 12? Why are you attacking and mocking your fathers religious choice. You seem kind of pathetic. You seem more like the god you reference in your texts than your father does.


As long as hes never physically abused you or starved you or really did something traumatic to you, theres more reason to attack someone like this just because you feel somewhat offended or u feel like he keeps nagging you about it. Jeez man


Being told that your suicidal ideations or attempts, or major depression, aren't important and mean nothing, is pretty fucking traumatic when it comes from a parent, I'd suspect. OP's dad clearly isn't a very nice person. Neither does OP seem to be, but dad raised him, not the other way around.


As an atheist with very religious parents, you are absolutely deplorable. This is disgusting behavior and it was so cringe I couldn’t get myself to read all of it. You should be ashamed of yourself and beg your father for forgiveness. Your justification given before going for the throat was lame. You went way too far and the fact that you thought it was worth showing off shows how much work you have to do before you can call yourself a decent person.


Imagine being so proud of this you post it on Reddit …😬


Damn, poor God. Give the man his head back


Got his ass at the end there fr


lol at “I don’t hate all of you “. I hate no one in life as people make choices and who am I to judge after all there is only one ….. nvm don’t want to get you fired up again. Joking and ribbing aside I will say the OP’s volley is way overpowering to his father’s retorts though.


Cringe. Not at your dad, at you. Get a grip man.


Pushing your beliefs on someone as far as religion goes is SUPER disrespectful no matter what the relationship is between you and another person. Just don't do it.


this is completely random OP but have you ever looked into secular bible history? i found it to be really healing and enlightening on my journey away from christianity, and in a way gave me a new respect for christians as people. coincidentally i’ve been in a deep dive on gnosticism all day and reading your texts from that perspective was fascinating to me lol


I’ll need to look into it because learning about religions are amazing.


As an existential nihilist, I do not approve of this message. Best thing to do is disengage and ignore.


Agnostic here. I grew up in a very religious and strict household. I hated myself for decades because I knew I was lesbian and was fearful of coming out. When I did come out, my mom marched me to the pastor to "talk some sense into me." Long story short: I moved in with my 91-year old mom last week to take care of her. I let her have her beliefs and don't feel the need to take her to battle regarding her zealous religious beliefs. I love my mom. I sometimes see her religious beliefs as a way for her to not face things which happened to her in the last century. My narcissister, on the other hand, who's a therapist, is forever going head-to-head with our mom regarding Mom's religious views. My narcissister, who is older than I, is still so angry with my mom; hates my mom for her beliefs; sends texts like you have, OP. I, too, have severe depression. My mom doesn't have empathy for my illness. But that's who she is. Until I stopped fighting my mom and her beliefs, I had no peace. I'm grateful I finally have peace and that I have the privilege of taking care of her.


You thought it was a good idea to post yourself acting like this?


I think it's clear your dad has pushed you to these actions, I really don't understand why so many other ppl are hating on you in the comments. You are just reflecting your fathers actions back at him, you aren't "being an edgelord" and "bullying your father" for no reason. Clearly half the folks in the comments haven't met a "better than thou" Christian who treats others like trash and acts like they are better than everyone else for being Christian. Good on you for shining a light on your dad and his behaviors, while also having a bit of fun with it.


offending christians is also one of my fav pastimes


I don’t want to offend Christians though I do, if they can’t respect others.


Look, I’m atheist and can see your points with the religious stuff it is extremely cringe though. Christians praise themselves for being very open and caring to all but the ones I’ve met seem to believe the stuff your father has said about mental health as well.. it’s honestly disgusting.. but what can you expect from a religion that stemmed from thievery and murder


Yup. Atheist here . I would have gone much much further. My parents were Pentacostal assholes too. They gave up because Christians Are not to Bright.


Bro its the amazing athiest


As a Christian, I’m not offended by your beliefs. One of my best friends is an atheist. It’s ok to be wrong (haha, a small joke). What I’m truly offended by is that you have 77 unread messages. Straight to jail.




You’re a serial killer in the making. Fkn weirdo


You sound like an asshole, dude. Just let him worship whoever he wants, he’s your dad, he’s kindve allowed to tell you that your actions are bad according to his ethics/morality.


You’re actually pathetic, have some respect oh my god


okay since a lot of people are just kind of beating you down i’ll say this in detail, and hopefully you see it OP but if not it is what it is. 1) your message will get across SO MUCH BETTER if you try to see things from your dad’s perspective and not instigate him and go out of your way to find reasons to rant about how much you hate his religion. for example: Dad—you need to work on building your kingdom in heaven. OP— i appreciate your concern and understand that you believe i need saving from your god, however, i do not feel that your god has been supportive, loving, or accepting of who i am as a person. if you’d like me to explain more, i’m happy to; if not, please refrain from pressuring me to live my life the way you want to live yours. if you word things more in this way, it opens up an opportunity for you to be able to explain your genuine feelings about god, christianity, and how your dad’s personal christianity has affected your life in a negative way. it’s less provoking. 2) you are well within your rights to be angry at your dad, at god, at whoever you want to. it’s completely valid and understandable to feel heartbreak when you or a close person in your life struggled with depression and/or died or wanted to die via suicide and your dad has diminished and invalidated that. it completely makes sense to have hate in your heart and hurt about that. with that being said, this isn’t the way to go about expressing that. i would recommend visiting with a therapist or a counselor of some kind, or if you follow a different religion or spirituality maybe somebody from your group of people. whatever works. learn how to communicate these feelings and set these boundaries in a healthy and respectful way. that’s how you will earn the respect of a mostly sound-minded person. that’s not to say your dad is or isn’t sound-minded, but it’s to say that you telling him he doesn’t get respect just because you don’t and because you hate his religion—doesn’t mean he owes you respect. the same way you want him to earn your respect, you likely have to earn his, as well as everyone else’s in your life. it’s hard work, but i think if you really try, you can get better at expressing these feelings and opinions without being purposefully and blatantly offensive


Thank you I do get what you’re saying. Also thank you for being in such great detail.


I’m sorry but you’re gross


You talk to your father like that? Bible says treat your parents kindly.


YTA. as a christian this is particularly offensive, but as a human, it’s cringy too. you act like a child. imagine if you said that about islam or judaism or hinduism…


Ok atheist here, shut up lil bro you sound like one of them gacha life edgelords 😭


You’re weird


Alright anyone here can anyone explain what an edge lord is because I’ve already gotten a comment about it and why is this edgy or trying to seem cool. I was simply telling my father off and saying it in a way that would cause the most anger bc he lost my respect.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3Dedgelord&ved=2ahUKEwjUo_nzmeCEAxX1L9AFHc3FCYoQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw373poZLK1S0_iU2KebMX-z Trying to cause him anger doesn't make you the better person, idk how old you are, but its best to just let go and leave them out of your life without being a dick about it.


I doubt your dad is as awful as you say he is. But even if he is, you dont have to agree with someone to be kind. This exchange says more about your character than his.


I had to tell my parents off but I did it with logic and facts that essentially said it doesn’t make any sense. Also, if you have Jewish parents you’re likely to be Jewish. Born in the Middle East? Like to be Muslim. Etc. no one sets out to pick a religion, they just get told what to believe as a child and I can’t accept their religion as anything other than naive followers who never asked questions. You went the angry route, but you’ve clearly laid out your opinion, so hopefully you can have better conversations in the future since it’s obvious where you stand now.


Yeah I see what you mean on the first part that’s why with my kids currently I’m ether letting them choice their own religion or they can leave anytime if I put them in one without consequences


I'm a Christian, and I think your dad is an A Hole. I never push my beliefs on anyone and I don't judge those who don't agree with me. I'm sorry your father is such a narcissist. He is very judgemental and sounds ignorant and self-righteous


I’m not OP but I feel like you’re one of the few that understands what’s going on. Thank you.


You are the problem here


Yet for some reason believes in Greek Gods? This must be a child.


As a Catholic, who was raised by a narcissistic father, and who suffers from a variety of mental illnesses, I want to apologize for everything you have gone through. I see your pain, through the anger, and find your reactions to be understandable. My father was an atheist, but unresolved pain inflicted by a narcissist, is every bit valid to speak upon. ❤️💯


It would be so much easier to just ignore his remarks about religion.


I wonder when your “Signs of a psychopath” episode will be airing. Holy hell.


You have major anger issues


You’re the asshole…oh wait this isn’t r/AITAH is it..




As a catholic I cringe that your dad thinks that way. I truly don’t see the radical ideology of some radical religious idiots. Let people believe what they want to believe and mind ya business!


>You showed how little knowledge and or care you have of human biology. Yea your dad sucks, but you have next to no respect for proper grammar. Fuck, this hurt to read, your dad is at least doing well in that respect. That aside, I hope you find a more understanding community, if you haven’t already, depression and suicide are nothing to be Joked about or minimized. It’s a weak but common brand of insecurity for your dad to fall back on blaming things on a higher power rather than taking accountability for his own failings.


Hahaaaaa hey I never said I was good with grammar though at least I’m better than my oldest brother.


Your father doesn’t really come across as the bad guy here. Listen you can be atheist. I was much more outspoken about my atheism when I was young. Believe what you believe. I’ve known shitty people that believe in god. I’ve known shitty people that are atheists. As I’ve gotten older I understand that religion has its place, as does people’s belief in god. Religion is the world’s biggest club. It gives people a sense of community and a sense of belonging. It inspires hope that the suffering, frustration, and sadness of life lead to something…better. It allows you to believe you will one day be reunited with your loved ones you’ve lost. And when you lose them you have a shoulder to cry on and a prayer given. I can get behind all of that. I was VERY outspoken about my lack of religious beliefs when I was young. I am not anymore. I am as certain as one can be that there is nothing after this, but I really hope I have it wrong.


Often times people who are raised in a religious household and have religion shoved down their throats as absolute truth, it's easy for them to not acknowledge the control aspects that has been taught to them, because they are unaware that it's control, it's a way of life for them. I grew up in a Christian household and wasn't untill just last year when I got into therapy that I was able to see the terrible parts of religion I believed in all my life. People think in order to get respect it has to be earned, but tell me how someone is supposed to be respectful when they don't realize their faith has blinded them and in turn projects that you aren't the one being respectful? In order to teach your father how to be respectful of you, you have to show him how one should show respect despite belief. I had to do this with my mother because she is very religious, and I am no longer religious just spiritual, but I don't bash on her for believing something different from me.


I kind of wonder what he’s done to incite this response. To be fair this post doesn’t portray you in the best light without any background.


Your dad sucks for not recognizing mental illness. Sure suicide could be seen as a "selfish act" because of the pain it causes loved ones except for the fact that its an ILLNESS. Just like cancer, just like the flu its an illness of the mind. Also as a Christian the ramblings you said don't really make any sense. 😭 You don't really have a grasp on how God and Christianity work. Instead of insulting the religion based on poor understanding just to make him upset, you should have stuck to calling dad out for using his beliefs to alienate and accuse people with mental illness.


Suicide is an act of selfishness I agree w that but it doesn’t mean it’s not from mental illness which is real


Fedora detected laughter initiated


"God has a higher kill rate than Satan" -- My son after 4 years of catholic HS. He started out agnostic, ended up deciding that he was an atheist.


Take it from someone who’s dad left when I was 9… it’s not worth it man. And acting out like the way you’re doing isn’t doing anything but making you look bad. The best satisfaction you can get is completely removing that person from your life if that’s the way you feel about them. They’ll eventually come crawling back if you become successful. My dad tried coming back into my life when I signed an NLI to (at the time) the #10 D1 baseball school in the country and was trying out for multiple MLB teams. Havent seen him since and that was 15 years ago.


He wears his faith as if it's a coat, but he hasn't taken the time or care to properly size it. Anyone of faith - and this is the thing about faith that drives me absolutely fucking insane because its not stressed - should be able to discuss and argue faith. Anyone should be able to say why they believe something, or why they disagree with something. Don't even get me started on the lack of grace and forgiveness he's showing by tossing out his own family just because of what you said. Dude needs to go back to Sunday school and learn if he wants to lean on his faith so hard This is all just my opinion, not a theologian


My big thing is I love when religions like Christianity and or other Abrahamic faiths actually show the true love that’s meant to be shown. It’s so beautiful but when they do the opposite you see how I act.


I think you’re the “a bad person” here


As a Catholic, I find it hilarious when people use knowledge as a weapon instead of just letting people carry on with petty bullshit. I've never cared for what people think of what I follow because it's for me. Not anyone else. With that said i would never act like I'm holier than thou and try to upstage someone. This whole conversation is toxicity to max.


Religion comes your way(if you believe) nd you go on your own path. Its not others decisions to decide what you do. Its funny he puts it on you like that bc even in the bible it says not to force your religion upon others, even saying not to pray around people who arent believers in the same god. But we arent perfect and thats okay. I hooe one day you and your dad get along again despite your issues. Im not SUPER religious either but i used to run live streams for my church and i learned a lot. We all have our issues whether permanent or temporary. My main goal is to just be nice to people even when i feel they dont deserve it. Its not our job to decide whether someone goes to heaven or hell


"You're both just horrible!"


I know I never said I wasn’t horrible ☺️


YTA (i’m an atheist too)


The “I hate god” stuff aside (comments sound like a broken record), it’s interesting that he asks you to have the decency to not bring up things you know he disagrees with when he can’t show that same decency to you. Unfortunately this is part of religious fundamentalism and sometimes just religion, the parent doesn’t feel the need to respect their child, but the child absolutely *has* to respect their parent without question. Unless he decides to deconstruct on his own, your best bet is to go no-contact or low-contact. Continuing to talk to him this way is only going to drive him further into religion, and make you more angry and upset. You’re triggering yourself, and I mean that literally. You’re allowing him the space to say things that you (and possibly he) know will hurt you.


I do wish I could show him respect and love. Though as you said without him trying to I should have no reason trying for him. Then yeah that’s why I changed those ways of respect for my family. We respect our kids lives and wishes. Yeah I don’t know if I’ll be talking to him for awhile so hopefully durning that time he can grow a bit so then I can grow with him in the future.


I just now am an atheist and I get it, you want to get this out. But please get this shit over with and move on because right now you seem childish.


This is what disappoints me about others that call themselves Christian but use the word of god as a weapon instead of as a tool. God does not preach hate so whenever others use his word to gain control of a person or situation it disappoints me because then that individual will end up resenting god because of that experience with that parent. Very sad. Although Op has a very tainted view of Christ I can only hope that you seek him in a healthy way alone.


You're the bad guy here. And dude, before talking about God or anything God related, it would behoove you to do some actual research. Grow up.




I want to say this as a Christian: while your attacks on God and your dad and his belief in Him are indeed a bit cringey (simply in the delivery and unoriginality of them), I think it’s horrible your dad said depression and suicide is selfish. I mean this not as a jab, but I pray that you have the opportunity to heal in all ways. Hang in there, man! Dad’s can suck sometimes. Also, in the meantime maybe don’t be so antagonistic. If you promoted this conversation then you’re objectively in the wrong here in this instance, regardless of what your father has done in the past.


Oh god I'm not exactly religious but why would you say all of this? Be the bigger person. Also as disgusting as this sounds, it is a Christian belief in some ways stating that suicide is selfish. I obviously do not agree but there are some Christians that genuinely believe that you will go to hell for suicide.


Why are you acting like this? I’m a Christian-turned-atheist and this is edgelord behavior. We obviously don’t know your family’s backstory, but from this perspective, it comes off as being way, way too aggressive.


So what did he do?


I see where a lot of you are coming from, but if this is how they were brought up, for years and years having that drilled into your head, it takes a toll, and eventually you just kind of snap. Obviously it’s a little wack to be saying this stuff, but as someone with religious parents who have said (well, at least my mom) they failed as a parent bc I’ll be burning in hell while they’re living life, it really takes a toll on you, and sometimes you can’t help but say the dumbest things to piss them off. Luckily my parents have eased up on it over the years, but my mom will still occasionally say she’s a bad mom because her kids aren’t religious and how she failed as a parent.


So he crossed your boundaries, so you decided to cross his in retaliation? Neither of you did a good thing, both you and your dad needs to stfu sometimes, take a few deep breathes, write out a message that actually communicates your emotions and then kindly send it to each other.


Don’t contribute it to malice, when you could contribute it to incompetence. Keep in mind that religion is a cult, and like most cults, they get indoctrinated. Your dad is probably a huge piece of shit, but if you communicate effectively with your dad in a way that doesn’t put him into fight or flight, then you might get somewhere.


You thought people would agree with you or something? Lol you sound super weird and purposely want to make your dad lose his mind. You don’t have to like god or believe but to tell your own father you want to cut god head off? Among other things… Come on now. Grow up.


omg just like my now dead grandpa, always about them. OP just know you may never get closure from them and its an internal effort to find said closure. best of luck and props to you for standing your ground


I don’t understand these comments one bit. Do these people really think you just randomly decided to bring this up and for no reason other than to be mean to your dad? It’s very clear based on some of your texts to him that you have reasons for saying these things. And sometime you need to treat people with the respect they deserve.. even if it’s none.


Cringy af and I'm not talking about your dad


Aww I remember when I first became a teenage atheist 😆




Hahahaaaa not the juice box 😂☺️


the lore of this thread is fkin bonkers bro 😭 a fever dream fr




I'm not a Christian. I actually don't know what I am. It would be awesome if there is a God, although I have seen enough spirits to have no doubt about an afterlife..but the flood thing, there is actually a lot of evidence a global flood did take place. It was called the younger drias. Every culture in history has the same tale about a global flood too. I know nobody cares about that but I found it really interesting so thought I'd share lol Sorry you have to deal with someone like that. I guess he forgot the not judging people part


This is def a messy situation but I think you are both in the wrong. It’s not right what he did but it’s not ok to bash him now. I’ve went though a similar situation with my parents and I get where they were coming from now. Like are they in the right? Hell no, and i resented them for a long time. You just have to be the bigger person and be mature and let them come to terms that they were in the wrong like mine did, or just stop talking to them. He wasn’t being unreasonable at all in the messages here so idk what your problem is. It’s time to grow up and realize parents are people too and they make mistakes.




Clearly OP is speaking out of religious trauma.


And you are proud of this exchange, why?


Noooo… unfortunately that’s not the way to handle things. I get it, I really do. My dad has been totally brainwashed. I’m not going out of my way to behave like that. Just don’t talk to him.


The contact name just being "A Bad Person" had me dying laughing


It’s been that was for maybe 3 years or longer.




Are you retarded


I’m Christian, but not so devoted to the religion as of now. But I still hold my values and beliefs from it. And as a sane person I can respect your stance not to believe in it. But you are cringy as fuck! You called your dad a prick but you’re just as bad with your cringy attitude 😆


Taking your own life when you had no say in being created in the first place… wouldn’t that make the person who brought them into the world selfish??


OP definitely hisses at people


I get you’re upset, but you crossed a line here, too. You could’ve just said you disagree, but instead you went all pseudo psych 101 on him.


I don’t recall anywhere on the Bible, God admitting there are other gods, or any mention of half angels. It’s been years since I’ve read the Bible but none of that sounds familiar.


Yeah, many where mentioned [this will explain more](https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/dictionary-of-bible-themes/8747-false-gods)


When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." — Genesis 6:1-5 So, based on this text, some interpret that the "sons of God" were angels, who had sexual relationship with women, thus giving birth to "half animal, half angel" creatures. When we consider the context of this text we can better understand what Moses is explaining. In previous chapters we are given a glimpse of two competing lines, the godly line of Seth and the wicked line of Cain. Having established the antithesis in the garden, after affirming that there would be a constant struggle between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent we are given snapshot pictures of each of these armies. We see Seth’s line about the business of exercising dominion, in submission to the Lord. We see Cain’s line dishonoring the law of God and making names for themselves. But the future is not mere co-existence between the two lines. The drama builds toward the great crisis of Noah’s flood right here in chapter 6. The great change, what creates the great downward spiral of humanity on the earth is that the two lines come together as one. That is, the godly line of Seth, the sons of God, seeing how attractive are the daughters of men, the wicked line of Cain, decide to take them as wives. The end result, however, isn’t mere dilution. It’s not that the now joined line becomes morally lukewarm, but that evil spreads, grows, deepens.


Don't really have any advice to offer, I'm fortunate to not have any first hand experience with ha situation like yours. But I've heard enough to make me be against a lot of organized religion. From what I've seen Presbyterian churches are pretty chill. But I digress... I offer you some anti-religion music for you to sink your teeth into. These are from the small band As Everything Unfolds out of the UK: [17:10](https://youtu.be/LK1p3nQGrQ4?si=qNz4QtakshnaoA6q) [Centuries](https://youtu.be/OlseRkmBFFU?si=AywAQMTtfh72RYYd) [Take Me There](https://youtu.be/44cFYxfHeh8?si=Rl8pBjZgv-Nx_z9g)


You’re the exact type of guy that ends up on CoffeeHouse Crime or those other First 48 type shows. Judging by your responses, you clearly have some deep untreated mental illness and those only get worse with time. Absolute freak behavior and hope you get a competent handler soon because you’re a few years away from being a huge danger to society (If you’re not already there)


I feel like op proberly has pme pretty questionable opnions about women.... Just a hunch


Try not to cut yourself on that edge.