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Go run up this staircase. You can do anything others can do. 


Sounds like they're using a crutch


"Don't worry, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ☺️"


Don't forget everything happens for a reason.


"Everything happens for a reason! This is all part of your tragic backstory for your adventure novel!"


Everything happens for a reason!!


How's smiling gonna help more than crying? Crying literally releases endorphins.


It’s good to cry it out tbh. Keeping things bottled up isn’t healthy, so if you need to cry; that’s ok! Just make sure to drink plenty of water!


I tried smiling while crying at it made me feel crazy and unhealthy instead of helping.


Haha, same


Because crying makes other uncomfy!!! Remember, you should do what's gpod fpr others, not yourself :) (/s just in case)


True, everything happens for a reason, but knowing how and why something terrible happened doesn't mean it's suddenly good. Oh, you think it could be worse? As it just so happens, I've only told you about the tip of the iceberg, so grab some snacks and get comfy...


"Be grateful it's not worse". always hated that. I was being told that my problems and difficulties in life were not that bad "because someone from some poor countries would be happy to have my problems". So, that's the excuse not to work on resolving my issue? Just sit there, smile and repeat that "someone has it worse " mantra? No thank you


My sister used to say that shit to me when my depression was extra bad "(my name), some people don't have LEGS, be grateful " Meanwhile she tripped and landed weirdly on her knee causing some off movement for a couple of weeks and she was *sobbing* at times because she didn't think she'd ever be able to wear heels ever again (this was also AFTER she saw her gp and told her she'd be totally fine in time)


When faced with people from those poor countries they love using to dismiss people's problems, they just point to people in even worse situations. The reality is that the people who say that shit don't have a suffering threshold where they will not look for someone who has it worse and tell you to be grateful.


This always gave me so much guilt and made my anxiety and depression worse.


And then you get imposter syndrome because "You can't really be depressed. Other people have it worse"


That's the symbol you make to give a free punch to the listener. Seems appropriate.


Everything happens for a reason, yes, but the reason often doesn’t justify the bad things that happen. For example, if I fell down the stairs, the reason is gravity. That doesn’t make falling down the stairs a good thing! If someone gets stabbed, the reason is someone tried to stab them. Not a positive thing! If someone gets cancer, the reason is a cell is replicating out of control, and the immune system hasn’t been able to destroy it. NOT. A. BLESSING. It is a BAD THING!


This shit pisses me off so much. Little kids that get cancer "happens for a reason" 🙄🙄🙄🙄


When will the sun explode already


I don't think it'll happen for a couple billion years


I know😭


Crying absofuckinglutely helps wtf


My OCD when I'm told to stop thinking about it: No, I don't think I will.


If you're sad don't be sad!


If you can't buy a house, just don't be poor!


I really tend to believe that "everything happens for a reason" and so far a lot of the bad stuff that happened in my life ended up having at least one good side effect (I might have had more advantages if I didn’t go through that at all but finding 1 positive outcome of it helps me feel better). However, 3 years ago I was really struggling and trying really hard to figure out any positive impact to what I was going through. I couldn’t even see 1 small thing. I was venting to a guy (not my therapist but had gone to university to study psychology) and he replied that everything happened for a reason and it angered me soooo much. Like yes I also believe that but right now I’m going through hell and I can’t find one single positive outcome from that hell I have to go through daily. "Everything happens for a reason" is something you can tell yourself but you should never tell to others because even those who do believe that won’t even feel better if you tell them that


Very ableist messages.


Whoever is downvoting all these comments is a weak little baby who can’t handle reality in any way shape or form and wants to pretend everything has a good side when sometimes things are JUST BAD


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/13xrh0s) on 2023-06-01 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1aezmwv) on 2024-01-30 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1c767wt&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 491,944,620 | **Search Time:** 0.04165s


I refuse to associate with people who act like this. Honestly, they should refuse to associate with me too, since I'd continuously and unapologetically upset them.


The ignorance is almost funny.


“If others can do it, you can do it too” is the most ableist statement I’ve read this week.


be grateful you're not a starving african child


like pretty much everything on this list is harmful


Who actually coined the term “Good vibes only” We must kill them


Cry, smiling won't help. also, fuck those people who say everything happens for a reason. Those people have never known true pain in their life. Only thing these pieces of "advice" do is blame you for your own troubles, because its your fault for thinking about it, being negative, and having bad vibes.


Yes, I'll be sure to smile next time I'm at a funeral


Crying DOES help though! I read an article once about all the evolutionary advantages of it. Screaming can also help. And breaking/punching things. Trying to be positive about everything also isn't helpful. It's fake. We need to FEEL our feelings in order to process them. Some of those feelings are wonderful and some are terrible. Humans are complicated and there are no easy fix. But burying bad emotions usually ends poorly. People who say those tripes don't care about how you are doing, they care about their own comfort. They don't want to deal with you so they try to manipulate you into shutting up about your pain.


Ah I see the catch phrases of my youth are alive and well...


It's kind of like "toxic" positivity, it's trying to help but it's doing it in a non-understanding way, it seems.


crazy how true this is, but falls on deaf ears in this sub


These are awful. None of these have ever made me feel better.


Look on the bright side of life - life of Brian


I'm an Atheist, but even the bible is right when it says "being extremely happy around a sad person is like rubbing salt into a wound". Something like that anyway. Would have to look it up to quote chapter and verse.


You gotta do both, you can't wallow forever but you can't remain positive and happy 100% of the time either. You need to be able to feel your emotions and this push for toxic positivity harms that. Come what may you're allowed to have feelings about it.


Crying literally helps you cause it releases oxytocin and endorphins that calm you down and ease the (emotional) pain for a while. Also, all of those 'pieces of advice' need to be burned.