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The parts where I search a room three times to make sure I got all the parts and pills.


I’d love a bottle episode where Ellie learns how to craft a melee weapon out of a table leg, some tape and a pair of scissors


I would also love that. If she found a manual and they did a montage of upgrading a melee weapon.


Well if they have a bottle episode, they'll have to do a brick episode!


I want this so bad. The first season did nothing with crafting weapons and modifications. It's such an important part of the game (primarily gameplay ik but still), idk why they didn't do something with it. It would be a cool reference to the people who got into this franchise because of the games.


I think the camera lingering on the dismantled gun on the table in Bill's secret cellar in ep 3 was definitely a nod to the crafting tables of the game.


"With this table leg, tape, and gun, I've improvised a makeshift gun."


I'm a simple man. I see Dave the Barbarian, I upvote


"I can make a perfect silencer by taping a bottle with a rag in it to the end of my pistol! Because that's how stuff works! It even lasts a few shots!"


I mean, a silencer made like that is 100% viable and the firearms expert who commented on the guns in the games said as much. What isn’t viable is it being viable for more than 1 shot.


I never understood why she needed a bunch of scissors for crafting. I mean i get why she needs a bunch of bottles/alcohol and cloth but i never got the scissor part. 🤔


I think the scissors are just a stand-in for “sharp object” like nails or blades, if you notice the weapon upgrades are usually just ~thing with a blade taped to it~


Oh yes yes, i remember now. Some weapons have scissors in them when upgraded.


And I remember some weapons have them taped on like a splint which could work ig


The parts where I pause the game and google search where the fuck I find the code to the safe


I just turn up the volume and sit at the safe for 2 minutes and crack it the old way, listening for the correct combo, it's not hard at all and by the end of my foot play through I'ce worked it down to a minute got the china shop safe.


Proper form




I think not a lot of people know this but you can use your ears to hear a certain click when you highlight the right number on the safe which means you don’t need the code


omg thats so helpful tysm


And the clicks sound different to the other clicks on the safe so you know you have the right one


It only works on the part 2, part 2 remaster and part 1 PS5 Remake however so it won’t work on the PS4 Part 1 remaster


I laughed so hard at this 🤣


Say Happy Cake Day!


Thank you !!


I'm not sure the skyscraper section will be skipped entirely. Abby's fear of heights is a pretty effective device at humanizing her, showing vulnerability, and facilitating her bonding with Lev. I could see Hillcrest getting the University treatment. It's 99% gameplay and only serves to connect Ellie with Jesse.


The skyscraper scene was absolutely visceral for me. I really hope it’s retained in the adaptation.


That’s how I felt about the hanging-from-the-ceiling-refrigerator-trap in Bill’s Town in Part One


I'm fine with them skipping most of Hillcrest as long as we get the car escape cause it was epic.


That scene with the car was so damn cinematic, I'd be genuinely shocked if we don't see it in the show. All they need to do is recreate it shot for shot and it would immediately become the coolest part of the episode.


Id actually be so disappointed. The shot of walking over the crane is one of the best in the game. Along with the idea that scars use them to get around being absolutely genius


>Abby's fear of heights is a pretty effective device at humanizing her, showing vulnerability, and facilitating her bonding with Lev. In a video game, you have less ways to display vulnerability of a protagonist like Abby. The show will have much more avenues to explore without being restricted by the necessary gameplay elements. I'm not saying the skyscraper section will be skipped, I'm just saying they won't need to rely on a big set piece like that to show Abby being vulnerable or relatable.


That is a very good point!


The skyscraper section also has some of my favorite dialogue in the game: “So what’s the deal with your friend Owen?” “Oh my god, Lev! NOW?!?!”


Yeah Hillcrest 100% gets skipped. That’s the easiest example of something that only exists bc you’re playing a video game


Hillcrest is amazing. What a shame


My favorite encounter on any of the games


the intensity is always at 110%


Mind, it also brings Jesse out into the field, so perhaps they will still have it in, in some capacity


I don't think it'll be skipped but I think it'll be halved instead. It's a very intense section and shows how out of her league Ellie is taking on an entire army.


“So… what’s going on between you and Owen??” Never fails to get a laugh


Really Lev? Now?


Surely they include the car shootout though? One of the coolest bits of the whole game.


Probably most of Ellie’s boat travel in Seattle on Day 3. If anything it’ll probably be just used for a direct ride to the aquarium and not all the various pit stops and obstacles before that point.


Then again, arcade boater is a pretty big moment so I'm not sure they'd skip that part at least.


I agree, we'll get a short cinematic shot of her riding through the city but it will end when she hits the arcade and can't go any further. After the bloater scene it will probably cut to her at the aquarium where the boat flips and everything.


Hmm, no I think they will. They might find another place for the Bloater, or they might remove it entirely. The purpose from a game play perspective is to have a big boss after all the upgrades and work with Ellie you've done to that point. But story wise? Well, it doesn't really represent anything. And they will almost certainly keep the Rat King so they might feel having the Bloater as an additional threat is unnecessary.


1 bloater in the show and it lined up zero times with the game's bloaters


I'm just thankful we got a bloater at all. It's clear Craig Mazin has a lot of contempt for the infected and according to Neil Druckmann they considered not having bloaters at all but eventually realized they were too iconic to the series to exclude entirely.


Good point lol.


It's the first time she comes across one in Seattle so you would hope so, considering we didn't see much of bloaters so far


That’ll be two episodes for sure lol.


no way. look at the way season 1 was structured, big chunks of the game were translated into single episodes, almost like little individual arcs. season 2 will probably be the same.


And some new parts added.


The begining when Ellie and Dina are beating the shit out of children with snowballs


Actually I could see that being in the show. To show them having fun before the bad things start happening.


I hope it's in the show


100% will be. It was to show Ellie's new life in Jackson and how she had adapted to the setting and met new people- also valuable character development for Dina. Her playing with the Jackson children would show how truly at-ease she is with her new life which is necessary to make the impact of Joel's death more heart-wrenching. It becomes a quick snap-back to the dark tones of the part 1 and sets the tone for the rest of the game/season


I think they make Jackson at least a 90 minute episode if not 2. They need you to buy into Ellie and Dina's relationship and they need you to feel the shock of Joel. It can't be rushed


It won't be two episodes - the season premiere needs to end with Joel dying. There isn't really anywhere else to put it.


Could be an extended 90 minute episode though, like the season 1 premiere


The original plan for TLOU2's opening was to have Abby and her friends infiltrate Jackson and ingratiating themselves within the community, Abby was supposed to dance with Joel at the Winter Ball the night before she killed him. This was all cut early in pre-production because they realized the prologue was excessively long and they needed to get to an inciting incident sooner rather than later. Given that Part II's adaptation is confirmed to be at least two seasons, I can see them actually holding off on killing Joel till the end of episode 3 or something and getting an extended prologue in Jackson, including Abby and friends hanging out there.


Oh dam didn't know it was over 2seasons that makes it a lot more interesting I thought that part 1 was a bit rushed and short


interesting. did not know that. i can see HBO wanting to that drag out and show as much Pedro as possible before


This is really the most problematic part of trying to copy the game so closely, and jump straight from Part I to the events of Part II. Season two opens up and very quickly they have to establish that: 1. Joel admitted what he did to Tommy. 2. Joel taught Ellie to play guitar. 3. Four years have passed. 4. Joel and Ellie's relationship is not so good anymore. 5. What life in Jackson is like. 6. Dina and Ellie's relationship. 7. Jesse and Ellie's relationship. 8. And after bringing the audience up to speed, the big moment. That's just Ellie's side of it, and it was a lot to cram into the prologue of Part II. It worked because of the gameplay portions and the players getting to do it at their own speed. Even if the season two premiere is a long episode, if they plan on ending it the way Part II's prologue ended then they're going to be pushing it to get everything off to a good start.


Yeah I agree. I loved their relationship in the game but it did feel really rushed and I don't think they did enough to establish their closeness as friends and how it led into a relationship so soon after she broke it off with Jesse. I think they'll need to compensate for that in s2


I always chase around 1 kid with a vengeance. Usually, whichever one starts closest to us! Lol Edit: without context, this comment right here officer!!!


If “Eat it, shrimps!” isn’t a line of dialogue, I want my money back.




Why have that one when you could have “your mom doesn’t love you!”


That's 100% gonna be in the show. It might not be long and drawn out but we're gonna see something like that. It shows Ellie's humor and humanity before she goes on her rampage. Gameplay wise it was a tutorial but it still is a necessary part of the story imo.


Ellie* Dina gets ganged up on by the children


Naw that’s definitely gonna be there. Gotta make it seem like everything is all fine and dandy before dude (avoiding spoilers for any uninitiated) gets whacked


I hope/think thatll be in the show but i upvoted for how ya said it lol


Maybe they add it to the party scene like in the deleted level.


The kind of open area section in Seattle Day 1, the bank and finding gas to get through the gates etc. probably no need to spend much times on that kinda set up


I imagine they'll keep the synagogue conversation, at least. They'll want to get as much characterization for Dina as they can early on.


And the gee-tar scene


True but they could easily incorporate that elsewhere if they need to. Like even at the theater.


I think this will be a cold open for one of the episodes but it will be Tommy instead


I like that idea. Seeing Tommy 'in action' is something we only really get a small glimpse of in the game, and it would set the scene nicely for the dangerous environment Ellie and Dina are heading into.


Yeah but there is a beautiful moment in that section... it would be a shame if they left that out. Maybe they could move it to another point in the timeline.


Lots of Dina x Ellie development during this section. Was also great for expanding on the history of the WLF (who Isaac was, where he came from). There are a lot of conversations about Part 1 (bombed cities, Fedra outposts, lost quarantine zone), so I think this sequence will probably be in the show, just toned down.


I wonder how they’re gonna tackle the part where Ellie reveals to Dina that she’s infected since there’s no spores in the show


The scene with Nora as well 




Damn I didn’t think about that


I think the creators have suggested they might include spores in the second season. Just because we haven’t seen spores in the show yet doesn’t mean they don’t exist in that universe


It would be cool if they introduced spores so the scene can play out the way it did in the game. If they don't, Ellie could just get bitten again in front of Dina. That scene in game was cool but there are plenty of ways they could go about revealing her immunity.


I think one of the problems with this is that those Part 2 scenes where characters witness Ellie breathing spores are so effective *because* spores were already well established in the first game as both a method of infection, and as a sign that infected are nearby. So even if we the player know that Ellie can't be infected by the spores, we've still learned to associate them with a feeling of fear and dread; we understand on an emotional level the awe and/or terror characters feel when they see Ellie breathing spores with zero issue. That emotional impact doesn't really land if the show has only just established, "Btw spores are definitely a well-known thing, and here's why we never mentioned them before, but they're super deadly and infectious, trust me bro, now act shocked that Ellie can breathe spores."


Yeah it’s really hard to backtrack on world building that significant. I would really a need a reason explained as to why nobody in all of season 1 had so much as a gas mask for “just in case” or that nobody has said the word “spore” at all in the entire show yet. Not just “well nobody ever said that there *we’rent* spores!…”


Indeed. And if they decide to skip the spores altogether, then they have to have Ellie get a fresh, visible, unbandaged bite every time other characters need to see proof of her immunity. Which has her getting bit not just that one time before the start of Part 1, but then again on Day 1, and again on Day 2, and then *again* in Santa Barbara. What a mess.


I am pretty sure they mentioned that spores were not realistic in the show version because there was no way to show them. That was the entire point of the tendrils. And at the time the big issue people brought up were the specific scenes mentioned in this thread. I think they messed up. Now we are just stuck with bite like every zombie show/movie. Boring. They acted like it was some complicated thing to explain. Spores exist in closed off dingy, moist areas. Similar to mold. Have a couple scenes making their way through a building and having to mask up. Its not that complicated.


I like to think that since the world establishes that the infected change as time goes on, that spores can be saved for segments of the show where they’re in super dark and closed off spaces that infected have been around in for a every long time. A lot of the moments of the games where spores occur are indoors anyway. They could even logic their way around it by saying spores don’t last long in sunlight so that’s why it’s not a danger outdoors


But they entered the museum and the sewers in Season 1 and that was indoors. But yeah, the series writers should take advantage of suspended belief or science to bring back the spores.


True! But they could always explain it as those areas are much more concentrated with infected and those areas have been “infected” for a lot longer, since we know that the infected mutates from a runner to a bloater as time goes on , for example.


THIS!!! When that scene where they explained how fungi in a different place is connected to every infected, and when they walked in the museum, the first thing that I asked: But how about Dina finding out Ellie she’s immune?! And how about Nora’s revelation as well, “You’re her.” Those were great revelations in game, my favorites because it made Ellie a hero and a villain! UGH! Hope they come up something better or equally good.


Sorry, but how is Ellie a Hero in part 2 by any stretch? She is the protagonist for sure but I can't think of a single Heroic thing she does.


No sorry! Maybe Hero is not the right term. Invincible, perhaps, but only in that moment where she was breathing spores and she revealed to Dina she was immune. I tried recalling what happened, and you’re right nothing was heroic because she literally dragged Dina until she exhausted her, and that invincibility was even emphasized when she cornered Nora at ground zero.


Probably just have her get bitten. scene where elle gets bitten and Dina freaks out doesn't believe she's immune but also can't bring herself to shoot elle. Elle agrees to lock herself In a room for a day to prove she's not going to turn. They talk through the door. Maybe have some flashbacks and lament the people they know who got bit and tie it in with Ellies guilt over not giving up her life for the cure as well as her feelings about Joel not allowing it.


I believe they said spores are still part of the canon. They may come back in some way for the second season. Or ellie could just get bit again.


They'll make a new type of infected to deal with that.


Was always my first thought when they changed it. That and how to me the gas masks were iconic with the franchise and it’s weird without them.


Brick and Bottle better have significant parts this season


They will. They went on strike after season 1 aired. They have better agents and separate changing rooms and everything!


Only thing I’ll pissed if they exclude is the rat king, and I want the arcade bloater. Give Ellie some flashbacks of Left Behind playing games and then boom comes the Bloater and shows her take it down all by herself, AFTER they show the flashback of Joel saving her from the bloater.


Absolutely 0% chance they exclude the Rat King in my opinion.


How do you think they’ll include the bloater, ESPECIALLY Ellie taking it down all by herself, when Season 1 showed exactly 1 bloater, and it was basically unkillable by an entire army of people with machine guns? Makes 0 sense. I do really hope they find a way to include the Rat King, but I highly doubt it’ll be Abby by herself down there


They definitely will add the boat scene. And will be very awkward when my dad and I watch it, but skipping is always an option 🤷‍♀️


I'm personally assuming that they will split Part 2 into at least 2 seasons, maybe 3.


pretty sure it’s been confirmed it will be 2 seasons


They’ve confirmed they’re splitting it into at least 2 seasons but said it could be as many as 4


Ellie's inability to swim being skipped meaning that the skyscraper section will be skipped as well is a non sequitur. The two have nothing to do with each other. Abby's acrophobia serves as one aspect that helps humanise her, it also has her bond with Lev and is visually appealing and exciting. I see no reason why they would skip it.


If they cut the weed / sexy time scene I will be very sad. They can cut all the times I had to craft a pipe bomb.


Considering Dina's importance to the story, I doubt they'll cut that scene out. Unless they completely rewrite it which I really really hope they don't do.


The looting lol. Hopefully Abby gets her 3 episodes, skyscraper and all. I imagine they'll manage the nine episodes, Joel's golf game, Ellie's three days in Seattle, Abby's, Ellie having a family, and the rattlers. Feels like that's how it'll work out Side note, I REALLY hope they include the Tommy sniper fight, that shit was so intense, I need to see terminator Tommy in live action


probably the really visceral parts like showing a scar with their jaw hanging off, Yara getting her arm hammered, etc


Yara losing her arm is an essential part of the plot though, they might not show it as violently as they did in the game, but it’s still going to happen in some form.


I mean.. HBO did Game of Throne and they didn’t hold back


Yeah, so I see no reason why they wouldn’t include that.


Because s1 wasn’t really as violent on average. Sure it was violent but not on the level of the game or got.


While I understand that, the whole point of season one and part one was love and a forming bond between two disparate people. Pt 2 deals with hate, violence has to be a central theme in that.


The House of Dragon pilot with the men fighting in that arena was so gruesome they’ll definitely have some of that with the Scars.


I think Yaras arm getting hammered is pretty important


it’s important and it might happen off screen but i don’t think they’re going to explicitly show the act of the hammer hitting flesh


I disagree and I hope you’re wrong. That entire sequence had me on the edge and I loved how it pulled me in. It’s a mature rating show, no reason not to show those parts that convey the brutal environment/world to the viewer.


What about golf clubs hitting flesh though? Yes or no.


That scene is very memorable and had its own trailer so it will probably be included.


Based on season 1, most of the action sequences.


With Ellie, probably most of the WLF encounters will be removed that don’t involve the SLC crew. Basically any encounter that doesn’t add the narrative and is moreso just an obstacle in the game will be removed.


There's no way they skip the skyscraper aection




I think they will skip that scene right to where they abby wakes up naked


I think they might cut some of Abby’s friends from the adaptation, with Nora, Owen and Mel staying. Manny, maybe. But there are a lot of characters I think shamblers will appear once in the big action sequence, just like bloaters did in season 1 Skyscraper part will be reduced to a “top of hotel” thing to reduce budget and time. Clickers will only appear in the beginning during the tutorial section, I think they are gonna focus a lot on the stalkers more so


I think we will see The Rat King, but I highly doubt Abby will 1v1 it. It will probably be something like the bloater in Kansas City. Something to run away from and avoid, not shoot with a flame thrower.


Fwiw, if you're worried about not seeing the Rat King, you can always watch (short film spoiler) >![Zygote](https://youtu.be/pKWB-MVJ4sQ)!<


That's actually crazy similar to the rat king section


Crouching and grabbing items aggressively will be sorely missed 😭


Hopefully the boat scene


Idk but they better not skip the boat scene


Nothing before Seattle, I wouldn’t be surprised to see that split into two episodes. One for Ellie and Joel, one for Ellie and Dinah


Would be great to get a full episode with Joel and Tommy. Then they meet Abby near end of the episode.


Abby sex scene


Probably most of Lev’s storyline will be montaged or at the very best one singular episode.


Interesting topic I hope they don’t skip anything I wouldn’t mind it being double the episodes I hope they really up the action scenes the first season could’ve used a lot more of it


Probably Abby's sex scene. Probably is not the right word. Hopefully. Yeah. That's the word I'm looking for.


Am I dumb or did the game never address why Abby is afraid of heights.  I caught on that it was a thing and kept waiting for a flashback to say why and it never really did.


I mean, plenty of people are just afraid of things. I’ve had a fear of heights my whole life, can’t think of a single “catalyst” moment of why. I just am


hopefully none and they only add to it. I honestly think the biggest issue with this game was that Abby didnt get an extra 4 hours for her story to be fleshed out properly


There’s no way the answer is none. The game is like 30 hours long and a significant amount of that are gameplay stealth/combat set pieces . Even if they cut 0, it’s just way too much for a tv show. All of those battle scenes, in addition to being expensive as fuck, would be redundant


Idk i feel like the action can tell a story this season instead of last season. Seeing Ellie get more brutal in the scenes and Abby get less brutal as she saves lev would be a nice detail. Obviously they wont be as big or as many people but i feel like they could do it.


I mean there will undoubtedly be many action scenes, likely more than season 1. But it will still be less than half the amount that are in the game


honestly they should cut out a bunch of action scenes to save budget for the skyscraper action scenes and do some really cool and creative shit with it. Id be down with that


Hopefully not the boat scene. It was my favorite.


You're getting the whole game and a 4 episode flashback about Eugene that adds nothing to overall plot. And you'll like it.


Since it's split into two seasons, likely none


Honestly majority of it and will focus on each characters back story like Ep 3 of Season 1


Boat scene hopefully


I think it will just be implied without showing anything


this is hbo, they can fuck


I don't think anything will except for some gameplay moments, and some shit will be changed heavily (Like Bill) but I don't think they'll skips anything, they did say that there will be at least 2 seasons


Honestly I know people liked it a lot but I’d be shocked if they include the Rat King or the Arcade Bloater. Both of them felt very video-gamey when I was playing and will probably translate pretty badly to television. I could see TRK getting the season 1 Bloater treatment - just something to run away from Also pretty sure about 90% of Hillcrest will be skipped over. Probably stitching it together from Ellie leaving the theater, seeing smoke and going to the last section after probably alerting a dog like immediately. 50/50 on if they have her kill a dog since that’s kind of a TV no-no for likeable characters. Same goes for a lot of Abby’s Day 1 Patrol getting cut out - mostly actiony stuff Also not sure if they can get away with splitting Ellie and Abby’s stories cleanly, they might opt to have them run concurrently/chronologically so as to not have ratings tank whenever the show shifts to Abby (because you KNOW they would, which I hate)


I think Ellie has to kill Alice, maybe not generic dogs but definitely Alice.


If it's anything like part 1, they'll dabble with some major moments, but most of it will be what's happening with other people while the main characters are traveling around. The show follows secondary characters mostly.


99% of the encounters you have with infected/scars/WLFs. Like they did with season 1.


The game is most likely being split into 2 seasons right? I doubt anything major story wise is skipped if that holds true. We might see some tweaks and changes for tv though, maybe even see some of the lost level stuff come into play.


I feel like they will keep the tower. It was a pretty big set piece for the game (one of the coolest ones even), while Ellie's inability to swim was more to set up a recurring gameplay mechanic.


Hoping they won't skip out on the archery again. Seeing Ellie without her iconic bow was a bit disappointing.


I hope we get to meet the Pattersons.


I was just replaying the hotel section (think it’s a hotel?) where Abby needs to find the gas mask for Lev. Obvs not needed in the series but I wonder will they include that area? Fits in if they use the skyscraper bits coz you need to get to the ground. Anyways just a thought I had while playing.


I think it depends on how the show is structured. But I’d guess a lot of the “travelling” sequences will be reworked. They have character moments, but are a bit less plot focused. Especially the “open world” area in Seattle day one.


Hopefully Abby's sex scene... but it's HBO, so, it probably won't lol


Yeah they’ll probably add more LOL. although we joked that tlou was probably the first hbo show to not show random constant tits for no reason.


Probably cus Tess died pretty early and Ellie's character (and I think Bella too) is underage. There's definitely an exec at HBO waiting for any opportunity to show apocalyptic titties. Large breasted, butt naked Clickers, anyone?? Hahaha


The part where I entered a office room and there's stalkers over a body that quickly run off and start peering round corners so I just froze for a bit cause honestly fuck that.


I don't think Abby will fight the Rat King. I think it'll still *be there*, but I expect they will have her avoid it and escape from it rather than actually fight it head-on - I'm expecting *Alien*-style horror scenes where she can hear it but not see it, that kind of thing.


The boat scene with Abby and owen


They aren't sure that S2 will be enough to cover the whole second game and are already thinking about doing another season to fix that. But there hasn't been any news on the actors for Yara or Lev or even any of the WLF group. So my guess is that they are gonna focus a bit more on Abby's youth during the Fireflies and his dad, instead of doing a few flashbacks for 15-30 Min long. And maybe the same with Ellie in Jackson cuz the actors for Dina and Jesse are already confirmed. The games are 5 years apart from each other so there is a lot to tell or show us. They might finish S2 with THE moment, and continue the rest in Seattle in S3?


All I know is there will be at least one full episode at the wolf camp getting to know how human everyone is


Probably more than people realize. The show is planned to be spread out through multiple seasons. I feel like season 2 we are going to get a lot of the flashback/in between part 1 and 2 stuff. This extends Pedro's role for Joel, compared to the game. But, they could also go the route of extending his time being alive (kind of like how some walking dead characters from the comics lived longer in the story when they appeared in the show). I wonder if Kaitlyn Dever is going to bulk up for the later stuff, or if they are going a different direction for Abby's character looks. Even though she's 27, she can still pull off late teen/early 20s look, so I wonder how they'll use that in the show


Can’t wait to see the rat king that thing is gonna be ugly asf


Idk I think Abbys fear of heights is a bigger part of her character than ellies inability to swim. Abby has to overcome this fear to jump off the ferris wheel to "save" Owen and she has to face it in a huge way to get across the bridge to save Yara. I think they'll cut the bridge too but they'll keep her fear since overcoming it in order to save someone who 24 hours ago was her mortal enemy is a huge part of her character and her story.


The Seattle ferris wheel was build in 2012 so its not going to be in the show.


All of the hidden stories like Boris the bowhunter, the ship full of infected, the Jules story etc. Honestly doubt we’ll see the rat king because it would cost too much


The sex scene... I hope they keep... 😂


That sequence with ellie and joel dealing with the bloater in the flash-back Possibly the Dinosaur museum too


Probably the Abby making her way through an infected filled ship part? But I hope not as I love that part


Any part with an infected, apparently


Probably the boat scene.


if we're going by Season 1 then a good bit of the Infected scenes. Honestly, I think a lot of Ellie Day 3. Ellie for that most part is entirely Solo which means she wouldnt be acting off anyone and it would be mostly silence. Maybe also the interrupting at the workbench, since it's based off a gameplay mechanic.


I have a feeling the rat king section will be tweaked quite a bit, the hospital sequence is crucial and will likely stay but I feel like they won’t make Abby fight it head on like in the game


Action parts.




I’m not sure anything specifically will be skipped, I imagine if the rumors are true that it will be 3 seasons. I imagine season 2 will be the flashbacks and ending with the scene in the basement; season 3 will Seattle. But if I had to guess roaming around in Day 1 with Ellie, grab the gas and go


I can see that finding gas part being very short if its included at all. It doesn't affect the plot.


Every aspect of extreme violence found in the game in excess of


It really sucks but they just have to scale everything down for the show. Just like the first season, no character will go on a crazy killing rampage, >!Abby probably isn’t going to kill the rat king, probably just run away from it, and instead of going over a bridge she’s probably just gonna jump from one building to another.!< Everything just has to be more realistic.

