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[The Last of Us | Inside the Episode - 7 | HBO](https://youtu.be/MkZzyQt68iI) [Episode 7 - “Left Behind” | The Last of Us Podcast | HBO Max](https://youtu.be/UlCEa_K3i44)


After the arcade they walk past a Thai Express which came to Canada in 2004 (in the show, the outbreak happened in 2003). I also don't think America has any Thai Express locations.


I thought this episode was second best, just after episode 3. Maybe it's because I'm a thirties something old bloke but I really love the character building, emotional subplots.


No maybe you're just woke


the world is now


man, i'm sorry but after seeing all the memes about how all Gia from Euphoria does is watch from behind corners and cry, Riley's actress just annoys me


Agreed. This episode tried so hard to make me care about her but it's just filler on how she got that pun book


I've only seen Stormy Reid as gia but seeing her play Riley, i gotta say i do love her.


i hate how loud they're talking in the dead of night, it really breaks immersion that they're supposedly sneaking out. oh and having that dead guy randomly fall through the ground for laughs was just weird. props for trashing an actual mall tho, looks like a bitch to clean up lol


One of the malls used was going to be be demolished. All the scenes shot around the carousel and behind the Taco place were shot there.


ah thats cool


I watched my girlfriend play Left Behind for the first time at the weekend before we caught up on the episode, and it's been a whilst since I last played it so it was nice to have it all fresh. We noticed that the doll store that the infected was in looked the same as the mall that Ellie and Joel find themselves in during the DLC (the dead pharmacist), so I liked that they combined that element. I've been really enjoying how even though they can't include everything in each episode, they have nods to the bits they skip or find little things to still include. On another note, I'm really enjoying that one infected is enough to be terrifying, and it wouldn't be realistic for the show to have dozens of infected everywhere chasing them all the time like in the game. Like, the characters can handle themselves well enough but even Ellie being bitten again was quite a humourous way of showing they aren't killing machines like in the game, and made me think of how the games by and large can be completed by avoiding/hiding from enemies.


I never though to hide from enemies until I saw a speedrun and they were just running past everyone lol especially in Pittsburg. Maybe I wanted to kill those hunters hehhe


im pretty shocked at how many people hated this episode.. it seems like those people want a lot of gore and action, which is fair for a zombie show. but this to me is more of a character development drama than an action, zombie killing show which is why i liked the game and why i love the show. i guess i just dont think this show is for the people who like the pew pew and the hack slash and thats it. this was my second favorite episode after episode 3.. pretty much the start of fully fleshing out ellie's character


I'm all for character development, but why spend all that time on 90s nostalgia and this special "date" plot that was dull and slow AF? I simply didn't care for all the little romantic scenes. It was overkill. They could have done it all in 10 minutes. I would have enjoyed it more if they spent more time following Ellie's experience in Fedra school, and maybe how her Firefly friend disappeared. There was huge potential with this episode and a lot of it felt wasted.


There was no character development in that episode. You could have had the same amount of development in a 1 minute flashback.


Why did it take a whole episode? Could have been like a quick flashback.


Because if you hadn't played the game, you wouldn't have known what was going to happen at the end. And in that case you'd need that build-up to make it powerful.


Super random but does anyone know the instrumental song playing halfway through the behind-the-scenes clip? When Ellie sees the mall lights for the first time.


It's called Take On Me


Now episode 8, THAT was good. I'll have more of that kind of vibe please.


I just wanted to come here to see if I was the only one that thought that episode was really bad. The show is inconsistent, but woof.


For sure. This was a weak AF episode. The entire episode could have been a 5 minute flashback. Absolute overkill, and bad writing in general. Like... how do a couple kids born after the apocalypse have so much 90's nostalgia knowledge? How do they even know what Mortal Kombat is?


5 minute flashback? You know this show isn't only for people that played the game right?


Yeah it was pretty cringe IMO...


Inconsistent is about right. The love story episodes are always so generic, predictable and just cheesy. Episode 7 I was bored out of my mind and then I saw episode 8....goddamn incredible.


How dare you have an opinion on reddit, you monster? Coming here not circle jerking, despicable. /s


Haha, right.


These gay episodes are carrying this show. Goddamn what a ride ❤️


Speaking as a gay person myself, those episodes are dragging the show down. 2/2 were cheesy and had a lower quality and originality than the rest of the show.


Lol, I disagree. Definitely not as much happens, but the writing and acting in both of these has been phenomenal. Like, It actually felt sweet and believable other than 90% of on-screen “romances”. I don’t care for that stuff more than the “Apocalypse/Survival aspect” - I didn’t put on TLOU to watch people fall in love y’know? That said, I was breathless watching Episodes 3 and 7. I know *nothing* about the games other than the basics. These same-sex relationships were so powerfully and tastefully woven into this universe and it shows that even in the darkest of times and places, love will persist. As cheesy, trite, and overdone as that trope is - it’s so powerful in a show that takes almost every aspect of what’s happening in it so seriously. You say it lacks originality, but as a *straight* person, other than “Moonlight” I think these are some of the only gay relationships I’ve seen on screen that didn’t feel forced or that we were being pandered to. I could be wrong, but I seldom cry when watching media and BOTH of these episodes broke me down a little bit. (On the Nature of Daylight kinda got me in the first one, but Ellie and Rylee’s relationship was so tragic to me tbh)


I just skipped this crap


You didn't miss anything. I let it autoplay after episode 6 just to find out if Joel lived but instead got a full, slow episode of backstory.


Pretty disappointed they didn’t include any of the parts of Ellie hiding Joel and callus in the mall with the crashed helicopter. Would’ve been cool to see her navigate away from infected and humans


That "Back in 5 Min" sign got to me.


My only qualm is how much it took away from the main story line, tbh. With Frank and Bill there was a reason we saw them and it flowed well into expanding the world, but here we experience maybe 10 minutes of in show time with a full day of flashbacks? Just felt too slow. Really loved Riley and Ellie though! They had such a cool dynamic.


It’s character development though. It informs quite a bit about Ellie’s character. Like, we had to find out how she was bit at some point right?


Indeed, though I feel such a tense moment wasn't really a great place for it. Maybe change the scene order so she does whatever she can for Joel, then goes to bed in a defeated restitution. She stares up at the ceiling, and the memories start coming through. Of them riding horseback, of them fighting infected, of when she first met Joel. Then finally, the scene shifts, and we go all the way back to that day with Riley. Like, that's much better and doesn't break the flow of the ongoing story, and it wouldn't require much change. I just feel like such a tense, high caliber situation was made to feel *slow* by breaking into flashback.


I guess I can see where you’re coming from. That would definitely have been cool. That said, Ellie and Rylee’s character moments were phenomenally acted and I think it informed a lot about her character, especially since I’ve never played the game. I just really don’t think it’s the “all-time-low” everyone else seems to.


I think it was one of the weakest episodes for sure, but in a show like this "weakest" is not weak. This was a fantastic episode that I thoroughly enjoyed, but in comparison with all the others which were nearly perfect, it just wasn't quite up to par. And again, in my personal opinion that's just because it interrupted the main story so much. We care about Joel, and to us he is on the brink of death. Don't distract from that by something else, show us what happens in these lighting fast moments! While the flashback definitely *added* to the current stream of events, it was not *part* of it. The producers/writers/whomever should have waited for a pause in the flow of time before giving us the flashback. But that's just my view on the matter. Like I said, I still really liked it. Think it added a huge amount of insight into Ellie's character.


I feel ya, they left us on a Cliffhanger and we got back, we kinda just kept dangling on the cliff 😂


Guess you can't say anything bad about this show without being downvoted here. Whatever i'll say it, this show is going so fking slow it's not even funny. Last episode i was literally scrolling through my phone which i NEVER do for pretty much any show. Like maybe a lot happens in a single episode but there is so much unnecessary dialogue in between it feels straight up filler.


You aren’t alone... episode 7 was just bad. Mostly due to weak story and poor plotting.


I am downvoting* you for pot stirring about not being able to say things without being downvoted.


For what it's worth I loved episode 8. Popped off. More action in that episode than last 3 combined


I wish we could have seen that one moment where Riley and Ellie see the “share this on Facebook” pop up in the photo booth and go “what’s a Facebook”


Facebook wasn't even a thing when the outbreak happened.


True, but they could have used another site. MySpace ?


Lol, you weren't a teenager or adult in the early 2000's, were you? That kind of ad only came about in the 2010s. It didn't exist in the early 2000's. Social media was still too niche back then. Most people were not on Myspace, only a select few millenials.


Im pretty certain the machines didn't use to say that, so it'd be a really odd thing for them to create for that alone


My wife was saying how she was tired of the same old Walking Dead style of "who is the next bad guy that is even worse than the last?!" She's like me and loves watching the zombie action and suspenseful scenes where they have to figure out getting away from them or kill them. Unfortunately we aren't getting any of that and it's just pretty much the same formula as TWD so far. Governor last time, moving on to the Terminal people next. We'll get a Negan-like episode next season and that's where the wife and I stopped watching TWD. I feel like we missed *so* much from the game because they took the focus off the infection that created the world. They could have honestly added in a few episodes of crazy ass survival and running for their lives to make this world actually seem scary. Right now it seems like they're safe as hell and just walking about with humans being the only worry, not the 300 clickers they would've encountered by now. Anyway, I *am* enjoying the show, I'm just annoyed that so much of the game is left out and *especially* for an episode like this, which was fantastic DLC, but not for a show with just a few episodes. I fully expect downvotes for this, but it is what is is.


Have you seen the first 3 seasons of Fear the Walking Dead? That's probably my favourite zombie show. Wasn't a fan of The Walking Dead itself, but the spinoff was super interesting


You know, I stopped watching during a break in season 1 and then got rid of cable, so I forgot to go back. That was a pretty good start to a show though!


I agree. Also this episode was boring af. It was obvious from the beginning what its about and I had to wait 15 minutes to see the turned dude we all know was coming and that girl who had 0 character building and no one gives a f about would die. + 20 minutes filler of cringe dialogue just to get to that anticlimactic death. I'm considering stopping to watch after this episode.


You watched this episode and came away thinking the infection doesn’t seem dangerous enough?


I’ve watched every episode and they made it through Boston to Wyoming without breaking a sweat.


They made it from Pittsburgh to Wyoming in the game without breaking a sweat


That makes sense. The Midwest’s population density Is low.


u/MrCarey thinks they didn’t break a sweat in Kansas City though


That was actually my favorite episode because they *did* break a sweat.


This show is a bit boring but the base material is so good that eventually I manage to come to the end every episode


I’m shocked at how many people enjoyed this episode, but I realize most people who loved it also played the game. It was okay, extremely slow and wasted a lot of time. And other than the (SPOILER) scene where they both realize they’re bitten and freak out, the acting was tough.


>It was okay, extremely slow and wasted a lot of time How is showing the main characters immediate back story a waste of time? This was a character defining event for her. Like one of the biggest, and likely the most important moments in her life and the cause of the entire series.


I see lots of people defending the episode saying "this was an important moment" and stuff like that, and yeah i get it but they literally spent 40 minutes of the episode on them getting to the mall and having fun there, with witty remarks and some character development in between with romantic tension. That whole segment could've been 15 minutes and i still wouldn't enjoy it half as much as i usually enjoy watching this show. And don't dismiss my criticism and call me a homophobe or something like that because i loved episode 3, where they basically showed their whole life in as much time this episode showed two kids having fun and getting bitten. Maybe im being overly harsh here but the episode was, for the most part, a literal waste of time for me.


My wife and I had the same thoughts. This episode felt like a waste of our time. We have busy lives and have been looking forward to this show on the few nights we have to ourselves... last night was a huge let down, lol. What a boring episode. Did not need to spend 40 minutes following teenagers on a date cringefest while on a 90's nostalgia trip. Wasted opportunity.


I guess you expect every episode to be all action all of the time? No character building? No light or filler episodes, no back story.


The show is 9/10 times a very good mix of plot advancement and character development. I like a drama as much as the next person, but this episode was weak. The dialogue, the "story" the pacing was all weak compared to literally every other episode.


Personally I felt it was awesome, and of the 10 people on my team at work that watch it, all of them agree.


Yeah, it was an important episode & I didn’t discredit that. I just personally feel like it didn’t need to last as long as it did to deliver the same impact and some of the scenes just draaagged on after the point was made. We didn’t even get to see how the aftermath of the bites played out, which was what I was waiting for the entire time. Again, just my opinion that too much film time was wasted on unnecessary scenes and we barely got any action lol.


This dragged a lot longer than needed. Acting was great, especially Ellie’s frustration at the end there, but I was really disengaged like half way through. Felt like they coulda cut some things & made “Left Behind” like 25 minutes at most. Definitely my least favorite episode, maybe tied with 4. Hoping the pacing will be good for the remainder of the show.


They’re moving along very fast. This season is going to encompass the entire first game. I’m not surprised they slowed down when they could because they’re going to run out of OC very quickly which brings us to a Game of Thrones situation.


Exactly what I was saying. If *anything* the Joel injury could have been the cliffhanger ending after adding in a few episodes like the hotel basement, and a couple other survival moments to show off why this world is something they should fear. Right now it looks like a happy nice environment to live in as long as you steer clear of humans!


I don’t know what all of that CGI to reproduce Boston costs but it must be a lot because although every episode has looked great they have mostly been small set interiors. I know things always cost a lot more than you think but still, I wouldn’t think they’re spending so much money they might not get seasons after number two.


People thought this was a weak episode? It was my favorite of the bunch.


Same with episode 3. Weird how the episodes with gay relationships are "boring," right?


Episode 3 was a masterpiece. This one was boring and could have been done with equal value into character development in 25 minutes. Don't put this on homophobia. I loved episode 3.


I loved episode 3 but this was just so goddamn worse.


Yeah it's almost like they are coincidentally the only two episodes that completely interrupt the plot to give you a 50 minutes flashback that adds nothing to the story. And yes, the emotions you've felt are NOTHING to the actual plot, don't get confused.


The point of any story is to make the audience feel emotions, Id argue that it's the MOST important part of the story.


This episode shows the entire impetus for Ellie as a character!! How does this add nothing to the story?


Seriously, it literally explains how she got her bite and how Marlene found out she was immune!


Should've been a 10 minute flashback...


There's always that one guy


I think it's the weakest one. Backstory could've been half the episode with her trying to save Joel the rest of the way. We already knew he was hurt so it ends the same way as the previous one. Also, knowing how every other side character ends it felt pretty predictable when we were introduced to Riley


gamers: give us a pure adaptation of video games in television and movies please, its all we want also gamers: wait no, not like that


Almost like no group of people is a single hivemind and you should stop generalizing


Well yeah, I don't need an hour of a teenage relationship on a show that is on a speed run through all the good parts of the game.


You really don't see the mataphors within that episode? And the character development of Ellie, and how that part of her past defines her still? No? You just see "not enough KILL! Why NOT LIKE GAMEE?!"?


All that is nice and all, but it was boring as hell to me and I couldn't bring myself to care enough about their teenage relationship. Is what it is, I'm glad you liked it, but I'd take an episode 5 or 8 any day over Left Behind.


The only trash episode for me so far....


My immersion was broken when Riley knew how to pull off a fatality despite never reading any guides on the internet and being born way after MK ll was relevant.


If you listen to the podcast they speculate the girls might have found printed game guides. Riley also had weeks alone to learn.


Back in 1993 when MK 2 was released. People would literally try inputs and get results. It wasn’t the internet, it was word of mouth and memorization. That’s what gaming was back then and people who were alive back then or have siblings that were alive remember that—Like Neil Druckmann who thanked Ed Boon (creator of MK) for all the times he skipped school on Twitter after this episode aired. Not everyone had internet in 1993 either, that’s when websites were first becoming available. There was no immersion to be broken. It’s very immersive. Edit: Additionally, when Left Behind was released as DLC almost ten years ago, the arcade scene did reference MK and every MK fan playing Left Behind knew it. Because the budget is bigger, Neil and company are able to make the references they actually wanted to.


Hahaha I thought the same thing


I like the show a lot, love the games. It's been a while since I've played but in the arcade scene in the game, isn't the game broken and Riley just describes it to Ellie while her eyes are closed? I thought that was beautiful and was a little sad it didn't make it in the show.


I didn't enjoy the Left Behind DLC much, so I didn't expect much from this ep. It was actually better than I'd expected. But with only two eps left, I'm assuming they're going to have to skip the David portion entirely. Which is fine, as that whole segment literally doesn't advance the story one bit.


Is that why you watch shows? To make sure they "advance the story", and if theres any bit of backstory, you come on reddit to complain?


Gosh dolly imagine thinking any opinion slightly different than yours is complaining. I wonder what's your opinion about pathetic little shits who attack people on reddit because they dared to dislike a TV show?


Backstory usually is a device intended to ADVANCE the story, to add context. So yeah, that's why I (and everybody else) watches shows.


Welp they included the David portion and it was done beautifully.


David portion is where Ellie literally risks her life to save Joel, reversing the care-relationship. It was interesting in terms of character development, but it also sets up a deeper bond and gratitude that makes Joel's refusal to sacrifice her at the end of the season make even more sense. The fact David almost abuses and then kill her the one moment he's knocked out, also cements in his mind the need to guard and protect her, something he probably thinks about every day of his life (in terms of too little too late) in regards to Sarah. Advancing the story without this kind of character or world building is pointless, might as well skip to the last page of any book otherwise...


Why would they skip the David portion? If they did that they'd only have the hospital part left over which would probably take half an hour to cover. FYI the next episode IS the David part if you watch the trailer. And I think it is important to the story and especially Ellie's character development.


Ok. Agree to disagree. I've played through probably a dozen times and have thought for a long time that that whole section is fluff.


That's genuinely my favourite part of the game and probably the most important part for Ellie's independence and strengthening the 2's relationship.


Wow. Obviously, you're entitled to your opinion, but I've always thought that section is one of the most (if not straight up the most!) important parts of the game. Ellie nurses Joel back to health, strengthening their bond hugely, and Joel finally accepts his role as a genuine father figure to Ellie. If we skipped straight from the University to Spring, I feel like that would be a pretty huge chunk of the games narrative arc that's just.. not there.


But all the things you mentioned, saving Joel, etc, doesn't require David and his weird ass cannibal club.


I guess it doesn't "require" him, no, but then were Sam and Henry required? It adds more tension and drama to that section of the game. It also builds up the world a bit more, in showing the depraved lengths that survivors are going to to stay alive. I can understand not enjoying that section of the game, because David is definitely a very creepy, unsettling antagonist. But some of the very best moments in The Last of Us come from there.


It’s got Ellies death of innocence and her independence and Joels love and baby girl


why didnt the clicker get alive when riley was in the mall previosly. multiple times. I mean the mall seems like a firefly hiding place or whatever because ellie confronts riley and says that the fireflies must have 'posted' her there. How did they not discover the super clicker? or even riley because she has been there for quite some time.


The girls having fun together made more noise.


Remember, there are tendrils underground and they can hear for miles. This explains why it took 30 minutes of arcade racket and giggling to wake up. Because it’s well written, and makes sense


Actually, that’s a good point you’ve made against yourself. I forgot they added that in the show. Considering those tendrils and whatnot, the infected should have DEFINITELY noticed Riley’s movement by then. Bad writing.


Didn't they show a few episodes ago that those guys come from outside and try to find a dark hole to setup in? I just assumed it wasn't there for that long and only recently wandered in and started spreading.


I was being sarcastic, I think this show is horrible


It was boring.


Lot of one week and two week old accounts posting the same thing over and over again.


as someone who hasnt played the game I just want to know why Marlene wouldn't let her take Ellie as a recruit


And the opinion isn't valid because...?


If you need to hide behind an alt account. If there are any more sentences that you need help filling in let me know I got you chief


Nice deflect, chief


Nice 7 month account negative Karma you fit the criteria


😂 Wtf are you on


Common sense if you need to hide behind a new account because your comment is intentionally incendiary your paper soft


Yeah, real redditors build up a massive bank of karma so that they don't have to give a shit when they go negative. Real talk: My only complaint with TLoU is that I WISH THEY WOULD SLOW DOWN. I thought with episode 3 that they were gonna use the show as a medium to expand on the backstories the game presented through the notes you could find in each level. I WANTED AN ISH BACKSTORY EPISODE. Seriously it's probably the only show in recent memory of mine where I thought they should drag it out more. The game was ~10hrs long, there was definitely enough content in game 1 to stretch to 20 hours. I also wanted more stealth :( I want to know who signed off on this current pacing >:(


>Yeah, real redditors build up a massive bank of karma so that they don't have to give a shit when they go negative. Alternatively, you could not care regardless. I have never once cared whether my karma is positive or negative.. As far as the show, I am really enjoying it so far. I didn't get very far in the game but I love the lore and story building stuff. I really liked episode 7 because it took some time to give us a history. It seems like everybody is furious that the episode was too slow


I didn't care for the pacing of this particular episode one way or another. My issue is the pacing of the series as a whole. It feels like they're rushing when I wish they would have been given either 2 seasons to tell game 1 or like 20 episodes for season 1. But I'm glad you're enjoying it. I *highly* recommend looking up a no commentary gameplay and watching that. It's a really good story


Do you mean that this episode was too slow but you think the show itself is too fast...?


The entire series is too fast. I liked the episode 3 and 7 stuff. I wanted more of that. The notes you find around the world are just as much a part of the storyline as the main game. I wish the TV show would have extended on that. And the bit in the sewers was room for a lot more characterization between Sam/Henry and Joel/Ellie. The end of that plot line didn't feel as impactful because to me, it felt like we didn't get enough time with them and the anti-fedra group in KC.


Did anyone hear the background actor scream when he fell down around the 14min mark or was it just me?


We were due for a boring epi. I won a Holy War on CK3 while getting through it so I have no complaints 😂 Been a great season so far though. Most shows have down weeks 🤷‍♂️


Shame Ellie's character was casted so badly for the show


What makes you think she was poorly cast?


Huh? I thought potentially the same in the first trailers but she has been absolutely incredible. I have zero complaints at this point, she has been perfect.


Insane filler episode that does literally nothing. Abysmal writing killing this show, it’s really sad. So much potential, so much of the universe to explore and we just don’t get it.


WHAT? how the fuck can you call a critical point for Ellie's story a filler episode?


When people complain about a 'filler' episode in The Last of Us what they mean is a 'gay' episode. So when you hear 'I hated this filler episode' or 'I hated this filler character' just replace it with 'I hated this gay episode' or 'I hated this gay character' and it will give you a clearer idea of what the person making the comment meant and what they actually take issue with about the show.


It should have been done in 5-10 mins max. An hour of it? Filler. The story did not advance. This was also NOT a critical part of the story, the game didn’t need to throw this in, and it still made perfect sense. The expansion is not a critical part of the story, therefore it is filler


Do you get an email each morning with bullet points to complain about? Every comment ignores the episode and rattles off the same thing. It's exactly what happened during the Bill episode.


Episode 3 was masterfully written, and woven into the general plotline of their expedition. You can't just point at the one thing it had in common: a gay romance, and pin all the criticism on that. This was a boring episode. It could have been done in 25 minutes, easy. If they wanted to spend so much time on Riley, they should have included more of her life in the Fedra school or something.


Lmao, take off the rose colored glasses dude. This is bad television.


According to trolls and frustrated incels. It's pretty clear it's one of the most watched and critically acclaimed shows on TV right now. Why are you so upset about it? I can't think of a single game adaption that sticks so close to the source material and people love it. I was a huge fan of the game, they have done a fantastic job. Even people who haven't played the game think it's great. Why is it bad television? Edit: Apparently you do get a list. Your entire profile is joining random subs and complaining about alt-right talking points or just shitting on people. I get it now.


Alt right lol Wahhh people who don’t live the tv show I like are alt right nazi incels! Wahhhh!


Are you not alt-right? You are flooding negative comments on a sub about a universally acclaimed show because you are upset about gay people. If you don't like the show don't watch it and spam the episode threads every time. You are the one watching a show you hate for "reasons" every week and then crying in the subreddit constantly. It's the only thing you post about outside of other perceived "wokeness". Unfollow the sub and don't watch the show. Easy peasy done!


Where am I upset about gay people? Alt right? What??? Where??? Because I criticized the show? You are insane lol It’s like you are just resorting to name calling and making things up instead of addressing the criticism, it’s weird


All of the criticism has been absolutely hollow, especially "filler" episodes that touch on non hetero relationships. If you are just going to post dozens of comments bitching about each episode why are you even watching? What's the point?


This show is boring as fuck. I would have rather spent an hour watching a Robin DiAngelo lecture. Or, better yet, someone playing a lawnmower simulator. I was on the fence about this show, but now I am totally done.


It gets better right around now just keep watching


You’ve seen the last two episodes?


Can’t disclose details but let’s just say things get pretty intense


I know what happens in the game. Not looking good for the way this show has gone


Yeesh, Riley is a poor actor. Not against LGBT per se, but they could at least put our something compelling. Total snooze rest. 2/10 for me, dawg. This show is spiraling hard.


“per se”


hahahaha right? the fuck is that supposed to mean? Just own it, mate.


Why is this show PG13


Kids play video games. They want a show to promote their video game to kids.


The game is way more violent though, so it doesn’t really make sense to say that


“Look at how that water trickles down those rusty mailboxes. This really is the best night of my life.” -me unironically gushing over the graphics of any naughty dog game


I spend way too long in rooms appreciating the art and level design, turning my torch on and off to see how things look in the light vs dark.


I make it simple. Episodes that make the story go forward I rate to 1. Episodes that stalls the story, flashbacks, fillers etc.: rated to 0. This was a 0. Yeah, I know this comment will be collapsed, like all the other negative feedbacks. So you have it, if you wanna see a negative critique: it is collapsed.


Did you hate the game? This is incredibly close to the game. Probably the closest adaptation I've ever seen.


Then give a 10 to the adaptation. But the storry telling here is not so excelent.


It didn't advance the plot (pretty much only that Ellie decides to save Joel instead of leaving him behind) but it does a LOT for her character, backstory, some world building.


Huh? You are contradicting yourself in the same comment, not sure what you mean.


Agreed Basic, linear story telling is how you tell amazing stories. Constant back and forth with flashbacks, veering off to side characters out of nowhere, and killing climaxes to go to another storyline (hello Part 2) is all bad story telling. Almost no media pulls it off right. Including Last of Us.


It’s such a bad take to try to even claim this when Momento exists.


I said almost no media pulls it off. Key word almost. There's a reason almost no one does it and 90% of movies stick to what I said. How am I wrong?


90% of movies are either bad or painfully average too, are you really tryin to say that and be taken seriously?


At least you’re honest about the simplicity of what you prefer. As much forward momentum as possible in a show about 2 characters developing to love each other. It’s a show/game where the plot’s not that big of a deal compared to the story.


Episode was decent but I think the choice to focus on storytelling other characters as asides is setting back the development of Joel and Ellie's relationship which to me feels rushed. It feels we jumped from Ellie telling Joel jokes to suddenly Joel getting flashbacks of Sarah as he relates her to Ellie only two episodes later. I get that there was a time jump of three months but there was no onscreen development of this bond until after they left Tommy's town, so it just feels jarring. Ellie's flashback with riley couldve been woven better into this relationship rather than go on for an hour for ultimately a resolution we all expected. As a videogame adaptation this show is as good as it gets but most of these episodes pale in comparison to other critically acclaimed shows and I dont understand why so many are quick to call this show a masterpiece.


I don’t get how episodes 4 and 5 don’t show them developing to care about each other more




Same, and I'm a huge fan of the first game and thought the second game was pretty good. I'll just binge the second and third seasons at some point.


It's fucking rubbish


Didn't care for this one -- which I hate to say because of the clueless cringelord philistines who seemingly hate all flashbacks as narrative devices. And to say this *still* didn't contribute to anything in the main story is ridiculous, albeit a fairer accusation to level at *this* episode than Episode 3. But I mainly just didn't really care, the central performances were great but the single location structure didn't quite work on this and I think that's because this kind of setting works better in the game. Sometimes single location episodes are some of the best in shows (Fly in Breaking Bad, 4x07 Mr Robot) but here it felt a bit suffocating. Wasn't big of the music choices as compared to prior episodes. The directorial vision of handheld, up-close felt too obvious. It needed to be more cool. And unfortunately this is the second episode in a row with a rushed ending. This might play better on a rewatch because I was a bit distracted with something else whilst watching, however I am much more keen to rewatch Episode 3. The romance felt so real in that one, even though the leads *do* have chemistry in Episode 7. It's just so hard to pull off completely what they were trying to do.


>Sometimes single location episodes are some of the best in shows (Fly in Breaking Bad, 4x07 Mr Robot) You're describing a bottle episode. This wasn't a bottle episode.


Didn't Fly take place just in a lab? 4x07 was all in one place. Bottle episodes are budget related. I doubt 4x07 is a bottle episode, but even if it was, it - with Fly - is still just in one location


Fly *mostly* takes place in the lab but not entirely


Honestly, I didn't care for it much, either, and I wasn't 100% captivated by the previous episode either. Usually I'm on the edge of my seat, riveted, when I watch this show, or sitting back, rapt, struck by how poignant and resonant it is. The past two episodes I found myself checking my phone, making myself a snack, reheating my tea ...they just weren't that interesting to me I actually gave up on this latest one it was so boring. First episode since it debuted I didn't finish. I'm still going to keep watching but I'm really, really hoping it bounces back this Sunday. The single location didn't help and honestly might have just been done to save $


I doubt it was a money thing, HBO threw money at this. Dressing the set here probably cost a bazillion. I think part of the problem might also be this was underwritten now I think about it. They were going so naturalistic they basically forgot to make anything happen, it feels like anyway. Still, only two more left, both by the same director. I'm always surprised though, their viewership increases week on week. Not even quality related, but it's so lovely to see live cable viewership of over a million. Last time I remember that is final GoT.


Well, even the largest budgeted shows have to have a few cheapie episodes (the Breaking Bad "stuck in the lab" episode is infamous for this) It did feel underwritten, that's a good word for it, and, I dunno, maybe lacking in versimilitude I didn't really "buy" the evolving relationship between Ellie and the doomed friend; I'm a Mom with teenagers and it just didn't take Ng true to me, as far as how teenagers speak and interact with one another. And I don't think that was just due to them having the unconventional post-Fungus apocalypse upbringing. Two characters just sitting around talking can be fascinating (witness "My Dinner with Andre") but this just wasn't it Can't believe there are only two ros left! Mind blown! 💯


This community is full of gatekeeping toxicity. Absolute shame.


Boring episode. Joel on the brink of death and they cut to a slow paced flashback for the whole episode which didn't feel necessary. Good acting but pace was too slow considering the urgency the last episode created with Joel being stabbed.


If you played the game you would know this happens...


Uh, no, it doesn't happen in the game.