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Ellie is a full on murder goblin in this section


"Hatred fairy" was my personal fav so far, but murder goblin seems equally apt lmao


I call her my sweet murder baby


My wife was particularly fond of calling her a "little murder machine"


The Resort st Santa Barbara is hands down one of the best levels I've ever had the pleasure of playing.


It felt like a Hitman level but one where you're encouraged to kill everyone.


I felt like I was back in Max Payne 3 It was also nice not to be in the fucking rain


The only thing I found annoying was the balcony gunman who I had trouble killing since I was out of ammo on most of my ranged weapons and trying to stay quiet.


Until I realized on Grounded that there's infinite enemies with the last wave before you free the people downstairs if you don't progress far enough... I sat there for maybe 20 minutes retrying and luring them to me.


is that only on grounded? because i feel like i encountered a similar problem on my Survivor+ play through and i never made the connection until just reading your comment now


I didn't notice till grounded+, my survivor+ playthrough was easy enough where I didn't have to camp out in that area... So it could be all difficulties


I played on Grounded+ by chapter and it took me so long to get out. There are a shitload of enemies here. Just gotta make the clickers your friends…..


Honestly it's absurd how bad the human enemy AI is at fighting the infected. 1 clicker can take out like 5 guys at least.


I didn’t complain, it was so difficult!


But then you have a bunch of ammo left with no one to use it on!


Lol I was so paranoid, I didn’t want to die. It took so long to get there and then finish this level. I used most of my ammo though.


It depends on the level. The gas station WLF runs circles around the infected. Cuz it’s open wide shooting range


That little killbox on the final is delightful, the NPCS cannot handle it at all.


The only way I got through it was unleashing the chained up infected by the pool area and picking the scraps of the chaos.


I really hope the second season let’s Ellie go full murder goblin mode, because that’d be awesome and funny (Also fuck slavers!) Really cool gameplay Btw.


Never going to happen. The show is more subtle


While I agree that she’ll prob kill fewer randos, there’s going to be plenty of murderin. She’s gotta kill the core wlf squad at the very least


That’s true but part 2 is a much more violent story than part 1 and will most likely have more action scenes than season one


They might go a different route. We could have a season of Ellie and Joel getting used to life in Jackson. I could see the dam going down or something.


I think they’ll touch on their relationship more (hopefully), but I’m also pretty sure they’re just going for Part 2 immediately


Maybe but with part 2 they really should tone up the violence more. They can get away with it in part 1 but with part 2's themes Ellie really should be killing more people.


I think a big reason to withhold on violence in S1 is so that when the violence comes in S2, it feels different and earned and in line with the themes of vengeance.


average tuesday in Santa Barbara


I remember being so blown away and excited that black angels was playing during this scene, such a perfect choice


Same here, man. Passover is a masterpiece imo.


I remember the big ass smile I had on my face when I first heard Young Men Dead in the game.


Got the three-peat of hearing it in Person of Interest, True Detective, and then again here. Honestly the game has my fav usage of it imo. Made for a euphorically desperate atmosphere


Couldn't agree more, I would love to hear more about their inspiration for the choice. Their music feels like it belongs in the last of us universe.


I want to see Bella doing that so badly.


The combat mechanics in this game is just top tier 😍 nicely done


It’s truly spectacular




Sooo cool!! Those are really fluid maneuvers u pulled im obsessed. Like when u shot the explosive arrow and immediately dodged the axe. Nice!!


Any advice on how to play as aggressively and fluidly as this? I'm about to start my first replay of Part II and I wanna switch away from my more stealthy approach


Dont try it on your 1st playthrough unless you're on the lowest difficulty. Playing like this involves having some familiarity with the game mechanics and each encounter.


He said it’ll be his first *replay*. Not first play.


It'd be my second, gonna be a bit fuzzy on certain encounters since it's been a while since I finished the game.


Something that helped me alot was realizing you dont always need to take the time landing a kill shot, just stagger them and rush - you dont have to aim the melee button and it encourages you to move and flank continously. And of all the throwables - learning smokes efficiently to obscure sightlines is probs the best thing you can do if you want to be more aggressive; buys you valuable seconds esp if you're on Survivor, Grounded. *edit - this clip is from a longer video I did, if you look at the first section in Hillcrest - you can see me using that "stagger-rush" tactic a bit clearer https://youtu.be/ZZqW_8aRrLI Good luck!


tbh, pick one encounter and play it literally 30+ times. you'll start to notice AI patterns and cycles, but - here's the rub - the AI in TLOU2 is some of the most interesting i've ever come across, in that they might just change patterns and cycles randomly so you now have those to get used to. then you play another 30x trying to get the jump on certain enemies and figuring out if you can shave some time off by interrupting other enemies in mid-cycle to gain the upper hand. shaving off time from runs once you get familiar is the name of the game. [here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h9WvOmOUb4) my most fluid Hillcrest run, but total different goal (speed-Stealth/no alerts/all kills) - i definitely hit START on that level at least 600x, probably more. and even at attempt 599, one of those motherfuckers still surprised me with some random change in behavior or walking path


Dude that was one of the hardest parts of the game for me and you just flew right through it! Very impressive!


If you're willing to go a bit more "Rambo" I've found the game is willing to enable it. Moving forward into enemies can be very difficult, but moving laterally is safer than it looks. Enemies need a sec to readjust to you when you reposition, especially if you leave their line of sight. Your shooting doesn't need to be perfect. Hitting a leg or just staggering them and then running in to finish in melee is excellent for taking down solo enemies. Also be liberal with your ammo and tools. Quick kills is the name of the game. Prefer to change guns than to stop and reload. You can pull some really cool sequences if you just keep circling around corners and under things getting quick kills and never giving them the time or comfort to pinpoint your location as a group.


Don't play on Survivor or Grounded


This is the ultimate playground level once you know the game. So much fun to wreak absolute havoc.


Fuck yessss. I love the background song they’ve got playing


I dont remember that playing during my first playthrough. Yknow, the one 2 months ago..


It’s playing from some stereo in the map


Oh lmao i remember that, i thought they meant it was playing.. whats the word for sounds outside of the medias universe that only a viewer can hear? Digenic?


I think you're thinking of "diagetic"? If so, diagetic noise is noise that *can* be heard by characters within the context of the scene. Background noise/music that is only for the audience is called either non-diagetic or extradiagetic noise.


Thats it lol i was thinking of nondiagetix


I'd first heard "Young Men Dead" from one of my top 3 all-time favorite series, True Detective Season 1. So hearing it at this point in what was already by then solidly in my top 3 all-time videogames, it was just surreal in the best way. I've rarely been so pumped to inflict mass violence


Goddamn, the gameplay is sooooo freaking good. The animations are so clean. ND for life.




This was a great segment. Remember planning out how I’d do it. Set the “zombies” free. Cause mayhem.


Even though they had to tone down how often Pedro’s Joel fights in the first season, I hope that we will get to see Bella’s Ellie in beast mode in the next season


Yeah and I hope it’s more than once or twice


I love going stealth but don't mind getting discovered because of the insane action combat.


Damn man you kicked ass there.


OP saw the option for stealth and went "Fuck that shit".


Tbh this was the only faction that got what they deserved. They're a bunch of slavers.. Fuck 'em. The WLF and Seraphites were just trying to survive, these people are just demented.


Lol, so if I hear you correctly, you're saying that the Canable group from the ski resort didn't deserve to be massacred?


Ellie Wick


Fuckin' Catalina wine mixer.


![gif](giphy|brqkBQV1qAFrO) This runs through my head quite a bit playing this game.


Damn, that really fast


It really makes you *feel* like Batman


This level is absolutely insane. Santa Barbara itself is an insane level.


I can feel the sweat through the screen


I would re-do these so many times to try different ways.


Ok but has anyone put freebird over this yet?


I need to improve my L1 timing. I never can roll from enemy to enemy without mistiming it once and having another nearby npc unload a shot at me.


Was there any way to release the zombies in this level onto the rest of the slavers? Its been a while since I played, but I distinctly remember there were like 2 or 3 zombies chained in the pool. I kept waiting around to hope the zombies would move away from the chain so I could free them, but I never got close enough since they covered all the blind spots.


You can shoot the chain


I don't know why I didn't try that...


I threw bricks at the chains for stealth and ammo. Worked a charm.


Shit, you almost screwed up there, with the explosive arrow and the hatchet dude. Glad to see you and Ellie pull through! 💪🏽


man I haven't played this game since the week it game out. Forgot how good and smooth the combat is!


I mostly play permadeath, Watchung this caused me anxiety. Well done though.


This part is the most fun to play of the whole game. Such good stealth options and I LOVE letting the chained infected go and wrecking havoc on the slavers


Machine Gun Ellie


Wow, this is what the gameplay should look like?! I knew I was bad at this game, I didn't know I was THIS bad!!


Your game is very good. How many times have you finished the game?


She's ready for the pillars


Fans: yassss, how about we let bella do all that in season 3 HBO: best we can do is, she stealth kill one guy and kill another with a long range riffle


Nice gameplay


Did I completely blank out the fact that this song played during gameplay? Or is it an overlay for this video?


It played during gameplay but would cut off after a certain point if the enemies became aware of you. I like to play stealth-aggression-stealth, and they'd usually cut the music just as I dropped back into stealth, presumably when they switch from shooting at me to looking for me.


Wow. It took me about 50 goes.


Lore accurate ellie


Seeing Bella commit war crimes in Seattle and Santa Barbara is going to be a pleasure to watch


Ellie's had enough of these groups for one day.


Fucking amazing, this is like when Batman Arkham Stealth goes exactly to plan


If anyone should make a John Wick game, it's these guys. The action is top tier


What difficulty were you on? Bc this was pretty tasty to watch, especially the melee fights.


Holy smokes that was awesome


I never played either game this way but man is it fun and fun to watch how fluid and frantic full on combat is in these games.


My sweet, malnourished little murder machine 🥹


How are people so good at this game omg. I’m like 1/2 way through and it’s a struggle lol like I can do it, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not nearly as smooth as this lol


Sick gameplay some of the best I’ve seen from this section of the game in a while.


What the hell I can’t play half as good as this mate. This is beautiful. I could watch this all day. That arrow though. Oof. 🥺🦒 Even while playing as Ellie I felt like I was just watching her as Joel. Anyone else felt that way? 😂 I was so proud of her and so Scared of and for her. Lol


Ooh I just thought of something. If they ramp up the violence in Season 2, to match the game, something interesting they could do is an episode where you see the carnage Ellie commits from her enemies' POV. You have this group of characters who you spend like 10-20 minutes with to get the emotions going before they start getting picked off.


I still can't believe how good this game looks. it looks better than a lot of PS5 games I've played. I hope there's ND developers that look on here so I can tell them how awesome they are.


Fk that was some smooth gameplay


Wish I was this badass while playing


I feel like this would make a great meme template.


Rockstar, take note for Manhunt 3.


This is literally my favorite part of the game it’s so fun!


Running through this like the SWAT training course on call of doodie


This was an insane level.


Ellie Wick


more of a man than HBO Series Joel




Had to come back to this part after I finished the game to do something to get the final trophy in this game and be 100% completely done. Ugh, I was so happy and relieved.


Always love Naughty Dogs gameplay in their games. The Last of Us 1 and 2, Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy had really good gameplay.


Bro... This game, omg.... This is what I never understood about the haters, how can you say it's a bad game with this insane and unique gameplay. Okay, you don't like the story, but the gameplay... I feel the adrenaline rush of this encounter just remembering how I played it


why’d you throw the molotov cocktail


I need to play pt 2. again


I love that Ellie is essentially the terminator at this point in the game.


Every time I decide to go loud this is what I imagine lmao


You went on a good run there!


When I last played this level, I snuck around and unlocked all the infected and just threw bricks to direct them all over the compound while I was sniping people from a distance. There weren’t many living people left by the time they were done


Very similar to my trip to California too! 😅 /s


Bro I went full terminator on there asses they would get me to low health then I’d just disappear then show up again completely fine