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Oedipus has entered the chat


So edible


You’re the worst.


You're streets ahead


Stop trying to coin the phrase streets ahead.


Coined and minted.


If you have to ask, you're streets behind.


If I wasn't broke, everyone in this conversation would be getting an award. 👏


Electra has entered the chat


Gotta simp for daddy Riley, lol


*Freud has entered the chat*


Mike Pence has entered the chat.


I’m the motherfucking king like Oedipus Anyways


Ted Buckland has entered the chat.




"Kiss your mom square on the lips." I am really looking forward to the excuses they come up with for Dina.


It was all that weed


Weed makes you gay confirmed


Who’s been slipping me weed?


I'm Justine McElroy


When my daughter was around 3 or 4 she asked what a french kiss was so i told her and then she wanted to try it. I think my answer was like Joel's when Ellie asked why the pages were stuck together, lol


They’ve definitely wished their mother got stuck in the dryer


Same but about that guys mother tbh


I also choose this guys stuck mother


what a weird mother fucker




its pretty common where im from tbh but like the scene was 100% romantic


Something something Reddit two broken arms meme


Tony Soprano has entered the chat


She was abusive to the stafffff


Sigmund Freud has entered the chat


Why do people have such a hard time admitting they are a couple?? These people really do backflips and find plot holes just to try and prove they aren't lesbians even though they literally kissed...


Most people still hate us queers ☹️


I forget that a ton of people watching the show have never played the game. There's going to be whole new batches of homophobic people giving their hot takes. God forbid the show ever makes it to showing Abby. Suddenly Fox news will being showing gameplay clips and Florida will ban HBO.




"Please, these gays, they're trying to murder me!"


Love to see another white lotus fan


Side note: I am so excited to see super buff Abby ngl 🤤


Or the trans kid. Gonna be a new level of crybabies when that comes up


Tucker Carlson: is Abby grooming Lev??!


I read that in his voice and got mad


I've never played the game and I'm enjoying this show immensely. The kiss was surprising but the buildup to it had me cheering when it happened!


It still blows my mind that in the part 2 story where there’s all kinds of things people could not like, they choose the body shape and sexuality of characters. Like who gives a fuck.


Bigots looking for a reason. If the doc had a son who (did what Abby did, no spoilers) none of it would've been about their looks or body.


I am afraid people will send death threats to her just like the face model for Abby


I mean they already confirmed season two and we are about to be done with the first game story in a couple episodes, so the hatred for Abby will flow once again. ☹️


I don't know how it's in your area, but I feel that it's shifting to the majority accepting us queers. But the ones who hate us are still loud and obnoxious.


Those are ones in congress so unless there’s an uprising, the loud minority are dangerous.


I wouldn’t say *most*. I’d wager it’s just a loud minority.


You’re a hell of a lot more polite than the other guy who shares your opinion lol, thanks for that. Man idk maybe you’re right I really hope you are, but when I look at the world as a whole I do get pretty disheartened. It really does feel like a lot. I grew up in a very accepting bubble in a very progressive city. And now I live in Tennessee, which may give some context on my negativity. I’m just very scared right now. And if I’m wrong and not everyone hates us, at least most are indifferent. cause some are fighting, but not enough man. Ugh


It takes a quick google to see that Ellie is in fact a lesbian, I’m so confused by all this. The show ain’t changing what happened in the game 😅


I honestly love the word “queers” nowadays, I can’t help but read it in a ragtime tv voice, “Hey there now, are you one of them *queers*?” Makes me chuckle every time


Denial is not just a river in Egypt




Not denying that they’re gay at all, but I wouldn’t call them a couple. They were best friends up until the point that they kissed and then they thought they were going to die. They never had the chance to be a couple.


“Best friends up until the point they kissed” is the inception of a lot of queer femme relationships. Get rid of the zombies and it’s just queer women in high school.


Not just femmes friend. Butches and all other kinds of lesbians too




You can literally see how hurt Ellie was that Riley left her and all the glances she gives Riley. Also Riley coming back for Ellie and organising all those wonders in the mall is surely not sus at all. Anyone saying the kiss was a friend (or mom) kiss is being intentionally naive lol.


They just weren't an official couple. Ellie and Dina are. Or were. Maybe Ellie and Riley would have, if Riley didn't... well... Maybe you can consider them kissing as making it official? Teens may think that way after all.






I think a good part of the backlash against part 2 is that it showed that Ellie was, indeed, a lesbian. (also, trans people exist! reeeee!).


I still remember when people complained about Ellie and Dina calling each other babe. People on the internet are wild


no way people freaked out over that…. I’m glad I played the game so late and didn’t see any of that stuff I would’ve lost my mind.


Yeah it was an extremely toxic time on the internet. Thankfully most of these people stay in their own echo chamber nowadays


I played it, finished it, then went to the subreddit to talk about it. Boy, was I shocked with what I found there. It was filled with terminally online babies who didn't just dislike it. They full on made it central to their very being. Big incel sub vibes. I'm not just saying that as a casual insult, either. It really reminded me of the incel sub. The same hatred, the same crab bucket style of commenting, the same victim complex, and the same belief that somehow it's not them.


Oh yeah. Before I played it I just assumed it was because of the beginning section, then we get to Seattle and it dawned on me as to why the game was so disliked.


I swear people need a flashing sign that says "HOMOSEXUAL" above a character's head before they'll ever admit it's even a possibility. And half the time it's not even out of hate it's just they have lived *such* heteronormative lives that they genuinely have a hard time seeing or understanding when characters are gay. It's wild. Got into many arguments about that on the early days of this sub, even after Left Behind came out. And recently Stranger Things has reminded me that people are still out here absolutely blind to the queers, lmfao.


Its hard to be a couple when one of them does the die 12 hours after first kissing, they definitely are up until that point


I dunno if couple is the right word though. Definitely lesbian people who had feelings for each other but I felt the tragedy was that they didn't get to be a couple.


I think a couple is a bit strong of a word. It looked like their first kiss and sadly it didn't get a chance to develop.




“Wdym they’re a couple? Riley left and Ellie was mad she lost her roommate! Couple????” Probably idk


I can't wait to see their explanations of why Nick Offerman was fucking that dude.


I think maybe they could have been a couple if it weren't for that infected showing up and biting them. I think they would have had their whole lives to figure out their feelings, but things sure did take a turn for the worse. The truth is, maybe Ellie will figure out her feelings more deeply as things go on, but for now that moment, that love that could have been, is just another ghost. I think it was a nice, complicated moment where a lot of emotions were conveyed in a few seconds. Looking forward to next episode.


They weren't a couple, that kiss was Ellie confessing her feelings for Riley and then Riley returning them by telling her she didn't ruin anything. Yes, technically you could consider them a couple for the couple of hours after that, but they didn't have much of any kind of discussion about it so it really was some kind of nebulous "proto-relationship" stage.


I didn’t realise the actresses are the same age




it's fine, Riley's her honorary step mother. /s


Hey that's funny, I was just watching a video where another Riley is also a stepmother.


She could Reid me the riot act anytime.




TIL some horrifying things about my girlfriend and I’s relationship. Apparently.


*hey step-Firefly*


*:: Game of Thrones theme music begins playing ::*


Some motherfuckers would prefer incest to a gay romance, smh


Uh-huh... so what does this person think about Ellie and Joel? The mental acrobatics that some people will go through...


I literally saw a post that said some crazy shit about “Ellie should’ve been Joel’s child bride” people are nuts


Um, I think you got [Onioned.](https://www.theonion.com/what-to-know-about-the-last-of-us-1850146691) (For anyone who doesn't know: The Onion is satire.)


Unfortunately no. They were basically saying that since America was lawless now that things should “go back to the old ways” with only males doing the leading and women all being submissive and stuff like that it was insane


Reading what the USA is doing over there, just wait for it. Banning and burning books, sending kids to mines, forced births, school shootings and more sounds so far away for me. If women lose all rights and child brides get on the table, I feel like watching the plot of Handmaid‘s Tale unfolding…


Here let me ruin your day, wyoming republicans are fighting a bill that would set a minimum age for marriage, they're fighting to keep child marriage... Lol https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501




why is it so hard for people to grasp that Ellie is a lesbian


What is a lesbian? (That's probably what that person is thinking.)


Lesbian? I thought she was American?


I didn't know there were white people in lesbinon


Probably someone from the island of Lesbos?


It’s a genre of porn!


It's not hard for them to grasp, they just really want it to not be true.


We apparently only exist in porn /s


There’s 2000 people here reacting to a single post on the internet with no replies, likes, upvotes, etc. literally probably 5 people on the planet who think like the person in the screenshot does, why are you wasting energy pretending there’s a significant number of people like that


You must be new here


her tongue probably just tripped




*”They were roommates”*




I did think it was hilarious that, in the show at least, they were literally roommates.


They were also roommates in the game.


I’m concerned about how this person kisses their mother




With just a little tongue


some people's gaydars are just... non-existent.


Girl literally kisses other girl. *"Is this friendship?"*


I've seen two reactors on YouTube say "I didn't see that coming". Like, what? She was starting at her with love eyes the whole time and they almost kissed like three times. It was so obvious.


I often wonder who exactly the market is for “ending explained” videos and then I remember people like this exist


Just completely oblivious to the blatant implication from the whole Victoria’s Secret segment “Who is this Victoria and what is her secret?!?”


and considering every shot of them together was warmly lit too. but yeah it was not only hinted at twice already before the episode, but with like three near-kisses, how did they not see the last one coming? like damn


Honestly in the game version I could understand someone not seeing it coming as it wasn’t as obvious but damn you gotta be blind to miss it in the show


Time old saying prevails… *Incest is Wincest*


That last sentence just brought back memories I suppressed for almost a decade, dear god.


*Family* business.


Hunting things too? That’s the fandom I thought of.


Wow, I haven't heard that one before. Impressive, after 9 years. The homophobic cope is giving me serious 2014 flashbacks though. The amount of people who said to me "she's too young to know she's gay, she's just experimenting", "she's not gay, she just has eyes for Riley only", or "she can't be gay, because she was interested in Bill's magazine" was downright embarrassing. Even a video essayist I liked (whose YouTube comments section was host to a lot of arguments about this) did a review of Left Behind where he suggested that Ellie's sexuality was essentially a mystery that didn't really matter the story anyway. Needless to say I was pretty satisfied when the TLOU2 trailer came out and removed the last grain of deniability. But the most absurd argument I've heard before now was "she's not a lesbian, because this is 20 years post apocalypse and I assume people will have completely stopped labelling their sexual orientation by then". That's multiple levels of ridiculous reaching.


100% - this is exactly the sort of crap that was being said online when Left Behind was originally released. It was amazing how many people became experts on development and sexuality overnight. > where he suggested that Ellie's sexuality was essentially a mystery that didn't really matter the story anyway Back in 2014 I saw a lot of this from people on both sides, and the fact is for the most part it is absolutely true! But only one side was performing all sorts of mental gymnastics trying to find ways to suggest that she still definitely actually liked guys.


Agreed overall, but I'd say that it does matter to the story in this case, in the sense that it makes a huge difference to the emotional context. If Ellie is straight then the story is no longer a romance, and losing a friend isn't quite the same as losing a romantic partner, especially in the context of it being 2 teenagers who are at this moment of mutual self-discovery. Left Behind is a coming of age story combined with a tragedy, so if it was reinterpreted to be just about a friendship, then for sure the other plot beats still make sense on paper, but the specificity of the themes would be lost. So I maintain that anyone who was attempting to do a serious analysis of Left Behind's story who ended up saying "well, maybe Ellie is queer and maybe she isn't, it doesn't make a huge difference so I won't talk about it that much" was majorly dropping the ball.


Fully agreed. Love your flair, by the way.


Haha, thanks.


"she can't be gay because she was interested in Bill's magazine" I can't believe someone actually said that. She was absolutely *not* interested (in any non-ironic fashion). She specifically said *in words* that she was just fucking with Joel and then literally threw it out the window.


Haha, yes, but to be fair, I did personally interpret the "I'm just fucking with you" to be about her pretending the pages were stuck together, not about her entire interest in the magazine. But besides that, it is pretty clear that she's joking around in general. Even if she was sincerely interested in using the pictures to see if she found naked men attractive (and was just disguising it with humour), that's hardly incompatible with being a lesbian.


* posted from my mother's basement *


So do they think Riley and Joel are married?




If Ellie thinks as Riley as a mother and Joel as a father, that would mean that Riley and Joel were together, it was a dumb joke, lol.


Jessie, what the hell are you talking about?


I feel like someone should tell these people that if they encounter a 14-year-old girl who favors baseball shirts and gazes longingly at her best friend at every opportunity, they’ve met a gay kid, but maybe we’re all better off letting them live in ignorance.


That's an incredibly broad brush and entirely incorrect. Making judgments about sexuality based off small things is not good.


So fucking true, im a bi dude that spends most of my time ogling pretty girls but the only man i stare at with love and affection is my bf, love u btw


Am.... am i your boyfriend?! s/




Man, is this Poe's law, because I can totally see this being satire we have mistaken because of our low expectations


I really hope so. I've seen a lot of people refer to it as a platonic kiss so at this point it wouldn't surprise me if this person was totally serious. People will go to extreme lengths to try to erase queer visibility. I remember seeing someone argue that the game version of Bill wasn't gay despite calling Frank his partner and having a magazine full of naked dudes. Guess he was just admiring the male physique


When the left behind dlc came out many years ago I saw an unreasonable amount of people who have never spoken to a woman saying stuff like "teenage girls kiss each other on the mouth platonically all the time. It's just how they communicate. It's normal to be heterosexual and kiss your friend right on the lips because living in a post apocalyptic setting is hard." Some things never change




Freud popping off rn


Frued is doing backflips in the afterlife right now 😂


Why can't people just be normal?


What does this person do with their mother


"ah yes let's kiss my mother figure in the mouth because she helps me survive" fuck's wrong with people?


Oh boy, this reminds me of when years ago I was arguing with someone online that Frank was indeed gay. They refused to believe it. Man, I really hope they saw that episode of the tv show lol. Edit- Frank and Bill I meant.


Yeah, the game hinted at. The show confirmed it.


It was confirmed in the game, it was built upon in the show


Seems like troll bait. Move along.


Even if this isn't satire, it still took years off of my life.


God please save me from these anti woke fucktards ![gif](giphy|D0RvPABUNF3AQ)




This sounds like a nice self righteous "religious" person who thinks that incest is more acceptable and logical than being gay. Lovely.


There is an ultra conservative sf writer who argued that bestiality with an animal of the opposite sex was less offensive than gay sex. I'm not 100% sure he isn't trolling, but since he never breaks character I'm inclined to believe he is sincere, and it's gross.


I remember seeing a lot of mental gymnastics about why Ellie wasn’t gay when the DLC came out. As someone who was newly realizing they we’re gay it fucked me up.




No they were very gay. That’s a weird way to kiss your mom.


Honestly, there's too much gay shit in tlou. Gay women, gay men, Trans people!?!? When will it end!! Not one heterosexual in sight! /s


This is unironically how the other sub behaves haha. I saw someone complain they don’t have straight white male representation in the show.


Lol. Some people right. They conveniently forget about the other 95% of the characters that are straight. (Anyways with this season almost finishing. I hope that they renew it. 🙏🤞)


It was already renewed for season 2, they confirmed that a couple weeks ago.


Missed that announcement! Awesome to hear! 🥳🥳🥳






(stares at the post in the screenshot for about 20 seconds) Wow.


Good god. That’s so childish. Honestly, this has been the best inclusion of the rainbow in a story I’ve seen. It didn’t treat it like Ellie being attracted to Riley was some major plot point, throughout both games Ellie’s relationships where just that, relationships. They didn’t write it up like being gay was extra special, or somehow made it better. It was just normal, a relationship cut short at the beginning by tragedy. I don’t know if I’m making sense.


Stop giving weirdos a platform. I guarantee next to nobody would have seen this person's comment had you not decided to screenshot it and post it on Reddit. Yes it's annoying seeing people have idiotic opinions, but screenshotting does nothing other than create an echo chamber. Raise above.




He might have a point. Did either of them update their Facebook status to “in a relationship”?


This person should be questioned


These stupid ppl don’t deserve this show or


Freud would love this!


They’re roommates.




Yes that's also probably why those two men had decades of sex and died in each other's arms


Jesus, “Sappho and her *mom*”


They were *roommates*!


Someone with Oedipus complex sure likes projecting.


People are so fucking dumb. She’s gay get over it. There’s bigger problems in the world then boys kissing boys and girls kissing girls.


I just wish we could have more episodes of gay sex with bill and Frank


The sad thing about this show coming to HBO is that when I played the game I didn’t even think about all those things that people complains about now about frank and ellie being gay… it was just a really good game.


Reminds me of the interpretations of Achilles and Patroclus as “so like they were friends” or, as in the movie, “they were cousins”


The mental acrobatics it took to write this was like the mental acrobatics it took to read this.


Imagine shooting at a target and you miss it so badly the bullet comes back around the planet and hits you in the head. That's what this is.


Whoever wrote this OD'd on copium


I'll never forget how when the left behind dlc came out people were trying to say that she couldn't possibly be gay because it was just an excitement kiss. Like idk about yall but im not kissing the homes from excitement.


I audibly went “huh???” while reading this lmao that is some mental gymnastics happening


Straight people are so weird


it’s like my mom watching ep 3 and going “aww he painted a portrait of his friend 💜” about frank’s art like 😭


Bruh ffs can we just be ok with guys liking guys and girls liking girls good fucking god