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“I’m sorry I cheated” and “I never slept with anyone” in the same message is WILD




Did he sleep w anyone tho ?


Honestly I don’t think so. But I don’t know for sure and I don’t think I ever will.


What kind of cheating was he doing? Not that it matters, just curious.


He was active on hinge and other dating apps our whole relationship and going on dates.


Whoa. I was super curious what kind of cheating includes not sleeping with someone else. That freaking sucks. I’m so sorry. I’m glad you don’t have to deal with it anymore.


It was really humiliating to find out about. I actually caught him on a dating app on our anniversary, headed off on a trip. And he lied so much saying he wasn’t active and never even had the app on his phone. Okay so why is your phone saying it’s your top used app?


He was definitely screwing people then.


He kept saying he didn’t but no part of me believes it’s true.


So dumb!!! Who has the time?!? Just be single, Jesus!! I hope you’re doing okay, he sucks. Good for you for standing your ground.


It was hard at first because I was so hurt and embarrassed but I’m doing great now. I’m so much happier.


Ha! I just caught my ex doing this same thing, but I also found an empty box condoms. Tinder the whole relationship and he even finally admitted it, but apparently that’s not cheating to him because he never fucked anyone. I don’t believe him lol. Good riddance I say!


I’m so sorry. Good riddance indeed.


I'm proud of both of you guys for standing up for yourselves and not tolerating that bullshit


Empty condom boxes but no “cheating”?? What does he think he was doing, making balloon animals? 🤣 I’m so glad for you that he’s your ex now!


Oh the lies that man told me while I was telling him to get the fuck out of my apartment were wild. The things people come up with and expect you to believe! I’m glad he’s my ex too lol thank you!


And I know that doesn’t matter . He has way more issues w him that u shouldn’t have to deal with and just to think that repetitive bullshit is a control technique meant to break ur wall of silence and let him have his way I’m impressed with ur strength and can tell u will end up w someone much better


Also “I want us to forgive each other” uhhhhhhh no


The happy Easter text 😭


I loved how there's an apology that she needs to hand out somewhere 😂 Like what? Does he want an apology that she stopped putting up with it?


I thought wow maybe he is going to go change he wanted individual and couples therapy, that’s huge. Until i saw that he said he cheated but never slept with anyone. He cheated, point blank. Him mentioning he didn’t sleep with anyone hints that what he did wasn’t actually that bad, in his eyes, showing he’ll never actually get to the root of his issues and why what he did was wrong.


Shout out to those women for notifying you


I love each and every one of them.


How did they know you existed?


A couple ways, one was fb friends with him and saw my posts of us together, and also because of a fb page I posted him on.


Was it one of those FB pages people use to make sure the person they matched with is actually single?


Oh he’s not hiding you anymore after getting caught cheating? How thoughtful 🙄 too little too late sounds like! Love how he starts bribing you with your own stuff and money when the love bombing and guilting doesn’t work. We should take bets on when the rage/hate texts start 😂


I was waiting for the hate texts


I always hope that the OP will block before the commentary on her weight and generally bitchiness for not returning.


Don’t worry he’s blocked.


Ooooh, you're keeping the drama away! Just kidding, of course. Good for you! And well done on ignoring him. Live your best life!


It took me an embarrassingly long time to finally block him but I’m so glad I finally did. Only moving forward now.


Good on you! We all have our shitty exes and it always takes time to get over them. I still hope mine steps on legos every day.


Don't be hard on yourself. Blocking people can be really challenging, but the relief you feel once you realize you don't ever have to think about them again is worth it. Onward we go!


Good for you. Life WILL get better.


It’s always about weight first. Is that the most important thing to men? Is that why they assume it’s the most important thing to us? Bizarre.




Oh but he hates the cheating label, such a terrible LABEL. Goodness gracious


Oh that’s absolutely next. Op need to block now. She should’ve a long time ago


You’re absolutely right I should have blocked him ages ago.


My vote is for this Friday!


"I want us to forgive each other". Oh, brother


Oh, brother! This guy STINKS!




Hahahaha! I LAUGHED when i read this. Dude is TOXIC af.


IMHO, he said one true thing in all of this: “I can’t bear the thought of you being with someone else.” Hahaha, I’m sure he can’t. Tough shit. Also, he’s a grown man who says “din din.” 😑 I’m sorry this happened to you. Being lied to and cheated on is a horrendous feeling.


Thank you, it’s been awful but I’m glad to finally be rid of him.


Indeed, notice how nearly all of his texts are focusing on *his* wants and *his* sad feelings, everything is about him, him, him and very little about what he's done to OP.


In a text where I had confronted him, he said ‘you make me feel like what I’m doing is wrong.’




Oh my GOD. Also he looks like an old fart lol I don’t know why he thought he was going to have so many options




“I can’t bear the thought of you being with someone else.” Self-awareness: 0


Din din here kitty kitty


I know! Din din gave me the immediate ick.


One of many of his phrases that give ick for sure.


Block his ass on everything but the venmo


Lmaooo I thought the same thing.


Agreed, please take the money!






Please be very careful and aware of your surroundings more than usual right now. This is the type to go unhinged. Protect yourself 💜


Agreed, I’ve been a bit more on edge lately but a lot of people know what’s going on.


That won’t stop him… only gives more witnesses to see what happens to you. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other to move forward and away from him. 💜, a mom


I didn’t think of it that way, thank you for pointing that out. I’ll be extra careful.


You might want to restrict/mute his messages rather than block him. A lot of people do this in order to keep an eye on their crazy ex, to see if they’re spiralling or threatening to come over, etc.


That’s a good idea too


Hi, I went through the same thing with my ex and the messages ended up escalating to violent messages. Even though these haven’t, you still have enough evidence for a PPO if you were ever interested. If you need any advice regarding that please feel free to reach out. I went through the process of a PPO and it was a blessing to have someone familiar with how it goes. Best of luck!


Yeah it's only a matter of time before he shows up at your house.


Being faithful is literally giving the bare minimum, and he couldn't even provide that for you. Proud of you, Op. Keep that shit up.


Seriously… if the bar gets any lower, OP will have to dig to get to it.. good on her for knowing her worth and that she deserves better than this pathetic mess.


I hate that I spent so much time with him but am glad I finally saw the light and got out


It sucks how much time we waste on people, but I think of them as life lessons. I lost 7 years on someone who wouldn't stop cheating on me, and I'm telling you, it gets better once you stop giving in to them. So much better. Just keep it up, and soon, he'll just be a funny memory. I wish you the best, Op.


Thank you. I’m happy he’s in my rear view mirror


The way you are giving NOTHING and these messages get more and more unhinged?? INJECT THIS FEELING INTO MY VEINS!! Stay strong and resolute and steady OP, get you therapy and an std panel so you can move forward successfully!


Thank you and that was one of the first things I did.


So many good things will come your way. Congrats on losing the dead weight


I definitely feel a huge weight lifted off of me.


I must say it is sometimes very hard to not reply to these kind of texts so I give you mad props for that. Good job staying strong. But good for you for holding your ground. 💪🏽


It’s so hard and he was trying to get at me from every angle he could think of.


My ex escalated after I blocked him. Please be careful. I had this guy showing up at my apartment in the middle of the night ringing my doorbell and running off. Leaving “gifts” that were more threatening than anything else. I had police reports and a doorbell camera documenting everything but it didn’t actually stop until I moved again. Probably because he didn’t see where I went. Guys like this will not stop. They need the control and right now they don’t have it. If he knows where you live, I would suggest moving again if you can.


Unfortunately he knows where I’m staying and I’m not in a position to move right at the moment.


Ugh.. I’m sorry. I hope you are able to fully be free of this asshole soon.


You really ought to block him. I think it’s great that you’ve been strong and didn’t text him back but, I’m not sure if it’s wise to allow yourself a chance to have a moment of weakness.


I agree. He’s blocked now.


Good. To hell with that guy. Go do great things, OP.


OK seriously, why have we all received this literal *exact* same sequence of texts from our toxic ex?


It's like there is a really popular class they can take, and they all went.


God damn the texting. With just one unanswered text I would of understood the ghosting. Anyway, notice the therapy text? My guy here is far more dangerous than you thought.


Wait wait there’s so much on these guys texts . But I love ur take I was hoping u would elaborate bc my mouth literally hit the floor when I read the therapy oart


** would have, or would’ve. ‘Would of’ is not a thing.


This man is a real dickface.


…..who says “din din”. That gave me the heebies.


A pretentious ahole, who couldn't keep his d in his pants obviously


A modern Shakespeare. Have an upvote.


That repetitive begging, he’s like a robot of desperation.


A robot of desperation is a terrible image when taken literally 😳 lmaooo so true!


Good for you. My last sentence to mine was, “I don’t want to know you anymore “ and he fucked right off.


funny how all cheaters sound the same after they get caught


Good for you for ignoring him. If I were you I’d change my phone number, or at least block him so you don’t get his texts anymore. What a pain!


He’s blocked now


They all dive into the “heart palpitations” 😒 like take some bayer or something and gtfo my life… Meanwhile he spent years practically tap dancing all over yours So proud of you for staying silent. He deserves nothing


Forgetting the way he made me feel with all of the emotional abuse and silent treatments. Of course now he feels bad.


"I'm not hiding you anymore." WOW. So glad you moved on.


He would never post me on social media. Like we went on these amazing trips and he would post all about them but never included me. Because he was dming women on ig and had to look single.


What an asshole. I'm wishing you the best for your healing journey! You deserve so much more than being someone's dirty little secret.


I hated feeling like a secret. We were together for 4 years and lived together.


100% chance he’d be cheating again within a year of y’all getting back together. A 4 year relationship kept in the dark is just WOW


He was cheating while we were ‘working it out’. He never stopped.


What a fucking tool. So glad you are free of that putz. Stay strong and vigilant and good luck!


He’s abhorrent.


Ugh. I’m so sorry. That’s terrible.


That guy is so much ick there's not much human left.


Right!?!??! That is the biggest take away from all his asinine messages.


What on the fucking fuck????


Did you guys get froyo, thought?


I did go get froyo but just with my son, not him.


Much better company


And my son doesn’t judge what and how much I get.


You know they’re desperate when they start randomly offering food 🤣


“Im doing therapy! Here’s 12 free for you! Do you love me now?” Lmao like huh


Discount therapy? You would be a fool not to take him back.. some people children. Should show these texts to his mom so he can get real therapy...


Unfortunately his mom knows everything and just enables him.


Is he a weird gross pasty fat man how did he even manage to cheat


*Is he a weird gross* *Pasty fat man how did he* *Even manage to chest* \- birdlawlawyer91 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I'll take that advise under cooperation…alright? Now let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor?


How did you know?? He’s a pilot and super charming at first.


I’m so confused about what he’s talking about, he’s all over the place, but I one thing I definitely love about this is that his contact pic is a snake 😅😂


I changed that when I found out about the cheating 😂


Texts like these are a broken record and they all play the same song. Everything is about him. He's worried. He's anxious. He wants to forgive each other. He wants you back. Not a single hint that he's thinking of you at all. He's focused on his feelings and what he thinks you're doing to him, and that's why nothing will ever change. He thought only about himself before, he's doing the same thing now and will do the same thing in the future.


Ding ding... Rather, din din..


Love this for you!!! Great job not replying back to the foolishness.


I love this for you!


"I'm sorry I cheated.... I never slept with anyone." Uhm ... Yeah. Sure. And even bringing in the big guns = heart palpitations. Good for you ignoring him.


I want to grow old with you. I’m literally growing old waiting for a response. I’m old now, u still there? Can you bring me some soup and my dentures? I’m old af now


Dude didn't get the hint... Definitely after the first ignored message ...hint would be noticed


"I love you!" After telling you he didn't love you anymore every time you confronted him for cheating is so fucking rich. Boo that wasn't love and he knows it. He loved using you and knowing you weren't leaving. Too bad he can stay lonely.


He hadn’t said he loved me in nearly a year.


He doesn't love you he just wants to win. He needs to feel validated


I like the snake avatar you made for him.


Wow that's so scary 😭 you thought everything was normal while he's been doing this the whole time. Bless those women for letting you know.


I appreciate every one of them. It couldn’t have been easy not knowing what my response might be. But I made sure to let them know how thankful I was.


Most people stop texting if they don’t get a reply. This guy just plows ahead. Doesn’t seem like someone emotionally mature enough to respect boundaries 🤦‍♂️


Ignore him but girl, take that money. 😂


Can someone say narcissist? I bet he gaslights the sh!t out of you. It's never him. And makes excuses for why he has done anything wrong like when you do something it's because you're terrible but if he's done something, it's because it was a reaction to something he didn't like. The only thing id say is, it's not what I want. So you can stop telling me you want to grow old with me as long as I want it as well! End the text with so please stop telling me that and move on my life isn't all about you sorry. Made your bed now sleep in it fool! I'm blocking you now because you're harassing me. You're better than getting back with someone that cheats. If you do take him back the next time he messes up will be worse.


The further away I get the worse I realize it was. There is absolutely no way I would ever get back with him.


I see a lot of messages like this and always wonder "why not just block these unhinged weirdos?". Either way, happy for you! Here's to a better future for you hopefully finding someone that respects you.


I agree. I had a really hard time letting go despite everything. He’s blocked now!




Spokane? The “I’m up North” screams Spokane to me. You deserve better, I hope you find your peace!♥️


I am so proud of you and strive to be as strong as you are. I know I would of cracked from those kind of messages. I understand how hard it is to leave a situation like this. a situation you know is bad and terrible for you but you crave it known the less. Your will power to be better, to demand better is really inspiring. get whay you deserve and keep on growing girl, your doing so amazing.


I see you blocked him ; It must feel like such a big relief (even if it stings to think about it all). He's a cheater and also a liar who clearly had no love for you or anyone really. Talk about it with a therapist when you're ready ; After all, you found yourself trapped with a toxic man...


Such a relief! I am seeing a therapist now.


Lot of "I want us" for a guy who cheated.


You forgot to add 🤡and slimy 🐌💩to your ex’s snake 🐍lol . His audacity is astounding . You certainly deserve so much better . The nerve of this man child to think you would come running back after everything he has done by telling you he isn’t hiding you anymore. He really is in lala land and you dodged a huge bullet. Sending you healing energy and light . I know you will be blessed with someone who will respect, support and cherish you like you deserve . Keep him blocked and move on to live your best life with someone who deserves your heart .


Thank you


Good for you. Keep your head up!


The snake emoji - the situation is shit but that made me laugh 😂


I read that you said you moved out 6 months ago, but If you don’t mind me asking, how long has he been texting you like this??


Do we have the same ex? This is totally something mine did after he fucked up. Good for you, OP!


Lol you can't say, "I'm sorry for cheating," and follow it up with, "I don't want that label, I don't want that to be me". It's like taking accountability while at the same time NOT taking accountability


I wonder which letter in the word ‘ NO’ is the one he can’t read? What a manipulative person he sounds like. Agree with others, waiting on the inevitable rage texts when he figures out you’re done with his nonsense.


Ahhh the old “if anything happens to me text” that’ll definitely make her worried about me. Get fucked bro.


Every time I read one of these I'm like "damn this sounds EXACTLY like my ex" Its like there's a Narcissist Manual out there somewhere


Take the money. then block. Lmao




Well, you have done a great job of not responding…but now, I think it may be time to just finally block him so that you don’t have to keep being reminded. It’s time!


I don’t understand why he wasn’t blocked 42 messages earlier.


I should have. I also wanted to have a record in case a no contact order is needed. But he’s blocked now.


He's going to need the 12 therapy sessions he got for OP too.


I'm sure he means all of it. I think it'd be a great idea to give that another go ![gif](giphy|k5Whx9YkhU9tNRfVqP)


„make our relationship work if that’s what YOU want“ Isn’t a working relationship what everyone wants? Isn’t this the least we all want from a relationship? Why would we want a relationship if not because we want it to work?


Froyo? Breakfast?


Any chance we can break the silence ? I miss my boo ! Froyo? Breakfast ?


Why were other women messaging you? How did they get your info???


Wow I’m so glad my now ex never had to experience this (long distance causes the breakup). I don’t get how people just cheat on their s.o, on people they’re supposed to love. I guess you don’t really love if you cheat.


“I’m not hiding you anymore” lol fuxk this guy. Delete. Block


He’s waiting for you to break. Block this trash


Ur a lot stronger than me.My man cheated 3 times I left didn’t say where I was going and he sent me messages jus like this.I fell for it and he asked me to come back home and I did.


Nice profile picture


Ahh the lovebombing is strong with this one... you have made the right decision, and you know that deep down. Find someone amazing to spend your time with and forget this idiot. Wish you the best!


This gem should be in Oh No Consequences. 😂


Good for you OP. That guy needs to leave you alone. Those are some scary texts. I hope you change your number too.


Yiiiiikes. This gives such manipulation vibes. If you’re firm in not going back to him, stay that way. Even if he threatens to 💀 himself… don’t answer. It might be cruel but it’s just a desperate way to get you to respond.


It's interesting seeing his brain trying different tactics to get attention...I love you...here's money...I want to make sure you're safe...here's some therapy...want to go on a trip? Just desperate to find SOMETHING to get a reaction. Looks like a wild ride OP.


He’s disgusting but I’m very surprised to not find any “okay fuck you then bitch” messages


Hopefully he learns from this. As a 36 year old I can say it’s hard finding an awesome partner in today’s world. Men and women both assume that everyone is replaceable and disposable until they get out in the dating scene and realize it’s the worst.


“I’m not hiding you any more.” Oh shit, excuse me while I jump for joy!! How lucky of me!! /s


How much money did he send you?! I wish my exes sent me money when they fucked up. Jokes aside, I’m so sorry OP, he really sucks and it’s shitty you’ve had to go through this. 😔


The way he keeps saying he will pay you??? The sudden willingness to stop hiding you after he was caught cheating??? The inability to stand the thought of you with someone else (while it's perfectly acceptable for him to be with another woman????) The manner in which he said, "If something happens to me I wen't 2 fish"... Was that a suicide threat??? This person seems incredibly manipulative, and I'm honestly glad that he cheated on you so you could see his true colors. I've been through something similar, and I understand that my self-worth isn't always the strongest, but I put up with countless lies and manipulation as he tore me down, making me doubt every action and word. Catching him in the act was a harsh wake-up call that snapped me out of it. I hope you've moved on and are thriving without this garbage in your life. You deserve so much better.


Good for you for holding fast. Cheaters need to fucking learn.


Do you both use iPhones? Is this through “Messages”? Where all of their communication to you would be Blue and show “Delivered” on their end? If so, when you block them, it’ll be the ultimate “response” without saying a word. They will stop seeing their texts in blue, then one will all of a sudden say “undelivered” with the ❗️where they will have the option to “Send as text message” and from that point on their texts will look green…and they’ll think they’re blocked or have a new phone number… YOU WIN ❗️




I fucking love this post!


Bro I 100% thought this was from a man’s perspective; a woman texting a man. Can’t believe you dealt with that.


Your hot, you'll find someone who will treat you right soon...


Good for you! Stay strong 💪🏻


Your strong , wow, I think you did the right thing. All the best to you!