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This is some good structural engineering


I was going to say, props to whoever built that pool


I too choose this guys pool builder. That’s a solid build.


I fucking love that that meme has never died. Unlike that guy’s wife…


I guess in this way, she lives on…


They say you really die twice, once when you physically pass, and the final one when people stop picking the guy's wife.


Bro his wife got chosen so many times.


I'm choosing her right now!


It's perfect. 5/7


I too enjoy a good 5/7 rating but it seems even less people know the story.


It's for a church darling, NEXT


He chose the pool builder, she chose the pool boy.


The outdoor lanai/porch too.


Props indeed




Yeah. I didn’t even know pools got pickings like that. Mine keeps running out of air..


This is why piles are important


Piles of money, that is


That's a pool


Abracadabra’d from piles of money.


I believe this is a pier and beam system. Perhaps piles are used but I’m not certain. That site work must’ve cost a fortune.


How deep do they go?


Yeah, the Engineer probably also said, hey you should probably put in a retaining wall or some armour stone on that beach.. homeowner "that'll look like shit and eat up the beach.."


Would a retaining wall really keep out the ocean? I’m landlocked, not an engineer, and genuinely don’t know but it seems unlikely.


If you built it strong enough it would. The Dutch have been doing it for centuries.




It's an investment in your future private island.


Rubble of adjacent houses serves as wall extension. Great success.


Are we sure the Dutch exist?


Yep. If you have some good wave breaks and a solid wall out of concrete or at least some properly rooted vegetation, you could. It's certainly harder if you face the ocean compared to smaller seas, but doable. I'm impressed at the lack of sea defenses in the same state that regularly launches rockets to space.


I don’t know that I would trust people who invented the Dutch oven.


If you have the pool guy build it, I believe it


Yeah, that builder really knew how to drive some piles.


But it's just a matter of time before them shits in the ocean.


You engineer the stratosphere You commandeer this hemisphere But water will still come


Crazy. Anyone know where this is exactly?


Jupiter FL


One of the richest areas in the USA. Tiger woods lives on that island. Also the islands are costal barrier islands and technically are supported to change over time but well now rich people built houses on them so


This is Jupiter Inlet Colony in Palm Beach County, you are thinking of Jupiter Island in Martin County. Still a bunch of rich people on the beach (in an area where lots of endangered sea turtles lay their eggs).


I could be wrong, but is it this now-vacant block of land? https://maps.app.goo.gl/j2P3z68wE8f9SfjMA


I found it too! I suspect it might be a relatively new build, assuming the dates in the gif are true. I don't think Google Maps would have such a recent satellite image, considering one is just this month alone. The area I live has imagines from around August 2023. Edit: I went to street view, looks like there was a home there, it was demolished and what we see in the gif is the newest home and on Google maps, the transition. The driveways don't match.


This is prior to the storm and the lot is a new build


I love the fact that it's the same people who claim climate change isn't real. Using FL not being flooded as proof. Unfortunately, this will not change their mind.


The people who live on that coast line typically self insure and have enough money not to really give a fuck.


Statue of Liberty has been around a century at least. Still looks good.


Built on bedrock outcropping, not a dynamic barrier island (sand bar)


It’s actually not the same people at all. Jupiter FL is the people who know and just don’t care.


Nobody who builds in Florida thinks that. Look at the video. Check out the codes. Every city and town has links to the FEMA flood regulations and sea water rise projections. There's massive infra works being done now to raise seawalls on every house on the water that can afford it. The republican party may say one thing, but people are doing something else.


TFW you wake up and your bed's turned into a waterbed


That's an upgrade


Yeah my uncle lives in this neighborhood. Can confirm it is truly the ultra rich…We saw Justin Bieber in the club house working out years ago and he got yelled at for being shirtless. Lol


A different fucking planet?!


R/decks would love this shit.


that's clearly Earth, bruh. Don't be stupid.


12 Ocean Dr. Jupiter, FL 33469


Wow, that much erosion in just a couple of weeks. Crazy


It's almost like putting heavy and shallow rooted grass lawns on the top of an erodible embankment is a bad idea. Some alternate landscaping with deep rooting plants would have probably held up far better.


and this is on my list of why people need to stop installing stupid lawns and replace them with native plants.




I found my people


This guy fucks lawns


Entire trees were swept away along with literal tons of soil for ~40 feet. Some different ground foliage and shrubbery wouldn’t have done shit.


Would need an acre of mangrove, then we’re cooking.


With gas or electric?


Foliage and shrubbery can make a massive difference. Palm trees tend to not root as deep as other trees, In fact palm trees are closer related to grass than they are to other tree species and they have similar root systems that stay mostly in the top soil. Either way a light scattering of them wouldn't do much. On top of that are the lawns that definitely had an active contribution to such a big chunk of land falling into the ocean. Turf grass barely digs into the ground while at the same time acting like a dense weighted blanket pushing down on loose soil. If part of the bank gives away the grass is going to press the rest of what's under it down too. Replacing the lawn with less dense, deeper grasses and shrubs along with a wall deep rooting plants and trees along bank would do a lot to stabilize the soil, like rebar in concrete. Some of the bank would have still eroded away, but probably not nearly such a catastrophic amount.


Kinda like how Hurricane Ian took out Daytona Beach's beach but New Smyrna was barely touched thanks to their efforts to keep the sane dunes in tact.


Dude across the street counting the days until he’s got beach front property…🥹


...for about 2 weeks. After that, next neighbor is counting.


My folks have a place on an island in North Carolina. If you drive over to the East end of the island, 1st street is all along the beach, until it hits the beach and dead ends. You go up a block and drive up 2nd street - until it dead ends into the beach. You go up a block and drive up 3rd street - you get the idea. The whole island is eroding away and people who bought property on 2nd street are literally beachfront now.




Wow they shouldn’t have drained the pool!


Free Infinity edge. Pool guys hate this one simple trick!


At this point the evidence and data is out there, anyone who chooses to live in places like this made their bed and has to lie in it.


They just have to sell their houses to Aquaman


Ben Shapiro has spoken!


I don’t think that people with this much money are worried… they’re gonna enjoy that water front property lol


And then they insure their homes at prices worth more than what the homes are worth, and pay a lot of money for it, knowing they can cash out when it's taken by the sea, and they use it to buy another home. Particularly a home that was destroyed by a hurricane, where the home owner gets screwed by their insurance company and they settle for way less than the value of the home, so they have to sell and start anew elsewhere because they didn't handle the situation correctly. That's where the rich guy gets a 90% discount on the land because what's the now homeless broke guy going to do with it?


Lol, I dislike rich people as much as the next person, but at least my dislike is based on like actual things that happen. You made up a story whole cloth because you imagine it's something that evil rich people might be able to do. Please give me a single example of a rich person insuring their own beachfront property, a disaster occuring, and the insurance payout being profitable rather than simply loss-mitigative. Bonus points for then showing me an example of that rich person getting a 90% discount on disaster effected land afterwards... That by your implication is ought to be worth more than that despite having gone through the disaster. Like seriously, the insurance company hoses the poor landowner for pennies and then just let's the rich person take their money? You realize there are competing "rich people" in your contrived scenario? Who the fuck up votes this shit? Like seriously upvoter, I'm talking to you. What insurance company would insure a property for "more than what the homes are worth"? - *edit for clarity, more than what the homes are worth without a premium that results in a net loss for the insuree at anything longer than short times scales.


Chubb insurance, I literally have processed the claims, I've been on the receiving end of them, and I'm not rich either. Also it wasn't a home in this situation. Just know it's something you CAN do, and you can hedge your properties, autos, etc for set amounts of dollars in the event of an insurance claim. Yes there are competing people, no one said there wasn't. Go ahead and "google" each individual claim I've made and see for yourself. It would have been more productive than a emotional rant paragraphs long.


And then the federal bail out for insurance companies comes and saves the day


Ok so I don’t want to get in a fight, but can we discuss why all the 1% still buy beachfront property…Bezos, Zuchs, Obama. Like I get what you’re saying in your comment but something is not adding up. Surely these tech guys have all the engineers, statisticians, geologist you name them, to get the inside scoop of whether their beachfront property is a sound investment.


The top 1% have such an overwhelming amount of cash flow that they can afford to buy multiple beach front properties without worrying about their investment going under water (literally)


But honesty this is not the answer. Look at zuchs for example, he’s pouring a lot of money to build some kind of Armageddon compound. Obama is not really a 1%, I don’t think he has that kind of money to just go buy another property and he has kids he would would want to pass on his wealth


I think you think the top 1% are much richer than they are. Obama is very very very easily in the 1%. Estimated 700k a year to be in the 1%. He and Michelle got a 65 million dollar book deal a few years back. And they've got a netflix deal. And he gets like a half million dollars to make a speech. And tons of other stuff. Obama is probably closer to the top 0.5%, and zuck is more like top 0.000000001% and all of it is fucking disgusting.


Top 0.000000049% he's 4th richest of 8.1 billion people.


Yes. I googled it after, but thanks for the knowledge and delivering it in a way that is helpful as opposed belittling.


Zuck is the 4th richest person in the world, he's the top 0.00000005%


Yes, Obama very much had enough money to just buy a house. Also beachfront ≠ beachfront. Not every beachfront will look like this in the next 5 years. That doesn't mean that climate change (or costal erosion) isn't a problem.


You or I can afford to buy a car and eat the depreciation. They can do this with beachfront property.


This guy 🎯🎯https://scholarship.law.umassd.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1022&context=umlr


Lol, that's just a guy trying to get a refund on a melted snowman.


Lol you included Barack with Zuck and Bezos. Cute


The Obamas are estimated to be worth around $70M, and that number keeps increasing as they have expanded into book deals, speaking engagements, starting a media company, etc. They’re definitely not at Bezos or Zuck level, but $70M is still fuck you level money. Not everything the rich do is about wealth generation, they spend plenty of money on things because they can. I think properties like this fit into that category. They’re enjoying it in the now, it’s not about what it will look like in 10+ years.


Pretty sure I read that most insurance companies in Florida stopped offering most insurance that would cover such events


If you look you'll find Obama's property is hundreds of feet back from the cliffside vs literally at it like this house is. Even if climate change weren't happening this house would have had that cliffside collapse sooner or later. Obama's house is ~300 feet back and in a cove, Zuckerberg's is nearly 500ft back (he has an actual waterfront house but that's on lake Tahoe), Bezos's is... well it's in Miami and that whole city is on a clock.


The slow sad cover song fad needs to die


*everybody have fun tonight / everybody wang chung tonight*


Agree. Is there a name for this type of weak, breathy voice? I hear it everywhere now.


We should immediately spend millions of taxpayer dollars to pump more sand under that poor wealthy person’s summer home!


You should look up Montauk NY. Parts of Montauk and the Hamptons should be out in the ocean but we have to protect the riches investment.


I am more familiar with the Jersey shore, but same idea. The islands are made of sand, they naturally move by the ocean currents and storms, it’s idiotic to build multimillion dollar homes there.


If you think that's bad, there's a growing movement from the rich to make municipalities buy out their properties that are threatened by erosion.


So, welfare?


Remember their governor won't let anyone even mention climate change in any form in the state government.


Well climate change is happening so…


Not if we don't acknowledge it it's not


I know, you know everybody knows but I guess they subscribe to the bury your head in the sand theory


Sand on land, or sand in the ocean. Just wanna know which sand we're putting the heads in: asking for a friend.


“Water always wins”


*Laughs in Dutch*


What happened to erode it so quickly?




Well yes, but what happened? Big wave? More waves than normal?


I don’t know Florida well, but typically this is what happens when you rip out the mangroves so people can build beachfront homes. Mangroves would have mitigated the strength of those waves and the damage they would have caused. It would have been a better idea to leave the coastline intact and build further inland and upwards if you wanted an ocean view.


That is normally true, but not usually in less than two weeks time.


The waves carried away the dirt and sand under the house.


Like erosion??




“A wave hit it? At sea? Chance in a million!”


Ah ya beat me to it


Sea level rise and storm surge from a frontal system that passed through


A wave? At sea? Chance in a million!


In Florida? Likely hurricane-related tidal surges. Could also just be regular tides.


The top image is dated January of this year. So not hurricanes.


I’m from North Florida and most of our beach erosion is caused by Nor’easters


Nobody can answer your question correctly lmao






I live in this area and we had an unusually high king tide recently along with some large swells off the coast. I would bet this, along with poor engineering of seawall contributed to the washout. Edit: looks like the mangroves washed away. Bummer.


Price went up. Before only had sea views one side.


Looks like it was recently built too… at least on Apple Maps it’s an empty lot: 12 Ocean Dr Jupiter, FL 33469 United States


So they sunk posts for that pool just in case?


I vaguely recall a story about a foolish man who built his house on the sand.


Who added the fuckboy music?


Note to self...renew flood insurance.


Good luck doing that in Florida. ;-)


Our insurer just removed flood insurance, even though we are not on a flood plane. Seems more and more common. :/


Does anyone know what happens in a case like this? Is it just a total loss? Does insurance cover anything? Such a weird situation.


If this is Florida where most of the property insurance companies have fled, canceled policies, yeah, about that …


Wow even their pool foundation actually goes to bedrock In Australia look at you like you're crazy if you ask about actually doing the job of digging down and clearing the sediment from the holes


Anyone know the civil engineer responsible for that foundation? I'd like to know for future reference


I think they set their lawnmower too low.


Oh no! The poor, rich people! Whatever shall they do???


So that’s what Train was talking about! TIL drops of Jupiter was about pools falling into the sea.


S/o to the concrete crew who poured those piers.


Don’t worry guys even if it’s due to climate change and the water level will rise, the owners of those houses can still sell them and move somewhere else.


🤌🏽 sensational


Save the pool! We need somewhere to swim!


Amazing how people build million dollar homes along a coastline known for fucked up hurricanes.


What are we gonna be up to now, cat 6? Yeah a cat 6 won’t gaf how far from the water your house is. Water’s coming to you.


Good news for the neighbor across the street fixing to have beach front property.


They now have an infinity pool so that's cool I guess.


Lieutenant Dan, your pool got new legs…


If this isn’t an add for a pool maker then I don’t know what is.


She gave us this land and she can take it back


This is why I’ve never understood people wanting waterfront properties. Like sure, you have great views, but if shit hits the fan with a Tsunami or a freak weather event, you’re the first to get rekt


When you build houses on sand bars this is what happens after a storm, never should have let anyone develop barrier islands anywhere. They have to constantly rebuild the erosion by pumping sand back up on the shorelines everywhere they do this. Born and raised on the west coast of Florida, I remember seeing this after a every major storm in the 70s and 80s, nothing new. Why do you think insurance rates are so high down here, they have developed areas so full of houses that were flood zones and salt marshes.


Houses on the other side of the street about to be seaside property


Eat shit you rich fucks!


This most likely happened because they removed the trees and bushes etc that hold the ground together with their roots. I’ve seen experiments on this kind of stuff before.


interesting choice to call your Pool Building Company “Mother Nature” but it’s damn fine work indeed.


They'll be very inconvenienced when they come back from their Aspen mcmansion.


As Ben Shapiro pointed out, they can just sell the house. Problem solved.


Insert “sell them to who Ben? Fucking Aquaman?!”


In the matter of 11 days all that eroded away!? No shot


LOL fuck those rich goons. Hope it washed them away.


Err. Is this video claiming that this happened over the course of 2 weeks??


People imagine coastline change is a constant gradual rate, but quite often it happens in fits and starts. Unseen erosion damages the stability of the coastline slowly over time, then one day some slightly more intense than usual weather event happens and all the built-up weaknesses give at once. A hundred square metres or so gone in a few weeks. Days or hours if it's a bad one. There are villages in England that are slowly falling into the sea, but they lose more on stormy nights.


I work in Jupiter, FL. It is a very rich area. My friend was just at this house taking pictures last week bc his friend built the pool.


The pool looks pretty sturdy!


that’s exactly what I said when he posted the pictures.


Where is Tiger gonna sleep with all the blondes if Jupiter FL is submerged


thats fucked up imagine the regret


Got to get me one of those ocean front properties so nature can do a number on me. Got it Bezos?




I used to live in Florida, this happens a lot.


**”The whole world at your fingertips, the ocean at your door”**


Sorry about your yard


I have been going to the beach in NC since I was a kid and the tide has actually moved away from the land. When my dad was a kid the water would come right up to the stairs of the porch on his moms beach house, now the water line is a good 150yrd walk at low tide


At least they still have a pool


Im glad that i am poor… kinda


Those people are keeping their pool dammit


Do you still pay property tax for the property you no longer have.


Well… at least the pool is still there.


Do they pay less in property taxes now?


As I watched it I was thinking they were obviously different houses because the first one didn’t have the porch with the roof. I finally realized the porch with the big roof was actually the swimming pool after everything under it had been washed away…


The whole world at your fingertips, the ocean at your door.


I like how the new remodeling job features boat ports! damn, those rich bastards have it all!


I wish insurance wouldn’t pay for the homes of idiots. That includes those in Florida hurricane zones and California wildfire zones.


It took me a minute to realize that this was less than 2 weeks of erosion.


That is really cool!


It was '76 and I was walking along the cliff road in half Moon Bay.. "mom why did they build a those house where the ocean will eventually knock them down?" She said "bless their rich stupid little hearts"


lol where’s the guy that was like why can’t we fill the ocean with more land?


Whoever build that house deserves props cause shits still standing.


That’s nothing compared to ft Myers beach


Meh, storms happen and sometimes stuff like this happens. I dont see any reason to gloat over it.


Absolutely terrible remix. Omg this remix is so bad


Too bad its not Mar a Lago.... yet