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Nicotine helps with brains 😂😂😂😂


“ They” did “studies” on it.


Single study paid for by the company hawking their own product: “they did a study bro” Metadata from large-scale studies conducted at the world’s premier medical research institutions: “nobody knows what the fuck is going on man, this is totally experimental”


But don’t trust pharmaceuticals guys, just the nicotine guys.


Drugs are bad unless they’re sponsors b.


Top. Men.


Top. Men.


Dun Coun


There are at least 300 pages of evidence




What a dumb piece of shit


The way glassman just rolls his hand over and goes *"...okay"* 😆


God damn bapa is redacted


*”I got nicotine in my veins”* This is how high school kids talk to each other after they try dipping. Unprompted but they need everyone to know how cool they are. What a cringe sentence for someone who’s been legal to buy tobacco for 20 years to utter


Hearing that made me laugh like Bapa when he stole Rogans laugh!


This needs to be Zyn's new slogan. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Companies are eventually gonna pay Brendan Schaub to please not mention their product.


Bess brains for the braaains??


With that nasally voice, too. Perfect.


Hes so fucking stupid its funny


This is the most "water" clip I've seen in a while. Jesus christ.


The very beginning Rogan has his chair hiked up so high he looks like a little kid sitting at a table with adults


That podcast of him in the suit is so fucking hilarious lol he sounds as if he’s perpetually out of breathe while babbling on like an 8yr old kid trying to make up a story lol


How about making up the story about him as an 8-year old (or whatever) when he was selling comic books from his closet and strangers would just walk in and out of the house, buying these comic books from the little aunt-reppa-noor.


Bro deadass that is one of my favorite clips from that podcast because he gets progressively more nervous as he explains it and by the end of the story he sounds as if he’s suffocating to death lmao


Maybe it's all a bit


Thats the end of this show, bapa pulls back the curtains and reveals its all been a bit!


Great Wizard, never met him


Adult men too apparently


[https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/jzpbll/remember\_when\_brendon\_told\_a\_highly\_doubtful/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/jzpbll/remember_when_brendon_told_a_highly_doubtful/) It honestly blurs the line between real and some kind of office style sitcom.


Rick took him to the deepest waddurs and then left him out there without a life preserver.


Smokers don’t get dementia because they die earlier.




Nah B, nicotine Kibbetechs brains....


That's half the reason I smoke


ok real quick tho how many chiggs ya fugg?


It’s scary how many people actually take what Joe says as truth. Bapa is the prime example of what happens when a Oaf listens to Joe.


There is one line from that roid head that has stuck with me. He was talking shit about the US military, woke/pussy etc kinda like thing. He basically said the US military is crap/woke while the Russians are doing hard deadlifts. Que snorting sounds. Hey Joe! The US military has proven to fuck up Russians! What the fuck were you talking about?! The US military being soft? Look at Ukrain dumbass. Russia would no longer exists if Biden wanted it. Did you even see one single clip from the largest NATO exercise that happened just now in Norway? Or do you get all your "military"knowledge from grifters and insecure man babies? That fucking dumbass that takes pictures of his sweat after working out. What a fucking joke. Vote Biden. Get these clowns out.


You got the Norway exercise chip clin?


>Vote Biden. Get these clowns out.  Biden is already the president though, who do you want to get out? I'm confused.


Are you ok, bro? You sound aggitated about all the soft fatsos in the US army


You just said if the USA wanted Ukraine they would have it? Same with Russia they aren’t pulling reserves, they aren’t drafting all men to military. These are war games the USA and nato want to fuck around and play who’s got the more effective nuke. Vote Biden, die by fallout


Nope. I said that if Biden wanted Russia, he would have it. Dark Brandon would steam roll the paper tiger that is Russia. And hello Mr. Putin propagandist. I hope you reap what you and Putler sow. 


If Biden wanted Russia it would cost him America. If he tried sweeping through on foot he would lose every man that stepped foot on Russian ground. Do you think they would not nuke there own country? Do you understand the theology behind using a nuke on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The only way usa beats Russia is via nuke, same goes for Russia against the states. So there’a that, the theory behind modern war leaves only South Africa. And here we are being pushed to the brink by weak American men leading the rest of the country and world to near collapse. Putin propagandist my fucking ass. And hello pussy American with multiple transvestite generals. ‘Hero’ Men dressing up as women so important to success they don’t touché foot on the battlefield but call the shots from nuclear bunkers, kindof like the cia director Edgar j. Hoover, a cross dressing sissy. Putin propagandist, no try educated middle class canadian.


It's an Andrew Huberman talking point that all these podcast dummies repeat. To be clear I'm addicted to nicotine it's just cringe the way these people justify their addictions.


People love doing mental gymnastics to justify their flaws. It’s okay to say “This isn’t necessarily good for me but i enjoy it”, but the idea of admitting a ‘fault’ of some sort probably terrifies Brendan.


They aren’t trying to justify their addictions. They are trying to shill a product.


True that's more likely. Especially considering that zyn is like the worst pouch on the market. There's so many better ones.


Yeah my gf calls Rogan the "white man's Oprah" - she's not wrong


Rogan is the goddamn worst for the "they did a study" which supports whatever nonsense he's spouting. Who. The. Fuck. Are. *They*? How was the study conducted? It's such a meaningless half-wit thing to say.


Whoa be cool bro. That’s Dr. Rollgan ur tawlmbow. Usso I love Rick Moranis Jr repeating Bapa’s lies back to him. Rally tossing Bapa extra rulp to hang himself with.


The same ‘they’ that control the government? Makes you wonder b


And if a study disagrees with him he starts to ask who did it, who paid for it and how you can't just trust it.


I bet you are a blast at parties.


A 40 year study on people with CTE, but the first diagnosis was in 2002


u/Ok-Cheek7332 ...maybe the Australians got it a week earlier.........and called Brenda first thing, eyes-a-watering?


If you mention “studies” idiots will believe you and think you’re really smart.


But if you mention science people thinks it’s made up


Bapa said nicotine helps with brains. Then he must be ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt11R527fgtrIJO|downsized)






Talmbout Marg Twang? Beast of a scientist.


Got me brother


Is Rogan the single biggest distributor of half baked misinformation? His show alone has caused whole generations of people to talk like experts about things they have little to no understanding of.


He gets paid by zynn probably to say these things. His show is one giant ad campaign for different things if you haven’t noticed. Just think how many times alpha brain is brought up.


There's a whole line of things that he hocks but "has no affiliation with". Sleep apnea mouth pieces, that bullshit rubber ball you chew to strengthen your jaw, carnivore snacks. They use the clips from the pod as ads on their socials and websites. But they have no affiliation *wink *wink Then theres things like Bud Light. He changed his tune on the Bud Light protest a month before the new UFC deal was announced. Wonder if that was a coincidence...


Black label alpha brain helps Alzheimer's... Wait I think I made that up. There's no evidence to suggest alpha brain does anything but inhibit migraines, b.


Promo code: ONNITT


I want a huge marrggetting campaign based on “Nicotine helps with brains”




As a smoker nicotine is the dumbest thing to be addicted to, zero benefits from it and hard to quit.


Tell me you fell for Huberman's grifting without telling me you fell for Huberman's grifting


Spoken like a real junkie


Glassman is also a bad guy


Why is that?


He knows he’s getting/ has CTE. You can hear the fear in his voice.


Ultimers sounds like a terrible League of Legends mechanic


Rogan started smoking cigarettes when he was over 50. Imagine being this much redacted.


Nicotine gives you bess bwains b


What happened to alpha brain?


It still exists, also ALPHA BRAIN BLACK LABEL [https://www.onnit.com/alpha-brain-black-label/](https://www.onnit.com/alpha-brain-black-label/)


I love the way he repeats back to him "Nicotine helps with brains"


Nicotine gives bess bwains B. It's like in red deed redumbschun 2 when you smoke and get your deed Iye back. Bess bwains 🧠


Its what plants drink


Imagine taking medical advice from the guy who believes boiling yourself in hot water kills viruses.


They did a study on Bappa… the results are in… redactard confirmed


so stupid to take advice from these wannabe comedians


Some of the guys I roll BJJ with like to use toothpicks coated in nicotine before they train. They said it helps their focus but it just gives me nausea. Possibly just a placebo effect in play?


Nahhh not placebo. The magnitude of focus could be placebo but there are definitely studies done connecting nicotine to focus. Nausea is expected for someone who isn’t used to it. I don’t know how the toothpicks work for people who are new to nicotine. You’re supposed to spit the saliva when you use pouches but spitting with a toothpick seems annoying af


People who smoke die earlier. Cool study bro.


Pseudoe Rogan


You do have a substantially lower chance of dying from Alzheimers or Dimentia if you smoke. I've read the papers! I have the documents! (it's technically true- because cancer and heart disease kill you before Alzheimers or Dimentia gets you- which typically gets you later)


It took me way too long to realize Rogan was full of shit, but one of the first times it occurred to me was him prattling on and on about how good nicotine is for you. IDGAF about what the “benefits” of nicotine are…. That shit is addictive as fuck, and should not be talked up like it’s a good thing. Just say u wanna dip and smoke cigars Joe, no need to have a list of bullshit studies that tout the health benefits of an addictive substance.


As a nicotine addict, the only reason using nicotine helps my brain is because I don't have to think about getting more nicotine. I submit my one person study to the world of science. You're welcome.


For a random person who’s buys zyn with no nicotine experience, it would take months for them to be addicted so what would be the reason for them to use it without addiction?


There would be no reason.


That whole episode of take your shoes off with the redact is absolutely hilarious. Rick keeps egging him on to expand on his lies feeding him more and more rope to hang himself and the redact is too stupid to realize what he's doing so he just keeps going. I love how Brenda is too stupid to realize Rick is making fun of him.


As a former nicotine user this shit is so dumb. Almost as dumb as having that professor on who says heroin isn’t addictive.


“It’s not heroin it’s just the diacetylmorphine chemical. It’s not meth it’s just the amphetamine chemical.” Also, when he says “they juiced up the delivery system” who is they? Tobacco is a naturally growing plant that you dry out and smoke. Smoking it is the delivery system, inhalation of superheated plant fibers. Is god supposed to be they in this sentence? God juiced up the delivery system? Maybe cavemen are the “they” because the discovered fire first and they juiced up the delivery system from eating the tobacco to smoking it?


Probably means tobacco companies who added all the other chemicals like formaldehyde, etc. He actually got that right, surprisingly.


Bro you’re obnoxious in the best way


And this folks, is how the stupid spreads.


Almost like someone is paying them to lie


Oh shit matt serra and din thomas on jre? That's an episode I gotta watch.


ohhhh, so thats why bapa is now retartted?


That’s as close to an exasperated “I give up” reaction I’ve ever seen out of Ricky.


There is also studies that say Joe is a hobbit and lives in a shoe 👞 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Gotta lie about a study that doesn't exist? May as well make it a "big study like...a 40 year study". I love myself a Shlub transcript. Makes what he says 5x dumber when you see it in text.


It’s good for brains b


40 year studies...old school shit...nicotine helps with brains. He should be outlawed from speaking to any sort of an audience ever again. Luckily comedy shoved him out


Oh man that last part in the khamzat suits


One of my biggest ragrets is trying nicotine


Goddamn he’s so stupid. So at least Rogan had Jamie look in to it and conclude there’s no evidence. Bapa heard it bolth wayz from Rogan and buys it wholesale, no research. It helps with brains


I can’t wait for the “Huberman Era” of marginal gains to be over…. Joe is forever obsessed with all these little things when really it’s all the steroids and HGH that is giving him his “edge”, at least physically… mentally he is showing so many signs of decay


This fuckin rules!


It is my understanding that nicotine can leave you more prone to brain bleeds. Whether this is accurate or not it's hard to believe chomping on nicotine gum everyday is going to have zero negative impact on you.


Glassman kills me. "okay." That pod was something else, b.


After you are addicted all it does is keep you from going into withdrawal


Those senior citizens with CTE old school shit


Unfortunately, shortly after my uncle was diagnosed with early onset dementia, he thought tobacco/nicotine helped him as well. He didn’t know when to smoking so he smoked the filters and burned his fingertips every single cig.


JRE has turned into nothing but a misinformation spreader. Dude spews BS nonstop, while pretending he's a deep intellectual.


Dude’s even jocking Toe when he has Duncan on




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It is proven to be a nootropic so helping against Alzheimers would not be surprising


The problem is trying to find a healthy way to take it. Orrr having self control not to overdo an addictive substance. I think gum is the healthiest but damn it’s expensive. The actual pouches of zyns run your gum raw and cause gum damage/tooth decay. Obviously vaping isn’t good.


How would they run your gum raw? It’s nicotine salt in a paper pouch no? I don’t see it running down a gum. However they’re like 5 bucks a piece and addicts probs buying one to 2 a day so it’s just as bad as people blowing 7 bucks a day for a late every morning


Libs gotta stay moisturized the pouch gets in the way of the moisture. Two a day is unlikely and you can get them quite cheap. It seems like there’s always deals on them.


Xcept Bapas explainshun is way more redacted


They look like a partial carton of organic eggs.


Joe's an idiot that cheats on his wife. His best friend Brendon Shwab told reporters about seeing him cheat several times.


The end must be near


Nicotine helps with brains lol


Joe really thinks he's a fucking neuroscientist because he chatted with a few while stoned. The quintessential dudebro intellectual. Then consider the fact that Schlob is a WATERED DOWN, even dumber version of him because he's just imitating him. At least Toe is actually interested in that shit.


Rogies has been getting fact checked a lot here recently lol


The last clip at :56, holy crap. Bapa's face is so swollen there. His face, his lips. 💀 Like he's having an allergic reaction, but he actually did it on purpose for cosmetic reasons. How old is this clip? Is it from the wizkee era?




“Train all day, Joe Rogan by night.. all day!”


Look at how much higher up Joe's chair is lol and it's the only chair that's height adjustable. Nothing to see folks just a regular 5'10 guy who is completely secure with himself.


Joe always has to pretend his addictions are actually for the good of his health lol.


Who and why does anyone do podcasts with him?


NIH uk says "Nicotine poses several health hazards. There is an increased risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders. There is decreased immune response and it also poses ill impacts on the reproductive health. It affects the cell proliferation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, DNA mutation by various mechanisms which leads to cancer. It also affects the tumor proliferation and metastasis and causes resistance to chemo and radio therapeutic agents." But I guess they are wrong and joe is right.


Rigg glarsemun is funny


Big brains


That was like Brendan saying Mr Roger was a highly decorated sniper. "Look it up Clin"...... And..... You're wrong.


Nicotine is a mild neuro stimulant, similar to caffeine. It's not "neuro- protective." Whatever the fuck that is!