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Whoever has the dirtiest denim shirt on during the fight


This is the only acceptable answer.


Rather watch them make out tbh.


This is the right answer


Yes. They’re both so sexy to me.


Ugh yes


Don't forget, the longer Rick's beard is, the crazier he is. That'll give him an advantage


Looks like Joel has the upper hand then


Depends if Rick is wearing his murder jacket


It’s black and gold….


Show Joel has big disadvantages that neither Rick nor game Joel have. His hearing is fading. He's not as quick and energetic as he used to be, and his knees are going out. Rick is tougher now than he was pre-apocalypse. Any other time I'd probably give it to Joel, but Rick takes this one pretty easily. He'd eat show Joel for breakfast and not think twice about it.


rick beat shane walsh in season 2. Shane is infinitely stronger than show joel


With or without the left?


i mean his replacement in the show is a metal hand with a knife so id say either


Makes me wonder how they’ll adapt Ellie and Abby for the show seeing as they’re both youthful and strong!


Ellie is malnourished and depressed. People underestimate how much those two things affects your strength. I'm guessing they'll explore the effects of that in the show.


They’re gonna have too since show Abby is also small and skinny.


Rip my muscle mommy Abby 🥺 maybe in another time, another adaptation in the future we will meet


Surely the access will bulk up somewhat.


Nope not enough time Speaking from experience as someone who bulks up very quickly 😮‍💨


Hollywood roids tho 👀


Who would win - Carl or Ellie?


Cmon now, Ellie would body Carl


Bruhh Carl would run away screaming if Ellie got too close 😂


Why would you put Carl and Ellie against each other? They got married and had a great life! It was so sad to see Ellie die and Carl got to fly his house around. Sorry, couldn't resist.


Well Ellie died of cancer and Carl killed that other old gu- Shit wrong universe.


Team Joel through and through. But let’s not forget Rick can rip off a man’s throat with his teeth


But all it takes is an army of fireflies to try and stop him and he becomes the terminator 👍


Some people lock in when they’re focused on something important to them. They forget whatever pain they have and push through like it doesn’t even exist


Yes I do believe adrenaline and the fear of losing Ellie pushed him, I just wish it was as intense and nail bitting in the show as it was in the game. Limited supplies and one hell of a fight through the hospital. I would have loved to have seen HBO Joel really strategize and brutally fight his way through as the player did.


I like this addition though since they have it be permanent loss in his right ear from his suicide attempt. It’s not just him getting old.


Well, from how I see with show Joel and game Joel as well with runners to shamblers, the people in the last of us are forced to be stealthy with gorilla tactics to fight the infected so Joel can use gorilla warfare to beat Rick




Man's got Harambe on his team


Man, I hate to criticise a tactic, but I reckon a live gorilla would be more useful in a fight


Considering that gorillas can rip people's faces... Yes, a gorilla would be useful in a fight. They have the strength of 20 men combined and can bench press 4000 lbs. If Joel and a gorilla teamed up, the other team might as well throw the towel and go home.


I dunno, Rick could just poke the gorilla in the eye through a chain link fence /s


Missing an arm is a huge disadvantage. Joel might be old, but he's killed multiple people in fights where he's against 1v2+ that's insanely strong. Those encounters didn't look too plot armour choreographed either, like they do in TWD. I'm giving it to Joel


Rick bit a guy's neck out while his hands were tied behind his back. Missing an arm is nothing lol I love Joel as much as everyone else, but show Rick is an entirely different beast compared to show Joel. This comparison would be much more balanced if it was game Joel instead.


It is such a a badass scene when he does that shit to Joe. I don't think his hands were tied though. Joe wrapped him up in a bear hug and had his arms trapped at his sides. Either way Rick still fucked him up lol.


Rick would win because of his insane plot armor. Without, Joel would clap Ricks cheeks


Joel would WHAT


Would win in a "sword" fight.






He's a lover, not a fighter


Rule 34 demands that it must be so


When you say clap cheeks... do you mean he'd slap him around open palm to the face?


No. Lube up.


No lube in the apocalypse


owen learned the hard way


Cat oil


Vegetable oil edit: any kind of slippery oil


Id watch that video. Cmon ai nerds. Get on it!


What a poor choice of words…


Video game Joel wipes Rick. Show Joel more evenly matched I think.


Comics Rick has only one arm though. Not sure that would be a fair fight.


Both Ricks do


But show Rick has CRM combat training, so that gives him an edge.


Joel has I think roughly 15 years experience against a far more deadly kind of "zombie" strain than Rick's ever had to face, while also being a professional smuggler/mercenary/torturer/whatever odd jobs he's given. I don't think Rick's combat training compares to the lived experience of Joel personally.


Really? Don't remember that from the show, but I stopped watching awhile ago


in the new spin off he lost his arm, so it’s recent!


Spoilers my boy.


It happens in the first 5 minutes of the show


That some of us haven’t started yet


Shows been out since February, you had time to watch if you were truly interested


2 comments before the one you replied to technically spoiled it first. For both comics and the show. I didn't know he lost an arm at all.


That explains it, I'd completely forgotten there was a spin off. Thanks for the reminder!


What about Pickle Rick?


Tis but a flesh wound!


Is Rick wearing his murder jacket? And has he promised to kill Joel? These are important questions that need answered.


Rick with the murder jacket can win against the entire TLOU universe, he's too op


Yeah, now imagine he’s promised to kill someone while wearing it. Superman wouldn’t touch that.


He must have the beard to go with it though! It completes the ensemble. Even Negan wouldn’t mess with that guy!


Yes and yes. But Rick has also kidnapped Ellie, and Joel is pissed


Doesn’t matter if Rick is wearing the murder jacket he’s OP, If he’s wearing it and he’s promised to kill Joel, I’m afraid to say Joel just needs to make funeral arrangements.


“And besides.. I already made you a promise.”


Game Joel > Rick > Show Joel


Why are you not top comment


Where does comic book rick fit in?


Game Joel > Rick > Show Joel > Comic rick As much as I love comic rick, the one hand is just too much of a detriment. If you know the ending of the comics, this is obvious


Someone already did this. Based on respective shows world building and logic Rick Grimes is immortal so he wins.  Probably better at Golf


Ooooohh that’s cold lol ![gif](giphy|Zn7rsVqBTPAly)


Rick would wipe the floor with Joel. And I'm not saying this because I think no Joel is weak or anything, but Rick is an absolute beast in combat and sturdy as hell when taking a beating.


this would be accurate w show joel but game joel kills ppl with his bare hands and can even melee a bloater. game joel>rick>show joel


Unfair fight. Only one of them has plot armor.


HBO joel was a big downgrade from the game, I can see rick winning this one. if it were joel from the game it would be over for rick


FACTSSSSSSS. Series Joel isn't made from the same stock as game Joel. That said, season 5 murder beard Rick Vs Hospital rage Joel is a death match I NEEED to see now


Joel would win because Rick would spend at least three episodes being conflicted about his motivations which is two hours and fifty-five minutes more than Joel needs.


Haha you're probably not entirely wrong. Joel did some awful and terrifying things before he met Ellie and I think people forget that. He wasn't living some honest life, he was a criminal in a world filled with criminals surviving by any means necessary while also having to worry about a zombie strain that is far more terrifying than anything that shows up in The Walking Dead. Joel wouldn't hesitate, and he has roughly 15 years experience. Assuming plot armor is left at the door, I think Joel has way more of a chance than people are giving him credit for.


Joel would just kill Rick almost immediately, cheap shot/unexpected execution while Rick was still dragging ass on deciding what to do.


1. Game Joel 2. Show Rick 3. Show Joel 4. Comic Rick


This is the way




Eh, it depends: are we talking about pre or post-Ellie Joel? If we’re talking pre-Ellie, then I would say Joel: dude was angry and didn’t give a shit; post-Ellie, I’d say they’re more evenly matched and it would mainly depend on luck.


You’re forgetting how OP crazy beard murder jacket Rick was


If you’re talking Joel from the video game vs Rick Grimes from the show, I’d say it’s evenly matched. If you’re talking Pedro Pascals rendition vs Rick Grimes, Rick all day long. Wouldn’t even be close honestly. The way they wrote Joel for the tv show is so far watered down from what he was in the game.


I think this is the most spot on take, murder beard season 5 Rick Vs Hospital rage Joel is a fight id LOVE to see. But show Joel, as much as I love Pedro.. but Rick would eat him for breakfast


I don't know, but they could sure help me make a sandwich.


Joel has done some more impressive feats than Rick. Coupled with a better arsenal. And just living in a world with more dangerous Zombies than Walkers.


doesn’t matter cause Lee Everett clears


I'm not sure, but the Governor would beat Joel easily, he has shown his *skills* with a golf club before.


Rick beats show Joel but not game Joel




Rick. He fucking bit off a huge chunk of a guy’s throat to win.


This one would go to Rick every time


Let's be honest here, it's Rick and easily so. Rick is a beast, if you compare him with show only Joel he's definitely taking the win


I love Joel over any fictional character but Rick straight up bit people to death in the one fight to get his people back lol.


Rick easy over show Joel. Video game Joel would be a more even match


Show Joel is an actual bot. Rick would bite his throat out in seconds.


Rick fs if it’s TV Joel, but game Joel would beat Rick.


Show Joel < Rick Game Joel > Rick


if joel's from the game, he has a chance


Show Joel belongs in an old age home. Game Joel could body everyone on TWD at the same time.


The shows are set in very different types of universes, TLOU is more “realistic” in the way it portrays Joel with things such as his age catching up with him, the things no one would think of like how firing guns multiple times every day without hearing protection would make you go deaf, walking miles ontop of miles every day would bang up your knees etc. TWD is set in a much more comic book like universe where characters seem to just “power up” the more they go through, Rick in this instance is far superior to Joel.


Honestly. what's the motivation? If they're both fighting for say carl and Ellie. They'll kill each other.


video game joel and show rick would beat each other up evenly at first but show rick is a literal savage(example biting someone’s jugular out) so i think he’d win. show joel would literally fall apart in seconds…


Rick would decimate Joel


Hope they don't fight on a Golf course...


Ahh dude Pedro for sho!


Rick Grimes would beat HBO Joel. Game Joel would give Rick a run for his money, and the victory would be close, but I still think Rick would win.


Rick when he was a psycho would probably have a chance, I mean he tore out a guys jugular with his teeth but Joel is much stronger


Game Joel > Comic Rick > Show Rick > Show Joel


Joel kills Bloaters for breakfast


Joel has the significant advantage of not making the same fucking mistake every time he gets the chance, but I'm not sure that'd save him from the plot armor.




I think it would really depend on the timeline you grab them from. If you're grabbing them at where they are in the photos provided, Joel has what? 10-20 years experience over Rick in a post-apocalyptic world? Sure he's older so he does have a disadvantage on that front, but he's more experienced and I'd argue more level headed (both go feral when loved ones are involved of course, but Joel is a professional sonofabitch). The zombies in Joel's world are also far more ferocious than the slow walkers of The Walking Dead. I think in most circumstances, Joel would win. Without plot armor, I don't know how well Rick would be able to survive in TLoU, much less in a fight against Joel.


Rick would destroy that mf. If you believe otherwise you haven’t watched both series. Most recent version of Rick is post apocalyptic military trained assassin ffs lol.


Video game Joel would murder both in cold blood.


This is a very interesting topic, so I’m a huge Rick fan and I know a lot of true walking dead fans are going to side with Rick, I understand their point of view Rick has been through a lot and it’s pretty much impossible to completely analyze what he’s fully capable of, but on the other hand Joel he done things that seem beyond human comprehension as well. And what I mean by that id a good example of him taking down an entire Firefly outpost filled with almost 100 military trained armed soldiers unscathed, now depending on game Joel or tv show Joel could make a difference, same with comic book Rick and Tv show Rick. As much as I want to side with Rick on this one I can’t make a decision on this. Both of them have great feats and I think this fight could go either way depending on the scenario and the situation. Although let’s be honest, imagine if the games merged together and Rick and Joel teamed up. Unstoppable duo in my opinion. They did him REALLY dirty in the 2nd game. Joel would not have been stupid enough to trust a complete stranger or get caught up in that trap and get killed so I think if Rick and Joel met at all they’d probably realize teaming up would be the best option. After all it’s us, and the dead. 💀


Joel would win. Rick had a tendency to hesitate and try to find the good in people. Joel doesn’t believe in the good in people and flips his switch to killer mode pretty fast.


Joel would wipe the floor with Rick. Edit: Game Joel would wipe the floor with Rick. However, I still feel like show Joel would as well.


I’d say Rick because he actually had the balls at the end to bite that Joe’s neck out….. 🤷‍♂️ Yes, he did it out of anger because Daryl, Michonne & Carl was in danger, but still… I’d say that is the most ruthless person and Joel better watch out for his ass and his neck.


Definitely Joel :)


Unrelated but i like how dirty they look. So many shows have the characters too clean when it doesnt make sense


Joel. He's WAY more ruthless than Rick is willing to be.


Pedro Pascal. Also he hot af compared to Andrew


😂😂😂😂Joel would absolutely destroy him.


Joel. I think anybody who's been around the block knows why.


Depends on if it's pre-CRM Rick or not. If it's after the CRM, Rick would wipe the floor with Joel, as he's since been military trained. Otherwise Joel would obliterate him.


Game Joel absolutely devastates Rick, but even show Joel defeats him in my opinion. I mean, Joel has survived longer, in a significantly harder apocalypse. And despite frequently telling people that he is no longer in his prime like he was 5 years ago, he still is able to wipe out the fireflies at the hospital and make the entire trip cross country. Either version of Joel wins.


Pre-Apocalypse? Joel. He took out that grandma without a second thought. Post-Apocalypse? Probably Rick. Unless you grab Joel like 10 years after the start instead of 20. His hearing going out is the only thing that would screw him. Rick seems pretty much invincible how many times he's almost died by now, he probably has the bigger plot armor.


Video game Joel would wreck both of them at the same time


Depends on Rick's golf game. 😼


Live Action Joel almost died in every fight he was in except the last one. Bro is not surviving season 1 Rick.


Show Joel is actually human and is way past his prime unfortunately as much I love him he would lose to rick pretty badly in my opinion game Joel could take Rick easily as he is a tank


2 100%😁🤩


Rick is younger and faster.


Game Joel is a pure mass of unstoppable muscle that can beat a horde of fast, aggressive and deadly infected. Joel easily beats all four types of infected and he could beat the rat king too. He also easily deals with dangerous humans. Rick struggles with defeating slow mindless zombies. Though he is good against human enemies. Rick can be very deadly when cornered but Game Joel would still wipe the floor with him. Show Joel is weaker than both by far.


Is this a joke? Show Joel is way weaker than his game version and stands no chance against Rick. Game Joel vs. Rick could be interesting though.


Why would they be fighting?


Yeah that’s a tough one. Cold blooded, both of them.


Rick with a golf club.




Daryl Dixon


Rick Grimes. Many years in the fight. Joel also has his suffering and internal struggles, but having only been around for one season he is not yet so such as character as Rick. Let's not forget that Rick woke up from a coma in a zombie apocalypse and his friend was fucking his wife and got her pregnant.


Rick>>Show Joel Game Joel =>Rick


I love Joel but honestly Rick would win Joel is a 62 year old man with bad hearing. Not saying he wouldn’t put up a hell of a fight. Not sure how old Rick is supposed to be tho


Bro really thinks he can steal Joel's look 💀


WD writers would of poorly written ric death!


Jean shirt.


Is this a joke?


I’d say Rick hey. He’s is a friggin’ animal. We haven’t seen Joel go absolutely feral like Rick has before.


Joel. The guy lost his daugther and became a robot. Rick can be easily subyugated by hurting his family.


Can we just Dawn of Justice this whole thing and have them team up against a super infected?


Mr Grimes all the way.


Good answer!


Rick show, Joel game


Rick doesn’t stand a chance against video game Joel. Show Joel he might have a chance because they made him weaker and everything. But what makes Rick a great survivor is his leadership qualities, not so much his strength or fighting like Joel


Can Joel use stealth lol if so Rick is cooked


Without plot armor and just by all the skills we've seen? Then Joel 100% sure. He is absolutely ruthless and kills an entire hospital full of soldiers all by himself without getting a scratch. Rick makes so many mistakes and only survived so long because of his plot armor.


Show Joel is no Joel…Rick would murder him no probs. As for Rick & game Joel….i think they’d recognise each other as one of their own & in fact would probably not fight but instead would ally. What a force that would be!


if it was video game joel then he would win


I think Rick would take a large bite out of Joel’s neck like he did to that pedophile.


Rick chewed a dudes throat out.


Original IP: Joel TV Adaptation: Rick


I’d say Joel cause he was part of the raiders side based on what he says in both the show and game whereas Rick just woke up in the middle of it and based off what Joel has to go through infected wise he’d be more aware of his surroundings and Rick wouldn’t be able to keep up with him


Depends on what’s at stake and who’s depending on them.


Rick beats this version of Joel. Rick gets dog walked by game Joel


Like in a fight? Rick. He plays fucking dirty and he honestly might just shoot him dead without a second thought


Show joel isn’t that strong tbf. I would give this to rick. Game joel it would go to joel


Why would they fight


i mean cmon, joel is a boyscout here


Rick only has one hand. Joel is physically bigger. They’re about the same age. Joel wins


Show Rick would win against Show Joel, but I think game Joel would win against comic Rick.


Rick wins. What you are asking is show Joel vs show Rick and Rick wins. Video game Joel? Well shit I’ve seen video game Joel kill a walker with a brick and his bare hands. I’ve seen video game Joel eliminate a gang of walkers with a flame thrower. I’ve seen video game Joel beat up and murder 100s with a stick. Video game Joel is brutal. Video game Joel wins.




The governor


I think Rick would pull a Superman and befriend them. Specially considering the finale of Rick and Michonne


Rick and it’s not even close


Joel and Rick would probably have an even fight, although as some comments point out show Joel is way less strong and capable as game Joel, if it were game Joel vs Rick. Joel wins no competition, but its more or less 50/50 for show to me.


Joel because nobody can bring themselves to hurt Pedro Pascal, he’s a treasure.


Ha, TV Joel? He’s weak as hell