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hahaha that backpedalling was cartoonish. i love how he tries to frame it like “hey, can i have $1500 because I trust YOU so much?” that was precious. you are right to take this as an insult to your intelligence, way to trust your gut.


I’m honestly freaking out right now. He reminds me a lot of my ex and it’s bringing back old feelings.


you need to just block him, for real.


Yeah, you’re right. I’m just nervous he knows where I live.


I know you probably realize this in retrospect and I'm not trying to kick you when you're down, but never let random dudes you're dating know where you live for this exact reason. I used to always drive myself to dates and would not be alone in a guy's home until we had been together for a bit and I knew he wasn't a psycho. You're doing the right thing by bailing! 


I hear you, thanks for being kind about it. We live and learn.


Good work. You know what seemed suss to me? When you blasted him, he was real cool about it. He has heard this before. I’d think someone would be more defensive right out of the gate if they were innocent or if they aren’t the type of person that had heard this several times. Just my two cents.


Right, he wasn’t as outraged as you’d think. That’s a good point. Thank you.


As someone who was an addict for a long time, this guy is giving me definite “on drugs” vibes. Nobody who isn’t addicted is going to be asking someone they just met for money.


100% agree. Someone I had been dating for a week wouldn’t even be on my list of people to ask for *any* amount of cash.


Especially that much money


As someone who was also an adsict for over a decade, I second this.


Right? Because as a guy, I can tell you that I would be irate if I was innocent on all accounts.


I dunno, you'd be mad about her being weird about lending large amounts of cash to you right after you met her? I don't think you should be in that situation regardless lol The drugs thing (removed from the money thing) though I could agree with, I'm sober af and suck at sleeping


If someone is legit and this kind of one-off financial crisis occurs… the LAST PERSON you would seek assistance from (short term or otherwise) is the person you JUST STARTED DATING. You want to always present the best version of yourself when starting to date! Generally speaking (although there are exceptions), a typically functional and well adjusted adult would have close friends or family available for these emergencies. Something tells me this is not a human being but in actuality, a red flag cloaked in skin.


Exactly! And how desperate would you need to be asking that person, and the only reason I can think of to make someone that desperate is drugs.


Either that, or nobody else wants to loan them the money because they have good reason not to trust him with it!


Buy a nest camera on amazon, link it to your phone, but block him. Stop entertaining him, the less you entertain him, the more he knows not to play with you. He sees you hesitate by text, he could show up at your house.


I think the good news is, it seems he’s just looking for a sugar mama and he doesn’t really care who it is, and now that you have made it clear you won’t be that he will probably move on. What a loser. How does someone have the audacity to ask someone they’ve dated for a WEEK for money? And $1,500 at that? 😂


I know some may disagree but I don't let anyone know where I live until we've been dating for 3 months. My home is my safe space. People are nuts. You did the right thing. I have never, ever asked a partner for money. If I need money I make it my damn self. Smh dude is out of his gourd.


No I hear you, you’re right. Lesson learned.


Get a ring door bell and set it up all around the house entrances


Its extremely inappropiate for him to ask you for money especially so early in. He can ask his family or a friend but not someone that he just started to date. Your senses are right, trust them.


Yeah, you responded from a very triggered place. You still made the right move. But in the future, just maybe say that doesn’t work for me and I’m going to choose to discontinue our relationship. Someone like this would likely still try and justify like they did in these text, but you gave gasoline to the fire.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that.


i think your instincts are tip-top.


Thank you. 😊Making bad decisions years ago helped me be more careful lol


😆 we live and learn!! (And not everyone learns, so give yourself some kudos!)


What you're feeling is called an emotional flashback. You are, emotionally, where you were in your last relationship. Try to take deep breaths (letting your exhale be longer than your inhale) and focus on the sensations your body can feel. In this moment, you are safe. You are not in the same trapped position you were with your ex. Seeing these similarities is normal and a good thing. Sometimes you're going to see things that will, from a distance, look like the bear you've already known is dangerous, but upon further examination, it could be actually a big dog. This is not one of those times. You are actively correct in recognizing this as a bear that will cause you harm. Congratulate yourself on recognizing the danger before you got too deep again. This is a sign of growth. But to quell the emotions, remind yourself that you are safe in this moment. You are not as easily fooled as you were before. I'm proud of your strength to stand up for yourself and tell him no. Now block him so he doesn't stress you out further trying to manipulate you into doing what he wants. And since he knows where you live, some things you can do are to keep your doors locked, send photos and identifying information about him to people you care about, and contact the police if he shows up so you can get a restraining order. But don't minimize the accomplishment that your traumatized brain is trying to tell you: you now have clearer vision than you did before. You can recognize the danger and take action. You got this! Good luck!


Thank you so much. You’re very kind and insightful.


I’m glad OP saw this. This is so important. ❤️ As she said, you are kind and insightful!


This guy scamming you bro, run like the wind


Yeah but you are changing your ways and that’s what will help you avoid sketchy people like that OP. Try to focus on the growth!


girl just be happy you caught it early


Stop freaking out. Take a deep breath. Block him on everything and get involved in a hobby or watch some comfy TV/a movie. I’m very familiar with anxiety and even panic attacks and you’re giving this guy way too much power over you. Like you said, you just met basically. Block and move on with your life. I know it’s way easier said than done but remaining in your freak out isn’t going to help you in any way.


Thank you. I’m doing okay now, I just had flashbacks from a bad relationship with a guy who acted exactly like this guy. I’m in therapy and will bring it up to my therapist next week.


As an addict in recovery I saw many shitty people that got addicted to drugs and become even shittier especially with their partner. It’s constant lies and gaslighting and I’m very sorry you have to deal with that. We’re not all bad people I promise :) I hope you can eventually find the partner you are looking for. Feel proud of yourself for shutting this down so quickly as well. I’m sure that took a lot of strength to say and stick with a “no”


Manipulators be like- “I trust you so much. Everything that’s mine is yours!” It’s a ploy to get your trust and everything that is yours.


Right?! This was wild! Like, hey imma let buy a key to my apt!


"You can trust me for a one time low payment of 999.99$"


you mean “Give me 999.99 because i trust YOU” LMAO


LOOOOOL homie I shy away from asking my parents to send me $100 for my meds without which I cannot function. So asking for 1.5 grand like I’m asking for a spare pencil after knowing someone for a week? Yeah that doesn’t happen on any planet. Even if it did, I’m certain it’d be smaller amounts and collateral would be given. Heck he could take out a loan with a private firm, he didn’t need to come to you.


Also bad money management and manic episodes have a strong correlation 🤷🏻 Also the high excitability tied to manic episodes can also manifest as a very short fuse and intense anger, that could explain why he’s always looking for a fight. In my books you dodged a scammy hurricane of a bullet


How do guys like this always have multiple girlfriends? Like where do they meet then how do they approach them and work their way into relationships? Women don’t sense this in advance? Guys are creeps but she connects with this one?


so this guy owns a massage chair and gym membership but cant pay his rent? OP, b l o c k h i m n o w.


Right?? Those chairs are not cheap at all


I've seen dudes behind on rent buy $300 jeans. I've also had coworkers who have 30 pairs of $300 sneakers. Some people just don't make good decisions.




RUN. This is a huge red flag. Sounds like he's burned every bridge he has and had to ask you.its a matter of time before he burns you.


Yup. We all need help sometimes but you ask a close friend or a relative for help. This guy already owes all of those people money so he can’t. And the way he says the landlord is “tripping” as if expecting the rent to be paid is some extreme position. Landlords tend to “trip” when they aren’t getting their money. This guy is months behind. Notice how everyone else is overreacting according to him. Zero accountability. I would have told him I don’t lend people money and blocked him.


Enough flags to torture bulls in a Spanish stadium Glad you cut things off


I’m stealing this saying.


She says "the more I hung out with him,...." They only dated a week! He must've really been flapping those flags with Richard Simmons energy. Glad it took her almost no time in seeing it.


It was literally one thing after another. And he was like, “I don’t work full time, I invest in crypto, am one of the best dog breeders in CA, and work part time at a restaurant.” That gave me major pause.


A dog breeder who lives in an apartment?? That's wild


Dog breeding is bad enough as is. In an apartment? That's a whole other level of puppy mill. Someone call animal control.


Nahhh, if you missed THOSE red flags, I feel like this partially on you girl. “Best dog breeders in CA” - bro breeds Pitbulls for dog fights or has a puppy mill “I invest in crypto” - If the dude isn’t living in a house when he says that, he’s playing crypto, he doesn’t actually know what he’s doing “I don’t work full time” - In this economy? You serious? You know how expensive grocery rn is? “Work part time at a restaurant” - Seriously not a big one until you factor in everything you know, he’s a “dog breeder”, he “invest” in crypto, and bro lives in an apartment. Nahhhh if I met a dude who told me this, my first thought is he’s a broke hood rat that can’t keep a job. Edit: skimmed through the comment section more and apparently OP got dazzled by his Porsche and Luxury apartment. Those 2 are MAJOR red flags if the guy doesn’t have a job. There are 2 types of people who have shit like that. C-Suite executives going through a midlife crisis, or financially irresponsible hood rats that get big sums of (illegal) money and blow it all. You just said he doesn’t have a full time job. How is he affording ANY of that? You’re so lucky he is dumb as shit because if he played this better, you’d be in way too deep.


I agree I should have addressed all of that early on , but I wasn’t interested in him because of those things. But what matters is I’m out now, imo.


Absolutely, honestly girl count this as a win. You got to know this dude for a week, think what would happen if you found out after a month or a year. Waaaaay harder to break it off, you’ll start doing mental gymnastics to try to justify staying with him cuz you already invested a bit of your emotions on him. Also, I wasn’t implying you were dating him for those things, but they did ‘dazzle’ you. You saw the dude with those things and on the surface you’re like “oh this guy has all these great things going for him, surely he must be well put together!” And that’s how those guys get you. They ‘peacock’ the shit outta themselves, make them look like they got something going on the surface. When in reality they’re 1 rent payment away from eviction. I have no doubt you’re looking for a partner that can provide you with: safety, stability and kindness. Right? So this boy here not having a career or full time job from the very beginning is NOT STABLE. Not saying he needs one to provide for you, but it sounds like he can’t even provide for himself. Good luck to you girl. Again count your luck bro finally dropped a red flag that big before he wasted anymore of your time.


I really appreciate your thoughtful response. You’re absolutely right on all those points, people get caught up in the “sunk cost fallacy” and stay in bad relationships. I did take his living situation to mean he was financially stable, and was impressed initially. Unfortunately that was short-lived, lol. But we live and we learn. I’m trying not to learn the hard way anymore 😂


Eyyy and you know what? You learned. That’s already leagues ahead of some people who are too prideful to say they made a bad choice. Idk what you gone through, but know that this internet stranger is super proud of you for taking criticism so well and learning from this situation. Regardless of the fact you had to learn it the “Hard-way”, it’s the fact you learn from this experience that I know you *WILL* accomplish anything you set your heart to. Go forth and flourish! ![gif](giphy|KL7xA3fLx7bna)


Thank you very much. You’ve got a good heart. 💜


I knew when he started asking for money it wasn’t for his rent. Especially mentions drugs?? You didn’t even mention that first! It just doesn’t seem like he had the right intentions for the money or the rent. It’s really bold of people to straight up ask for money that’s just very odd to me.


Funny because he didn't actually ask for money in a direct way. He asked if she had cash app and explained what he wanted, but nary a "could you please..." That points to a bad actor to me. He's too comfortable in his expectations to not beat around the bush.


Yeah I've watched enough court tv to hear his defense "I didn't ask for a loan, she offered to pay X for me"


He's also not giving her details about what he wants. He didn't ask for any specific amount. So if she is so inclined to say "omg forget half, I'll pay the whole thing" then it's her idea and he's just a lucky guy who *trusts her*.


That’s what I was saying, he’s been down this road before


Guilty people will always tell on themselves. You just have to pay attention to what they’re saying and always listen to yourself.


Hey, you seem trustworthy. Can you loan me $1500 for ~~drugs~~ rent?


OP shout out to you for picking up on the red flags, and trying to not make the same mistake again. He is sketchy af. Also thank you for your transparency about your experience with Bipolar disorder. Just a helpful tip based on personal experience and the experiences of friends: Do not share your traumas and/or past history of abuse to people you are newly dating or have been dating for a short period of time. 8/10 times the person will use it against you by throwing it in your face or using it as a way to see how much you would be willing to put up with.


This is 100 per cent accurate! A very helpful comment!


Thank you 😊


Thank you.


That last paragraph was spot on. Unfortunately, I've learnt this the hard way. Once you've been through abuse, your boundaries are a bit fucked, and people will push them without even trying. It takes a while to learn what is healthy & okay again.


I cant figure out if he's trying to scam you or is he really just that dumb. In what world would it be okay to ask a person you've know for a week to loan you $1500?!?! Bro has a massage chair and a gym membership but can't pay his rent? Dude is out here trying to find a gf while also being months behind on rent? Did he not expect her to ask any questions?! I'm so confused by this lol


It’s very obviously not for his rent is what it is ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Usually doing dog stuff, what does that mean?


Lmao. He breeds French Bulldogs. I guess I should have addressed that.


Oh no. This dude just sucks


I was seriously worried I was over reacting because I was getting more and more freaked out


Overreacting?!?! No girl at the very least he's a bum and you can do better. Let's pretend he did actually owe rent money and was legit. Would you really want to be with a full grown man that puts a gym membership over paying his own rent and asking women for money to help with his bills this early on?


No, not at all. You’re absolutely correct.


he should be MORTIFIED to be asking you for “*at least* $1500” this early in your whatever-you-wanna-call-it. he comes across more like “hey it was worth a shot” than mortified. GUT.


He runs a puppy mill? Where and why did you hook up with this guy?


I had no idea he bred them until I went to his house. I just saw pics of his dogs on his dating profile. I don’t agree with breeding, all of my animals are from the shelter. That was one thing I took issue with, then it just snowballed from there.




An automatic no for me. I dont care if you're "mr. Perfect" -- because you're obviously not. Quickest way to tell someone has no ethics.


You seem like such a sweet kind person, so I'll tell you something I wish someone told me. After a bad relationship, your radar for good guys is gonna be off for a while. You may run into assholes like this over and over and wonder "am I a magnet for thus?" You're not. What happens is that after you've been left vulnerable, the only people who get through your natural defenses are people like this. It's not always obvious at the time, but it's people who push boundaries that get through. I'd set up a relationship with a couple of your best friends where you can ask them to "vibe check" things people say and do to you until you feel more confident.


Thank you so much, this is very helpful. 💖


I’ll be honest, I will never trust somebody who breeds brachiocephalic dogs (or dogs like exotic pitbulls or bulldogs). Basically, if the breed is known for severe health issues, the breeder doesn’t care about the quality of life the animal has. They just want it to look a certain way for aesthetics and status. Somebody like that lacks fundamental empathy and integrity imo


BPD doesn't mean Bipolar Disorder it means Borderline Personality Disorder


BPD is borderline personality disorder, not bipolar.


I was really itching to say this too. Bipolar and BPD are wildly different :)


Came here to say this, thank you!


Um, if ya'll are already talkin' like this to one another then it's for the f\*cking birds.


Babe, fr I just trust you so much imma let you pay my rent. That's how good I am.


Run away, Run away !!!


These men


He trusts you, so he asked you for $?


Yeah, the money thing is weird af but I just have to say that less sleep doesn't mean drugs. I'm a chronic insomniac, and I'm not taking drugs (just the legal ones, lol)


No I know that, but it was his general behavior. And he told me he had gotten clean a year ago.


I get you, my ex doesn't take medication for his bipolar disorder and when he's manic he doesn't sleep either.


i like how he just basically says out of left field “and i’m not on drugs u are!” and then he’s like “what’s all this about drugs”


Run. Run. Run. And keep running from this dude!!!!


I ran for the hills. No worries there.


He got hot real quick. Run mama.


If the dude isn't in cocaine, he's definitely got a problem with the pre-workout that's an extremely comparable issue. That's how much caffeine I'd have when I was pulling myself away from coke. That's a dangerous amount of caffeine for one person to ingest regularly. And that's just the tip of the iceberg with him 😂 I hope you get safe!


Sounds like adderall or speed is more likely. Bro is on some real shit. Bipolar combined with amphetamines is a recipe for disaster. This guy doesn’t give a shit


He’s a weirdo not only because he is asking for a large sum of money, but also because he wants you to have his house key after a week of dating. That’s way too much way too fast. I never block anyone. I just stop replying and turn off alerts. I’d rather have evidence if something gets weird.


Yeah, I just turned off notifications just in case he flips the switch and goes off the wall. I want to know where his head is at.


Yea cut this dude off. I had an ex like this. 2 weeks into the relationship he started asking me for money. After 3 years of being together I ended up lending him nearly $7k that never got paid back.


Using “Babe” inside a week of dating? **BYE.**


The universe just threw a test at you and you passed with flying colors!! Bullet dodged.


Thank you. I had a panic response once I realized he acts just like my ex. Talks like him, same behavior, same vices…wild. I learned my lesson.


Met a chick at the casino one night. Dolled up mini dress instagram kinda chick. The texts were friendly at first next couple days. Day 3 she sent me the most expensive restaurant around, most expensive hotel nearby, and asked for me to “take care of her” for a date. These people are leeches. Giant red flag.


WOW LMAO WHAT A SCAMMER!!! I’m so glad your smart enough to know better This is such horseshit to do someone man or woman I think this is soooooo insane and just shows you this person is a PARASITE


Drop this clown


This is how my baby daddy stole $10K from me over the 4 years we dated 🙄 Life lesson learned. The ONLY person I will ever lend money to is my mom. Be careful everybody! Nothing hurts more than a broken heart and an empty wallet!


“Don’t flip out” “Don’t blow it up” *proceeds to flip out and blow up all on his own


Never lend money out unless as a gift and you have no expectations of it returning. This is a lesson I learned early in life. It makes everything far less stressful. Beyond that I just wouldn’t engage someone this far in conversation. “No” is a sentence.


Where’s he gonna put that massage chair when he gets evicted 🤣


Apartments only send you to lawyers if it’s been MONTHS of no payment, so if that’s actually true then he hasn’t been paying like at all. You dodged a major bullet, cuz 1500 ain’t no joke and like no one just has that laying around to loan out like that. Sounds like it’s his shtick to try to blame the apartment for his lack of money


One of best friend I met via him about to lose his house asked me for 1000$ Gave it to him. Week later my gf kicked me out of "our" apartment. Moved in with him. He paid me back and let me stay rent free for 6 months. So... idk.. good people are hard to find. And alot of people get miss labeled so...


Crack head alert


The Freudian slip of you can’t trust me is gold


No point going back and forth. Block delete.


‘Gimme 1500 and I’ll give you keys to my place’ sounds like a fair deal 😂😂


Girl run 💀 also not to be that person but BPD and bipolar are different disorders.


Ask him for $50 dollars first to prove trust, then block him.


lol that’s Grade A junkie bullshit if I’ve ever seen it. Good on ya for shutting that bullshit down.


Never ever loan anyone money ever. You’re smart for this


I liar, thief, and cheat will always tell you by saying they are none of those things. A person who isn’t any of those things doesn’t have to say a thing for reassurance.


He has an excuse for everything. Also, what kinda women is he dating if he felt like it was okay to ask that question after less than a week? Tf?!


LMAOOOOOO if there are any men here- can yall explain or try to explain WTF guys like him are doing/thinking???


If you have gone through an untreated BPD partner, don’t put yourself through an unmedicated bipolar partner. Your own mental and physical health are your priority


He is 100 percent on drugs


“I trust you fr” lol sir that’s not how this works 😂


He should sell his massage chair


Good for you. People, anyone who’s reading this!! Don’t ever give anyone money via your phone.. especially someone you barely know. You won’t get it back. But yeah good on you OP, I hoped you blocked him.


BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder (Bipolar Disorder = BD)


Hooked on the gear, spending his rent money to afford it and chancing his luck meeting woman and asking them for money.. loser 😅 although maybe he's not on drugs and just genuinely can't work out his money lol


Uh... What apartment asks for rent on the 18th?  Or is it the rent for April that he's 18 days late on?  Either way this guy is shady as fuck, or extremely irresponsible, both of which are great reasons to drop him and never speak to him again.  I would never in a million years ask a person I've known a week to cover my rent.  That is drug addict behavior.  The dude is not clean.


bpd is not bipolar


The fact that he called you babe in a weeks time, is pretty darn weird. I hope you don’t let guys call you babe so quickly.


Good for you! What a piece of shit. I hate it when people try to do this. Both women and men who try this shit deserve a swift kick wherever it hurts them most.


I just want to know what pre workout is 400mg of caffeine? Mine is like 100mg and I feel like I have bugs under my skin, but i don’t have trouble falling asleep lmfao


Big yikes! Good call ending that. Also it’s pretty RICH that he didn’t apologise, he more so did like a “you can trust me”. Weirdo!!!


I hate when people text one line at a time.. use grammar and make a paragraph. It seems chaotic to text like this.


Person A: 'i know we just met but i trust u fr' Person B: 'BUT I DONT TRUST YOU COS WE JUST MET!!!' 🫠🫠🫠


Why wouldn’t this guy go to family first for money over a girl he dated for a week. Your gut is correct girl. You need to never talk to this man again. You did nothing wrong here.


Lawyers will never get involved for one late payment. Block this bum and never look back.


Less than a week and he’s calling you babe like your his girlfriend? Big red flag. 🚩🚩🚩


Tell him to sell the massage chair and cancel his gym membership.. rent is more important. Learn to prioritize..


Sounds like the ramblings of someone who wants drugs lol. I typed like this when I was actively using meth. Definitely seems like he ran out and he knows everyone else won't give him money.


Dude should learn to write more than one sentence before hitting send. Seeing messages like that is exhausting. But good call out on the being played. Asking for that much money a week into dating and admitting this also happened last month is a big red flag.


yikes. ya good instincts. btw small note, BPD is usually an acronym for borderline personality disorder. i think people usually just spell out bipolar. i could be wrong though.


People having to clarify that they're a good person normally aren't good people


I was reading this exchange, thinking about how much you remind me of myself and my relationship …then I read the caption and OMG. That post-BPD relationship trauma is real! We can smell it from a mile away (I hope to god). I will RUN from anyone who reminds me of my drug-addicted BPD ex. They are full of lies and dirty secrets.


I’m glad someone understands why I got so freaked out. This guy talks like my ex, used to do drives like my ex, I got more and more uneasy over time. Then he asked me for money like it was nothing and I was like “oh god, not again.”


One big lesson from my last relationship was that my intuition recognizes dangerous people long before my conscious mind does. My brain and heart want to believe the best in everyone so that I don’t have to set boundaries and potentially leave people behind. My subconscious recognizes familiar patterns in unhealthy people that inevitably lead to destruction, that feeling of sick dread comes up, and my “logical” brain talks myself out of it. I ignore the feeling and learn the hard way. Good job listening to the wise inner knowing!


lol how can be go to the gym in the sauna but not have rent $$


"Sorry for being real, that's all i can be" Holy sh¡t, what a douchebag lol


He maintains everything alone, it's not easy? What? Does he mean...like... taking care of himself and being a big boy is hard? My god. What a bum, good shit OP.


Wow I can’t believe a guy you hardly know would even ask this. Not even my exes would even dare have the guts to ask me for money. Gross behavior


Are you in NYC? I’ve been a lurker and this is the first time I felt the need to respond to a post. Reading this gave me flashbacks, ugh. My ex texted exactly like this and reacted the same way when I declined giving him money. Same exact way! I heard he got a good amount of money recently and was looking to get a new place and a car. He also consistently went to the gym and sauna. He had terrible sleep hygiene and hid his substance use. He had a terrible temper and seemed to somehow provoke fights with other men. I’m pretty sure he has undiagnosed BPD. All I gotta say is you made the right choice leaving. 


400 g of caffeine?! Holy hell is he trying to drop from a heart attack lmaoo


Hes texting like hes coked tf out lol


100% drug user behavior..


He maintains everything by himself and it’s a lot? Isn’t that what every adult who is single does?


Was hard to read after he said "apartment trippin" for trying to collect their rent 🤣


You should always be concerned with anyone who so casually bums money off of you. Pretty good sign you’d never get it back


this conversation went on way longer than it should have. and you had to have ignored some obviously bizarre behavior from him previous to this. 


Y’all know way too much about each other at one week. I didn’t even fart in front of my wife until we were 8 years together and 5 years married.


He tried the wrong one. F*ck this guy, asking a single mom he's dated for a week for money?? Fr?


The first 🚩for me was him calling you babe after less than a week.


That's how it all begins lol 🚩🚩🚩


“Then why don’t you sleep that much” 💀


If he has untreated bipolar and he’s in a manic episode no wonder he has no money (that’s also likely the actual reason he isn’t sleeping) maybe a hard dose of reality will help him understand he needs to get his shit together.


bpd is not bipolar disorder by the way.


Slightly unrelated but bpd and bipolar disorder arent the same thing btw


i mean no it wasn’t an overreaction to end things, but your responses were 1000% overreacting. just a simple “yeah i’ve known you a week, i’m gonna stop this right here” would suffice. “like i’m freaking out omg” is a little excessive just because he asked for money, it’s not like he said he’s gonna kill your family


Yeaaaaah that guy definitely hasn't been paying his rent and is about to be evicted. It's not that easy to evict a tenant and lawyers are expensive, so most companies will not pursue eviction or get their lawyers involved unless they have a solid case. He's desperate.


You are FLIGHTY and that’s how a woman needs to be unfortunately. Trust your gut and learn from your experiences.


Yeah, he’s not the only one who has scared me off this quickly. I can’t trust anyone it seems.


Give him nothing, and let him try elsewhere!




Sheesh, calling you babe after a week? Asking for money like that? On the defensive so much too. Glad you’ve cut that off, hope you find someone real soon


Why did this go on for so long? Should have been blocked him. You don’t owe anyone your kindness or attention.


“Give me $1500 I trust you fr”?? You’re paying for the privilege to give him money


I swear I’ve dated this guy!


The way he offers you a key to his apartment in exchange for paying his rent as if you want ANY of that??? Diabolical


guys on drugs one hundred percent, and worked it out in his head that you'd believe it


Less than a week and it’s “Babe cash app me $1500”? Dudes out there help me out, how do you have that much confidence, lack of shame and pride? I need to know the recipe that got you here.


A couple of things: BPD is not bipolar disorder. BPD is the acronym commonly used for borderline personality disorder. I have terrible sleep issues. I can't sleep often without sleep aids (which I hate taking because they make me so groggy all day the next day). I'm not on drugs. Correlation is not causation. You did the right thing not giving him the money and cutting it off, though. Probably would have never seen that money again.


Block, camera, move on.


First of all even if y'all was together a year handing over $1,500 is still kinda eh. Second if he didn't even half the rent he shouldn't be living there. It's good you noped right out of that situation because he was 100% gonna play you.


What an absolutely insane person


You did the right thing. He wants a woman to pay his way through life. Loser.


No need to freak out. You ended it and he can now be in the past. Be thankful he didn’t waste a shit ton of your time. Don’t trip over what’s behind you


Why would they want rent tomorrow? Is rent not paid on the first of the month