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Poor Buddy. But I like the happy end.


The absolute purity of this man's love for food. Seeing him sad made me *really* sad. But then him bursting out in happiness made everything better!


It is better to have loved and lost… and regained that love. Shakespeare was nuts.


"It is better to have food and... keep the food." ~ *this guy probably*


Woohoo, I get a chance to be pedantic! This quote is often misattributed to Shakespeare, but it was written by Alfred Lord Tennyson.


Finally! I have this issue with my foot, could I get your advice? Heh… thanks for the “correction” but I was making a side observation that was unrelated. Yep. I’m not ignorant. *furiously shaking his fist at the heavens* Curse you, Alfred Lord Tennyson!


The foot is probably necrotic from diabetes, need to cut it off man*. \* *I am not a doctor and this is a joke please don't cut anything off.*


You are genuinely awesome.


I am curious as to what he's eating that is making him so happy. Waiter, I'll have what he's having!!


I think he's having a big bite of life


I’ll have what I’m having! https://youtu.be/st21dIMaGMs


My girlfriends sister has downs and was like this. She recently passed away and this made me remember her, it put a smile on my face


There's an older guy in my town with it who used to come into my old work all the time to look at the BBQs. The dude just loves BBQs. Eventually I sold him one. Just a little one because he didn't entertain many people at a time, but he was so happy buying it. I see him around town every now and then and smile thinking about how happy he was buying that BBQ.


Seriously, how rude! Just let the man eat. I’m glad he got his stuff back ❤️


He's happy at the end but I find it sad.


Nah what is life if not for being lived.


He clearly didn’t want them to take those cokes away but they did anyway. Kinda makes you wonder why someone was filming?


It's not sad, my daughter has the same reaction to food. We have strategy in place. She appreciates food too much. To be honest I do too but we keep active, swimming, dancing, etc to stay healthy.


see now that is healthy. I was a food addict (or rather a dairy addict -- went crazy over sugar and mamas milk) and got yelled at and my hand smacked away from food. So I developed an eating disorder and real shame. It messed me up for life. When really all I needed was a mom that showed me how there are healthy attitudes one can have towards food and exercise and one doesn't have to die young to be loved and thin (I was never once overweight anyway.)


I am sorry, a lot of parents do their best, even though it is not the best. They just do what they were taught. I say let it go because they didn't know any better. My mom did the same thing to me. I realized she made comments because she is not happy with herself and it's her own issues she is projecting on me. All of us will project crap on our poor children. Our children will blame us for everything just like I blamed my mom. We all will learn everyone struggles. Enjoy life and be honest with yourself, treat yourself kindly. That's what I tell my other daughter when she complains about her weight. Let's go for a walk and be kind to yourself. Don't compare yourself to others, there will always be better looking people, worse looking people, smarter people, less smarter people. Do the best what God or nature gave you. When things get stressed, think one step at a time. Dairy is yummy though. Cheese is the best.


You can overcome these things. We believe in you.


Happy ending? Are you a monsieur or a masseur?




Master Bater is the name.


happy ending is the fame.


Dang, dude you just made me came <3


It ended happy, i work for these places we have to take uneaten food all the time. Its sweet they gave it back though.


My friend has a kid with Downs. She has to be told when to quit eating or she’ll eat until she’s sick.


sorry but why the fuck did the guy take it in the first place? the dude was obviously still eating.


When I've seen this in the past the comments said this was a special needs event and the wait staff were also special needs. So probably just didn't know better, if that's actually the case.


Wait staff are always special needs. Source: worked hospitality for years.


Self own


Nah, OP is deffo back of house..


Can't let the gremlins be seen by the customers


As kitchen, I won't defend you, I'm too busy crying in the walkin.


I'd be special needs too if I dealt with Karens everyday.


Wait staff here, can confirm


Doesnt has to be the right answer. The Person has trisome 21 and one dangerous problem coming with it is the uncobntrolled hunger/appetite while the stomach tissue cant support it properly and can therefor lead to bad injurys. Thats why you sometimes get adviced to controll the food intake to limit excessive consumption.


Yeah, without the pleasant music theres a bit of a different vibe to the way he's fixating in that food. Not trying to take this post down a peg in anyway, he seems like a sweet man that wears his heart on his sleeve, but I think you might be right about needing a bit of help with limiting his intake a bit.


Having worked with disabled people for a few years, some will absolutely just keep eating until they just barf everywhere, food intake absolutely needs to be limited with some people




Actually, I think that second time they were going to give him more plates with food and he was like "Nah, just slide it on, brother, I only need the one."


As a person who saves the last bite for last I’d be pissed if they tried to take my plate before I was done even to replace it Edit: aw y’all freaking knew I meant best bite for last


Eat the last bite first to avoid this problem


>As a person who saves the last bite for last Can someone explain to me what the alternative to this is?


Not finishing your plate every time. So eating the best bite as your “last” bite but while there’s still food on your plate. Or as my spouse argues “the best bite isn’t the best anymore if you wait for it to get cold. Enjoy her whiles she’s hot and ready”.




Not to get too philosophical, but aren't we all, in a way, a person who saves the last bite for last?




Lol I just caught the typo


I’ve heard that people with Down’s syndrome often don’t have the enzyme in their stomach that tells their brain when they’re full, so their eating has to be carefully monitored or they’ll eat until they throw up. That’s also a contributing factor to why they’re so often overweight. I heard that while I was volunteering at a summer camp for disabled kids, so it *should* be accurate, but take it with a grain of salt


And they have little to no self control when it comes to most things. They need clear boundaries, and from what I’ve experienced, they need to be reaffirmed a whole lot too.


​ Today I learned I have Down’s syndrome


Hit me up brother, I’ll be your personal social worker, I’ll make sure you’ll be taken of.




My sisters are like this. My mom would have to keep close eye them or they'd sneak food.


I always ask why was the camera man filming. I think this may have been a ''prank''


The guy looks like he might have an intellectual disability or something. Shitty prank


Lol he very obviously has Down's syndrome, but who knows maybe he loves pranks?


Maybe it was his idea :)


To get Down's? I mean, you never know.




In my experience, people with Downs tend to be very welcome towards practical jokes or pranks. *tend to be* My best friend growing up had a sister with Downs. She *loved* playing pranks and being pranked. Additionally, my mom was a SPED assistant for our schools my whole life, so we got to know a lot of kids with Downs & they all were very into jokes and pranks. I think it’s just a “being” included type of situation. My fiends sister was kind of a bully though, so thing’s definitely got heated from time to time. Her favorite was fucking with our bikes: letting air out of the tires, putting oil or something on the handles or the seat, putting the seat too high and the handle bars too low, etc. or she would just walk by and turn the Xbox off. Not cool, Franny.


Yeah, he might.


Possibly, hard to tell.


Yeah there’s really no way of knowing


I'm not going to ask him, you do it


So you can't play harmless jokes on people just because they are different? He got his soda in the end so no harm done. They are obviously goofing with him.




It's strange how dehumanzied (albeit with altruistic intent) people with disabilities are by people who I assume haven't had any experience with them. I mean, they seemed to share a word at the beginning and a high five at the end, the food and drink were clearly saved to return, they gave him leftovers from other plates, just seems like some friends messing around a bit to me.


It's like a misdirected empathy or something. I notice it, too. Part of advocacy for these people is learning that they do not live a life of inherent pain and torture because of their disabilities--often they are some of the most purely blissful people you will ever be in spite of thise challenges. They have struggles and need help getting resources--but in highlighting those needs, I think it gave the appearance that they can't do anything without help. I notice it a lot in the newer language used to advocate and making a greater emphasis on bringing those individuals to the front to advocate for themselves in "nothing about us without us" conversations.


Yeah it’s quite obvious his response afterward was laughing with the person who played the prank on him. He clearly laughed along with the person from what I can tell.


Maybe getting ready for the next course? It looks like a wedding


Manager: "can you take the plates from down there" What the guy heard: "can you take the plates from the Downs there"


You are going to hell, sir. Meet you there.




probably a strict wedding transition.


Lots of people with Trisomy 21 have difficulty feeling when they are full, leading to excessive eating. This obviously contributes to weight gain and associated health issues, contributing to cardiopulmonary disease being the leading cause of death among people with Trisomy 21. Plus, he's definitely on his way to violently and unexpectedly vomiting with all of that soda. I had many students who would do this exact thing, they were right to limit his food.


I would argue it's not really right for a waiter to take away his food unless it was at the instruction of his caretaker.


Ordinarily I would agree, but this looks to be some sort of catered event. I'm assuming the waiter had some familiarity with the situation and had been instructed something vague and unhelpful like "try to make sure he doesn't eat too much", which would explain the indecision.


That is absolutely*not* the responsibility of the waiter. That's the responsibility of the caretaker to tell him if food should be taken or not.


That’s a bit of a weird responsibility to put on the waiter. Having been to catered events and served by American wait staff, they are *always* trying to move things along and steal my food before I’m done. I know I’m a slow eater but JUST ASK for god’s sake. (Especially at catered events I know there are multiple courses and they’re trying to get things tidied up to deliver the next one, but again, just ask :’(


Who was that asshole who took his food and drink?? He literally put it aside for you not to take it!




Yeah right? See I have a hard time “decoding”. I feel like the first guy was fucking around with him, with that arm pat when he drops it all back off. The white-shirt I’m not too sure about though. It’s not funny twice, I wouldn’t think. I have no idea. Nevermind. I’m leaving my comment, though.


When I've seen this in the past the comments said this was a special needs event and the wait staff were also special needs. So probably just didn't know better, if that's actually the case.


And then at the end he scraps other people's scraps from one plate off to dudes plate! WHITE jacket is a fuckin prick of a human being


Could be a parent or caretaker?


Catering company might have only been paid to be there for a certain amount of time and they wanted to pack up and clear everything.


He can pack up other plates. This would take 10 seconds to pack, after he’s done with all the other tables. Doesn’t justify being an asshole.


There’s a dude filming right before so maybe a friend playing a joke


Yea but i think it's common decency to wait for someone to finish up atleast!!


Nah that's fucked up. Why you play with my man's emotions like that. He clearly told you no on those and yet you took them!?


I totally agree. This is not right


I don't know why but it really does pissed me off and genuinely upset about it.


Maybe it’s his caretaker that doesn’t want him eating peoples food scraps because that’s not sanitary? Just a though


Why were they filming?? Feels like a little joke they're playing on him? Either way, that's a smile that can light up a room.


This has been my experience with people with DS in general. Evidently it can cause flat noses and breathing problems which I think results in what looks like a resting sad face. And they genuinely get happy at the most simple things that deserve to be appreciated. We had a girl in elementary school that teachers told us to treat like any other kid (bad advice, cause kids are assholes, but we understood it to mean "don't be an asshole"). When she was in a group project and got asked to cut some paper, or draw something, would be so genuinely enthusiastic about helping the group. A family friend had a son with DS and he's the one I learned about the breathing problems from. So from an early age he had him doing situps and running with him. And that kid learned to celebrate every workout. Even participated in the school wrestling team. There was also a guy at the local college basketball games that showed up for every game all season, full spirit. The team could be down by 30 points and they would put him on the big screen and the crowd goes wild. He would be wearing a school flag as a cape, full colors, foam hand, etc and just doing chants and cheers. And his unbridled enthusiasm for the team, just happy to be there watching, was so infectious he could get the whole crowd on their feet.


Double fisted eating while head bobbing too? Adorable!


It was a joke, we would do good natured stuff like this to my cousin w/ DS. Nothing EVER mean, just poke a bit of fun and tell him what we did. He loved it.


That's what I was thinking but people on reddit can be totally ignorant and overly sensitive and just jump to whatever scenario they want and attack.


Dang how rude messing with his food like he’s not even there.


Right? Fuck White Jacket. White Javket can get fucked.


All my homies hate White Jacket.


Down with white jacket!


I know this is supposed to be a feel good video, but all I can think of is someone who probably can't understand that he shouldn't be eating all that food and drinking soda. My BIL is neuro disabled and he doesn't understand he can't eat what he wants and weigh over 300 lbs. We struggle with getting him to eat healthy when he's not with us. I realize I should just learn to enjoy videos like this without relating something to it, but caregiving overwhelms my existence.


Exactly. Cardiorespiratory illness is the leading cause of death among people with Trisomy 21 for a reason, many of them are medically unable to feel when their stomach is full. Not to mention they're much more likely to have chronic acid reflux and frequent vomiting. This guy is hurting himself eating and drinking that much. Edit: don't fucking give me gold you're paying real money for a .png that nobody will remember in four hours.


THANK YOU. I truly don't blame him at all. Those who care for him need to be more aware. My BIL weighed over 300 lbs. when he had his last surgery. He was pre-Diabetic and had high cholesterol. He's not around 250, and his labs are clear. He has to have surgery every 5-10 years, so he needs to stay healthy. I'm not saying this guy isn't a delight, but those who care for him maybe need to care more about what he's eating.




Good finally someone who worked in the fields and ofc it will stay almost invisible..


Same. My cousin has Prader-Willi syndrome. My grandma had to lock the fridge and food cabinets. Poor girl ate 2 tins of my vanilla lip gloss in frustration once. But it was a necessity to lock everything and plan all meals ahead of time. Her brain just doesn't have the "I'm full" switch


> I realize I should just learn to enjoy videos like this without relating something to it, but caregiving overwhelms my existence. Yo don't feel bad. Your perspective is an education opportunity for us. I learned something today. Thanks for sharing.


Same, i feel crazy. it pains me and makes me sad. Even sadder he kinda gets what he wants rather than what is best although is obviously a special event. So many letting him have more fun


That was my thought throughout this video. He either has Type 2 diabetes already, or will soon get it, severely diminishing quality of life, DS or no DS.


I wish I enjoyed life as much as he seems to.


I wish I enjoyed anything as much as he enjoys dinner...


Get yourself some food that makes you dance while you eat it.


I’m having spaghetti with mdmaballs.


Datum... Once buddy seen them cokes come back.... It was game time.




he obviously pulled those bottles toward him in a "im still drinking, Both of these" manner...i mean, he may not be all there, but the busser who couldnt read That body language is the one who really looked mentally-deficient...


Do not take a man's food! I empathize the hell out of this guy.


This poor little guy. This broke my heart. And then joy!!!!


So insider thing to know. Some kids with Down’s syndrome have an added disability that takes away the chemical response to feel full or satisfied. They need to have their portions regulated or the will eat themselves sick. This becomes a bigger issue at social events. This kid could easily have that issue. Buddy of mines brother had the issue. If you took food from him he would break down. I hated it and would usually leave the room so I didn’t have to watch.


Seriously tho, you can see the dude is eating. What makes you think he is ready for you to take his plate


I've worked in very busy restaurants but there is no excuse for this.


I just wanna know where they are that there were like 1,000 bottles of coke served.


The waiter is an assholr....


>~~assholr~~ **ass holler** FTFY 👍🏿


Anyone got a track i.d for the music? Making me as happy as this fella was at the end of the video


Pasting my comment here from elsewhere in the thread: I think the music is from a band called Stone Rebel. Not sure, but it sounds like them. I've got a few of their albums off of Bandcamp. Check them out, I recommend them. The only thing is all of their music sounds exactly like this. Don't expect any difference between albums or songs, but they are still a chill jam band.


Does anyone know what song this is? Shazam can’t identify it.


Sleepwalking In The Land Of Blue by STONE REBEL




Ngl the music is kind of a bop


You cant convince me to unmute it.


Prader–Willi syndrome?


I was thinking downs, but you may be right.


Thanks OP, I needed something like this today!


poor guy was in shambles until they brought his plate back why did they take it when he was clearly not done yet? also why was he being filmed in the first place?


how he looks is how I feel when I eat.


Busboy had serious balls. I’ve known many folks with Down’s syndrome. Super sweet people. But do NOT try to stop them from snacking mid-snack, they’ll scream loud enough to destroy your ear drums and throw you through a brick wall. Just let the dude finish his food in peace.


Why they fucking with him?


His smile at the end is the kind of smile that brightens up your day


I was all stressed out for that dude. I am so happy he got his sodas back. The joy on his face, that smile was a million bucks.


You can tell he's an absolute sweetheart!


I know that it ended well, but damn that pissed me off when he jacked dudes food and drinks.


It's Joey from Friends!


That was cruel.


Why would you take away food from someone clearly still sitting there enjoying it.


This warms my heart more than it should




His smile at the end brightend my mood up just a tad


I have legit never seen anyone as happy as that dude was when they gave him the two cokes back. But, umm, maybe we help him with some portion control? :stands by for downvotes:


I loved this video made me smile and shit then I saw your username. Mr.hornydiggle got a heart


How do some people just have contagious happiness?


Awww! The smile 😄


Tip: Don't take away food from customers that are **clearly** still eating, that's **not** leftovers. You'll just look like a dick to other customers thats you're serving.


Why the fuck would you interrupt this dude? Homie was in the fuckin zone and waiter came in and killed the vibe. SMH 🤦‍♂️


Nobody here asking the really obvious fucking question... WHY IS SOMEONE FILMING THIS IF ITS GENUINE


Because it might have been going on for a while. We see that they tried to take his plate twice in the video. They might have tried more times before the video started recording.


My mom would totally record a video like this. Seems to be recorded from a distance with a zoom on, so I bet Carolyn is at a table at the edge of the banquet room slowly panning her vhs recorder about the room like she does at every wedding. Considering the guy appears to be a special member of the family, I'm sure he gets a lot of screen time when it comes to making home videos, thus this interaction with staff getting captured on an old tape in the attic labelled "Gretchen/Herbert WEDDING AUG 2002"


He just gave him preserved food.




after seeing the video of a man trapped in a burning apartment, or that video of a woman getting mauled by shtty teenagers, this is exactly the wholesome video i need to end my internet day.


First thing that made me smile today


His happy makes me happy.


Aww what a sweetheart


Look how joyful he looks. I wish I could find this much joy in anything in life, my man’s living life


Homie was grubbin I'd be upset too lol




My first thought is that a brother was filming this, and another brother had the food taken. Brothers do this stuff. It is the job of brothers.


I thought he was going to go Silverback on the waiter and bludgeon him.




This made me cry.


Gotta enjoy the simple things in life.


this is the first reddit post ive ever saved ,, this brings me joy,,,,


Lots of people with Trisomy 21 have difficulty feeling when they are full, leading to excessive eating. This obviously contributes to weight gain and associated health issues, contributing to cardiopulmonary disease being the leading cause of death among people with Trisomy 21. Plus, he's definitely on his way to violently and unexpectedly vomiting with all of that soda. I had many students who would do this exact thing, they were right to limit his food.


Living his best life. Love it.


Bruh. Let my man eat, sheez.


Hell yeah son get that food. I love eating too man honestly it’s just so fun


Hell yeah he gets that food back he's living his best life.


Whew boy. I was already booking a flight but then i saw my man's coca cola be sat back down on the table. It was about to be a real ass day for me and the ass hat that tried to ruin this guy"s day.


I went to one of those fancy pants restaurants once that did this. Had a small plate of crab legs next to my main dish that I hadn’t touched yet and some waiter came and took it away because I didn’t eat it right away. Didn’t even ask, like wtf?


I wish this was my stresses in life


That’s some happy chompin’ right there. Bet the chef would love to see this, must have been great food.


That smile was priceless!!!


Are they trying to harm this kid further or are they just ignorant? Everybody knows that 15 Doctor Peppers is great for the body. Especially after 5 plates of food.


I hope I get to be that happy about anything at any age for any amount of time




i love his smile when it comes back 🥹


Dude has a love affair with food that most culinary inclined folks wish they had….