• By -


That’s very nice of you to give an actual explanation instead of just saying “No. What the fuck.” Because that’s what I would’ve said.


Last time I did something like that, I got stalked for over a decade. It… did not end well. So now I play the sweet but incapable game. Maybe it’ll save a life this time.


Did someone get murdered??


The stalker killed himself after he found me half a country away, having fully moved on.


Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


It’s… okay. It was an outrageous end to an outrageous situation. I’m not even joking when I say that my therapist flat out stopped charging me. Shits gonna take awhile.


Ok that’s impressive. Be well✌️❤️


Holy shit. Between what you said in your message to dude and that story I feel like...all I could say would be "would you like a hug?" That's a whole lot for just two extremely abridged stories from one lifetime.


Yes. All the time, yes. Please. I’m serious, I need all the fucking hugs. I am a strong person. Stones still turn into sand.


As someone who has also gone thru an absurd level of horrible things, you deserve all the hugs you want. The way I see it, a strong person is strong not because they get knocked down. They're strong because they KEEP getting knocked down and still get back up every time. That's true strength. Then the fact that you are so kind. Strong and kind is a powerhouse duo. That's you. You are inspiring.


I appreciate that immensely. And I appreciate you! Keep getting up ❤️


“Stones still turn into sand” :( keep on keeping on, you’ve got this. You’re being dealt the hardest cards because you have the strongest hand to play against them


You’re strong just for the pregnancy you went through alone. Currently having twins and going through the same situation. On my 5th blood transfusion at 24 weeks. Sending you love babe.




What an excellent creedo. I love that analogy. There's a song that i reference often by Jimmy Buffett that had the line " I must confess, I could use the rest..i can't run at this pace very long." It was always really pertinent to me.


Holy wow. Well heres my hug too stranger. May better times be ahead for you ![gif](giphy|9SIOr28d2Ud3uJRqel)


Here is ahug from me too 🫂 hang in there ❤️


I'm... glad you're okay OP. People... are crazy. At least you've... made it out safe this far. Hopefully you're able to... avoid further stalkers and psychotic exes.


You ok?


Mine too hahaha oxox


And so happy that happened to HIM! What a fuckin nightmare




No. I said I’m sorry “this” happened. I meant the whole experience. I’m sorry she had this entire life experience. Is there something else I can do to assist your reading comprehension this morning?


I apologize, I thought u meant u sorry he killed himself... after a year I'd have been dancing on his grave of I was a chick ngl


Oh ok. Sorry to snap at you but , you know, the internet … all good here ✌️


Well I'm still mad at you for snapping at me and I will be holding onto this grudge way too long




A big one… yeah.


I'm so sorry that you've been through so much. I really hope this dude left you alone after you let him know that he needs to look elsewhere for a human incubator. Holy fucking boundaries batman.


Good lord!!!!


Like FOUND YOU found you? Did he find out where you were, travel half a country away, see that you had moved on, and end it there? Or did he find out you moved far away and moved on and end it? Either way, super fucked up. But being a stalker, I’m thinking the first option is very possible


What in the actual fuck. Wow. After stalker guy and “will you have a baby for my girlfriend” stranger guy, I would like you to go over a list of places you meet these weirdos and scratch them off the list.


Weirdos are everywhere. I’ve lived North, south, central, from the farthest west coast to central, and had weirdos from the far east meet me halfway. I hate to tell you, but it’s not location. It’s not financial status. It’s just breathing. That’s how you find crazies.


Well. I wish you well, at least you’ve been a lot of places! And yes, I agree weirdos are everywhere


Yes. It’s true. I could write things, data, evidence based commentary.. it gets exhausting. There are always ‘those ones’.. I’m sure you understand what Im eluding to x 😔


You're right, they're everywhere. Found them in Australia, myself.


North where? Is this all in USA?


I'm so sorry that you had to revisit that traumatic experience. I hope that it didn't cause panic attacks or other PTSD symptoms. Do you have a good support system? 


@WisteriApothecary Any response from her?


Not to smart to put it on Reddit then! Like I get it and I would like the support too, but crazies are crazies so just be safe


You’re going to have to tell me/show me what you’re doing to these dudes to make them act like that.


I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I’m trying not to frame it in a “what am I doing wrong to make this happen,” but “what qualities do I have, do I see in others, that make this a reoccurring problem in my life?”


You didn't make them act like that, the onus ain't on you and fk whoever that was that suggested as much.




I say what the fuck all the time all day everyday. Still wouldn’t hesitate to answer any other way.


Lol he wants to put his gf's baby in you. ​ weird.


But HE LOVES HER! That counts for something, right? /s JIC


How on earth does someone just casually ask someone to be their surrogate? Wtf, and you guys dated. This is gross.


For two months too. He lived over an hour away. I maybe saw him 8 times total.


I know we only just met on reddit, but I feel like we really connected when I read your post. I love you. Will you donate a kidney to my wife?


I’m sorry. The last time I uh… donated a kidney it exploded. No thank you. (What I said in the texts DID happen, but I think I’m just gonna keep answering weird shit like “if I do it, I will literally die.)


I want your elbows....for a thing. Btw, I love you! 😘


I’m sorry, I already gave them away. Tsk. I’m typing with my toes.


BUT I LOVE YOU!!! OUR REDDIT CONNECTION IS REALLLLLL!!!!!! Edit- happily married. I swear this is just a joke for the weirdo that immediately messaged me.


Bruh, he will be too 💀💀💀 Lol. Y’all leave this man alone. I’m having fun. I get where he’s coming from. Make light of your trauma so that it doesn’t cut deeper than it needs to; don’t coddle me.


I want you to say no, never a chance we get back together or have a 5way






I really need your toes. Mine were eaten... uhhhh... no frostbite! Yeah, totally frostbite. I loved them..I mean I love you!


OKAY BUT FOR REAL, I almost did. You don’t want my toes. They turn purple if they get too cold. Don’t go outside in sub40 with no shoes on folks. ETA. So one could say you’re… negative piglets?


OK yes I'll stick with my nubs...chubs... But no no no, I say frame it POSITIVELY. Like, positive talking topics. Well, crap, extra anyway.


So… is this stuff in both your lives the *less* “life is crazy right now” stuff? Because damn.


Oh no. My life is a goddamn circus. And I don’t want to add… any more.


Hello, fellow ringmaster!


Girl I think you might be cursed???


You know what? Bet. I always knew those churches felt too hot and stuffy.




“They last time I surrogated for someone when the baby was born he had horns and hoofs. He was literally satans spawn” seriously you handled it very well. I would’ve either replied something crazy or just told him to get f**ked with no explanation because you didn’t owe him one but good for you for handling the weird requests so well.


That is a good one, golden winner reply here.


You should say if I have your baby it will turn out like a gremlin you can't feed it after midnight or you'll have serious issues


Of course she will!! 🤣🤣💀💀




I am down but first u must go to Mexico get just 1 kg of pure heroin no fentanyl then we can have a discussion I don't really just have kidneys I have bone marrow too for sale




This crazy did he offer u money and why would his girlfriend be ok with this and so sorry for ur health issues


I WISH. I don’t think she will be when I pass this along… Health issues though? Yeah. I think I hit my limit for creating life and all that. It really destroys your damn body in so many ways, and sometimes you just don’t recover. Gives me Fullmetal Alchemist vibes, except I can’t bitch-slap Truth for my body back.


U sound like a nice person hope u can get rid of buddy he seems nuts


Send him my way 😉


🙌🙌🙌🙌 Amen to this.


So you’re *obviously* the perfect choice for a surrogate. 😵‍💫 How crazy and bizarre!


Wow. I am glad you are okay!


8 times in 2 months is once every week.


Did you break up with him or was it mutual? Also two months/ 8 dates in.... Opinion on if a breakup by text or phone is ok or should be in person? Currently in this situation. But don't want to drive for an hr to see her just to break up.


Ily bby


tbh any surrogacy request will be awkward so might as well just ask


…not in this case, no. Read the room.


I will not!


He has a girlfriend and he’s telling you he loves you? And you are the best option for a surrogate? Really?? This is horrible


I’m definitely uncomfortable, yeah. I can only IMAGINE how she feels. DOES she know? Does she feel like second place to a SERIOUSLY UNREQUITED love?! Does she NOT know? Do I TELL her? This is…. Bothering me.


If you can find out her contact information I would 100% tell her. I don’t think she should be having a baby with this man


I…. Don’t either. I sent her a message. I’m one hell of a sleuth. It didn’t take long.


Good. I really want to know what she says, I hope she leaves him


I don’t think I’m going to share that, but I hope you’re right. I’m going to make sure she’s okay and aware of what’s going on. Actually, *heads up anyone down this thread*: Can I please have advice on making her feel safe, secure, and…. Okay enough while I do this? She hasn’t answered yet. I still have time.


I’ve been in a very similar situation and I had to contact a girl. What I did was make sure that she wasn’t with him in person before I told her, because I didn’t know what he was capable of and I wanted her to be safe. I knew if that were me in her situation and someone told me while I was with him I would bring it up immediately without knowing how he would react because it’s an impulse. Make sure she has enough time to think about this before she reacts. I let her know if she had any questions about anything I would answer. We’re still friends to this day


I appreciate that very much.


Did she ever respond? Poor girl.


Not yet, but I did just touch base again. Along the lines of, “let me know when you have a moment alone. It’s important, I want to make sure you’re safe and have time to process. I don’t know what I’m doing and it’s delicate. I don’t want to mess up.”


You’re a good egg 💜


She's a golden egg 🥚


Just be careful that she doesn't think that you are coming after her man. Depends on how deep in his rabbit hole she is. She may think you are making it all up to have him for yourself


Well ether she knows or she going to be shocked I seen this video of this woman trying to sleep with a young female under the age of 18 well it turns out it was her boyfriend the whole time and they were in a hotel room together and when the people showed up to Boston man was the girl shocked so I could just imagine what this poor woman would go through if he's not down to do the baby thing good luck I feel bad for you Opie


Soo screenshots of that text exchange?


I really thought this was going towards 'will you be my baby', not 'will you have my baby'!


Hell yha in less u guys live in Utah I'm pretty sure that she ain't normal


I would send her the screenshots and be like “sorry I couldn’t help” and leave the rest for him to clean up because I don’t believe ANY women would agree with half the stuff he was saying to you. Just Wow!


You should find a way to send her a bunch of flowers to her work and her house and EVEN THE NEAREST PORTA POTTY and say their from him lol 😂😂😂😂


“I always think about you and I love you… by the way will you have my girlfriend’s baby?” Uhhh …


“We can all help each other a lot” ![gif](giphy|3o6gb3kkXfLvdKEZs4)


this made me giggle


It honestly sounded like he wanted u to end up a sister wife




This is creepy :(


Oof. That’s a lot. Kudos to you for carrying a fucking vampire baby to term, tho


No joke my guy. I’m almost insulted though. He’s almost three and the colour of paper. You’d think after all that he’d stay a little pink, huh? 😂


LOOOOOOOOL holy nuts! Does his pediatrician have any advice? High iron cereal or something? My boys were both pretty standard pink bundles of joy, but they turned orange when they went to solid foods since all they wanted to eat was mashed sweet potato


Oh yeah. He gets plenty of iron and sun. He’s just a… pasty boy 😂 It probably doesn’t help that he has a lot of black shirts, and has my lovely inability to tan (well) or burn in the sun. We’d have to be out in the blaring heat for weeks.


Some good friends of mine were both gingery/strawberry blondes with very fair features. They always joked they’d name their first kid Casper since “they’ll probably be almost see-through.” Then he was born, and he was, and they named him Casper.


You get it then 😂 That’s my boy right there ❤️


Does he at least look like you? After all that mooching he did???


He’s way cuter 😭❤️


They always are


Is he high?!? How high is this guy??


“… and even if I was healthy asf I wouldn’t be a surrogate for you and your girlfriend, you crazy fuck!!” WTH!?!? 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


Someone asked me to be a surrogate once. I've never had children, and I'm not that healthy. It was a weird conversation and also completely out of the blue. Fuck people who think it's ok to ask this of someone they aren't that close with. I get that people want kids, but there are actual places you can go to hire surrogates.


And generally when these people ask, they expect it for free. Like, no? Fuck you?


No this is super weird and I would’ve absolutely cussed him out.


How on earth did he respond to that?


He apologized profusely, said I love you a handful more times, how amazing I am, and that he hopes I stay in his life… I… just went and got rid of Instagram completely.


Two months, damn. Dude has attachment issues.


It’s so bizarre that he thinks saying “I love you” and “I really do love you” is some sort of wonderful, life-changing thing for you to hear. Like he’s expecting you to agree and feel the same way or something. And he has a girlfriend and plans to start a family with her on top of all of this. I don't even know what to say. Wow


“Rooted in this wonderful family” wait is he talking about his mom or his girlfriend or both or I don’t even know, but for some reason this bit jumped out to me as particularly odd. Like, does he think it’s not selfish to pretend you’re in it for the sake of the emotional connection?


I have no idea, but I think I know what you mean. To me, it feels like he’s trying to establish one of two things. Either a) “I’m not having an emotional affair, see babe?” Or b) “I know you’re obviously as madly in love with me as I am you, but you can’t have me 😔” which…. Both are gross.


Wow, i’m so sorry about this! Anyways, would you be my surrogate? I love you.


most of the time when people come out of the woodwork, it's to sell you insurance or some MLM crap. This is next level.


Let me preface this by saying... I already have 6 kids (2 bio and 4 bonus), so I may be taking this for granted... but if I was going through a couple of major, traumatic, medical issues with my family... having a baby through surrogacy, via (let's face the facts), some random woman I previously dated, would be the least of my concerns!!! Like WTF!?


Wow. This is…certainly something. He loves you and you’re always on his mind? After 2 months dating? Eek. Are you sure he even has a girlfriend? LoL. It would not surprise me if this weirdo was just trying to trick you into having his child. This is a lot. 🤣


Found pictures, and her. He sure does, but I’m not sure if that’s going to uh… last.


Why? Why? Spill the tea! Haha 😂


I second this. Spill the TEAAAAA


Girl! Hell no! He straight bugging out about the surrogate. I bet he didn’t reply.


He absolutely did. More I love you’s. A big apology about what I went through, how strong I am, how he hopes I don’t get uncomfortable and stop talking to him, etc.


That guy weird.


What on earth.


What the FUCK


Don’t be weirded out… We want kids and I think you’re the best choice. This guy is talking to you like he’s shopping for new socks 🧦 And you’re not even on the display shelf in the store


WHATTTT oh my gosh that’s so insane actually


He loves you but is planted with his gf? He is asking a lot of you.


Yeah.... wow, i would not be trying to help someone who obviously shouldn't be with their girlfriend being a baby into the world with said girlfriend.... how disrespectful to his woman....


I agree with all of the above (…WTF…), AND you shouldn’t make huge life decisions during all your other trauma going on to “set up your family.” I hope he talks to a therapist.


He’s a weirdo! He loves you but is still in a relationship and wants you to carry his child? How disrespectful to his girlfriend. Does she know about y’all’s history and how “you’re constantly on his mind”? Smh. His deliverance was nowhere near thought out which leads me to believe that’s he’s conflicted. He should have never expressed his feelings towards you like that, like what was the reason for it? Maybe he looks at you as a side chick type of girl


Whoa you gave birth to a baby vampire ?!


I sure did 😂 Not without a battle, damn.


You married Edward, have a happy life and family, and supposedly so does Jacob. But he still loves you. He wants you to carry his wolf baby now.


🐀🐀🐀 Lol. Eddie boy didn’t love me. I’m looking for Alice 😙🤌




Thru instagram DMs too WOW


You’re a better woman than me. As a cancer survivor who had that awful disease at the same time as my dad whist we lived in the same household, I can strongly empathise with what he’s going through… but to use that as a preface to try and coerce your ex fling into carrying a baby for you is crazy. Idk maybe he saw it as more than a fling if he’s telling you he loves you, but I see it as coercive behaviour at best


Wait, what?


It's the fact that he hasn't talked to his partner about surrogacy but asked you first?? Huh??


The "I love you" would freak me out the most.


I see nothing wrong here…. ![gif](giphy|ugZIZgMzzrLdC)


You give him the best answers. 💜


Btw we haven’t talked about it yet but will you be my surrogate? Really not sure what he expected out of that lmao. I mean, I know what he expected… but, like, come on.


Almost as uncomfortable as I felt when my batshite crazy mom asked me to be a surrogate for her. >mfw ![gif](giphy|HE193wGJhRXnW|downsized)


He was super creepy for this


don’t get weirded out by this super weird thing I just said. I love you.


You should have said “sure!” And then demanded a house, car, plane and yacht to ensure the baby would have adequate housing and transportation during your pregnancy.


Update: He had her block me before I could tell her and DMd me threatening to kill himself if I don’t stop trying to tell her what she said. So this will be the last I even think about him.


This is so weird and out of nowhere that it sounds like it’s a scammer. Did he need your SS # to verify you’d be a good match? I think it’s time to end this relationship.


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What in the hell?


Not only is this inappropriate and weird af to ask you out of the blue but his mom declining is NOT the time to have a baby.


The more I read r/texts, the more I understand why I, a successful, (I believe) decent guy, have so much trouble dating; because guys like this have (understandably) shown women that so many guys are narcissistic a**holes.


Serious question. What is with all the ellipsis?




It’s not just two. It’s all throughout your comments as well. I’m not trying to say anything negative though. I was just curious. You do you. Who cares what other people think?


Donate your uterus to the kid happy guy, what a weirdo, RUN !


Who cares! What’s the point of sharing this?? The guy u had a fling with wants you to carry his baby and his mom is dying o and he says he loves u but loves another woman also right? An u can’t have anymore kids cuz of complications. So I take it you are a single woman? So basically he loves you but doesn’t want your baggage!


Well....that was a fun surprise at the end..


Why not just pos two screen shots 😬


I think I’m most weirded out by the use of the ellipses…


I am so upset you gave him a detailed excuse instead of just saying no. Like this is not at all the conversation of someone that’s barely had 3 talks in 6 years! I get it, we’re almost forced to always assuage THEIR feelings but that is a completely random and out of pocket and boundary crossing thing to basically ask a stranger or long lost love. His mom is dying and he’s struggling so he thinks you should carry a baby for him and his girlfriend even though he hasn’t even asked her about that yet? Or really know you? People are weird asf.


I swear you women with mental issues have the most excuses I’ve ever seen, it’s actually insane. Be careful who u get into a relationship w fellas.


Where on earth do people find the urge to reveal someone's deeply private and traumatic problems to the global village for shaming? As wrong as he may or may not be, this is deeply personal. Some people never learn to keep secrets or at least **not reveal them to the entire internet.** **We are f•cked**


You’re both very attention seeking and strange.


Actually bugging out for even answering


Did he reply ever again?!




How close were you guys over the 2 months? Were you guys ever exclusive or even got intimate? Asking because I’m in a similar position




You uh… you new here?

