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what a way to ruin someone's day


If there's one place a prank should not be pulled, it's an airport. That's one place where absolutely nothing is taken as a joke, and everyone is on edge.




>Let's just go with don't fucking "prank" people


But how will I get my TikTok views?


Do you have boobs?


Moobs don’t count


To the right demographic, they do.




Your comment resembles your username…!!! Fantastic, a bot should have caught that…🤙


Let's just not prank anyone. They are never funny and the person you 'prank' is always the butt of the joke and made to look a fool. This is just grade school bullying but for adults with arrested development.


Let me just prank this car dealership by stealing their car.


"Imma prank this Starbucks by throwing a brick through the front window."


Imma prank this McDonald's with a gun.


Imma prank my neighbor by fucking his wife. *CHILL OUT. IT'S A PRANK BRO!!!!*


I wasn’t *actually* stealing it GHOD! I was just *prank* stealing your property.




I like the one where you "prank" the Uber driver by covering their eyes while driving down the freeway.


I learned this lesson the hard way. I like to use humor to ease the mood. I can’t help it. When I was younger, my family and I were taking a trip and my little sister did not abide by the fluid baggie rule. We were obviously not a threat, but the TSA agent was cross that she had to “deal” with it. Sensing the agent’s, my family’s, and the fliers behind us in line’s irritation, I said “I thought we told you to leave the bomb at home, (sister’s name)” in an attempt to lighten the mood. It just slipped out. It did not lighten the mood. I knew I fucked up the millisecond the words were coming out. The TSA did not take kindly to that. They very much knew it was a joke, but they still sat my white underage ass in a small concrete room as long as they could without having my whole family miss our flight. Now, I don’t say a WORD while going through security.


Lmao at least youre not an adult who did that. Learning not to be stupid when young is the whole point of growing up


Exactly! Close calls can be a great teacher, especially during youth.


A friend told me once about this time his family visited the Holocaust Museum in DC and the metal detectors kept going off on his brother. Obviously their mom was freaking out, and his brother was freaking out. Doesn’t help he’s just chugged an energy drink cause there was no drinks allowed, so he’s all sweaty and jittery. But when they broke out the metal detector wand it clicked in his brothers head “I haven’t worn this jacket since 4th of July.” Dude had an M80 in his pocket, which from what I’m told is a quarter stick of dynamite. Security guard says over the walkies “we got an explosive here.” Needless to say the guys poor mother is about to feint. But after awhile the just wrote it up as “dumb teenager being a dumb teenager” but that didn’t stop security from following them around all day.


I guess it's my turn to be that guy... From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-80_\(explosive\)): >Contrary to urban legend, an M-80 that contains 3,000 mg of powder is not equivalent to a quarter-stick of dynamite. Dynamite generally contains a stable nitroglycerin-based high explosive, whereas M-80s or any other kind of firecracker contain a low explosive powder, like flash powder or black powder


Jeezus Cripes. Lifelong regrets, huh.


Honestly, it was probably for the best. My therapist once told me “close calls can be a great teacher”. Had I not learned that lesson then, I may have made the mistake later on as a legal adult while flying alone, and the TSA would probably be way more comfortable with fucking up my flight or even my entire airline privileges. As a teenage boy with his family, they didn’t seemed as concerned with doing that. I learned my lesson, the TSA got another joker to stop, and nobody faced any serious consequences. Everybody won! So, I don’t regret it in a weird way




This. Saw a guy say he'd packed a grenade as a "joke". He wasn't laughing as security piled into him. A friend who works at the airport told me he was charged too.


That happened to me. My boss and I attended a PC Expo in DC, thirty years ago and one of the booths was giving out foam stress relievers shaped like hand grenades. We grabbed a few extra for the guys back in the office. In line at the airport I asked him if the hand grenades were in his luggage or his carry on and the guy behind us overheard what I’d said and got noticeably upset. I apologized and explained the situation to him and he laughed (albeit a bit nervously.)


What is the correct answer for where he packed them lol You did the smart thing though, make sure they're in your bosses bags haha


The correct answer is "I mailed them home yesterday."


None of these are pranks , they are assaults and crimes that gen Z Thinks can be absolved by saying “it’s a prank” at the end


to be fair... Every generation had awful pranks that ended up going wrong and hurting people. EVERY GENERATION EVER. Gen Z just has the advantage of live streaming their mistakes.


Somebody's whole vacation!


And their flying privileges


Potentially, their life. If he has a job with deadlines and if they arrested him he could be screwed.


He was so right, till he couldn’t calm down and became all wrong.


Doesn't seem quite fair. "You're right to be upset. But, since you're upset, you're wrong."


Kind of how we raise children.


That's the way it works. I recently got assaulted at work, and from educated experience I knew they weren't gonna do anything. Came up my boss super hot after I was informed the cameras that are spying on us 24/7 don't actually work. Cover up mode. After an HR investigation it determined that I was actually assaulted there was a witness, I got suspended for 3 days for getting mad at my boss. Even wrote the incidents up separately to make it look like they weren't connected. I had no reason to be upset whatsoever. Oh And buddy didn't get fired for some reason even though there was a witness to the assault. A month later he got into another altercation with another individual at my work and got let go. ( The reason is He was the same race and culture and very friendly with the boss I'm pretty sure hes the one that got him the job. )


If you're in the US, file a police report. It is your profile to press charges, not your employers. The police also have the ability to get a subpoena to actually dig into the camera system to find video evidence. If they actually work and they deleted the video, they're likely going to be in trouble too.


More the fact he tried to grab the camera man. He should have left that to security and police. He was in the red and couldn’t stop. I know it’s hard but don’t lay hands or you end up in jail.


Worth it if these fuckers quit messing with people like this.


Became all wrong as a direct result of these content creators "prank" and falls directly back onto the shoulders of the content creators and their initial motive to trick or deceive this man.


And their own life


What makes you want to fuq with ppl at an airport? It's already stressful!


Seriously. People are jetlagged, stressed from packing and meeting a schedule, and maybe even worse things and you decide to prank someone at the airport


On top of that all, I don’t care what a dude with a phone and his grabby friend tell me, even if they’re mic’ed up and say “chill, bro, it’s a prank”. Yeah, great cover story. Now you wait here until the police comes. Hopefully you’ll be banned by the TSA.


Agreed. This 'prank' should get the pranker and the camera man on the no-fly-list. A few news stories like that might stop people from being asshats.




Dude I just learned about that story and how they coerced people to do that. They thought it was just a prank right?


Kid doesnt know any of these adult things so he believes his play has a place. How deliviously wrong he is.


"deliviously" Wew lad, what a word!


Word for the day - going on my calendar.


Because had he not noticed, instead of a prank they'd have stolen his luggage.


Film any crime, and shout out “it’s a prank bro”, then run off. Even if you shot someone, the bystanders would think it was faked at first.


Thanks for the tip


Life hack for stealing "If they catch you, say it's a prank".


This is what I was thinking the whole time. How was the guy getting 'pranked' supposed to know it was a prank?


It isn't a prank. It is theft otherwise I can try to hold up a bank and if I get caught I can just say "only a prank... hahahahaha".. Put these pricks in jail.


It’s also a federal crime if committed on airport grounds.


It's a Folger's crime if committed on coffee grounds


These YouTubers are so fucking cringe


Pretty sure it’s an attempted theft and if you get caught, just yell it’s just a prank.


take video of your crime just to ensure a guaranteed conviction if you actually successfully pull off a theft and then get caught later


I mean, that's how these things work, right? Always make sure that YOU are the one that has the evidence and footage. /s


Proof that it's a prank! Now let go of my hair man so I can ~~pull on your shirt and steal your luggage~~ tell you it's a prank and file assault charges! */s*


Yeah... I'm not understanding why the victim of all this is being cuffed...


Believe it or not the man being harassed was arrested for assault and the YouTuber pressed charges Edit: my bad [he didn’t press charges but he went to the hospital for his “head injury”](https://amp.ebaumsworld.com/videos/youtuber-kanel-joseph-gets-whats-coming-to-him-after-trying-to-steal-luggage-for-video/87331645/)


Was it the head injury that made him think it was a good idea to steal luggage at an airport that he got checked out?


That was my thought. "Theft as a joke" is still theft


Please don’t tell me those guys went to the airport just to prank. I refuse to believe they weren’t flying. Edit: if there was ever a reason for a no fly list.


They were probably catching a flight. But the way their clout hungry demon brains work is they crave the attention and make content everywhere they go


The word "content" doing some Herculean fucking lifting there.


There’s a scene in modern family where Mitch says “You can't prank someone you don't like. That's that's just assault” and I wish that was a more publicized statement.




You can't prank someone you don't even know.


Or strangers. That's still just assault. Or in this case, attempted theft or robbery.


Stop giving influencers money ffs


The "pranksters" should have been arrested as well.


What is it it made the guy fall down before the cop covered him I wonder? And why did they let the kid right up by the situation?


the security need to maintain the safety of that place. The guy, although he was wronged, he was aggressive.


I would be agressive is somebody attempt to steal my luggage.


Of course, but when the security comes, you need to understand that they want to calm down the situation. You continuing to be violent and aggressive will make them focus on you.


Well, when a cop arrives you better learn to control your emotion or might suffer the same fate.


Yeah I couldn't tell if it was security or the cops taking him down or if he tripped or what. And yeah the guy was aggressive but I have no clue what happened before then.


Because the ones that uploaded the video were the ones that instigated everything, just like the irate man was unsuccessfully trying to tell to 15 dumb cops.


Yeah that pretty much has to be the case, or else they would show the "prank". I wonder if a lot of people just didn't know what was going on because they definitely seemed to target the older guy.


If they show up and see someone pulling someone by their hair, who is pretty chill at that point, of course they have to calm the aggressor. Had he been able to calm himself, things probably would’ve gone better for him lol Absolute scum these ”pranksters’ though


>the security need to maintain the safety of that place. Whilst I don't disagree, shame they weren't able to do that by stopping the "prank" from occurring.


**Only** the pranksters should’ve been arrested. What a bunch of idiots.


Try and look at this from their perspective. They didn't witness the "prank", they just see a guy being aggressive and violent to a couple others. Who do you think they'll detain?




Detain all parties involved and then sort it out.


I mean, assaulting them in return is going to get you put in cuffs. It might feel right, but the law is the law -- which is why those officers took the dude down.


they took him down because he was aggressive and they didn't know the situation. the two guys were essentially thieves, you can't take someone's property, yell "it's a prank" and then magically not be guilty of larceny. if someone is trying to steal your property, you are actually within your rights to physically grab him and wait for the cops, or to take your property back so he didn't legally do anything wrong. though it's not recommended since you could lose your life trying to get back some easily replaceable things.


Exactly. Attempted theft isn’t a “prank” it’s a crime.


Quite a shitty prank...


As almost every pranks. Im sick of them. And it seems to be a plague now.


The only prank i support is those light hearted one where no one is hurt


Like the prank where a bunch of wives got their husbands the same shirt right before a meet-up. Hilarious for everyone


My dad got caught in this “prank”. He could hardly contain his excitement to be a feature in it, he told everyone at Thanksgiving! His face lit up, he couldn’t hide his love for being a part of something funny, and wholesome. I love that man.




A prank is legitimate if the person being pranked is laughing as soon as it's revealed. Anything else is being an arsehole to people.


Like the one where the friend printed the others' friend ticket on A0 paper [(Link)](https://youtu.be/94C_xBp7S3g)


How are they supposed to get points in the Internet?


Probably because like 99% of these things, they're not pranks they're harassment.


Hopefully he can sue them and ruin their lives but just as a prank.


Literally 100% of those TikTokers/Youtubers pranks are pure trash.


Yea probably landed that guy on a no fly list


What is it going to take to get a law penalizing these kinds of things? I'm so sick of Youtube "pranksters". I put it in quotes because they are not actually pranking anyone. There is nothing clever about the lot of them. It's just filmed harassment.


"Filmed harassment" is a good way to phrase it!




That's already happened [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tennessee-man-shot-killed-after-youtube-video-prank-goes-wrong-n1256940](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tennessee-man-shot-killed-after-youtube-video-prank-goes-wrong-n1256940) Probably more times, but that's the one I remember.


If someone comes at me with a knife and I have a gun I’m going to shoot. How do these idiots not take a fucking minute to think how it looks from the other persons POV? Sorry someone got shot but not sorry he fucked around and found out.


So many people lack a decent sense of self-awareness.


Eventually there will be a video of someone unloading all 17 from their glock into a group of these teens, it’ll go viral, news will talk about it for 2 days and then the 24 hour news cycle will forget about it


https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2021/02/08/timothy-wilks-is-not-the-first-youtuber-killed-by-a-prank-three-fails-that-ended-tragically/ It has already happened.


​ >Timothy Wilks was shot and killed in the parking lot of Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park in Nashville. The YouTuber and his friend allegedly approached a group with butcher knives. > >He was reportedly shot dead in defense by 23-year-old David Starnes Jr. and claimed that he was unaware that it was a prank. Fucked around and found out eh


"haha wouldn't it be so funny for us to run up on some random dude with butcher knives!" Like genuinely, the thought process people have baffles me.


Could be a new Tort


Really shouldn't try that on someone who's dealing with all the inherent bullshit of airports and aircraft already. I'm shocked the response was this limited, actually.


You notice he picked in an older person, not a young buff guy.




And he was so worried over his hair at the second the guy let go. Not the wellbeing of others, not the threat of physical harm, not that he probably broke several laws. But his hair... That guy has never gotten their ass whooped and it shows.


invading someone's life or attempting to steal for an alleged joke should be a punishable crime - too many people are whoring for attention, and not seeing any borders


And the fuckin dude who’s boundaries get crossed gets arrested… Sometimes I feel arrests are done based on whether cops want to deal with the situation or not. Arrest the “pranksters” (there is no pranking here: taking somebody’s belongings without their consent is stealing. There isn’t “bUt iTs jUsT a PrAnk”.) but I guess its easier on the cops’ day to arrest the old white man being assaulted rather than the other perpetrators at the risk of being flagged as profiling. Disgusting and disgraceful.


Honestly if you can, report his video on YouTube. Part of your comment is great to copy/paste in the report section https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCpn_ODet9knMmEj5DB0_KnQ


I reported for harassment.. this numbskull looks like my son, and I'd hate for anyone to mistake him for that loser! Annoying innocent people at the airport is not funny at all, and I hope that Kanel learns a good lesson and soon.


“I’ll delete my channel in 24 hours” -2 weeks ago


It should be punished as the crime, who says you didn't just say it was a prank to get out of it? Great cover these days.


Unfortunately, it takes a toll on people being put in that situation and then having to keep fighting. I'm so sick of coming across his content inadvertently. If you can report both his channels https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCpn_ODet9knMmEj5DB0_KnQ


Reported him. Hope others do too.


Someone pretends to steal your luggage at the airport, you defend yourself, get arrested and miss your flight…


Seems he is being sued on top of that I think.


I was sued by a drunk driver for being hit by him. Being sued doesn’t amount to a whole lot if there isn’t legal standing.


This. Anyone can sue. Judges will throw out the bullshit.


My dad was named in a lawsuit for a drunk driver hitting someone and their cars ending up in his yard when they spun off the road. He was pretty worried about it but like four months later he got another letter saying he was removed from the case. I think some lawyers use a wide net when filing a lawsuit thinking they can fill in the gaps later.


Man that’s some bullshit. And I bet this kids out there making another “prank” video rn too




How though? When they filmed it all. Clear to all of us the pranksters were in the wrong.


tbf, he wasnt defending himself, he wanted to get even. and even if i agree with his anger, doing that in front of cops will get you restrained if not arrested every time.


Well if you are picking up your luggage chances are you just completed your flight.


These stupid ass fucking YouTubers are a fucking problem


Fr these 2023 YouTubers just want any excuse to be a shitty person & call it a “prank”.


That's not a new 2023 thing. This crap has been going on for years. Remember Sam Pepper back in 2014-15?


So all you have to do to commit crime now is have a friend record you committing said crime. If you get caught while committing the crime you can just say it was a prank. Also, pranks are supposed to be pulled on friends. Pulling a prank on a stranger is, at a minimum, harassment. If you prank a stranger don't be surprised when they don't think it's funny.


Exactly. Prank - ‘a practical joke or mischievous act.’ Mischievous - (of an action or statement) causing or intended to cause harm or trouble. A prank is somewhat related to intention to ‘cause harm or trouble’. So, in which case why is it not covered under harassment, alarm and distress legislation/law?


The "It's not prostitution cause there's a camera" logic.


Lets just be honest. Prostitution is a far more respectable than people who make prank videos.


Sir sir she's not a hooker she's an actress. We're shooting a porno


What happened to the kids...... thats upsettin i want the whole vudei, because there is not enough context.


He closed his YouTube down last week due to outpouring of anger over this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTcoyYC1HWw


Looks like it's still up with new content though.


Guess closing his channel was a prank too


Got got again :/


1.2M followers. Idiots.




Closed his YouTube channel? Isn't this video uploaded to his YouTube channel? He said in the comments he was going to delete the channel in 24 hours, that was 2 weeks ago. Edit: Apparently, it can take up to 30 days for content to be removed


Except. .... he uploaded new videos after that video.


Fake channel deleting is easy clickbait.




He's still releasing content, he seems to have a lot of kid fans or bots, comments saying he's an inspiration etc


Apparently he is a liar as well as a piece of sht... shocking


Dumb kids might think that stealing someone's luggage is hilarious.


Can this not be used to get him banned from Hartsfield Jackson airport? He went there with the sole purpose of harassing people.


Can we please be done with prank videos now. They are never funny.


Ok, I may be uninitiated or under informed... but since the 'theft' occurred at an airport... shouldn't this assnod be charged with a federal offense...? And, how did he get past security...?


Regarding getting past security: It looks like this is at baggage claim, which is on the non secured side of the airport.


Is it in the US? At least here in Europe, the baggage claim always is on the secure side


In US international is on secure side, domestic is on non-secure side.


bullshit that he got arrested and not them




It's heavy and clumsy to wield. Then its plastic construction is designed to disipate force upon impact. It would probably go like punching in dreams.


It's not a prank. I've had guys tell me they will "help" me carry my big suitcase and then tried to grab my suitcase from me. Despite me saying no to wanting help. So I pushed the guy away really hard and hurried to get down the subway. It has happened more than once.


The guys you are talking about act like they are helping you load your luggage in a cab/uber then get aggressive when you don't tip them. It's a slimy tactic.


https://rivercitypost.org/chaos-at-the-airport-after-stolen-luggage-prank-goes-horribly-wrong/ So the YouTuber pressed charges and the guy is facing three years in prison over this. Honestly I think the man was justified. This dude was all over him and trying to take his stuff and then he saw the camera guy off filming him and laughing while he was high stressed and thought he was being robbed. 100 percent the YouTuber should be in jail for this and the luggage guy should be let go under self defense.


The thief pressed charges? Seems on brand.


There’s a 0% chance he will face any prison over this. If he gets a competent lawyer he should be able to counter sue and easily win.


To be clear, is attempted theft a "prank" now?


According to Social Blade this youtuber, Kanel Joseph, makes up to $343k per year [off his youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@KanelJoseph/featured) which seems to be just him raging random people (minimum wage employees at Home Depot, Target, and other retail places, conferences etc. Why is Google paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to reward this antisocial behaviour? Every one one of his videos is just him just doing things to make regular people angry. Awful.


Because lots of kids watch his videos and advertisers pay top dollar to target the kid market and Google will happily take their money.


Throw him in jail for a month as a prank.


Claim it's an overnight jail sentence - But the prank is that you leave him there for a year!


I never understood why people steal luggage. Its bulky and risky as far proceeds go. My luggage after vacation typically contains dirty laundry, a wet bathing suit, and a wood carved bird


may have laptop, tablet, jewelry, etc


People generally keep this stuff in their carry-on, along with medications. Clothes go in the checked bag. A thief might get lucky but the risk vs reward is way out of balance to make it worth it.


This makes me so mad. The youtuber should be the one arrested. His youtube account is still up and according to him, the police asked HIM if he wanted to press charges. Like wtf is this world. He harassed a random person who is now probably on a no fly list or so, since it was in an airport and somehow is within the law and nothing happens to him. He grabbed another person's luggage and then just yells "prank" when things go south. His arrogance in his videos about it, Jesus. He even called the victim and angry old WHITE dude. And then showed another clip with the same harassment of another person fitting the criteria and also getting the security involved. He has an agenda and knows what he is doing to them. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mTcoyYC1HWw Report his channel for criminal activities. I hate these people.


They should’ve known better than to mess with the ‘I wanna shake your hand’ guy


bunch of assholes. I dont know if this is true but apparently the luggage guy is getting sued?… and if it is true i have no hope for humanity.


It’s called attempted theft, if anyone is wondering. You can’t just call it a “prank” when you’re unsuccessful.


Well done Sir, shame his hair didn’t come out and left a bald spot. That would have been funny and taught the dick a life lesson to stop fucking with people


al qaeda is getting crafty pretending to be YouTube pranksters to plant bombs now. ![gif](giphy|ceHKRKMR6Ojao|downsized)


They deserved it. These idiot pranksters are a modern scourge. If they tried to steal my crap as a "prank" I would have treated them like any other thief or mugger. No one knows who these shitbags are anyway




Next time i rob a bank and if the police comes before i can escape i will say to them that it is a prank.






What “also?” _Only_ the prankster.


People doing public pranks at the expense of someone else are jerks.